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Repeatability and validity of lens densitometry

measured with Scheimpflug imaging
Bradley J. Kirkwood, MA, Peter L. Hendicott, PhD, Scott A. Read, PhD, Konrad Pesudovs, PhD

PURPOSE: To assess the repeatability and validity of lens densitometry derived from the Pentacam
Scheimpflug imaging system.
SETTING: Eye Clinic, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
METHODS: This prospective cross-sectional study evaluated 1 eye of subjects with or without cat-
aract. Scheimpflug measurements and slitlamp and retroillumination photographs were taken
through a dilated pupil. Lenses were graded with the Lens Opacities Classification System III. Intra-
observer and interobserver reliability of 3 observers performing 3 repeated Scheimpflug lens den-
sitometry measurements each was assessed. Three lens densitometry metrics were evaluated:
linear, for which a line was drawn through the visual axis and a mean lens densitometry value given;
peak, which is the point at which lens densitometry is greatest on the densitogram; 3-dimensional
(3D), in which a fixed, circular 3.0 mm area of the lens is selected and a mean lens densitometry
value given. Bland and Altman analysis of repeatability for multiple measures was applied; results
were reported as the repeatability coefficient and relative repeatability (RR).
RESULTS: Twenty eyes were evaluated. Repeatability was high. Overall, interobserver repeatability
was marginally lower than intraobserver repeatability. The peak was the least reliable metric
(RR 37.31%) and 3D, the most reliable (RR 5.88%). Intraobserver and interobserver lens densitom-
etry values in the cataract group were slightly less repeatable than in the noncataract group.
CONCLUSION: The intraobserver and interobserver repeatability of Scheimpflug lens densitometry
was high in eyes with cataract and eyes without cataract, which supports the use of automated lens
density scoring using the Scheimpflug system evaluated in the study.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2009; 35:12101215 Q 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS

Cataract surgery is among the most frequently per- and use these to generate 3D tomography and to calcu-
formed surgical procedures in medicine today.1 Tra- late measurements of the eye. The lens densitometry
ditionally, cataracts are assessed at the slitlamp, and function provides an objective quantitative assessment
this process has been formalized with grading by measuring the light scatter of the crystalline lens
against a set of standard photographs, as in the that becomes visible by illumination with blue light
Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III).2 (wavelength 475 nm). The benefits of lens analysis
This approach to grading cataract is subjective and with this Scheimpflug system in conditions such as in-
vulnerable to inconsistencies over time and between tralenticular foreign body,11 traumatic cataract,12 and
observers.3 An alternative is Scheimpflug photogra- quantifying posterior capsule opacification13 have
phy with lens densitometry as an objective measure been reported. Concordance between LOCS III and 1
of lens opacity.4 Several commercial systems are simple metric of peak nuclear density has been shown.3
available for lens densitometry measurement.59 Software advances allow analysis of central lens volume
More recently, the Pentacam Scheimpflug instrument measures, theoretically enabling surgeons to plan pha-
(Oculus) was introduced as a 3-dimensional (3D) an- coemulsification power for lens extraction.
terior segment imaging system. The system permits In a recent study,3 2 consecutive repeated peak
objective quantification of cataract through lens value measurements of Scheimpflug lens densitome-
densitometry.10 try by the same examiner showed high correlation
The Pentacam is the first instrument to use a 360- (r Z 0.986). The lens density was taken as peak value
degree rotating Scheimpflug noncontact camera to on image 120300 degrees for the right eye and image
rapidly acquire multiple images of the anterior segment 24060 degrees for the left eye. It is likely that other

