Ori and Friend, Piggyback Basins, Geology 1984

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Sedimentary basins formed and carried piggyback

on active th rust sheets

G. G. Ori
lstituto di Geologia e Paleontologia, Universita di Bologna, Via Zamboni 67, 40127 Bologna, Italy

P. F. Friend
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge , Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, England

Small sedimentary basins that formed on the Apennine (southern) margin of the Po
basin complex, northern Italy, have been studied using borehole and seismic-reflection
information, and their evolution can be dated using the largely marine biostratigraphy of the
Miocene to Quaternary sediments. These studies show that the basins formed and were filled
while being carried on moving thrust sheets , and they are therefore named piggyback basins.
Each of these basins corresponds to the active phase of a different thrust-front ramp. On the
Pyrenean (northern) margin of the Ebro basin complex, northern Spain, similar piggyback
basins formed between Eocene and mid-Miocene time. They have since been uplifted and
eroded and may therefore be studied in outcrop. In northern Spain, much of the basin-fill
sediment was deposited in nonmarine environments.

INTRODUCTION of the Apennine orogenic belt. During this pe- depocenters (areas of greatest thickness) of the
Folding, faulting, and sedimentation have riod the Apennines have become a source area Pliocene-Quaternary sequence occur either
occurred together in many places in the margi- for the sediment of the complex, and various within the thrust arcs (Figs. l, 2) or just in front
nal parts of sedimentary basins (Miall, 1978) depositional cycles have been distinguished of them. The depocenters within the arc areas
and provide evidence of tectonic movement of (Cremonini and Ricci Lucchi, 1982). are interpreted as pig gyback basins, filled by
the basins with respect to their surrounding s. A program of subsurface analysis, carried out sediment poured from the Apennine chain and
Evidence of the transport of entire active sedi- by the AGIP (Azienda Generale Italiana Pe- dammed by the thrust-sheet ramps.
mentary basins as a direct result of movements troli) oil company, has shown three major areas The thrust sheets are arc-shaped in plan (Fig.
in the upper crust is much less common . We of thrust sheets extending into the Po basin 2). Their leading edges, the tips of the frontal
direct attention to two areas where complexes from the Apennines. The AGIP structural map ramps, are higher than the edges of the lateral
of basins (the Po in Italy and the Ebro in of the Po basin (Pieri and Groppi, 1981), re- ramps. This is a direct result of the form and
Spain) had one major compressional margin drawn in this paper (Fig. IA), shows that the movement of the thrust sheet. A strike-slip
in which thrust sheets formed and transported
actively filling sub-basins.
In both the Po and Ebro complexes, there is
evidence that the thrust sheets formed by "pig-
gyback thrust propagation" (Dahlstrom, 1970;
Butler, 1982). This occurs when the high-angle
frontal ramp of a thrust sheet becomes inactive
and a new active ramp forms in front of the old
one. Continuing movement of the thrust sheet
carries the old ramp, piggyback, incorporated
in the thrust sheet. We propose that the term
"piggyback basin" be used to describe all sedi-
mentary basins that formed on active thrust
The type of evidence available from the two
areas differs. The Po complex is still subsiding, Figure 1. Comparisons
(on same scale) of Po (A)
and information about the structure of the Mi- and Ebro (B) foredeep
ocene to Quaternary deposits that lie below the basin complexes. Depo-
Po plain comes largely from borehole and centers correspond to
seismic work. In contrast, the Ebro complex both main basins and
piggyback basins. Sec-
was filled mainly in Eocene, Oli gocene, and tion lines show location of
Miocene time and was subsequently uplifted, so Figures 3, 4, and 5. Modi-
that extensive outcrops are locally available. fied from (A) Pieri and
Groppi (1981); (B) Mapa
Tectonico de la Peninsula
'--+-- Anticline lberica y Baleares, lnsli-
The Miocene to Quaternary Po basin com- tuto Geologico y Minero
..-., Thrusl B
plex can be regarded as the youngest foredeep de Espana, Madrid .

