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maintenance and
testing of
26 capacitor units


26.1 Protection and safety requirements 26/955

26.1.1 Protection of shunt capacitors 26/955
26.1.2 Protection of series capacitors 26/960
26.2 Installation and maintenance of capacitor units 26/963
26.2.1 Precautions in handling a capacitor unit with PCB 26/964
26.3 Test requirements 26/964
26.3.1 Routine tests 26/964
26.3.2 Type tests 26/965
26.3.3 Checking field operating conditions 26/967
Relevant Standards 24/968
List of formulae used 26/969
Further Reading 26/969
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/955

26.1 Protection and safety for an LV installation. For large HV installations, however,
experiencing wide voltage fluctuations (which may be
requirements rare) and the presence of a large degree of harmonics, it
may be mandatory to provide over-current protection, even
As discussed in the previous chapters, a capacitor may if series reactors are used to suppress the harmonic currents.
have to encounter many unfavourable service conditions An IDMT (inverse definite minimum time) relay may be
when in operation. Most of them may lead to its direct provided with over-load and short-circuit protections and
over-loading. Summing up all such conditions, a capacitor a time delay to by-pass the momentary transient and
would need protection against the following: switching inrush currents. Protection against a short-circuit
is essential for both LV and HV capacitor units. On LV
26.1.1 Protection of shunt capacitors systems it may be provided through the HRC fuses or
the in-built short-circuit releases of a circuit breaker when
1 Over-voltage (Section 23.5.1) a circuit breaker is used to switch the capacitor banks.
Capacitors become over-loaded with over-voltages and On HV systems also short-circuit protection is provided
long duration of over-voltages may reduce their life. The through HRC fuses or short-circuit releases of the
permissible over-voltages and their safe duration as in breaker.
IEC 60831-1 for LV and IEC 60871-1 for HV capacitor
units are indicated in Table 26.1. An over-voltage factor 4 Switching currents
of up to 10% can be considered on account of this. In The switching currents must be limited to as low a value
installations having wide voltage fluctuations and when as possible. However, in general, capacitors are designed
series capacitors are used on such systems for improving for switching currents up to 100Ic (r.m.s.) for milliseconds.
their regulation, the capacitors must be protected against If necessary, a series resistance or inductance can be
abnormal over-voltages. Over-voltage protection may be introduced into the switching circuit to limit them to a
provided through an over-voltage relay with inverse time desired level (Section 23.11).
characteristics. For closer monitoring, it is better to have
the relay in small steps of 1%.
5 Short-circuit and ground fault currents
2 Number of switching operations These will depend upon the grounding system adopted.
The level of fault current would generally be as follows:
In LV capacitors controlled through automatic p.f.
correction relay it is recommended that the capacitors For grounded star capacitor units: In this case when
are not switched more than 1000 times during a year or, a capacitor unit develops a short-circuit it will establish
say, three or four switchings per day. More switchings a line-to-ground fault with a high fault current. Use
will mean more frequent over-voltages and inrush currents of current limiting HRC fuses will be easy because,
which may reduce the life of a capacitor. In HV capacitor for heavy fault currents, the fuses can be selected of
banks, however, such a situation may not be relevant as a slightly higher rating to avoid an interruption due to
HV capacitors may be switched only once or twice a switching surges and transient inrush currents without
day. affecting operation of the fuses on an actual fault.
However, a fuse free system (Section 12.11) is
3 Over-current advisable by using an MCCB.
For ungrounded star capacitor units: In this case
Due to harmonic effects the capacitors are designed for a when it causes a line to neutral fault the impedance of
continuous over-loading of up to 30% (Section 23.5.2(A)) the other two phases will limit the fault current to
and are accordingly rated for 1.3Ic. Since the permissible almost three times the rated current. It is still easy to
capacitive tolerance may enhance the capacitance rating choose HRC fuses so that they would remain
of a capacitor by 1.051.15* times its designed rating inoperative up to 150% of the rated current
(Section 26.3.1(1)) the maximum permissible current may
be considered up to 1.3 1.15 = 1.5 times its rated current. Table 26.1 Likely over-voltages in service and their permissible
A capacitor generally is a fixed current device, its rating durations
is greatly influenced by the circuit parameters, particularly
the presence of harmonics and fluctuations in system Maximum duration
voltage. Since a capacitor unit is designed for 150% of its
nominal rating an over-load protection cannot be over- Over-voltage For capacitor units For capacitor units
emphasized under normal operating conditions, particularly factor up to 1000 V above 1000 V

1.00 Continuous Continuous

*We have considered the maximum over-current factor for 1.10 8 h per 24 h 12 h per 24 h
illustration. It corresponds to the maximum permissible upper 1.15 30 min per 24 h
variation in the capacitance value of a capacitor unit or a bank. One 1.20a 5 min
can, however, consider a lower factor depending upon the maximum 1.30a 1 min
permissible upper variation for a particular type (voltage and VAr
rating) of capacitor unit or bank. A factor of 1.15 is, however, Not to occur more than 200 times during the total life span of the
recommended for capacitor duties. See also Section 25.6. capacitor unit.
26/956 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

continuously and operate within a few seconds at 300%. Probability curves for case rupture
Refer to Figure 21.4 for typical currenttime curves 0.1 0.5 0.9
of HRC fuses.
For-delta connected capacitor units: In this case, it
Zone Zone
will establish a line-to-line fault with a heavy fault Safe I II Hazardous
10 zone zone
current. Protection by HRC fuses or an MCCB would
be more appropriate than for a grounded star.
For series-parallel connected units: This is applicable
in HV capacitor banks comprising a number of small Operation
units arranged in series and parallel combinations. zone of
internal fuses
The fault current in such cases for an isolated neutral 1.0

