New Keynesian Models

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Chapter 22

A New Keynesian Framework of Sticky Prices:

Menu Costs and the Rotemberg Model
Modern New Keynesian sticky-price models are built on a foundation of monopolistic
competition. With the basic Dixit-Stiglitz-based framework of monopolistic competition
now in our toolkit, we are ready to sketch one of the simplest, yet quantitatively serious,
modern sticky-price macroeconomic models.

Our starting point will be exactly the monopolistically-competitive model we just laid
out: namely, we will continue assuming that consumers purchase a retail good from
retail firms; retail firms transform a continuum [0,1] of differentiated wholesale products
into the retail good by operating a Dixit-Stiglitz aggregation technology; and each
producer of a differentiated wholesale product wields some monopoly power over its
output, which renders it a price-setter instead of a price-taker. However, rather than
assuming price-setting is costless, as we did in our introduction to monopolistic
competition, we will now assume that there are some costs associated directly with the
act of price-setting. In particular, when a wholesale firm in period t decides to set a
(nominal) price different from the one it charged in period t-1, it must pay a cost of re-
setting its price. This cost is completely independent of any costs associated with the
physical production process itself. That is, this cost is completely unrelated to any wage
costs or capital investment costs that a wholesale firm pays. In the language used in the
field, this pure cost of price-adjustment is a menu cost.

At both an empirical level and a theoretical level, the nature of these menu costs deserves
some discussion. As such, we begin there; we then proceed to sketch one of the most
commonly-used (and simplest) versions of a sticky-price model featuring menu costs and
analyze some of its implications.

Menu Costs
The predominant core of any modern theory of price stickiness is that the very act of
changing prices itself entails costs. Indeed, this is also the simplest of theories of price
stickiness. The basic idea is most easily illustrated with an example. Suppose a
restaurant is considering increasing the prices of some or all of the items on its menu.
Presumably, price increases are being considered because they would be in the best
interest of the restaurant that is, the price increases would presumably increase total
profit. To make the example concrete, suppose that at current demand conditions, if the
restaurant could costlessly change its prices, $1000 in extra total profit would be
generated. However, in order to implement its price changes, the restaurant would have
to print new menus. If the restaurant had to pay its printer $2000 to print new menus, it
clearly is not in the interest of the firm to change its prices indeed, changing prices
would cause total profit to decrease by $1000, so the firm instead chooses to hold its

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prices steady.190 This example suggests the general terminology: a menu cost is a cost
incurred by a firm due to the price-adjustment process itself in our example, it is
literally the price of printing new menus.

In the Appendix, we study this example further in order to determine under what
circumstances a firm would be willing to incur this type of menu cost. Leaving the
details to the Appendix, here we only mention that analysis of this type of menu cost is a
bit cumbersome due to its discrete nature. That is, in the example just laid out, the $2000
fee the restaurant must pay to the printer is (presumably) invariant to the magnitude of
the price change: the firm would have to pay the $2000 fee whether it decided to double
all its prices or raise all its prices by only 10 percent (because the price of ink and
printing doesnt really depend on what numbers are being printed, say). Such a discrete
(or fixed) nature of menu costs in many situations may sound plausible.

Adopting a bit broader notion of what a menu cost is, though, might lead us to think
that costs of price adjustment might sometimes depend on the magnitude of the price
change itself. For example, if the costs of price adjustment include things such as
concerns about upsetting customers, it is likely that these costs are larger the larger is the
price change. This aspect of menu costs is admittedly a softer notion than the physical
cost of printing a menu, but it is often implicit in what macroeconomists have meant
and continue to mean by the term.191

For this reason, we will adopt not a discrete (fixed) view of menu costs, but rather a
continuous (variable) view of menu costs. It also turns out that a continuous view of
menu costs is much more tractable in the context of macroeconomic analysis (for the
usual reasons that continuous functions are readily amenable to our standard calculus
tools). A simple, continuous, specification of menu costs is to assert that a firms total
cost of price adjustment depends in a convex specifically, a quadratic manner on the
magnitude of the price change it implements.

