Simple Effective: Tesys Fuse Carriers
Simple Effective: Tesys Fuse Carriers
Simple Effective: Tesys Fuse Carriers
c Clip-in legends to identify each pole, for fast and
easy location of circuits.
c Blown fuse indicator for instant identification of
fuse to be replaced.
c Microswitches providing early break and fuse
present / blown fuse signalling functions,
for increased safety.
c Multi-pole assembly kit providing flexibility when
building installations (single, 2, 3 and 4-pole
configurations) and helping to optimise stock
Selection guide
Fuse carriers
Conventional rated Size of Composition Unit reference Unit reference Old
thermal current cartridge fuse without with reference
(Ith) or link (mm) indicator indicator
25A 8,5 x 31,5 1P DF8 1 DF8 1V DF6 AB08
1N DF10 N - DF6 N10
1P+N DF8 1N DF8 1NV GK1 CC
2P DF8 2 DF8 2V GK1 CD
3P DF8 3 DF8 3V GK1 CF
3P+N DF8 3N DF8 3NV GK1 CH
32A 10 x 38 1P DF10 1 DF10 1V DF6 AB10
1N DF10 N - DF6 N10
1P+N DF10 1N DF10 1NV GK1 DC
2P DF10 2 DF10 2V GK1 DD
3P DF10 3 DF10 3V GK1 DF
3P+N DF10 3N DF10 3NV GK1 DH
50A 14 x 51 1P DF14 1 DF14 1V GK1 EB
1N DF14 N - GK1 EN
1P+N DF14 1N DF14 1NV GK1 EC
2P DF14 2 DF14 2V GK1 ED
3P DF14 3C DF14 3VC GK1 EF
3P+N DF14 3NC DF14 3NVC GK1 EH
125A 22 x 58 1P DF22 1 DF22 1V GK1 FB
1N DF22 N - GK1 FN
1P+N DF22 1N DF22 1NV GK1 FC
2P DF22 2 DF22 2V GK1 FD
3P DF22 3C DF22 3VC GK1 FF
3P+N DF22 3NC DF22 3NVC GK1 FH
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FRANCE Photos: Schneider Electric
ART.822421 12/2007