Time (sec.)
can be expressed by
3 N1 N 2
If = I (from Equation (25.3)) 0.3
3 N1 2 c
Now a breaker with an IDMT relay would provide
the most appropriate protective scheme.
To summarize, HRC fuses or fuse-free MCCBs for
LV and a breaker and IDMT relay arranged for 2 O/C 0
and 1 G/F, with a short-circuit unit for HV capacitor 30 100 300 1000
banks, will provide a reliable protective scheme for short- Fault current, amp (rms)
circuit and ground fault protections. Figure 26.1 NEMAs case rupture curve

6 Shell protection
the appropriate protection to isolate the unit on a fault
This is applicable to both LV and HV capacitors. But it before a possible rupture. The severity of fault is expressed
is more important in HV banks, which are relatively in terms of the magnitude of explosion. The protection
much larger and are built of a number of single units must be commensurate with the location and the criticality
connected in series-parallel. These may encounter much of the installation and is categorized in four zones,
higher fault currents in the event of a severe internal depending upon the severity of the fault:
fault, even in one unit and are thus rendered more
vulnerable to such ruptures. This phenomenon is more 1 Safe zone: There is only a slight swelling of the shell
pertinent to units that are externally protected where the and no severe damage.
intensity of fault may be more severe, than internally 2 Zone I: There may be a slight rupture and fluid may
protected units. leak. Safe for areas where the leakage will pose no
Protection with internal fuses is easier, as fuses are hazard.
provided for each element which can contain the severity 3 Zone II: There may be a violent rupture of the shell.
of the fault well within the safe zone in all probability. 4 Hazardous zone: There may be a violent rupture with
Some users even recommend capacitor units 250/300 a blast, which may damage the adjacent units.
kVAr and above with internal fuses only. Figure 26.1
shows a typical operating band of the internal fuses for Note
an internally protected unit. It demonstrates a sufficient The practice adopted by manufacturers, for all voltages and kVAr
ratings in the making of the shell, particularly for its size, material
margin between the operation of the fuses and the shells and thickness, assume almost the same I2 versus t characteristics,
safe zone. The fuse characteristics are almost the same as provided by the NEMA curves (Figure 26.1).
for all manufacturers.
Since such explosions are dangerous and may cause For a more accurate selection of a protective scheme it is
a fire hazard through the dielectric liquid which may be essential that the manufacturers provide the probability
inflammable, it is imperative that such faults are cleared curves of their shell design for each voltage and rating.
before they may result in bursting of the shell. They will Generally, the fault must be cleared well within Zone
require short-circuit protection. Leading manufacturers I and for which the protective scheme must be chosen.
producing units suitable for external protection provide As discussed in Section 25.4.2, protection of capacitor
a pressure-sensitive disconnector which operates and units with external fuses is not easy. It is not practical to
releases the pressure during a fault when the inside contain a mild internal fault as isolation of the units is
pressure builds up to a preset level. This may be in the not possible on mild internal faults until the fault current
form of expandable bellows, which expand on such rises to the level of the fuses operating range (Figure
excessive pressures inside and snap open the power 26.2 illustrates this). By then enough time will have
connections. Safety through expansion bellows is usually elapsed to cause severe damage to the unit.
a feature in LV, MPP capacitors. In HV, this technology The only solution is to choose fuses of a lower rating
is not used. NEMA has also provided probability curves as far as possible, with fast operating characteristics (low
for the case rupture in the form of I2 versus t. The curves I2t) or provide IDMT protection. But the risk of a shell
are defined in Figure 26.1, which can be used to select rupture is not eliminated. An unbalance protection is a
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/957

Safe zone Zone1 Zone2 Hazardous zone i.e. 2 6.82 A or 13.64 A

Select from the manufacturers catalogue 16 A fuses for
10% 50% 90% each unit, according to the characteristics in Figure 26.3
reproduced in Figure 26.2. The fuse characteristics fall well
within the safe zone and provide adequate protection to the
20 units. If series reactors are provided to control the inrush
current, a fuse corresponding to 150% of IC, i.e. of 10 A,
would be better to protect the unit more closely. We can see
from Figure 26.2 that in an internally protected unit the
characteristics of the internal fuses will fall well below that of
an external fuse and provide a more exacting protection on
a mild fault.

1 2 7 Voltage transients
3 These may be caused by internal switchings or external
1.0 lightning strokes. HV capacitor units, particularly, may
Time (sec.)

be protected through surge arresters against such voltage

transients (Chapter 18). The voltage rating of the surge
arrester may be chosen on the following basis:
For ungrounded systems = Vr
For grounded systems = 0.8 Vr
0.1 See also Table 18.2.

8 Voltage unbalance
Characteristics An unbalance in the supply system causes an over-voltage
of internal fuses across the capacitor units in phases that have a higher
voltage. A partial or total failure of a capacitor unit in a
20 000
10 30 100 200 300 500 1000 3000 10000 4 hrs.
5000 10 000
*Fault current (Amp.) rms
1 Characteristic of a 10A external fuse from Figure 26.3
2 Characteristic of a 16A external fuse from Figure 26.3
3 Probability curves for case rapture.
* Use asymmetrical rms values for transient faults. 1000

Figure 26.2 NEMA probability curves for a case rupture and

selection of internal and external fuses
better choice in such cases, which may isolate the faulty
Pre-arcing time (sec.)

unit much faster than the fuses. When it is so, the units
remain intact. At this stage visual checks can be made to 10A 25A
find all such units that may be excessively hot or have 10
bulged out. The capacitance of the units can also be 20A
measured to identify the faulty unit(s) or the extent of 16A
damage to individual units and take corrective steps before
reswitching the units. Example 26.1 illustrates a simple 1.0
procedure to select external HRC fuses. The fuses are
provided separately for each unit.

