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Charles W Bert
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
University of Oklahoma, Norman OK 73019-0601
The focus of this review is on the hierarchy of computational models for sandwich plates and
shells, predictor-corrector procedures, and the sensitivity of the sandwich response to variations
in the different geometric and material parameters. The literature reviewed is devoted to the fol-
lowing application areas: heat transfer problems; thermal and mechanical stresses (including
boundary layer and edge stresses); free vibrations and damping; transient dynamic response; bi-
furcation buckling, local buckling, face-sheet wrinkling and core crimping; large deflection and
postbuckling problems; effects of discontinuities (eg, cutouts and stiffeners), and geometric
changes (eg, tapered thickness); damage and failure of sandwich structures; experimental stud-
ies; optimization and design studies. Over 800 relevant references are cited in this review, and
another 559 references are included in a supplemental bibliography for completeness. Extensive
numerical results are presented for thermally stressed sandwich panels with composite face
sheets showing the effects of variation in their geometric and material parameters on the accu-
racy of the free vibration response, and the sensitivity coefficients predicted by eight different
modeling approaches (based on two-dimensional theories). The standard of comparison is taken
to be the analytic three-dimensional thermoelasticity solutions. Some future directions for re-
search on the modeling of sandwich plates and shells are outlined.
and shells with composite face sheets are candidates for use and Reichard (1989); Olsson and Weissmann-Berman
in future high-speed aircraft, hypersonic aerospacecraft, and (! 992); and Zenkert (1993)]. Most of the early publications
spacecraft with stringent precision requirements (eg, com- on sandwich panels and shells were limited to sandwich con-
munication satellite antennas and reflectors of terrestrial struction with thin isotropic face sheets, and were largely
systems). concerned with predicting gross response characteristics
Three categories of sandwich construction can be identi- (average through-the-thickness displacements and rotations,
fied, namely: 1) ordinary sandwich, which consists of two vibration frequencies and buckling loads). The cited survey
outer facings surrounding a single lightweight core; 2) open- papers and monographs have not adequately described the
face sandwich, or semi-sandwich, which consists of only one diverse recent advances in sandwich plates and shells with
facing and a core; and 3) muitilayer sandwich, which con- multilayered composite face sheets.
sists of multiple cores and multiple facings. Some of the The present paper attempts to fill this void. Specifically,
sandwich concepts and core configurations are shown in Fig the objectives of the paper are to: a) classify the various
2. Ordinary sandwich structures, which are the focus of this computational models used for predicting the response of
survey, behave like l-beams. The outer face sheets (or skins) sandwich plates and shells; b) review the literature devoted
correspond to the flanges, and carry most of the direct com- to various problems of sandwich plates and shells; c) assess
pressive/tensile bending load. The lightweight core corre- the accuracy of the vibrational response predictions of sev-
sponds to the I-beam web. It supports the skins, increases the eral computational models of sandwich shells and plates; and
bending and torsional stiffnesses, and carries most of the d) identify future directions for research which have high po-
shear load. Modeling and analysis of multilayer sandwich tential for improving our predictive capabilities for the re-
structures have been studied by Bolotin (1963), Liaw and sponse and failure of sandwich plates and shells.
Little (1967), Azar (1968), and Chan and Foo (1977). Extensive numerical results are presented for the free vi-
A considerable body of literature exists on the modeling, brations of ordinary sandwich panels with laminated com-
analysis and design of sandwich panels and shells. Lists and posite face sheets. Both unstressed curved panels and ther-
reviews of the many contributions on the subject are given in mally stressed flat panels are considered. Perfect bonding is
monographs [Aiexandrov, Bryuker et al (1960); Allen assumed between the layers of the face sheets as well as be-
(1969); Plantema (1966); Kabulov and Babamuradov tween the face sheets and core. The individual layers of the
(1970); Grigolyuk and Chulkov (1973); Stamm and Witte face sheets are assumed to be homogeneous and orthotropic.
(1974); ll'Gamov, Ivanov et a! (1977); Bolotin and The core is modeled as an equivalent homogeneous or-
Novichkov (1980); ll'Gamov, Ivanov et al (1987); Eltyshev thotropic continuum. A vast amount of literature has been
(1981); Hoff (1986); Zenkert (1995)]; bibliographies and accumulated on the diverse aspects of sandwich plates and
survey papers [Solvey (1955); Garber (I 961 ); Bauer (1962); shells. The cited references are selected to illustrate the
Graziano (1962); Kurshin (1962); Foss (1962); Ha (1990); points discussed and are not necessarily the only significant
Habip (1964); Habip (1965); Vinson and Shore (I 965); Bert contributions on the subject. The discussion is kept, for the
and Egle (1969); Bert (1991a); Bert (1991b); Bert (1995); most part, on a descriptive level, and for all the mathematical
Bert and Francis (1974); Foral (1961); Vinson (1993b); and details, the reader is referred to the cited literature.
Yu (1989)]; conference proceedings and handbook [Olsson
Extensive work has been devoted to the develprnent of
computational models for studying the various phenomena
associated with the response, life, failure and performance of
sandwich panels and shells. The phenomena involved cover
a) open face sandwich d) corrugated cell core a wide range of length scales from local to global structural
response. Within each category has evolved a number of
models with several levels of sophistication, for each of the
core, face sheets and adhesive layers, as well as for the entire
sandwich structure. The modeling approaches used for sand-
wich panels and shells are reviewed in this section. Modeling
b) triangle tube core e) plastically formed
of the sandwich core and characterization of the sandwich
sandwich core properties is described in the succeeding section.
The modeling approaches used for sandwich panels and
shells can be divided into four categories: detailed models;
three-dimensional continuum models; two-dimensional plate
and shell models; and simplified models. The four categories
are described subsequently. Note that if each of the core,
face sheets and adhesive layers is modeled as a continuum,
c) multMayer tube core f) honeycomb cell core then from an analysis point of view, the sandwich structure
is the same as a hybrid laminated structure.
Fig 2. Somesandwich conceptsand core configurations.
Detailed models. Three-dimensional detailed finite ele- tics of the three-dimensional continuum theory. However,
ment models of sandwich panels with honeycomb metallic except for Burton and Noor (1995), all the other shear cor-
core and laminated composite face sheets were presented by rection factors are calculated a priori and are, therefore,
Chamis, Aiello et al (1986); Chamis, Aiello et al (! 988); and functions of the lamination and sandwich parameters only.
Elspass and Flemming (1990). In these models the actual They do not account for the differences in the distribution of
geometry of the honeycomb core was represented; the adhe- the transverse shear strains in the thickness direction result-
sive layers on both sides of the core and the face sheet layers ing from different loading conditions.
