WEEK 2 - Level 0 - Jar Test
WEEK 2 - Level 0 - Jar Test
WEEK 2 - Level 0 - Jar Test
1.1 Introduction
In this lab , students will be exposed on how to carry out a jar test in order to determine the
optimum coagulant dose in the flocculation tank.
1.2 Objective
To determine the optimum alum dosage and pH of water using Jar test experiment.
2. Problem Statement
PROBLEM Each group is required to test and determine the correct amount of coagulant (alum) dose
STATEMENT (mg/l) for removing the solid contents from raw water sources; (i) river (ii) pond
3.1 Apparatus
3.2 Procedures
i. Using 1 liter graduated cylinder , add 1 liter of raw water to each jar test beakers. Record
the pH and turbidity .
ii. Next , prepare a stock solution by dissolving 10.0 grams of alum into 1,000 mL distilled
water. Each 1.0 mL of this stock solution is equivalent to 10 mg/L (ppm) .
iii. Dose each beaker with increased amounts of the stock solution, see Table below for an
WAYS & example of increment.
Ja mL Alum Stock Added mg/L Alum Dosage
1 1.5 15.0
2 2.0 20.0
3 2.5 25.0
4 3.0 30.0
5 3.5 35.0
6 4.0 40.0
iv. Lower the stirring paddles , start the stirrer and operate it for 1 min at a speed of 80 rpm
and reduce to 30 rpm for 15 min. ( Note how long it takes before flocs begins to form
and how well it withstands stirring without breaking up.)
v. Stop the stirrer and note how long it takes for the floc to settle to the bottom of the beaker.
vi. Allow the flocs to settle for 20 min. Determine the turbidity of the supernatant.
(Note: Jar tests using coagulation aids and test for optimal pH These tests can be
performed accordingly by the addition of polyelectrolytes and making pH adjustment for the
determination of optimum pH.)
RESULTS 1. Plot graph turbidity vs. pH and turbidity vs. alum dose. Get the optimum pH and alum dose
2. Suggest alternative chemicals that can be used as coagulants.
3. Discuss the differences of mixing rotational speed in jar test.
Date :
Raw water source : Turbidity : __________NTU
Color : __________
pH : __________
Hardness : __________
Iron : __________
Jar Alum Floc Form Settling rate 20 min
mg/L pH min min Settled Turbidity