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Comparisons Among Ground-Water Flow Models and Analysis of

Discrepancies in Simulated Transmissivities of the Upper Floridan

Aquifer in Ground-Water Flow Model Overlap Areas

By Nicasio Sepulveda
U.S. Geological Survey, 224 West Central Parkway, Suite 1006, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Discrepancies in simulated transmissivities of the Upper Floridan aquifer were identified in the overlap areas of
seven ground-water flow models in southwest and west-central Florida. Discrepancies in transmissivity are generally
the result of uncertainty and spatial variability in other aquifer properties. All ground-water flow models were used to
simulate the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer for approximated steady-state conditions from
August 1993 through July 1994 using the time-independent hydraulic properties assigned to the models. Specified-
head and general-head boundary data used to generate boundary conditions appropriate to these models were
obtained from the estimated annual average heads for the steady-state period. Water-use data and the approximated
surficial aquifer system water table were updated to reflect conditions during the approximated steady-state period.
Simulated heads at control points, vertical leakage rates to the Upper Floridan aquifer, and spring flows were used to
analyze the discrepancies in transmissivities in model overlap areas. Factors causing transmissivity discrepancies in
model overlap areas include differences among directly applied recharge rates, differences among model simulated
vertical leakance values assigned to the overlaying confining unit resulting in varying leakage rates to the Upper
Floridan aquifer, differences in heads and conductances used in general-head boundary cells, and differences in
transmissivities assigned in the vicinity of springs. Additional factors include the grid resolution and algorithm used
to approximate the heads of the surficial aquifer system when these are used as a source/sink layer.


Seven ground-water flow models in southwest and

south-central Florida were analyzed to identify
discrepancies in the simulated transmissivity in model
overlap areas. The seven ground-water flow models of
the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) encompass southwest
and west-central Florida (fig. 1); study area hydrology
and model details are presented in Ryder (1985), Yobbi
(1989, 1996), Barcelo and Basso (1993), Blandford and
Birdie (1993), Hancock and Basso (1993), and Metz
(1995). The transmissivities of the UFA used in the
simulations range from about 8,000 feet squared per day
(ft2/d) in southwest Levy County to greater than
12,000,000 ft2/d in Citrus County. This large range in
transmissivity is typical in karst areas. In addition to the
areal variations in transmissivities of the UFA, there are
large differences among transmissivities used to
simulate overlap areas in the ground-water flow models.
For the purpose of this study, a discrepancy between
simulated transmissivities within model overlap areas
was identified whenever transmissivity values differed
by more than twice or less than half the average
transmissivity. Transmissivity discrepancies are a
source of conflict for water-management regulators
when evaluating water-use permits because they can Figure 1. Location and extent of the simulated areas
result in different simulated potentiometric levels in the in the Upper Floridan aquifer of ground-water flow
UFA under identical future water-use stresses. models considered in the study.

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS MODELS framework grid cells. In cases where more than one
transmissivity value was stored in a framework grid cell
The Floridan aquifer system is a layered system and from any of the seven models, the geometric mean was
the conceptualization of the system varied among the computed from the multiple values obtained from that
seven models considered in this study (fig. 2). All model. The transmissivities used in this study for model
models assume that the confining unit underlying the 5 were the sum of the transmissivities assigned to layers
UFA is not leaky and, therefore, is simulated as a no- 2 and 3, because model 5 simulated the UFA with
flow boundary (fig. 2). The surficial aquifer system layers 2 and 3 (fig. 2). The transmissivities for all other
(SAS) is simulated as a dynamic or active layer only by models were taken as assigned.
models 5 and 7. Models 1, 3, 6, and 7 simulate parts of
the intermediate aquifer system in southwest Florida
(fig. 2). Model 5 uses two layers to simulate the UFA.
Models 2 and 4 are the only one-layer models, where
recharge to the UFA is directly assigned to the layer; all
other models compute the leakage to the UFA from the
vertical leakance of the confining units and the
hydraulic gradients between the UFA and either the
intermediate aquifer system or the SAS. Model 1 used
the computer code generated by Trescott and Larson
(1976); all other models used MODFLOW (McDonald
and Harbaugh, 1988). All models used block-centered
grids where heads are computed at the center of the grid
cells. A detailed discussion of these models is beyond
the scope of this report.
The grids used by the ground-water flow models
were variable in size and cells were not aligned along
the same axis. Different grid scales generally caused
some areas to be treated with higher resolution than
others, increasing the spatial variability of hydraulic
properties. The grid used to develop model 5 was of
variable cell size, ranging from 0.25 square-mile cells to
1 square-mile cells (Hancock and Basso, 1993). All
other models used grids of uniform, square cell size.
The width of the cells of the uniform grids varied from
1 mile (model 7) to 4 miles (model 1). Grids of models
1 and 2 were rotated about 20 degrees west of due
north. The variability in grid alignment required a
scheme to identify the areas where discrepancies in
transmissivity occur in overlap areas shown in figure 1.