In all of what follows, we will suppose that the real costs to wholesale firm j of changing
the nominal price it charges is

1 .
2 Pjt 1

To illustrate the basic issues at stake here, we are purposely ignoring the timing of when these
potential extra profits would accrue. The answer to the question Is it worth it to pay the menu cost?
depends on whether the $1000 in total extra profit is a present-discounted value of all current and future
profits the firm will ever earn after the price change or whether the $1000 is the increase in per-period
profits the firm will enjoy after the price change.
The profession has only lately begun to try to more seriously grapple with the issue of what some of
these softer, more social costs of changing prices might be. Thus far, empirical evidence regarding this
(limited though it still is) leads the development of theoretical frameworks with which to think about this.
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This quadratic price-adjustment cost function is quite common in modern New
Keynesian models.192 If wholesaler j decides to set Pjt = Pjt-1, clearly it pays no menu
cost (because the quadratic term disappears). Instead, if it chooses to set a Pjt different
from Pjt-1, it does incur a menu cost; moreover the cost is larger the further from the
reference level Pjt-1 it chooses to set Pjt. Due to the quadratic nature of the cost
function, price-adjustment costs are symmetric with respect to both price increases and
price decreases.193 The parameter > 0 is simply a scale parameter; it is particularly
convenient to include because if we set = 0, we return exactly to the flexible-price (i.e.,
zero menu cost) case.


Finally, note that we emphasized that the total price-adjustment cost 1 is a
2 Pjt 1
real cost that is, it is denominated in terms of real consumption baskets (and, here, the
consumption basket is the retail good that consumers purchase). If we wish to
express the total price adjustment cost in nominal units, we must multiply by the nominal
price of the retail consumption basket, which is Pt. Hence, the total price-adjustment cost
incurred by wholesale firm j in nominal terms is 1 Pt -- note carefully the
2 Pjt 1
subscripts on the various Ps.

Our main task in what follows is to embed into our previous model of monopolistic
competition these quadratic costs of price adjustment.

Retail Firms
The representative retail goods firm is identical to that described in our introduction to
monopolistic competition; refer there for a review of the details. Most important to keep
in mind for what follows is that we are continuing to assume that nominal prices of retail
goods are determined in a perfectly-competitive environment, which means, among other
things, that there are no menu costs associated with price changes of retail goods.

As a brief reminder of the basics, then, once again a retail firm uses the Dixit-Stiglitz

It was first proposed as a tractable way of incorporating stickiness of prices into modern macroeconomic
models in an influential paper in the early 1980s: Rotemberg, Julio J. 1982. Sticky Prices in the United
States. Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 90, p. 1187-1211.
Whether nominal prices are as sticky on the downward side as on the upward side is clearly an
assumption we can question. Introspection about the world likely suggests that customer anger over a
given magnitude price decrease (if, after all, this quadratic specification is meant to capture effects such as
that) is a lot smaller (or perhaps altogether absent) than a given magnitude price increase. Our Rotemberg-
inspired price-adjustment cost specification clearly cannot account for this.
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yt = yit1/ di ,

which takes as inputs the various wholesale products yits, i [0,1], and yields as output
the retail good yt. As before, the period-t nominal profit function of the representative
retail firm is

Pt yt Pit yit di ,

which is simply its total revenue net of its total costs (recall our assumption that
purchases of wholesale goods are the only cost items for a retail firm). Again as before,
inserting the aggregator technology from above, we can re-express the profit function as

Pt yit1/ di Pit yit di .
1 1

0 0

Profit maximization by the retail firm leads to a demand function for any wholesale good

P 1
y jt = jt yt ,
once again exactly as before.

Thus, because costs of price adjustment do not impinge directly on retail firms,
absolutely nothing regarding either the retail firms optimization problem or solution is

Wholesale Firms
Where things are different is at the level of wholesale producers. We continue to focus
on just the activities and decisions of one particular wholesale producer, producer j (recall
that we have a continuum [0,1] of wholesale producers). We continue to maintain two
assumptions from earlier: first, there are zero fixed costs of production; second, the per-
unit production cost of each unit of intermediate output is identical regardless of the scale
of production. Thus, just as before, these assumptions imply that the wholesale firms
marginal cost of production is invariant to the quantity that it chooses to produce.

Wholesale firms now also face a second type of cost, separate from costs associated with
physical production; namely, the quadratic menu costs. Given this, the nominal profit
function of wholesale firm j in period t can be expressed as

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Pjt y jt Pmc jt y jt 1 Pt ,
2 Pjt 1

which is nothing more than total (nominal) revenues minus total (nominal) costs. As
before, from here on, we will assume that the marginal production cost function is
identical across wholesale firms, which allows us to drop the index j from mc.

