Dahlia Prose Ifsp
Dahlia Prose Ifsp
Dahlia Prose Ifsp
The IFSP/IEP team determines the skills/abilities and appropriate supports and services either in the
natural environment or the least restrictive environment to accomplish the established goals and outcomes.
These decisions are not made by matching the childs areas of delay with a particular early intervention
discipline. Rather, supports and strategies are individualized and build on the strengths and skills the child
demonstrates in all areas of development.
The IFSP and IEP are plans that consider: the strengths of the child; concerns of the parent/guardian; most
recent evaluation results; academic, developmental and functional needs of the child; communication
needs of the child; and will incorporate revisions to the plan to address lack of progress.
March 2014 1
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
The following individuals provided information to the IFSP/IEP team but did not attend or were excused from the meeting.
March 2014 2
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
Neal has noticed that when Dahlia's favorite TV shows are on, that she watches intently and even tries to imitate what she sees (e.g. if Sponge
Bob stamps his foot or claps, Dahlia tries to do this)
Dahlia does not always respond to her name. Patty and Neal did have her hearing tested and the results indicated that Dahlia's hearing is within
normal limits Dahlia was diagnosed with autism by a specialist in Courtsville. The specialist recommended that Dahlia begin taking Melatonin to
help with sleeping. She also takes some other vitamins that were recommended by the doctor and Patty and Neal are noticing some positive
changes. Dahlia is up to date on her shots.
Dahlia follows simple directions about things she is familiar with: get your shoes, it's bath time, get your blanket, etc. If the family does not
understand her, she gets mad. Dahlia loves balls, she likes to put them into containers and then dump them out. Dahlia loves music and has
figured out how to turn on the radio and the TV. She especially likes to watch Sponge Bob and Yo-Gabba. Her family has noticed that she
sometimes imitates what she sees the characters doing, simple things like clapping and stomping her feet.
Dahlia is not interested in being around other children. Parents would like her to play with them or her older sister.
They want to know more about the preschool at the school.
Dahlia does not say any words. She pulls Patty and Neal around if she wants something or screams. Parents would like to find some way for
Dahlia to let them know what she wants. Dahlia has meltdowns when the family goes places in the community. Parents would like to be able to go
somewhere altogether instead of one staying at home wtih Dahlia. Patty and Neal want to be able to talk to other parents and get more information
about autism. Patty and Neal want to use a Services Coordinator.
With parent consent, list assistance to the family in helping them access community, medical or other non-EI funded services.
If the parent does not want to address this item, document in the childs record.
March 2014 3
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
3. Does the child exhibit behaviors that impede the childs learning or that of others?
NO YES - Team must base the use of positive behavior interventions and supports, and other strategies to address that behavior on a functional
behavior assessment.
4. Does the child have limited English proficiency (e.g., the childs home language is not English)?
NO YES - Team must consider the family and childs language needs as those needs relate to the development and implementation of the IFSP/IEP.
7. Is it anticipated that the infant/toddler or preschooler will be transitioning from the Early Intervention program because of a transition in the life of
the family and child?
NO YES - The IFSP/IEP should address the childs transition to future community programs and the needs of the family related to the transition.
9. Is this a preschooler within 1 year of transition to a program for Kindergarten age children?
NO YES - The IEP must include a transition plan that addresses the transition process.
March 2014 4
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
Dahlia does not engage with her family unless tickling or music is occurring. Dahlia struggles to maintain eye contact and does not engage.
What teaching strategies are needed to reach the outcome/goal? Include specially designed instruction, supplementary aids and program personnel supports, home or
program modifications and training and materials needed by the family or team. Also include location and how all team members, including the family/caregivers/early childhood
educators, will work on this.
Dahlia's family will: Continue to use routine activities and any preferred toys that Dahlia likes as a way to motivate her to be with them. They will
reinforce this by doing what she wants them to do. Once the activity has started, stop and wait to see what Dahlia does. As much as possible,
use Dahlia's name and then wait to see if she responds. Pair this with the preferred activity if needed to keep her motivated.