The study area (fig. 1) was discretized into 5,000
foot-wide square cells to establish a framework grid for Figure 2. Layering conceptualization of models (A)
storing and analyzing the values of transmissivity 1, 3, 6, and 7; (B) 2 and 4; and (C) 5. (See figure 1
assigned in the original models. The center points of the for location of models.)
framework grid cells were intersected with the original
model grid and the transmissivities assigned by the A framework cell was identified as a transmissivity
original model at the center points were stored at the discrepancy if a transmissivity value from any model in
corresponding framework grid cells. In addition, the an overlap area was either smaller than half or greater
center points of the original model grid cells were than twice the resulting geometric mean transmissivity.
intersected with the framework grid and the Cells with a discrepancy in transmissivity were grouped
transmissivities assigned by the original model at the into 24 zones based on the geographical extent of the
center points were also stored at the corresponding active areas of each model (fig. 3). The zones of

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
transmissivity discrepancies were analyzed based on (Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996) to perform the August
how well each model simulated the measured water 1993 through July 1994 steady-state simulation for each
levels and spring flows in the UFA and how realistic the model. The simulated water levels and spring flows in
assigned recharge rates or simulated leakage rates to the the UFA were used to assess the sets of hydraulic
UFA seemed to be. All models were used to simulate parameters that better matched the measured ground-
average annual conditions in the UFA from August water levels and spring flows among the models. The
1993 through July 1994. simulated water levels used in this study for model 5
were the average of layers 2 and 3, because the
hydraulic gradients between these two layers were
negligible. The water levels for all other models were
taken as simulated by the models.

Water Table of the Surficial Aquifer

The water table of the SAS was approximated using
(1) the compiled data of lake elevations, river stages,
and water-level measurements from surficial aquifer
wells (fig. 4); (2) a digital elevation grid; (3) estimated
lake elevations and river stages at ungaged lakes and
rivers from the digital elevation grid; (4) an interpolated

Figure 3. Zones of discrepancies in simulated

transmissivities of the Upper Floridan aquifer in
ground-water flow model overlap areas.


The seven models analyzed in this study were used
to simulate the average potentiometric surface of the
UFA from August 1993 through July 1994. The time-
independent model input parameters including
transmissivities, vertical leakances, spring and riverbed
conductances, and conductances used for the general-
head boundaries were compiled from the original
published models. Time-dependent model input
parameters, including specified heads in the SAS,
water-use data, river stages, drain elevations, specified
heads in the UFA, and heads used to specify the
general-head boundaries, were updated to represent the Figure 4. Lakes, rivers, locations of stream gaging
prevailing hydrologic conditions of the simulation stations, and surficial-aquifer wells used to estimate
period. The combination of original, time-independent the areal distribution of the surficial aquifer system
data and updated, time-dependent data was compiled water table.
for use with the computer code MODFLOW-96