We know from our study of the basic, flexible-price monopolistic competition model that
we ultimately want to solve for the wholesale firms optimal pricing decision regarding
Pjt. In the flexible-price model, it was sufficient to simply maximize (after appropriately
substituting in the firms demand function) the expression above, which is the period-t
nominal profits of wholesale firm j. However, the menu cost introduces a dynamic
element into the wholesale firms profit-maximization problem, an aspect completely
absent in the flexible-price benchmark. Indeed, this dynamic element to a wholesale
firms optimal pricing decision should be thought of as the fundamental difference
between any sticky-price view of the world and a flexible-price view of the world.

As usual, we want to analyze things from the perspective of the very beginning of period
t. The term above is period-t nominal profits. However, consider also the wholesale
firms nominal profits in period t+1:

Pjt +1
Pjt +1 y jt +1 Pt +1mct +1 y jt +1 1 Pt +1 .
2 Pjt

Notice that nominal profits in period t+1 depend in part on the nominal price Pjt
charged in period t. This is due to the presence of Pjt as part of the period t+1 cost of
price adjustment: apart from any direct physical costs of production, a particular price
Pjt chosen for period t has consequences, all else equal, for both the menu costs the
wholesale firm will incur in period t as well as the menu costs the firm will have to incur
in period t+1. This is why a sticky-price view of the world introduces a dynamic i.e.,
across multiple time periods element into firms profit-maximization problems.

Thus, in deciding its optimal period-t nominal price Pjt, wholesale firm j must take into
account not only its period-t profits, but rather its discounted profits across both period t
and t+1. Specifically, the relevant objective it must maximize is

2 2
Pjt Pjt +1
Pjt y jt Pmc y 1 t P + P y P mc y 1 t +1 ,
2 Pjt 1 2 Pjt
jt +1 jt +1 t +1 t +1 jt +1
1 + t +1
t t jt

in which, note, we have applied a modified form of the subjective discount factor to
period t+1 profits. Specifically, the discount factor required here is a nominal discount
factor, rather than a real discount factor. The discount factor we used in our study of
the representative consumer is a real discount factor it discounts one-period-ahead utils
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and goods. Our profit functions are specified in nominal terms. Thus, in addition to just
, we must also discount by the one-period-ahead nominal discount factor, Pt/Pt+1, which
by our standard definitions, is simply 1/(1+t+1).194

Next, recall that a monopolist (in our analysis, monopolistic competitor j) takes as given
the demand function it faces when making its profit-maximizing choices. Thus, we
must make use of the demand function for wholesale good j that emerges from the retail
firms profit-maximization problem. Substituting in the demand function for wholesale
good j in both period t and in period t+1, we can re-express wholesale firm js now-
dynamic profit function as
Pjt 1 Pjt 1 Pjt
Pjt yt Pmc t yt 1 Pt
2 Pjt 1
Pt Pt
Pjt +1 1 Pjt +1 1
Pjt +1
+ Pjt +1 yt +1 Pt +1mct +1 yt +1 1 Pt +1
1 + t +1 P P 2 P
t +1 t +1 jt

This is the dynamic profit function that wholesale firm j seeks to maximize, and it must
set its period-t price in order to do so.

As before, to make our algebra a bit more transparent, we can combine some of the Pjt
terms; specifically, rewrite the dynamic profit function as

1 2 1
Pjt 1
Pt 1 yt Pjt1 Pt 1
mct yt 1 Pt
2 Pjt 1

jt +1
P 1 jt +1
P 1
Pjt +1
+ Pjt +1 yt +1 Pt +1mct +1 yt +1 1 Pt +1
1 + t +1
Pt +1 Pt +1 2 Pjt

Proceeding by brute force, the first-order condition of this expression (which is, after all,
still simply wholesale firm js dynamic profit function) with respect to Pjt is

Apart from this technical issue, we are thus in effect assuming here that wholesale firms discount profits
at the same discount rate as the representative consumer. An underlying justification for this may be that,
ultimately, it is consumers/individuals that own via, say, stock markets firms and thus own claims to
their profits. As long as the intertemporal incentives of firm managers are aligned with those of the firms
shareholders (perhaps a questionable assumption, given the types of accounting scandals at Enron, etc. over
the last several years), this is a useful way of articulating such a linkage.
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1 1 1 2 1 2 1
Pjt Pt yt Pjt1 Pt 1 mct yt
1 1
Pjt P Pjt +1 Pt +1 Pjt +1
1 t + 1 =0
Pjt 1 Pjt 1 1 + t +1 Pjt Pjt Pjt

In this first-order condition, terms arise through the period t+1 price-adjustment cost
because a choice for Pjt has consequences for, among other things, the menu costs that
will be incurred later (in period t+1), a point we mentioned above.

