Smartcard Project Design Guide
Smartcard Project Design Guide
Smartcard Project Design Guide
December 2008
This document has been prepared by the Department of Finance and Deregulation (Finance) to provide
information to government bodies in relation to the use of smartcards for government transactions.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the document is accurate, no warranty, guarantee or
undertaking is
given regarding the accuracy, completeness or currency of the document. This document should not be relied
as legal advice. Users are encouraged to seek independent advice relevant to their own circumstances.
Links to other websites are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute endorsement of material at
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or any associated organisation, product or service.
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1 Introduction 6
3 Technical issues 8
3.1 Introduction 8
3.10 Identifiers 15
4 Legal issues 17
4.1 Introduction 17
4.7 Liability issues 21
5 Security issues 23
Alternatives 26
6.4 Gatekeeper 33
7.3 Consideration 40
11 Infrastructure issues 53
11.10Card processes 64
11.11Third parties 65
13 Interoperability issues 68
The National Smartcard Framework (the Framework) is one of a number of frameworks and strategies
developed to support interoperable whole-of-government business applications. The Framework should be read
in conjunction with other Australian Government frame works, including the Attorney-Generals Departments
National Identity Security Strategy, AGIMOs Australian Government Interoperability Framework, the National e-
Authentication Framework, the Better Practice Guide to Authorisation and Access Management, and the
Gatekeeper Framework (for use where public key technologies are implemented with smartcards).
To complement the Framework, a suite of online supporting materials are available to assist agencies in
planning and implementing smartcard deployments. The suite will include:
Implementation Models and Checklists includes various models for the implementation of smartcard
projects and a series of checklists that can be used as tools at different stages of a deployment
Smartcard Project Design Guide (this document) provides guidance at the project management level in
important areas such as privacy, security and technology selection
Case Studies includes a selection of domestic and international deployments to assist readers in assessing
some of the issues that have arisen in smartcard implementations; and
Framework Implementation Specifications (FISs) allow for the sharing of functional specifications and
reference models relating to smartcards implemented by a specific Community of Interest (COI). This will
enhance interoperability and re-usability between agencies and third party providers while protecting
intellectual property.
It is expected that case studies will be provided by Communities of Practice (CoP) as smartcard deployments
occur. These supporting documents will be online at
This Project Design Guide is intended to provide better practice guidance for Australian governments to
consider when planning for, and deploying, a smartcard based business solution.
2 Project-specific Smartcard Issues
Smartcard technology has been in existence for more than 20 years. The rapid development of the smartcard,
combined with the expansion of ICT has created a large number of possible uses, including authentication of
identity and financial transactions, transit and telecommunications. For example, a smartcard could store a
cardholders biometric information in order to allow the cardholder physical access to a building or alternatively
it could contain no biometric information for identity authentication, but simply be a smartcard with a stored
financial value. An electronic purse as it is known can be used as a substitute for cash in low risk and low
value transactions, such as public transport.
Given the number of different possible implementations and the continuous development of smartcard
technology and features, there are a number of associated issues that arise and may have to be considered
during the development, implementation and deployment of smartcard solutions.
This section of the Guide provides an overview of the most common issues that may need to be considered at a
project management level before and during the implementation of a smartcard project. It is by no means an
exhaustive list of potential issues. Where possible, specific guidance and potential alternatives are provided for
consideration by agencies.
Technical issues
Legal issues
Security issues
Infrastructure issues
Standards-related issues
Interoperability issues
3 Technical issues
3.1 Introduction
Smartcard technology currently allows for a number of different smartcard system implementation options.
Based on business requirements, agencies may choose memory or microprocessor cards, contact or
contactless interfaces and single or multiple applications. This section identifies some of the technical issues
that may need to be considered before and during the implementation of a smartcard project.
Contact smartcards require the docking of the smartcard into a smartcard reader to establish direct electrical
contact with the chip. Contactless cards simply need to be within range of a contactless smartcard reader.
Card interface selection is normally determined by how the end-user will interact with the reader and in what
business scenario the smartcard is to be used. In general, contactless interfaces are more efficient as the
transmission is wireless and the end-user is not required to dock the card in the reader. In situations where end-
user convenience is very important and high throughput rates of cardholders are required, such as in case of
stadium access, physical security or public transport, a contactless interface may be more appropriate than a
contact interface.
Where the proposed smartcard system is to utilise contact-based smartcards, the following issues should be
Availability of the required card reader infrastructure for logical access and PC security applications, the
simplest external contact smartcard readers tend to be less expensive than contactless readers. Furthermore,
new PCs and laptops may increasingly come standard with an embedded contact card reader
Security Application Module (SAM) a SAM is essentially a specialised hardware security module integrated
into the smartcard reader and configured with the terminals encryption keys. Typically SAMs themselves
have a GSM SIM form factor to facilitate distribution and maintenance. SAMs are important where multiple
agencies or service providers will potentially need to access the one smartcard.
Multiple SAMs enable the card reader to support different service providers and card issuers cryptographic
keys without requiring online key distribution which can expose keys between agencies and introduce other
security vulnerabilities. There is limited support for SAMs in low-end Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) contact
card readers. However, they are standard in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) terminals, where typically up to
eight SAM sockets are available
Secure PIN entry secure PIN entry, independent from a host computer which may not be hardened against
compromise, tends to be easier to implement with contact readers than contactless because of the positive
one-to-one engagement between the card and the terminal. PIN pad security and card reader tamper
resistance is readily certified under various international and Australian standards
Card reader integration with back office while most card readers provide a transparent data path to the
local host (e.g. a PC), integration issues can occur where local card reader controls require the operation of
specific technologies (e.g. ActiveX) developed for sharing information among different applications. Other
alternatives available to achieve back office integration include the use of intelligent and secure card readers
(e.g. FINREAD), middleware and specific applications. FINREAD, for example, is a set of technical
requirements specified by a consortium of international payment systems as well as a manufacturer for the
secure independent smartcard reader connected to a PC. FINREAD enables the processing of secure and
sensitive transactions, such as e-commerce, e-administration, e-banking, e-social welfare (health care, age
care, etc) over the Internet and other open networks. The technical specifications (CWA 14174) have been
endorsed by the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) under the form of a CEN/ISSS CWA (CEN
Workshop Agreement)1
Card reader integration with business process as already mentioned, contact cards are not ideal or feasible
in business
scenarios where a high throughput is required, e.g. stadium access, transport and ticketing. Transit operators
tend to target
300ms or less for a complete transaction. Apart from being mechanically inconvenient, it is often infeasible
to get adequate
transaction times for these scenarios with contact interfaces
Increased wear and tear of card and chip issues and concerns with chip wear and tear and damage to
cards through
sustained exposure to electrostatic discharge (ESD) may need to be considered, e.g. chip contact
wear/corrosion and card
flexing from constant docking and removal from card reader slot and in wallets; and
Extreme temperatures - exposure to extreme temperatures (below -20 and above 80 degrees Celsius) may
cause the plastic to warp, changing the shape of the card.
Where the proposed smartcard solution is to utilise contactless based smartcards the following issues should
be considered:
Interruption of operation interruption of communications may occur between the card and reader, for
instance when the user does not hold the card steady in range of the reader. Backup and restore mechanisms
may be considered to allow incomplete transactions to be successfully completed and also ensure duplicate
transactions do not occur
Denial of Service (DOS) attackers may be able to disrupt (i.e. jam) the card communications from a
distance by using electromagnetic waves. This could potentially deny a user access to a service
1 Note that FINREAD operates with minimum security functionality. In essence, the reader can authenticate itself to the system, but not to the smartcard.
Security assumptions for FINREAD are:
The security level of the smartcard is out of the scope of the technical specifications. It is assumed that the payment scheme or the financial institution
have chosen the appropriate security requirements for the ICC card
The security level of the payment scheme or any other financial scheme is assumed to be secure in itself.
The reader does not add security to the application itself but provides a secure interface for cardholder interaction.
The only secret that shall be securely stored in the reader is the private key used for reader authentication
There are no additional requirements for other secrets
The reader is intended to be linked to a distributed environment. There is no assumption or requirement for the security level of the remainder of the user
Multiple cards detected in some instances when more than one card is presented to the reader (e.g. the
cardholder carries more than one card), the reader may be slow or unable to resolve the modulation scheme
or choose the correct card to use for the specific operation
Unauthorised transactions even when sessions are cryptographically protected, there is a risk that an
attacker may be armed with a legitimate reader and try to use it for unauthorised purposes. This risk is
exacerbated because the user may be completely unaware that a rogue reader is in range. Far-reaching and
effective countermeasures may include strong authentication between the card, the card reader and the user.
In addition, protective card pockets with electromagnetic shielding are now commercially available for
contactless chips to prevent the chip from being read by unauthorised readers
Wear and tear of card and chip contactless cards are inherently more resistant to wear and tear than
contact cards. However, contactless chips may be exposed to excessive magnitude radio frequency fields
from readers. This may affect the lifetime of the chip; and
Extreme temperatures - exposure to extreme temperatures (below -20 and above 80 degrees Celsius) may
cause the plastic to warp, changing the shape of the card.
Cardholder to card authentication mechanisms exist for the purpose of linking the identity of the cardholder to
the card. Once a user has established their identity to the card, the user is able to perform privileged
operations or access personal data on the chip.
There is a wide variety of cardholder authentication mechanisms to consider. The most common mechanisms
and potential issues:
Personal Identification Number (PIN) the most traditional method for linking the cardholder to the card is
the PIN code, a numeric code2 that must be remembered by the cardholder. The PIN may be enforced and
validated by the chip so that it is never exchanged with the outside world.
It is imperative that smartcard application design provides appropriate protection for PIN entry. When PINs are
entered into regular host computers that may be vulnerable to keystroke loggers, there are risks of PIN
compromise. To reduce this risk, agencies may consider the use of smartcard readers with security
mechanisms, e.g. secure PIN pads and hardware security modules (HSM) with cryptographic capability.
However, with the number of potential smartcard applications ever increasing, this could result in users
having to remember multiple PIN codes. Apart from inconvenience, this could lead to users to select PINs that
are easily guessed or users writing PINs down, increasing the likelihood of compromise and the number of call
to service desks for PIN resets3.
When users are able to select the PIN themselves, they are enabled to choose one single, strong PIN. This
may not necessarily be a problem, provided that the user is aware of the risks associated with one PIN, the
PIN is not easily guessable, not written down and periodically changed4 by the user.
As an alternative to PINs, biometrics may be used for cardholder authentication. However, biometrics give
rise to various issues and the potential downside of a biometric being compromised may be far worse than
having a single PIN compromised. Some implementations use biometrics to complement, rather than replace,
Biometrics a biometric identification method is a method that can identify a person by means of unique,
individual biological features. The main drivers for the usage of biometrics are increased security against
identity theft (by guessing or eavesdropping on shared secrets like PINs and passwords), and increased
2 ISO and AS2805 allow 4 to 10 digits and banks are currently encouraging to use longer PINs to reduce the risk of brute force attacks
3 This is particularly true in cases when the PIN code is used only rarely
convenience. Some of the most widely used types of biometric technologies in combination with smartcards
use the following human biological features:
- Fingerprints
- Iris (eye)
- Face
- Hand geometry.
- Protection of the biometric features biometric features are personal data and therefore
should be appropriately protected. Biometric features can either be
stored on the smartcard itself or in a database of the biometric system. From a security
and privacy point of view, on-card storage may be more secure, as biometric matching
can be performed in a secure chip. A large central database with biometric data is not
required and the stored biometric templates will never have to leave the chip. When
reference data is stored in a less secure environment, they may be manipulated and read
- Accuracy the two basic parameters for judging the accuracy of a biometric method
are its false acceptance rate (FAR) and its false rejection rate (FRR). Depending on
the biometric method and technology used, different FARs and FRRs may apply, making
the technology less or more appropriate for certain situations
- Failure to enrol rate biometrics exhibit a finite failure to enrol rate, leaving a sub
population of users which must be catered for by alternative authentication
mechanisms. Examples include: hand geometry wont work for people with missing
digits; facial recognition templates with sufficient differentiating features can be difficult
to obtain from individuals with facial hair, or who wear face coverings for religious
reasons; and useable fingerprints may be difficult to obtain from manual workers and
the elderly
- User acceptance all biometrics can be perceived as privacy intrusive. This may be less of
a problem in the case of handwritten signatures or facial recognition, but may become
more of an issue in the case of fingerprints and iris scans
- Costs biometric technologies, especially more advanced technologies such as iris and
retina scans are significantly more expensive than more conventional authentication
methods such as PIN codes
- Interoperability biometric systems are often proprietary and vendor specific. This may
cause interoperability issues when multiple systems from different vendors are used
- Consent by entering a PIN code at the smartcard terminal, the user is giving the
smartcard application operator consent to perform privileged operations or access
personal data in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions of the transaction.
From a legal perspective, the ceremony of PIN entry is well understood to be associated
with granting consent. Biometrics are a much newer technology, and may involve novel
and varying experiences for the user. There is no unambiguous ceremony with most
biometrics and it is not clear as yet that informed consent can be as clearly conveyed as
it can by PIN entry
- Identity theft one of the principle issues to consider in the case of biometrics is the
impossibility of revoking and re-issuing of compromised biometric features. When a
cardholders biometric features are compromised, this may have severe consequences for
the individual. While it is possible to replace a smartcard or change a PIN code, it is
impossible to replace a biometric feature such as a finger print or iris; and
- Hygiene users may have concerns regarding medical and hygienic aspects. For
instance, users may be afraid of acquiring a disease from optical scanning of their
retinas, or that the laser light will damage their eyes. Even though such fears may be
subjective and lack any scientific basis, they can still strongly affect user behaviour and
user acceptance of the method.
Security features refer to the features used to protect the physical card and are used during a manual (visual)
card verification to provide evidence that the card being presented by the user is authentic.
Several card security mechanisms may be considered for on-card credential tamper resistance and
forged/duplicate cards identification. It is important to note the discussed card security mechanisms do not
protect the data in the chip. They aim to prevent the falsification and misuse of the smartcard and to enable
visual verification of the card.
Embossing a relief impression, also referred to as a dry seal, which can be felt as well as seen. It is
produced when the substrate (usually paper, but may also include a plastic material such as laminate) is
formed in the pattern of a seal, crest or geometric design by a mechanical die under pressure. It is also
referred to as dry embossing as the image is produced without ink
Security inks security inks have special optical, physical or chemical features added to the printing ink.
Security inks include the following: metameric, photochromic, luminescent, thermochromic and magnetic.
There are also taggant inks that have forensic characteristics which can contain secret compounds known
only to the document issuer
Microprinting microprinting involves printing very small text, usually too small to read with the naked eye,
and which may appear as a line of dots. Microprint is frequently hidden in an inconspicuous area on the
document. Text of this form is very difficult to copy with current computer scanning or photocopying
equipment. Attempts to counterfeit using a printing press do not accurately reproduce the microprint,
because the text is too small to engrave into printing plates using methods available to the general public
and counterfeiters
Guilloch patterns a guilloch or engine turning pattern is an ornamental pattern formed of two or more
curved bands which interlace to repeat a circular design. They are most commonly seen on banknotes. These
patterns were traditionally used for security printing purposes as a protection against counterfeit and forgery
Optical variable device (OVD) an OVD is a design, pattern or image which changes its colour or appearance
depending on the angle at which the object is held to the light or viewed. For example, this variability may
take the form of a switch between one artwork pattern to a totally different piece of artwork; or from the
image of a face to the image of a logo. Image variability is the key security feature underpinning OVDs. OVDs
are of many different generic types, determined by the method of manufacturing the microstructure, the
range of optical features displayed by the device or the trademark associated with the device. Examples
include Holograms, Kinegrams, and Alphagrams; and
Hidden Image hidden imaging involves printing an image at high resolution in such a way that it remains
hidden in the background and can only be made visible via the use of a specially coded transparent overlay
On-card cardholder credentials refer to the visual aspects of the physical card and the card layout (face and
reverse of the card) that are used for identifying the cardholder. As an example, the face of the card (FOC)
could identify the card and user, providing information for visual authentication of the user so that the card can
be authenticated in an offline environment where no smartcard reader is present.
