Etnopoetica Dell Hymes
Etnopoetica Dell Hymes
Etnopoetica Dell Hymes
Dell Hymes
Sung epic poetry is famous for oral formulae, which have been taken as enabling a
narrator to meet the constraint of the metrical line in the midst of performing. (I realize that
there is more to oral formulae than that). The narratives with which I have worked, not
having metrical lines, do not have the same performance constraint. One does sometimes
find evidence of fulfilling the constraint of a patterned sequence in an ad hoc way. Among
Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest, formulae seem to have two roles. Prayers and
exhortations at ceremonies may be full of them, not to meet formal constraint, but to invoke
tradition. Narratives employ them at major junctures, such as openings and closings, and
there are classes of words to be expected as markers. All these could be said to be required
by a genre. There are also words expectable for characteristic actions in the course of a
type of scene or story. The choice, position, and frequency of these words is particular to a
given narrator and performance. They seem to give shape as much as to fulfill it.
African American narratives collected in New York City by William Labov can
be more accurately appreciated when seen to be poetry in this sense. Labovs much-used
analysis of stories in terms of a set of universal functions misses their shape. The stories
are not a linear sequence of temporal events, intersected by non-temporal effects, but
successive arcs of arousing and realizing expectation. See Hymes 1991, 1994a.
There is also of course free verse, much of which actually has recurrences and
relations of various kinds.
Shes a Widow
says, Oh, he says, No, that shell never go for. So she says, Okay,
thats my bid, Mr. Smith. You want it, fine; you dont, fine. Got a call
that afternoon. It was accepted! So I go to see the houseI go to sign the
contract, I look at the contract and I says, I aint signing this. He says,
Why? I says, I want a plumbing certificate, I want an air conditioning
certificate, I want a heating certificate, and I want a roof certificate! So he
says, Really, we wont guarantee... I says, I dont want guarantee, I
want certificates, from certified people that its in good shape, and I want
the right to bring in any of my guys. So he says, She wont go for it...
this, that... So I says, Aah, dont be silly, I says, Look, you just take it
to her. So I get a call back about a day later, Okay, shes accepted.] So
then I get anow what I do is, I pick up this thing, I take it to my cousin,
he goes to someone, he says, Settlements no good. Shes got us for forty-
five days. In October she wanted to settle....
He says, (C)
Yeah, he says,
What would you bid?
So she says, Twenty-eight.
fine. 80
You dont,
Some time long ago the (people) said to the boy: Now let us go
for reeds. The boy was (considered) bad. So then they said: Now you
people shall take him along (when you go for) reeds. And then they said
to them: You shall abandon him there. So then the people all went
across the river. They went on and arrived where the reeds were. And
then they cut off the reeds and said (to them): If the boy says, Are you
people still there? you shall answer him, uu.
And then they all ran off; straight home they ran, went right across
the river. No person at all (was left) on this side; they were all on the
other side. And then that boy said: Now let us all go home!Uuu,
said the reeds to him. He looked about long, but in vain; there was
nobody. And then he too started to go home, he too went following
behind them; he ran until he arrived (at the river), but there were no people
to be seen. So then the boy cried. And then he heard (something)....
Stanzas (ABC) tell of the people deserting the boy. These stanzas are
linked by having the people, they as agents throughout.
Stanzas (CDE) tell of the boy finding himself deserted. These stanzas
are linked by their endings:
Stanza C is the pivot. The preceding stanzas (A, B) are linked by the
plan to abandon the boy, first by instructions to take him for reeds, then by
instructions to the reeds as to how to deceive and delay him. The following
stanzas (DE) are linked by the boys search for the others. (C) is outcome to
the first pair and the onset for the second. It realizes the plan and provides
the condition for the discovery of absence.
Around (C) indeed there is a chiasmus-like symmetry. The
immediately adjacent stanzas (B, D) involve the instructions to the reeds,
their being given (B) and their being carried out (D).6 The outer stanzas
Stanza (D) is a brief form of what can be a full scene. It often occurs in version
of the story-type Bear and Deer. Bear has killed Deer while the two are away from
home. Deers children retaliate by killing Bears children, and flee before Bear returns.
Bear, finding her children dead, pursues them, but first asks a dog the direction they have
gone. The dog has been instructed to bark in turn in directions other than the one in which
the children actually go. Sapir did not record the myth from Louis Simpson (Sapir 1909),
but Victoria Howard dictated it in Clackamas to Melville Jacobs (the incident is in M.
