Odisha Review 78
Odisha Review 78
Odisha Review 78
Linu Mohanty
Sometime after Orissa became Odisha and historical significance of such studies be
this decision was welcomed far and wide by all underemphasized just because the professional
Odia speaking persons, two Departments of a background of the scholars making these studies
reputed University of Odisha,one teaching Ancient has been archaeology ? Hence, in the present
Indian History, Culture and Archaeology and the essay the extent to which the studies on temples
other teaching History were at logger heads over of Odisha have contributed towards strengthening
the issue of whether the students with Masters the regional identity of the state has been assessed.
degree under the former department are eligible Development of Kalinga Style of
for government jobs as lecturers of History. At a Architecture :
time when government jobs are scarce, there is
nothing unusual for any group trying hard to The temple building activity of Odisha
obtain for it. However, the implication of this with a distinctive regional style called Kalinga
conflict towards the regional identity of Odisha continued over for nearly one thousand years i.e
which is a matter of larger importance for all of from the 6th 7th centuries to the 15th 16t h
us is enormous. Scholars of both History and centuries AD in unbroken continuity, without being
Archaeology through their work over the years distracted by the change of ruling dynasties. As a
have significantly contributed for development of result, the temples are identified with the land
the regional identity of Odisha. When the time for Kalinga rather than the royal families such as
consolidation of this identity has come before all Pallava art, Rashtrakuta art, Chandella art,
of us, the scholars of our State should not hesitate Chalukyan art etc.
collaborating with each other for the sake of short A.N. Parida mentions that some of the
term gains. studies on Odisha temples have included temples
One of the major factors which has of northern parts of neighbouring Andhra Pradesh.
contributed to the strengthening of the regional It is because the temples of that region such as
identity of Odisha is the Kalingan style of the temples of Mukhalingam, Sarapalli etc.
architecture which is found in the large number of possess styles which closely resemble styles of
extant temples of Odisha. A number of scholars temples of Odisha1 .
have studied in detail the temples of Odisha, their The temple style was in full vigour in the
art, architecture and iconography. Should the wake of vast religious and cultural resurgence that
October - 2013 Odisha Review
took place when the Sailodbhavas ruled from the which can be traced through a series of temples
middle of 6th century AD. The temple building like Rajarani, Brahmeswar and finally the Lingaraj
activities gained momentum under the that present the Odishan temple style at its best.
Bhaumakaras (736-950 AD) and the The temple building tradition was
Somavamsis (950-1112 AD) and reached the
continued by the Gangas who are credited with
climax during the Ganga period (1112-1435AD).
the construction of the Jagannath temple at Puri
The activities however continued even under
and the gigantic Sun temple at Konark.
Suryavamsi- Gajapatis (1435-1542 AD) though
on a very small and impoverished scale2 . After the Gangas, during the 14th to 16th
centuries AD under the Suryavamsi Gajapatis, the
The evolution of temple architecture in
temple building activities entered into a phase of
Odisha can be seen through four distinctive phases
decadence. The great period of Odisha temple
of temple building activities viz3 .
architecture came to a halt with the crowning
(i) Formative Phase achievement at Konark. The Suryavamsis, who
(ii) Transitional Phase succeeded the Gangas remained preoccupied with
political problems and could not give much
(iii) Mature Phase
attention for temple building. They rather
(iv) Phase of decadence concentrated more on patronizing the literary
The period in between the 6th century AD activities.
to the first half of the 9th century AD is considered Types of Temples :
as the Formative Phase that synchronized with
the rule of the Sailodbhavas and early phase of Indian Silpasastras recognize three main
Bhaumakaras. The representative temples of this types of temples namely: Nagara, Dravida and
period are Lakhmaneswar, Bharateswar, Vesara. However, an inscription of 1235 AD in
Satrughaneswar, Swarnajaleswar, the Mukhamandapa of Amriteswar temple at
Parsurameswar, Mohini and Kapalini. Holal in Bellary district of Karnataka speaks of a
fourth style i.e. Kalinga in addition to the above
The temple building activities entered into three. Indigenous texts like Bhubana -pradipa,
a transitional period in the second half of the 9th Silpaprakasa, Silparatnakara etc. deal
century and continued up to the first quarter of exclusively with the Kalinga type of architecture.