There are several on-card primary cardholder credentials available to support visual identification and
authentication of a user. Options may include:
photograph of individual
cardholder number
issuer identifier
The primary issue to consider is the privacy aspects of including specific cardholder details on the face or
reverse of the card. Personal cardholder details on the face and reverse of the card can be easily read and
copied. This issue becomes more significant when the card is perceived as highly trustworthy and is used in
many different circumstances by many relying parties.
Information stored on the ICC can also be used for verification. The primary issue to consider with on-chip
verification is the privacy aspects of including specific cardholder details in the chip. Personal cardholder details
in the chip can be easily read and copied when not protected by access controls and PINs. This is especially
true for contactless chips that may be skimmed.
Logically structured on-card data models apply to the means by which data is stored and protected within the
Smart chips can be designed to contain multiple types of applications and data, ranging from highly sensitive
information (e.g. cryptographic applications and keys) to public data (e.g. issuing agency and card number). By
using access controls and encryption based on the sensitivity of the data, the logical data structure on the chip
may be divided into a number of logically separated zones and security domains. In general, the following
logically separated zones can be distinguished:
Locked zones a locked zone could be implemented on the chip to prevent data from being read, changed or
deleted from the chip. This zone contains the smartcard firmware and the operating system and cannot be
changed or deleted after initial personalisation of the chip at the time of manufacture
PIN protected zones these virtual zones can contain information that can only be read, changed or deleted
after successfully entering the chip PIN code or providing a valid authentication key5. In addition, this also
prevents unauthorised persons or applications from retrieving information from the chip or installing
applications without the approval of the user or the application provider. The main issue to consider is which
information should be protected by a PIN and which information can be read without a PIN. Typically, this will
largely be determined by the security, privacy and usability requirements relating to the information
Access controlled zones access controlled zones prevent unauthorised parties from reading or changing
information on the chip. Access controlled zones are particularly effective when multiple parties are using
applications on the chip. By using unique cryptographic keys for each relying party, applications and data on
the chip can be logically segregated by storing the application providers unique set of keys which limit the
area of control within the smartcard.
The main issues to consider are the way specific relying party cryptographic keys will be managed and what
information should be access controlled. As with PIN protected zones, this will
largely be determined by the security, privacy and usability requirements relating to the information; and
Public zone this zone could contain information that can theoretically be read from the chip by anyone who
has physical access to the chip and a reader. The public zone is typically suitable for non-sensitive
information that is allowed to be read by anyone. The main issues to consider are security and privacy
impacts of storing information in the public zone.
Protection of information stored within the chip often includes a trade-off between retaining the usability of the
smartcard and sensitivity/privacy of that information. A common example used to illustrate this predicament is
when emergency medical data resides on a smartcard (e.g. allergies and emergency contact information).
Some might argue that this type of information should not be placed in a public zone and should be protected
by an access mechanism such as a PIN code. However, in the event of an emergency, this information should
be able to be read by authorities where the cardholder is unable to facilitate this process. In the latter case, PIN
protection would not be an option.
information could be protected by other means of access controls using unique cryptographic keys for
authorised parties and/or
specific readers. This would enable only authorised parties to access the information, without the need for a
PIN code
information could be stored in the public zone on a voluntary basis. In this case the cardholder may need to
be made aware of the associated risks and the reduced degree of control that the cardholder has over
information being read; and
information is not stored in the chip itself, but in back office systems that can be accessed online (e.g.
through web services). In such instances, the card will have a reference (a card or cardholder credential) that
refers to the applicable record of the cardholder in the back office system.
The table below provides an overview of different data areas on smartcards, examples of data that can be
stored in these areas and access conditions that apply to each of these areas.
Chip Locked
Firmware / operating system None
Logical access
Additional cardholder details, (identification,
Back office biometric templates, PIN/PUK1, authentication and
system card, transaction information, card authorisation)
status (active, expired, revoked) implemented in back
office system for
read and modify data
Card access conditions refer to the process in which the smartcard and/or the smartcard reader determines
whether its communication partner is a genuine reader or a genuine smartcard respectively.
Several commonly adopted card access mechanisms exist for the secure access of data, however the level of
assurance required by the business process will determine the type of card access implemented. Access
mechanisms may include passwords, PINs, biometrics and cryptographic access controls at session
establishment (such as unilateral and mutual authentication) and during the session using session keys. The
base security mechanisms defined by ISO 7816-4 are as follows:
Authentication via a PIN or password the user is required to successfully enter a password or PIN prior to
being provided with access. Issues with regard to PINs and biometrics have been discussed in Section 3.3.
Authentication via a cryptographic key this authentication is normally automatically performed between
the reader and the smartcard and does not require any direct input from the cardholder. This technique
typically uses cryptography in a challenge-response arrangement. Specific issues to consider are the
Unilateral and mutual authentication - unilateral authentication only establishes the authenticity of one of
the communication partners. Mutual authentication aims to establish the authenticity of both communication
partners. Mutual authentication typically takes more time to perform and may therefore be less appropriate
in scenarios where a high throughput rate of users is required. In general, when the card stores sensitive
information or provides access to sensitive information, mutual authentication may be the preferred option,
rather than just verifying the authenticity of the smartcard
Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography - symmetric encryption is typically faster than asymmetric
encryption. In the case of symmetric encryption, the value of the card-specific secret key may be a function
of the card number and the master key, which is known to the reader. If the master key is compromised, the
entire system may be compromised, since all card-specific authentication keys can be computed using the
master key. The master key must therefore be securely stored in the card reader (for example, in a Secure
Application Module). Appropriate key management procedures apply to life cycle management of card reader
keys and should address generation, expiry, revocation and renewal of cryptographic keys6. Asymmetric
cryptography may provide a higher level of security and less key management issues, but is typically slower
in execution speed and may be problematic in a contactless card implementation. However, private keys in
readers and system private keys are still required to be adequately protected and managed during their
lifecycle; and
Static or dynamic - asymmetric authentication can be static or dynamic. With a static procedure, there is no
protection against replaying previous data. This is why it is mainly used as a supplementary verification of the
authenticity of the card, after is has already been verified using a dynamic symmetric procedure.
Alternatively, to provide protection against the re-entry of data intercepted from earlier sessions, a dynamic
asymmetric procedure can be used, where a random number is used as the input value for the cryptographic
6 Adequate protection and lifecycle management of card readers private keys and system master keys applies when asymmetric cryptography is used
algorithm. Dynamic asymmetric requires an arithmetic processing unit in the chip that can execute the
asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, which adds to the cost of the chip.
On-card logging refers to the process where (application specific) logs are stored in the chip of the card. On-
card logs are typically maintained by the card operating system. Logs are usually updated during each session
to reflect the current state of applications and any signatures or other data that may have been received from
the card reader. Logs are typically located in a cyclic file where the oldest logs are overwritten by the latest
automatic error recovery, such an automatic roll back to the previous state of the card when a session is
terminated unexpectedly
to assist in providing proof that a disputed transaction was actually carried out. Conclusive transaction
forensics may entail inspection of card reader logs or back-end transaction accounts as well as the card log
to provide the cardholder with a source of reporting on card usage that does not necessitate a direct
interaction with the central system; and
to provide security managers with an audit trail of card administrative access, or of possible unauthorised
card access by certain readers.
From a privacy perspective, the primary issues associated with on-card logging is that information in the on-
card log may be used for unauthorised purposes, and in particular to make associations between cardholders
and business processes which an agency or third party is not entitled to.
The key consideration during a smartcard deployment is to establish clear policy and risk analysis regarding
on-card logs, reader logs and backend system logs. In the case where the smartcard is used by various
agencies and service providers, it is important that policy and risk analysis addresses address capturing and
sharing of logs.
each application should have its own on-card log, in which only information relating to that application is held
access to the on-card logs is only allowed using cryptographic keys belonging to authorised readers and
card reader equipment to retain only the cryptographic keys is needed for the given agency or service
provider application, thus precluding unauthorised access to other applications or parts of the card
log information written to and read from the card should be encrypted during the session to prevent
eavesdropping attacks
log design to incorporate only the absolute minimum information needed to carry out associated business
a PIN verification feature to allow the cardholder to determine when access to the card log is allowed; and
determine the events and amount of information per event that will be stored. Smartcards are typically small
in size and may run out of memory when many transaction logs are stored. Alternatively, logs can also be
stored in readers and back office systems and applications and not just on the card.
3.10 Identifiers
One of the primary functions that smartcards can support is the secure identification of cardholders and other
entities. Identifiers can be used to represent a cardholders identity and associated attributes. A name or a card
number are examples of identifiers. To be able to deliver more effectively deliver services to cardholders, the
cardholder identifiers are typically linked with information residing in back-office systems.
Subject identification identifiers may not only be used for identification of cardholders, but may also relate
to other subjects, such as the smartcard itself (card number), the chip, the smartcard issuer, relying parties
or specific services. Different types of identifiers may be required to allow for identification of these subjects
Uniqueness - one of the main characteristics of identifiers is that they should be uniquely related to the
cardholder (or other type of subject) in the domain in which the smartcard is used. To prevent data clashes, it
is important that issuers within a domain do not issue identical identifiers. In case of multiple issuers in one
domain (e.g. a certain government sector), issuers may adopt mechanisms and protocols that ensure that
identifiers are unique within the domain and are interoperable. Further, to achieve interoperability of
identifiers between multiple domains, issuers may agree on name spaces that may only be used by certain
issuers. An example is the adoption of Object Identifiers (OIDs). OIDs are hierarchically managed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and where relevant, the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), and are intended to be globally unique (similar to a VIN/Chassis number on a vehicle or a primary
account number on a credit card). The ISO and ITU delegates OID management to organisations by assigning
them OID numbers. These organisations can then assign OIDs to subjects or further delegate to other
Persistence identifiers may change every time a new smartcard is issued to the cardholder, or may be
persistent. Typically, card numbers will change upon every issuance, whereas cardholder identifiers may not
change. From a privacy point of view, cardholder privacy may be better protected when identifiers
periodically change. The disadvantage of frequently changing identifiers is that it may require the cardholder,
issuer or relying party to update the links to the various back office systems. In some circumstances,
particularly where the smartcard is intended to be widely used, even a changed identifier with each new
smartcard may not adequately mitigate the risks associated with a unique identifier. In such cases, other
mitigation methods should be considered to reduce the risk of creating a universal ID number
Privacy an important issue to consider in relation to the use of identifiers relates to the protection of the
privacy of the cardholder. This is especially true when unique identifiers are issued to large groups of
cardholders and the identifier is used by many relying parties in a multiple domains. Conducting a Privacy
Impact Assessment (PIA) in accordance with guidelines published by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner
on the use of identifiers and designing privacy enhancing controls is strongly recommended for all types of
smartcard implementations. This guide is available at; and
Standards various standard approaches are being or have been developed with regard to the allocation of
unique identifiers. One example are the OIDs managed by ISO, another example is the development of the
Cardholder Unique Identifiers (CHUID) as defined by the United States Federal Government Physical Access
Control Systems Implementation Guidance. ISO/IEC 7812 Identification Cards Identification of Issuers
defines a standard for identification cards and identification of issuers. Part 1 of the standard specifies a
numbering system for the identification of issuers of cards that require an issuer identification number to
operate in international, inter-industry and/or intra-industry interchange. Part 2 of the standard specifies
application and registration procedures.
4 Legal issues
4.1 Introduction
This section identifies some of the legal issues that may need to be considered before and during the
implementation of a smartcard project.
Legal issues that are relevant to a specific smartcard project need to be considered on a case by case basis
(and by reference to the specific circumstances). For that reason, this section of the Project Design Guide is not
legal advice. It is simply intended as a guide to highlight some potential legal issues for government agencies
to consider. Agencies seeking to implement smartcards should obtain their own independent legal advice.
Jurisdictional issues
Contractual arrangements
Branding of smartcards
Liability issues.
A Community of Practice (CoP) that issues smartcards must ensure that the design, implementation and
operation of its smartcard system complies with all applicable privacy laws. This is because smartcards and
smartcard systems may contain personal information (it is noted that there may be some exceptions to this
e.g. smartcards that are simply stored-value cards). In this context, personal information can be defined as
information or an opinion from which a persons identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained.
Identifying what privacy laws are relevant to a smartcard project is an important early step in any smartcard
implementation project. This will involve a consideration of the types of entities that will use the smartcard,
which sectors and jurisdictions they operate in, what type of personal information will be involved, and whether
personal information might be further regarded as sensitive under privacy law, that is, if it relates to an
individuals race, ethnicity, religion and so on, or to their health.
There are different privacy laws that apply to federal, state and territory agencies, and to private sector
organisations. Among other things, these laws apply to the way that personal information is collected, used,
disclosed, stored and handled, as well as regulating how individuals can seek access to personal information
that is held about them. There are also sector specific privacy laws that apply in areas such as
telecommunications and health.
Information on privacy laws can be obtained from the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (OFPC). The
OFPC provides privacy information at
A comprehensive overview of the current privacy laws across different Australian jurisdictions is contained in
the Australian Law Reform Commissions Issues Paper 31: Review of Privacy (October 2006)7.
The following (non-exhaustive) list highlights some privacy laws to be aware of when a smartcard solution is
being designed, implemented and operated:
7 Available at:
Australian Government agencies must comply with the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) in the Privacy
Act 1988 (Cth). Agencies are also required to include appropriate privacy clauses in contracts to ensure that
contracted service providers do not act in a way that would be a breach of the IPPs if the act or practice was
done by the agency itself
private sector organisations (which are not small businesses as defined in the Act) must comply with the
National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
the Federal Privacy Act does not regulate state or territory agencies, except for the ACT.
States and territories have their own privacy laws that apply to their public sector
agencies. The OFPC website provides links to state and territory privacy laws at Some of the laws are
summarised below
New South Wales (NSW) public sector agencies are required to comply with the Information Privacy Principles
under the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 (NSW)
Victorian public sector agencies are required to comply with the Information Privacy Principles under the
Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
Tasmanian public sector agencies are required to comply with the Information Privacy Principles under the
Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas); and
Northern Territory public sector agencies are required to comply with the Information Privacy Principles in the
Information Act 2002(NT)
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government agencies are required to comply with the Commonwealth
Information Privacy Principles by virtue of the Australian Capital Territory Government Service (Consequential
Provisions) Act 1994 (Cth).
In states that have not enacted privacy legislation, there may nevertheless also be government guidelines that
need to be addressed. For example, Queensland public sector agencies are required to follow the Information
Privacy Principles under the Information Standard No. 42 (Queensland) published by the Queensland
Department of Innovation and Information Economy.
There are also specific privacy laws relating to the use of credit information and tax file numbers that may need
to be considered.
Specific privacy obligations may apply to some industry sectors. It is important to consider whether any such
laws are relevant to a smartcard project. There are some sector specific laws that are relevant to various case-
studies including:
telecommunications operators (including carriers and carriage service providers) are regulated under Part 13
of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Protection of Communications)
the handling of health records is regulated under some State privacy legislation, including under the Health
Records Act 2001 (Vic), the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) and the Health Records
(Privacy and Access) Act 1997 (ACT); and
special rules apply to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in the workplace in some
jurisdictions such as under the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW).