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
surface based on lake elevations and river stages, The minimum water table was generated by fitting
referred to as the minimum water table; and (5) a quintic polynomials of continuous first and second
multilinear regression among the water-level derivatives between any two nodes of measured or
measurements at surficial aquifer wells, the estimated estimated lake elevations, river stages, or ocean
minimum water table, and the land-surface elevation shoreline (which was assigned a water table of zero foot
relative to the estimated minimum water table. Results elevation). The minimum water table, water table, and
of the multilinear regression were used to approximate land-surface elevation coincide at lakes and rivers
the water table from the corresponding regression (fig. 5). Elevations of the minimum water table at the
coefficients, the estimated minimum water-table surficial aquifer wells were interpolated from the
elevation, and the land-surface elevation relative to minimum water-table surface previously generated.
the minimum water table. Data used to approximate Land-surface elevations at the surficial aquifer wells
the water table of the SAS was compiled from the were interpolated from the digital elevation grid, and
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Southwest Florida the resulting elevations relative to the minimum water
Water Management District (SWFWMD), South table were computed. A multilinear regression was
Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and computed between the measured water-table elevation
St. Johns River Water Management District as the dependent variable, and the minimum water table
(SJRWMD) data bases. and the land-surface elevation relative to the minimum
From August 1993 through July 1994, average lake water table as the independent variables. A correlation
elevations were computed for gaged lakes in the study coefficient of 0.99 shows that these variables are
area, and average river stages were computed for gaged strongly correlated. The approximated water table
rivers (fig. 4). These rivers were divided into segments computed from the multilinear regression was used to
according to the location of the lakes and river gaging specify the heads of layer 1 in models 1, 3, and 6, in
stations. River stage was computed at all discrete nodes which the SAS was simulated as a constant-head layer.
located along the meanderings of the river segments The root-mean-square error between the regressed and
using a linear approximation based on distance to measured water table at surficial aquifer wells was
upstream and downstream gages. Applicable distances 3.81 feet, whereas the absolute maximum of regressed
were computed at all nodes forming each river segment. minus measured heads was 8.12 feet.
The computed lake elevations and river stages were
Errors in the approximation of the source/sink heads
assumed to be representative of the water-table
of the SAS lead to errors in simulated hydraulic
elevation at the same sites, and elevations were
gradients, which in turn lead to errors in simulated
referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum
leakage rates between the UFA and the SAS, or
of 1929.
between the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems.
The digital representation of the topography in the The source/sink heads for the SAS in models 1, 3, and 6
area was generated from 5-foot contour interval were estimated from the land-surface elevation (Ryder,
hypsography digitized by SWFWMD, SFWMD, and 1985; Barcelo and Basso, 1993; Metz, 1995). The
SJRWMD from 7.5-minute USGS topographic algorithm described herein represents a uniform method
quadrangle maps. A digital elevation grid of square for approximating the water table in the study area and
cells 100 feet wide was generated using the digitized generally agrees well with measured data.
hypsography for the study area, the lake elevations from
gaged lakes, and the river stages computed along the
meanderings of gaged rivers. Using this digital
elevation grid, the land-surface elevation could be
interpolated at any point in the study area.
Ungaged lake and river stages were computed from
the digital elevation grid. Stages were interpolated
along the discrete nodes forming the digital
representation of the ungaged rivers. Although some of
the ungaged lakes may not be representative of the
regional water table (some of these lakes may be
perched), excluding these lakes from the set of all
ungaged lakes used to assess the areal distribution of the Figure 5. Relation among water table, minimum
water table was beyond the scope of this study. water table, and land-surface elevation.

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
Potentiometric Surface of the Upper measurements were obtained from wells with surveyed
Floridan Aquifer land-surface elevations. The heads for the general-head
boundaries for models 1-7 were interpolated from the
Records of daily water levels from 1986 to 1996 potentiometric surface shown in figure 6. The
from UFA wells equipped with continuous water-level conductances used to establish the general-head
recorders were evaluated to select a 1-year simulation boundaries of these models were taken from the
period in which the error introduced by making a published models.
steady-state approximation was minimized. Only wells
tapping the unconfined UFA were considered in this
analysis, because the small storage coefficient typical of
a confined aquifer generally make gain or loss of water
from storage negligible. The smallest net changes in
water levels in any 1-year period among the 22
unconfined UFA wells occurred from August 1993
through July 1994. Differences between water levels on
July 31, 1994, and water levels on August 1, 1993,
ranged from 1.07 to 1.23 feet, with a root-mean-square
difference of 0.48 foot and a mean difference of
0.03 foot. If all 58 confined or unconfined UFA wells
equipped with continuous water-level recorders were
considered, then the differences ranged from 2.47 to
5.17 feet, with a root-mean-square difference of
1.89 feet and a mean difference of 0.89 foot. These
differences indicate that the error introduced by making
a steady-state approximation for this period is small.
Monthly averages for September 1993 and May
1994 and annual averages from August 1993 through
July 1994 were computed from water levels in 58 UFA
wells equipped with continuous water-level recorders.
A multilinear regression was computed between the
annual averages and the monthly averages for
September 1993 and May 1994. A correlation
coefficient of 0.99 for the multilinear regression Figure 6. Estimated potentiometric surface of the
indicated a strong correlation between the annual Upper Floridan aquifer, average conditions for
averages and the September 1993 and May 1994 August 1993 through July 1994.
averages. The multilinear regression equation used to
compute the annual averages from August 1993 through Water Use
July 1994 was: h93-94 = 0.55 hSep93 + 0.45 hMay94 + 0.28,
where h93-94 is the annual average for 1993-94 period, Ground-water withdrawals in the study area from
and hSep93 and hMay94 are the monthly averages for August 1993 through July 1994 from the intermediate
September 1993 and May 1994. This regression aquifer system and the UFA for public-water supply,
assumes that the water levels measured during commercial or industrial (including thermoelectric-
September 1993 and May 1994 are representative of the power generation and recreational uses), and
monthly averages. The differences between the agricultural purposes were compiled or estimated
regressed and computed annual water-level averages at (depending on the water-use type). Most of the ground-
continuous water-level recorders tapping the UFA water withdrawals were compiled from consumptive
ranged from 0.67 to 3.50 feet, the root-mean-square user permit data bases and water-use data files from
difference was 0.74 foot, the mean difference was SWFWMD, SFWMD, and SJRWMD. Artificial
0.15 foot. recharge rates from injection wells were obtained from
A potentiometric-surface map of the UFA was the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
generated to represent average hydrologic conditions Estimates of self-supplied domestic ground-water
from August 1993 through July 1994 in the SWFWMD withdrawals were obtained from Richard L. Marella
and parts of SJRWMD and SFWMD (fig. 6). (USGS, written commun., 1998). Wells located inside
Approximately 90 percent of all water-level the simulation areas of each model were used to

