Nilai-Nilai Normal Laboratorium

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Determination Normal Reference Value

Conventional units SI units
Blood, Plasma or Serum
Ammonia (NH3) diffusion 20-120 mcg/dl 12-70 mcmol/L
Ammonia Nitrogen 15-45 g/dl 11-32 mol/L
Amylase 35-118 IU/L 0.58-1.97 mckat/L
+ - -
Anion gap (Na -[Cl + HCO3 ]) (P) 7-16 mEq/L 7-16 mmol/L
Antithrombin III (AT III) 80120 U/dl 8001200 U/L
Arterial 2128 mEq/L 2128 mmol/L
Venous 2229 mEq/L 2229 mmol/L
Conjugated (direct) Total 0.2 mg/dl 4 mcmol/L
& &
0.11 mg/dl 218 mcmol/L
Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L
Total 8.610.3 mg/dl 2.22.74 mmol/L
Ionized 4.45.1 mg/dl 11.3 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 2132 mmol/L 2132 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L
Chloride 95110 mEq/L 95110 mmol/L
Coagulation screen
Bleeding time 39.5 min 180570 sec
Prothrombin time 1013 sec 1013 sec
Partial thromboplastin time (activated) 2237 sec 2237 sec
Protein C 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Protein S 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Copper, total 70160 mcg/dl 1125 mcmol/L
Corticotropin (ACTH adrenocorticotropic < 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L
hormone) 0800 hr
0800 hr 530 mcg/dl 138810 nmol/L
1800 hr 215 mcg/dl 50410 nmol/L
2000 hr 50% of 0800 hr 50% of 0800 hr
Creatine kinase
Female 20170 IU/L 0.332.83 mckat/L
Male 30220 IU/L 0.53.67 mckat/L
Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 012 IU/L 00.2 mckat/L
Creatinine 0.51.7 mg/dl 44150 mcmol/L
Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150360 mg/dl 1.53.6 g/L
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Female 213 mlU/ml 213 IU/L
Midcycle 522 mlU/ml 522 IU/L
Male 18 mlU/ml 18 IU/L
Glucose, fasting 65115 mg/dl 3.66.3 mmol/L
Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral)
(mg/dl) (mmol/L)
Normal DiabeticNormalDiabetic
Fasting 70105 > 140 3.95.8 > 7.8
60 min 120170 200 6.79.4 11.1
90 min 100140 200 5.67.8 11.1
120 min 70120 140 3.96.7 7.8
(g) Glutamyltransferase (GGT)
Male 950 units/L 950 units/L
Female 840 units/L 840 units/L
Haptoglobin 44303 mg/dl 0.443.03 g/L
Hematologic Tests
Fibrinogen 200400 mg/dl 24 g/L
Hematocrit (Hct)
female 36%-44.6% 0.360.446 fraction
of 1
male 40.7%-50.3% 0.40.503 fraction
of 1
Hemoglobin A 1C 5.3%-7.5% of total 0.0530.075
Hemoglobin (Hb)
female 12.115.3 g/dl 121153 g/L
male 13.817.5 g/dl 138175 g/L
Leukocyte count (WBC) 38009800/mcl 3.89.8 x 109/L
Erythrocyte count (RBC)
female 3.55 x 106/mcl 3.55 x 1012/L
male 4.35.9 x 10 /mcl 4.35.9 x 1012/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 8097.6 mcm3 8097.6 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 2733 pg/cell 1.662.09 fmol/cell
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrate 3336 g/dl 20.322 mmol/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sedrate, ESR) 30 mm/hr 30 mm/hr
Erythrocyte enzymes
Glucose-6 Pphosphate dehydrognase (G-6-PD) 2505000 2505000
units/10 cells mcunits/cell
Determination Reference Value
(Conventional units) (SI units)
Blood, Plasma or Serum: 20120 mcg/dl 1270 mcmol/L
Ammonia (NH3) diffusion
Ammonia Nitrogen 1545 g/dl 1132 mol/L
Amylase 35118 IU/L 0.581.97 mckat/L
Anion gap (Na+-[Cl - + HCO3-]) (P) 716 mEq/L 716 mmol/L