Jacobs 1958:149-50), with both women bears, Grizzly and Black Bear. Charles Cultee told
it to Franz Boas in Kathlamet (the incident is in Boas 1901:122), with neither woman a
bear. I suspect that the doubling in Mrs. Howards version, and the diminution in that from
Mr. Cultee (to Robin [Thrush] and Salmonberry) reflects tension about the figure of a bear
as a way of exploring the nature of women.
In Louis Simpsons The Deserted Boy presumably the reeds answer, first from
one direction, then from another, so that the boy searches everywhere but in the direction
the people have actually gone, to the river. We are to understand that they have taken the
only canoe. The boy is left on a low marshy bit of land (where reeds would grow), too far
from either side of the river for him to get back. Mr. Simpson assumes an audience would
understand this, and subordinates explanation, or elaboration, to severity of form, in which
have to do with the state of abandonment, its initiation by the people (A) and
its realization by the boy (E).7
Interlocking in Alaska and Cochiti (3 and 4). Native American
narratives taken down in English can display native form. In the summer of
1924 Ruth Benedict took down a number of tales from interpreters from the
Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico. In pursuit of a type of story involving
Coyote, birds, water, and songs and names imperfectly mastered, I analyzed
one titled by Benedict Coyote imitates Crow (Benedict 1931:149; cf.
Hymes 1994c). The sequence in terms of actions, verses, and scenes seems
clear, probably because it was carefully translated.8 The story has one of the
two examples known to me of interlocking within four-part relations.
For a five-part sequence to contain two interlocking sequences of
three seems possible wherever three and five-part relations are used. Until
early 1993 I knew of but one example with two and four-part relations.
Early in this century the missionary John W. Chapman recorded some
sixteen narratives in the language of those he served (the language has since
been referred to as Ingalik, and now, Deg Hitana). The texts have
the next stage, an analogue of a successful guardian spirit quest, is expeditiously reached.
This scene has several instances of the elementary three-step relation as well.
The three spoken statements in (A) can be taken as three steps (onset, ongoing, outcome)
of the initial plan. First the boy is addressed (with the transitive verb-stem -lxam); then
the people are spoken to generally, broadcast (with the intransitive stem -kim): then some,
not all, are addressed, as indicated by -lxam instead of -kim, presumably excluding the
boy. After the first stanza, which has everyone in place, three stanzas each have changes
of location with the onset, ongoing, outcome pattern. The people cross, go on, arrive at
the reeds (8, 9, 10); they run off, go straight home, none are left (17, 18-19, 20-21); the
boy starts, follows, arrives running (28, 29, 30). Such a three-step change of location
constitutes all of (C) and (E). (B) and (D) overall have three-step sequences, but not of
movement as such. Reach the reeds, cut them, instruct them (B), boy calls to go home,
reeds answer, boy searches in vain (D).
The entire translation is given as an appendix below, because it will figure in
other parts of this essay as well. This version replaces that in chapter 4 of Hymes 1981.
Benedict herself remarks of the tales she recorded: They give the literary style
to which all the stories in Cochiti conform but which can never be completely reproduced
without recording the text (xiii). Her relative confidence about style probably was based
on the fact that Franz Boas recorded a number of tales in the language itself, and
published a characterization of it (Boas 1928). The translations of the stories he recorded
in text are included in her monograph.
been re-elicited (Kari 1981:1-15). One is the widely known story of Raven
obtaining the light of the sun (Chapman 1914:22-26, 109-15).
The patterning of verses and scenes uses relations of two and four,
and the story as a whole has four acts. The four acts integrate two distinct
plots. Each involves three acts (Hymes 1990-94).
In the first plot, Act I establishes that no young man can marry a
certain woman, Act II has Raven succeed in entering her, Act III has her
discovered to be pregnant and Raven born as her child. The woman who
would not marry has been overcome.
In the second plot, Act II introduces Raven, who flies in darkness, Act
III has him born to the daughter of the man who controls the light, Act IV
has him make off with the light. The world has been set right.
In the narrative as a whole, Act I involves the young woman, but not
Raven. Act IV involves Raven, but not the young woman. Each is in three
acts, and they share the central acts II and III.
In the Cochiti narrative, there are two scenes. The first is about
Coyotes attempt to imitate a bird, the second about what happens after he
fails. Both scenes involve interplay of relations of three and five with
relations of four, but differ in internal form.