The Primary Service Provider (ECSE) will: Engage in the favorite activities with the family and then observe and reflect with them about ways
that Dahlia may be indicating her turn or could learn to indicate her turn.
How will we as a team measure progress and collect data for this outcome/goal? Include what is going to be measured, how it will be measured, when it will
be measured and by whom. Describe when periodic reports on progress will be provided to the parent.
The ECSE and the SLP will: make joint visits to discussion communication signals and strategies that can be used.
The ECSE and the SLP participate in weekly team meetings and receive coaching from the rest of the early intervention team..
After reviewing the outcome/goal and progress monitoring data, we, the team, have decided: (Check one)
We still need to work toward this outcome/goal. Lets continue with what we have been doing.
We still need to work toward this outcome/goal. Lets discuss new ways to get there.
Our situation has changed; we no longer need to work on this outcome/goal.
We are satisfied that we have finished this outcome/goal.
Other: ______________________________
March 2014 5
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
V. Early Intervention Services
3 5
Early Intervention Location Start Date Actual Service Frequency up Session Unit Cost Estimated
1 4 3
Service Delivered End Date to a Maximum Duration Total Cost
Speech Pathologist
Service Comments:
Occupational Therapist
Service Comments:
Services Coordinator
Service Comments:
All services will be on an individual basis unless otherwise indicated within the plan here and/or in the service page.
If IFSP/IEP services/supports are not being provided in a natural environment or an inclusive environment, complete the sections titled Participation with Typically Developing Children.
If an Early Intervention service is projected to start later than 14 calendar days after the Start Date, a justification of the later date must be documented in the Service Comments section.
A unit is equal to 15 minutes.
Only completed by infant/toddler programs: This childs Infant/Toddler early intervention services may be funded through state, Medical Assistance or Infant/Toddler and Family Waiver funds.
March 2014 6
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
P Where does the child receive the majority of hours of special education and related services?
R In the regular education program
E In some other location
S Home Setting
H Is the child receiving special education in a specialized setting? YES NO
O If Yes, how many hours per week does the child spend in a specialized setting? _______ hrs/wk
O Special Education Class
L Separate School
Residential facility
O Is the child receiving the majority special education and related services in the residence of the childs family or caregiver?
N Yes - Home
L No - Service Provider Location or some other location not in any other category
EI Preschool Location of Intervention (LRE): ________________________________________________
Currently Dahlia receives most services in the home setting. Dahlia will make visits to preschool this spring so that the team and family can make some decisions
about the kinds of supports she might need and also how she will react to being around other children
March 2014 7
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
The IEP team has considered and discussed services during scheduled breaks and determined that:
This child does NOT need services during scheduled breaks based on:
This child needs services during scheduled breaks based on:
Regression and recoupment data has not yet been collected for the 2010-2011 school year. At this time, Dahlia is ineligible for ESY
services but if this were to change, the IEP team would reconvene to make the appropriate changes to the IEP.
March 2014 8
Childs Name: Date of Birth: __________________
Local Program: __________________________________________ x ID#:__________________________
X. Transition Plan
A transition plan should be completed for children as identified in the Special Considerations section.
Transition Outcome/Goal:
Dahlia will make visits to preschool this spring so that the team and family can make some decisions about the kinds of supports
she might need and also how she will react to being around other children
Transition Document Dates:
Infant/Toddler: Preschool:
Date transition notification sent: 3/4/11 Date Intent to Register sent/given to Parent/Guardian:
Transition meeting held on: 3/4/11 Date Intent to Register received from Parent/Guardian:
Transition plan initially developed on: 3/4/11 Date Intent to Register sent/given to School District:
Transition plan updated on:
What is happening now? What information and child and family considerations should be shared with the team in order to better prepare for
Dahlia will make visits to the preschool room over the summer PSP, principal, family 3/4/11 - 9/4/11
The kindergarten teacher, school SLP,preschool teacher, and family will attend the Autism conference in April.
school personnel, principal, family, SC
3/4/11 - 9/4/11
Discuss transportation needs - both for spring and summer visits, as well as in the fall when Dahlia starts preschool.
PSP, family, SC, principal 3/4/11 - 9/4/11
March 2014 9