were each treated as a single layer of homogeneous material. In discrete-layer models, the sandwich is divided into
Three-dimensional and quasi-three-dimensional con- three or more layers, and piecewise approximations are made
tinuum models. In these models the core and the face sheets for the response quantities in the thickness direction in each
(or each layer of them) are replaced by equivalent homoge- layer. The core and each face sheet can be treated as one
neous curvilinearly anisotropic continua. Analyses based on layer or divided into more layers. In general, the order of the
three-dimensional continuum models include the analytic governing equations in these theories is dependent on the
solutions presented by Burton and Noor (1994) and the finite number of layers of the sandwich. Most of the discrete-layer
element solutions of Hanagud, Chen et al (1985), Chamis, models reported in the literature are extensions of
Aieiio et al (1988), and Jeusette and Laschet (1990). In Grigolyuk's theory for three-layered sandwich shells with
quasi-three-dimensional models, dimensional reduction is isotropic face sheets based on piecewise linear approxima-
possible because of the special geometry and loading of the tion for the in-plane displacements, and constant transverse
structure (eg, axial symmetry, or relatively small spatial ex- displacements in the thickness direction [see, for example,
tent in one direction of the panel), but no a priori assump- Grigolyuk (1957), Grigolyuk and Chulkov (1966);
tions are made about the distribution of the different re- Grigolyuk and Chulkov (1973), Plantema (1966), Allen
sponse quantities in the thickness direction [see, for example, (1969), Monforton and lbrahim (1975), Kanematsu, Hirano
Bhimaraddi and Chandrashekhara (1984)]. et al (1988), Mukhopadhyay and Sierakowski (1990a),
Two-dimensional plate and shell models. Most of the Mukhopadhyay and Sierakowski (1990b), and Lee, Xavier et
two-dimensional sandwich plate and shell models presented al (1993)]. A few applications have been reported of discrete
in the literature are based on the method of hypotheses, in layer models with higher-order displacement approximations
which basic assumptions are made regarding the variation of through each layer [see, for example, Mushtari (1960), Chan
the displacement and/or stresses through the thickness. and Foo (1977), Gutierrez and Webber (I 980), Kutylowski
Several classifications have been proposed for two-dimen- and Myslecki (1991), Liu and Chen (1991), Lee, Xavier et al
sional plate and shell models [see, for example, Noor and (1993) and Paimushin (1990) and Paimushin (1993a),
Burton (1989), and Noor and Burton (1990)]; however, for lvanov and Paimushin (1994b), Orlov, Paimushin et al
the purpose of the present paper it is convenient to divide the (! 994), and lvanov and Paimushin ( 1995)].
two-dimensional models into the following three categories: The predictor-corrector procedures are iterational proc-
global approximation models; discrete layer models and pre- esses in which the information obtained in the first (predic-
dictor-corrector approaches. In the global approximation tor) phase of the analysis is used to correct key elements of
models the sandwich is replaced by an equivalent single- the computational model, and hence, improve the response
layer anisotropic plate or shell, and global through-the-thick- predictions. Two predictor-corrector procedures have been
ness approximations for the displacements, strains and/or developed by Noor, Burton et al (1994) for the analysis of
stresses are introduced. Consequently, the order of the laminated composite and sandwich structures. Both proce-
governing differential equations is independent of the num- dures use first-order shear deformation theory in the predic-
ber of layers in the face sheets and/or the core. Examples of tor phase, but differ in the elements of the computational
these theories are the first-order shear deformation theories model being corrected, namely: a) correcting the transverse
based on linear distribution of the in-plane displacements in shear stiffnesses; or b) correcting the thickness distribution
the thickness direction, and higher-order theories based on a of displacements and/or transverse stresses.
nonlinear distribution of the displacements and/or strains in The predictor phase in both procedures consists of using
the thickness direction. the two-dimensional plate or shell theory to calculate initial
Since in the first-order shear deformation theories, the estimates for the gross response characteristics of the struc-
transverse shear strains or stresses are assumed to be con- ture (vibration frequencies, buckling loads, average through-
stant within the thickness of the sandwich, correction factors the-thickness displacements and rotations), as well as in-
have to be used in order to adjust the transverse shear stiff- plane stresses. Then three-dimensional equilibrium equations
nesses. The range of validity of the first-order shear-defor- and constitutive relations are used to calculate the transverse
mation theory is strongly dependent on the factors used in shear and the transverse normal stresses and strains.
adjusting these stiffnesses. In the corrector phase, the first procedure calculates a
Several approaches have been proposed for calculating posteriori estimates of the composite correction factors and
the correction factors for laminated composites and sand- uses them to adjust the transverse shear stiffnesses of the
wich structures. Most of these approaches are based on structure. By contrast, the second procedure calculates a pos-
matching certain gross response characteristics, as predicted teriori the functional dependence of the displacement com-
by the first-order theory, with the corresponding characteris- ponents on the thickness coordinate. The corrected quantities
Table 6. References on nonlinear and static postbuckling Table 7. References on the effects of holes, cutouts, stiffeners, ta-
responses in sandwich )lates and shells pered thickness and damage on sandwich plate and shell responses
Cylindrical Doubly-Curved Plates and Beams Cylindrical Doubly-
Model Plates and Beams Panels or Panels Attribute Panels or Curved
Cylinders Cylinders Panels
Three- 331,682 331 ] Edge Effect 9, 185, 186, 219, 241,267, 2,420 2
dimensional 309,525,526,586,606,635
Quasi three- 18,272,305,589,590 Joint 186,606
dimensional Taper 214,251,252,253,255, 294,568 110,256,
First-order 221,331,347,478,518, 331 6 257,258,259,260,263, 579,580,
shear 583,584,585,631 294,329,330,354,378, 613
deformation 433,452,453,490,551,
Higher-order 331,347 331 552,553,554,555,556,
Three-layer 16,17,26,109,221, 15,50,331, 11,12,13,14, 557,559,563,595,666,699
(classical 231,242,277,311,331, 646,692, 155,156,191, Holes 372, 373,701,802, 803,804 395, 729,
sandwich 340,351,392,409,434, 712,763 239,319,324, i 733
theory) 444,447,448,524,539, 410,445,446, Stiffeners 145, 186, 282, 325,326, 7, 50, 89, 62, 178,
564,573,619,648,656, 646,658,690, 468, 570, 578, 606, 111,145, 613
660,692,700,718,724, 692,778,779 673,788 296
780,807 Delamination 53,86,95,96,173,175, 217, 711
Three-layer 414, 562, 734 233,645,646 186,248,303,307,308,
(higher-order 310,311,312,357,366,
sandwich 367,370,371,439,505,
theory) 511,538,539,562,566,
Classical 221,341 341 682,797,812,813,816
Plate Theo~
Others 761 817 Table 8. Partial list of references on topics of current interest on
Experimental 149,305,478,562,648 sandwich panels covered in the present survey
Concept, Process 34,35,59,72,74,75,80,108,116,122,126,127,
techniques have been used in these studies. Table 2 gives a Development 129,131,146,160,171,172,180,192,202,226,
partial list of the references on thermomechanical stress and 276,322,352,363,389,397,399,400,401,421,
analysis of sandwich plates, cylindrical panels and shells, Application 422,428,437,484,509,541,545,549,550,567,
and doubly-curved panels. The computational models used 572,574,628,637,649,663,678,720,730,731,
in the cited studies include the simplified two-dimensional 732,737,774,775,785,787,794
Design and 3,5,7,23,25,31,33,71,84,90,94,116,130,
models in which the face sheets are treated as membranes; 132,134,135,143,144,145,153,170,176,183,
the discrete three-layer model in which the extensional, 199,213,276,280,284,285,298,299,300,333,
bending and transverse shear effects of the face sheets and 334,359,365,372,375,401,402,405,406,418,
core are incorporated; first-order (Reissner-Bole'-Mindlin 438,457,472,475,492,504,520,521,522,523,
type) and higher-order global approximation models; quasi- 532,536,537,548,558,559,581,587,599,607,
three-dimensional; and three-dimensional models. In most of 697,706,722,725,738,739,740,741,742,743,
the reported studies, perfect bonding is assumed between the 744,745,746,747,748,749,750,752,753,755,
core and face sheets and the core is replaced by an equiva- 756,769,772,787,801
lent homogeneous material. The analysis techniques used Plasticity 69,70,82,120,138,153,182,230,245,246,355,
include analytic and series solutions for plates with simple 369,376,379,380,418,428,440,467,470,471,
geometries and boundary conditions, asymptotic solutions 480,491,493,503,532,581,617,653,654,661,
and numerical solutions (mostly finite elements). Analytic 757~766r781
and series solutions are presented for circular sandwich ImpactDamage 53,61,74,83,92,93,95,96,113,114,127,175,
plates [Kao (1970), Kao (1973), Gupta and Jain (1982), and Impact 186,194,212,215,222,227,228,247,248,310,
Gupta and Sharma (1982b)]; rectangular sandwich plates Tolerance 311,325,326,357,358,370,371,377,391,397,
[Monforton and lbrahim (1975)]; and circular cylindrical 412,417,419,425,436,451,474,479,503,505,
shells [Holt and Webber (1982)]. 623,630,633,643,659,674,682,693,711,714,
Gfigolyuk and Kornev (1976) presented asymptotic ex- 730,737,786~812,813,816
pansions for the solution of sandwich plates and shells. The
small parameter in the expansions was selected to be the 5.3 Vibration and damping
transverse shear stiffness of the sandwich.