GEOLOGY , v. 12, p. 475- 478, August 1984 475

component of movement of the lateral ramps is infill is clear, as shown in Figure 2: the iso- nary deposits define an example of a piggyback
an inevitable local result of the advance of pachs of the Quaternary sediment show a pro- basin that is particularly clear because it is un-
these arc-shaped thrust sheets (Butler, 1982). nounced decrease in thickness against the deformed and displays a simple relationship of
The different influence of the frontal and lat- frontal ramps of the thrust sheets, but no strong the fill to the deformation. This is not the case
eral ramps of the thrust sheets on the sediment variation across the lateral ramps. The Quater- for the older basins (depocenters of Fig. l) be-
cause their thicknesi,es have been further modi-
fied by postdepositional deformation.
Figures 3 and 4 show cross sections of young
piggyback basins (Pieri and Groppi, 1981). In
Figure 3, the main piggyback basin of Quater-
nary age extends as far south as the margin of
the Apennine hills, where (Ori, 1982, Fig. 2)
there is no evidence: of the synsedimentary
thrusting that is typical of compressional faulted
margins (Riba, 1976; Miall, 1978). The north-
ern edge of the basin, and of the basins shown
in Figure 4, shows onlap (overlap) of the sedi-
ments against the major "outer" thrust sheets,
which must have been emergent mountain
ridges during most of the deposition.
Whereas the youngest deposits of these pig-
gyback basins appear to have accumulated
while the basins w1:re relatively static, the older
sediments record the history of thrust-sheet
movement. In the Ferrara area (Fig. 3), the
outer thrust arc wa.s emergent in latest Miocene
time, as shown by conglomerates (Dondi et al.,
1982). Pliocene deposits were cut by thrusting,
and yet, by the end of Pliocene time, deposition
Subsurface : Thrust influencini Quaternary \ Quaternary isopod,
had largely mantled the thrusts. In the Emilia
-......._ Thrust not influencing Quaternary contour interval 500m
area (Fig. 4), Miocene and Pliocene strata were
increasingly tilted, presumably on the backs of
the moving thrust sheets. No similar major tilt-
External Pliocene-Pleistocene r-:::::1 Pliocene-Pleistocene internal
deposits basin ing occurred in th1: main basin to the north.
Oligocene-Miocene internal
basins (allochthonous) tJ "Marnosa-Arenacea," Miocene The general environment of sedimentation in
the piggyback basins (AGIP, 1982) varied from
Allochthonous sheet D Holocene alluvium relatively deep-se.i, to alluvial, higher in the suc-
cessions. Detailed study of outcrops in the
Figure 2. Larger scale map of Ferrara thrust area and adjacent Apennines. Quaternary centers foothills of the Apennines has shown that the
li,e on backs of major thrust faults. Internal basin sediments of outcropping area could be re- marginal deposits, of Pliocene and early Qua-
garded as older piggyback basins, external deposits (Oligocene-Miocene ones are negligible
ternary age, formed in fan deltas (Ricci Lucchi
at this scale and thus are not shown) repres1 nt foredeep sediments. lsopachs have been
drawn from seismic sections and well data o,f AGIP. Subsurface structures are modified from et al., 1981; Farabegoli, 1983), in deep-sea
Pieri and Groppi (1981). See Figure 1 for location. fans, and on submarine slopes. Holocene depos-
its extend across the whole basin immediately
below the surface. The sediment supply to the
Inner thrust belt Outer thrust arc piggyback basins came predominantly from
P'--'iggyback bo,.,._,,s in, _ the Apennine cha.in; the outer thrust sheets do
N not seem to have played an important role as
l<m - producers of detritus.
-2 -

The sedimentary fill in the Ebro basin com-
plex is largely continental (nonmarine), al-
though the earliest episodes were marine. The
northern (Pyrenean) margin consists of a series
of arcuate thrusts separating several distinct
piggyback basim, (e.g., Jaca, Graus, etc.,
Fig. I). The non marine nature of the basin fills
means that their ages cannot be determined as
precisely as those of the Po basin complex.
Figure 3. Section of southern Po basin complex from AGIP seismic profile (after Pieri and
Groppi, 1981). Piggyback basin consists of middle Pliocene to Quaternary deposits. Older However, the fills of both the piggyback basins
pre-Mesozoic deposits can be regarded as ancient main-basin sediments afterward involved and the main (Ebro) basin can be regarded as
in thrusting. They form basement of piggyback basin. See Figure 1 for location. belonging to broadly the same elastic complex

