Koruga, a minority shareholder of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, filed a complaint against the bank's directors for allegedly fraudulent loans and self-dealing. The RTC assumed jurisdiction over the case. However, the Supreme Court found that the RTC does not have jurisdiction, as the BSP has exclusive authority over matters regarding banks' operations, insolvency, and receivership. The acts complained of relate to Banco Filipino's banking business. Therefore, the BSP, not the RTC, has jurisdiction over Koruga's complaint. The CA erred in upholding RTC jurisdiction.
Koruga, a minority shareholder of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, filed a complaint against the bank's directors for allegedly fraudulent loans and self-dealing. The RTC assumed jurisdiction over the case. However, the Supreme Court found that the RTC does not have jurisdiction, as the BSP has exclusive authority over matters regarding banks' operations, insolvency, and receivership. The acts complained of relate to Banco Filipino's banking business. Therefore, the BSP, not the RTC, has jurisdiction over Koruga's complaint. The CA erred in upholding RTC jurisdiction.
Koruga, a minority shareholder of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, filed a complaint against the bank's directors for allegedly fraudulent loans and self-dealing. The RTC assumed jurisdiction over the case. However, the Supreme Court found that the RTC does not have jurisdiction, as the BSP has exclusive authority over matters regarding banks' operations, insolvency, and receivership. The acts complained of relate to Banco Filipino's banking business. Therefore, the BSP, not the RTC, has jurisdiction over Koruga's complaint. The CA erred in upholding RTC jurisdiction.
Koruga, a minority shareholder of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, filed a complaint against the bank's directors for allegedly fraudulent loans and self-dealing. The RTC assumed jurisdiction over the case. However, the Supreme Court found that the RTC does not have jurisdiction, as the BSP has exclusive authority over matters regarding banks' operations, insolvency, and receivership. The acts complained of relate to Banco Filipino's banking business. Therefore, the BSP, not the RTC, has jurisdiction over Koruga's complaint. The CA erred in upholding RTC jurisdiction.
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Koruga vs.
Arcenas the Governments responsibility to see to it that the
590 SCRA 49 (2009) financial interests of those who deal with banks and Nachura, J. banking institutions, as depositors or otherwise, are protected. In this country, that task is delegated to FACTS: Koruga, a minority stockholder of Banco the BSP, which pursuant to its Charter, is authorized Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, filed a to administer the monetary, banking, and credit complaint before the Makati RTC for the alleged system of the Philippines. It is further authorized to violation of Sections 31 to 34 of the Corporation take the necessary steps against any banking Code which prohibit self-dealing and conflicts of institution if its continued operation would cause interest of directors and officers. She invoked her prejudice to its depositors, creditors and the right to inspect the corporations records under general public as well. Sections 74 and 75 of the Corporation Code and prayed for Receivership and Creation of a Koruga alleges that "the dispute in the trial court Management Committee, pursuant to Rule 59 of involves the manner with which the Directors (sic) the Rules of Civil Procedure, the Securities have handled the Banks affairs, specifically the Regulation Code, the Interim Rules of Procedure fraudulent loans and dacion en pago authorized Governing Intra-Corporate Controversies, the by the Directors in favor of several dummy General Banking Law of 2000, and the New Central corporations known to have close ties and are Bank Act. She accused the directors and officers of indirectly controlled by the Directors." Her Banco Filipino of engaging in unsafe, unsound, and allegations, then, call for the examination of the fraudulent banking practices, more particularly, allegedly questionable loans. Whether these loans acts that violate the prohibition on self-dealing. are covered by the prohibition on self-dealing is a matter for the BSP to determine. These are not RTC issued a Notice of Pre-trial setting the case for ordinary intra-corporate matters; rather, they pre-trial. However, upon application of private involve banking activities which are, by law, respondents, the CA issued a Writ of Preliminary regulated and supervised by the BSP. As the Court Injunction. Hence, the present Petition for Certiorari has previously held: It is well-settled in both law and under Rule 65. jurisprudence that the Central Monetary Authority, through the Monetary Board, is vested with Unfortunately, the petition has become moot and exclusive authority to assess, evaluate and academic. The writ of preliminary injunction being determine the condition of any bank, and finding questioned had effectively been dissolved by the such condition to be one of insolvency, or that its CAs July 20, 2005 Decision. Accordingly, there is no continuance in business would involve a probable necessity to restrain the implementation of the writ loss to its depositors or creditors, forbid bank or non- of preliminary injunction issued by the CA on April bank financial institution to do business in the 18, 2005, since it no longer exists. Philippines; and shall designate an official of the BSP or other competent person as receiver to However, this Court finds that the CA erred in immediately take charge of its assets and liabilities. upholding the jurisdiction of, and remanding the Koruga also accused Arcenas, et al. of violation of case to the RTC. The resolution of these petitions the Corporation Codes provisions on self-dealing rests mainly on the determination of one and conflict of interest. Korugas invocation of the fundamental issue: Which body has jurisdiction over provisions of the Corporation Code is misplaced. In the Koruga Complaint, the RTC or the BSP? an earlier case with similar antecedents, we ruled that: The Corporation Code, however, is a general ISSUE: Whether or not Koruga's complaint is within law applying to all types of corporations, while the the jurisdiction of the RTC. New Central Bank Act regulates specifically banks and other financial institutions, including the HELD: NO. We hold that it is the BSP that has dissolution and liquidation thereof. As between a jurisdiction over the case. general and special law, the latter shall prevail It is clear that the acts complained of pertain to the generalia specialibus non derogant. conduct of Banco Filipinos banking business. It is Consequently, it is not the Interim Rules of Given that the RTC does not have jurisdiction over Procedure on Intra-Corporate Controversies or Rule the subject matter of the case, its refusal to dismiss 59 of the Rules of Civil Procedure on Receivership, the case on that ground amounted to grave abuse that would apply to this case. Instead, Sections 29 of discretion. and 30 of the New Central Bank Act should be followed. On the strength of these provisions, it is the Monetary Board that exercises exclusive jurisdiction over proceedings for receivership of banks. Crystal clear in Section 30 is the provision that says the "appointment of a receiver under this section shall be vested exclusively with the Monetary Board." The term "exclusively" connotes that only the Monetary Board can resolve the issue of whether a bank is to be placed under receivership and, upon an affirmative finding, it also has authority to appoint a receiver. This is further affirmed by the fact that the law allows the Monetary Board to take action "summarily and without need for prior hearing." And, as a clincher, the law explicitly provides that "actions of the Monetary Board taken under this section or under Section 29 of this Act shall be final and executory, and may not be restrained or set aside by the court except on a petition for certiorari on the ground that the action taken was in excess of jurisdiction or with such grave abuse of discretion as to amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction." From the foregoing disquisition, there is no doubt that the RTC has no jurisdiction to hear and decide a suit that seeks to place Banco Filipino under receivership.
Finally, there is one other reason why Korugas
complaint before the RTC cannot prosper. Given her own admission and the same is likewise supported by evidence that she is merely a minority stockholder of Banco Filipino, she would not have the standing to question the Monetary Boards action. Section 30 of the New Central Bank Act provides:
The petition for certiorari may only be filed by the
stockholders of record representing the majority of the capital stock within ten (10) days from receipt by the board of directors of the institution of the order directing receivership, liquidation or conservatorship. All the foregoing discussion yields the inevitable conclusion that the CA erred in upholding the jurisdiction of, and remanding the case to, the RTC.