Interlayer slip between the core and face sheets (which Vibrations of sandwich plates and shells has been the subject
may occur in high temperature applications, due to the bond- of several investigations. Table 3 lists some of the references
ing flexibility and creep of adhesive under sustained loads on the subject. Early studies have neglected in-plane and ro-
and environmental effects), has been studied by Hussein tatory inertia. For homogeneous plates these effects are only
(1984a). In the cited reference, both experimental and finite important at high frequencies. However, as shown by Rao
element solutions were presented.
CompositeFacings A-523
Beams A-191 A-182 A-96,232 A-90,94,125.184,195
Large Deflections
Isotropic Facings A-14,220,485,486,496, A-103,218,219,224,362, A-363,418,420
497 507
CompositeFacings A..497 A-218,294
Misc. Topics
Isotropic Facings A-141,273,290,303,430, A-83,102,149,161,247, A-18,236,386,396,400, A-196,215,245,248,249,
542,545 271,536 488 250,299,415,438,509,522
CompositeFacings A-57,178,292,293,366, A-21,28,238,276,449, A-31,205,212,343,437,523
367,371,387,477 495,559
Finite Element A-27,84,85,87,124,188, A-45, 143
Analyses 198,237,351
and Nakra (1973), for sandwich plates they can be important [Lu, Killian et al (1979)]; rectangular plates consisting of al-
at relatively lower frequencies. ternate elastic and viscoelastic layers [Alam and Asnani
A variety of plate and shell geometries have been consid- (1984)]; and doubly-curved sandwich panel with viscoelastic
ered, including circular plates [Mirza and Singh (1974a)], core [Vaswani, Asnani et al (1984)].
annular plate with linear thickness variation [Paydar and Transverse deflections which are of the order of the plate
Adams (1989)], rectangular plate with composite face sheets thickness, or greater, cause additional stiffening of the plate
[Rao and Meyer-Piening (1991)], cylindrical and conical and result in equations of motion which are nonlinear. Non-
shells [Wilkins, Bert et al (1970)], deep spherical shells linear vibrations of sandwich plates have been studied by
[Mirza and Singh (1974b), and Lizarev and Rostanina Rajagopal, Singh et al (1987a), Rajagopal, Singh et al
(i 978)], and doubly-curved panels [Ahmed (1971)]. (1986), and by Shahin (1974).
Free vibrations of prestressed sandwich plates and shells
5.4 Transient dynamic response
have been studied by Rao and Sinha (1974) and Sinha and
Rath (1974), who considered rectangular plates with uniaxial The analysis of dynamic and impact response of sandwich
and biaxial compression, respectively; and by Baker (1968), plates and shells has been the subject of several investiga-
who considered circular cylinders. tions. The reported studies can be classified into three gen-
A few studies have been reported on the free vibrations of eral categories: forced vibration response; wave propagation;
damped sandwich plates. These include plates made up of a and dynamic buckling. A partial list of the references in the
thin viscoelastic layer sandwiched between two elastic layers first two categories are given in Table 4.
Table 9. Continued.
Sandwich Cylindrical Shells and Curved Beams
Axial Compression A-116,118,317,319,530 A-12,49,131,132,138, A-513,524,526
External Pressure A-428,429,431 A-133,278,339,382,416, A-I19,127 A-348,360
Misc. Loading A-139,140,174,318,320, A-132,229,230,311,392, A-5,13,61,145,255,310, A-54,55,165,409,411
529,530 500,511,531 347,478,498
Composite Facings A-370,492 A-23,107,375,403 A-26,38,41,109,309,460, A-51,264,315,499
Curved Beams A-193,256
Cylindrical Shells . . .
A-35,73,74,76,115,130, A-7,22,95,110,160,176, A-50,203,204,407,408,
156o187,194,207,213. 231,266,328,384,404, 410,456
216,388,391,493,551, 406,422,461,515
Curved Beams A-453 A-6,8,92,306,451,452, A-435,521
Sandwich Shells
Vibration --- A-252,253,505, 538, 539, A-137, 164, 301,344 A-32, 128, 239, 300, 302,
540, 556 472, 481,520
'l~uckling --- A-80, 81,297, 402,444 A-10, 473 ---
Large Deflections
Isotropic Facings i A-528 A-158, 352 A-9, 251,313, 377,442,
460, 473,474
Misc. Topics
lsotropic Facings ._. A-4, 108, 159, 162,291, A-113, 142, 148, 163, 312, A-258,259, 270, 359, 414
330, 361,443, 500, 535 314, 341,458, 468
Thermal Stresses --- A-105, 227, 354, 413,541 A-504 A-129, 385
Additional~ics for Sandwich Structures
C r ~ and Viscoelasticitt ._. A-29,166,378,482,525 A-254,427
Heat Transfer A-235 A-490 A-192
Misc. Topics
General A-19,82,189,190,316 A-111,134,135,275,369, A-106,152,175,277 A-304,441
Multicore A-120 A-1,223,356,425,426
Circular Planform A-558 A-221,222,342,353,494 A-283 - . .
The studies in the first category include axisymmetric (1976) showed that the dynamic snap-through loads of sand-
forced motion of shallow spherical shells by Cuikowski and wich panels with initial curvature can be estimated directly
Reismann (1971); dynamic response of a rectangular sand- from the static snap-through loads without actually resorting
wich plate with viscoelastic core and orthotropic facings, to dynamic analysis. Kar and Sujata (1991) determined the
subjected to harmonic transverse loads by Mukhopadhyay regions of parametric resonance for sandwich beams sub-
and Kingsbury (1976); and the application of mode superpo- jected to pulsating axial force.
sition technique, in conjunction with a higher-order global Chen and Chen (1991), and Chen, Chen et al (1991) de-
approximation model, to study the dynamic response of termined experimentally the effect of various impact
sandwich plates by Kant, Arora et al (1992). energies and impact tup sizes on the residual compressive
The wave propagation studies include the application of strength of composite sandwich panels. Jegley (1993) stud-
Reissner-Bole'-Mindlin theory to the ProPagation of plane ied the response of thermoformed sandwich and semi-sand-
harmonic waves in sandwich plates [Yu (1959)]; the use of wich panels with a trapezoidal corrugation subjected to low-
three-dimensional elasticity equations to derive analytical speed impact damage. Bernard and Lagace (1989) studied
frequency equations for plane waves [Lee and Chang
(1979)]; and the use of experimental techniques to determine
the phase velocity of flexural waves traveling along a sand-
wich panel with honeycomb core [Thompson, Alers et al
general (panel) buckling shear crimping
Among the dynamic buckling studies mention can be
made of dynamic stability of multilayer sandwich plates
[Salama and Chen (1973)]. Akkas (1974) showed that the
dynamic snap-through behavior of sandwich spherical cap
subjected to uniform step pressure is similar to that of the face wrinkling face dimpling
corresponding homogeneous cap. Adi Murthy and Alwar Fig 4. Instability modes for sandwich panels.
the impact resistance of composite sandwich panels impac- 5.6 Large deflection and postbuclding problems
ted at a low-energy level. In comparison with the literature on large deflection and
postbuckling analysis of homogeneous plates and shells, lit-
5.5 Global and local stability problems tle is available on the nonlinear analysis of sandwich plates
The instability modes for sandwich plates and shells include and shells (see Table 6). Among the early nonlinear and
the following four (see Fig 4): a) general, overall or panel postbuckling studies are those of Akkas and Bauid (1971a)
buckling; b) shear crimping, or core shear instability - a form on the initial axisymmetric postbuckling response of shallow
of general buckling which occurs in the shear mode; c) face spherical shells; Tatarinov (1972) on pure bending of sand-
wrinkling which is a local or short-wave length buckling wich plates with corrugated core; and Dorr (1969) in which a
phenomenon; and for cellular core configurations d) face mathematical model was developed for the local postbuck-
dimpling which is a general buckling phenomenon involving ling strength of flat truss core sandwich panels loaded in
the facing material covering a single cell. compression.
