Cinquain Writing and Oral Rubrics

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Cinquain Poem: Thirteen Moons on Turtles Back ISBN 978-0-6981-1584-2

by Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan London

Illustrated by Thomas Locker

Name ______________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________

Moon Month name ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Written Poem Rubric

Poor 1 pts Fair 2 pts Excellent 4 pts

Word Count Below Basic Basic Proficient

Line 1 One Word The poem has missing lines and/or One or two lines are missing All 5 lines have correct number of
Line 2 Two Words words. words. words per line
Line 3 Three Words
Line 4 Four Words
Line 5 One Word

Word Type Below Basic Basic Proficient

Line 1- Noun The poem does not contain the Most lines are correct but a Nouns, adjectives, and verbs are
Line 2 -Adjectives proper format. problem with one word type (noun, present and in the correct place
Line 3- Verbs adjectives, or verbs) exists. The poem contains a
Line 4- a Sentence or Describe a A four-word sentence or phrase is grammatically correct four-word
feeling about subj present. sentence or phrase.
Line 5-One word referring to subj

Grammar/Spelling Below Basic Basic Proficient

Finished product not edited for Most of the finished product edited Finished product edited clearly and
correct grammar, spelling, and for correct grammar, spelling, and completely for correct grammar,
poetic form that matches example poetic form that matches example spelling.
poem. poem. Poetic form matches example

Word Choice Below Basic Basic Proficient

Word choice is inconsistent with Words help reader see the Words are appropriate, descriptive
theme. meaning of the poem. and allow the reader to visualize
the theme.

Neatness Below Basic Basic Proficient

Poem is unreadable. Poem is presentable. Poem is neat
Overall appearance is excellent

Cinquain Poem: Thirteen Moons on Turtles Back ISBN 978-0-6981-1584-2
by Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan London
Illustrated by Thomas Locker
Name ______________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________
Moon Month name ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Oral Presentation Rubric

Poor 1 pts Fair 2 pts Good 3 pts Excellent 4 pts

PREPAREDNESS Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student does not seem at all Student is somewhat prepared. Student seems fairly prepared. Student is completely prepared and
prepared to present. Rehearsal was clearly lacking. More practice needed has obviously rehearsed.

SPEAKS CLEARLY Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student mumbles, cannot be Speaks clearly and distinctly 94-85% Speaks clearly and distinctly all Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100
understood, OR mispronounces of the time, with no more than two (100 -95%) of the time, and -95%) of the time, and
three or more word. words mispronounced. mispronounces one word. mispronounces no words.

PITCH Poor Fair Good Excellent

Pitch not used to convey emotions. Pitch rarely used to convey emotion, Pitch conveyed emotion, but Pitch conveyed appropriate
often did not fit the content. sometimes it did not fit the emotions.

POSTURE AND EYE Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student slouches. Student sometimes stands up Posture is straight. Posture is straight.
Student does not look at people Student uses good eye contact Student is relaxed and confident.
during the presentation. Student rarely establishes eye throughout the presentation.
contact. Eye contact is good throughout

VOLUME Poor Fair Good Excellent

Students volume is often too soft Student has sufficient volume for full Student has sufficient volume for Student has sufficient volume for full
for all audience members to hear. audience to hear at least 80% of the full audience to hear at least 90% audience to hear throughout
time. of the time. presentation.

POEM COPY Poor Fair Good Excellent

Poem is rewritten, but has 7 or more Poem is rewritten, but has 4-6 Poem is rewritten, but has 1-3 Poem is rewritten neatly with no
errors. spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.
No original copy included. Original copy is included Original copy is included. Original copy is included.


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