Electromagnetic Forces in COMSOL
Electromagnetic Forces in COMSOL
Electromagnetic Forces in COMSOL
Electromagnetic Forces
There are several ways to compute electromagnetic forces in COMSOL Multiphysics. In the most
general case, the calculation of electromagnetic forces involves the computation of volume forces
acting on a body, and of surface forces originating from jumps in the electromagnetic fields on the
boundaries. The volume and surface forces are derived from a general stress tensor that includes
electromagnetic terms.
The derivation of the expressions for the electromagnetic stress tensor utilizes thermodynamic
potential (energy) principles (Ref. 1 and Ref. 3). The distribution of electromagnetic forces in a system
depends on the material. Accordingly, the techniques and expressions used when computing
electromagnetic forces are different for different types of materials.
Another technique for calculating forces using the method of virtual work is described in the section
³Electromagnetic Energy and Virtual Work´ on page 142.
The modeling of torque and forces with the AC/DC Module is described in the section ³Force and
Torque Computations´ on page 65.
Cauchy¶s equation of continuum mechanics reads
where Î is the density,R denotes the coordinates of a material point, ¢°is the stress tensor, and cÊ °is
an external volume force such as gravity (cÊ iÎ . This is the equation solved in the structural
mechanics application modes for the special case of a linear elastic material, neglecting the
electromagnetic contributions.
In the stationary case there is no acceleration, and the equation representing the force balance is
The stress tensor must be continuous across a stationary boundary between two materials. This
corresponds to the equation
where ¢ and ¢ represent the stress tensor in Materials 1 and 2, respectively, and 2 is the normal
pointing out from the domain containing Material 1. This relation gives rise to a surface force acting on
In certain cases, the stress tensor ¢ can be divided into one part that depends on the electromagnetic
field quantities and one part that is the mechanical stress tensor,
For the special case of an elastic body, the mechanical stress tensor is proportional only to the strain
and the temperature gradient. The exact nature of this split of the stress tensor into an
electromagnetic and a mechanical part depends on the material model, if it can be made at all. For
more information on the mechanical stress tensor for elastic materials, see the documentation on the
application modes for structural mechanics, for example, the ³Structural Mechanics´ chapter on page
203 in the Y
It is sometimes convenient to use a volume force instead of the stress tensor. This force is obtained
from the relation
Consider now a solid (Material 1) surrounded by vacuum (Material 2). It is natural to associate the
surface force on the boundary between the materials with the solid. Note that in many applications air
can be approximated by vacuum.
In practice, the equation for the force balance also needs to include an external boundary force Ê . It
is nonzero on those parts of the boundary where it is necessary to compensate for the contributions to
the stress tensor that you are not interested in or do not have enough information on. These
contributions come from the influence of the adjacent domains. By approximating the surroundings by
vacuum or air, the influence of these boundaries and their adjacent domains (that are not part of our
model) on the electromagnetic fields are neglected.
On the boundary, the following equations apply:
The external boundary force Ê can represent the reaction force from another body that the solid is
attached to.
The equations for the balance of forces on the solid now become
For computing the total force ð on the solid these equations need to be integrated over the entire solid
and the solid/vacuum boundary
is needed to balance the term for the boundary integral of the stress tensor in the surrounding vacuum
If the external forces are suddenly removed, the solid is no longer stationary, but ð causes the solid to
begin to move with an initial acceleration according to
where O is the total mass and is the acceleration of the solid.
To summarize, the total force, ð, is computed as a boundary integral of the stress tensor in vacuum on
the outside of the solid. Note that to obtain this result, the contribution from the air pressure gradient
has been neglected. This is equivalent of assuming that . A more detailed treatment
shows that the pressure gradient contributes with a lifting (buoyancy) force on the solid.
The torque in the case of the previous section is given by
where RO is a point on the axis of rotation. This follows from a derivation similar to the one made for
The electromagnetic fields are stationary if
that is, if the fields vary so slowly that you can neglect the contributions from induced currents and
displacement currents.
so that there is no contributions from Lorentz forces. These are treated later on.
¢ ¢
The expressions for the stress tensor in a general electromagnetic context stems from a fusion of
material theory, thermodynamics, continuum mechanics, and electromagnetic field theory. With the
introduction of thermodynamic potentials for mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic effects, explicit
expressions for the stress tensor can be derived in a convenient way by forming the formal derivatives
with respect to the different physical fields (Ref. 1 and Ref. 3). Alternative derivations can be made for
vacuum (Ref. 4) but these cannot easily be generalized to polarized and magnetized materials.