Extensive literature has been devoted to the general buck- Most of the reported studies on nonlinear analysis of
ling of sandwich plates and shells subjected to various com- sandwich plates and shells used the finite element method
binations of mechanical loads (see Tables 5a and 5b). In [see, for example, Sharifi and Popov (1972), Rothschild
most of these studies the core was replaced by an equivalent (1991); Hanagud, Chen et al (1985); Jeusette and Laschet
homogeneous material and perfect bonding was assumed be- (1990), Kutyiowski and Myslecki (1992), and Kuhhorn
tween the face sheets and the core [see, for example, Habip (1993)]. Finite difference method was used by Chang (1992)
(1965); Volmir (1967); Gfigolyuk and Chulkov (1973); to study the overall buckling and postbuckling of beamlike
II'Gamov, lvanov et al (1977)]. Mixed-mode local buckling sandwich plates, and the boundary element method was used
of three-layered shells is studied by Ivanov and Paimushin by Kamiya, Sawaki et al (1983) to study the large deflec-
(1994b) and Golovanov, lvanov et a! (1995). tions of heated sandwich plates and shallow shells. Experi-
Interlayer slip between the core and face sheets (which mental measurements were made by Hussein and Fazio
may occur in high temperature applications, due to the bond- (1985a) to ascertain the nonlinear thermal behavior of sand-
ir.g flexibility, and creep of adhesive under sustained loads wich panels with interlayer slip.
and environmental effects) has been studied by Hussein
(1984a). In the cited reference both experimental and finite 5.7 Effects of discontinuities and geometric changes
element solutions were presented. Buckling analysis of sand- Structural tailoring which is often used for weight reduction
wich shells with an adhesion-failure zone between the core may lead to sandwich structures with nonuniform thickness.
and one of the face sheets is studied by Golovanov and Moreover, tapered sandwich structures are used in many ap-
Paimushin (I 993). The effect of the temperature on the inter- plications such as trailing edges of aircraft lifting surfaces,
action curves of panels subjected to combined inplane and and transition regions between sandwich panels and other
compressive loadings has been studied by Ko and Jackson structural components. Sandwich structures with nonuniform
(1991a). As to be expected, as the temperature increases, the thickness have received less attention in the literature than
stability boundary moves inward. Singh, Rao et al (1990) those of uniform thickness. Most of the reported studies on
and Noor and Burton (1992) studied the effect of face to sandwich structures with nonuniform thickness are for the
core thickness ratio on the critical temperature of sandwich case of sandwiches with gradually varying thickness. In
plates with composite face sheets. In both studies an opposite sandwich structures with tapered geometry a coupling exists
trend was found to that observed for mechanical compres- between a) the core shear strains and the normal displace-
sive loads; namely, as the face thickness increases, the criti- ments of the face sheets, and b) the membrane forces in the
cal temperature Tcr decreases (see Fig 5). face sheets and the transverse shear forces. Computational
models which account for these couplings were developed
by Libove and Lu (1989), Paydar and Libove
(1986), Paydar and Libove (1988), Lu and
Libove (1991), Jeon and Hong (1992a), and
.06 Jeon and Hong (1992b).
.36~ .05
Taber and Viano (1982) studied the free
- - 0 - - o.lrs vibrations of linearly tapered sandwich
%,~,%,., 0.3
beams, by replacing the beam with a series of
~Tor oo/Ef r .03 uniform segments and using the transfer ma-
trix technique. Soovere (1986) used a semi-
empirical method for predicting the root-
0.0 0.00 mean-square strains in the face sheets of stif-
.05 .10 .15 .20 .05 .10 .15 .20 fened honeycomb panels subjected to ran-
h/L~ h/L 1 dom acoustic loading. The effect of the be-
Fig 5. Effect of face sheet thickness and plate thickness on the values of the uniform tempera- veled edges (close outs) on the honeycomb
ture, To,, and the uniaxial edge compression of sandwich plates with graphite-epoxy cross-ply panel strain distribution was studied in the
face sheets and an orthotropic core. cited reference. Other reported studies on
tapered sandwich plates include dynamic stability of tapered buckling of corrugated web sandwich panels [Craig,
sahdwich beams by Kar and Sujata (1991), free vibrations Hanagud et a! (1986)], spherical shells with cutout
/ ~ n d buckling of annular plates by Paydar (1988b), Paydar [Kotelnikov and Tarasenko (1985)], and impact damage
/ (1990), Paydar and Adams (1987), Paydar and Adams resistance of panels [Lagace, Williamson et a! (1993)], and
f (1989), free vibrations of annular sandwich plates and semi- use of nondestructive measurement of vibrational response
/ infinite plates by Gupta and Bhargava (1992b), Gupta and of panels in determining the bond strength of honeycomb
,lain (1982); beamlike bending and free vibrations of sand- sandwich panels [Thompson, Thompson et a! (1974)].
wich plates with thickness variation in one direction by
Libove and Lu (1989), and Lu and Libove (1991); and 5.10 Optimization and design studies
bending of sandwich plates with thickness variation in two Since the 1940's several studies have been devoted to the
directions by Paydar and Libove (1988). structural optimization of sandwich panels. Review of the
early studies and their limitations is given in Vinson and
5.8 Damage and failure Shore (1965). More recently, minimum weight optimum de-
The presence of defects in a sandwich can result in degrada- sign of flat sandwich panels and shells with composite face
tion in the stiffness; reduction in the load-carrying ability; sheets, and a given set of planform dimensions and applied
and deterioration in the structural integrity. Some studies loads, has been studied by Vinson. Various sandwich con-
have been made to assess the effect of defect sizes and loca- figurations were considered; namely, honeycomb core (with
tions on the performance, damage tolerance, and failure of hexagonal and square cells), truss core, corrugated core, web
the sandwich structure. Interracial defects may result from core and solid (or foam) core [Vinson (1985) and Vinson
poor bonding in the manufacturing process, environmental (1986a)]. In the cited references explicit expressions were
and aging effects during operation of the structure; and im- derived for determining each geometric variable of the opti-
pacts of foreign bodies in delivery and service. Some of the mized minimum weight panel. Five modes of failure were
defects may already exist in the structure prior to its loading; considered, namely: overall panel buckling; core shear insta-
others may develop during the service loading. Interracial bility; face wrinkling; face dimpling or monocell buckling
defects essentially represent delaminations within the sand- (for honeycomb sandwich construction); and overstressing.
wich and have received increasing attention in recent years. Adali and Duffy (1990) showed that the thermal stability
Experimental and analytical investigations have been made of laminates can be improved by using a hybrid (sandwich)
on the effects of initial predetermined delamination defects construction of high-modulus material in the outer layers and
on the delamination growth, buckling, postbuckling, and ul- low-modulus material in the inner layers. They presented nu-
timate strength of sandwich structures. merical results for the optimal ply angles for graphite/glass
Impact damage was found to be the most critical damage, and boron/glass material combinations.
since it causes a bigger strength reduction than holes, cracks, Adams, Ni et al (1984) showed that the flexural modulus
delaminations or porosity regions of the same size. A num- of glass reinforced plastic panels can be significantly in-
ber of studies have been devoted to the effect of low velocity creased, and their density reduced by adding carbon fiber re-
impact damage on the strength of sandwich structures. Palm inforced plastic outer layers.
