GSM Based Wireless Notice Board

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Special Issue 40 (KCCEMSR) (March 2016), PP. 30-33


Gupta, 2Rani Borkar, 3Samita Gawas, 4Sarang Joshi
B.E Students
Prof. Ravindra Joshi
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
KCCEMSR, Thane(E.)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract Various notices has been displayed in schools and Various types of noticeboards are used in various
various institutes over the years by using manual notice board institutes to display notices and these boards are managed
and different methods which has been developed in the past. This manually. It is a long process to put up notices on the notice
paper presents the design and construction of E-noticeboard board. This wastes a lot of resources like paper, printer ink,
using GSM technology. The system consists of four basic units:
man power and also loss of time. Other noticeboards are
GSM modem, Raspberry pi board, LCD monitor and Mobile
device. The operation of the system is centered on Raspberry pi L.E.D indicator used at railway stations for displaying the
board. The operation of system is such that the notice which is to information of arriving trains as it is a L.E.D indicator the
be displayed is send by the mobile device to the GSM modem and performance of L.E.D depends on the ambient temperature of
displayed on the LCD monitor using Raspberry pi board. The the environment and L.E.Ds are currently more expensive
system is based on real time process and saves lot of resources i.e. and requires heat sinking for long life. Some other types of
human effort and mainly paper thereby saving world from global noticeboards are notice displayed in buses and malls using
warming. LCD screen. These notices are previously feed in the memory
of the displaying unit and the notice cant be change easily
Key Terms- E-Noticeboard, Raspberry pi, GSM modem.
and it is time consuming process.
In this paper we have proposed a system which will
I. INTRODUCTION enable people to wirelessly transmit notices on notice board
using wi-fi or through the data access over a mobile phone .
In this world everyone needs a comfortable living life. Here we have proposed a system by which only authorized
Man has researched different technology for his sake of life. person can accesses the notice board. It require less time due
In todays world of connected ness, people are becoming to fast data transmission through wi-fi. Less cost and save the
accustomed to easy access to information. Whether its resources like human effort, ink and majorly paper.
through the internet or television, people want to be informed Table-I below summarizes the key differences between the 2
and up-to-date with the latest events happening around the short range wireless technologies. Wi-fi provides higher data
world. Wired network connection such as Ethernet has many rates for multimedia access as compared to bluetooth which
limitations depending on the need and type of connection. provides lower data transfer rates. Bluetooth are intended for
Now a days people prefer wireless connection because they communication (about 10m), while wi-fi is designed for
can interact with people easily and it require less time. The WLAN about 100m.
main objective of this paper based on our project is to develop
a wireless e-notice board that displays message sent from the
user and to design a simple, easy to install, user friendly
system, which can receive and display notice in a particular
manner with respect to date and time which will help the user
to easily keep the track of notice board every day and each
time he uses the system. GSM and Wi-Fi are the wireless
technology used.[3]


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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Special Issue 40 (KCCEMSR) (March 2016), PP. 30-33

I. Wi-Fi Module

Wi-fi is a high performance, cost effective WLAN USB

module which connects the raspberry-pi low cost computer, to
a wi-fi local area network. Wi-fi uses the latest 802.11n
wireless technology, and can support data rates up to
150Mb/s, compared with the older 54 Mb/s 11g products. It
also benefits from a higher wireless LAN bandwidth, making
data transmission more efficient.[3]

II. LCD Monitor

It is used to display the data of any form such as text, images

etc. Wi-fi will check the authorization of user and raspberry-pi
will convert the message that will be displayed into LCD

III. GSM modem (900/1800 MHz) Interface

A GSM is specialized type of modem which accepts the SIM

card, and operates over a subscription to a mobile phone
operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile operator
perspective, a GSM Modem looks like a mobile phone. GSM
Modem comes in various interfaces, such as USB and Serial.
GSM modem is However the main difference is that GSM
Modem is wireless.[3]

IV. AT commands:
AT commands are used to control MODEMs. AT is
In our work there are two sections Hardware and Software. abbreviation for attention. These commands come from Hayes
commands used by Hayes smart modems. The dial up and
Hardware: wireless MODEMs need AT commands to interact with
[1] Monitor/LCD screen computers. In this project it is used to operate the GSM
[2] Raspberry Pi modem.
[3] GSM
[4] Mobile Device

It mainly consists of programming language used for
coding the Raspberry Pi board and GSM modem. Python
language is used for coding raspberry pi board and AT
commands is used to operate GSM modem. Figure 3.1: Block Diagram

The process contains one transmitter part and other is Description of the interfaces
receiver for displaying notices.
The modem comprises several interfaces:
A. Transmitter:
Authorized Mobile/PC is used as a transmitter. LED Function including operating Status