At this time, there are no sector-specific privacy laws that apply to areas such as transport and ticketing, but
the handling of personal information by participants in those sectors will be regulated under the general
privacy laws described above.
4.3 Ownership and custody of data and records
In Australia, privacy laws generally are not based on any concept of ownership of personal information. As
noted, obligations under privacy laws are based on how agencies and organisations collect, use, disclose, store
and handle personal information. These obligations however are not based upon whether or not those agencies
or organisations own the relevant records or databases that contain that personal information.
Nevertheless agencies will need to manage issues relating to the custody of data and records
at a contractual level, together with operational arrangements relating to the storage and processing of data
and associated access rights. Ongoing rights of access that might be required
for operational purposes when data is stored or processed by a third party vendor (including ongoing rights of
access in the event of insolvency of the relevant third party vendor) need to be very carefully weighed.
Offshore transfer of personal data that might be associated with smartcard management is not necessarily
forbidden by Australian law but is expressly covered by the National Privacy Principle 9 (Transborder Data
Flows). Considerable time and expense can be incurred under NPP 9 by organisations seeking to determine the
nature of foreign privacy provisions and the degree of compliance of third parties with those provisions. Given
these complexities, plus the widespread community concern over these issues, some agencies might consider
taking policy positions with respect to outsourcing, off-shoring and privacy related matters in general that are
stricter than the NPPs, in the interests of engendering better support from smartcard users. Privacy legislation
and schemes in different jurisdictions reflect the public policy in minimum privacy standards. Where higher
standards are required to address particular privacy risks, agencies should consider the need to extend these
minimum standards, for example by including specific provisions in the Smartcard enabling legislation.
Furthermore, vendors contracted by government agencies must be aware of their duties to comply with the
Information Privacy Principles (which apply to agencies) rather than (or in addition to) the National Privacy
Principles which ordinarily apply to private sector organisations.
Privacy issues associated with trans-border data flows need to be managed at the contractual level where the
recipient of the information transferred overseas is not subject to privacy laws similar to thos in Australia.
Finally, it is wise to acknowledge the strong feelings of ownership that many individuals (including agency
employees) feel towards their personal information pertaining to them. While ownership of personal
information is not a concept sanctioned by law, closely associated attributes such as rights of access, rights to
correction, and consent to sharing with third parties are clearly described and governed by privacy law as well
as by specific statutes relating to workplace surveillance. When a smartcard deployment has an impact on the
volume and nature of personal information that is managed by an agency and exchanged with others, great
care should be taken to explain to end users terms and conditions of data custody, in language that is sensitive
to the lay persons common sense of ownership of their data.
As it is important for individuals to be able to choose to retain their anonymity, agencies and organisations
should consider whether this is legal and practicable when designing a smartcard application.
When implementing a smartcard project, it will be important to understand how the various relationships
operate from a contractual perspective. This includes the relationships between:
4.4.1 Vendor issues
An agency proposing to develop and issue smartcards will need to ensure that its contractual arrangements
with vendors incorporate enforceable undertakings and warranties from the vendor in relation to:
the ability of the proposed solution (including the smartcard, associated applications and infrastructure) to
comply with all applicable laws and regulations
the capability of the proposed solution to meet the agencys projected capacity, functionality and
performance requirements, and to interoperate with other specified systems (including on an intra-agency or
inter-agency basis) as required
commitments to achieving the agencys key milestone dates for delivery and installation
managing complexities in the supply chain, involving chip manufacture, card fabrication, printing,
initialisation, personalisation, third party Card Management Services, and third party application provisioning
commitments to maintaining best practice standards, including security requirements, protection of the
integrity of data and functions, virus protection, etc
indemnifying the agency against any potential risks associated with the intellectual property rights
incorporated in the solution
long-term commitments in relation to the ongoing availability of the smartcard and other key components of
the solution, and the long-term maintenance of supporting applications and infrastructure; and
managing the agencys risks associated with the potential insolvency of those key vendors involved in the
support of the solution on an ongoing basis.
This involves obtaining contractual undertakings from vendors in relation to specific details of the hardware,
software and application features throughout the implementation and on-going system support and
maintenance of the smartcard infrastructure and applications.
Arrangements may need to be established with other agencies and relevant parties in relation to matters such
the ongoing operation and maintenance of shared infrastructure (and possibly, shared applications), where
the relevant smartcard will support the activities of more than one agency
rules governing restrictions on the sharing of databases (and the associated use of applications and access
to data) between agencies for various applications, where applicable; and
restrictions on the matching of security data, such as restrictions on the use of security data to search
smartcards and the entire database for a match in circumstances where such access is not permitted.
Inter-agency arrangements may not necessarily extend to formal contractual arrangements, and could be
managed through the establishment of a CoP governance framework.
Agencies may also wish to consider the development of standard terms and conditions applicable to users,
setting out:
limitations on the liability of the issuing agency.
Agencies should consider whether there are any legislative or other restrictions on the use of logos, brands,
symbols or other marks on smartcards.
Agencies may have their own branding rules and style guide to using branding and should check with their
corporate communications division for advice. The Awards and Culture Branch within the Department of Prime
Minister and Cabinet provides design files and guidelines to Australian Government agencies. The Australian
Government Branding Design Guidelines are available from
It is important to consider all relevant intellectual property rights, in addition to legislation that regulates the
use of particular marks. As with all trademark issues, and as per consumer protection law in general, it is
important to ensure that all marks, brands and marketing representations give a fair and accurate impression
of what the smartcard is intended to do.
Agencies need to be aware that the use of government symbols or Coat of Arms generally requires special
permission. For example, the Commonwealth Government Coat of Arms may only be used with the permission
of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and use without such permission may breach laws including
Section 53 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (relating to false or misleading representations) and Section 145.1
of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (relating to forgeries)8. Similar consent obligations generally apply in relation to
the use of State and Territory government symbols or Coats of Arms.
As a general rule, if a mark is proposed to be used on a smartcard, consideration needs to be given to whether
permission or licenses are required (e.g. from the owner or licensor of the mark).
Agencies should be aware that there is also specific legislation that restricts the use of particular types of
marks (e.g. under the Advance Australia Logo Protection Act 1984, the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987).
Note that printing information relating to employer and place of work on the surface of an employee ID badge
can raise the risk of theft of the card for unauthorised access. For this reason, some organisations print a bare
minimum of data on their employee cards that provides some contact information to allow lost cards to be
returned. The use of smartcard technology and storage of cardholder data on the chip enables more flexibility
and security in the way organisational details are managed.
If a smartcard is proposed to be used for multiple applications, this can be expected to raise specific privacy
law compliance issues. An example of a multi-application card is where a card issued for a specific function
(e.g. as a public transport ticket), may also operate as an electronic purse, a loyalty card and a mechanism for
accessing particular types of local government services.
This is because it can be expected that multi-application smartcards will store a range of personal information
and other information in various locations such as:
in a chip in the card; and
This means that it will be important that the technology used to support the smartcard is capable of
distinguishing between different types of users and different types of uses so that:
those relying on the card are only able to access that personal information stored on the card which is
necessary for the relevant transaction; and
other personal information stored on the card is reasonably secure against unauthorised access.
Otherwise, there will be challenges in complying with obligations under privacy laws.
It is assumed that all agencies implementing smartcards will prioritise compliance with their statutory
To ensure that staff are aware of the importance of compliance, agencies may wish to consider informing staff
of the potential consequences of breaches, including:
adverse determinations by privacy regulators. Such determinations may require the payment of
compensation9, or the taking of other steps to rectify privacy breaches
publicity about breaches of statutory obligations damages public trust and the agencys reputation; and
prosecutions in Court (e.g. by fair trading regulators or owners of intellectual property), which can be
potentially time consuming, costly and embarrassing (if breaches of laws are found).
The allocation of risk between the agency, its vendors and smartcard users will need to be managed through
the development of appropriate contractual terms.
Liability arrangements with the agencys vendors will be a commercial matter for negotiation between the
parties subject to the overriding procurement guidelines applicable to the agency. The agencys position will
need to be determined in accordance with a thorough risk assessment focusing on key areas of risk to the
agency such as loss of data, breaches of applicable privacy laws, and breaches of security obligations that have
the potential to expose the agency to the risk of fraudulent or unauthorised access.
9 It is important to note that in some jurisdictions, representative complaints (or complaints on behalf of a class of individuals) may be brought before
privacy regulators, and if breaches of privacy laws resulting from the use of a smartcard are demonstrated, this could lead to significant liability
5 Security issues
One of the essential characteristics of smartcards is that they can provide a secure environment to store data
and applications. Although no system or smartcard can be configured to be resistant to all physical tampering
attempts (when time and money are no object), breaking into a smartcard is generally considered to be a
process that requires substantial time and energy.
This section identifies some of the security issues that may need to be considered before and during the
implementation of a smartcard project.
When designing the card and card system, agencies must take into account any security policies, practices and
procedures that provide a protective security environment. For example, Australian Government agencies must
be compliant with the Australian Government Protective Security Manual (PSM)10 and the Australian
Government Information and Communications Technology Security Manual11 (ISM). State and territory
governments may have their own implementation guidelines or other specific localised standards for
information security design. Where applicable, these sorts of standards should be consulted. Section 6.2
provides more information on jurisdictional security compliance.
The ISM states that Australian Government agencies must have security risk assessments, policies and plans
that cover ICT systems. These documents should be consistent with the agencys high-level security
card body the face and reverse of the card, including the chip
chip hardware
12 Based on the Smartcard Handbook, by Wolfgang Rankl and Wolfgang Effing [third edition]. Published by John Wiley and Sons
Smartcard security may only be assured when the defence mechanisms for each component are working
properly and in concert. Further, the card is only one component in a smartcard system. Other components,
such as back-end and network infrastructure, reader technology, card and reader issuance processes and the
cardholder and card network services within the environment, must be equally secured to achieve high levels
of trust. Each of these must be subject to continuous lifecycle security analysis and risk treatment.
Unlike many other high-security systems, which are typically developed for a special function and used by
trained specialists in relatively small numbers, smartcards are intended for large-scale use in a broad range of
applications. Whereas the system operator is in control of all the components of an IT system, once smartcards
have been issued to end-users they are out of the physical control of the service provider. This exposes the
smartcard to particular risks and attacks.
Physical attacks attacks that are targeted at the smartcard chip. Successful physical attacks usually require
sophisticated technical equipment, since it is necessary to obtain physical access to the smartcards chip
components in order to, for instance, use optical or voltage analysis to observe data exchanges between the
central processing unit (CPU) and memory locations in the chip. Physical attacks can be either static, which
means that no power is applied to the microcontroller during penetration attempts, or dynamic, with the
microcontroller operating. Examples of attacks at the physical level are static and dynamic tapping of
microcontroller internal signals and manipulation of microcontroller behaviour
Logical attacks attacks that are targeted on the operating system or applications residing on the card. This
category includes cryptanalysis, message protocol manipulation of data or card handling processes, attacks
that exploit known faults in smartcard operating systems, backdoors or Trojan horses in the executable code
of smartcard applications; and
Social attacks - attacks that are primarily directed against people that work with or use smartcards. These
can be chip designers working for semiconductor manufacturers, software
designers, card issuance staff or back-end systems operational staff and card users. Examples of social
attacks include the use of coercion or financial inducements to gain unauthorised access to smartcard data or
business processes and exploiting nave cardholders. Typically, these types of attacks can only partially be
countered by technical measures.
An overview of some examples of common counter measures to be considered for each of the described types
of attacks is provided below:
Physical attacks
- use of certified Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect keys at the back-end
Logical attacks
- application security evaluations (e.g. application/code reviews and application evaluations by the Defence
Signals Directorate)
- developing software in small functional building blocks that can easily be understood and validated by
smartcard application
developers and code reviewers
13 Based on the Smartcard Handbook, by Wolfgang Rankl and Wolfgang Effing [third edition]. Published by John Wiley and Sons
- using mathematical models to prove the soundness of functions
- data and application are only disclosed after successfully entering the PIN code
- configuring the chip so that it locks after a number of unsuccessful access attempts
- applications and data can only be changed by the authorised application provider (e.g. usage
of secure card readers)
` - applications and data are only to be loaded onto the chip, changed or removed with consent of the user
(after entering the
correct PIN code)
- implementing safeguards during the application load process ensures the authenticity, integrity and
confidentiality of the
application code and data, i.e. creating access controls to be able to write data
Social attacks
To obtain assurance about certain security features offered by smartcards, smartcard components can be
assessed by third parties. There are various standards that apply to security evaluations for smartcard
products. The most common certification processes used is Common Criteria.
Common Criteria (CC)14 is a means to define, assess, and validate the security aspects of IT products. Agencies
using security products can define their technical security requirements for a type of product in a Protection
Profile (PP). Smartcard developers may be required to undergo evaluation testing to show compliance of their
product to a PP described in the developers Security Target. The Common Criteria distinguishes between seven
sets of tests, called Evaluation Assurance Levels (EAL). These levels range from EAL 1, which is a simple and
brief examination of the product to EAL 7, which is an extremely detailed examination of the product, its
documentation and design processes. Because CC certification is recognised internationally, the developers
investments can be used to fulfil the requirements of different customers worldwide.
Protection Profile the security requirements are defined in a Protection Profile (PP). The PP defines the
agency security requirements regarding the smartcard product. PPs can be defined by anyone. One of the
main challenges in developing PPs is to be specific and complete. Ideally, the PP is based on a comprehensive
threat and risk analysis performed by the agency. Further, various PPs are available for smartcard products
and can be (re)used15. An important element to consider is that the PP is fit for purpose and covers all
security requirements of the smartcard
Definition of the Security Target the security functionality claim is defined in a Security Target (ST). The CC
has strict requirements for the content of the ST. The ST is typically written by a developer and can be based
on one or more PPs. Writing an ST is a fairly difficult task because formal CC dedicated requirements must be
specified. During the development of a ST, one or more PPs can be used. Certain choices in the ST can
influence costs and duration of the evaluation. Agency responsibilities are to verify whether the ST is fit for
purpose and addresses all required functionality and security requirements
Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) the agency and/or developer should determine what Evaluation
Assurance Level is required. An ST may be used for all seven EALs. The EAL dramatically influences the time
and costs of the evaluation. It is the responsibility of the agency to verify that the EAL provides a sufficient
level of assurance that is fit for purpose.
Costs and timing costs and time of a CC evaluation can be substantial and typically
depend on:
- how good the smartcard product is and how well the design has been documented.
Evaluation costs for EAL 4 and higher can easily exceed A$250,000, excluding potential costs for adapting the
product and updating design documentation. Because of their large market size, EAL 4+ certifications for the
chip and operating systems are relatively common. Security certifications for smartcard applications, card
readers, middleware and front/back office applications, however, are far less common due the significant
investments required for the developer and the typically smaller market size. EAL4 certifications may take
between 9 to 12 months to complete under ideal16 circumstances.
Product certifications there are older standards (mainly the European ITSEC) but these are often dated and
localised. For instance, while ITSEC is still recognised in Australia it is not recognised in the United States. This
certification are being replaced by the Common Criteria.
Process certifications the smartcard development, production or security processes may be evaluated or
certified. Examples are:
- ISO/IEC 9000 series for generic process quality evaluation and certification
- design processes such as ISO 15504 (Software Process Assessment) or the Capability
Maturity Model for Software (CMM) and the Systems Security Engineering CMM
These certifications, however, only provide assurance about the smartcard developers processes and do not
provide any assurance relating to the smartcard product.
US Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) - The Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication Series of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a series of publications
relating to standards and guidelines for ITsecurity. NIST has defined various FIPS standards that may apply to
smartcard products, including FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 201-1. Anoverview of FIPS standards that may apply to
smartcards can be found on the NIST website17.
16 In cases where the product and design documentation is correct the first time
17 Refer to
The main advantage of FIPS is that specific requirements have been defined for specific products. As a
consequence, FIPS might not address all smartcard required functionality. Furthermore, as FIPS is a United
States government standard it does not necessarily apply in the Australian government environment.
Additionally, local products may not have been certified against the FIPS standards.
Key management refers to the procedures and processes used to generate, distribute, protect, renew and
destroy as required the various cryptographic keys that apply at all levels of the smartcard technology stack to
minimise the risks of key compromise. Key management may
apply to:
public key methods can be used, where fit-for-purpose, without necessarily resorting to a full X.509 PKI
implementation (refer to Gatekeeper18 for further details)
typically, public key methods are considered slow for use in high performance card applications. For example
transit card schemes use derived symmetric keys for card accesses at high throughput entries and exits, and
as a natural corollary, this method is also used at other readers where performance metrics are less severe
public key methods based on RSA or discrete logarithms may result in large key storage allocations and
potentially unwanted network loading. This is specifically significant in small footprint systems such as
smartcard authentication schemes over low data rate channels
public key methods are well suited to use in creating signatures over configuration data and hotlist
distribution. Accordingly if the public verification key is exposed, provided the private signing key is
protected, it does not facilitate message counterfeiting
simple symmetric key diversification algorithms are very efficient for use in one-to-many relationships such
as those between reader and cards, or between system and readers. However, they cannot provide the same
level of functional separation between signer and verifier, or between encryptor and decryptor
a potentially significant number of keys may be required to provide cryptographic separation between
system or card application functions.
examples of keys in common use include various high level administrative keys for establishing supply and
other arrangements:
- application file access keys (separated by create, read, write, erase and other)
18 Gatekeeper is a requirement for all Australian government agencies. Further information about Gatekeeper can be found at
- special purpose signature keys
a prudent card key management design provides successive versions of keys which allow successive
generations of cards to be dissociated from each other. The security benefit is strongest where the card
authentication process is on-line to a trusted back-end, and weakest where off-line readers are used and
where the exposure of one key through reader penetration implies the exposure of all generations of master
the use of tamper resistant hardware security modules wherever card or mission-critical keys are needed in
an unencrypted form is vital to most key management infrastructure. Such modules may include smartcard
chip based SAMs in reader equipment and more complex host security modules at back-end systems.
Security modules should be issued and managed in an analogous manner to smartcards
cryptographic testing and validation of key management processes should include assessing whether:
- key generation and activation occurs within a secure cryptographic device that is fit for purpose19.
Appropriate security enforcing functions may be implemented and based on a comprehensive threat and risk
analysis, meeting the DSD EPL required Standard
- key usage is as defined (for example, a CAs signing key is typically only used to sign Certificates and
- key usage purposes are correctly entered (as per X.500 version 3 usage field)
- key generation uses a prescribed random number generator (RNG) or pseudo random number
generator (PRNG) on the Defence Signals Directorate Evaluated Product List (DSD EPL) or otherwise
deemed fit for purpose by DSD
- public key generation uses (if required) a prescribed prime number generator on the DSD Evaluated
Product List (EPL) or otherwise deemed fit for purpose by DSD
- key generation uses a key generation algorithm that adheres to the standards defined by Gatekeeper.
Refer to Section 6.4 for more information on Gatekeeper.
Card production is typically performed by specialised card manufacturers. Major smartcard security concerns
related to card production include:
Security certifications this entails process and security certifications of the card producer and security
evaluations of chip, operating system and applications
Transport keys transport keys are used to protect the file layout of the card between different sites by
verifying the files before any initialisation or personalisation
19 Security enforcing functions should be based on a comprehensive Threat and Risk Analysis
Master keys in order to ensure a high level of security, master keys used should not be disclosed to any
single person or ever kept in a readable form. The master keys are generated by the hardware at a secure
computer terminal and the output is often split into two or three key parts
Derived keys while using keys provides security, when all cards share the same set of keys this can be an
issue if the keys become compromised. A preferred option is to have unique keys for each cardholder. The
technique used to achieve this involves deriving the keys by combining a master key and some feature
unique to the cardholder, e.g. card serial number
ROM or chip password to prevent unauthorised changes to the chip structure during the card initialisation
process, knowledge of the ROM password should be controlled. The ROM password is used to erase the
EEPROM before writing data to it
Environment the security environment at the card production site, especially with regard to the secure
storage of non-personalised cards
Readers the security of the storage of card reader(s) being used to erase the EEPROM and write data to it;
Secure storage - non-personalised cards should be securely stored. This is especially important when
smartcards are pre-personalised with generic characteristics and physical security features such as Optical
Variable Devices (OVDs).
Card personalisation may occur in the same facilities where the non-personalised smartcards are
manufactured, but may also be performed at different locations by a specialised personalisation facility.
Personalisation keys - when the card is to be personalised with cardholder-specific data (including passwords,
certificates, keys) it may be necessary for the data to be securely encrypted during transport to the card
personalisation site. To prevent any unauthorised access, personalisation keys can be loaded onto the card
during initialisation and are used by the chip to decrypt the cardholder data before storing it in the EEPROM.
The advantage of this method is that the party conducting the personalisation activity does not know the
secret data in the card and also has no possibility of intercepting it by tapping data lines
Logistics secure storage of non or pre-personalised cards received from the card manufacturer
Secure generation of cryptographic keys although some cards are capable of generating cryptographic
keys, this is a very slow process. Often is it more efficient to generate cryptographic keys in a specific
hardware security module and load the keys onto the smartcard. The generation and load process should be
adequately protected, minimising the risk of unauthorised disclosure of keys
PIN code generation initial PIN codes are typically generated during the personalisation process. To prevent
PIN codes from unauthorised disclosure, PIN codes should be random, generated in secure devices and
printed in secure PIN mailer forms. The PIN mailer may be constructed in such a way that an unauthorised
person cannot read the printed PIN code without visibly damaging the envelope. The PIN mailer should be
stored in a different location to the smartcard, thereby reducing the risk of a compromise
Accountability and destruction of defects Smartcards that contain errors and/or defects should be
accounted for and securely destroyed to prevent those cards from being used
Card management system (CMS) the CMS will play a very important role in the lifecycle management of
smartcards. A CMS provides the management and processing engine to manage smartcards from
registration and initial issuance through to expiry, revocation, replacement and update. As the CMS will hold
cardholder registration details and will interface with smartcard personalisation systems, the CMS and its
interfaces should be adequately secured. Further, the CMS may be subject to a security evaluation (e.g.
Defence Signals Directorate ISM); and
Secure location of equipment pre-personalisation equipment should be adequately protected and
subjected to appropriate environmental and logical controls.
Card distribution and issuance may be performed by a different party and at a different location to where card
personalisation occurs. Below is listed the key security concerns during card distribution to be considered:
Distribution of cards and PIN mailers cards should be securely stored prior to issuance and stored separate
from PIN mailers at all times. Typically, PIN mailers are sent a few days earlier or later than the card. Further,
in some cases it may be appropriate that the cardholder personally collect the smartcard at an issuer or
registration point; and
Activation cards may be lost during distribution between various parties involved in the manufacturing,
personalisation and issuance. Therefore, agencies may consider having the smartcard activated by means of
entering a separate activation code through a specific website20 or have it activated during physical issuance
(e.g. by changing the PIN code).
The production, personalisation and distribution steps described above typically represent a standard mass
production scenario. Agencies or card issuers may have other requirements with regard to card production. For
example, some smartcards may be pre-personalised by a specific manufacturer but be personalised on site at
the agency or at a registration point and then directly issued to the cardholder. This is dependent upon the
agency business and security requirements.
20 Use of the internet for activation may introduce a distinct set of risks that need to be considered appropriately
5.6 Supply Chain Security
Card reading devices are usually tamper-proof. Nevertheless corruption and collusion are possible in the supply
chain from factory to operating site, and in operation. Card reading devices may be physically compromised to
affect their integrity, confidentiality or availability in operation.
A compromised device may affect the information being processed and transferred to and from cards or other
connected systems. In particular sensitive information may be recorded and transferred to a third party by on-
or off-line means. Data used by cards in financial transactions is particularly at risk if decrypted at any stage.
When acquiring card reading devices care should be taken to select suppliers with effective security throughout
their supply chain and ensure that contractual remedies are available in the event of compromised devices.
Operating procedures should be established to ensure that any compromised card reading devices are quickly
detected in operation.
6 Governance, Compliance and Policy issues
Various governance and compliance criteria and policy requirements apply to the business, technical and
operational aspects of smartcard deployments. These criteria and policies play an important role in establishing
accountability, security, transparency, interoperability and equitable business practices related to smartcard
implementations. General governance principles apply but increasingly, smartcard specific frameworks are also
being developed that agencies will need to be aware of.
The following sections describe specific governance, oversight and policy framework issues that may need to
be considered by CoPs before and during the implementation of a smartcard project. Topics that will be
discussed are:
The Australian Government Information and Communications Technology Security Manual (ISM);
Note that it is not the purpose of this Guide to canvass all applicable governance, compliance and policy issues
that might apply to a smartcard project. Like all government projects, most smartcard deployments may be
required to undertake processes like Gateway reviews, and to comply with various laws and regulations with
their own jurisdictions.
All agencies should be aware of the governance and compliance issues that are applicable within their
There are several types of governance and compliance frameworks that may be considered for smartcards.
Each of these is aimed at assessing a level of monitoring and compliance in the respective areas of project
management, areas of security, privacy, policy and process.
Depending on the specific framework, compliance may need to be periodically validated by means of self
assessment, reviews or audits.
federal, state, sector and agency specific jurisdictional and legal requirements
Achieving compliance and certification with governance frameworks can be expensive and time-consuming.
However, IT project experience frequently demonstrates that Return on Investment (ROI) is improved when
governance is approached as an embedded part of the proactive risk management process and a continuous
business improvement program, and is incorporated into project business cases and detailed design. Benefits
can include:
improved interoperability as a result of better standards compliance, with long term improvements in re-use
and sharing of infrastructure
improved transparency, enhanced user control and trust in government systems, with better take-up of
services as a result; and
efficiencies through the reduction of errors, and earlier detection of issues, by judicious application of Threat
& Risk Assessment, Privacy Impact Assessments at appropriate milestones and similar governance and risk
management tools.
A standard that provides guidance on corporate governance of ICT is AS/NZS 8015-2005: Corporate
governance of information and communication technology. The standard articulates its guidance using a
simple framework three tasks (evaluate, direct and monitor) and six principles. The tasks are described in the
context of how ICT is used in support of business processes, through projects to establish new capability and
operations of existing capability. In carrying out the three tasks, CoPs should evaluate, direct and monitor
directly or through appropriate delegation:
evaluate the use of ICT in the context of the environment in which the CoP operates and the aspirations the
CoP has established for itself. The scope of evaluation should include existing assets equipment, software,
data and other resources, and proposed investments
- determining the role of ICT as a fundamental aspect of the agencys overall business direction and
- assigning responsibility for detailed planning and control of how ICT is used by the agency
monitor performance and conformance of ICT not in terms of technical statistics, but in respect of business
operations, goals and direction. Performance and conformance monitoring should provide ongoing assurance
that the members of the CoP can continue to conduct their business in the short to medium term, and can
attain their objectives in the medium to longer term.
The following sections describe how a smartcard implementation can relate to certain security frameworks. It
should be noted that the NeAF and IMAGE Frameworks are voluntary better practice policy frameworks.
In general terms with regards to governance, compliance and policy, there is not a great deal of variation in
legislation and regulations across Australian jurisdictions. This is in contrast to privacy where it is important to
take note of fine differences in legislation between states and territories, and certain sector specific
requirements, as discussed in Section 4.2.
Perhaps the greatest interest around compliance in smartcard deployments will pertain to information security
and information risk management. Most, if not all, jurisdictions in Australia that have considered these matters
in detail have taken a consistent approach based on the following two standards:
AS/NZS ISO/IEC 27001: Information technology Code of practice for information security management; and
AS/NZS 4360: Risk Management
Certain states have developed their own more detailed implementation guides based on these general
standards. The main examples are:
The New South Wales Government Chief Information Office has published a set of Information Security
guidelines, available at (under the link Publications > Guidelines); and
The Queensland Government Chief Information Office has published a series of Information Standards and
Guidelines, including Information Security IS18 available at
As a rule, agencies planning to deploy smartcards in particular jurisdictions should explore whether
governments there have developed their own information security and risk management guidelines and should
acquaint themselves with those guidelines where applicable.
Agencies subject to the Financial and Management Accountability Act 1977 (FMA Act) should be aware that
some projects may be subject to the Gateway Review Process (Gateway) where such projects meet the
financial and risk thresholds.
Gateway is a project assurance methodology. It involves a series of brief, independent reviews at critical stages
in the development and implementation of a project. At key decision points (referred to as Gates), a Gateway
review focuses on the issues that are important to the project at that stage of the projects life. The Gate 1 -
Business Case review examines the robustness of the Business Case and the projects readiness to proceed to
the next phase. FMA Act agencies are advised to acquaint themselves with Gateway guidance material,
particularly that referring to the Gate 1 - Business Case review in preparing a Business Case.
Detailed information on the Gateway Review Process is available from Finance online at
6.4 Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper is the Australian Governments strategy for the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a key
enabler for the delivery of online government services. AGIMO is responsible for maintaining the framework.
The Gatekeeper PKI Framework governs the use of PKI in the Australian government for the authentication of
organisations and individuals by means of digital certificates. The Framework provides a whole-of-government
approach that delivers integrity, interoperability, authenticity and trust for agencies and their clients. The
Framework is underpinned by a standards-based, technology-neutral accreditation program for issuers of
digital certificates.
AGIMO has developed a suite of documentation to give operational support to the Framework. Where
smartcards are implemented in conjunction with PKI services and components, project managers should refer
to the Gatekeeper documents which are available at the Gatekeeper website21.
The National e-Authentication Framework (NeAF) will assist agencies, jurisdictions and sectors in authentication
the identity of the other party to a desired level of assurance or confidence. The NeAF encompasses the
21 Refer to
electronic authentication (e-authentication) of the identity of individuals and businesses dealing with the
government, on one side f the transaction, as well as the authentication of government websites on the other
side. The NeAF positions e-authentication within the broader context of an agencys approach to identity and
risk management and provides guidance on developing the processes and technology required to provide the
desired level of confidence.
While the Framework supports an agency-specific model where each agency develops its own, separate
technology solution, it recognises and accommodates broader sectoral and whole of government e-
authentication initiatives.
The NeAF comprise a set of principles, a standardised set of assurance levels, and a standardised approach and
process for determining assurance levels and related e-authentication solutions. It provides guidance on
models for the implementation of e-authentication solutions and planning standards for website authentication.
e-Authentication represents the process that delivers (a level of) assurance of the assertion of identity made by
a user. The level of assurance required will be dependent upon the level of risk associated with the transactions
that the user will undertake, and the mitigating factors, other than e-authentication that will reduce this risk. A
range of assurance levels are possible. In NeAF, five assurance levels are prescribed calibrated from minimal
through high.