The first scene has three stanzas, the second four. In the first scene
the first and third stanzas each have four verses. The first elaborates pairing
in each verse in terms of opposition between what is high (a bank of paper
bread) and what is low (a pond of sweet-corn milk). The first pair of verses
have to do with what is there, the second with what Crow does (sing, then
bite and fly down to drink). The third stanza also has two pairs. Coyote eats
and wishes to drink in one, prepares to jump and jumps (to his death) in the
other. The middle stanza has five verses. They interlock with Crows song
as pivot. Coyote comes along and asks for the song, Crow agrees, Crow
sings. The outcome of one three-step sequence is onset to a second: Crow
sings, Coyote listens and learns, says he is ready to start.
Only after long consideration of this first scene did I realize that it is
analogous to the second, if the two interlocking sequences are counted
together with the stanzas on either side. In the first stanza there is only
Crow, in the last stanza only Coyote. In the two interlocking sequences
there are both Coyote and Crow. Three for Crow, then, and three for
Coyote, in a series of four.
This interplay of three and four complements an obvious interplay in
the four stanzas of the second scene. Crow takes Coyotes eyes herself, then
summons those who use fur, then those who eat meat. Finally an old man
comes and takes the bones for soup for his wife. The first three stanzas
show Crow in charge, the last three are about the use of Coyotes body. The
first stands apart from the practical uses of the rest, because Crow simply
plays with the eyes, shaking them so that they sound like bells. (An
audience would recognize a popular incident, often the frame of an entire
story, in which a bird takes Coyotes eyes.) The last stands apart because
the old man comes without reference to Crow. The second and third stanzas
belong to both sequences, involving both Crow and usefulness.
The storys two scenes are alike in beginning with Crow and ending
with Coyote, each having a three-step sequence that overlaps the sequence
of the other. They differ in expressive shape in ways that further analysis of
Cochiti may clarify. It may be accidental that these two instances of
interlocking sequences of three in a set of fourone from Alaska, one from
New Mexicoare the only ones known. The device may not be as rare as it
now seems.
scenes, disclosed by quotative particles in a Hopi performance, see Hymes 1994c. I have
sketched the verses and stanzas of the first text in Parks 1991, Alfred Morsettes How
Summer Came to the North Country, and have prepared an account of the stanzas and
scenes in Dewey Healings Bird Story (Arizona Tewa) presented by Kroskrity 1985
(cf. Kroskrity 1993).
The field notebook shows that Some time long ago does not actually start
the story. The story starts with Now then (aGa kwapt). The word
rendered Some time long ago (GanGadix) precedes The boy was bad
(mean). Nor is that fact accidental.11
The second statement in a Chinookan myth often enough describes the
character of one of the actors. Usually this is done through a characteristic
activity, understood to be virtuous or not. An actor characterized as virtuous
will not come to harm at the end. Here the boy is characterized as bad, but
the badness is displaced: long ago.
Another of Simpsons texts, one about Clothing in the section on
customs (Sapir 1909:182), does begin with this time expression, translated
there In olden times. A second paragraph in the same text (but about
tools) begins the same way. Perhaps this is why Sapir thought the
expression should be first in this story, and of course it seems right there,
given our familiar Once upon a time. In The Deserted Boy, however,
long ago has structural work to do. The boy will not end badly, but as a
wealthy hero, taking revenge. His meanness is a once, but not a future,
thing. Louis Simpson keeps faith with the convention of a statement of
character in second place, letting a hearer know that what follows upon it in
this case is the immediate action, not the final outcome.
As always, one has to take seriously the exact detail of what was said.
Formal analysis need not displace the manuscript, but may underscore its
integrity. The two together provide as sure as possible a basis for
(2) A second instance also has to do with a formal anomaly. The
narrator, Louis Simpson, marks verses regularly with an initial pair of
particles, translatable as Now then (aGa kwapt), as we have seen. The
common alternatives are regular too: a second sequence may have another
pair, Now again (aGa wta) instead of Now then.12 A turn at talk is
This example was intended to form section 5 of the original article (Hymes
1976), but was omitted from both it and Hymes 1981. Cf. 1981:163, line 15. For the
symbol G, note 12 below.
In Wishram words C is used for voiceless affricate (English ch), E is used for
schwa (like the vowel in English but), G is used for a voiced velar stop, L for a voiceless
lateral fricative, S for a voiceless shibilant (English sh), x for a voiceless velar fricative
such as in German Ich, X for a voiceless velar fricative such as in German ach. A
always a verse, however begun. Simpson builds stanzas and scenes again
and again with sets of such verses. At one point in The Deserted Boy,
however, this regularity fails. Nor can it be taken to have expressive point.