(1991) determined experimentally the effect of low energy
impact damage on edgewise compression strength of graph-
ite/epoxy panels. Kassapoglou and Abbott (1987) presented
a semi-imperical method to predict compressive buckling of The accuracy of the response predictions of various compu-
sandwich panels with low-speed impact damage. tational models of sandwich panels and shells is strongly
dependent on a number of parameters, including:
5.9 Experimental studies geometric parameters (eg, panel (or shell) geometry, face
The reported experimental studies for sandwich plates and sheet and core configurations and thicknesses, or presence
shells were done at three different levels: a) laboratory tests or absence of discontinuities);
on small specimens to obtain material data; b) subcomponent material properties of the core, adhesives and face sheets
tests to obtain and/or validate analytical and computational (viz, effective core and face sheet properties, and for
models for effective properties of different core configura- laminated face sheets, number of layers, stacking se-
tions; and c) component tests to validate computational mo- quence, degree of orthotropy, and fiber orientation of dif-
dels, and to uncover phenomena not considered in the ma- ferent layers);
thematical model (eg, phenomena associated with response type and rate of variation of external ioadings;
and damage).
The third category includes buckling of sandwich cylin- boundary (or support) conditions.
ders and cones [Baker (1968), Baker and Herrmann (1966)], Due to the large number of these parameters and the fact
buckling of sandwich panels with composite face sheets that closed form (or analytic) solutions are only obtainable
[Pearce and Webber (1973)], sandwich panels subjected to for panels (or shells) with simple geometries, loading and
combined edge compression and thermal gradient [Chang boundary conditions, it is impractical to present quantitative
and Timmons (1962)], large deflections of sandwich plates results of a general nature.
[Bau-Madsen, Svendsen, et al (1993)], static and dynamic
Some studies have made comparisons between the re- shear stiffnesses are adjusted, and in the second procedure
sponses of panels and shells obtained by different two-di- the thickness variations of the displacement components\JR
mensional models [see, for example, Bhimaraddi and adjusted. The modeling approaches are listed in Table 10"~N,
Chandrashekhara (1984), Pandya and Kant (1988), Jeusette and will henceforth be referred to as models 1-8. The ~,,
and Laschet (1990), and Burton and Noor (1995)]. However, standard of comparison is taken to be the analytic three-di-
except for the study by Burton and Noor (1995), which was mensional thermoelasticity solutions. The panels considered "~\
limited to static stress response and sensitivity analysis, all in the numerical studies and the sign convention for the dis-
the other studies were limited to a small number of models; placements, stresses, and stress resultants associated with the
confined to a small range of geometric parameters or; in first-order shear deformation model are shown in Fig 6.
some cases, lacked a three-dimensional analytic solution as a
standard for comparison. To the authors' knowledge, no as-
sessment has been made as yet, of the x3 x3
accuracy of the vibrational response X3
R2/R 1 .5 x=
U3 = 2!fv (~33933dV t".20 .t4 08 2 ,S5 / ';I I I I R= ~ / ~ /R~
" 0.00 .0S .10 .lS .20 ' "
where a repeated index ct or 13 denotes summation over the h/L1 WL 1
range 1, 2. The total strain energy is given by a) Minimum vibration frequency
1,0 / .-~ ....... .
/ /'/ ........
/ p / ....... .--------o ..... "~ . . . . I-A
95 / "k\,l I I
....... ~>...... 3
...... -C"...... 4
...... "O ...... 5
h/L1 " 0.00 .05 .10 .lS .20
h/L 1
oso ~ X ~ .o~ 080 ~ .22 b) Energy ratio U1/U
r<~....~ I/.oo~ I.~o~---:_.~ I/.11
BZ ~ ~T - .Ss ~ , 1.05 +
p(o=L~/E~ O,00 o-TT
U.__~ 1.oo .
0,0.~5 2
Rz'R 1
~ U21. . . . |/ /' /,/ !/
perature c h a n g e T can be a p p r o x i m a t e d by the simple for- where COois the f r e q u e n c y o f the u n h e a t e d panel (T = 0); and
mula: Tcr is the critical temperature o f the panel.
An indication o f the a c c u r a c y o f the m i n i m u m v i b r a t i o n
frequencies, and the associated e n e r g y c o m p o n e n t s U I, U 2,
= 1 Ter
Global Approximation Discrete Three-Layer Predictor-Corrector
Models Models Models
Maximum ~5 ~- o.oo
Percent -.25
Error 10
Region 3
5 ~vI I.~ I ~ ~lP'fJ~:~"JJ-~fl['~1~/J'~J/'~'~'., Z/ Region 2 -.50
-1.25 0.00 1.25 -1.25
0.00 1.25 -1.25 0.00 1.25
0 ~ L ~ ' ~ ~ . J ~ Region1 o11/I0,, . . = l ~ x o~I/IOH .=1~. o,,110. ,.=1~,
1-A 3 2 1-B 4 5 6 7 8
Model Number
a) Minimum Vibration Frequency
70 "-%.~ :o.o 1.. 3.~ . . o.o A 31~ .1.. o.o 1.. 3.~
Maximum 20
Percent 15
Error 10 Region 3
s 1"1 1.11 1.11--1 ~f~.,~-~y,-~,.~,~_..,/.,~.~-~,r~ Region 2
0 I / t - - - I ' ~ l ' J l ' - ' J ~ , I ~ 1 ~ , ~ - - ~ , ~'J~ Region1
1-A 3 2 1-B 4 5 6 7 8
Model Number "'%.o-2.0.1.o o.o1---~o .3.o .2'.o . . o o.o 1.o .3.o-2'.o .,.o 0:, 1.o
b) Strain Energy Component U~ o3z/Ioa=,=1~, o3=11%~o==1~, oaallo33,,~tl~,
Fig 12. Accuracy of through-the-thickness distributions of stresses obtained
by different computational models. Spherical sandwich panel with ten-
layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core
Percent 20
10 Region 3
,1/1:0,1/R2=1 h.
I I I J~ I ~ I Ju~,~'v'f~"~fZ~'v'~--f,~'w~'-w~/ Region 2
0 ~.~__I,~L__~.~L_J,~I__~, ~ , ~ , I . J ~ . , J f Region1
1-A 3 2 I-B 4 5 6 7 8
Model Number
C) Strain Energy Component U2
Fig I0. Maximum percent errors in the prediction of the minimum vibra-
tion frequency and the associated strain energy components obtained by
the different two-dimensional computational models over the range of geo-
metric parameters shown in Fig 2. Symmetric structural sandwiches with .3 I I I / I I I
O.O .t .2 .3 0.0 .1 .2 .3
ten-layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core, hb = h~ = hr, L2 = 1, R~ 2hf/h 2hf/h
".50 t ~~ , ~ . ~
.15 .25 .35 .45 .15 .25 .3S .45 .15 .25 .35 .45 O
u,/lw,,=l~, uJIw,==l~, uJIw,==l~, 1= o
~ .s
. x~ , . ,,C
-~-o. I I r
.~e .~
.~s . s s ~ . o o ~ . o l .se .~7 .~a . s s 1.oo~.o~ s~ 9r ~8 ~ s ~ OOlO~
0.0 .1
.2 .3 0.0 .1
.2 .3
w/Iwo==l,~, w/Iwo==l~, w/Iw,~l~ Fig 13. Effect of geometric parameters of the panel on the values of the
Fig 11. Accuracy of through-the-thickness distributions of displacements composite correction factors used in the first-order shear deformation
obtained by different computational models. Spherical sandwich panel with theory (models 1B and 8). Symmetric structural sandwiches with ten-layer
ten-layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core. cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core, hb = ht = hf, L2 = I.