1210 Q 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/09/$dsee front matter

Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.03.017

metrics of lens density are also repeatable; however, observable cataract of any type or severity. The remainder
clinical validation of newly introduced objective tech- of the inclusion and exclusion criteria was the same as for
the noncataract group.
niques is crucial.
Refraction was recorded, and an initial ocular health
The aim of this study was to establish interobserver screening was performed to assess suitability for the study.
and intraobserver repeatability of the Pentacam Slitlamp examination of the external eye and van Herrick
Scheimpflug system as a clinical tool for lens densi- and noncontact tonometry were performed by the same
tometry. Three consecutive measurements by 3 ob- examiner (B.J.K.). Subsequently, 1 pupil was pharmacologi-
cally dilated with 1 drop of tropicamide 0.5%. After pupil
servers were performed in eyes with cataract and
dilation, slitlamp photography of the crystalline lens was
eyes without cataract. Three lens densitometry met- performed with the Takagi SM-70N digital slitlamp camera.
rics were analyzed: linear, peak, and 3D. Our aim The Canon CR-DGi nonmydriatic digital retinal camera was
was to establish the reliability of these metrics for used to photograph cortical and posterior subcapsular cata-
clinical use. ract changes with retroillumination. The posterior pole was
also photographed. The optimum settings of the cameras
were determined from a pilot study2 and used in all cases.
The LOCS III was used to grade photographs of the crystal-
SUBJECTS AND METHODS line lens.2 In line with previous studies,1416 a minimum
This prospective cross-sectional designed study recruited LOCS III nuclear opalescence grading of 2.0 was chosen as
subjects with and without cataract from the patient data- a definition of cataract.
base of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Data were collected during a single session. Three novice
Eye Clinic. The subjects were invited to participate in the observers scanned 1 eye of each subject 3 times. Subjects
study via telephone or while they were attending a consul- were instructed to keep both eyes open and look directly at
tation at the eye clinic. Written informed consent was the black fixation target centered in the slit light for the dura-
obtained from all subjects after the nature of the study tion of the scan (25/second). The subject remained seated be-
had been fully explained. The tenets of the Declaration of tween measurements but was asked to sit back and relax
Helsinki were followed, and the study was approved by during the time it took for the instrument to process the
the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee. data (approximately 15 seconds). The joystick of the camera
To be included in the noncataract group, subjects had to be was fully retracted and then realigned to ensure proper reset-
18 years of age or older and have clear lenses. Subjects of ting of the instrument. The subjects head and chin were re-
either sex and any ethnicity with any refractive error and positioned for each measurement. The Scheimpflug system
visual acuity were eligible to participate. Exclusion criteria was used in automatic release mode to rule out confounding
included preexisting ocular surface pathology, contact lens operator-related variables. The instrument automatically
wear, history of eye trauma, previous ocular surgery, angles calculated the quality and reliability of a captured image. If
capable of closing after pupil dilation, inability to fixate on an image was found to be of poor quality (ie, not flagged
the target, and physical or mental impairment that pre- with OK on the instruments image quality specification),
cluded participation in the testing. For the cataract group, the measurement was repeated.
inclusion criteria were 50 to 80 years of age and clinically Each observer then extracted lens densitometry standard
output values from the image captures in a masked fashion.
Image 90270 degrees was used for the right eye and image
27090 degrees for the left eye. The following 3 lens densi-
Submitted: December 24, 2008.
tometry metrics were analyzed: linear, peak, and 3D. Figure 1
Final revision submitted: March 25, 2009. describes the metrics and gives an example of each. The
Accepted: March 26, 2009. linear and peak metrics were recorded directly from the
axis line appearing in the Scheimpflug image. The 3D metric
From the School of Optometry (Kirkwood, Hendicott, Read),
required the observer to select the size and position of the
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, and the NH&MRC area for analysis.
Centre for Clinical Eye Research (Pesudovs), Flinders University
and Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia.
Statistical Analysis
No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or Data were entered into Microsoft Office Excel 2003
method mentioned. (Microsoft Corp.) and SPSS statistical software (version
15.0, SPSS, Inc.). Descriptive and statistical analyses
Supported in part by National Health and Medical Research Council were subsequently performed using these programs. An
Centre of Clinical Research Excellence Grant 264620, and the Na- analysis of repeatability for multiple measures, including
tional Health and Medical Research Council Career Development calculation of the repeatability coefficient (RC), was
Award 426765 (Dr. Pesudovs), Canberra, Australia. applied as described by Bland and Altman.17 In brief,
the analysis calculates the within-subject standard devia-
Inez Hsing, Rebecca Cham, Kylie Phillis, and Laura Sims assisted in tion (sw), derived from the square root of the residual
gathering and analyzing lens density metrics from the Scheimpflug mean square from a 1-way analysis of variance. The RC
system. (defined as 1.96O2sw) was then calculated based on sw.
The RC essentially represents the limit within which 2
Corresponding author: Mr. Bradley Kirkwood, School of Optometry, repeated measures of a particular technique would be
Queensland University of Technology, Victoria Park Road, Kelvin expected to lie for 95% of subjects. This approach has
Grove, Brisbane, 4059, Australia. E-mail: bradkirkwood@bigpond. been used in studies of the reliability of various anterior
com. chamber measurements with the Pentacam system.18,19



