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Rule 128

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RULE 128 cannot be considered as evidence because it is

excluded by the Law against Confession.

1. What is Evidence?
Evidence is the means sanctioned by these 8. In the instance of the daughter of Janet Napoles
Rules of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the posting pictures on her FB page where she is lying
truth respecting a matter of fact. in a bathtub full of money, may such photo be
presented in Evidence as done by the BIR? Is this
2. Section 1 defines Evidence is the means does not a violation of her right to privacy?
this mean the procedural aspect or only those Yes, because it was already uploaded thus, it is
objects that may be submitted in court? now a public property.
It means both the procedural aspect and those
that may be submitted in court for judicial Note: Anything obtained in violation of my right to
administration. The case of Bustos v. Lucero defines privacy and communication is inadmissible in
evidence and the SC in this case defines it as more evidence.
of a procedural law, but to my mind, the SC erred in
deleting the word RULES in equating the same. 9. What if my wife has doubts that I am cheating on
her and then one day she went to my office and
3. The second important aspect in the definition of then she saw in my table pictures of me with my
evidence is sanctioned by these rules; what do other girl and then my wife used such evidence
you mean by that? in Court filing for Concubinage or Violation of RA
The governing rules in Evidence will be that of 9262; may the pictures obtained by my wife be
the ROC. used in Evidence against me?
No, because it is a violation of my right to
4. Third important aspect in the definition is to privacy. The same if it was obtained at our home in
know the truth in a judicial proceeding. What my bag, there is still a violation of my right to
kind of truth? privacy.
I think the book of Riano provides to know the But if such was found by her under the TV, due
legal truth and the actual truth since the findings of to my fault and inadvertence, it is no longer a
the court depends only on the evidences presented violation of my right to privacy since it is already our
before it. common residence.
(Sir) Because knowing the actual truth may not
be easily achieved because of the complexities and 10. What is the constitutional basis of the SC in making
the limitations provided by the ROC the ROC?
Section 5, Article V, 1987 Constitution
5. What is legal truth?
It is the truth that is based on the evidence 11. Who enacted the ROC?
presented to the court. The Supreme Court

6. Can you consider the Hello Garci tape as an 12. What is the nature of the Rules of Evidence, can it
evidence? be waived?
No. Because only evidence that are not Yes. The ROC is procedural thus, it may be
excluded may be presented as evidence; In this waived.
case, the Anti-Wire Tapping Law is violated
Basis: Article 6, NCC (must not transgress public
7. What if the Hit-man of Duterte came to public policy, public morals, etc.) or when justice so
claiming to be Dutertes Hit-man and that they are requires, it may not be waived
the ones who killed X; can you consider that as a
confession which may be used in Evidence against 13. What is the case of Anama v. CA?
Duterte? It provides that a liberal construction of the
No. Extrajudicial Confession is applicable only procedural rules is proper where the lapse in literal
against the Confessor (Hit-Man). So this particular observance of a rule of procedure has not
statement made by the Hit-man in the media
Ampuan, Kevin John DL.
*based on the lectures of Atty. Lionell Macababad
prejudiced the adverse party and has not deprived c. Cadastral
the court of its authority d. Naturalization
The petitioner cannot rely on technicalities to e. Insolvency Proceedings
transgress the law. XPN: by analogy or in suppletory character and
whenever practicable and convenient
14. What is the difference between Evidence and
Proof? 22. What do you mean by by analogy? Is there a
a. Proof is the effect of Evidence difference between by analogy and suppletory
b. Evidence is the medium of Proof character?
By analogy means that the ROC will be applied
Note: With respect to the proving of the fact in only if there is insufficiency in the applicable law,
issue, the Proof is material and not the Evidence provided that there is substantial similarity
obtaining in both cases.
15. In our adversarial type of litigation, there are 2 Suppletory means that there is insufficiency in
systems/steps in the orderly presentation of the applicable law.
Evidence, these are:
a. The presentation of Evidence 23. What is the case of GSIS vs. Villaviza? What did the
b. Be sure that the Evidence is not excluded by the Court apply suppletory?
ROC, Constitution, or the CC of the Philippines Suppletory means supplying deficiencies; ROC
16. What is the scope of the Rules of Evidence? only applies when there is insufficiency in the
The rules of evidence shall be the same in all applicable rule.
courts and in all trials and hearings (Section 2)
24. What are the kinds of evidence according to form?
17. Are the Rules in Evidence similar in Criminal and a. Object (Real) Evidence
Civil Cases? b. Documentary Evidence
No. c. Testimonial Evidence