Example 26.1 0.1

Consider the same units as those in Example 25.2 where
Vph of each unit = 11 kV
kVAr = 75
N1 = 4 0.01
N2 = 8 1.0 10 100 1000
RMS symmetrical prospective current (Amp.)
Ic = 6.82 A
and If = 65.47 A
Figure 26.3 Time/current characteristics for 11 kV HRC fuses
Minimum rating of fuses = 200% of IC (Courtesy: GEC-Alsthom)
26/958 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

large capacitor bank will also cause an unbalance and an where

over-voltage across the healthy units connected in parallel. Vu = unbalance voltage across the open delta. This is
Such a situation is not desirable, and unless detected for grounded systems. For isolated systems it will
promptly, may result in a cascade failure of more units. be three times this (Section 15.4.3).
It can be detected by the following methods for an alarm, V
indication or trip of the entire bank: Vph = 1
N = number of units failed
(i) Voltage unbalance method N1 = number of units in series per group per phase
This method is applicable to single-star or delta-connected N2 = number of units in parallel per group per phase.
capacitor banks. Unbalance can be detected through the A neutral displacement relay (NDR) with a suitable setting
use of an RVT (residual voltage transformer) (Section may be used across the open delta for unbalance protection.
15.4.3). See Figure 26.4. The theory of operation is that
any unbalance, of the system or the capacitor bank, will Example 26.2
shift the neutral and reflect as the residual voltage across Referring to Example 25.2,
the open delta and can be used for the protective scheme.
The unbalance voltage across the open delta in the event Vph = 44 kV
of failure of a unit in any series group can be expressed N1 = 4
by N2 = 8
Then the unbalance voltage for a grounded system, on a
N Vph failure of any one unit (assuming the capacitor units to have
Vu = (26.1)
3 N 2 N1 3 N N1 + 2 N external type fuses), according to Equation (26.1)

(established by the capacitor manufacturers) Vu = 1 44 1000


R = 44 000
Y = 511.6 V
B and for an ungrounded system
G Parallel
units Vu = 3 511.6 1535 V
If the ratio of VT is 44 kV/110 V, then the voltage across the
Series units

open delta

= 1535 110
44 000

= 3.84 V
and suitable NDR may be selected for this voltage.
For more than one capacitor bank one RVT for each bank
will be necessary for the correct discharge of each bank,
(Figure 26.5). An RVT, if provided with an additional star-
connected tertiary winding rated for 110 V line to line, can
also check the discharge condition and its duration and if it
Ungrounded meets the design requirements. This can even be monitored
capacitor banks remotely through a relay and control panel.
Tertiary winding
To the relay and 110V
When an RVT is being used for the purpose of discharge
control panel to also no protective fuses are recommended to ensure a positive
monitor discharge discharge. On a trip, the RVT is programmed to be connected
conditions automatically to the capacitor units to discharge them.
Open delta
(ii) Current unbalance method
To the neutral This method is applicable to double-star-connected
displaced relay (NDR) capacitor banks (Figure 26.6). In this method the neutrals
for alarm, indication
Vu of the two identical star-connected banks are inter-
or trip connected and a protection Neutral CT (NCT) is inserted
through it. In a balanced state, there will be no current
Residual voltage
through the neutral. On a partial or a total failure of a
transformer (RVT) unit in either of the banks it will disturb the balance and
cause a current through the inter-connected neutral. A
Figure 26.4 Detecting an unbalance in a capacitor bank ground fault relay will be most suitable for such a
through a voltage unbalance method requirement. To avoid momentary transient trippings, a
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/959

time delay of a few seconds can be introduced into the

trip circuit. Sensitivity and the setting of the relay will
depend upon the size of the banks and the sensitivity of
the system, i.e. whether an alarm or indicator will be
CTs CTs CTs sufficient initially while repairs are undertaken during
off-peak periods, or whether a trip will be needed. The
amount of unbalance current can be determined by the
following formula:
3 N N2
Iu = Ic (26.2)
6 N 2 N1 6 N N1 + 5 N
arrester (established by the capacitor manufacturers)
where Iu = imbalance current through the inter-connected
Surge neutral, and
arrester Ic = current per capacitor unit.

Current-sensing protection is found to be more accurate than a
voltage sensing. It is therefore recommended that the units are
Sw arranged in double star as far as possible.

(iii) Ampere meter method

To monitor the health of a capacitor unit it is advisable
to provide an ammeter in each phase. When it is found,
that there is an unbalance not caused by voltage unbalance
then further investigations may be conducted to replace

the defective unit(s) before a major fault occurs.

(a) One bank (b) Two banks (c) Three banks Example 26.3
Considering the earlier Example 25.2 with 14 400 kVAr banks,
Figure 26.5 The use of RVTs with large capacitor banks connected in double star where
N1 = 4
N2 = 8
Then the over-voltage developed in the event of a failure of

Neutral CT


Bank-I Bank-II
Unbalance relay

Star connected capacitor banks

Figure 26.6 Detecting an unbalance in double-star identical capacitor banks through a current unbalance method
26/960 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

any one unit (assuming the capacitor units to have external protection scheme for an HV capacitor system, suggesting
type of fuses) as determined in the said example the recommended switching and protective devices. Based
= 10.98% on this, an application engineer can plan a more prudent
protective scheme for a particular system.
This over-voltage is higher than permissible. The fault condition
must be removed before one full unit fails. Say, we permit
only one half of a unit to fail for an alarm and maximum three 26.1.2 Protection of series capacitors
quarters for a trip. Then over-voltage when one half of the
unit has failed from Example 25.2 Series capacitors are subject to higher voltage variations
as a result of generally fluctuating line current. During a
= 5.2% fault in the line, such as a short-circuit, the voltage variation
and over-voltage when three quarters of the unit has failed across the capacitors may be so high that it may cause an
instantaneous failure of the capacitors unless the capacitors
6 3
45 3
are selected for a higher insulation level. IEC 60143-1
4 4
100 = 8%
6846 3
4+5 3
for series capacitors suggests that the short-time maximum
over-voltage across the capacitors should not exceed 2.15
which is well within the limits for a trip. times the capacitors voltage rating for 10 seconds. Since
And Iu for an alarm from equation (26.2) an over-loading results in an over-voltage, over-voltage
3 1
protection becomes even more essential. IEC 60143-1
= 2
6.82 0.45 A permits a temporary over-loading as in Table 26.2 based
6846 1
4+5 1
2 on which may be provided the over-voltage protection.
and Iu for a trip The following are a few common methods for the
protection of series capacitors.
3 3
= 4
6.82 = 0.69 A
6846 3
4+5 3 1 Protection against over-loads
4 4