476 GEOLOGY, August 1984


- 2


4 Km Courtesy AG IP
Figure 4. Seismic-reflection profile across Emilia thrust area (Fig. 1) (reproduced by permission of AGIP oil company; Pieri and Groppi, 1981).
Stratigraphic surfaces distinguished are tops or late and middle Pliocene (LMP), early Pliocene (EP), late Miocene (LM), middle Miocene (MM),
and early Miocene (EM). Positions of wells serve to locate crests of two thrust-sheet ramps. Both ramps form northern margins of local piggy-
back basins, and Pliocene sediments onlap against ramp ridges, which must have been emergent and moving during Pliocene time. Pliocene
sediment in main basin, to north, is relatively undeformed.

s Outer thrust arc

belt N
Figure 5. Section through -I
Graus basin and marginal _-2
area of Ebro basin. Onlap
and bypassing have been -3
observed in field; section _-4
is modified from Seguret
(1972). See Figure 1 for
location. 10 Km


because they rest on the same basement and NORTH SOUTH

have comparable sedimentary facies. The age PIGGYBACK BASIN+ OUTER ARC + EBRO BASIN
range of the sediments extends from latest Eo-
cene (on the basis of the age of the lower ma-
rine formations) to Miocene (on the basis of the
scattered occurrence of mammalian faunas).
The emergence of the outer arc defining the
Graus basin (Figs. I, 5, 6) is shown by the
coarse sedimentary breccias to the north and BASEMENT
south of its present out crop. Sedimentation Terrigenous Calcareous
later overtopped the outer arc, (Fig. 5), and the
Graus basin was united with the main Ebro
basin, at least in the west of the outcrop. As in ,:5 t CALCAREOUS BRECCIA . :: :. : : ; FANGLO MERATE
the piggyback basins of the Po plain, the north-
ern margin of the Graus basin shows no evi-
dence of the compressive deformation that
occurs in the margins of adjacent piggyback Figure 6. Section from field observation showing sedimentary infill of western tip of Graus
basins (Riba, 1976). The Graus basin may have basin. Arrows show paleocurrents. See text for explanation. See Figure 1 for location.

GEOLOGY, August 1984 477

Figure 7. Depositional en-
11ironments in marine pig- MAIN
!Jyback basins similar to PIGGYBACK BASIN BASIN
those of Po basin