o.o 0.0 0.0
xl x2
o.5 I I i f f I I I -.5 f
II/R1 = 1/R2 = 01 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5
X3 ,5
~ 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
X l ~ x 2
R2 l_ f
-.5 I
-.5 t ~ p -.5 f i I
II/R1 : o, R 2 : 11 0.0 1.0 2,0 3.0 0.0 .5 1,0 1.5 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5
X3 .5 .5
vw 7,
R 1 = R 2 = 11
'~" 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0
-.5 f
~ N
1.0 1.5
Fig 14. Through-the-thickness distribution of transverse shear strain energy density obtained by models I A and 7. Symmetric structural sandwiches with
ten-layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core, hb = ht = hr, L2 = I.
predicted by the two-dimensional models listed in Table 10
is given in Fig 9. The maximum percent errors in the pre- h
dications of the minimum vibration frequency and the asso- 2hf/h l
xl xz
.05 |
ciated strain energy components obtained by the different .4 ------0----- .10
two-dimensional models are shown in Fig 10. Regions I, II -----'f>-----.15 I
E~.~ f 2/oo2 .3 2o I
and III are identified by the magnitude of the energy ratio OEL .25 |
~ .30 ji
U1/U as obtained by the three-dimensional model (see the .2
projections shown on the middle row of Fig 7). As can be xa
seen from Figs 9 and 10, the most accurate predictions of the .1
0.00 .05 .10 .15 .20
global response quantities are those of models 5, 6 and 8, h/L 1
and the least accurate predictions are those of models l-A, 3 .4 .4
and 2.
An indication of the accuracy of the thickness distribu-
tions of the modal displacement components u I and w; and f ~9U1 .2 f ~U2
the modal stress components a II, a13, ~33, associated with EL~L/U .1 EL~L/U .2
the minimum frequency, and obtained by the eight models is 0.0 .1
given in Figs 1 1 and 12. As can be seen from Figs 1 1 and 12,
-,1 P i I i 0.0
the most accurate displacement and stress distributions are 0.00 .05 .10 .15 .20 0.00 .05 .10 .15 .20
generally those predicted by model 8, and the least accurate hiLl h/L 1
are those predicted by models I-A, 2 and 5.
Fig 15. Effect of sandwich thickness and face sheet thickness on sensitivity
The accuracy of the predictions of the first-order shear coefficients of the minimum vibration frequency and associated strain
deformation theory is critically dependent on the selected
energy components obtained by the three dimensional model. Symmetric
values of the composite shear correction factors kl and k 2. structural sandwiches with ten-layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic
Figure 13 shows the effect of the geometric parameters core, hb = ht = hr, L~ = L 2 = 1, Ri =Rz = 1 , m = n = I.
L2/Lb h/L~ and 2he'h on the values of k~ and k2, for flat, cy-
verse shear strain energy density Ush, = ~o31 2~31 obtained
lindrical, and spherical sandwich panels, generated by two
different approaches: the cylindrical bending assumption by models I A, 7, and the three-dimensional model are
proposed by Whitney (1973) and the first predictor-corrector shown in Fig 14.
approach (model 7). Note that the values of kl for the Figures 16, 17 and 18 show surface plots of the sensitivity
spherical sandwich panels are more sensitive to variations in coefficients, depicting the effects of variations in the normal-
L2/Li and h/L~ than for the corresponding fiat and cylindrical ized sensitivity coefficients of the minimum frequency
panels. The basis for computing k] in model 7 is the equiva-
~3CO2 2
lence of the transverse shear energy of the two-dimensional --/co , and the energy ratios Z. cgU~ / Uct (ix = 1,2); for
model and that obtained by piecewise integration, in the c3L tg~
thickness direction, of the three-dimensional stress equations Z. = E rL,GET
f andG~y The effect of plate thickness, h/Lt, and
of motion (used in a post-processing mode). Comparison of face sheet thickness, 2htCh, on geometric parameters R2/R=,
the thickness distributions of the component of the trans- h/L=, 2h~/h and L2/L are shown in Fig 15. Note that for the
range of parameters considered, the
largest normalized sensitivity coef-
ficient of (o2 is that with respect to
R~/R~ ~ ~ ~
2hf/h ~o ~o :~e,. h/'L~
i_z/L~ ~,o~ 5o .~" h/L,
An indication of the accuracy of
the thickness distributions of the
'1NIl il
"I ', Jl "'1 Maximum'TI I lillll
"re' 'TI IiJM'l__--____
Error lo_H J ~ , ,
IRegion 3
I J 131 I ) l ~ - f Y / - ~ _ , - ~ r ~ " ~ - - " ~ J Region2
"5 [ .,d"~\",~ f -~-I 1.00 ]- " . , , ~ = . ~ : . . , . ~ . .....~ ..... 2 : 0 P"'---'~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ , ~ [ Region1
I-A 3 2 1-B 4 5 6 7 8
o 0 r ,"
Model Number
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..
"~ ~,,l~'~'oe.e~ ' 0.00 .05 .10 .15 .20 .....-<3....... 6 b) Sensitivity Coefficient
RE/n1 ' e.~o .,~ ~/LI h/L1 '.~ ;
b) X = G[T
.~ ~
1.oo Maximum
0.00 ~. .05
/ ' /
/ t i
0.00 .05 .10 .15 .20
R~RI ll'~"~'O"~ h/L~ hiLl 1-A 3 2 1-B 4 5 6 7 8
C) ~ = G~3 Model Number
Fig 19. Effect of thickness ratio of the panel on the accuracy of sensitivity c) Sensitivity Coefficient f f ~
coefficients of the minimum vibration frequency obtained by different two- Fig 20. Maximum percent errors in the prediction of the dominant
dimensional models Surface plots on left are three-dimensional model sensitivity coefficients of the minimum vibration frequencies obtained by
sensitivity coefficients for symmetrical structural sandwiches with ten-layer different two-dimensional computational models. The range of geometric
cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core, hb = ht = hr, Li = L2 = 1, R~ = I, parameters considered is shown in Fig 2. Symmetric structural sandwiches
m = n = I. Associated two-dimensional model accuracy for R2 = 1 are with ten-layer cross-ply face sheets and orthotropic core, hb = ht = he, L2 =
shown in the line plots on the right. 1, Rl= I.
I. Computational material modeling. The reliability of Global Approximation Discrete Three-Layer Predictor-Correcter
Models Models Models
the response, life and failure predictions of sandwich plates
and shells is critically dependent on the accurate description,
and numerical simulation, of the different phenomena asso-
ciated with each of the aspects of material behavior. Material
characterization of the face sheets, core and adhesive layers K o.oo
is the major pacing item for the accurate prediction of the re- -.25
sponse and failure of sandwich plates and shells. -.50 ' -- '
-.07 O.O0 .07 -.07 0.00 .07 -.07 0.00 .07
2. Exploration of fundamental theories to accurately rep- GI 3 ~ llWexactlmnx x,
resent the physics governing the sandwich plate (or shell)
x= t~
behavior through the entire range of operating environment
(eg, temperatures, strains and stresses). This includes, among
other things, the coupling between the temperature field and
the strain field; effect of stress on thermal properties.