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
generate the MODFLOW well-package input file 1994 rainfall to the year of flow-measurement rainfall.
needed to run each model. Approximate total ground- During the study period (1993-94), total rainfall
water withdrawals from the simulation areas of models recorded at National Oceanic and Atmospheric
1 through 7, including self-supplied domestic water use Administration stations in Citrus, Hernando, and Pasco
and recharge from injection wells, were 895, 65, 594, Counties was about 85 percent of the 1961-90 average
125, 280, 231, and 400 million gallons per day, and about 75 percent of the rainfall from May 1988 to
respectively. April 1989. Although the spring flow does not follow an
exact rainfall ratio, average spring flows for springs not
Spring Flow listed in Yobbi (1992) or Yobbi (1989) were estimated
assuming an approximate rainfall to spring-flow ratio.
Spring flows within the study area originate mostly
from the UFA. A major factor in spring flow is the net COMPARISON OF MODEL RESULTS
aquifer recharge from rainfall; however, spring response
is delayed by aquifer-matrix storage. Higher spring
flows usually occur in late fall after the rainy season, IN SIMULATED TRANSMISSIVITIES
whereas lower discharges occur in late spring when
rainfall has been low. Spring flows from the UFA tend The nonuniqueness of the solution to the ground-
to create depressions in the potentiometric surface. The water flow equation and the uncertainty and spatial
areal extent of these depressions depends on the variability in hydraulic parameters generally yields
magnitude of the spring flow, and the aquifer and discrepancies in parameter values among model overlap
confining-unit properties in the vicinity of the spring. areas. Time-dependent parameters like specified heads,
Location and spring-flow data for springs recharge rates to the unconfined UFA, and ground-
originating from the UFA and located inside the zones water withdrawals from the UFA needed to be updated
of transmissivity discrepancies (fig. 3) were compiled in for the simulated time period. The transmissivity of the
table 1 from several sources (Rosenau and others, 1977; UFA, as well as the vertical leakance of the
Yobbi, 1989, 1992). Most of the flow measurements of intermediate confining unit, generally are time-
springs in the zones of transmissivity discrepancies was independent hydraulic parameters and, therefore, do not
estimated from previous flow measurements (Rosenau need to be updated. However, the uncertainty of
and others, 1977; Yobbi, 1989, 1992). A few spring- hydraulic parameters can be reflected in the time-
flow measurements in the zones of transmissivity independent parameters, causing discrepancies among
discrepancies were made from August 1993 to July ground-water flow models.
1994 (table 1). The simulation of average conditions of the
Average flows from May 1988 to April 1989 for a potentiometric surface of the UFA and average spring
number of springs in parts of Citrus, Hernando, and flows from August 1993 through July 1994 was
Pasco Counties were calculated from Yobbi (1992). accomplished for each model using the updated water-
The average of flow measurements at Weeki Wachee table distribution, UFA specified-head boundaries,
Springs was 185 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) from May ground-water withdrawals discussed earlier, and the
1988 to April 1989 (Yobbi, 1992); and 129 ft3/s from hydraulic properties assigned to each original model.
August 1993 to July 1994 (USGS, 1993, 1994), or The residuals between simulated and measured water
about 70 percent the average flow from May 1988 to levels in the UFA were computed for zones of
April 1989. Due to the lack of additional spring-flow transmissivity discrepancies A through X (fig. 3). The
measurements from May 1988 to April 1989 and from residuals and a comparison of simulated and estimated
August 1993 to July 1994, the average flow from spring flows for each model in zones A through X were
August 1993 to July 1994 for springs in parts of Citrus, used to analyze the reliability of the transmissivity and
Hernando, and Pasco Counties was estimated to be leakage rates of each model (table 2).
70 percent of the average of flow measurements in Measured heads and reliable UFA spring-flow
Yobbi (1992) from May 1988 to April 1989 (table 1). measurements were used to determine which
Average spring flows from August 1993 to July 1994 transmissivity values and leakage rates to the UFA are
for springs in Yobbi (1989), not listed in Yobbi (1992), realistic among the considered models. Springs were
were also estimated to be 70 percent of the average located in zones C, D, J, L, N, P, and S (table 1). Zone
spring flows listed in Yobbi (1989). D is an example of an area where both head
Average flows for springs in table 1 but not in measurements and spring flows are needed to assess the
Yobbi (1992) or Yobbi (1989) were estimated from the reliability of the hydraulic parameters used by models 1,
product of the flow measurement from Rosenau and 2, and 4. Zones F, G, and H suggest the need for
others (1977) and the ratio of the August 1993 to July