the 11 th century under the rule of the later
Bhaumakaras and the first half of the rule of the The Odishan temples and sculptural art
Somavamsis (Kesharis). The temples of this represent interesting account of the blending of
period are Vaital (Khakhara Deula), Sisireswara Indian tradition with the local idiom. Although an
Mukteswara and Markandeswar in integral part of Indian temple architecture, the
Bhubaneswar. Odishan temples form a class of their own. There
are many other special features of the Odishan
The temple building activity attained its
temples for which their architectural style is treated
maturity towards the middle of the 11th century
as a special style called Kalinga style.
(period of the Somavamsis) and continued till the
13th century (period of the Gangas). The temple The silpa texts of Odisha mentions
architecture developed under the Somavamsis, three types of temples, Rekha deula, Pidha deula
Odisha Review October - 2013
and Khakhara deula. Such designation of temples associated with Odishan temples have been
is on the basis of the form of their superstructure: unravelled through the studies made by the
(1) The Rekha or Curvilinear sikhara scholars during the last two centuries.
(2) Pidha or Bhadra having pyramidal sikhara A. Sterlings essay An Account,
Geographical, Statistical and Historical of Orissa
(3) Khakara having a vaulted roof.
Proper or Cuttack (Part-III; Religion,
In the initial period the temple represents Antiquities, Temple and Civil Architecture),
only one structure, i.e. the Vimana having a provides a sketchy and generalized description
curvilinear tower. But by and large Odishan on the temples of Odisha. Sterling has dealt the
temple is a combination of two structures, the general environment of Bhubaneswar and
Vimana and the Sala (Porch) in the style of Rekha aesthetic quality of temple architecture especially
and Pidha respectively. Together they represent i.e. Lingaraj Temple 4 .
the ideal form. There are exceptions like the
Lingaraja and Jagannath temple where the temple Some reference to the temples of Odisha
complex has four structures such as garbhbriha can be found in an account of Major Kitto of
(cella), jagamohana (pavilion of the faithful), 18385 .
natamandira (dance pavilion) and James Fergussons History of Indian
bhogamandapa (offerings room) each. and Eastern Architecture, London, 1876 gives
The rekha and pidha form, two a chronology of temples of Odisha. According to
component parts of one architectural scheme, the him, Rajarani Temple along with Kedareswar
former is represented by a sanctum with its Temple is placed in the period 900 - 1000 AD.
curvilinear spire and the latter by the frontal hall Mukteswar Temple is placed at 600 700 AD.
having pyramidal roof of receding tiers known as The Natamandapa of the Lingaraj belongs to
Pidhas. In the beginning there was no Pidha Deula 1105 AD. Fergussons book has been revised
and the Jagamohana or the frontal hall had a flat by James Burgess in 1910. According to Burgess,
roof. In course of time to meet the growing need Mukteswar and Lingaraj Temples belong to 900
of the rituals two or more structures were added 1000 AD6 .
namely Natamandap (dancing hall) and The chronology of temples mentioned by
Bhogamandap (offering hall) during the Ganga Fergusson has been disputed by Walter Smith.
period (12th century). All the four components According to Walter Smith ,Mukteswar Temple
are arranged in one axial alignment and often the preceded the Rajarani Temple and it belonged to
temple complex is enclosed by Prakara 970 A.D. Rajarani Temple is attributed to 1030
(boundary) wall. The Khakara order is noted by AD whereas Lingaraj Temple belongs to 1065
semi-cylindrical vaulted roof that looks like an AD.7
inverted boat (boita) or a pumpkin. The temples
Some details regarding the temples of
of this order are usually meant for enshrining Sakta
Odisha temple can be obtained from the work
(female) deities.
of James Fergusson such as Picturesque
Studies on Temples of Odisha : illustrations of Ancient Architecture in
Different facets of Kalinga style of Hindustan (London 1848), and History of
architecture, sculpture and iconography Indian & Eastern Architecture (London 1876).