3. Formulation and implementation of effective computa- ::i2F ,
tional strategies and numerical techniques for the efficient -.01 0.00 .01 -.01 0.00 .01 -.01 0.00 .01
generation of the response, and for the simulation of failure c 3W
G'z ~/Jwe=ctlmax
of the structure. This includes, among other things, devel-
Fig 21. Accuracy of through-the-thickness distributions of the sensitivity
opment of: coefficients of the displacementcomponentsobtained by different compu-
a) hierarchical modeling and analysis strategies for sand-
tational models. Sandwich cylindrical panel with ten-layer cross-ply face
wich plates and shells with complicated geometry (eg, thick-
sheets and orthotropiccore.
ness discontinuities, presence of
cutouts and stiffeners) in which
different computational models Global Approximation Discrete Three-Layer Predictor-Corrector
are used for different regions of Models Models Models
the structure, and are adaptively .so 2 ? 2
refined as needed. Adaptivity in 3
wich plates and shells subjected -.50 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 0.0 .5 1i0 0.0 .5 1.0
-.S -.4 0.0 -.6
-.4 -.2 0.0 -.6 -.4 -.2 0.0 .2
0 % /1%exacdmax
o 0G---~
dition to developing practical er-
ror estimates and selecting a Fig 22. Accuracyof through-the-thicknessdistributions of the sensitivitycoefficientsof the stress components
benchmark set of sandwich plate obtained by different computational models. Sandwich cylindrical panel with ten-layer cross-ply face sheets
and shell problems for assessing and orthotropic core.
new computational strategies and numerical solutions, a high wich plates and shells is reviewed. The ten categories are:
degree of interaction and communication is needed between heat transfer; thermal and mechanical stress analysis; free
computational modelers and experimentalists. Carefully vibrations and damping; transient dynamic response; bifur-
conducted experiments are required not only to validate the cation and local buckling; large deflection and postbuckling
computational models, but also to understand the physical problems; effects of discontinuities and geometric changes;
phenomena associated with the plate and shell behavior damage and failure; experimental studies; and optimization
under complex loading conditions. and design studies. Some of the future directions for research
5. Non-deterministic analysis and modeling techniques. on sandwich plates and shells are outlined.
These are needed to account for uncertainties in material Extensive numerical results are presented for fiat, cylin-
properties, geometry, loads and boundary conditions, as well drical and doubly-curved sandwich panels with composite
as to quantify inherent uncertainties in the response, per- face sheets showing the effects of variations in the geometric
formance and failure of sandwich plates and shells. De- parameters of the sandwich on the accuracy of the predic-
pending on the nature and extent of the uncertainty present, tions of eight different modeling approaches based on two-
three approaches can be used for the modeling of sandwich dimensional theories. The critical temperature, free vibra-
plates and shells. If the sandwich parameters are treated as tional response and sensitivity coefficients are calculated.
random variables with known probability distributions, the The modeling approaches considered can be divided into
response of the structure can be determined by using proba- three categories: global approximation models, discrete
bilistic analysis and stochastic modeling techniques. If only three-layer models, and predictor-corrector procedures. The
fragmentary information on the sandwich characteristics are standard of comparison is taken to be the analytic three-di-
known, it is possible to establish upper and lower bounds on mensional thermoelasticity solutions.
the maximum response or failure loads using convex analy- For all the problems considered, the predictor corrector
sis (anti-optimization approach). On the other hand, if the procedure based on correcting the thickness distribution of
sandwich parameters are described in linguistic or imprecise the displacement components, resulted in the highest accu-
terms (eg, through membership functions, which represent a racy of the response quantities and their sensitivity coeffi-
gradual transition from membership to nonmembership), cients. Reasonably accurate predictions for the global re-
fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory can be used to predict the sponse quantities can be obtained by using the first-order
response. shear deformation model, based on linear displacement vari-
The principal benefit of using any non-deterministic ation through the entire sandwich, provided proper values
analysis consists of the insights into engineering, safety and are selected for the composite shear correction factors. How-
economics that are gained in the process of arriving at those ever, accurate predictions of transverse stresses require the
quantitative results and carrying out reliability analyses. As use of three-dimensional equations.
future multilayered plate and shell structures become more
complicated, failure mechanisms will be based on non-de-
terministic models from the beginning of the design process,
and potential design improvements will be evaluated to as- The present research is partially supported by NASA Co-
sess their effects on reducing overall risk. The results, com- operative Agreement NCCW-0011, by NASA Grant NAG-
bined with economic considerations, will be used in system- 1- i 162 and by Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant
atic cost-benefit analyses (perhaps also done on a non-de- AFOSR-F49620-93-1-0184. The authors are indebted to
terministic basis) to determine the structural design with the Tom Bitzer, Hexcel Corp, Dublin, CA, David Bushnell of
most acceptable balance of cost and risk. Lockheed Palo Alto, RMM Hussein, State University of
6. Multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization. New York, Syracuse, NY, WL Ko, NASA Dryden Flight
The realization of new complex sandwich plates and shells Research Center, Edwards, CA, T Lewinski, Warsaw Uni-
(eg, those made of piezoelectric materials and new core con- versity of Technology, L Librescu, VPI&SU, R-H Lin,
figurations) requires integration between the structures disci- Shanghai University of Technology, C-H Lu, University of
pline and other traditionally separate disciplines such as heat Memphis, VN Paimushin, Kazan State University, Russia, M
transfer, electromagnetics, aerodynamics and acoustics. This DiSciuva, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, JH Starnes Jr,
is mandated by significant interdisciplinary interactions and NASA Langley Research Center, EE Theotokoglou, Techni-
couplings which need to be accounted for in predicting re- cal University of Athens, CES Ueng, Georgia Institute of
sponse, as well as in optimal design of these structures. Technology, and Jack R Vinson, University of Delaware for
supplying several references.
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17, 1968,AFFDL-TR-68-150,213-245.
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Construction From Damping Properties o f the Cores and Facings, US Bending and Compression, US Forest Products Lab, Madison WI, FPL-
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wich plates by a modified Berger method, d Strain Anal 13(I ), 17-22. Solids 17(1), 154-160.
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Eng Mech Div, ASCE 95(EM 1), 235-245. 34(89E), 785-787.
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material of the layers taken into consideration, lzvestiya VUZ, ity, Soy Appl Mech 20(9), 789-792.
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Sandwich Construction Under Lateral and Axial Loads, NACA TN tion of Tech Papers, Orlando FL, Apr 15-17 1985, AIAA, Part 2, 120-
3090. 125.
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ber-metal element, Mech o f Solids 22(2), 93-97. shells, Exp Mech 9(10), 433-440.
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Div, ASD TR-61-706, Vol 2. axial compressions and pressure, AIAA J 3(6), 1162-1164.
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US Forest Product Lab, Madison WI, FPL-1829. spherical shells, Mech Comp Mat 18(2), 182-188.
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o f Shell Structures - 1962. NASA TN-D- 1510, 323-330. 131.
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tion Effects in the Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic Structural ered and transversely isotropic spherical shells, Mech Comp Mat 16(4),
Materials, ASTM, STP-405. 464-.469.
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Titanium Sandwich Constructions, US Forest Products Lab, Madison 805-809.
WI, FPL-218. A-305. Lu YP and Douglas BE (1974), On the forced vibrations of three-
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Lateral Pressure. US Forest Products Lab, Madison WI, FPL-0104. dance of damped three-layered sandwich rings, AIAA J I 1(3), 300-304.
A-279. Kuenzi EW and Ericksen WS ( 1951 ), Shear Stability o f Flat Panels A-307. Lu YP and Everstine GC (1980), More on finite element modeling
o f Sandwich Construction. US Forest Products Lab, Madison WI, FPL- of damped composite systems, J Sound Vib 69(2).
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ment Center, WADC TR 55-417, Part 2. zing the mass of cylindrical shells formed from a composite material
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cients for Simply Supported and clamped flat, rectangular sandwich combined loading, Polymer Mech 12(2), 249-256.
panels under edgewise compression, US Forest Products Laboratory, A-310. MacDonald DC (1977), Mechanical analysis of simply-supported
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filler in three-layer structures, Aviatsionnaya Teknika 7(3) (in Russian). A-311. Maki AC (I 967), Elastic Stability of Cylindrical Sandwich Shells
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ous double-plate systems, AIAA J 13(10), 1326-1332. FPL-0173.
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Theory o f Plates and Shells (Proc 4th All-Union Conf), Durgar'yan SM 1204.
(ed), Erevan, Oct 1962, 573-579. A-314. Malcolm DJ and Glockner PG (1976), Variational principles for
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and shells, Proc AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 27th Structures, Structural A-315. Malyutin IS (1980), Stability of a three-layer orthotropic cylindrical
Dyn and Mat Conf San Antonio TX, May 19-21, 1986, AIAA, 653- shell with stiffening ribs, Soy Appl Mech 15(7), 580-585.