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
Table 1. Description and flow measurements of Upper Floridan aquifer springs in zones of transmissivity
[Zone labels indicate zone where springs are located, see fig. 3 for zone locations; if more than one date of measurement is listed, flow is an
average of measurements; ft3/s, cubic feet per second; dates are shown in month-year format]

Flow, of flow
Spring name Zone Latitude Longitude County
in ft3/s measure-
Halls River Springs C 284804 823610 Citrus 102.2
Hidden River Springs near Homosassa (including C 284559 823520 Citrus 6.7
Hidden River Head Spring)
Homosassa Springs at Homosassa Springs C 284758 823520 Citrus 72.4
Southeast Fork Homosassa Springs at Homosassa C 284751 823523 Citrus 43.1
Trotter Spring at Homosassa Springs C 284747 823510 Citrus 5.2
Baird Creek Head Spring near Chassahowitzka D 284230 823440 Citrus 3.2
Beteejay Lower Spring near Chassahowitzka D 284131 823535 Citrus 7.3
(including Beteejay Head Spring)
Chassahowitzka Springs near Chassahowitzka D 284254 823435 Citrus 64.8
Crab Creek Spring D 284300 823434 Citrus 34.8
Lettuce Creek Spring D 284308 823437 Citrus 3.7
Potter Spring near Chassahowitzka (including Ruth D 284354 823548 Citrus 14.4
Rita Maria Spring near Chassahowitzka D 284126 823528 Hernando 3.3
Salt Creek Head Spring D 284323 823506 Citrus 0.4
Unnamed Tributary above Chassahowitzka Springs D 284254 823438 Citrus 20.5
(including Bubba Spring)
Boat Spring at Aripeka J 282621 823929 Hernando .4
Bobhill Springs J 282607 823834 Hernando 1.8
Jenkins Creek Spring No. 5 J 283120 823804 Hernando 15.3
Magnolia Springs at Aripeka J 282558 823926 Pasco .5
Mud Spring near Bayport J 283240 823701 Hernando 17.0
Salt Spring near Bayport J 283246 823709 Hernando 22.3
Unnamed Spring No. 1 J 282600 823926 Hernando 6.3
Unnamed Spring No. 2 J 282720 823830 Hernando .7
Unnamed Spring No. 4 J 283118 823806 Hernando 6.3
Unnamed Spring No. 6 J 283254 823737 Hernando 2.8
Horseshoe Spring near Hudson L 282350 824121 Pasco 9.7 12-72
Unnamed Spring No. 3 near Aripeka L 282352 824027 Pasco 17.8 08-60
Crystal Springs near Zephyrhills N 281030 821120 Pasco 37.0 09-93, 05-94
Sulphur Springs at Sulphur Springs P 280115 822705 Hillsborough 25.0 09-93, 05-94
Lithia Springs Major near Lithia S 275158 821352 Hillsborough 31.1 09-93, 05-94
Lithia Springs Minor near Lithia S 275201 821349 Hillsborough 8.0 09-93, 05-94
Estimated to be 70 percent of average of flow measurements from Yobbi (1989).
Estimated to be 70 percent of average of flow measurements from Yobbi (1992).
Estimated from product of measured flow from Rosenau and others (1977) and ratio of August 1993 July 1994 rainfall to year of flow-
measurement rainfall recorded at nearest station.

reliable evapotranspiration data to better estimate should be changed once one parameter is kept constant,
leakage rates to the UFA. In zones where only head but not the direction in which both parameters should be
measurements were available (A, B, I, K, M, Q, R, T, changed.
U, and W), only generalizations can be made about the The nonuniqueness of the solution to the ground-
validity of transmissivity and leakage rates. In many of water flow equation implies, for example, that different
these zones, the mean residual can only indicate the combinations of transmissivities and vertical leakances
direction in which the transmissivity and leakage rates can result in similar simulated heads. Matching

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
Table 2. Description of zones with transmissivity discrepancies in model overlap areas
[Tn, average transmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) assigned by model n, in thousand feet squared per day; Ln, average leakage or
recharge rate to the UFA, as the case may apply, assigned by model n, in inches per year; Rn, root-mean-square error of residuals from control
points of UFA for model n, in feet, mean of residuals, in feet, and number of control points; Qn, sum of simulated spring flows by model n, in
cubic feet per second (ft3/s); Q, sum of measured or estimated spring flows, in ft3/s. Several values of Tn are shown if T is areally variable. See
figure 3 for zone labels; see figure 1 for model numbers]