- --'c,,.,..--lSequence contemporaneous
with thrusting
not to scale


communicated with the main basin by bypass- tal collision type (Bally et al., 1966). Pieri and Pianura Padana, in Cremonini, G., and Ricci
ing local valleys, but there was a major connec- Groppi (1981) noted that the Apennines are Lucchi, F., eds., Guida alla geologia de! margine
appenninico-padano: Societa Geologica ltaliana,
tion through its western margin that probably composed throughout of similar thrust arc
Guida Geologica Regionale, p. 47-58.
corresponded to a lower lateral ramp. structures, and the Spanish part of the Pyrenees Farabegoli, E., 1983, Note illustrative alla Carta Geo-
is also dominated by these structures (Sole- logica Regionale Cesena-Sagliano: Carta Geo-
DEVELOPMENT AND ROLE Sugranes, 1978). In the Apennines, internal logica Regionale, Regione Emilia-Romagna,
OF PIGGYBACK BASINS basins of Pliocene and Pleistocene age, and Tecnoprint.
Miall, A.D., 1978, Tectonic setting and syndeposi-
Piggyback basins of the sort that have perhaps older (Fig. 2), contrast with marginal
tional deformation of molasse and other non-
formed in the Po and Ebro areas were initiated remnants of main-basin sediments and have marine-paralic sedimentary basins: Canadian
when new thrust-sheet ridges formed in front of some features of piggyback basins. They have Journal of Earth Sciences, v. I 5, p. 1613-I 632.
the previously active thrust margins and within now been uplifted by the further growth of the Ori, G.G., 1982, Braided to meandering channel
the areas of the previous main basins. Apennines and occur as relicts in the more in- patterns in humid-region alluvial fan deposits,
River Reno, Po Plain (northern Italy): Sedimen-
The continued movement of the thrust sheets ternal zone of the Apennines. The depocenter
tary Geology, v. 31, p. 231-248.
is commonly marked by stratigraphic wedging of the main (foredeep) basin tends to have mi- Pieri, M., and Groppi, G., 1981, Subsurface geologi-
and unconformities within the new piggyback grated in front of the thrusts, whereas the pig- cal structure of the Po Plain, Italy: Progetto Fi-
basins and by deformation and unconformitics gyback basins rest on the main basin and have nalizzato Geodinamica, Consiglio Nazionale
been uplifted and eroded. An abundant supply delle Ricerch,:, no. 414, 23 p.
in the margins of the main basins. In many
Riha, 0., 1976, S}ntectonic unconformities of the
cases there was a later phase of passive fill of of sediment from a rising internal zone seems to Alto Cardener, Spanish Pyrenees: A genetic in-
the piggyback basins without further tectonic be necessary to allow the preservation of pig- terpretation: Sedimentary Geology, v. I 5,
activity, and during this phase, sediment on- gyback basins. p. 213-233.
lapped (overlapped) against the thrust-sheet Ricci Lucchi, F., Colella, A., Ori, G.G., Ogliani, F.,
and Colalongo, M.L., 1981, Pliocene fan deltas
ridge. Most of the sediment transport betwee:n REFERENCES CITED of the Intra-Apenninic basin, Bologna: Interna-
1:he piggyback basins and their main basins oc- AGIP (Azienda Generale ltaliana Petroli), 1982, Les- tional Association of Sedimentologists, 2nd Eu-
curred across the lateral ramps of the thrust sico delle Formazioni <lei bacino padano orien- ropean Regional Meeting, Excursion
sheets, although minor conduits traversed the tale, in Cremonini, G., and Ricci Lucchi, F., Guidebook, p. 81-164.
eds., Guida alla geologia de! margine Seguret, M., 1972, Etude tectonique des nappes et
outer ridges in some places. appenninico-padano: Societa Geologica Italiana, series decollfos de la partie central du versant
There is also a distinct trend in the evolution Guida Geologica Regionale, p. 205-236. sud des Pyrenees [Ph.D. thesis]: Montpellier,
of sedimentary environments within the piggy- Bally, A.W., Gordy, P.L., and Stewart, G.A., 1966, France, Univ,:rsity of Montpellier.
back basins. In the Po basin complex where Structure, seismic data, and orogenic evolution Sole-Sugranes, L., 1978, Gravity and compressive
of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: nappes in the central southern Pyrenees (Spain):
marine environments predominated (Fig. 7)
Canadian Petroleum Geology Bulletin, v. 14, American JoJrnal of Science, v. 278,
warse-grained fan deltas built out from the p. 337-381. p. 609-637.
Apennines and fed deep basin fans and the Butler, R.W.H., 1982, The terminology of structures
basin plains. The slopes of the ridges, in con- in thrust belts: Journal of Structural Geology,
v. 4, p. 239-245. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
trast, tended to be starved of sediment. Some of We thank F. Ricci Lucchi, A. G. Smith, N. H.
Cremonini, G., and Ricci Lucchi, F., eds., 1982,
the piggyback marine basins were filled with Woodcock, and G. J. Nichols for commenting on
Guida alla geologia de! margine appenninico-
sediment and became nonmarine. In most of padano: Societa Geologica ltaliana, Guida Geo- various drafts of this paper. The AGIP company con-
the Ebro basin complex, nonmarine environ- logica Regionale, 247 p. tributed fundamentally to this paper by allowing us
Dahlstrom, C.D.A., 1970, Structural geology in the the use of their da1a. Cambridge Earth Sciences Con-
ments were predominant, although marine sed- tribution No. 450.
imentation was dominant in the earlier stages. eastern margin of the Canadian Rocky Moun-
tains: Canadian Petroleum Geology Bulletin, v.
Piggyback basin growth appears to have I8, p. 332-406. Manuscript received November 22, 1983
been the dominant process in these mountain Dondi, L., Mostardini, F., and Rizzini, A., 1982, Revised manuscript received April I3, 1984
systems, both of which belong to the continen- Evoluzione sedimentaria e paleogeografica nella Manuscript accepted April 26, 1984

478 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, August 1984

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