Achieving the required assurance level for the e-authentication solution is then a function of the strength of the
registration and enrolment processes on the one hand, and the strength of the users e-authentication
credential (e.g. userid+password, biometric) and its on-going management on the other. This is illustrated
The Framework identifies a seven-step process for assessing the strength of authentication demanded by the
transaction, the technology components that will provide the desired authentication strength, and the business
processes that are required to achieve this level of authentication.
This is an iterative process that takes into account existing controls, the possible consequences of incorrectly
authenticating the parties to the transation and the likelihood of these consequences eventuation.
6.6 Identity Management for Australian Government Employees (IMAGE)
The Identity Management for Australian Government Employees (IMAGE) Framework is a better practice
approach for Identity Management of Australian Government employees and contractors. AGIMO is responsible
for maintaining the framework22.
IMAGE is intended to facilitate the adoption of a consistent approach to identity management within Australian
Government agencies. It aims to promote trust between government agencies in staff identification processes
employed by each government agency.
IMAGE comprises a standard set of business processes and standards in relation to identity verification, card
specifications and data storage that support the issue of smartcards which can be used as an identity
credential for physical and logical access, where required. In this regard the IMAGE Framework should be read
in conjunction with this Framework.
The Australian Government Information and Communications Technology Security Manual (also known as the
ISM) has been developed by the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) to provide policies and guidance to
Australian Government agencies on how to protect their ICT systems.
Australian Government agencies are required by the Protective Security Manual (PSM) to comply with the ISM.
Agencies must consider the security implications of their IT systems and devise policy and plans to ensure the
systems are appropriately protected. Although security needs will be greatest when national security classified
or non-national security classified information is being processed, even unclassified systems with no special
safety, mission critical, or financial implications should have some degree of protection if a reliable or accurate
service is to be maintained.
The NISS is an Australian Government initiative to improve identity security, combat identity crime and protect
the identities of Australians from being used for illegal purposes.
22 Refer to
7 Risk management and risk mitigation issues
specific to smartcard implementations
Smartcard implementations may bring significant challenges in how government agencies electronically
transact, process and record information. Smartcards often form critical infrastructure to governments and may
be used to secure transactions, provide access to sensitive data and identify end-users or employees. These
challenges will carry risks, which need to be formally managed to avoid or minimise the consequences of their
potential occurrence.
This section covers specific risk management and risk mitigation issues for smartcard implementations. The
sections below address the following elements of risk management and mitigation:
Smartcard deployments can be characterised as complex projects. They usually involve a large number of
stakeholders and often carry and protect sensitive and valuable information related to stakeholders.
Furthermore, once a smartcard deployment has moved to a large rollout of smartcards, it is usually difficult and
costly to make changes to the infrastructure and implementation model.
A structured and managed approach towards risk management for smartcard deployment is therefore crucial
for successful smartcard implementations. Especially as smartcard deployments face risks additional to the
usual project risks including:
Legal and compliance risks sensitive cardholder data may be stored in backend systems or on/in the
smartcard. Stringent laws typically cover the custody of sensitive data, and significant legal and business
consequences can arise if those laws are breached. A conservative approach to mitigating legal risks in this
area is advisable, not only because the impact of legal proceedings can be difficult to predict and contain, but
also because any appearance of compromising on legal safeguards is likely to undermine acceptance of new
smartcard technologies
Theft or loss of smartcards one of the primary risks that end-users face is theft or loss of their smartcards.
Established revocation and re-issuance processes are required to re-enable service access for cardholders,
otherwise the degree of user access, user satisfaction and/or agency reputation may be compromised
Identity theft a severe risk in smartcard projects lies in the theft of smartcards together with the possible
associated PIN / passwords where one person can impersonate a legitimate smartcard holder
Card Management Issues card management issues associated with multi-application smartcards that result
from the interactions between the different entities that issue, update and rely on the card data; and
Lack of standardisation smartcard standardisation can be ambiguous and can be interpreted differently
between the
various entities. This leads to the significant risk of systems that are not interoperable or dependent on one
vendor. CoPs will
need to determine what chosen application interfaces (referred to as stacks) are to be the standard for their
The primary purpose of risk management is to identify and minimise the likelihood and/or impact of adverse
events during the project and after implementation. Risk management involves establishing an appropriate
infrastructure and culture; and applying a logical and systematic method of establishing the context,
identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risks associated with any activity,
function or process in a way that will enable organisations to minimise losses and maximise gains23.
Recognised risk management practices clearly identify that not all risks can be avoided and seek to reduce
both the likelihood and impact of a risk eventuating. Strategies may include implementing controls to mitigate
the risk, transferring the risk to another party and accepting some or all of the potential consequences of a
particular risk.
Agencies should implement risk management practices in accordance with appropriate Australian standards
such as AS/NZS 4360: Risk Management.
For the purposes of rating identified risks, the potential impact of the risk occurring and the likelihood that it
will occur should be assessed. Critical risks that can have an adverse impact on the smartcard projects success
are then given maximum importance and strategies are formulated to deal with them. A framework can be
used to classify both project and business related risks.
Strategic risks risks that are generated by the broader environmental context of the smartcard project,
including funding
approval, public acceptance, policy changes, duplication, scope creep
Project risks risks that are generated inside the project operations, including the delivery of project
objectives, planned
methodology, quality, costs and timeliness of delivery.
Implementation and integration risks risks that are generated by the immediate context of the project,
relationships with involved stakeholders; and
Information security risks risks specific to confidentiality, integrity and availability of cardholder data.
While any major project will have many risks, the following table (non exhaustive) lists risks that can usually be
found in most smartcard implementation projects and may be in the high risk category. For each risk, example
mitigation strategies have been identified.
Development of a comprehensive
Decision made not business case that clearly expresses the
1 proceed with the Strategic benefits and costs of the smartcard
smartcard project implementation (both in quantitative
and qualitative terms)
Establishing an Advisory Board
representing stakeholder and community
Lack of community interests to advise the project sponsor
support / The implementation program should
2 Strategic
acceptance of incorporate a substantial education and
project communication campaign to educate the
stakeholders and community around the
nature and use of the smartcard
Conducting a Privacy Impact Assessment
Development and implementation of the
smartcard solution may remain
Self-interest of operationally independent of agencies,
7 stakeholders Project relying parties and technology vendors
influences outcome Clear and unambiguous agreements
between stakeholders
Project monitoring and assurance by an
independent body
Development of thorough change
management procedures and protocols
9 beyond approved Project
Project monitoring and assurance by an
independent body
business case
Legal implications
of smartcard Conducting a legal assessment
11 Implementation
deployment Conducting Privacy Impact Assessments
(privacy) at appropriate milestones
Poor response
times/ inability to An extended period of system and stress
14 scale to handle Implementation testing is may be considered prior to
production deployment
volumes The architecture design may take
scalability into account
Failure to integrate
smartcard with Design may make use of non-proprietary
stakeholder and industry accepted standards for
systems and technical infrastructures, smartcards,
15 Implementation
broader smartcard readers, interface,
government and authentication and application
private sector integration technologies
7.3 Consideration
Risks or anything that could impact on the ability to achieve the smartcard project objectives on-time and to-
budget are important factors to be considered during smartcard implementations. Based on the level of risk
acceptable to the project owner or key stakeholders, the decision on how to mitigate each risk needs to be
made. This requires the risks to be identified and processed continuously by addressing the following steps:
The output will be a risk matrix with quantified risks and action plans on how to mitigate the critical risks. Risk
management is therefore not just a reactive, but a proactive process that needs to be managed throughout the
entire smartcard implementation project. A robust risk management approach also includes thorough
consultation and clear communication.
8 Data management issues
Data management is a collective term for what data is there to manage and how to manage it. Data
management can be divided into several different tasks, such as data architecture and modelling, storage,
transport or security and is usually formalised in a Data Management Plan (among other documents) that
provides data management guidance, procedures and processes on how to handle what kind of data.
intelligent reader exception and audit log design and transmission to back-end systems
This section expands on the first two issues relating to smartcard projects and discusses the development and
usage of a data management plan to mitigate and prevent data management issues from occurring.
A data management issue specific to smartcards arises prior to and during a roll-out phase of the smartcards.
The smartcards will be personalised and shipped with data which is typically extracted from agencies backend
systems. This data can be inaccurate, incomplete or missing and may cause delays in smartcard issuance,
smartcards being issued to the wrong end-users or smartcards being issued containing inaccurate or
incomplete data.
Prior to personalising and issuing smartcards, the agency needs to assess the quality of end-user data and
make a decision on how to proceed. Agencies typically have the following options:
Option 1: the quality of pre-existing end-user data is high and a high level of confidence can be placed on
relying on that data in issuing a smartcard
Option 2: the quality of end-user data is not accurate enough to solely rely on it. This may result in a data
process to be initiated; and
Option 3: where the registration data is not present or the quality of the data is unreliable, it needs to be re-
collected. In this
case, the agency may need to perform a complete re-registration of its users/customers prior to proceeding
with the smartcard
The last two options are usually enforced if the data repository has been built for a legacy application and is not
considered necessary that the data pool be updated regularly. Alternatively, the CoP may look for consistency
of registration data across a range of agencies registration databases to avoid a complete re-registration of
end-users. The privacy implications of this approach must to be fully considered.
Gatekeeper has established policies and procedures in relation to the use of known customer approaches to the
deployment of digital certificates (see Standards Australia has develop a known
customer standard, AS 4860 (2007) Knowledge based identity authentication Recognising known
customers. The standard is available at
Another area the CoP will need to consider with regard to data management for smartcard deployments is the
processes around data synchronisation between different involved entities, as the smartcard issuing agency
and the relying parties can be different organisational units. This specific issue arises if there is a duplication of
data stored in various agency databases and additionally on the smartcard.
Data synchronisation processes need to ensure the cardholder backend data is consistent with the data stored
in and on the card and within all systems and repositories that access or store this user data. For example, a
cardholders postal address will be stored at each agency individually as they are using their proprietary
backend systems and not a common address repository. An address change which is communicated by the
smartcard holder to an agency may need to be distributed to all involved agencies to circumvent data
inconsistency resulting in mail which will be sent to an incorrect postal address.
Another element to consider is which unique identifier will be used to identify the end-user, especially when the
smartcard can be used across different agencies. The privacy implications of this approach must be fully
A smartcard project faces various data management issues, especially when several different entities are
involved or will be involved in the future. It is therefore important to have an understanding of the data that
will be used in the project and how the entities are supposed to work and process it in order to circumvent data
inconsistency or issues like those mentioned in the sections above.
A data management plan helps to prevent these issues as it describes project-specific data and elaborates on
how to process and work with this data. This includes a detailed description of processes, procedures, rules and
responsibilities. It is essential to note that documentation, source code and metadata also need to be
considered as project-specific data and be included in the data management plan.
The following general topics give a non-conclusive overview of the topics that need to be considered in a data
management plan:
Data ownership
Data maintenance processes, including data distribution / update across multiple entities
An accurate data management plan which is followed and maintained to reflect project changes and updates is
a necessary tool to prevent data inconsistency and will result in cost and time savings over the course of the
smartcard project.
9 User registration issues
This section outlines the issues associated with the critical activities that encompass the overall user
registration process. The registration process is the establishment of a users credentials before smartcard
issuance. Registration may involve the requirement for the presentation of Evidence of Identity (EOI)
documentation and the issuing of one or more smartcards.
Agencies should also ensure that adequate notice is given to individuals about how their personal information
may be handled.
Multiple enrolments may occur after a user has been registered. Enrolment is the act of setting up permissions
that enable a known user to gain knowledge of or to alter information or material on systems (e.g. a known
user will be enrolled into the email, HR and financial systems). Enrolments into multiple systems may occur
after a user has been registered.
Although Registration and Enrolment are sometimes used as synonyms, a distinction is being drawn here
between the two terms. The remainder of this section focuses on Registration only.
The following sections describe some specific issues relating to these activities.
The registration process consists of a number of steps which must be completed successfully before card
personalisation and card lifecycle management activities can occur. The initial registration of a user is typically
the first step. Initial registration issues to be considered as part of this initial step include:
EOI documentation - issues regarding provision of the required EOI documentation; and
Authorisation verification issues regarding verification of whether the user is authorised to register for a
The need for supporting EOI is determined by CoP policies relating to cardholder identification. Evidence (e.g. in
the form of documents) is used to substantiate the identity of the user.24.
various government agencies and commercial businesses have widely varying risk tolerance in regard to
cardholder identity, generally related to the value of the asset at risk, but are sometimes governed by factors
such as public perception. The EOI policy may consider the trade-off between inconvenience and problems
associated with fraud
end-users may not be able to provide the required EOI information. In case the agency may still be required
to issue a smartcard to these users, the agency can keep a record that the user was not able to provide the
required EOI information. This record may reside in the registration system, but may also be included in the
chip. This would allow the end-user to access the services associated with the card, and the agency to
24 This is defined by the Proof of Identity Framework which is part of the National identity Security Strategy ( ) and the Gold Standard
Enrolment Framework which also provides guidance on EOI registration requirements for issuance of high integrity credentials.
implement compensating controls to this user group
EOI may not be required at all, such as in transport and ticketing scenarios. In such scenarios, it is often
sufficient to verify certain attributes of the applicant, such as whether the applicant has made a payment,
has attained a certain age or is entitled to a concession
another person might be authorised or nominated to register new users (e.g. in case of nominated
professional carers)
where users are geographically dispersed or reside in remote areas, physical presence during registration
may not always be feasible
depending on policies, physical presence during registration may not always be required and may be done
via mail, email, telephone or website
determination of whether the registration officer is authorised to ask for certain EOI documentation
determination of whether the registration officer is authorised to validate the status of EOI documentation
provided at the issuing agency entity
whether the registration officer can store the EOI documentation provided
whether it is permitted by policy or legislation to store initial registration information in the chip, on the card
face or in registration systems; and
Different card schemes will have different criteria for associating underlying processes or services with
particular individuals. Authorisation to obtain a smartcard can depend on a large number of qualifying factors
such as whether the end-user:
is an Australian/state/local citizen
is a concession holder
whether evidence of authorisation information can be stored by the registration officer
whether it is allowed to store authorisation information in the chip, on the card face or in registration
systems; and
As with all aspects of smartcard system development, the personalisation requirements should be clearly
defined before the design of the registration process.
the amount of data to be printed or written to the card, i.e. visual (photo, logo) data, magnetic stripe data,
EEPROM data; and
depending on the policy, personalisation may not be required at all or may occur at a centralised location or
decentralised location. Centralised personalisation may be made more secure and may be more efficient as
less personalisation equipment is required. However, decentralised personalisation is typically more flexible
and convenient for end-users
personalisation may effectively only be an initial registration process. In these cases, there may be no
intention to associate the card with specific cardholder attributes such as name, birth date or photograph).
For such schemes, it is feasible to design business processes that allow registration to occur in both card-
present and card-not-present environments. For the latter, additional safeguards may be required to prevent
unauthorised persons registering cards belonging to other parties
establishing and securing supply chains between chip suppliers, card assemblers and printers and electronic
establishing and managing issuer card serial number ranges, including making key decisions on whether to
comply with a
standard such as ISO 7812
managing card manufacturer serial number ranges separately from the issuer serial number and establishing
the binding
of the two
determining the role of the operating system in the issuance process and whether this involves key
management dependencies
on outside parties
determining which applications are issued at the time of card issue, and the approach to adding new
applications at a later
time25; and
25 Decisions will include whether to add initial keys for new application induction which will be, as part of application issuance, replaced by production
keys. Issues will include whether cards must be returned or reissued with new applications, or whether the new applications can be initialised at all or
some service or transaction points
collection of personalisation data may be a major task. Factors that need to be considered include:
- the need to provide a trusted environment in which the capture process occurs, including
consideration of privacy
- what personalisation data will be printed on the face or reverse of the card, stored in the chip or in
registration systems
- whether an end-user can provide the photos themselves or whether they can be captured at the
point of registration. It is typically more cost efficient to have end-users bring their own photos. However,
these photos may be of lower quality than when a photo is captured at the point of registration, and might
not be a photograph of the person presenting for registration. If photos are captured at the point of
registration, a high stability lighting environment may be required, especially where the resulting data is to
be rendered as a biometric template for matching purposes
- the need to design the electronic capturing processes of personalisation data to ensure that
accidental or deliberate transposition between cards cannot occur.