Models Simulated Statistics of

Zone with Simulated leakage residuals Explanation or comment
active transmissivity or and spring flow
cells recharge
A, B 1, 2 T1= 2,000, 500 L1= 11.0 R1= 7.54, -4.87, 7 T should be between T1 and T2 and L rate
T2= 450, 155 L2= 16.4 R2= 4.57, 3.06, 7 should be between L1 and L2.
C 1, 2 T1= 1,000 L1= 10.0 R1= 0.20, -0.20, 1 Similar L rates and Q1 lower than Q suggest T
T2= 9,000 L2= 9.0 R2= 1.17, 1.17, 1 should be higher than T1. Higher Q2 than Q
Q1=77, Q2=375 suggests T should be lower than T2.
D 1, 2, 4 T1= 1,000 L1= 12.6 R1= 3.80, 2.34, 2 Low R4 and low Q4 show the solution of the
T2= 6,500 L2= 17.7 R2= 3.78, 2.93, 2 ground-water flow equation is not unique and
T4= 900 L4= 14.7 R4= 0.94, 0.04, 2 calibration should make use of spring flows in
Q1= 189, Q2=199 addition to heads. T and L should vary areally,
Q4= 28, Q=152 with T increasing towards the springs.
E 1, 2, 4 T1= 1,000 L1= 11.6 R1= 6.73, 6.26, 3 Outflux through lateral boundaries of model 4 is
T2= 1,500 L2= 13.5 R2= 0.80, 0.61, 3 four times higher than flux through same cells in
T4= 475 L4= 11.1 R4= 3.30, 2.24, 3 models 1 and 2. T should be higher than T4.
F 1, 2, 4 T1= 250 L1= 14.0 R1= 1.63, 1.63, 1 L rate should be between L1 and L2. Low R4
T2= 250 L2= 21.0 R2= 3.03, 3.03, 1 could also be achieved with T lower than T4
T4= 1,300 L4= 39.9 R4= 0.25, 0.25, 1 and L lower than L4. L4 seems too high.
G 1, 2, 4 T1= 1,000 L1= 18.0 R1= 9.14, -9.14, 1 T should be between T1 and T2. L rate should
T2= 1,500 L2= 27.0 R2= 1.40, 1.40, 1 be between L1 and L2. L4 seems too high.
T4= 160 L4= 39.5 R4= 6.79, 6.79, 1
H 1, 2, 4, 5 T1= 1,000 L1= 16.5 R1= 9.93, -9.93, 1 Contrasting T and L values can produce similar
T2= 1,500 L2= 16.5 R2= 0.00, 0.00, 1 water levels. Additional data, such as
T4= 190 L4= 37.6 R4= 5.08, 5.08, 1 evapotranspiration estimates, are needed to
T5= 400 L5= 5.8 R5= 0.56, -0.56, 1 determine L rates that are physically possible.
I 1, 4, 5 T1= 500, 130 L1= 3.8 R1=32.71,-28.63,7 T could vary areally between T4 and T5 and L
T4= 575, 300, 18 L4= 11.7 R4= 8.04, -1.26, 7 rate should be between L4 and L5. Mean
T5= 150, 80, 35 L5= 18.3 R5= 7.75, 3.77, 7 residual for model 1 suggests L rate should be
higher than L1.
J 1, 2, 4, 5 T1= 2,000, 1,000, L1= 10.3 R1= 1.38, -0.72, 3 Areal distribution of T is highly variable and
500, 250 L2= 1.8 R2= 3.05, -1.63, 3 contrasts from one model to another. No
T2= 2,000, 1,000, L4= 5.7 R4= 3.26, -2.40, 3 simulated spring flow by model 5 suggests T
500, 43 L5= -2.9 R5= 4.31, -3.75, 3 should be higher than T5 and L rate should be
T4= 2,000, 1,000, Q1= 82, Q2= 67 higher than L5. L rates vary areally because
675, 420 Q4= 91, Q5= 0 both recharge and discharge areas are included
T5=575,400,120 Q= 73 in zone.
K 1, 4, 5 T1= 500, 130 L1 = 17.0 R1=24.08,-14.11,6 T should be higher than T1 in areas where
T4= 1,800, 790, L4 = 32.3 R4= 5.16, 3.48, 6 T1=130. Mean residuals for models 4 and 5
110, 26 L5 = 9.4 R5= 8.04, 0.79, 6 suggest L rate should be lower than L4 and T
T5= 115, 80, 55 should be higher than T5.
L 1, 5 T1= 250 L1= 0.0 R1= 1.79, 1.79, 1 If T5 is increased near springs then Q5 would
T5= 80 L5= -4.8 R5= 0.40, 0.40, 1 increase. Zone is mainly a discharge area, which
Q1= 13, Q5 = 8 suggests L could be lower than L1.
Q= 27
M 1, 4, 5 T1= 500, 40 L1= -1.5 R1=29.86,-29.49, 4 L rate should be higher than L1. Mean residual
T4= 150, 100, 20 L4= 4.6 R4= 0.81, 0.44, 4 for model 5 suggests L rate should be lower
T5= 400, 150, 55 L5= 14.6 R5= 7.10, 7.01, 4 than L5.