Where there ought to be a third pair, there is just one particle, then. Some
narrators do use this single particle as a marker of verses, but not Louis
Sapirs field notebook III, pp. 94-97, shows that at this point of formal
irregularity there is an irregularity in transcription. The words of one line
are inserted above the words of a line that follows. Either the inserted words
were initially missed by Sapir, who went back to write them, or they were
retroactively supplied by Simpson. The latter seems more likely. The verse
with a single particle completes an expected sequence of three; the
discrepancy suggests recovery in the midst of distraction. (Hymes
[1991:156-58] indicates what the content and context suggest was intended.)
(3) The third example involves recognition of conventions of
patterning that had been missed. In the final act, the published text has the
following five lines (published, of course, as prose):
Now snow, lightly, lightly.
There is no food among the people,
the people are hungry.
Now then the people said,
Let us go to the boy.
That is a reasonable sequence. The field notebook, however, shows that for
publication Sapir changed the order of the lines. If the order in the notebook
is identified as abcde, then the printed lines are in the order ecdab. The
change appears to be an interpretation. The field notebook shows no
insertions. What it does show are carets and parentheses. These indicate
transposition in two steps. This fact, and the fact that the translation remains
continuous in the original order, suggest a result of editorial attention, not of
interaction with a narrator.13
When the relevant lines are considered in the order in which they were
written down, and presumably spoken, they lead to reconsideration of the
organization of the act as a whole. One gains a richer sense of the ways in
which initial particles are used, of their motivation and consistency, a
Notice that the published order puts the last line at the beginning. This may
be because it has initial now. A single initial now (aGa) is sometimes
used by Louis Simpson. Indeed it is used in each act of this narrative, but the
circumstances are different and revealing.
(a) The last line (30) of the first act is Now, no people. That sums
up the outcome of the desertion of the act, and the condition of the act to
follow. (This now, however, does not mark a new verse. It does not begin
a predication, but completes one. See note 18 below).
(b) The first scene of the second act ends with lines each beginning
with a single now, two of them. These lines conclude the fifth of a strict
sequence of verses. The boy fishes five times. Four times we are told that
he has caught one (two, three, four) fish, eaten half of what he has caught,
and saved half for the morning. The first time begins with Now then, the
four that follow with Now again. The fifth time we are not told what he
has caught; rather:
(c) The third scene of the second act ends with five lines (116-20) that
each begin with a single now. Lacking a following then, the onward
push of the narrative is suspended. There is a moment of lyric unity between
the boy and the woman who comes to him. (Such moments for a man and
woman occur, variously marked, in a Clackamas narrative from Virginia
Howard and one Kathlamet from Charles Cultee). The lines culminate and
sum up the reward of what the boy has done (food, a wife, power). The food
and power are a condition of what is to follow. (In Victoria Howards
Clackamas version, so is the wife).
(d) The last line (167) of the story is Now only the two old women
remained. It sums up the outcome of revenge.
(e) In the notebook order of the five lines in question, Now snow,
lightly, lightly occurs at the end of a stanza (III (B)). It does not sum up a
state of affairs, but it anticipates what is to follow. Perhaps in this respect it
complements the other instance in Act III. The uses of a single Now at the
end of a unit in Act I (31) and Act II (78, 79; 116-20) both sum up and
anticipate. In Act II one anticipates (31), the other sums up (167).
Another pattern intersects this one. There are three mentions of
snow in the narrative. In each of the others snow is the third element in
a sequence of three lines.
Lines 152-55, and 162-64. Line 153 is an English explanation that is not part of
the narrative proper.
What intervenes has no initial particle, no turn at talk, yet it seems to have
the position of a verse.
One might think of the lines There is no food among the people, / the
people are hungry as part of a preceding verse, Now then the people said, /
Let us go to the boy. But Chinookan quoted speech always is the end of
the verse of which it is a part. If the two lines in question are to be a verse,
they ought to begin with a marker. Instead they begin, literally No-thing
food people-at.
It has taken me twenty years to notice that the two lines are a couplet,
a semantic couplet. Each says much the same thing:
With this recognition it was a matter of a moment to consider two other lines
about people as a couplet as well:
For all the features of the act, please see the appendix, which replaces the text
presented in Hymes 1976 and 1981:ch. 4.