Card lifecycle management processes refer to the processes that manage cards after card production and
personalisation. Lifecycle management processes include the following:
Card issuance and activation is one of the most significant aspects of any card scheme. During issuance and
activation, the smartcard is transferred to the end-user and activated. Factors to consider include:
Application activation - in many cases, it is undesirable for security reasons to have the capability (keys and
business logic) to activate new applications at remote readers that are not located in well protected
environments, but this must be judged case by case
EOI verification of the user during issuance this would only apply if the issuance does not occur at the same
time as registration. Refer to 9.1.1 for specific issues
Distribution of cards and PIN mailers unused cards should be securely stored and kept separate from PIN
mailers at all times. Typically, PIN mailers are sent a few days earlier or later than the card. In some cases it
may be appropriate that the cardholder personally collect the smartcard at an issuer or registration point;
Card activation - cards may be lost during distribution between various parties involved in the
manufacturing, personalisation and issuance. Different schemes will have different policies on whether the
card as a whole, or an application on the card, are enabled at time of issuance, determined primarily by risk
and convenience considerations. Activation procedures in use today include:
- none the card is issued in the armed state (generally in transit where, if the purse has zero value
and is not initially inked to an automatic add value service). This method is used when there is no
cardholder impact and negligible
system impact of individual cards being lost or stolen during distribution
- card presentation requiring the cardholder to present the card at a staffed location where proof of
identity check is performed before activation26
- activation code having the smartcard activated by means of entering a separate activation code
entered through a specific activation website.
In online environments, such as enterprise local area networks, card activation processes can be further
strengthened by arranging that only certain designated readers are capable of activating a presented card,
perhaps during a specified time window (such as the first day of work for a new employee).
Card suspension, revocation and destruction are significant aspects within card schemes to prevent invalid
cards from being used. The following factors should be considered:
there will be situations where it is desirable to suspend or deactivate single applications on a card, but not
other applications or the card as whole
interfaces can be provided to allow for easy reporting of lost and stolen cards. Care is required to ensure this
interface is not able to be abused. Schemes may require proof of knowledge of some private information
furnished and registration time before acting on a suspension or revocation request
in an on-line system, hotlists (i.e. revocation lists also known as blacklists) may be held and actioned
in an off-line system, hotlists may need to be specially distributed to smartcard readers, either by
occasionally connecting to the network or by out-of-band methods, both of which leave the system
vulnerable to time windows during which revoked smartcards might still be accepted at various readers
hotlist distribution frequencies should endeavour to address the risk window, but there may be some cases
where the issuer will adopt the risk associated with slower than optimal hotlist distribution
considerable care is needed in forecasting and managing the size of hotlists. If hotlists are allowed to grow
without limit, in offline settings they can exceed the capacity of terminal devices leading to unpredictable
system behaviour and likely loss of ability to detect hotlisted cards
control may be needed over business processes and environments in which previously blocked or suspended
cards or applications are re-enabled. Furthermore, a suspension log may be kept to provide evidence that a
certain card was actually suspended during a certain amount of time
in cases where revocation or suspension information is stored only in the chip itself, it should be noted that
certain types of technical failures (e.g. memory or functional malfunctions) may cause revocation or
suspension status information in the chip not to be correctly updated. This could severely impair the security
and reliability of the system, particularly in off-line systems
returned cards in some transit schemes are recycled rather than destroyed, however the economics and
security of such an arrangement must be considered27
card physical destruction may require the use of special shredders; and
hotlist distribution may use message authentication codes to prevent network-originated abuses, and
encryption where privacy ssues may be of concern28.
27 Recycling is generally criticised by cards experts, but environmental waste is now an issue that all schemes must take into consideration
Card replacement and renewal are significant aspects within card schemes to ensure that smartcards are
replaced in time for end-users to continue to use their card with minimum disruption. Some important issues to
consider here are:
card life may be set to meet both wear and tear considerations and cardholder administration or other non-
reliable figures on card scheme natural attrition and other mortality statistics are hard to obtain, but
reasonable estimates are
that a smartcard life of four years can be expected, and an annualised natural failure rate of as high as 2.5%
may need to be
planned for
typically average card life can far exceed the expiry date decided by the issuer in transit, contactless cards
with a nominal four year life are still in operation after seven or eight years29
on the other side, usage patterns by certain users will subject cards to excessive stresses that shorten their
operative lives (e.g. usage of cards by school children)
schemes in which cards are issued free of charge in bulk to a given cardholder sector tend to have a
relatively high return rate due to changes of address
card replacement processes should match levels of control agreed for initial card issuance to ensure the
accurate and secure
transfer of the electronic and printed information
particular attention may be paid to possible opportunities for card substitution fraud which has arisen in
some e-purse-related
consideration should be given to only using back-end processes for card replacement (some schemes are
able provide on-the spot replacements), but consideration must also be given to providing temporary access to
the services until the primary card can be replaced
in schemes using photographs or biometric identifiers, card replacement may be used as an opportunity to
update biometric
data; and
in many schemes, the total cost of smartcard re-issue can be up to an order of magnitude greater than the
cost of the basic
29 Contactless cards typically suffer less from wear and tear, which causes their lifetime to be inherently longer than contact cards
30 One message from this is that it is often far more beneficial for business managers to focus on savings in areas other than ship or assembled card
10 Card Printing issues
In practice, there are few, if any, universally mandated printed items for a card. Mandatory items should only
be those items which are deemed to deliver a specific administrative or security function for a given project.
Such features vary greatly between projects. It can be argued that most if not all smartcard surface features
may be optional. Perhaps the only feature which has almost universal applicability is a card serial number.
In principle, printed material on the card (or the method of printing) should not interfere with the operation of
the chip on the contact or contactless card (e.g. embossing is problematic for smartcards due to the potential
for chip or antenna damage) and it should not prevent data from being accessed. Each element added to the
front and/or back of the card should be able to be justified on the basis of the functionality or business process
it is enabling.
complying with international ISO standards when determining the physical card printing characteristics of
the smartcard. Refer to the National Smartcard Framework for details of relevant standards for smartcards
essential information, such as card serial number (CSN) to facilitate the identification of individual cards, is
needed for card administration and management. Without such a unique reference number it is difficult to
identify failed cards
inclusion of information which may be required for use in manual processes, often referred to as human
readable form, for example, confirmation of the cardholders identity in situations where readers may not be
online or unavailable
inclusion of information which may be needed to supplement automated processes. For example, when the
process requires strong authentication of the cardholder to the card in addition to the card to the system (e.g.
comparison of a printed photograph)
inclusion of information that may assist in fraud reduction in card-not-present situations (for example, a card
verification value)
inclusion of security printing features that allows the automatic or manual detection of counterfeiting attempts.
There are many of these, targeted at differing levels of sophistication in attack. Consideration may be given to
their relevance to the CoP before adopting them, as some card schemes achieve high levels of security without
resorting to sophisticated security features on the card face. The National Identity Security Strategy include
guidance on security features on cards
exclusion of information which may constitute an unnecessary infringement of privacy or would facilitate
identity theft
exclusion of such features which detract from the sensible use of other visual or mechanical features (for
example attempts to provide excessive information on the card surface)
the possibility that business functions do not include any conventional printing approaches, for example,
with the introduction of fob-based smartcard tokens and Near Field Communication (NFC) smartcard
replacement technologies where there may be no practical opportunity to apply printed, engraved or other
graphical information; and
certain metallic inks may have an impact on the performance of the embedded antenna in contactless cards.
The decision regarding whether and what to print on each side of the card should be driven by business and
security requirements. Card graphics planners need to consider many factors including legibility, aesthetics,
possible trademark clashes (extending to selection of colour combinations), and the ability of design features to
stand up to the expected war and tear.
Cards will mostly have a unique number printed on the front of the card in large enough format to be readable
by most cardholders in reasonable lighting conditions. The serial number will be used by the cardholder for
manual interactions with the system, including identifying the card to call centres, and in checking paperwork
associated their account. In banking systems this is called the Primary Account Number or PAN, but it has
various other names in other systems including simply the card number. In practice, this number may identify
both the back-end master record relating to the card, and the physical card itself. The PAN or card number may
be electronically encoded in the card, but there may be security advantages in using an unrelated numbering
scheme for this purpose, for example, for practical design reasons, the electronic serial number may be
reserved for establishing the cryptographic identity of the card separate from the card number.
Furthermore, there may be privacy risks associated with printing a unique number on the face of the cards.
Especially in scenarios where the card is used many times by various agencies and other relying parties, the
card number may become a de-facto identity number for the cardholder.
Where appropriate, the front of the card (FOC) may carry such features as:
Photograph of individual where photos are used a number of issues should be considered:
- Actual need a photo should only be placed on the card face where it is to be a primary
means of cardholder identification independent of the chip, or where there is a serious
cost or functionality impact of recording the photo on chip and accessing an image at
the time of cardholder verification is required. Access control programs such as employee
cards and drivers licences are the main environments in which the photographs serve a
necessary supplementary purpose to the information stored on the chip
- Printing durability if the card will be primarily be used for visual authentication, high
endurance printing methods may be considered. This may include the use of dye
sublimation techniques, special laminations, or providing a transparent wallet to protect
the card surface
- mage placement the graphics design of the cards should provide a suitable photo size
and placement. To avoid on-costs, it is suggested that where card stock is manufactured
with a base colour scheme, an unprinted white window is reserved for the photograph
Cardholder name like the photo, a name may only be considered for printing on a card if it serves a
definitive purpose and meets privacy and security requirements of the given agency. Transit systems are very
good examples of schemes which can operate securely and effectively without any personal identifiers on the
card surface, or even without any electronic personalisation at all31.
31 Anonymous smartcards have proven an ideal and reliable replacement for anonymous magnetic and paper tickets
Expiry date expiry dates on cards have come to serve two purposes: to provide an end of card life reminder
to the cardholder and as a supplementary identifier in cardholder verification during card-not-present
transactions. Other values including the Card Security Code (CSC), sometimes called Card Verification Value
(CVV) or Card Verification Code (CDC) can serve equally well in the latter role; and
Card number where there is a printed card number, it is highly desirable that the number include a Luhn
check digit32 or equivalent to allow easy detection of data entry errors prior to submitting the numbers to
automated processes. The check digit should be included in any printed or displayed representation of the
serial number.
The reason for including this information on the front of the card is for ease of handling (card handling agents
only need to inspect one side of the card).
The reverse side of card normally carries supplementary features such as signature panels, magnetic stripes,
card verification values and often, a help desk contact number. Note that each additional feature imposes an
additional cost on card production and may incrementally reduce the cards useful life. The general rule is to
print as little as is possible in order to meet specific functional and security objectives. The features on the
reverse of the card may include:
Magnetic stripe card designers may wish to consider new security developments in conventional plastic
card technology, such as un-duplicable magnetic stripe technology. Smartcard scheme designers may only
consider incorporating a magnetic strip if compatibility with an installed magnetic stripe terminal base is
needed or when smartcard readers are not yet available or not operative. Such a situation might arise for
instance if there is a need to provide an ATM or EFTPOS terminal-based function in connection with the card.
It should be noted that reliance on magnetic stripe technology may significantly reduce the useable life of
the card due to demagnetisation or wear. The economic impact of card replacement due to magnetic stripe
failure in a smartcard scheme will be far greater than for straight plastic cards due to the chip and
initialisation costs. Additionally, alternatives or backup strategies such as embossing or manual re-keying of
information and validations against back office systems need to be considered when smartcard and
magnetic stripe readers are not available
Card Number the card number may be printed on the front or back of the card of both
Card Security Code card scheme planners also need to factor-in the threat posed from attackers skimming
information from the card faces. Safeguards may include placing two features which together are used for
card or cardholder verification on opposite sides of the card, as well as ensuring that business processes
minimise the ability to easily make copies of the critical elements (e.g. both card number and CSC on credit
cards required for payment). The CSC, which is present only on the rear surface of the card and in back-end
databases is highly desirable for assisting with card verification in card-not-present situations. Such digits, if
present, should be printed in a small font to mitigate the risk of collection through visual surveillance.
Each CoP will have its own business, functional and security requirements that will need to be addressed when
considering the information that will be included on the smartcard. In general, CoPs should avoid printing too
much information on the surface of the card. This can potentially lead to problems with cards becoming
prematurely out-of-date if non-critical facts about the cardholder change (such as phone number, or trivial
aspects of their staff position). Further, the more personal data is contained on a card, the greater the potential
vulnerability should the card fall into the wrong hands. Further information is included in Section 4.5.
Wherever possible, agencies should consider storing data to the chip rather than using the card surfaces. Not
only can the chip be more readily updated than can the surface printing, but certain private information is more
effectively managed in memory where access can be better protected by PIN, reader-to-card authentication
and so on.
11 Infrastructure issues
Smartcards can play a vital role in securing confidential data. Therefore, the underlying infrastructure of a
smartcard implementation should be subject to various requirements.
The sections below provide an overview of the following relevant smartcard infrastructure
related issues:
Smartcard type
Smartcard chip
Smartcard applications
File system
Smartcard readers
Reader middleware
Smartcard network
Cards processes
Third parties
As part of the infrastructure implementation, agencies should ensure the appropriate system security policies
and procedures are developed. For example, the ISM states that Australian Government agencies should
ensure every system is covered by a Risk Management Plan (RMP), a System Security Plan (SSP) and Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). DSD recommends that an over-arching document describing the agencys
documentation framework be created and maintained. The RMPs, SSPs and SOPs should be logically connected
and consistent for each system. The documents described here are only a subset of the recommended
documentation suite. For comprehensive guidance on security documentation refer to the ISM.
Multiple fundamental smartcard type choices face card scheme designers. Selection must be made between
the following:
- cards which can sustain varying degrees of memory wear (for example those using EEPROM and flash
versus those (few cards) using Ferroelectric random-access memories (FERAM)
- cards intended to be disposable or for limited use and those intended for long-term use
- cards with a fixed behavioural or application repertoire versus cards with programmable behaviour
33 Simple memory cards generally do not come under the rubric of smartcards
Physical features and dimensions:
- cards using different chip - carrier materials, for example, plastic versus paper
- cards which match the ISO 7816 physical format and those that have non-standard physical formats
- contact card interface types - standard contact versus USB (now adopted under ISO 7816 contactless
- cards which have varying levels of security evaluation and tamper resistance
Even within specific industry segments, there is wide variation on the approach to card selection or
configuration. Primary decision drivers tend to be price, security and being able to meet immediate project
requirements for capacity and performance, with factors like the addition of future applications and
interoperability taking secondary importance.
The smartcard chip will, in most cases, comprise a monolithic silicon implementation combining the elements
of microprocessor, memory, cryptographic co-processor and interface circuits (contactless and contact). In the
case of contactless cards, a radio frequency interface is integrated with the chip, consisting of both digital and
analogue circuits. The chip is mounted in a module which provides mechanical and (ultra violet) light protection
to the chip and connections to the smartcard contacts or antenna.