One can use a 5/1 A CT and provide the desired setting in a For over-loading during normal operation, which may
1A relay for alarm and trip. be due to load fluctuations or failure of a few capacitor
elements, normal over-load protection will suffice, as
9 Frequency variation and voltage variation discussed for shunt capacitors (Section 26.1.1(3)). This
protection may be provided in conjunction with the line
When capacitors are used to improve the p.f. of a varying fault protection scheme, discussed below.
frequency load, such as for an inductive heating or varying
voltage loads for improving the regulation of a power 2 Protection against line faults
system, they would be subjected to excessive over-loading
due to frequency variation in the first case, since kVAr There may be a number of ways by which the series
f (Equation (23.4)), and voltage fluctuations in the latter. capacitors can be protected against line faults. Commonly
Capacitors performing such duties must therefore be used methods are briefly discussed below.
protected, against over-loads by an IDMT over-load
protection scheme. (i) Using a damping circuit
The theory of protection is based on a rapid voltage rise
10 No-volt protection across the series capacitors during a line fault. This voltage
rise is used to achieve the required high-impedance
On supply failure capacitors must drop out and should requirement of the system during a fault, i.e. restoring the
not switch on automatically on resumption of the supply near-natural impedance of the line as if it were without
to avoid an over-voltage as a result of the trapped charge. series capacitors. A simple R-L damping-cum-discharge
Even sudden voltage dips may cause the charged circuit is illustrated in Figure 26.10. This consists of a
capacitors discharge into the terminal equipment and resistor and reactor combination, which helps to limit the
damage them. On LV, to achieve the required protection, discharge current and hence the over-voltage across the
the capacitors may be switched through contactors which
have a no-volt coil and drop out on failure of the supply. Table 26.2 Permissible momentary overloadings for series
On HV an instantaneous under-voltage relay, with a low capacitors
drop-off value (say, 3060%) may be used with the
interrupting device, which may be a breaker or a vacuum Times the rated capacitor Duration
contactor. Reclosing may be through a lock-out relay current
with a time delay, for at least the safe discharge time or
less, if the control is by a p.f. correction relay, whose 1.10 For 8 h during a 12 h operation
time setting is low and the capacitors are provided with 1.35 For 30 min during a 6 h operation
1.50 For 10 min during a 2 h operation
suitable discharge devices.
Figures 26.7 and 26.8 illustrate general layouts Note:
respectively for an 11 kV and 33 kV p.f. improvement 1. Provided that the average output in a 24 h operation does not
system with switching and protective devices. Figure exceed the rated output.
26.9 illustrates a typical layout of a switching and 2. See also the latest version of IEC-60143-1.
Lightning Overhead bus bars

Isolator Series reactor Isolator Series reactor

Cable box frame
Capacitor Capacitor
banks banks


Ground level

Residual voltage Residual voltage

transformer (RVT) transformer (RVT)

Figure 26.7 Installation of 11 kV capacitor banks and their protective equipment

Gantry Isolator Current Circuit Lightning * Series reactor ** Residual voltage Capacitor bank
transformers interrupter arrester transformer (RVT)

* To limit the inrush and harmonic currents through the capacitor banks.
** For unbalance protection and also for capacitor discharge and measurement if required.
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/961

Figure 26.8 Typical layout of 33 kV power factor improvement system with switching and protective equipment
26/962 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook



For more ground O/C

fault schemes
refer to Ch. 21

Surge Bus VT

G Line side
reactor Capacitors discharge V(open delta)
tertiary winding secondary winding

RVT (for voltage

unbalance method
of protection)



To monitor discharge To NDR

conditions of the
capacitor banks
capacitor banks

Figure 26.9 Switching and protection scheme for an HV capacitor system

Ic (fault)
1 2 Xc 3 1 Series reactor to add to
G Er line impedance
XL R Receiving end
Es 2
I (fault) Isolators
Ic (fault) 4
Effective current 4 Damping resistor
through capacitors
and coupling circuit 5 5 Auxiliary saturating reactor
I (fault) is nearly zero
6 Main saturating discharge reactor
Ic (fault) I (fault)
An R-L damping circuit

Figure 26.10 Damping circuit across the series capacitors to limit the fault level

capacitors during a fault by almost offsetting the capacitor the capacitors and protects them besides restoring the
fault current, IC (fault), with the Inductive current, IL, fault level of the system to its original level.
through the damping circuit, i.e. by achieving
(ii) Connecting a spark gap across the capacitor banks
IL IC (fault) If a breaker alone is used to bypass the capacitors during
a line fault it may fail to discharge its required duty due
This realizes a near-zero or very small fault current through to its definite minimum time of closing (Table 19.1).
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/963