See Hymes 1981:159-64, for the earlier consideration. These pages and others
cited above are captioned Structural philology (a) and Structural philology (b).
the couplet: the people are hungry, and now there is snow. A rhythm of
this, then that joins irresistible motivation (no food) to incipient danger.17
The third stanza is the peripety: the grandmothers come, they get close
to the boys house, other people start across. The boy turns, looks, sees.
Doing so, he echoes the triplet in which he discovered the fire his
grandmothers left him, and remembers his abandonment. By implication, he
resolves how to act.
This memory is doubled (stanzas C, D), and so is the drowning of the
people (D, E). All this is part of an interlocking relation among the five
stanzas. The first two stanzas (A, B) have the presence of food at the boys
discovered. The last two stanzas (D, E) have the people who come for it
destroyed. The middle stanza (C) has the people start across and the boy
resolve. That is the outcome of one three-step sequence (discovery, wider
discovery, confrontation) and the onset of another (confrontation, outcome,
further outcome).
The texture of the scene includes other three-part relations as well.
The grandmothers cross three times (A, B, C). Snow comes three times (B,
D, E). There are three couplets about the people (B, D, E). Each of the last
three stanzas (C, D, E) actually ends with the theme of the abandonment,
two with memory of those who did abandon, the third with the safety of the
grandmothers who did not.
(5) Couplets: Act I, II. Such couplets occur in each act. In Act I they
have to do with the peoples abandonment of the boy:
It is possible to take the stanza as five interlocking verses, since the first three
verses make sense as a three-step progression of onset, ongoing, outcome (with
traditional reference to other versions in which how the news gets out is spelled out).
The third step, becoming news, might in turn be the onset of another three-step
progression (there is food at the boys, let us go, now snow). But that would ignore the
lines of the couplet, which have no normal place in any of the five verses.
Lines 30-31 he arrived running: / Now, no people might seem a couplet from
the standpoint of counting lines. To take it as a unit would give the stanza three elements.
What we have here, however, is the conjunction of two other narrative patterns: the first
The parallelism of the lines was readily seen and expressed from the start,
and the organization of the act is not affected by counting the pairs as single
In Act II, on the other hand, the recognition of couplets forces
recognition of relations that had been ignored. The fifth stanza of the first
scene is clearly strictly patterned in terms of going to fish five times, so
much so that presenting it as just that seemed obvious. But if the last two
lines are a couplet, and hence a unit with the status of a verse, matters are
different. If lines 77 and 78-79 are a pair of verses, what precedes them does
not fit in a consistent pattern with them, unless also consisting of pairs. And
of course it does.
In any other narrative sequence of successive days, the occurrence of
morning, let alone again morning, that is, of initial markers for
recurrence and a new point in time, would have automatically been seen as
marking a new verse. Here the obvious sequence of five days induced a
false security, and the lines about eating the next day were tucked in with the
catching. Five days, five verses.
Now it is evident that the stanza is expressively elaborated with not
five verses, but five pairs of verses. The first four pairs have fishing one
morning and eating the remaining half the next. The fifth pair has going the
fifth time, and a dramatic change of perspective in a concluding couplet, the
sudden disclosure that all along the boy had been achieving adulthood (78-
I know no other instance of such narrative couplets in the region. Such
may be found, but at present it is impossible to think in terms of diffusion.
Perhaps the couplets are an indigenous development of the pairing that is
widespread in the three- and five part-patterns of the region, often to
highlight a focus of action. They can be seen as an intensification of it. I
have no hypothesis as to why they occur only here in what is known of
Louis Simpsons narratives. They may be a sign of how much it meant to
him to etch with decisive strokes, as a triumphant guardian spirit quest, the
story of an abandoned boy.
three lines are an example of the common three-step pattern of action (onset, ongoing,
outcome): he started home, he followed behind, he arrived running. The third and fourth
lines are an example of an action coupled with an object of perception: he arrived
running; now, no people.
In this 1891 telling the first part begins somewhat leisurely; several
lines explain the situation. The second part begins dramatically, with
Salmon issuing directions three times in succession, and using ironic
questions. It is accomplished in five stanzas, one scene. In the 1894 telling
it is the second part that begins somewhat leisurely, as Salmons company
move on upriver. The verses are ordinary threes and fives; no dramatic pairs
of Salmons behests and responses to them, no ironic questions but questions
in the passive at first (they were asked). There are three scenes, not one.19
A second section deals with the three who have come downriver: Salmon
pronounces what they will be. And the order in which they are dealt with is
reversed, so that the last one is Flounder, whom Salmon tells to remain in
the river in the winter.