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partially covered sandwich beams, J Sound Vib 123(2), 247-259. A-317. March HW and Kuenzi EW (1952), Buckling o f Sandwich
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structures incorporating a constrained viscoelastic core, Shock Vib Bull FPL-1830.
40(Part 5), 49-60. A-318. March HW and Kuenzi EW (1953), Buckling of Sandwich
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plates, J Elast 9(I), 51-69. A-319. March HW and Kuenzi EW (1957), Buckling o f Cylinders o f
A-290. Lewis WC (I 956), Deflection and Stresses in a Uniformly Loaded, Sandwich Construction in Axial Compression. US Forest Products Lab,
Simply Supported. Rectangular Sandwich Plate. Supplement - Experi- Madison WI, FPL-1830 (rev Dec 1957).
mental Vero%ation o f Theory, US Forest Products Lab, Madison WI, A-320. March HW and Kuenzi EW (1958), Buckling of Sandwich
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conical shells, Aeronaut Quart 20(1 ), 61-74. A-321. March HW and Smith CB (1945), Buckling Loads of Flat Sandwich
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elastic plates with fillers, Doklady Akad Nauk SSSR 182(1), 60-63 (in Products Lab, Madison WI, FPL-1525.
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plates, Revue Romaine des Tech et Sci, Serie de Mec Appl 14(1), 137- Madison W1, FPL- 1505.
141. A-323. Markus S (1976), The effect of a stiff dissipative core upon the en-
ergy losses in a sandwich beam, Acta Technica CSAV6, 655-667.
A-324. Markus S (19775, Shear-damping reduction effects in sandwich A-353. Myachenkov VI (1967), The bending of round sandwich panels
beams, J Sound Vib 55(4), 591-593. with a light filler, Prikladnaya Mekhanika 3(7), 52-59 (in Russian);
A-325. Markus S and Nanasi T (1981), Significance of in-plane inertia English transl, Soy Appl Mech 3(7), 1971, 31-35.
forces in the vibration analysis of three-layered circular plates, J Sound A-354. Nagao H (1965), Thermal stress and deformation of sandwich cyl-
Vib 76(3), 421-441. inders, J Japan Soc Aero & Space Sci 13(4), 21-28.
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A-328. Markus S and Tesar P (1976), Vibration control of three-layered cy- 473.
lindrical shells, Proc IOth Con/" Dynamics o f Machines, Warszawa, A-358. Narayanan S and Shanbbag RL (1982), Sound transmission through
167-175. a damped sandwich panel, J Sound Vib 80(3), 315-327.
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A-331. Mathauser EE and Pride RA (1959), Compressive Strength of Stain- Proc lnst Mech Eng, Part C 198(16), 293-301.
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plates with stiffeners and various boundary conditions, Strojnicky A-363. Ng SF and Das B (1986), Finite deflection of skew sandwich plates
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A-334. Mead DJ (1972), The damping properties of elastically supported 355-377.
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180. Mech 7(3), 110-116.
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62-1096. the high-elasticity deformation of vitreous-plastic sheathing, Doklady
A-338. Mead DJ and Markus S (1970), Loss factors and resonant frequen- Akademii Nauk SSSR 151(3), 528- (in Russian); English transl, Sov
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113. honeycomb core materials, US Forest Products Lab, Madison W1, FPL-
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mortar sandwich composites, Exp Mech 16(9), 356-360. ducts Lab, Madison WI, FPL-1844.
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flat sandwich plates with simply supported edges, Proc 7th lnt Con- Length Under Umform External Lateral Pressure. US Forest Products
gress ofAppl Mech, Vol 1,200-213; also Natl Luchvaart Laboratorium Lab, Madison WI, FPL-1844B.
Report $337, Amsterdam, Holland, June 1948. A-430. Raville ME (1955), Deflection and Stresses in a Umformly Loaded,
A-398. Plantema FJ and Alphen WJ (1953), Compressive buckling of Simply-Supported, Rectangular Sandwich Plate, US Forest Products
sandwich plates having various edge conditions, Anniversary Volume Lab, Madison WI, FPL- 1847.
on Applied Mechanics (dedicated to CB Biezeno), Stare H (ed), A-431. Raville ME (1955), Supplement to Analysis o f Long Cylinders o f
Haarlem, 133-148. Sandwich Construction Under Uni[brm External Lateral Pressure, US
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tures by incorporation of additional viscoelastic material, Proc 3rd A-432. Raville ME, Ueng E-S, and Lei M-M (1961), Natural frequencies
Midwestern ConfSolid Mechanics, Univ Michigan Press, 48-71. of vibration of fixed-fixed sandwich beams, d Appl Mech, ASME
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with a rigid spacer, Soy Appl Mech 8(1), 80-82. A-433. Reddy CV, Ganesan N, Rao BVA, and Narayanan S (1980), Re-
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slightly-curved panels, including the effect of shear deformability, Int J evaluation, d Sound Vib 69(1), 45-57.
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3549. sandwich construction, Composite Struct 5(4), 251-279.
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drical shells, Sov Appl Mech 14(12), 1276-1282. model, d Struct Eng. ASCE 109( 11), 2715-2732.
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structures, Structures Under Shock and Impact (Proc Ist lnt Conf), Center, WADC TR 56-230.
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A hmed K Noor is Ferman W Perry Professor of Aerospace Structures and Applied Mechanics. He is
also the Director of the Center for Advanced Computational Technology at NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, Virginia. Noor received his BS degree with honors from Cairo University (EgypO
in 1958, and his MS and PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1961 and
1963, respectively. He taught at Stanford University, Cairo University (EgypO, University of
Baghdad (Iraq), the University of New South Wales (Australia), and George Washington University
before joining the University of Virginia. He has edited 20 books and authored over 350papers in
the ftelds of structural mechanics, computational mechanics, and new computing systems. Currently,
he is the Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Engineering Software published by Elsevier Science Ltd, the
Associate Editor o f Applied Mechanics Reviews published by ASME, and serves on the Editorial
Board of several international journals. He is a Fellow offour professional societies: the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American
Society of Civil Engineers, and the American Academy of Mechanics. He is a founding member of both the International and
US Associations of Computational Mechanics (1.4CMand USA CM), and the President of USACM. He served on a number
of committees of the National Research Council~NationalAcademy of Engineering including Large Space Systems,
Computational Mechanics, and Aeronautical Technology in the year 2000. He served on the NSF High-Performance
Computing Panel He has been active in AIAA, ASME, and ASCEfor many years and served as the chairman of the
Committee on Computing in Applied Mechanics, ASME. He received a number of awards including the 1989 ASCE
Structures and Materials A wardfor exceptional contributions to the advancement of aerospace technology in civil
engineering, and the 1995 Technical Achievement A ward from the National Academy of Engineering.
Charles W Bert holds the Benjamin H Perkinson Chair and is a George L Cross Research Professor
in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, where he has
been a member of the faculty since 1963. He received BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering
from the Pennsylvania State University and a PhD degree in Engineering Mechanics from the Ohio
State University. Prior to the joining thefaculty at Oklahoma, he was a junior design engineer at
American Flexible Coupling Co, a project officer (Lt, USAF) at the Air Force Armament Center
(Eglin AFB, FL), an aero design engineer at FairchiM Aircraft, and a principal engineer through
program director at Battelle's Columbus Laboratories. He is the author of over 200 refereed journal
papers, over 100 other papers, and eight book chapters. His research emphasis has been in solid
mechanics, especially mechanics of composite structures, structural dynamics, and most recently,
computational mechanics. He serves on editorial boards for Advanced Composite Materials, Applied
Mechanics Reviews, Composite Engineering, Composite Structures, Journal o f Sound and Vibration, and Mechanics o f
Composite Materials and Structures. Bert is a Fellow of AAAS, AAM, AIAA, ASME, SEM, and SES.