Financial Help To Be Able To Attain Its Goal. We Anticipate Your Valuable Support in This

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Dear Falcones Brothers and Sisters;

For the past years, the brotherhood and sisterhood of Falcones Legis Societas have showed
its strong aid by providing our bar candidates the help that they need for the whole duration
of the Bar Examinations. This year we endeavor to bolster the support needed by our Bar
candidates in their quest to pass the Bar Examinations and fulfill their dreams of becoming

Our Bar Operations team, which comprises of our resident members have planned for the
implementation of this renewed Bar Operations program. We envision to provide them better
assistance, from logistics cooperation to an academics reinforcement.

In line with this, the program that we have planned for this years Bar Examination will need
financial help to be able to attain its goal. We anticipate your valuable support in this
endeavor and we promise that this year we will be able to provide our bar candidates the
purpose that we have intended.

Please give generously; for our brothers and sisters, and for the fellowship that we have
molded for years.

Long Live Falcones.

Respectfully yours,

Eleazar Rabanes
Grand Falcon, 2017

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