Salmon is a contested figure in terms of gender. In other narratives he
is shown as proud and peremptory with women. Victoria Howard
transforms and ultimately excludes Salmon from a version of this very story
(Hymes 1986). Here he is made to acknowledge the importance of womens
food (plants) to the survival of the people. One can see his behavior in the
second part as a result of suppressed anger at the insults he must suffer
silently in the first part. In the 1891 telling the anger is overt. In the 1894
telling it is not. Evidently the reason is the further ending. By having
Flounder be year round in the river, Salmon forever undercuts the claim of
the plants to be the only winter source of food.
The field notebook makes a minor difference to the number of lines in
the 1894 telling (one notebook line appears to have been missed in the
printed text). What is telling for interpretation is the fact that each time
Cultee skipped a line in the scene just before the second part. In the first
telling he went right on. In the second telling, so the notebook shows, he
remembered the omission and inserted it a moment later. What Cultee did is
invisible in the printed text, because in editing Boas put the remembered line
where it should have been.
The relations given in Hymes 1985 should be revised as follows:
[i] [Encounter] (A)92, 93-94, 95
[ii] [Colloquy] (A)(abc) 95-99, 100-1, 102
(B)(abc) 103, 104, 105-9
(C)(abc) (110-11, 112-17, 118-23)
[iii] [Outcomes] (A)[Twisted] (abc) 124-26, 127-29, 130-31
(B)[Pronouncement] (a) 132-34
(C)[Thrown] (abc) 135, 136-38, 139-43
The notebook indicates that Cultee was quick to get to the second part
in 1891, but not in a hurry in 1894. In both tellings, one can infer, he wanted
the second part to offset the humiliation of Salmon in the first. In 1891 he
hurried to the part in which Salmon can be in command, and dramatized that
commanding role (a marked pattern of verses, ironic questions), letting go a
line along the way. In 1894 he did not hurry, but paused to restore an
omitted line; nor did he mark the new part expressively. He had Flounder up
his sleeve.
The two tellings convey a common concern on Cultees part. The
notebooks underscore it. Differences in response to a slip in performance
covary with different ways of accomplishing a purpose.
many (cf. Hymes 1974, 1984). Imperfect narrations may shed light on the
competence that underlies narrative, on how it works.
Even with splendid narrations, aesthetic value and analysis can easily
be at odds. Being unfamiliar with the conventions of another tradition, or
unconscious of effects deployed in our own language, we may need to have
what goes on called to our attention, pointed out, in order to see it. Where
alternative interpretations of form are possible, the alternatives must be
shown in order to be discussed. If analysis is to contribute to understanding
of competence, it must be explicit. For all these reasons, narratives must be
presented in a format that makes their analysis recoverable and clear.
I call this showing the bones of the narrative. There is analogy to
an edition of Gilgamesh that presents precisely what is there on a certain set
of tablets, as distinct from a translation that presents a continuously readable
story (cf. Kovacs 1989, Sandars 1972). In some cases, it is clear that one is
displaying relationships that, though marked, are not salient in the flow of
words, what might be called the flesh (see Hymes 1994c).
At this stage of our knowledge of many traditions, such as those of
Native Americans, showing the bones is required. When what is there is
not yet publicly known, it must be presented first. After that, surrogates of
all kinds, retellings, imitations, dramatizations can proceed. But bones come
first. To do otherwise would be to regard Popes Iliad as Homer, Lambs
Tales as Shakespeare, and Bible stories for children as Genesis, Job, and the
Gospel according to John.20
show that a text is couched in verbal play that escaped Boas and that has
escaped everyone since.21
There is in general a need for anthropologists and folklorists to
understand their field as philologyto return to manuscript sources, to
discover what has been excluded, rearranged, normalized, misunderstood
(cf. Foley 1992:276, 290). What can be known can be expanded in the
archive as well as in the field.
Performance register (1). The manuscript sources of Boas two
volumes of Chinookan texts (Boas 1894, 1901) show an allegro style of
dictation. Boas appears to have normalized elisions and published full
forms. The easy style suggests that the narrator, Cultee, was not much
affected by the process of dictation, and that something of a relatively
spoken style can be recovered. That is the good news. The bad news is that
the published texts can not be confidently relied upon until the uncorrected
originals are studied. The sources of some titles and incidents, published in
the language by Boas, have not yet been located in the notebooks. (There
are also many supplementary verbal forms, never published, which I did not
learn about until I had written a dissertation grammar on the basis of the
published material alone).