This inherent time delay may be too long to protect the purpose by providing necessary protection to the
capacitors during a fault. To overcome this, a spark gap capacitors, on the one hand, and restoring the line natural
is additionally provided across the capacitors, which will impedance (i.e. the original fault level) by short-circuiting
spark-over instantaneously at the preset value and limit the capacitors, on the other.
the fault current to the required level during a fault Rapid reinsertion of the capacitors as soon as the
condition and bypass the capacitors as illustrated in Figure fault conditions are removed is an important requirement
26.11. Extinction of the arc is achieved by the bypass to retain the stability of the system. This can be achieved
breaker, which closes soon after (3 to 5 cycles from with the use of an additional ZnO, non-linear resistance
initiation of the fault). (ZnO being the latest in this field compared to SiC, which
The excessive line current results in a high voltage was being used earlier), across the capacitor banks (Figure
drop across the capacitors (ISC XC), which sparks over 26.12). Generally, the ZnO resistor will be adequate to
the gap generally set at about 2.5 to 3 times the nominal damp the fault current without initiating the spark gap,
voltage of the capacitors. This high voltage for an and will limit the over-voltage across the capacitors. It
extremely short duration will economize on the cost of will also permit automatic reinsertion of the capacitors
capacitors. The arc will be sustained only until the fault as soon as the fault conditions are removed without causing
clears or the line de-energizes or the bypass breaker closes, a delay. The spark gap will serve as a backup to the ZnO
whichever occurs first. The arc will extinguish at every resistor in the event of very severe faults.
current zero and attempt to insert the capacitors back The above bypass facility can also be achieved with
into the line. The arc will reappear until the over-voltage the use of a thyristor switch, which may be made current
attenuates to less than the spark-over-voltage, or the line sensing or voltage sensing.
de-energizes or the bypass breaker closes. The capacitors
must therefore be suitable to withstand repeated transient
voltages developed during each arcing. 26.2 Installation and maintenance of
A CT is provided in series with the spark gap to sense capacitor units
its operation during a line fault. As soon as there is arcing,
it provides an instantaneous command to a short-circuit The following are suggestions for the successful operation
relay. The relay, in turn, closes the bypass breaker, within of the capacitor units installed on an LV or an HV system:
3 to 5 cycles, leaving only the natural line impedance in
the faulty circuit. Now XC = 0, which limits the fault 1 Over-heating shortens the life of a capacitor. Adequate
current to the natural level of the system, as if the capacitors ventilation and cooling facilities, through convection
were not connected. The shorting device is restored to its and radiation, must be made available at the place of
original status as soon as the fault condition is cleared. installation. When housed inside a cubicle, as in a
The device must be capable of interrupting the line fault capacitor control panel and in a tier formation, sufficient
current without a restrike. The scheme serves a dual space must be provided between each unit. Adequate

1 1
G1 G2 G1 G2

3 3
2 Xc

5 4 5 4

6 6

1 5 Short circuit protection relay 1 5 Short circuit protection relay

6 Bypass or shorting breaker 2 Isolators 6 Bypass or shorting breaker (a

2 Isolators normal interrupter or a thyristor
(a normal interrupter or a
thyristor switch), to short 3 switch), to short circuit the
3 capacitors
circuit the capacitors
4 Spark gap 4 Spark gap 7 Non linear ZnOresistor

Figure 26.11 Over-voltage protection with the help of a spark Figure 26.12 Over-voltage protection with the help of a ZnO
gap and a shorting switch resistor, spark gap and a shorting switch
26/964 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

ventilation facilities should also be provided, either Avoid any spillovers, leakage or vaporization of liquid
through louvres, exhaust fans or by providing an or disposal of a waste unit. One can use Araldite,
expanded metal enclosure, for the capacitors to ensure solder or any other means to stop a leakage. If this is
a free air circulation around each capacitor unit (Figure not possible, collect carefully all the chemical PCB
23.32). and carefully dispose it of.
2 Concentration of capacitor banks at one point in a Soaked rags, cloth or papers, must be destroyed in an
system may cause amplification of harmonics, self- incineration plant at 1000C. Disposal at a landfill
excitation of machines, over-voltages due to switching area is not advisable for during rain they may be
and unsatisfactory working of audio frequency remote carried by storm drains into rivers, canals or ponds.
control apparatus. To overcome this, concentration of Old units should not be sold to a scrap dealer for
capacitor banks at one point must be avoided as far as similar reasons.
possible. These may be installed at different locations
in the system.
3 A loose contact within the circuit, producing sparks, 26.3 Test requirements
will generate high-frequency oscillations (harmonics).
However small these oscillations are, they may raise
the system voltage and frequency. High-frequency Below we discuss briefly recommended tests on a finished
oscillations will also reduce the impedance of the capacitor unit based on various IEC recommendations.
1 For Standards refer to the list provided at the end of the
capacitors x ch a and cause high currents, leading chapter.
to premature failure of the capacitors. Loose contacts
must therefore be thoroughly checked. It is recom- 26.3.1 Routine tests
mended that a capacitor circuit particularly be checked
periodically for loose connections or sparkings. Routine tests are carried out on each capacitor unit.
4 When the reactive control is not automatic, then during
off-peak periods (such as during the night) it is important (1) Capacitance measurement
that some of the banks are dropped manually to avoid
an over-compensation and a consequent over-voltage. This is to be determined at rated voltage and frequency
5 It is advisable to periodically check the condition and can be carried out between 0.9 to 1.1 times the rated
(i.e. the capacitance value C) of each capacitor unit voltage and 0.8 to 1.2 times the rated frequency.
to detect failure of one or more of them and the Permissible tolerances in capacitance from the declared
consequent over-voltage across the healthy units. This values can be as follows:
can be measured by any of the methods discussed in
Section 26.3.1(1). The capacitance value of each unit For LV capacitor units up to 1000 V For both self-
must fall within the permissible limits as indicated healing and non-self-healing types:
in that section. The failed units, if any, must be 5% to +10% for units and banks up to 100 kVAr
replaced promptly with units of the same rating and 5% to +5% for units and banks above 100 kVAr.
brand to avoid any performance variation. If this is For HV capacitors
not possible then the banks must be balanced by 5% to +15% for capacitor units or banks containing
readjusting the units. When the banks are connected one unit per phase
through a series reactor, the value of the reactor must 5% to +10% for capacitor banks less than 3 MVAr
also be readjusted to match changed parameters. 0% to +10% for capacitor banks from 3 MVAr to 30
Otherwise the reactor may resonate with the fifth or MVAr
the seventh harmonic, for which it is designed, and 0% to +5% for capacitor banks above 30 MVAr.
cause an over-voltage. For series capacitors
These are usually HV capacitor units/banks:
7.5% for capacitor units or banks containing one
26.2.1 Precautions in handling a capacitor unit unit per phase
with PCB 5% for capacitor banks less than 30 MVAr
3% for capacitor banks 30 MVAr and above.
Although the manufacture of PCB-filled capacitor units
has been discontinued, for older installations some may still
be used. For the benefit of their users we give below the Methods to determine the capacitance of a
precautions that they must take when handling these units: capacitor unit
Do not inhale the vapour of this chemical. Two common methods to determine this are:
Avoid its contact with eyes and skin.
Avoid its contact with birds and animals. Voltage method and
Avoid its contact with animal feed. Bridge method.
Do not re-use contaminated paper and cloth. In the voltage method the normal voltage is applied across
In the event of contact with the human body, wash the capacitor terminals and line current, Ic, is measured.
the skin with soap and water and the eyes with clean The value of capacitance, C, can be determined from the
running water. equations provided in Section 23.5.2(A). In the bridge
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/965