October - 2013 Odisha Review
Fergusson has made use of accounts of Sterling in Canons of Orissan Architecture13 have
and Hunter. He has presented sketches of temples discussed about some of the features of temple
from the photographs, their plans, internal and Architecture of Odisha. M.M .Gangulys work is
external measurements 8 . regarded as the first systematic survey of religious
structures of Bhubaneswar.He states regarding
M.H. Arnot has brought out Report with
existence of about 500 temples in and around
Photographs of the Repairs Executed to some
of the Principal Temples at Bhubaneswar and
Caves in the Khandagiri and Udyagiri Hills, R.D. Banerjis History of Orissa,
between 1898 1903 (London, 1903). In this Vol-II,14 Calcutta, 1930-31 reveals some aspects
report, Arnot has documented about pre- of Odishan temple architecture based on his field
restoration condition of some of the temples of inspection of the temples. However, N.K. Bose
Bhubaneswar9 . criticized15 R.D. Banerji on the ground that the
latter was not acquainted with the Indian craftsmen
Rajendra Lal Mitra in his book the
and hence could not get an insight into the
Antiquities of Orissa, 2nd Vol, Calcutta 1875 and
traditional point of view with regard to the
1880 has surveyed the temples and has presented
architecture. Moreover, N.K. Bose found
their photographs, sketches and ground plan.
Banerjis chronology of Odishan temples to be
Alongwith the temples he has narrated the legends,
festivals and rituals associated with them. He has
made reference to the Sanskrit texts, which N.K. Boses Canons of Orissan
describe different temples. A.N. Parida though Architecture (Calcutta, 1932) is a compilation
admits the importance of R.L. Mitras work, yet of the facts relating to different categories of
he points out that it was not a scientific study of Odishan temples and specifications and
temple architecture and sculpture. Moreover measurements of different components of a temple
according to him the chronology of temples given as derived from Bhuvanapradipa 16 a treatise
by Mitra is doubtful.10 of Odishan architecture and Silpapothi or
Silpasastra . Boses work however fails to throw
The Annual Report of Archaeological light on the evolution of different features of temple
Survey of India between the year 1871 1887
architecture and the factors contributing to the
(A. Cunningham, Reports, Archaeological Survey process of such evolution.
of India, Vol-I(xxvi), Calcutta, 1871 1887)
describe some of the temples of Odisha in a general Percy Browns chapter on Odishan
manner. There is hardly any analysis of the temples attributes the architecture of temples of
architectural and sculptural peculiarities of these Odisha (800 AD to 1250 AD) to Northern or
temples. Indo-Aryan style17 . Browns categorization of
the temples under early, middle and later period
M.M. Chakravarti in his article Certain help in understanding evolution of different
Unpublished Drawings of Antiquities in Orissa and features of architecture. The chronology of temples
northern areas, JASB, new series IV, 1908 has mentioned by Brown has been found to be
thrown lights on some of the temples of Odisha11 . inaccurate. Brown has observed that the method
M.M. Ganguly in his book Orissa and of construction of Parsurameswar temple is an
her remains (Calcutta 1912)12 and N.K. Bose improvement upon the earlier Chalukyan temples
Odisha Review October - 2013
of Aihole and hence the former can be assigned Charles Luis Fabri in the book History
to the close of the 8th century AD. A.N. Parida of the Art of Orissa has made elaborate
has found such dating of Parsurameswar to be discussion on different aspects of Odishan art25 .
wrong.18 Fabri mentions about Odisha temple art
borrowing from Buddhist Art. He finds that
In A. Goswamis book Design from
Buddhist sculpture of 6th to 8th centuries of Odisha
Orissan Temple (Calcutta, 1950) we find details
has made an overwhelming contribution to the
of design and plans of architecture of different
Brahmanical sculpture that has succeeded it. Such
temples19 . Both A. Goswami and D.C. Ganguli
an interpretation could be due to Fabris bias in
have brought out a scholarly work titled Orissan
favour of Buddhism. A.N. Parida however finds
Sculpture and Architecture (Culcutta, 1956)
that Fabri is interested in the beauty of the images
which throw light on these subjects. However this
rather than revealing its true character26 .