Additional chip features will include power supply regulation, clock generation, a random number generator,
and various probing and side-channel attack hardware countermeasures.
The chip memory tends to occupy the largest area on the chip, followed by the CPU and other circuits. As a rule
of thumb, the cost of the raw chip will be linearly proportional to the amount of silicon used in its
Note also that from a mechanical reliability perspective, chips with larger memory will be more susceptible to
mechanical stress than smaller memory chips.
There are many different chip implementations on the market, but the primary issues for smartcard
implementers involve:
Interface type
Memory size
Price is also volume-sensitive. Small volumes used in small projects or trials (up to tens of thousands of parts)
will normally be significantly more expensive than large scale procurement (hundreds of thousands or parts
and above).
11.3 Smartcard applications
The term smartcard application has assumed several broadly related interpretations. These are:
more generally, a set of data files and application specific functions or computations on the card
widest of all, the combination of on-card data and executables on the card and all associated front and back-
end business processes.
From a smartcard system design perspective, the third definition is the most appropriate in conveying the
extent of the technical infrastructure. For the purposes of a chip-level discussion, the first two are the most
Smartcard applications based on ISO 7816-4 file system or ISO 24727 are implemented with a hierarchical
structure. The card issuer application is at the apex and serves as the gateway to all other applications on the
card. Each application will typically be isolated from other applications and occupy a peer position in that
hierarchy. In almost all cases, only one application may be selected or executed at any one time and special
non-standard functions will be needed if applications are required to intercommunicate34.
Card applications based on passive data sets as described above can satisfy many requirements, but do not
address the issue of unique executable functions or functions loadable on the fly. In the first case, a standard
design is supplemented by inclusion of special algorithms to address specific business needs. These are
typically included on the card for security reasons, for example, the calculation of a digital signature or the
execution of a unique mutual authentication protocol.
In the second case, best demonstrated by the JavaCard, atomic applets35 may be loaded on the fly and
executed in the generic card architecture, typically using some stored data elements on the card. Such
applications carry a signature which must be verified before the application is allowed to execute.
The benefit of this approach is that it provides the best model for application issuance after the card itself has
been issued and does not require any special additional load procedures at the card issuance layer. The
demerits of this approach include the need for larger static RAM on the chip (occupying larger real-estate than
flash or EEPROM memory), the communication time taken to load the applet (one of the greatest impacts on
performance is data serialisation delay at the interface) and in the case of JavaCards, the need for a code
interpreter which adds to the silicon size if in hardware or reduces performance if in software.
Card application designers should take care to assess the virtues and impacts of each approach before deciding
on their approach.
Smartcard file systems generally but not always conform to the ISO 7816-4 hierarchy and types, for example,
Master File (MF the root file of a card), Dedicated Files (DF) effectively root files for applications and
Elementary Files (EF) where actual user data is stored.
Several fundamental types of EF are specified including linear and cyclic files. Note however that ISO 7816-4
doers not include a file type called counter, leaving it to the individual application implementer to determine
how to implement such a feature. This is particularly evident in e-purse schemes based on increments and
34 Note that most transit smartcard systems implemented to date use a fully or partly proprietary application design, either on a bespoke basis as
defined by the card issuer, or based on a common design from a major chip vendor targeting this industry segment
35 Atomic applets contain operations that are executed either entirely or not at all. In smartcards, atomic applets are frequently used in connection with
EEPROM write routines, in order to ensure that the data content is consistent at all times
decrements of purse files.
Perhaps the most complicated issue facing card application designers is that of key management. Application
keys are typically assigned to an elementary file from which they may be accessed according to the file access
type being dictated. However there are no firm standards yet in place to describe a normalised key
management approach. Implementers must either accept what vendors offer or embark on a bespoke
There are a plethora of operating systems available for smartcards including a small number of multi-
application operating systems which have achieved significant market recognition (JavaCard and Multos). The
Global Platform specification is compatible with both Multos and JavaCard, but there are more formal card
issuances prescriptions in the latter.
The primary advantages of adopting a recognised card operating system are that:
it will have been designed to address a range of applications and should contain a rich
feature set; and
Disadvantages may include the need to pay per-card royalties and the possibility that there may be a
permanent cryptographic linkage back to the operating system vendor for card or application issuance.
It is important for implementers to note that almost any card operating system can offer multi-application
services, including on the contactless DESFire platform which has been widely adopted in transit and North
American access control programs. What differentiates the different types tends to come down to:
Again, it is crucial for system designers to fully evaluate their requirements before making a choice and it is
also important to examine whether the certifications available with the card actually cover all proposed uses
for the specific applications of the given implementer.
It is also crucial for developers to recognise that Common Criteria certification for the operating system does
not imply that applications loaded by that operating system themselves by implication meet any security
evaluation level. Each implementation should be assessed in the context of the operating system over which it
Smartcard reader selection or designs present many issues to be resolved in a smartcard system
implementation. Key points include:
implementers should first establish a clear requirements specification for reader business and security
from a security and system functionality perspective, readers may be passed through (simply providing the
electro-mechanical interface for a remote host to access the card) or more intimately involved in card
authentication and the ensuing system or card accesses. Simple pass-through readers are available and
reasonably low cost, both for contact and contactless cards, although they will require integrated client card
support for conventional authentication regimes (e.g. Active Directory and e-Directory)
readers which are off-line require greater security and data storage metrics than those directly connected;
in the smartcard standardisation arena, there are as yet no completed standards defining universal
architectures in relation to card readers. There are however, some good specific examples from the payments
industry in the form of the EMV terminal specification and from the Australian electronic funds transfer
marketplace in which terminals must generally comply with both the AS-2805 standards and the security
requirements of the Australian Payments Clearing Association. Requirements for payment card processing
terminals are also issued under the Visa PIN Entry Device (PED) program (now coming under the joint
MasterCard and Visa of the Payments Card Industry (PCI) requirements). For implementers seeking a good
selection of guidelines on implementing readers with cryptographic and key management functions, these
standards or quasi-standards may be a starting point as they cover such issues as:
- initialisation requirements
These standards, however, are in evolution and reflect commercial as well as technical compromises that may
not be acceptable in deployments needing to be highly secure.
These models may be contrasted with those implementations in some industry segments where the securing
cryptographic keys for card access has been well treated, but the securing of the surrounding business logic
has not. Even where readers embody a SAM, it may be infeasible to implement all of the sensitive application
logic in that component for performance, memory resource or other reasons.
CoPs need to look closely at the question of how the card authentication logic couples with subsequent security
activities and the business being conducted at the front end. Matters to be considered include:
whether, in addition to cryptographic authentication, the terminal requires PIN entry and a display, and if so,
the level of security attaching to the terminal keyboard
in the case where a central system authenticates a card shared by multiple agencies, how the agency
processes can be bound to the electronic confirmation of authentication issued by the central system (this
may mean the agency must share cryptographic keys with the central system) and that part of the
authentication process will involve the exchange of application access keys subsequent to mutual
choices also need to be made on reader acquirer (network) side interfaces. Reader technology is rapidly
moving towards IP connectivity and this may be over almost any combination of fixed and mobile network
backbones. For additional security (or at least the perception of it), some smartcard system implementers
may still adhere to the use of private networks, but as these often traverse the infrastructure of a
telecommunications carrier, and as carriers move ever more to link aggregation, there is little guarantee that
traffic in private networks is physically isolated from other traffic
where the reader provides security access functions to the smartcard it should have equivalent Common
Criteria certification to those required for the smartcards
on the network management side, considerable attention must be given to the lifecycle management of
readers. Where they carry out security functions, readers should be managed analogously to the cards, with a
secure issuance and distribution process, and suitable measures when readers are being serviced or
it is highly likely that some readers will play a key role in enforcing business rules in a card application.
Special security features may be needed in the reader, including automatic self-disabling on network
detachment, mutual authentication to local workstations, enforcement of transaction quotas, handling agent
log-ons, and managing card hotlists
where it is desired to integrate the agency functions with EFT functions, then the agency application may
need to be evaluated for compliance with EFT security specifications as described in AS2805 Electronic
funds transfer before network connection is allowed
where contactless readers are to be used in a portable environment, good power management will be
essential to achieving reasonable service duration for the scheduled hours of operation. This also applies to
portable reader battery charging cycles. To achieve acceptable use and service from portable contactless
readers, a power management strategy may need to be developed to ensure devices are at full operating
capacity and availability; and
careful selection or design will be needed for readers in harsh environments (outdoors, marine etc). It is
easier to achieve good moisture and dust exclusion ratings for contactless readers than for contact readers,
and this may be an important consideration for emergency services.
In the context of this implementation guide, the term middleware should be taken to refer to the underlying
applications which support smartcard acquisition, mutual authentication (if any) and subsequent card accesses
and related agency business logic.
As mentioned earlier, such reader applications should be subject to the same risk analysis and evaluation
criteria as apply to the card applications with which it interfaces.
how the middleware interacts with the reader security module (if any)
the storage and communications metrics associated with such factors as:
the need to retain logs until such time as they are transferred to some other repository or are otherwise no
longer needed; and
the likely impacts on security or system integrity of a reader failure including possible data loss thereon.
building access control where card readers may be on-line to some form of central access control manager,
but fully off-line to the card issuer
transit and general stored value purse systems where most transactions are conducted off line to the central
system, with transaction data being delivered in batch mode to the back-end
computer logical access controls where the card may interact with either a centralised or a distributed
access control management system
bank cards where transaction authorisations are furnished real time either by the issuer or by an acquirer
standing in for the issuer; and
entitlement cards where the card is mainly used to identify the cardholder before non-card-related
transactions take place.
Communications network paths which must be addressed by a smartcard system network plan include:
reader to acquirer, possibly via an intermediate tier, and using wired or wireless interconnects
acquirer to issuer
issuer to third parties (e.g. where there may be settlement or authorisation transfers with financial institution
or suppliers of identity-establishing information)
central system to service providers or agencies to facilitate, reconcile or report relevant transaction or event
the card issuers own internal corporate communications network which should be fully isolated from the
card-facing network.
the need for configuration data needing to be communicated to the readers, including hotlists
if any
the timeliness and sequencing of information transfers to avoid replay or versioning attacks
the volume of configuration data that needs to be transferred to the reader and frequency of the transfers
real-time authentication traffic between the reader and the acquirer system, or possibly the next
intermediate tier
usage data transfers between reader and acquirer system, including whether this needs to be real-time or
audit register or log data transfers between reader and acquirer system, including whether this needs to be
real-time or batch
authentication and encryption processes associated with usage data, audit registers and logs
administrative data transfers between the system and the reader including for general
terminal management (for example, taking units off-line and on-line), as well as exception reporting traffic
traffic related to the agency business including operator log-ons, end of business day functions, alerts, and,
potentially, client application or driver updates
key management traffic between the key management system and individual or groups of readers
where and how interfaces can be built to suit existing agency communications infrastructure to carry card
program data (alleviating the need to build a completely separate network)
whether the data design is standards based or proprietary, and the impact each may have on system
performance or network bandwidth requirements
a full impact analysis on the resourcing requirements to meet peak or busy hour loadings
a full analysis of availability requirements including the need for load sharing and alternate routing of traffic
The precise approach to back office system design will depend on the type of application to be supported.
Components of the back office may include some or all of the following infrastructure and functions:
Card issuing this function will include card stock procurement, initialisation, personalisation, and
distribution. Parts of this function may be subcontracted to specialist suppliers and subject to acceptable risk
Card and cardholder registration and personalisation different schemes will have different registration and
personalisation requirements, depending on the importance of identity establishment. In some cases, online
registration may suffice (as practiced in some transit schemes) while stronger procedures, including possible
capture of biometric data will apply in other circumstances. Important considerations will include
environmental requirements, process design and security for data capture, data entry, paper forms
management, forms imaging and archiving and special measures to protect against identity theft. Privacy
concerns will need to be addressed wherever personal data is handled or stored
Central databases most card schemes operate on the concept of a card master record in a central
database. This record will contain baseline data about the card, along with usage data where relevant. While
some schemes store personalisation data in the same record, others, in order to protect against data
aggregation exposures or to provide operational advantages, maintain a separate ledger for personal data
and only permit linkage to the card in controlled circumstances. In any case, it is highly desirable practice
that card records be held in encrypted form on the storage media to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access
or accidental exposure
Reader issuing if card readers have no security functions, then no special provisions need to be put in place
for reader management, beyond normal hardware management. However for situations where the terminals
are cryptographic participants in card access or in post-authentication business processes, the readers must
be treated as a security domain with lifecycle security concerns starting with manufacture and progressing
through initialisation, distribution and activation, use and finally decommissioning. A component of this may
involve tracking the physical location or network addressed location of the device
Reader configuration data management and distribution where readers play a significant business rules
enforcement role, then configuration data management must be properly provisioned and suitable security
measures adopted to protect the configuration data flows. In systems where readers have an on-line
connection to the back office, bilaterally authenticated sessions based ad-hoc configuration data
management is mostly employed. However for systems in which the reader population is off-line, a store and
forward methodology must be used. The latter requires special security measures to protect against replay or
versioning attacks, as well as a feedback mechanism which provides the back office with a snapshot of the
reader state at appropriate intervals. A useful precaution is the provision of a timeout mechanism where a
secure reader disables itself after a preset period of time has elapsed without receipt of a valid next-in-
sequence communication form the central system
Card acquiring the extent of back office interaction with the card and reader depends on system design. In
some cases the central system may provide a direct mutual authentication function, or a similar service
through a distributed authentication model with intermediate network points providing proxy authentication
services. In other schemes, the card acquiring function may include establishment of a session with the
reader and exchange of card or cardholder authentication and transaction authorisation requests and system
authorisation responses (this equates to the bank card acquiring model). In other schemes, readers may
accumulate records of prior authenticated off-line transactions before submitting them to the acquirer
subsystem. The acquiring function may also include terminal management and merchant or agent functions
Card transaction accounting subsystems on the card or application issuer side of the acquiring network
there will generally be some form of reader and card transaction clearing or processing function. This may
connect to the card or cardholder database master record and/or to reporting and, in the case go financial
transaction, a settlement function or subsystem. Features of the clearing function (perhaps shared with an
acquirer function) may include:
- separation and forwarding of transaction streams or messages between different application issuers
or operational
functions (for example reader management responses)
- verification of message authentication codes and marking of data objects as fit for further processing
Settlement functions as implemented by transit or purse operators and for more traditional banking is a
large and complex
topic in its own right and hence is not elaborated here other than to indicate that there are many accounting,
audit, authorisation and governance processes involved
Key and certificate management functions almost without exception, significant smartcard deployments
involve both centralised and distributed key management functions. Core elements in these may include:
- a central key and/or certificate management application or facility which is the source or repository of
system master keys. Key management hosts come in many forms but in government and banking
systems will almost certainly be
based on some form of Hardware Security Module (HSM) for the protection of keys and other secrets
- a set of cryptographic relationships forming the basis of a series trusted communications paths
between the key
management function and suppliers or recipients of key material and other secrets
- in some smartcard systems, intermediate key storage or handling nodes, these also being protected
by an HSM
- in smartcard systems with secure reader functionality, key storage and use at the reader within a
security module
- in almost all smartcard systems, the card itself as a container and user of keys in the case of PKI,
various interfaces for the creation and distribution of key certificates and revocation lists
Key management system the detailed design of the key management system will hinge on many factors
- whether symmetric, asymmetric or hybrid keys are in use at various points in the smartcard network
- whether each front-office endpoint (reader or terminal) can be uniquely addressed for key
management purposes, or
whether group addressing is required
- the nature of any key management gateway functions being provided for third-party application
- the location and type of card issuance, personalisation and enablement functions
- whether a unique key per association or a derived key per association approach is required
- the timing and methods for key-rollover within cards, and readers
- whether there is a layered security architecture and whether security associations are end-point to
end-point or link by link
- whether there is a formal acquirer layer where another party or function acts as proxy for card and
application issuers
- the extent to which the core key management system must support a range of key management
functions in COTS
software and hardware elements in the system in addition to card or reader-specific functions. This
may include:
- VPN keys or SSL keys used to protect public web sites and intranet functions
- public keys used for the exchange of sensitive data between system participants
- LAN keys (where for example, wireless networks are used to acquire card data from portable or
mobile readers)
Issuer and agency reporting interfaces in most smartcard schemes there is at least a basic reporting
function established between the card issuer and application issuers or participating agencies. This may
cover many factors, including card or application issuance volume, transaction volumes and types, exception
volumes and type, reconciliation and settlement summaries, and KPI statistics. Often this data is of a highly
sensitive nature and security processes must be designed for its transmission.