Lens density was assessed in 10 eyes (10 subjects) with
no cataract and 10 eyes (10 subjects) with cataract.
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the subjects.
Intraobserver and interobserver measurements of
lens densitometry were highly repeatable (Table 2).
Overall, interobserver repeatability was slightly lower
than intraobserver repeatability, although the differ-
ence could not be considered clinically significant. Of
the 3 metrics, peak was the least reliable; 3D was the
most reliable, as shown by the low RC and RR values
(Figure 2). The results in the cataract group and nonca-
taract group were similar, although the magnitude of
the density was higher in the cataract group. The intra-
observer repeatability was better than the interob-
server repeatability for all 3 metrics in the
noncataract group and for 1 metric in the cataract
group. However, the differences could not be consid-
ered clinically significant.

We found the repeatability of Pentacam Scheimpflug
lens densitometry to be high both within observers (in-
tra observer) and between observers (interobserver).
Interobserver repeatability was marginally lower (eg,
peak: RC Z 5.16, RR Z 37.31) than intraobserver re-
peatability (RC Z 4.81; RR Z 34.79). The 3D was the
most repeatable metric (RC Z 0.46; RR Z 5.05) and
peak, the least repeatable. This result may arise in
the manner of calculation of the 3 metrics.20 For the
3D metric, a 3.0 mm cylindrical zone of the central
lens is sampled and density is averaged across the vol-
ume to devise a final quantity. Similarly, the linear
technique involves averaging, but in 2 dimensions.
The peak value is a single estimate. It is likely that
the inherent averaging in the metrics improves repeat-
ability, with the metric with the highest amount of av-
eraging (3D) having the best repeatability and the
metric with no averaging (peak) having the poorest.
Clinically, any of the 3 techniques appears to be satis-
Figure 1. The 3 lens density metrics used for repeatability analysis. factory. Recently, the reproducibility of the peak lens
Top: For the linear metric, a line is drawn through the visual axis density evaluation between 2 successive scans was
and a mean lens densitometry value given. Middle: The peak metric shown to have a high correlation (r Z 0.986),3 al-
indicates the point at which lens densitometry is greatest on the lens though this does not imply high repeatability.17
densitogram. Bottom: For the 3D metric, a fixed, circular 3.0 mm area
Several studies19,21,22 have shown that the Pentacam
of the lens is selected and a mean lens densitometry value given.
is a repeatable and valid instrument for assessing the
This calculation was applied to each of the 3 observers (to anterior segment. However, the repeatability of the
assess of intraobserver repeatability) and across the 3 lens densitometry component of the system has not
observers (to assess interobserver repeatability). To allow been fully validated. To our knowledge, this is the first
a more ready comparison between the techniques used published study to assess the repeatability of the in-
for calculating lens densitometry, the RC was also struments lens density measurements with 3 metrics
expressed as a percentage of the mean value for each
technique (ie, the relative repeatability [RR]). In both and across 3 observers. This validity is important
instances (RC and RR), a lower score indicates better because the instrument is gaining in popularity with
repeatability. eye-care professionals as a noninvasive anterior



Table 1. Subject characteristics. Table 2. Scheimpflug lens densitometry repeatability between 3