book does not make any comprehensive study
on the subject of architecture and sculpture of Kanwar Lals Temple and Sculpture
the temples of Orissa20 . of Bhubaneswar throws some light on different
features of art and architecture of temples of
S.K. Saraswatis article titled Temples Bhubaneswar 27 .
of Orissa makes an attempt to trace the evolution
of Orissan Temples. But many important temples Vidya Dahejias book Early Stone
of Odisha have not been covered in this article21 . Temples of Orissa based on Ramachandra
Kaulacharas Silpasastra called Silpaprakash
Debala Mitras Bhubaneswar gives a discusses about early temples of Odisha from
general description of the temples of earliest time to 950 AD. However, authenticity of
Bhubaneswar along with some details regarding Silpa-prakash has been questioned by scholars
their architecture and sculpture22 . and the chronology of temples mentioned in Vidya
K.C. Panigrahis Archaeological Dahejias work needs further examination.28
Remains at Bhubaneswar is an authoritative Temples of the western districts of
source dealing with the major temples of Odisha have been dealt in Temples of Orissa
Bhubaneswar such as Mukteswar, Rajarani, (New Delhi) authored by Dipak Ranjan Das29 .
Lingaraj and others23 . Panigrahi has made a
comparative study of different temples of P.R. Ramchandra Rao in his book
Bhubaneswar to establish their chronology and Bhubaneswar: Kalinga Temple Architecture
(Hyderabad, 1980) has discussed about influence
evolution of different architectural and sculptural
of Chalukyan style in the temples of Bhubaneswar
features. However, A.N. Parida points out that
which is debatable30 .
Panigrahi has failed to detect the factors that
worked for the alternations and modifications of An extensive study on Art,
different divisions of the temples. Moreover Architecture and Iconography of the temples of
Panigrahi has selected a limited number of temples Odisha has been done by Thomas E. Donaldson
for elaborate discussion. Hence, Parida does not in the three volumes of Hindu Temple Art of
consider Panigrahis studies to be a comprehensive Orissa (Vol-I, II & III, E.J. Brill Leiden, 1985,
one in the field of art, architecture of temples of 1986, 1987)31 . Donaldsons article Decorative
Odisha24 . Programme of the Superstructure on the Orissan
October - 2013 Odisha Review
Rekha Deula published in Sidelights on the Indian phenomenon along with its special features,
History and Culture of Orissa edited M.N. Das a study of Silpa- sastras is imperative. After the
(Bhubaneswar, 1977, pp. 565-563) contains pioneering works by M.M. Ganguly and N.K.
discussion on different decorative motifs and cult Bose, the recent publications by Alice Boner,
icons in a critical manner. Donaldson has Sadasiba Rath Sarma, Bettina Baumer and
suggested the influence of Temples of Rajasthan, Rajendra Prasad Das have done tremendous
Central India and Chalukyas on Odisha work in this field. On the survey and
temples32 . documentation side the efforts begun by Rajendra
Lal Mitra a century ago have finally culminated in
A.N. Parida in his book Early the monumental works of T.E. Donaldson. The
Temples of Orissa:From the 6th Century A.D. publication of Silparatnakosa (1994) and
to the End of Somavamsi Rule has studied the Silpaprakasa (1996) are the recent landmarks
temples of Odisha and opines that Odishan style in Odishan historiography which bring to light
of temple architecture belongs to broad northern many technical terms and their definitions for
sikhara type. The regional variations of the better understanding of art and architecture.