Antithrombin III (AT III) 80120 U/dl 8001200 U/L
Bicarbonate:Arterial 2128 mEq/L 2128 mmol/L
Venous 2229 mEq/L 2229 mmol/L
Bilirubin: Conjugated (direct) Total 0.2 mg/dl 4 mcmol/L
(0.11 mg/dl) (218 mcmol/L)
Calcitonin < 100 pg/ml < 100 ng/L
Calcium:Total 8.610.3 mg/dl 2.22.74 mmol/L
Ionized 4.45.1 mg/dl 11.3 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content (plasma) 2132 mmol/L 2132 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen < 3 ng/ml < 3 mcg/L
Chloride 95110 mEq/L 95110 mmol/L
Coagulation screen: 39.5 min 180570 sec
Bleeding time 1013 sec 1013 sec
Prothrombin time 2237 sec 2237 sec
Partial thromboplastin time (activated) 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Protein C 0.71.4 /ml 7001400 U/ml
Protein S
Copper, total 70160 mcg/dl 1125 mcmol/L
(ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone) 0800 < 60 pg/ml < 13.2 pmol/L
Cortisol:0800 hr 530 mcg/dl 138810 nmol/L
1800 hr 215 mcg/dl 50410 nmol/L
2000 hr 50% of 0800 hr 50% of 0800 hr
Creatine kinase:Female 20170 IU/L 0.332.83 mckat/L
Male 30220 IU/L 0.53.67 mckat/L
Creatinine kinase isoenzymes, MB fraction 012 IU/L 00.2 mckat/L
Creatinine 0.51.7 mg/dl 44150 mcmol/L
Fibrinogen (coagulation factor I) 150360 mg/dl 1.53.6 g/L
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): 213 mlU/ml 213 IU/L
Female 522 mlU/ml 522 IU/L
Midcycle 18 mlU/ml 18 IU/L
Glucose, fasting 65115 mg/dl 3.66.3 mmol/L
Glucose Tolerance Test (Oral) (mg/dl) (mmol/L)
Fasting Normal Diabetic NormalDiabetic
60 min 70105 > 140 3.95.8 > 7.8
90 min 120170 200 6.79.4 11.1
120 min 100140 200 5.67.8 11.1
70120 140 3.96.7 7.8
(g) -Glutamyltransferase (GGT): 950 units/L 950 units/L
Male 840 units/L 840 units/L
Haptoglobin 44303 mg/dl 0.443.03 g/L
Reference Value
Determination Conventional units SI units
Hematologic tests: 200400 mg/dl 24 g/L
Fibrinogen 36%-44.6% 0.360.446 fraction of
Hematocrit (Hct), 40.7%-50.3% 1
female 5.3%-7.5% of total 0.40.503 fraction of 1
male Hgb 0.0530.075
Hemoglobin A 1C 12.115.3 g/dl 121153 g/L
Hemoglobin (Hb), 13.817.5 g/dl 138175 g/L
female 38009800/mcl 3.89.8 x 109/L
male 3.55 x 106/mcl 3.55 x 1012/L
Leukocyte count (WBC) 4.35.9 x 10 /mcl 4.35.9 x 1012/L
Erythrocyte count (RBC): 8097.6 mcm3 8097.6 fl
female 2733 pg/cell 1.662.09 fmol/cell
male 3336 g/dl 20.322 mmol/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 30 mm/hr 30 mm/hr
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentrate (MCHC)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(sedrate, ESR)
Erythrocyte enzymes: 2505000 2505000 mcunits/cell
Glucose-6 - units/106cells 23862 pmol/L
Pphosphate dehydrognase 10383 ng/ml 728.1 nmol/L
(G-6-PD) >3.112.4 ng/ml 150450 x 109/L
Ferritin 150450 x 10 /mcl 0.0050.015
Folic acid: normal 0.5%-1.5% of 165835 pmol/L
Platelet count erythrocytes
Reticulocytes 2231132 pg/ml
Vitamin B12
Iron:Female 30160 mcg/dl 5.431.3 mcmol/L
Male 45160 mcg/dl 8.131.3 mcmol/L
Iron binding capacity 220420 mcg/dl 39.475.2 mcmol/L
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1.27 units/L 1.27 units/L
Isoenzymes 14%-26% of total 0.140.26 fraction of
Fraction 1 29%-39% of total total
Fraction 2 20%-26% of total 0.290.39 fraction of
Fraction 3 8%-16% of total total