Table 26.3 Power frequency test voltages and their duration for voltage tests on a power capacitor unit or bank

LV capacitors up to 1000 V HV capacitors above 1000 V

Description Routine test Type test Routine test Type test
Test Duration Test Duration Test Duration Test Duration
voltage voltage voltage voltage

(i) Voltage test between 2.15 Vra 2s 2.15 Vra 10 s 2.15 Vra 10 s

(ii) Voltage test between

terminals and container For lightning impulse withstand voltage
(a) for rated voltage 660 V 3 kV 10 s 3 kV 1 min refer to Table 26.4
(b) for rated voltage > 660 V 6 kV 10 s 6 kV 1 min
Vr = rated voltage
1 For a repeat test, only 75% of the test voltage must be applied.
2 The above tests refer to dry power frequency voltage withstand tests for indoor units. Outdoor capacitor units will be subjected to a wet
test as in IEC 60060-1.

method the capacitance is measured directly through a (5) *Test for the internal discharge device
capacitance meter without disconnecting the unit from
the circuit. This is required to determine the suitability of the
resistance of the discharge device to ensure that it
discharges a charged capacitor unit or bank at 2 Vr to
The values thus obtained will be accurate when the system is free 50 V or less in 1 minute in LV and in 10 minutes in HV
from harmonics. If harmonics are present in the system correction shunt capacitor units or banks and in 5 minutes in series
will be necessary for both V and f, as in Equation (23.5). capacitors. The arrangements of discharge devices are
illustrated in Figure 25.8.
(2) Measurement of capacitor loss in
terms of tan d (6) Scaling test
Tan d is a measure of dielectric loss in a capacitor unit This is required to check the leakage of the capacitor
and is represented by the ratio of equivalent series dielectric during long operations. It is carried out by
resistance and capacitive reactance of a capacitor unit at heating the unit uniformly on all sides, at least 20C
the rated voltage and frequency (Figure 9.7), i.e. higher than the maximum ambient temperature of the
capacitor unit, for at least 2 hours. There should be no
tan d = R leakage.
where equivalent series resistance, R, is the virtual
resistance which, if connected in series with an ideal 26.3.2 Type tests
capacitor unit of capacitive value equal to that of the (1) Thermal stability test
capacitor under reference, will have a power loss equal
to the active power dissipated in that capacitor under This is another name for a heat run test. A voltage sufficient
specified operating conditions. to cause an output of the capacitor unit equal to 1.5
The test can be performed at voltages and frequencies, times the rated output is applied at the rated frequency
as noted in (1) above. The value of tan d should not and test conducted for at least 48 hours. During the last
exceed the declared value. six hours of the test the temperature rise and tan d are
measured at least four times. The temperature rise during
(3) Voltage test between terminals the last six hours should not exceed 1C, otherwise the
test duration must be extended until the temperature
Every capacitor unit will be subject to an a.c. test at a stabilizes to a rise of only 1C. The final test results
voltage specified in Table 26.3 at a frequency between 15
and 100 Hz, preferably as close to the rated as possible.
During the test no permanent puncture or flashover should *These figures are only indicative, as different countries may specify
occur. different discharge voltages and discharge times. For instance, various
IEC Standards mentioned at the end of the chapter specify the
(4) Voltage test between terminals and container discharge voltage as 75 V, reached in 3 minutes in LV and 10
minutes in HV shunt as well as series capacitors. When required
The test procedure and test performance should be the for fast switching operations, special discharge devices are sometimes
same as noted in (3) above except the test voltages, which employed to achieve a faster discharge, as discussed in Section
will be as specified in Table 26.3. 25.7.
26/966 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

compared to the measurement taken at the start of the For LV units: Three impulses should be applied of
test should not vary by more than the following: positive polarity followed by three of negative between
the terminals joined together and the container.
For capacitance value For HV units: Fifteen impulses should be applied of
For LV units: 2% of its capacitance value positive polarity followed by fifteen of negative
For HV units: The two test values should be corrected between the bushings joined together and the container.
to the same reference of dielectric temperature, say,
20C or as agreed. The difference between the two The value of the first peak of the test wave is specified
test values should be less than an amount corresponding in Table 26.4. During the test there should be no rupture
to either breakdown of an element or operation of an or flashover at any part of the unit, which should be verified
internal fuse. by a cathode ray oscillograph. An oscillograph should
For tan d value also be used to record the voltage and check the wave shape.
For LV units: 2 104
For HV units: 1 104 or as agreed between the (6) Short-circuit discharge test
manufacturer and the user.
The unit should be first charged by d.c. and then discharged
(2) Measurement of capacitor loss in through a gap situated nearby. The test voltages should
terms of tan d be as follows.