northern style called Nagara was found in the
Sadasiba Pradhans survey in 2009
Odishan temple architecture. Further he suggests
revealed existence of a lesser number of temples
that Odishan temple architecture underwent a
in Bhubaneswar as compared to that discovered
process of evolution. Though Odishan style came
by M.M.Ganguly.In his book Lesser Known
under the influence of external style of temple
Monuments of Bhubaneswar(2009) Pradhan
architecture, yet the influence was not so
has documented only 199 monuments including
powerful to effect a major departure from the 160 temples. This is in addition to 37 protected
normal course of evolution33 . monuments comprising 22 under the
The Lingaraj Temple of Bhubaneswar Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) and 15
the construction of which started during the reign under the state archaeology wing. If Gangulys
of Jajati-II (1025 1040 AD) marks the statement is to be believed it may be presumed
culmination of all elements of temple architecture. that a large number of temples have been
The temples built during the Ganga rules mark damaged during the last century35 .
further elaboration of the features already noticed Pradhan has further found out that of the
in the Somavamsi temple. Paridas study on above mentioned 199 monuments, 160 (80%)
chronology of temples based on epigraphical are temples, 17(8.5%) tanks, 6(3%) mathas
sources is a significant contribution to this subject. (monasteries), 6(3%) mandapas (platforms),
K.S.Beheras book Konark: The 4(2%) rock-cut wells, 4(2%) buildings, and
Heritage of Mankind makes an indepth analysis 2(1%) archaeological sites. Of the 160 temples,
of this monument. However it provides a detailed 110(69%) are dedicated to Lord Siva, 6 to
framework for understanding and analyzing art, Vishnu(4%), 9(6%) to Sakta divinities, 2(1%) to
architecture and iconography of any temple of Hanuman, 1(0.5%) to Brahma, 2(1%) to Ganesa,
Odisha34 . 3(2%) to Jain Tirthankaras, 8(5%) miscellaneous.
19(12%) temples known as Gurvayatana or burial
To understand the nature and meaning temples have been found in Matha precincts being
of Odishan temple architecture as a part of the dedicated to Matha Mahantas.
Odisha Review October - 2013
Pradhans study reveals the followings are K.C. Panigrahi (1981); V. Dehejia (1971), D.R.
typical features of the monuments of Das (1982), T.E. Donaldson (1985, 1986, 1987);
Bhubaneswar:36 and K.V. Soundarajan (1984) etc. These studies
emphasize on stylistic evolution, changing
(i) the temples are located either on the
iconographic programme, architectural features
banks of streams or tanks of natural spring. (ii)
while analyzing continuity and change as well as
the temples do not show any preference to a
regional variations and external influences found
particular direction in their orientation. However,
in the temples of Odisha.
the temples constructed after Lingaraj face
towards Lingaraj. (iii) Most of the temples in their Khamari points out that the studies on
rituals and practices are associated with Lingaraj temples of Odisha have been made by Herman
in some way or the other. (iv) A series of nineteen Kulke(1993)38 and Upinder Singh(1994)39 use
burial temples known as Gurvayatana enshrine largely epigraphic sources. Kulke found temples
Siva Linga within a Yoni pitha (v) More than as strategic devices used by the kings to establish
50% of the monuments are made of sand stone. their legitimacy over subject population.Upinder
(vi) Laterite has been profusely used in the post Singh analysed royal endowments to temples of
Ganga period. (vii) The temples enshrine Odisha.
Parsvadevatas such as Parvati, The textual studies of Odishan temples
Mahisasuramardini, (viii) Gajalaxmi is the have been made by M.M.Ganguly(1912) , N.K.
standard motif in the door lintel of all temples Bose(1932) and some others who have relied on
except the Jalesvara temple at Kalarahanga and canonical texts of Odisha temple architecture such
the Chakresvara temple in Rajarani colony where as Bhuvanapradipa, Bhuvanapravesa,
it is taken over by twin images of Ganesha and Silpipothi, Silpasastra .