18. What are the Rules in Summary Proceeding? 25. What is Section 3? What are the Rules on the
The amount is below 100k; there is no longer a Admissibility of Evidence? (Favorite Bar Question)
presentation of Evidence in Civil Cases, only a Evidence is admissible when (1) it is relevant to
position paper. In Civil Cases, these are the Unjust the issue and (2) is not excluded by the law or these
Vexation, Slight Physical Injuries that can be filed Rules.
with an Affidavit.
26. What are the components before Evidence may be
19. Are the Rules of Evidence applicable in cases considered as admissible?
covered by the Rules of Summary Proceeding? a. It is relevant to the issue (Relevancy)
Yes, Section 2 of the ROE prescribes the Rules b. Not excluded by the Law or the ROC
on Uniformity. (Competency)

20. If the ROE is applicable in all courts and those of 27. 2 Elements for the Admissibility of Evidence?
the Rules on Summary Procedure, why is it that a. Relevant
the ROE is applicable only in the MTC in those b. Competent
cases covered by the Rules on Summary
Procedure? 28. What do you mean by Relevancy?
Because, Section 2 only prescribes that it shall There must be the tendency to establish the
be the same in all courts, trials and hearings BUT it probability or improbability of the existence of the
did not say that it shall be the same in all cases. Fact in Issue.

21. To where does the ROE do not apply? (Rule 1, Sec. 29. What do you mean by Competency?
4) When it is not excluded by the law or these Rules
a. Election Cases
b. Land Registration
Ampuan, Kevin John DL.
*based on the lectures of Atty. Lionell Macababad
30. Examples of the Exclusionary Rules on Evidence the 400 grams of shabu. So in the police station, 2
(cant be presented in Evidence) things happened: (1) a written confession made by
a. Law against Wire-Tapping X admitting that he sell shabu and (2) that he
b. Bank Secrecy Law admitted to the existence of the 400 grams of
c. Unreasonable Search and Seizure (Art. 3, Sec. 2) shabu.
d. Privacy in Communication and Correspondence Trial came, the police is now presenting the
(Art. 3, Sec. 3) confession and the 400 grames of shabu; is it
e. Confession in Violation of the Miranda Rights admissible?
(Art. 3, Sec. 12) No, because such confession was not made in
f. Right against Self-Incrimination (Art. 3, Sec. 17) the presence of a lawyer; it is not evidence. As for
the 400 grams of shabu, it is still inadmissible; it is
31. Admissibility vs. Probative Weight of Evidence not a waiver of his right. Any waiver during the
(addressed to the Judicial Senses of the Court) custodial investigation must be made in the
a. Admissibility Where a particular evidence will presence of a counsel; otherwise any evidence
be considered by the court obtained in violation of this rule is inadmissible
b. Probative Weight Whether a particular because it is incompetent having been covered by
evidence proves an issue the Exclusionary Rules.