Access control management fully featured smartcards systems will have a complex array of access
controls, and adequate resourcing and tools must be provided for its administration. Areas to be covered
Each domain of access will have an associated log which may require continuous automated
analysis and periodic manual audit.
System deployment and integration test management and execution primary issues for smartcard
deployers to consider during deployment and integration testing include:
- keeping a separation between test and production systems, including, cards, readers and
cryptographic keys
System maintenance management large smartcard systems entail significant levels of ongoing support for
infrastructure including readers. Issues to be addressed include:
- removing or disabling security functions before equipment is removed from its normal location
- adding or enabling security functions when equipment is commissioned or returned to its normal
location after repair
- ensuring that test sites and test beds have no access to production data
Cardholder management including help desk smartcard back-end system design must make adequate
provision for handling post-issuance card management issues:
- cardholder general inquiries about aspects of card usages
Demands on such systems will be greatest immediately after cards are issued, and especially high when a
system is first commissioned.
Cardholder web sites most large card systems where cardholders are members of the general public
implement some form of web interface to support various cardholder services drawn from:
- balance inquiries
- initiating ad-hoc operations on the card (for example, transit purse load)
In some cases, web site maintenance will be subcontracted out to third party specialist web-hosting
- content development
- establishing secure paths between the issuer and the web hosting site for real and non-real time
content update and
collection of cardholder data input via web pages
- user authentication
- protection against scripting attacks aimed at cardholder passwords and/or other sensitive personal
- management of the web server public key as used to establish a secure sessions with client browsers
Particular attention must be paid to any web function which requires read or write access to the card or
cardholder master records
Agency management including help desk smartcard back-end system design must also make adequate
provision for handling inquiries from agencies or reader operators including:
Similar to card issuance, demands on agent or agency support systems will be greatest when a system is first
commissioned, or when substantive operational changes are introduced
Backup and disaster recovery smartcard system designers must ensure adequate provision for backup and
disaster recovery. Many of these issues are no different to those applying to any mission-critical system.
Some of the issues to consider include:
- protection of the back up data including the use of encryption and integrity measures to prevent
tampering and meet
privacy and security policy requirements
- determining whether cold, warm or hot standby is required and the time metrics and impacts for
- maintaining separated stocks of smartcards to ensure business continuity in the event that one bulk
stock location is
damaged or destroyed
This section covers card processes not covered (or not fully covered) elsewhere:
Card procurement card procurement may be an issue of considerable complexity and requires careful
technical, legal and commercial management. The technical selection will presumably be established in the
issuers specification. However other issues to be considered include:
36 An alternative supplier of an identical or compatible product. A second source manufacturer is one that holds a license to produce a copy of the
original product from another manufacturer
- determining policy in relation to country of card manufacture
- managing warranties on failed cards and determining the risks associated with allowing
manufacturers to perform forensic tests on failed cards
- differentiating warranty failures from abnormal wear and tear (lack of cardholder diligence) or
deliberate card damage
- accommodating currency exchange rate risk (the card silicon market generally trades in either US
dollars or Euros)
- forward planning to allow for potentially long lead times in chip module or card supply
Stock management card system designers must develop suitable procedures for bulk card stock
management, whether at the issuer premises or at subcontractor premises to ensure secure management of
inventory and prevent loss, theft or unauthorised access to that stock. Good stock management procedures
include isolating failed cards from good card stock and routine stock takes. Other considerations include the
management of temporary cards, if used in the system, and in the case of some schemes, recycling of cards
whose technical life far exceeds the period for which it is assigned to a given cardholder37.
Expired card management smartcard scheme designers and managers must make proper provision for
expired card management. Issues here include:
- what warning needs to be provided to the cardholder and what budgeting and provisioning is in place
for card
Lost and stolen card management in any large card scheme, there will be significant effort needed to deal
adequately with lost and stolen cards. Considerations will include:
- in the case of stored value cards, determining the value transfer policy including whether it is to take
place at the front or back-ends (and considering convenience
versus risk)
- determining appropriate latencies in reader systems for the distribution of hot or revocation lists, and
providing for list
37 Card recycling is deprecated for personalised cards on privacy grounds, but feasible in some schemes (e.g. transit) with high non-personalised card
turnover. A full security risk and commercial impact analysis should be undertaken before committing to recycling program
Failed card management smartcard issuers and scheme managers must plan for reasonable levels of card
failures during normal operations. Card failure rate statistics are jealously guarded by chip makers and
scheme operators, but issuers should allow for up to several percent of cards issued. Considerations will
- determining fallback policies for when the chip fails to work: In some cases this may entail reversion
to use of the data printed on the face of the card, but this may usher in simple attacks for which the
chip was to provide a security solution
- being alert to card failure modes which may compromise card anti-abuse safeguards for example, in
an off-line card authentication environment, cards which cannot be blocked must be permanently
hotlisted, or hotlisted until such time as the keys used to access that card are revoked and removed
from readers or authentication engines.
Smaller smartcard deployments may provide most functions or services internally. However most larger
schemes rely to a certain extent on third party service providers, including:
service point agents, providing walk-in cardholder services such as card registration and faulty card
reader installers, for the installation and commissioning of readers and smartcard network equipment
secure archive organisations providing safe storage of system electronic and paper records
security disposal service providers for the secure destruction of paper records and electronic storage media39
disaster recovery centre providers offering standby computing and operational facilities; and
independent test and evaluation laboratories and security auditors providing services to the card system
assurance program.
Smartcard systems governance principles must embody numerous regulatory and fit-for-purpose principles.
Issues to be addressed may include:
38 If the delay is too long, devices or cards that have been compromised may be permitted into the system. Alternatively if the delay is too short it can
impact on operations and bandwidth
39 It is highly desirable that at least a first level of media destruction be carried out by the issuer even where a secure disposal outfit is contracted
compliance with privacy and consumer laws
promulgating suitable security and privacy educational material throughout the organisation
instituting and enforcing policies and procedures to mitigate fraud or other systems abuse
establishing a coherent security and fraud incident management approach and ensuring adequate escalation
establishing appropriate authorisation and reporting structures and ensuring isolation between authorisation
and execution of security- critical tasks
wherever possible, performing proactive trend analysis on card usage in an effort to detect emerging attacks
carrying out pre-employment background checks against all employees and contactors
providing suitable mechanisms for the communication and handling of cardholder, agency stakeholder or
other complaints or concerns; and
remaining abreast of technology developments, especially in the areas of smartcard and network security
threats and vulnerabilities.
12 Standards-related issues in enabling a
smartcard deployment
A smartcard is normally one component of a complex system. This means that the interfaces between the card
and the rest of the system must be precisely specified and matched to each other. Of course, this could be
done for each system case-by-case, without regard to other systems. However, this would mean that a
different type of smartcard would be needed for each system. Users would thus have to carry a separate card
for each application. To avoid this, attempts have been made to generate international application-independent
standards that allow multifunctional cards to be developed.
To achieve interoperability, it is therefore important that smartcard properties are strongly based on
international application-based standards40. This is fundamentally important with regard to the usually
compulsory need for interoperability. Unfortunately, these standards are often very difficult to understand, can
be ambiguous and in some critical places require outright interpretation.
The detailed specifications of the smartcard therefore need to be confirmed with the various applicable agency
stakeholders during the design phase.
13 Interoperability issues
Smartcard interoperability can mean different things to different smartcard schemes. Variants include the
ability to use a card designed for one system in another system (this might be called issuer layer
interoperability), and the ability to use a card designed for one purpose or sector for an unrelated purpose or
sector (this might be called application layer interoperability).
Interoperability is discussed in the National Smartcard Framework at the policy, business and technical levels
and introduces the concept of Communities of Practice (CoPs). A CoP can be defined as a particular population
of smartcard issuers and third parties that have a common requirement to interoperate and agree to issue
smartcards according to an agreed set of rules. More information on CoPs can be found in the National
Smartcard Framework.
Card interface technical interoperability is handled either through the use of a common interface between
cards, or the use of readers that support multiple interface standards
Card and application discovery in order to achieve card interoperability, readers or the associated host
applications may be required to identify the card and/or application and other relevant unique identifiers. This
requirement may in some cases be in conflict with the desire to prevent leakage of any information which
might reveal cardholder attributes. Interoperable card system designers must consider the question of
whether they need to use registered identifiers to achieve national or international compatibility and
uniqueness; and
Reader interoperability there are various standards regarding interoperability of card readers. The ISO/EIC
14443 and 7816 standards for example provide physical and link layer interoperability at the card interface.
Further, PC/SC provides basic interoperability at the host interface and ISO/IEC 24727 addresses
programming interfaces between the chip and host applications. The PC/SC specifications are based on the
ISO 7816 standards and are compatible with both the EMV and GSM industry-specific specifications. For
readers that operate in pass-through mode only, interoperability is relatively easy to achieve.
If a smartcard implementation however requires readers that provide more functionality than simple pass-
through, for example application management and complex run-time functionality, achieving reader
interoperability can be a much more elusive target. It should be noted that EMV, the financial-industry
specification, does address reader interoperability in the wider application area. However presently there are a
lack of industry standards in terms of:
multi-application handling
In most interoperable environments, the reader to back-end physical and electrical interfaces are out of scope.
However, the question of data object management must be addressed in the trivial sense so that readers, at
least in an off-line architecture, must be able to support data storage and forwarding capabilities that fit the
interoperable business rules and acquiring model. The development of ISO/IEC 24727 will allow for new plug
and play capabilities in smartcard technology:
Extent and nature of interoperability decisions must be made as to whether interoperability is to be based on
a shared application or separate compatible applications, and the extent to which and types of information
flows needed to underpin interoperability . Seemingly simple questions such as concession interoperability
between state governments in the transit environment may require considerable design time and negotiation.
Likewise interoperable data designs presuppose that critical data objects used in one issuer system are
recognisable in another issuer system
Information transfers assuming front-end interoperability is achieved; system designers must consider
what level of back-end (issuer-to-issuer) information needs to be exchanged including configuration and
usage data, hotlists, settlement data, key management data and various types of reports
Service levels card issuers seeking interoperability must decide which of the range of services available in the
primary issuers network must also be available in the second-party issuers network. For example, it should be
determined whether the second issuer is responsible for dealing with cardholder inquiries or malfunctioning card
issues when they did not issue the card or application
Security model interoperability may not be feasible where different system operators subscribe to different
security methodologies. For example, an issuer will normally not want its keys exposed in a potentially
interoperable system that does not implement the same levels of anti-tamper protection or the same level of
procedural controls over operations on their applications in the other partys system
Liability assignment issuers seeking interoperability must consider which party will be liable for card
misadventures or abuses in the other partys system, including fraudulent use
Revocation or blocking policy in an interoperable environment, card and application issuers must clearly
understand the implications of revocation and blocking in one system for card or application use in another
system. Blocking for administrative reasons in one domain may impose unforseen penalties on a cardholder
in another domain
Contact Card Voltage smartcards based on ISO-7816 may operate at 5, 3.3 or 1.8V. Cards are not required
to operate at each of these voltages, but must not be damaged by the presentation of any of these voltages.
Manufacturers generally offer parts that are capable of operating anywhere in the range 5.5 and 2.7V, but
due to the additional power needing to be dissipated by on-card regulators, 1.8V chips may not operate at 5V.
It should be noted that 5V logic levels are slowly disappearing from the semiconductor industry, with 3.3V
currently being the most commonly used chip I/O voltage; and
Card Communication Protocol (T=0, T=1, T=CL) card communications methodologies depend on card
interface type and application requirements. For contact cards, either ISO7816-3 T=0 or T=1 link-layer
protocols are both in widespread use, although T=1 offers improved error detection and is more consistent
with the ISO HDLC communications methodology. For ISO1443 for contactless cards T=CL is the generally
preferred link-layer protocol due to its standardisation, but other proprietary protocols are in widespread use.
Above the link layer, ISO 7816-4 message formats are by far the most commonly used.
14 Multi-application smartcard issues
This section deals with specific issues relating to multi-application issuance. Points for system implementers to
consider include:
multi-application environments in existing schemes range over a wide set of potential uses. The most
common form of multi-application card is one which carries secondary applications which are indirectly
related to the primary application. A good example is the inclusion of a separate operator application in
conjunction with a transit smartcard purse. Operator employees are able to use the one smartcard for travel
as well as equipment log-on and operator-specific functions41
in other multi-application environments, the card architecture supports second and subsequent generic data
storage and retrieval applications. The ISOIEC 24727 provides good examples of how to handle a generic
multi-application card environment
applications sharing a card will be dependent on security and administrative features provided by the card
operating system and the issuer application on the card. Access to spare application space on the card will
normally require access to keys created for that space by the issuer and may also rely on cards being passed
through a special reader-based issuance process to add the additional application. Some multi-application
issuers pre partition the memory space on their cards, and also pre-populate these applications areas with
transport or placeholder keys to ease downloading of new applications on the card
- if the application is loaded post card issuance, whether the application is dynamically loaded
and unloaded (as can be provided on a JavaCard platform), or whether it is statically loaded to
be card resident
- which information elements must be provided in support of card and application discovery
- memory wear and tear issues heavy use of one application may result in reduction of card
useful life for all application providers on that card and unfairly impose card re-issuance costs
on other parties
- cardholder support for problems or queries not related to a given application issuers business,
and/or the possible sharing of a common help desk
- whether there is any need for applications to share a common data space (e.g. some transit multi-
applications have a
common purse); and
Concerns and benefits surround the question of sharing data between applications. Where an agencys data is
to be restricted to that one agency, the separation must be strongly enforced by using agency-specific keys.
Where, by policy, agency data may be shared then a decision must be made as to whether that data is to be
located in a public part of the card memory (accessible to anyone) or accessible only through the use of an
inter-agency key set.
Examples of beneficial sharing are, but are not limited to, sharing of one PIN between multiple applications, or
sharing of an on-card service like biometric template verification. Dependent upon the implementation, and
subject to a privacy impact assessment, the ability of sharing such information as common cardholder
information, e.g. contact details, may be viable.
which agency or application issuer has prime responsibility and liability for the integrity
of shared data?
is minimising data held on the card a better option than retaining such information at the system back-end?
Where the card is used to actuate sharing of data held elsewhere in the network rather than providing the
data directly, there are clearly issues relating to the binding
of access to that information to authentication of the cardholder; and
what are the underlying key management and control processes needed to grant the relevant access
privileges and revoke them at appropriate points?