This is the same as for the routine test (2) For LV units

(3) Voltage test between terminals Star-connected units Test voltage 4 Vr / 3. The test
should be carried out between any two terminals,
This is similar to the routine test (3) except the duration leaving the third open.
of the test, which should be as specified in Table 26.4. Delta-connected units Test voltage 2Vr. Any two
terminals of the unit should be shorted and the test
(4) Voltage test between terminals and container conducted between the third and the shorted terminal.

This is similar to the routine test (4) except the duration For HV units
of the test, which would be as specified in Table 26.4.
The test voltage should be 2.5 Vr, irrespective of star- or
(5) Lightning impulse voltage test between delta-connected units. The capacitor unit should be charged
terminals and container with the test voltage and discharged five times within 10
minutes. Within 5 minutes after the test the unit may be
The test should be conducted generally with a wave of subjected to voltage test (3) between the terminals. The
1.2 to 5/50 ms as illustrated below: capacitance of the test unit may be measured before the

Table 26.4 Insulation levels for power capacitor units

Highest voltage for Rated lightning impulse withstand Rated power-frequency short-duration withstand voltage for
equipment voltage voltage test
List 1 List 2 Duration
kVr.m.s. kVpeak kVpeak kVr.m.s. Routine test Type test

up to 0.66 15

0.66 to 1.0 25 (Refer to Table 26.3)

1.2 25 6
2.4 35 8
3.6 20 40 10
7.2 40 60 20 10 s 1 min

12 60 75 28
17.5 75 95 38
24 95 125 50
36 145 170 70

1 For a repeat test only 75% of the test voltage must be applied.
2 The power frequency voltage test refers to indoor units. The outdoor capacitor units must be subjected to a wet test as in IEC 60060-1.
3 The choice between list 1 and list 2 will depend upon the extent of exposure of the units to the internal and external voltage surges and
the amount of surge protection, if provided.
4 It will also depend upon the condition of system grounding, i.e. whether effectively grounded, non-effectively grounded or isolated
neutral etc. For systems other than effectively grounded, list 2 must be preferred.
5 For higher voltage systems, refer to the relevant Standards noted in the table of Standards provided at the end of the chapter.
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/967

discharge test and after the voltage test. The capacitance (c) After test (b), the test in (a) is repeated.
values thus measured should not be exceeded by more
than 2% or breakdown of an element or blowing of an On conclusion of the test no permanent breakdown
internal fuse. or flashover should be observed. The variation in the
capacitance value as measured before and at the end of
the test should not vary by more than 3%. The capacitor
(7) Partial discharge test (applicable to HV units) unit should withstand the voltage test between the
There are invariably voids that will appear in an insulating terminals and the container as stated in test (4) above
system as a matter of process, irrespective of the type and the scaling test as in test (6) under routine tests.
and procedure of impregnation adopted, as discussed in
Section 9.6.1. For all practical purposes, a dielectric system (10) Self-healing test
may therefore be considered to be an imperfect capacitor.
This test is applicable to LV capacitors only, which are
All such voids may cause internal discharges and lead to
the self-healing type. The capacitor is subjected to a
erosion and ultimate failure of the dielectric under the
effect of the applied voltage. The applied voltage may voltage of 2.15 Vr, for 10 seconds. If fewer than five
be fluctuating too, aggravating the situation. This test is breakdowns occur during this time, the voltage may be
conducted to check the condition and suitability of the increased slowly until it reaches 3.5 times its rated value,
dielectric used to perform the required duties in service or five breakdowns, whichever happens first. If five
without causing an undue discharge (ionization). It is a breakdowns have still not occurred, the test is continued
means of detecting defects in the insulating system of until they do. The capacitance measured before and
a capacitor unit and is complementary to a dielectric after the test should show no significant change.
To perform this test, the rated voltage may be applied (11) Destruction test
long enough for thermal equilibrium to be achieved. Then This test is also applicable to LV capacitor units only.
a test voltage of twice the rated voltage is applied only The basic objective is to establish that the failure of a
once for one second. The voltage is then reduced to 1.2 unit is within a safe zone and is not accompanied by the
times the rated voltage and maintained for 10 minutes risk of a violent explosion or fire.
and then it is raised again to 1.5 times the rated voltage
for 30 minutes. During the last 10 minutes, the discharge
under such conditions should be less than 50 pc Concluding
(picocoulombs). The capacitance should be measured These are only brief descriptions of the recommended
both before and after the test. The change in capacitance tests and their procedures on a completed capacitor unit.
should not exceed 2%. For more details refer to the table of Standards provided
One will appreciate that such tests are no guarantee at the end of the chapter.
of the minimum life of a capacitor unit. Moreover, it is
not expected that such tests can predict the future of the
capacitor units. They can, at best, suggest the compliance 26.3.3 Checking field operating conditions
of the test requirements which should ensure a reasonably On larger installations, particularly, it is recommended
prolonged operating life of the capacitors, as envisaged. that the actual operating conditions be checked and
These tests do provide feedback to the manufacturer on compared with the assumed conditions for which the
the quality of the dielectric and the process of insulation capacitor units were designed to ensure that they do not
adopted and if any improvements are required. differ by more than the permissible limits. This is because
a capacitor is highly susceptible to some operating
(8) Endurance test (process test for HV conditions such as fluctuations in voltage and harmonic
capacitors) contents in the system. An excess of any of these or
both V and Vh may shorten the life of the capacitor
This is an alternative to the ageing test and is applicable units and cause frequent failures of individual units. It
for shunt capacitors of 1000 V and above. It is an in- may also lead to over-voltages across the units and
house process test and is carried out on the capacitor increase harmonic contents. All this may cause failure
elements before they are assembled into a capacitor unit of the capacitor units, leading to even a cascade failure,
to ascertain their dielectric stability against repeated over- increasing the unbalance in voltage and kVAr across
voltages. For the test procedure refer to IEC 60871-2. each phase and destabilize the entire capacitor network.
The effect of voltage and voltage fluctuations can be
(9) Ageing test (applicable to LV units) checked through the capacitor line current, Ic, which is
a measure of the capacitance C of the capacitor units.
This test is conducted to estimate the working life of a The capacitor current must correspond to the designed
capacitor. Briefly, the test can be conducted in three (rated) current plus the permissible variation. A higher
stages as follows: current than this would mean a voltage variation or the
(a) The capacitor is energized at 1.25 times the rated presence of harmonics in the system or both. While the
voltage for 750 hours. voltage may be measured through a voltmeter and the
(b) It is then subjected to 1000 discharges. current through an ammeter in the three lines, the
26/968 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook

harmonics content may be checked by an oscilloscope. will be essential to restore the operating conditions within
If the actual operating conditions differ from the designed the permissible limits, say, by providing series reactors
parameters by more than permissible, suitable measures or filter circuits in the system as discussed already.

Relevant Standards


60060-1/1989 High voltage test techniques. General definitions and test 2071-1/1999 BS 923-1/1990
60060-2/1994 High voltage test techniques. Measuring systems. 2071-2/2001 BS EN 60060-2/1997
60071-1/1993 Insulation coordination phase to earth Principles and rules. 2165-1/2001 BS EN 60071-1/1997
60071-2/1996 Insulation coordination phase to phase Principles and rules. 2165-2/2001 BS EN 60071-2/1997
60110-1/1998 Power capacitors for induction heating installations General 9251/2001
60110-2/2000 Power capacitors for induction heating installations Ageing test,
destruction test etc.
60143-1/2004 Series capacitors for power systems. General performance, testing 9835-1/2001 BS EN 60143-1/1993
and rating. Safety requirements. Guide for installation.
60143-2/1994 Series capacitors for power systems. Protective equipment for BS EN 60143-2/1995
series capacitor banks.
60831-1/2002 Shunt power capacitors of the self healing type for a.c. systems 13340/1998 BS EN 60831-1/1998
having rated voltage up to and including 1000 V.
General performance, testing and rating. Safety requirements. Guide
for installation and operation.
60831-2/1995 Shunt power capacitors of the self healing type for a.c. systems 13341/1997 BS EN 60831-2/1996
having rated voltage up to and including 1000 V.
Ageing test, self-heating test and destruction test.
60871-1/1998 Shunt capacitors for a.c. power system having rated voltage above 13925-1/1998 BS EN 60871-1/1998
1000 V (non-self-healing type).
General performance, testing and rating. Special requirements.
Guide for installation and operation.
60871-2/1999 Shunt capacitors for a.c. power system rated voltage above 1000 13925-2/2002 BS 7264-2/1990
V (non-self-healing type). Endurance testing. Protection of shunt 13925-3/2002
capacitors and shunt capacitor banks.
60931-1/2002 Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type up to and 13585-1/1999 BS EN 60931-1/1998
including 1000 V. General, performance, testing and rating. Safety
requirements. Guide for installation and operation.
60931-2/1995 Shunt power capacitors of non-self-healing type up to and including 13585-2/1998 BS EN 60931-2/1996
1000 V.
Ageing test and destruction test.

Relevant US Standards ANSI/NEMA and IEEE

ANSI/IEEE-18/2002 Standard for shunt power capacitors.

ANSI/IEEE-C37.90.1/2002 Guide for surge withstand capability tests, for protective relays and relay systems.
IEEE-37.99/2000 Guide for protection of shunt capacitor banks.
IEEE-1036/1992 Guide for application of shunt power capacitors.
IEEE-1313.1/1996 Insulation coordination Definitions, principles and rules.
NEMA/CP-1/2000 Shunt capacitors, both LV and HV.

1 In the table of relevant Standards while the latest editions of the Standards are provided, it is possible that revised editions have become
available or some of them are even withdrawn. With the advances in technology and/or its application, the upgrading of Standards is a
continuous process by different Standards organizations. It is therefore advisable that for more authentic references, one may consult the
relevant organizations for the latest version of a Standard.
2 Some of the BS or IS Standards mentioned against IEC may not be identical.
3 The year noted against each Standard may also refer to the year it was last reaffirmed and not necessarily the year of publication.
Protection, maintenance and testing of capacitor units 26/969

List of formulae used Current unbalance

3 N N2
Voltage unbalance Iu = Ic (26.2)
6 N 2 N1 6 N N1 + 5 N

N Vph Iu = Unbalanced current through the interconnected

Vu = (26.1) neutral
3N 2 N 1 3 N N 1 + 2 N Ic = current per capacitor unit
Vu = Unbalanced voltage across the open delta. This is
for grounded systems. For isolated systems, it
will be three times this Further Reading
V1 AIEE Committee, Report of a Survey on the Connection of Shunt
Vph =
3 Capacitor Banks, Report, Vol. 77, pp. 145258, Feb. (1959).
Central Board of Irrigation and Power, India, Manual on Shunt
N = number of units failed Power Capacitors Operation and Maintenance, Technical
N1 = number of units in series per group per phase Report No. 33, Jan. (1984).
N2 = number of units in parallel per group per phase Longland, T., Hunt, T.W. and Brecknell, W.A. Power Capacitor
Handbook, Butterworth, London (1984).

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