Performance register (2). Even with narratives told in English, the
English style of the narrator has probably been revised. Here is one scene
from a narrative in Tillamook Salish which has attracted attention.22 There
are four stanzas, separated by space. Verses begin flush left. Closing
Berman does not actually indicate the verses in the text, only the two parts to
each stanza. Verses can be recognized in terms of the initial element llai then (pp.
130, 131-32) and turns at talk. Stanza (A) has two verbs of saying in its first part, Then
twice initially in its second part. Stanza (B) appears to be marked by having four framing
verbs of speaking, the first of each pair with initial Then, but then a third initial llai
and a fifth framing verb (of singing). These lines (14-17) are the peripety and the only
song. Stanzas (C) and (D) resume even-numbered patterning. (C) has initial Then and
a turn at talk with a verb of saying, while (D) has twice initial Then.
Carrying through the verse analysis, and showing it in translation, (as Berman
does in other work) brings out the special status of stanza (C). The peripety is marked in
form against the background of the rest.
E. Jacobs 1990, with an appendix for this story by myself; the analysis into
verses is slightly revised here. Cf. Hymes 1993b and Seaburg 1992. I am indebted to
Seaburg for the notebook original.
Daylight came.
The sister arose
and built the fire.
Split-His-Own-Head got up,
he had no wife.
Where is your wife?
his sister asked. }
In bed.
Is she not going to get up? }
He told her,
No. You told me to obtain a dead person for a wife.
That is a dead woman I went and got.
She said to him,
Now you take that dead body
and put it right back where you found it. }
He took it back.
Here are the words in the field notebook (in verse analysis):
Daylight came.
The sister arose
and built the fire.
He got up,
he had no wife.
Wheres your wife? }
In bed.
Isnt she going to get up? }
No, you told me to get a dead person for a wife.
Thats a dead woman I went and got.
Oh you take that dead body
and go put it back where you got it. }
Most changes are the sort a teacher would make to dress up spoken
style for appearance in print: eliminate contractions, substitute returned for
came back, obtain and found for get and got. The expansions in
the fourth and fifth lines, like substitution of proper name for pronoun in the
third stanza, are evidently to make sure the reader does not miss the point. A
third kind of change, found in another scene, eliminates direct naming of
body parts and functions. Such changes are probably widespread in what
one is invited to read as a native voice: written norms, explanations,
propriety. But unedited wording has more the flavor of a told story, and
sometimes shows a different number of lines and local shape.
Order of narration. Presumably fundamentalists and higher critics
alike recognize that the order in which Pauls letters appear in the New
Testament is not an order he gave them, or the order in which they were
written, but editorially determined by length, longest first, shortest last.
Students of Native American collections may forget that the order in which
myths and tales appear is not likely to be the order in which they were told,
and that inferences based on the published sequence are suspect.
Recovering actual order can indicate something about style and interaction.
The order in which Victoria Howard dictated Clackamas texts to
Melville Jacobs in 1929 and 1930 indicates two ways in which her style
changed.23 On the one hand, the earliest recorded narratives show a great
deal of pairing of verses marked initially by now (aGa). That drops out to
be replaced in favor of far less pairing and far less explicit marking of verses
by any initial element. On the other hand, it is only a certain distance into
the relationship that she begins to end a narrative with the formal close
Story, story (kni kni). The first change seems to indicate that she was
used to a style in which two- and four-part relations were very prominent, a
style not otherwise known in Chinookan, and which she may have
experienced in hearing Molale (which she knew) or some other language at
multilingual Grande Ronde reservation, where she was born and grew up.
The second change seems to reflect a growing confidence in her narratives
as complete. (Various comments show awareness of some narratives as
incomplete.) Both changes may reflect also a growing ease in her
relationship with Melville Jacobs.24
Coos Bay: Repeated tellings. Let me end with a few lines from an
obscure manuscript that are for me a sign of grace. I have been working on
a collection to make visible to others the pervasiveness there of this kind of
poetic structure in the words of Native Americans of the Northwest, and hit
upon the title, River Poets of Native Oregon. Two years ago, just as my
wife and I were setting out for the coast of Oregon, we picked up a
forwarded letter from a man we did not know. He was director of cultural
heritage for the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Siuslaw, and Lower Umpqua
Indians, he knew we had visited such people many years before (the first
summer of our marriage in fact), experience had taught him that linguists
did not answer his letters, but how about it? We went, and found that he
had patiently assembled every known bit of documentation of the
See M. Jacobs 1958, 1959 and the footnotes therein.