B. Receiver: Serial and control link

It consists of following units.
Power Supply

SIM card holder

V. Raspberry-pi

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Special Issue 40 (KCCEMSR) (March 2016), PP. 30-33

database is also processed on the SD card of the Raspberry pi

Raspberry pi boards are of two types such as model A, Model board.
B. We are using Model B which is the higher-spec variant of The message is now delivered to the LCD monitor whose
Raspberry Pi A, with 512 MB of RAM, two USB ports and a work is to display that message. OpenCV library is installed
100mb Ethernet port. for this purpose of displaying the message or images.
The raspberry-pi model B is having cost about 35$.system on Raspberry pi is connected to LCD monitor using HDMI port.
chip is broad cam BCM 2835. It has ARM11 core, 700 MHz Using this HDMI interfacing between LCD and Raspberry pi
frequency& Memory 512 Mb. The 2 USB ports are Composite the message is displayed as the notice on the LCD screen.
video & HDMI output. Onboard storage is provided with the Images can also be displayed on LCD screen as a notice.
help of SD card. It has 700 mA power ratings. [3] Generally the LCD screen
or Monitor having HDMI ports are used because the
VI. Python: interfacing is done through this HDMI ports with Raspberry
Python is a widely used general purposed high level
programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes V. ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS
code readability. It is used to code raspberry pi model
1. It is a wireless system.
IV. WORKING 2. Text can be delivered from remote place.
3. Data can be stored in the memory so it will not be
The above figure [3.1] shows a detailed block diagram of the lost in power failure condition.
proposed system. A mobile device is used at transmitter side 4. A lot of interaction and information sharing occurs.
for transmitting the notice which is to be displayed and GSM 5. Printing and photocopying cost not require.
modem, Raspberry pi and LCD screen or monitor is used at 6. Save time, energy and resources.
receiver side for displaying the required notice. 7. GSM can be used for long distance data transmission.
The authorized mobile device used at transmitter side sends a 1. Power failure will switch off all the LCD screen
message which is to be displayed as a notice using local thereby can be a major limitation.
operator network. The mobile is authorized using a 2. Network failure will restrict the transmission of
ANDROID application which is secured by a password. This message.
message is received at receiver side by the GSM modem. A 3. Cost is relatively more than the manual noticeboards.
GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a
SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a mobile VI. APPLICATION
operator, just like a mobile phone. Two types of GSM
modems are available i.e. SIM 300 and SIM 900 based on 1. In Educational institutions and organizations for
frequency bands they works on. We will be using GSM SIM displaying the notices
300 modem which works on 3 different frequency bands. AT 2. In crime prevention: Display boards put up on the
commands are used to control the GSM modem, so suitable roads will display tips on public security, accident prevention
commands should be transmitted to the modem for each 3. In metropolitan cities for managing traffic
purpose and the modem will respond to these commands by 4. Advertisement: In shopping malls
transmitting suitable message that should be received. A sim 5. Railway stations: Instead of only announcing the
card is inserted in the GSM modem which will receive the delay in arrival of trains we can display the information.[3]
message from the Mobile device.

Now this message is sent to Raspberry pi board using an VII. CONCLUSIONS

interface through serial ports. The Raspberry pi is a series of
credit card sized single-board computers. It consist of quad- Now the world is moving towards automation, so in this world
core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU and 1 GB of RAM. It also have if we want to do some changes in the previously used system
512MB inbuilt memory and can be extended externally. we have to use the new techniques. Wireless operation
Raspberry pi works on Raspbian Os which is installed on the provides fast transmission over long range communication. It
SD card inserted inside the Raspberry pi board. The message saves resources and time. Data can be sent from remote
received from GSM modem is stored in the SD card of the location. User authentication is provided. Previously the
raspberry pi for future access. As the message is received a notice board using GSM technology was developed but there
notification will be send to the class representatives mobile was no storage capability and they were unable to display
device. For this purpose a database is created containing the images but in our system Multimedia data can be stored on
mobile numbers of the respected class representatives. The chip or on SD card. Text messages and multimedia data can be
database is created using SQLite in process library. This seen whenever we want to see.

32 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Special Issue 40 (KCCEMSR) (March 2016), PP. 30-33

[3] International Journal of Advance Foundation and
We have great pleasure for representing this paper entitled Research In Computer (
this opportunity to convey our immense regards towards all [4] International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory
the distinguished people who have their valuable contribution and Engineering (IJACTE).
into the hour of need. We take this opportunity to thank Prof.
Rajiv Iyer, Head of the Department, Electronics and [5] GSM telecommunication standards, June 2000
Telecommunication for giving us an opportunity and the most Second edition, European Telecommunication Standards
needed guidance throughout the duration of the course. And Institute.
also [6]
to Prof. Ravindra Joshi for the guidance at each time and
necessary support during each phase of the project. We also [7] M Samiullah, NS Qureshi, SMS Repository and
owe to our friends who have been a constant source of help to Control
solve the problems that cropped up during the project
development process. System using GSM-SMS Technology, European Journal
of Scientific Research.
REFERENCES [8] Artificial Intelligence Elain Rich & Kevin Knight,
TATA Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition.
[1] International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and
Data Communication

[2] International Journal of Advanced Electrical and

Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE)

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