Fraction 4 6%-16% of total 0.200.26 fraction of
Fraction 5 total
0.080.16 fraction of
0.060.16 fraction of
Lactate dehydrogenase 100250 IU/L 1.674.17 mckat/L
Lactic acid (lactate) 619 mg/dl 0.72.1 mmol/L
Lead 50 mcg/dl 2.41 mcmol/L
Lipase 10150 units/L 10150 units/L
Lipids: < 200 mg/dl < 5.2 mmol/L
Total Cholesterol 200239 mg/dl < 5.26.2 mmol/L
Desirable > 239 mg/dl > 6.2 mmol/L
Borderline-high < 130 mg/dl < 3.36 mmol/L
High 130159 mg/dl 3.364.11 mmol/L
LDL > 159 mg/dl > 4.11 mmol/L
Desirable < 35 mg/dl < 0.91 mmol/L
Borderline-high < 200 mg/dl < 2.26 mmol/L
High 200400 mg/dl 2.264.52 mmol/L
HDL (low) 4001000 mg/dl 4.5211.3 mmol/L
Triglycerides > 1000 mg/dl > 11.3 mmol/L
Very high
Magnesium 1.32.2 mEq/L 0.651.1 mmol/L
Osmolality 280300 mOsm/kg 280300 mmol/kg
Oxygen saturation (arterial) 94%-100% 0.94 fraction of 1
PCO2, arterial 3545 mm Hg 4.76 kPa
pH, arterial 7.357.45 7.357.45
Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
PO, arterial: Breathing room air 80105 mm Hg 10.614 kPa
On 100% O > 500 mm Hg
Phosphatase (acid), total at 37C 0.130.63 IU/L 2.210.5 IU/L or
2.210.5 mckat/L
Phosphatase alkaline 20130 IU/L 20130 IU/L or
0.332.17 mckat/L
Phosphorus, inorganic, (phosphate) 2.55 mg/dl 0.81.6 mmol/L
Potassium 3.55 mEq/L 3.55 mmol/L
Progesterone 0.11.5 ng/ml 0.324.8 nmol/L
Female 0.11.5 ng/ml 0.324.8 nmol/L
Follicular phase 2.528 ng/ml 889 nmol/L
Luteal phase < 0.5 ng/ml < 1.6 nmol/L
Prolactin 1.424.2 ng/ml 1.424.2 mcg/L
Prostate specific antigen 04 ng/ml 04 ng/ml
Protein: Total 68 g/dl 6080 g/L
Albumin 3.65 g/dl 3650 g/L
Globulin 2.33.5 g/dl 2335 g/L
Rheumatoid factor < 60 IU/ml < 60 kIU/L
Sodium 135147 mEq/L 135147 mmol/L
Testosterone: 686 ng/dl 0.213 nmol/L
Female 2701070 ng/dl 9.337 nmol/L
Thyroid Hormone Function Tests: 0.356.2 mcU/ml 0.356.2 mU/L
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 1026 mcg/dl 100260 mcg/L
Thyroxine-binding globulin capacity 75220 ng/dl 1.23.4 nmol/L
Total triiodothyronine (T3) 411 mcg/dl 51142 nmol/L
Total thyroxine by RIA (T4) 25%-38% 0.250.38 fraction of 1
T3 resin uptake
Transaminase, AST (aspartate 1147 IU/L 0.180.78 mckat/L
aminotransferase, SGOT)
Transaminase, ALT (alanine 753 IU/L 0.120.88 mckat/L
aminotransferase, SGPT)
Transferrin 220400 mg/dL 2.204.00 g/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN) 825 mg/dl 2.98.9 mmol/L
Uric acid 38 mg/dl 179476 mcmol/L
Vitamin A (retinol) 1560 mcg/dl 0.522.09 mcmol/L
Zinc 50150 mcg/dl 7.723 mcmol/L
Tergantung pada usia
Bayi dan anak sampai 104 U/L
Bayi usia 1 tahun sampai 6 mg/dl
Reference Value
Conventional units SI units
Calcium 50250 mcg/day 1.256.25 mmol/day
Catecholamines: < 20 mcg/day < 109 nmol/day
Epinephrine < 100 mcg/day < 590 nmol/day
Catecholamines, 24-hr < 110 g < 650 nmol
Copper 1560 mcg/day 0.240.95 mcmol/day
Creatinine: 822 mg/kg 71195 mol/kg
Child 830 mg/kg 71265 mol/kg
Adolescent 0.61.5 g/day 5.313.3 mmol/day
Female 0.81.8 g/day 7.115.9 mmol/day
pH 4.58 4.58
Phosphate 0.91.3 g/day 2942 mmol/day
Potassium 25100 mEq/day 25100 mmol/day
Protein 114 mg/dL 10140 mg/L
Total 5080 mg/day 5080 mg/day
At rest
Protein, quantitative < 150 mg/day < 0.15 g/day
Sodium 100250 mEq/day 100250 mmol/day
Specific gravity, random 1.0021.030 1.0021.030
Uric acid, 24-hr 250750 mg 1.484.43 mmol
Tergantung pada diet.