The order of the published Wishram Texts (Sapir 1909) is not identical with the
order of the notebooks. The Coyote cycle is interrupted by part of the Salmon Myth, and
the moving observation printed at the end of the cycle does not occur there in the notebook.
In Clackamas Chinook Texts the last section of a myth important for its performance
sequence (Hymes 1986) is taken from a separate comment on a different notebook page.
Sapirs field notebooks for Wishram Chinook contain an unpublished version
from the same narrator, Louis Simpson, of the first published myth. The degree to which
there is something like formulaic recurrence could be established.
Buchanan spoke in Coos and then provided a translation, written down by St.
Clair word by word below the Coos. The last words of line 3 and line 8 are the same in
Coos, their land, earth, country, ground, place.
University of Virginia
Bauman and Briggs 1990 Richard Bauman and Charles L. Briggs. Poetics and
Performance as Critical Perspectives on Language and
Social Life. Annual Review of Anthropology, 19:59-88.
Burke 1968 Kenneth Burke. Psychology and Form. The Dial, 79, i
(1925):34-46. Rpt. in his Counterstatement. New York:
This paper was prepared for the spring 1993 meeting of the Society for Textual
Studies. I want to thank John Foley for inviting me to take part. Since the meeting I
have revised the analysis of the text, The Deserted Boy, after recognizing the role of
couplets in it, and have added comments on the recognition of lines in Anglo-Saxon
studies. I want to thank Nick Doane and Joe Russo for their stimulating papers at the
meetings, and Hoyt Duggan for his encouragement.
Chapman 1914 John W. Chapman. Tena texts and tales from Anvik,
Alaska. Ed. by Pliny Earle Goddard. Publications of the
American Ethnological Society, 6. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Parker 1984 Hershel Parker. Flawed Texts and Verbal Icons: Literary
Authority in American Fiction. Evanston, IL: Northwestern
University Press.
Sapir 1909 E. Sapir. Wishram Texts, together with Wasco Tales and
Myths collected by Jeremiah Curtin and edited by Edward
Sapir. Publications of the American Ethnological Society,
2. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Rpt. in The Collected Works of
Edward Sapir VII: Wishram Texts and Ethnography. Ed. by
William Bright. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter,
St. Clair 1905 H.H. St. Clair II. Ms. in the Bureau of American
Ethnology, now Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian
Tedlock 1972 Dennis Tedlock. Finding the Center. New York: Dial
Tedlock 1983 ______. The Spoken Word and the Work of Interpretation.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Now then the people all went across the river, (B)
they went on,
they came to the reeds. 10
Now then they cut them off.
Now then they said,
If the boy should say,
Are you there?,
you shall answer, 15
Wishram words:
16 A repeated vowel symbol shows prolongation.
34 The sound of the fire is phonetically a glottalized voiceless lateral affricate; that is, t plus
voiceless 1 plus glottal stop.
81 The name of a delicacy, a mixture of dried salmon and mashed huckleberries, has a-
(feminine gender), ts, glottal stop, schwa (as in English but), and p.
96 A repeated vowel symbol shows prolongation.
110 The woman is the daughter of the spirit power who lives beneath a whirlpool. His name
has i- (masculine gender), ch, glottal stop, schwa, palatal voiceless fricative (as in
German Ich), and i, a, n.
Now then the boy had camped over four times; (C) 100
he camped over a fifth time.
Now then he awoke,
a woman was sleeping with him,
a very beautiful woman:
her hair was long, 105
and bracelets right up to her on her arms,
and her fingers were full of rings,
and he saw a house all painted inside with designs,
and he saw a mountain-sheep blanket covering him, both him and his wife.
Indeed! ICE xians very daughter had given him food, 110
and plenty of Chinook salmon,
and sturgeon,
and blueback salmon,
and eels,
plenty of everything she had brought. 115
Now then the two old women started home, (B) 130
they went across.
A long time they were there. }
Now then again first went his fathers mother, his mothers mother. (C)
Now then they were close to the house. 145
Now then a great many people went across toward the boy.
Now then the boy turned,
he looked,
he saw many people coming across in a canoe.
Now then he thought: 150
It was not good the way they abandoned me.