An observation to make about this first-order condition is that if = 0, meaning there are
no menu costs, we have exactly the same first-order condition as in the simple flexible-
price Dixit-Stiglitz model.195 This is the sense in which we meant above that it was
convenient to allow for the scale parameter in the first place it allows us to capture as
a special case the flexible-price environment by setting = 0. The sticky-price case of
course features > 0.

This first-order condition is essentially the New Keynesian Phillips Curve; however,
there are a few more conceptual issues and technical details to step through before we can
see it in a cleaner form.

Symmetric Equilibrium
In the first-order condition we just derived, the price of wholesale good j, Pjt, and the
price of the retail good, Pt, obviously both appear. In laying out the Dixit-Stiglitz and
now Rotemberg models, we obviously relied a great deal on the separation into wholesale
and retail sectors. Indeed, we have needed this separation in order to articulate first the
idea of price-setting firms and now of price-setting firms that incur costs of nominal price

Now, we are going to once again blur the distinction between wholesale goods and
retail goods and again just speak of goods. The reason for doing so is that, in the
end, macroeconomic analysis is concerned mostly with aggregates. From the point of
view of the GDP measurement that most countries perform, there is no distinction
between wholesale goods and retail goods it is just baskets that are being
measured. We can (re-)capture this idea by now imposing, in the first-order condition we
just derived, symmetry between wholesale and retail goods. Mathematically, symmetry
is achieved by now simply dropping all the j subscripts.196 Dropping all the j subscripts

Verify this yourself.
An extremely important technical point to understand is that we can eliminate the j subscripts only after
having computed the wholesale firms first-order condition. If we had dropped the subscript j before
computing this first-order condition, the entire analysis would be rendered moot from the start. Thus,
symmetry must be essentially the last step of the analysis.
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blurs the distinction between wholesale goods and retails goods. Now re-label all goods
as just baskets or the good produced, consumed, invested, etc. in the economy.

Imposing this symmetry assumption in the first-order condition we just derived, then, we

1 1 1 2 1 2 1
Pt Pt yt Pt 1 Pt 1 mct yt
1 1
P P Pt +1 Pt +1 Pt +1
t 1 t + 1 =0
Pt 1 Pt 1 1 + t +1 Pt Pt Pt

We can now collapse many terms in this expression. First, note that
2 1 2 1 12 2 1
Pt 1 Pt 1 = Pt Pt 1 = Pt 0 = 1, and, similarly, Pt
1 1
Pt 1
= Pt 1
Pt 1
= Pt 0 = 1. Thus, the
above expression becomes

1 P P Pt +1 Pt +1 Pt +1
[1 mct ] yt t 1 t + 1 = 0.
1 Pt 1 Pt 1 1 + t +1 Pt Pt Pt

Next, use the definition of inflation to make the substitutions 1 + t = Pt / Pt 1 and

1 + t +1 = Pt +1 / Pt to get

[1 mct ] yt t (1 + t ) + t +1 (1 + t +1 ) 2 = 0 ,
1 1 + t +1

which obviously simplifies a bit to

[1 mct ] yt t (1 + t ) + t +1 (1 + t +1 ) = 0 .

This expression is the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, and it is the critical component of
the modern New Keynesian framework.

Interpreting the New Keynesian Phillips Curve

What the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (abbreviated NKPC) articulates is that when
firms are making optimal pricing decisions (and, of course, if those pricing choices are
subject to menu costs), the period-t inflation rate (which is a consequence of firms
settings for Pjt, which in our symmetric equilibrium is identical to Pt) is linked to the

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period-t marginal cost of production as well as the rate of inflation that will occur in
period t+1, t+1.197

Two aspects of the NKPC set it apart from the classic Phillips Curve you recall from
basic macroeconomics. First, the classic Phillips Curve was a relationship between only
period-t events the period t+1 inflation rate played no role in it. The inclusion of the
future rate of inflation in the NKPC is due to the fact that drawing on basic insights of
the Real Business Cycle view of macroeconomics firms in New Keynesian theory are
viewed to be explicitly dynamic institutions, and price-setting is viewed to be explicitly a
dynamic act. As we have stressed in many ways, dynamically-optimal (i.e., across
multiple time periods) decision-making is at the heart of modern macroeconomic theory.
This aspect of macroeconomic thinking has been inherited by the New Keynesian school
of thought from the RBC theorists.