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
Table 2. Description of zones with transmissivity discrepancies in model overlap areas--Continued
[Tn, average transmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) assigned by model n, in thousand feet squared per day; Ln, average leakage or
recharge rate to the UFA, as the case may apply, assigned by model n, in inches per year; Rn, root-mean-square error of residuals from control
points of UFA for model n, in feet, mean of residuals, in feet, and number of control points; Qn, sum of simulated spring flows by model n, in
cubic feet per second (ft3/s); Q, sum of measured or estimated spring flows, in ft3/s. Several values of Tn are shown if T is areally variable. See
figure 3 for zone labels; see figure 1 for model numbers]

Models Simulated Statistics of

Zone with Simulated leakage residuals Explanation or comment
active transmissivity or and spring flow
cells recharge
N 1, 5 T1= 100 L1= 1.8 R1=21.03,-20.83, 2 No simulated spring flow simulated by model 1
T5= 400 L5= -2.0 R5= 5.49, 5.40, 2 suggests T should be higher than T1. L rates need
Q1=0, Q5=36, Q=37 to vary areally. L rates in discharge area could be
less than L5.
O 1, 5 T1= 100 L1= -0.9 R1=40.50,-40.33, 7 L rate should be higher than L1. Conductances in
T5= 30 L5= 10.0 R5=14.60,-17.39, 7 model 5 on general-head boundary in northeast
are too low. T should be higher than T5.
P 1, 5 T1= 200 L1= 0.6 R1=10.88, -8.48, 6 T should be lower than T1 in a discharge area.
T5= 50 L5= 15.4 R5= 6.01, 5.64, 6 L rate should be lower than L5 and higher than
Q1= 0, Q5= 27 L1.
Q= 25
Q 1, 3, 5 T1= 200 L1= 0.3 R1= 6.91, -5.18, 6 L rate should be higher than L1. T should be near
T3= 33 L3= 0.7 R3= 4.38, 2.48, 6 T3 in discharge area.
T5= 400, 150 L5= -29.4 R5= 2.99, -2.07, 6
R 1, 3 T1= 200 L1= 1.1 R1= 3.47, -0.87, 3 T should be higher than T3 and lower than T1 if
T3= 33 L3= 1.7 R3= 8.03, 4.70, 3 L rates remain between L1 and L3.
S 1, 3, 5 T1= 130 L1= 5.8 R1=22.33,-10.83,13 Areally variable T as in model 3 should be used.
T3= 130, 33 L3= 10.0 R3= 5.47, 3.53, 13 Mean residual for model 3 suggests L rate should
T5= 40 L5= 5.9 R5=10.01, -9.44, 3 be lower than L3 or if L3 is used, then T should
Q1=13, Q3=18 be higher than T3. Only a subset of zone is
Q5=0, Q=39 simulated in model 5.
T 3, 7 T3= 67 L3= 5.6 R3= 0.93, 0.93, 1 L rates could be lower than L3 if T3 is used. T
T7= 12 L7= 6.2 R7= 2.73, 2.73, 1 could be higher than T7 if L7 is used.
U 1, 3, 7 T1= 130 L1= 6.3 R1= 10.90, -7.71, 2 These are small areas of recharge to the UFA. T
T3= 130 L3= 4.1 R3= 4.14, -2.89, 2 should be closer to T7 and L rate should be
T7= 40 L7= 6.6 R7= 3.00, -2.95, 2 closer to L7.
V 1, 3 T1= 30, 17 L1= -1.3 R1= 5.29, 4.20, 8 Higher T requires higher L rate, lower T requires
T3= 200 L3= 1.3 R3= 2.21, 2.40, 8 lower L rate. Aquifer test result suggests T could
be even higher than T3.
W 1, 3, 6, 7 T1= 400, 130 L1= 2.4 R1= 6.86, 4.87, 19 If L rates remain between L6 and L3, then T
T3= 134 L3= 3.2 R3= 6.09, 3.31, 19 should vary areally. If T is uniform, then L rates
T6= 400, 100 L6= 1.4 R6= 5.58, -1.87, 19 should vary areally.
T7= 400, 130, 66 L7= 2.1 R7= 3.04, -0.19, 19
X 3, 6, 7 T3= 400 L3= 0.4 R3= 4.00, 0.65, 6 Fluxes through lateral boundaries are small for
T6= 100 L6= -0.6 R6= 4.26, -2.93, 5 all models. Low T6 and low L6 yield a high R6
T7= 400 L7= 0.2 R7= 1.86, -1.05, 5 value. Model 3 extends further south than models
6 or 7.