Using the fact that, for air, = Mj and °=° jV the expression for the stress tensor can be written as
Maxwell¶s equations in free space give that the contribution of the electromagnetic part of the stress
tensor is zero, and the resulting expression is
Thus, using the same terminology as earlier, cÊij for air, with w?iu . Note that in the derivation of
the total force on an elastic solid surrounded by vacuum or air, the approximation has been
When operating with the divergence operator on the stress tensor, the relation
is useful (and similarly for ). From the right-hand side it is clear (using Maxwell¶s equations) that this
is zero for stationary fields in free space.
Consider again the case of a solid surrounded by air. To compute the total force, the projection of the
stress tensor on the outside of the solid surface is needed,
where 2 is the surface normal, a 1-by-3 vector, pointing out from the solid. This expression can be
used directly in the boundary integral of the stress tensor for computing the total force ð on the solid.
See the model ³Permanent Magnet´ on page 24 in 'YY for an example of how
to apply the stress tensor in air for computing the total force and torque on a magnetizable rod close
to a permanent magnet.
A material that is nonpolarizable and nonmagnetizable (Õij and ij is called a
Note that this is not necessarily equivalent to a perfect conductor, for which ij, but merely a
restriction on the dielectric and magnetic properties of the material. The stress tensor becomes
identical to the one for air, except for u being replaced by the purely mechanical stress tensor w?:
The situation is slightly different from the case of air because there can be currents and volume
charges in the conductor. The current density is
See the model ³Electromagnetic Forces on Parallel Current-Carrying Wires´ on page 8 in the 'YY
for an example of how to compute the total force on two parallel wires either by
integrating the volume force or by integrating the stress tensor on the surrounding surface.
For an elastic solid, in the general case of a material that is both dielectric and magnetic (nonzero Õ
and ), the stress tensor is given by the expression
where in w(, ) the dependence of and has not been separated out. Thus w is not a purely
mechanical stress tensor in this general case. Different material models give different appearances of
w(, ). The electromagnetic contributions to w(, ) typically represent pyroelectric, pyromagnetic,
piezoelectric, piezomagnetic, dielectric, and magnetization effects. The expression for the stress tensor
in vacuum, air, and pure conductors can be derived from this general expression by setting iÕij.
Here, the magnetic susceptibility Úo differs slightly from the classical Ú. The other explicit terms are all
symmetric, as is w(, ). In the general case this imposes constraints on the properties of w(, ).
For a nonlinear material w(, ) might need to include terms such as Õ or +
¢ ¢
to compensate
for asymmetric Õ or
¢ ¢
To instantiate the stress tensor for the general elastic case you need an explicit material model
including the magnetization and polarization effects. Such material models can easily be found for
piezoelectric materials (Ref. 3).
Computing forces in moving objects is important, especially for electric motors and other moving
electromagnetic devices. When performing the computations in a coordinate system that moves with
the object, the electromagnetic fields are transformed. The most well-known relation for moving
objects is the one for the electric field. The transformed quantity of the electric field is called the
and is described below.
The equations now take on a slightly different form that includes the Galilei invariant versions of the
electromagnetic fields. The term Galilei invariant is used due to the fact that they remain unchanged
after a coordinate transformation of the type
Notice that there is an additional term in this expression compared to the stationary case.
The stress tensor in a moving elastic pure conductor is
To get the equation for the balance of forces you need to compute the divergence of this expression.
Doing this requires an introduction of an extra term in Cauchy¶s equation corresponding to an
additional electromagnetic contribution to the linear momentum. Cauchy¶s equation with this extra
term reads
The extra term is canceled out by the additional term in the stress tensor, and the final result is
For the case of no acceleration, with the explicit appearance of the transformed quantities,
The terms containing þ× cancel out, which yields the following equation:
The stress tensor for a moving general elastic material is
Notice that the magnetization and the polarization Õ occur explicitly in this expression.
To instantiate the stress tensor for the general elastic case you need a material model explicitly
including the magnetization and polarization effects as mentioned earlier in this section.
The method of virtual work is used for the electric energy and magnetic energy separately for
computing the total electric or magnetic force as follows.
The method of virtual work utilizes the fact that under
conditions (Ref. 5), the
total magnetic force on a system is computed as
Under the condition of
, the total electric force and torque on a system are
computed as
The functions a a and a in the AC/DC Module use the technique of virtual
displacement. See the ³Function Reference´ chapter in the 'YY
for details.