32. Admissibility vs. Credibility of Evidence (addressed 37. I have a client having a pot session at 10:00 pm
to Relevancy and Competency) with 2 of his friends; then a police passed by and
a. Admissibility Where a particular evidence will saw them sniffing shabu. The police first went to
be considered by the court the precinct and then came back. Two of them saw
b. Credibility of Evidence Whether the evidence the police coming and they were able to escape.
is worthy of belief My client was brought to the precinct, he was
searched and no shabu was found, he is not also
33. If Evidence is admissible, does it automatically selling shabu. A case was filed against my client for
follow that it has probative weight? the use of shabu. The polices evidence was that
No, because the issue of Probative Weight is he saw them. That is self-serving and it is not
dependent upon Judicial Evaluation. enough to convict. The police did then get a urine
sample the day after his arrest, there was a
34. What is the importance of these Exclusionary sufficient lapse of time. The police are now using
Rules? the urine sample as evidence to which I am
These Exclusionary Rules refers to the 2nd objecting vehemently, since the urine sample
element in the admissibility of Evidence; they refer inadmissible since it was obtained during custodial
to the rules on Competency. investigation and made not in the presence of a
counsel. If you are the judge, are you going to
35. A Policeman instigated X, he asked to buy 100 acquit my client?
grams of shabu, when X was giving the Police the Yes. There must be a showing that such signing
shabu, he was immediately handcuffed. During the of waiver is done in the presence of a counsel.
trial, the Police was presented as witness and he is
identifying the 100 grams of shabu during the trial. 38. What is multiple admissibility of evidence?
May the shabu be considered evidence? If yes, Evidence is relevant and competent for 2 or
Why? If no, why not? more purposes.
No, because instigation is not allowed by the
law; the evidence is inadmissible because it is 39. What is conditional admissibility of evidence?
incompetent having violated an exclusionary rule. Where the evidence is irrelevant and
incompetent but the court still accepts such
36. (Continuation of the above problem) X was already evidence on the condition that added facts will be
arrested and brought in the Police Station. While submitted later on.
being investigated, X admitted that he sells shabu. Note: Only a party to the signing of a document or
He told the police of the hiding place of the other the one taking a photograph is considered as
shabu and so the police went to Xs house to get competent to identify such documents.
Ampuan, Kevin John DL.
*based on the lectures of Atty. Lionell Macababad
40. What is curative admissibility of evidence? i. prosecution (yes)
When the other party was allowed to present ii. accused (no)
an objectionable evidence, you can also be allowed c. Admin Case
to present another objectionable evidence. i. complainant (to prove his COA)
ii. respondent (only in affirmative defense)
41. Factum Probandum vs. Factum Probans 45. What is the Hierarchy of Evidence?
a. Factum Probandum ultimate facts; the facts 1. Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt
to be established; hypothetical what one 2. Clear and Convincing Evidence
party affirms and the other denies 3. Preponderance of Evidence
b. Factum Probans evidentiary facts; the fact by 4. Substantial Evidence
which the factum probandum is established
46. Burden of Evidence (Martinez vs. CA)
42. Marcelino was a previous PDEA agent, while in the In case of self-defense, you are admitting the
course of surveillance he was arrested since killing, thus the burden of proof shifts from the
accordingly he is no longer an agent and it is prosecution to the accused.
improbable that he is now a part of the syndicate Note: A fact admitted need not be proved.
that he claims he is surveying. The police are
asking where his mission order was, but he cant 47. Section 4: Relevancy; collateral matters
present anything, only stating that what he was Evidence must have such a relation to the fact
doing was a legitimate operation. A case was filed in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-
against him for illegal manufacturing of shabu existence. Evidence on collateral matters shall not
which is a non-bailable offense, he is now in jail. be allowed, except when it tends in any reasonable
In so far as Marcelino is concerned, what is the degree to establish the probability or improbability
factum probandum and what is the factum of the fact in issue.
probans in hi defense?
The ultimate fact (probandum) is that I, 48. Are all collateral evidence prohibited?
Marcelino, am authorized to enter the premises GR: Yes
because I am surveying the premises; that his XPN: It tends in any reasonable degree to establish
operation is legal. the probability or improbability of the fact in issue
The evidentiary fact (probans) is the mission
order. 49. Why are collateral evidences, as a rule,
If you are the police that arrested Marcelino, inadmissible?
what is now the factum probans and the factum Because they are outside the coverage of the fact in
probandum? issue
The factum probans now is that the police
should get a certification from the Navy, Marines 50. Is asking the accused to try on a short violative of
and PDEA showing that Marcelino is not authorized his right against self-incrimination?
to conduct the survey. No, such is a purely a mechanical act. You are
violating the constitutional right when there is
43. Burden of Proof vs. Burden of Evidence already the use of the intellect.
a. Burden of Proof onus probandi; obligation of
the party in a litigation to persuade the court of
the fact in issue
b. Burden of Evidence obligation of the party to
go forward with the evidence to over throw the
prima facie evidence against him

44. Who has the burden of proof?

a. Civil Case
i. plaintiff (to prove his COA)
ii. defendant (only in affirmative defense)
b. Criminal Case
Ampuan, Kevin John DL.
*based on the lectures of Atty. Lionell Macababad

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