observers and 3 consecutive readings, analyzed with 3 metrics.
Characteristic Result
Mean Mean
Noncataract group (n Z 10) Parameter G SD Square sW RC RR
Age (y)
Mean G SD 22.90 G 5.71 All subjects
Range 20 to 38 Linear
Sex, n (%) Intraobserver 9.1 G 3.1 0.11 0.33 0.92 10.19
Male 2 (20.0) Interobserver 9.5 G 2.4 0.17 0.41 1.14 12.56
Female 8 (80.0) Peak
Sphere (D) Intraobserver 13.9 G 7.0 3.02 1.74 4.81 34.79
Right eye Interobserver 14.7 G 6.5 3.47 1.86 5.16 37.31
Mean G SD 1.35 G 2.50 3D
Range 6.00 to C1.00 Intraobserver 9.0 G 2.8 0.03 0.16 0.46 5.05
Left eye Interobserver 9.6 G 2.0 0.04 0.19 0.53 5.88
Mean G SD 1.33 G 2.59 Noncataract group
Range 6.00 to C1.00 Linear
Cylinder (D) Intraobserver 7.6 G 0.8 0.06 0.23 0.65 8.55
Right eye Interobserver 7.6 G 0.8 0.14 0.37 1.03 13.60
Mean G SD 0.33 G 0.47 Peak
Range 0.00 to 1.25 Intraobserver 8.9 G 1.6 0.37 0.58 1.60 17.57
Left eye Interobserver 9.0 G 1.3 2.67 1.63 4.52 50.53
Mean G SD 0.18 G 0.29 3D
Range 0.00 to 0.75 Intraobserver 7.8 G 0.3 0.01 0.08 0.22 2.85
Cataract group (n Z 10) Interobserver 7.8 G 0.3 0.04 0.21 0.58 7.39
Age (y) Cataract group
Mean G SD 68.60 G 5.72 Linear
Range 60 to 77 Intraobserver 11.6 G 1.7 0.16 0.40 1.12 9.63
Sex, n (%) Interobserver 11.6 G 1.6 0.20 0.45 1.24 10.71
Male 5 (50.0) Peak
Female 5 (50.0) Intraobserver 20.5 G 4.0 5.68 2.38 6.60 32.32
Sphere (D) Interobserver 20.4 G 3.7 4.28 2.07 5.73 28.04
Right eye 3D
Mean G SD 0.81 G 1.67 Intraobserver 11.3 G 1.4 0.05 0.22 0.60 5.35
Range 2.50 to C2.50 Interobserver 11.3 G 1.4 0.03 0.17 0.48 4.27
Left eye
3D Z 3 dimensional; RC Z repeatability coefficient; RR Z relative repeat-
Mean G SD 0.64 G 2.01 ability; sw Z within-subject standard deviation
Range 2.50 to C2.25
Cylinder (D)
Right eye
photography to Scheimpflug photography in the late
Mean G SD 0.75 G 0.67
Range 0.00 to 2.00
1960s.23 Therefore, the technology is not new. Com-
Left eye mercially available camera systems for lens density
Mean G SD 0.89 G 0.75 introduced before the Pentacam include the Topcon
Range 0.00 to 2.00 SL-45 and SL-45B, Zeiss SLC, Oxford slitlamp camera,
Topcon SL-6E cataract attachment, and Nidek EAS-
1000.59 The 2 main instruments are the EAS-1000
photographic system. The convenience of the lens den- and the SL-45, and a conversion system exists between
sitogram allows observers to readily evaluate nuclear the 2 systems.4 Scheimpflug lens densitometry images
cataract changes. Good subject cooperation, albeit for have been shown to yield objective measures of the se-
a short duration, is required to obtain reliable read- verity of nuclear cataract and to be highly repeatable
ings. In the case of lens densitometry, the pupil re- and sensitive to change over time.20,24,25 However,
quires pharmacological dilation to allow full Scheimpflug lens densitometry images have been
assessment of the posterior aspects of the lens and found to be less reproducible in studies of the anterior
the instrument appears to be best suited to assessing cortex, posterior cortex, and posterior subcapsular
nuclear cataract changes. area.2632
Photodocumentation of human cataract has pro- Various Scheimpflug methods to document the
gressed from conventional slitlamp biomicroscope opacification of the lens nucleus have been proposed.



if there is adequate pupil dilation, the analysis covers

a significant amount of the lens, including the poste-
rior aspect. This 360-degree lens reconstruction did
not exist in previous lens analysis systems.
The subjective diagnosis of the presence of cataract
is straightforward for clinicians; however, precise
grading and monitoring over time remain challenging.
This is important in the clinical setting and in research,
especially for tracking lens changes over time. The re-
liable lens density measurement from Scheimpflug
images taken with the Pentacam argue for its use clin-
ically and in research.
In conclusion, clinical validation of newly introduced
clinical techniques is essential. Lens densitometry mea-
sured with the Pentacam imaging system is a 3D, objec-
tive method of assessing lens and cataract changes. The
repeatability of lens densitometry measurements was
Figure 2. Relative repeatability summary. high between intraobservers and interobservers in
eyes with cataract and eyes without cataract.
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