measured and simulated heads can indicate whether the leakage rates) could vary areally while the other
simulated transmissivity should be increased or parameter remains unchanged (table 2). The availability
decreased if the vertical leakance values are not of either known flux rates or reliable aquifer
changed (or vice versa), but heads alone cannot indicate performance tests could answer which hydraulic
how both parameters should be changed. Zones I, K, Q, parameters are more representative of the aquifer
and W are examples of uncertainties where either the properties.
transmissivity or the vertical leakance (reflected by the

In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67
Fluxes through general-head boundaries in zones E major public supply wells in Hernando County,
and O can be compared among models. In these zones, Florida, HydroGeoLogic, Herndon, Va., 90 p.
the reliability of the data used to establish lateral Hancock, Michael, and Basso, Ron, 1993,
boundaries in some models can be analyzed by Computer model of ground-water flow in the Northern
comparing fluxes simulated by models. Specified heads Tampa Bay, Brooksville, Southwest Florida Water
used for some general-head boundaries in models 4 and Management District, 120 p.
5 suggest that unrealistic fluxes are simulated to be Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996,
entering (model 5, zone O) or leaving (model 4, zone E) Users documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update of
the model areas when compared to fluxes simulated by the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference
models 1 or 2. Errors in the interpolation scheme used ground-water flow model, U.S. Geological Survey
to estimate the specified heads at the general-head Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p.
boundaries may have translated into errors in the McDonald, M.G., and Harbaugh, A.W., 1988, A
conductances specified at the general-head boundary modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-
cells in models 4 and 5. water flow model, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques
of Water-Resources Investigations, book 6, chap. A1,
Metz, P.A., 1995, Hydrogeology and simulated
Seven ground-water flow models in southwest and effects of ground-water withdrawals for citrus
south-central Florida were analyzed to identify irrigation, Hardee and De Soto Counties, Florida, U.S.
discrepancies in the simulated transmissivity in model Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations
overlap areas. Average conditions from August 1993 Report 93-4158, 83 p.
through July 1994 in the UFA were simulated for each Rosenau, J.C., Faulkner, G.L., Hendry, C.W., and
model in their respective areas using updated water- Hull, R.W., 1977, Springs of Florida, Florida Bureau of
table elevations, UFA specified-head boundaries, water- Geology Bulletin No. 31 (revised), 461 p.
use data for the period, and the hydraulic properties Ryder, P.D., 1985, Hydrology of the Floridan
used by the original models. The simulated and aquifer system in west-central Florida, U.S. Geological
measured heads and spring flows were compared to Survey Professional Paper 1403-F, 63 p.
identify and analyze some of the reasons for the
Trescott, P.C., and Larson, S.P., 1976, Supplement
transmissivity discrepancies.
to Open-File Report 75-43--Documentation of finite-
In general, the factors causing transmissivity difference model for simulation of three-dimensional
discrepancies in model overlap areas include ground-water flow, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
differences among directly applied recharge rates, Report 76-591, 21 p.
differences among model simulated vertical leakance U.S. Geological Survey, 1993, Water resources
values assigned to the overlaying confining unit data for Florida, water year 1993, v. 3A. Southwest
resulting in varying leakage rates to the UFA, Florida surface water, 245 p.
differences in heads and conductances used in general-
----- 1994, Water resources data for Florida, water
head boundary cells, and differences in transmissivities
year 1994, v. 3A. Southwest Florida surface water,
assigned in the vicinity of springs. Additional factors
259 p.
causing transmissivity discrepancies are the grid
Yobbi, D.K., 1989, Simulation of steady-state
resolution and the algorithm used to approximate the
ground water and spring flow in the Upper Floridan
heads of the surficial aquifer when these are used as a
aquifer of coastal Citrus and Hernando Counties,
source/sink layer. This study underlines the need for
Florida, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
reliable data to improve the quantification of some
Investigations Report 88-4036, 33 p.
hydraulic parameters, particularly the recharge and
leakage rates to the Upper Floridan aquifer. ----- 1992, Effects of tidal stage and ground-water
levels on the discharge and water quality of springs in
coastal Citrus and Hernando Counties, Florida, U.S.
REFERENCES Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations
Report 92-4069, 44 p.
Barcelo, Mark, and Basso, Ron, 1993, Computer ----- 1996, Analysis and simulation of ground-water
model of ground-water flow in the Eastern Tampa Bay flow in Lake Wales Ridge and adjacent areas of central
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Blandford, T.N., and Birdie, T.R., 1993,
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In Eve L. Kuniansky, editior, 2001, U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Water-Resources
Investigations Report 01-4011 p. 58-67

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