Drug Levels
Reference Value
Drug Determination
Conventional units SI units
(trough) 18 mcg/ml 2030 mcg/ml
(peak) 1.713.7 mcmol/L 3451 mcmol/L
(trough) 0.52 mcg/ml 14.2 mcmol/L
(peak) 610 mcg/ml 12.520.9 mcmol/L
(trough) 510 mcg/ml nd
(peak) 2025 mcg/ml nd
(trough) 0.52 mcg/ml nd
(peak) 610 mcg/ml nd
(trough) < 5 mcg/ml nd
(peak) 520 mcg/ml nd
(trough) 0.52 mcg/ml 1.14.3 mcmol/L
(peak) 520 mcg/ml 12.821.8 mcmol/L
Reference Value
Drug Determination
Conventional units SI units
Amiodarone 0.52.5 mcg/ml 1.54 mcmol/L
Bretylium 0.51.5 mcg/ml Nd
Digitoxin 925 mcg/L 11.832.8 nmol/L
Digoxin 0.82 ng/ml 0.92.5 nmol/L
Disopyramide 28 mcg/ml 618 mcmol/L
Flecainide 0.21 mcg/ml Nd
Antiarrhythmics Lidocaine 1.56 mcg/ml 4.521.5 mcmol/L
Mexiletine 0.52 mcg/ml Nd
Procainamide 48 mcg/ml 1734 mcmol/ml
Propranolol 50200 ng/ml 190770 nmol/L
Quinidine 26 mcg/ml 4.69.2 mcmol/L
Tocainide 410 mcg/ml Nd
Verapamil 0.080.3 mcg/ml Nd
Carbamazepine 412 mcg/ml 1751 mcmol/L
Anticonvulsants Phenobarbital 1040 mcg/ml 43172 mcmol/L
Phenytoin 1020 mcg/ml 4080 mcmol/L
Primidone 412 mcg/ml 1855 mcmol/L
Valproic Acid 40100 mcg/ml 280700 mcmol/L
Amitriptyline 110250 ng/ml 500900 nmol/L
Amoxapine 200500 ng/ml Nd
Bupropion 25100 ng/ml Nd
Clomipramine 80100 ng/ml Nd
Desipramine 115300 ng/ml Nd
Antidepressants Doxepin 110250 ng/ml Nd
Imipramine 225350 ng/ml Nd
Maprotiline 200300 ng/ml Nd
Nortriptyline 50150 ng/ml Nd
Protriptyline 70250 ng/ml Nd
Trazodone 8001600 ng/ml Nd
Chlorpromazine 50300 ng/ml 150950 nmol/L
Fluphenazine 0.132.8 ng/ml Nd
Antipsychotics Haloperidol 520 ng/ml Nd
Perphenazine 0.81.2 ng/ml Nd
Thiothixene 257 ng/ml Nd
Reference Value
Drug Determination
Conventional units SI units
Amantadine 300 ng/ml nd
Amrinone 3.7 mcg/ml nd
Chloramphenicol 1020 mcg/ml 3162 mcmol/L
Cyclosporine 250800 ng/ml nd
(whole blood, RIA) nd
50300 ng/ml (plasma, RIA)
Ethanol 0 mg/dl 0 mmol/L
Hydralazine 100 ng/ml nd
Lithium 0.61.2 mEq/L 0.61.2 mmol/L
Salicylate 100300 mg/L 7242172 mcmol/L
Sulfonamide 515 mg/dl nd
Terbutaline 0.54.1 ng/ml nd
Theophylline 1020 mcg/ml 55110 mcmol/L
(trough) 515 ng/ml nd
(peak) 2040 mcg/ml nd
* Nilai yang diberikan secara umum dapat digunakan untuk terapi tanpa terjadi efek toksik
pada kebanyakan pasien, Namun pengecualian juga tidak jarang terjadi.
nd = data tidak tersedia.
Metabolit N-desmethyl beserta turunannya.
Nilai 24 jam.
Toksik: 50100 mg/dl (10.921.7 mmol/L).
Diambil dari The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure, National Institutes of Health.
Classification of Blood Pressure *
Reference value
Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)
Optimal < 120 and < 80
Normal < 130 and < 85
High-normal 130139 or 8589
Hypertension 140159 or 9099
Stage 1 160179 or 100109
Stage 2 180 or 110
Stage 3

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