Saraswati respectively. (ix) All the mandapas
The ethnographic studies on temples of
(platform) in temple precinct have a lofty platform
Odisha make socio-anthropological enquiry to
upon which there are 16 pillars like the
find out the socio-economic, political, ritual,
Muktimandapa of Puri. (x) The Sanctum of most educational and familial changes among the
of the temples are located much below the present various categories of temple functionaries. Sitakant
ground level. Mahapatras study (1992) falls under this
Subash Khamari in his book category. 40
Archaeology of Early Orissan Temples 3 7 Khamaris work distinguishes itself from
distinguishes different studies on Odishan temples others by stressing on the holistic understanding
under four categories:(i) Art-Historical, of temples and suggests that location of temple
(ii) Epigraphic, (iii) Textual, (iv) Ethnographic.The and its life after construction is significant for better
first category includes studies made by understanding of Odishan temple building process.
Stirling(1825),Kittoe(1838) Fergusson: 1876; According to Khamari though architecture is the
Mitra: 1875-1880; Cunningham: 1871-1887; skeletal support to the temporal domain of God
Arnott: 1903; Chakravarti: 1908; Vasu: 1912; and can not be neglected, temple as an institution,
Ganguly: 1912; Brown: 1951: 101-109; its varied responses to the challenges posed
Goswami: 1950; Ganguli and Goswami: 1956; through the time, its relation to community may
Swarup: 1980; Fabri: 1974; Saraswati: 1989; be seen in a unified manner.
October - 2013 Odisha Review
Odisha Review October - 2013
Odisha who used to take pride in belonging to that the Somavamsis and their successors, the
the State popularly known to the people outside Gangas, who patronized such large scale temple
as the Land of Lord Jagannath. building activities enriched this region culturally.
The Changing Gaze provides an answer Being founders of temples and champion of the
to such type of treatment given to the history of cults associated with the temples, the rulers of
these dynasties succeeded in obtaining
Odisha by the historians writing history of India.
acceptance of their authority by the subject
Sahu points out that it was only in 1970s that the
population without much resistance and thereby
historians moved away from the epicentric view
and shifted their focus to different localities and they succeeded in easily establishing their political
subregions other than the major historico- supremacy over the region. According to Sahu
the Cult of Jagannath with its horizontal and vertical
geographic blocs like Gangetic heart land and
linkages with numerous local and sub-regional
the Kaveri valley. Sahu has found that cultural-
deities also created a sense of affiliation and
historical regions as they emerged through early
medieval times and beyond were different from bonding and contributed to the making of a
the post-Independence linguistic states as well as regional identity.48 He acknowledges that rulers
derived their legitimation through patronage of
ancient archaeological cultural regions. According
Brahmanas, local deities and religious centres49 .
to him such regions were constituted historically
In the chapter titled The Early State in Orissa
through the interplay of the constituent subregions
and localities as well as influenced by continuous Sahu focusses on the relationship between art,
multilateral, trans-regional transactions.These religion, State and society on the basis of
archaeological, sculptural and epigraphic
regions were dynamic, expanding and shrinking
sources50 .
over time.46
In the light of the above findings it is quite
The Changing Gaze deals with the
clear that for reconstruction of history of ancient
temples of Odisha not just to understand their
and medieval Odisha one has to take into account
art, architecture and sculpture but has assessed
their contribution in shaping the history of this the pivotal role played by the temples during this
region from cultural, social, economic and political period. Hence this leaves ample scope for the
historians and archaeologists to collaborate, draw
point of view. Sahu has pointed out that the
from each other's findings and exhibit their
Somavamsis who came from Dakshina Kosala
scholarship in a manner which would not only
to the Mahanadi delta in the first half of the tenth
century AD established a regional state by uniting enrich their respective disciplines but also would
different subregions called mandalas. Around strengthen the regional identity of the State of
the same time a new architectural style of temple
architecture containing rekha deula style References :
developed by assimilating traditions from Kalinga, 1. A.N. Parida, Early Temples of Orissa : from
Utkala and Dakhsina Kosala 47 . The examples of the sixth century A.D. to the end of
this Kalingan style of architecture being huge Somavamsi Rule, New Delhi, 1999 , p.8.
exquisite temples such as Mukteswara, Rajarani 2. Sadasiba Pradhan, Lesser Known Monuments
and Lingaraja at Bhubaneswara, Jagannatha at of Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar, 2009, pp.i-ii.
