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IAJPS 2017, 4 (10), 3479-3481 Morteza Salarzaei et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Review Article


Fateme parooei 1, Mahmood Anbari 2, Morteza Salarzaei 1*
Medical Student, Student Research Committee, Zabol University of Medical Sciences,
zabol, Iran
Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
Introduction: Gastric cancer in most cases is diagnosed in symptomatic patients with an advanced disease
lacking a definite treatment. The common symptoms of the primary diagnosis include weight loss (0.62),
stomachache (0.52), nausea (0.34), and swallowing disorder (dysphagia) (0.26).
Methods: In this review article, the databases Medline, Cochrane, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were
thoroughly searched to identify the Gastric cancer with cutaneous metastasis. In this review, the papers
published until early January 2017 those were conducted to study the Gastric cancer with cutaneous metastasis
were selected.
Introducing the patient: The patient was a seventy-one-year-old woman diagnosed with gastric cancer the
adenocarcinoma type. In the primary visit and the CT scan conducted on the patients chest, abdomen, and
pelvis, no distant metastasis was observed and the patient was in the non-metastatic phase of the disease.
Discussion and conclusion: patients with advanced gastric cancer are likely to be in need of palliative therapy
to relieve symptoms such as nausea, stomachache, obstruction, and bleeding. As for the presence of local
symptoms such as cutaneous involvement, the local treatment was not effective and systemic treatments will be
Key words: Gastric cancer, cutaneous, metastasis
Corresponding author:
Morteza Salarzaei, QR code
Medical student,
Student Research Committee,
Zabol University of Medical Sciences,
Zabol, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Tell : +989120644917

Please cite this article in press as Morteza Salarzaei et al, Gastric Cancer with Cutaneous Metastasis-A
Review Article and Report, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(10).

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (10), 3479-3481 Morteza Salarzaei et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: cells were reported, and diagnosis of malignant

Gastric cancer in most cases is diagnosed in tumor metastasis was confirmed with an origin of
symptomatic patients with an advanced disease gastric adenocarcinoma.
lacking a definite treatment. The common
symptoms of the primary diagnosis include weight DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:
loss (0.62), stomachache (0.52), nausea (0.34), and Gastric cancer is one of the most important
swallowing disorder (dysphagia) (0.26) (1). The malignant diseases with different geographical,
diagnosis of the disease is possible by upper racial, economic, and social distribution all over the
endoscopy and sampling for pathology. Gastric world. This cancer accounts for 9.9% of all newly
cancer can extend to other organs such as diagnosed cases of cancer (7). According to the
esophagus, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and statistics released by the World Health
colon (large intestine) (2). It can even attack other Organization, gastric cancer is the second mortality
areas such as lungs, ovaries, and bones. Among cause after lung cancer (8). Most of the gastric
these attacks, we can mention the following cancer cases are diagnosed when the patients are
examples. 1. malignant stomach fistula to the colon symptomatic and they suffer from an advanced
that is manifested by fecal vomiting. 2. Release in disease that cannot be cured. The most common
the lymphatic system that is manifested as a node symptoms of primary gastric cancer at the time of
around the navel or large lymph nodes above the initial diagnosis are weight loss, continuous
clavicle or it can manifest itself by large ovaries or stomachache, and dysphagia especially with for
presence of mass in cul-de-sac owing to cardiac involvement (9). However, some of the
intraperitoneal spread (3). Cutaneous metastases symptoms are likely to represent themselves later;
are the infrequent symptoms of solid tumors. these symptoms arise from direct tumor spreading
Cutaneous metastases are mostly seen in tumors of from the gastric wall or spreading through the
breast, lung, colorectal and ovaries and they are lymphatic system. Gastric cancer attacks different
uncommon symptoms in the stomach (4). organs. Gastric cancer is a kind of highly
Cutaneous metastasis is observed in the gastric aggressive signet ring cancer and it can attack other
carcinoma in a variety of ways. A study conducted organs such as breast, meninges, and even gums
in this regard indicates that the cutaneous (10). However, gastric cancer hardly ever attacks
involvement of gastric carcinoma metastases are the patients skin. The exact diagnosis of this
mostly manifested as zoster or something like cancer is conducted by upper endoscopy and
Erythroplasia and the latter is called erythroplasia sampling from the lesion, and there is no
carcinoma. However, it can manifest itself as serological test for the diagnosis of gastric cancer
nodule or cellulite (5). The cutaneous metastases of (11). CT scan is conducted for studying the
gastric cancer are created after the diagnosis of metastasis and ultrasonography through the
primary internal malignancy. However, they are endoscope is conducted for evaluating the tumor
rarely the primary symptoms of gastric cancer (6). size and the involvement of selected lymphatic
Methods: In this review article, the databases nodes. In early stages of the disease, the treatment
Medline, Cochrane, Science Direct, and Google is a combination of surgery and chemotherapy.
Scholar were thoroughly searched to identify the However, patients with advanced gastric cancer are
Gastric cancer with cutaneous metastasis. In this likely to be in need of palliative therapy to relieve
review, the papers published until early January symptoms such as nausea, stomachache,
2017 those were conducted to study the Gastric obstruction, and bleeding (12). As for the presence
cancer with cutaneous metastasis were selected. of local symptoms such as cutaneous involvement,
the local treatment was not effective and systemic
INTRODUCING THE PATIENT: treatments will be needed.
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