Second, the classic Phillips Curve was a relationship between the period-t inflation rate
and the period-t unemployment rate. Thus, even ignoring for a moment the presence of
t+1 in the NKPC, what the NKPC articulates is not a contemporaneous relationship
between inflation and unemployment, but rather a relationship between inflation and the
marginal costs of production. Specifically, the NKPC posits that there is, ceteris
paribus, a positive relationship between mct and t.

Employment labor input is typically the most important input into firms production
processes. Hence, the classic Phillips Curve can be viewed as stating that the more
intensively firms use labor, the higher are the prices they set (due to some pass-through
of costs to prices), and hence the higher the inflation rate an economy (in, essentially, the
same type of symmetric equilibrium we are considering here) experiences. That is, the
classic Phillips Curve can be stated as articulating a positive linkage between
employment and inflation. Of course, because employment and unemployment are
inversely related, the Phillips Curve can also be stated, as it typically is, as articulating a
negative linkage between unemployment and inflation.

The NKPC takes a somewhat broader view of the relationship between the intensity of
firms input usage and the inflation rate. The marginal cost of production is a broader
measure of the intensity of firms input usage than is simply the employment rate. Firms
marginal costs of course include employment costs, but also include the costs of any and
all other inputs, most notably capital and raw materials. Thus, cost pressures can stem
from employment costs, capital costs, or the costs of raw materials. What the NKPC
articulates is that, again ceteris paribus, a rise in firms production costs for any reason,
will lead to inflationary pressure. The classic Phillips Curve essentially only articulates
that employment-cost pressures (and the unemployment rate is one measure of such
pressures) have consequences for inflation.

Or, introducing some more realism, if there is uncertainty about the future, the expected inflation rate in
period t+1.
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The fundamental economic forces that determine inflation are completely different in the
New Keynesian view compared to the flexible-price (RBC-style) view. In the New
Keynesian view, purposeful price-setting decisions on the part of firms, subject to the
menu costs they face, is the basic determinant of inflation. In contrast, in the RBC view,
there are fundamentally no price-setters to begin with. Rather, equilibrium prices simply
arise out of the forces of supply and demand prices simply clear markets, and all
decision-makers, be they consumers or firms, take them as given.

The view of price-setting firms, of course, does not require a menu-cost view of the
world. Indeed, the basic Dixit-Stiglitz framework, not the Rotemberg framework, is what
captures the idea of purposeful price-setting by firms. It is sticky prices, though, that
potentially gives monetary policy some lever over the economy. Whether or not prices
are sticky or, a bit more deeply, the precise reasons why some prices are sticky is still
a quite unresolved issue.

Finally, you may be wondering where, in the end, the stickiness of prices lies in the
Rotemberg model. After all, each wholesale firm is able to change the price that it
charges in every period t, t+1, t+2, -- that is, it is never forbidden from changing its
nominal price.198 The stickiness stems simply from the menu cost. Say in the absence of
any menu costs, a firm would have chosen to increase its price by 20 percent. With menu
costs, it will be partially deterred from this pricing strategy because the costs of changing
prices are a convex function of the magnitude of the price change. Thus, instead of
changing its price by 20 percent in a given time period, it will prefer to smooth out the
price change, raising it by some proportion (less than 20 percent) in one period and by
some other proportion (again, less than 20 percent) in future periods. Loosely speaking,
then, a Rotemberg-type menu cost makes it suboptimal for a firm to move around its
price by large magnitudes; instead, it will prefer to gradually change its price over time
price stickiness.

Unlike in a popular alternative New Keynesian model of sticky prices, the Calvo model, in which each
period some fraction of firms is simply assumed to be completely unable to change its nominal price we
could say that in some periods, some firms face an infinite menu cost of changing prices. The Calvo model
is more cumbersome to use than the Rotemberg model and yet delivers very similar predictions on several
counts. Over the last five to ten years, however, the Calvo model has overtaken the Rotemberg model as the
preferred sticky-price framework for serious quantitative work, in both academic and policy institutions.
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