Puri and Sun temple at Konark, it is quite evident 3. Ibid.
October - 2013 Odisha Review
4. Walter Smith, The Mukteswar Temple in 29. Dipak Ranjan Das. Temples of Orissa, New
Bhubaneswar,Delhi,1994, p. 15. Delhi, 1982.
5. JASB, VII, Part-II (1838), p. 681. 30. P.R. Ramchandra Rao, Bhubaneswar: Kalinga
6. James Fergusson, History of Indian and Temple Architecture Hyderabad, 1980.
Eastern Architecture, London, 1876 31. Thomas E. Donaldson, Hindu Temple Art of
7. Walter Smith, op.cit, p.134. Orissa, (Vol-I, II & III), E.J. Brill Leiden, 1985,
8. James Fergusson, Picturesque illustrations 1986, 1987.
of Ancient Architecture in Hindustan 32. M.N. Das op.cit, pp. 563-565.
(London 1848), 33. A.N.Parida, op.cit.p.7.
History of Indian & Eastern Architecture 34. K.S.Behera, Konark: The Heritage of
(London 1876). Mankind, New Delhi, 1995.
9. Walter Smith, op.cit, p. 15. 35. Sadasiba Pradhan, op.cit. pp.ii - iii.
10. A.N. Parida, op.cit., p.1 36. Ibid.
11. Ibid., p.2. 37. Subash Khamari, Archaeology of Early
12. M.M. Ganguli, Orissa and Her Remains, Orissan Temples, Delhi, 2012, pp.4-7
Calcutta, 1912. 38. Herman Kulke, Kings and Cults: State
13. N.K. Bose, Canons of Orissan Architecture, Formation and Legitimation in India and
Calcutta, 1932. Southeast Asia, New Delhi, 1993.
14. R.D. Banerji, History of Orissa, Vol-II,Calcutta, 39. Upinder Singh, Kings, Brahmanas and
1930-31. Temples in Orissa, An Epigraphic Study,
15. N.K. Bose, op.cit, p.1. AD300-1147, New Delhi, 1994.
16. Ibid. 40. Sitakanta Mahapatra, (Ed), The Realm of the
17. Percy Brown, Indian Architecture (Buddhist Sacred, Calcutta, 1992.
and Hindu Period) Bombay, 1959, pp. 101- 41. Bhairabi Prasad Sahu, The Changing Gaze
109) :Regions and Constructions of Early India,
18. A.N.Parida, op.cit, p.4 New Delhi, 2013.
19. A. Goswami, Design from Orissan Temple, 42. Ibid,p.2.
Calcutta, 1950. 43. The writer had the opportunity of working
20. A. Goswami and D.C. Ganguli, Orissan under the supervision of Prof.B.P.Sahu as an
Sculpture and Architecture, Culcutta, 1956. M.Phil student of University of Delhi.
21. S.K. Saraswati, Temples of Orissa in the 44. R.S.Sharma, Ancient India ,New Delhi,1977.
Orissa Historical Research Journal, Vol.I, 45. Satish Chandra, Medieval India,New
No.4, Jan 1903, pp. 233-253 Delhi,1978.
22. Debala Mitra, Bhubaneswar, The 46. B.P.Sahu,op.cit.,pp.2-3.
Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi,
1958. 47. Ibid.,p.17.
48. Ibid.,p.
23. K.C. Panigrahi op.cit.
24. A.N.Parida, op.cit, p.4. 49. Ibid.,p.130.
25. Charles Luis Fabri, History of the Art of Orissa, 49. Ibid.,pp.129-145.
Culcutta, 1974
26. A.N.Parida, op.cit.p.4.
27. Kanwar Lal, Temple and Sculpture of Linu Mohanty, Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of
Bhubaneswar, Delhi, 1976. History, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar;
28. Vidya Dahejia, op.cit. E.Mail:[email protected]