Stage 1 2 Vessel 2 2 Ele/ves 3 3,2 55 m3/hr 60 Feed 8.3 8.3 59.99 Conc 3.3 3.3 4.99 Perm 5 5 Rec 3.6 0.6

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RO Scheme comparision

stage 1 2
vessel 2 2
ele/ves 3 3,2 55
Flow m3/hr 60
Feed 8.3 8.3 59.99
conc 3.3 3.3 4.99
perm 5 5
rec 3.6 0.6

m3/hr 11.9 8.9
bar 11 13.1

TDS ppm
Feed 1000 1000
conc 2478 2485
perm 14 9.9
rec 2478
3.427475 1 m3/hr
58.42747 filtratio 0.5 m3
backwash 1.5 m3/hr
0.0125 m3
Vessel size selection

Flow rate 1.3 m3/hr

Design velocity 24 m/hr

Vessel CS area 0.05416667 m2

Dia 0.3 m
262.7 mm
10.3 inch
pump power calculation

flow rate 10 m3/hr

rated differential head 13.5 m
density of liquid 1000 kg/m3
efficiency of pump 75 %

power 0.4905 kW
Aluminium removal filter

Resin quantity 400 lit

Salt for regeneration(120-140 gpl) 56 kg

Resin bed depth to be provided 1m

dia of vessel 0.7 m
713.8 mm
Free board 50 %
200 lit
0.2 m3
FB height 0.5 m
Supporting media 0.2 m
Total height 1.7 m
dia 0.7 m
aventura starlite
1 vessel 3072 31735 24348
2 media 400 lit 124000
3 destributor 3690
4 frontal piping 5000
5 air vent, drain, sampling, PG 1500
6 miscellaneous 1000
mark up 15 187691.8
nigotiation 5 197570.3

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