Ug60 Model Namelist 1.4

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Regional Atmospheric Modeling System

Version 6.0


By Robert L. Walko and Craig J. Tremback

Document Edition 1.4

October 2006
Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3

Model Configuration Parameters grid_dims.f90 ........................................... 5

Model Namelists.................................................................................................. 6
$MODEL_GRIDS Namelist .......................................................................................................6
$MODEL_FILE_INFO Namelist ..............................................................................................21
$MODEL_OPTIONS Namelist ................................................................................................37
$MODEL_SOUND Namelist....................................................................................................55
$MODEL_PRINT Namelist......................................................................................................57

RAMS ISAN Configuration Parameters........................................................... 58

RAMS ISAN Namelists...................................................................................... 59

$ISAN_ISENTROPIC Namelist - ISAN Isentropic/z Stage....................................................61
This document will describe the input namelist parameters for the RAMS
atmospheric model and the RAMS ISAN (ISentropic ANalysis) package. It is
recommended that the user familiarize themselves with the RAMS Technical
Manual before reading this document (even if parts of the Manual are outdated!).

Specifying values for each of the variables in the atmospheric model namelists is
the principal way that a user sets up the desired model configuration and selects
the many options available for a particular model run. The namelists have the
appearance of a standard FORTRAN namelist, and indeed they were patterned
after the FORTRAN format. However, there were several deficiencies in the
FORTRAN standard, especially in the past, concerning namelists. The biggest
deficiency was a complete lack of, or different formats for, comments. Therefore,
early in RAMS development, a replacement for the standard FORTRAN namelist
reading capability was developed.

The atmospheric model component of RAMS contains 5 namelists, which have

the names:

while the ISAN namelist are called:


These namelists are all contained in the data file called RAMSIN in the etc
directory. This is a default name; the input namelist name can be specified as a
command line argument. Each namelist in this file begins with one of the above
identifiers, and ends with the character string $END. All variables in these
namelists have sample values assigned to them in the RAMSIN file, but the user
will need to edit many of them for a specific simulation or forecast. In a separate
file, src/memory/grid_dims.f90, the user sets values of several different
parameters used in dimensioning the some of the memory of the atmospheric
model. However, the vast majority of the memory is dynamically-allocated.

The following sections contain descriptions of all atmospheric model parameters

and namelist variables. The descriptions include what the parameters and
variables represent or control and provide acceptable or recommended settings
for them. Cross-referencing to related variables provides additional information.
For this reason, a complete read-through of all namelist variables is
recommended. An index of the configuration and namelist variables can be
found at the end of this document.

Note as a matter of syntax that each value assigned to any namelist variable in
the RAMSIN file must be followed by a comma.
Model Configuration Parameters grid_dims.f90
The 9 parameters in the rams/6.0/src/memory/grid_dims.f90 file are used as
array dimensions for many variables in the atmospheric model global memory.
These parameters should be reviewed before compilation of the RAMS code.
Any time one of these parameters is changed, the entire model code should be
recompiled. The parameters set limits on maximum numbers of grid points,
grids, etc. Often, the model run is well within those limits. The parameters
should be set large enough for the required model space, and for convenience,
large enough to fit any anticipated expansions of required model space, but not
so large that excessive computer memory is wasted. Most significant memory
space is now dynamically allocated, so these parameters are not as important in
determining memory usage as in the past. The grid_dims.f90 parameters are
described in the following table.

MAXGRDS The maximum number of grids that may be used in a model run. The
integer number of grids actually used in a run is specified by the namelist variable
NGRIDS. NGRIDS may be changed from one model run to the next using
the same executable, as long as NGRIDS does not exceed the value of
MAXGRDS that was set when compiling the model. Thus, MAXGRDS
should be set to the largest number of grids that will be used in a series of
runs made from the same compiled code.
NXPMAX The maximum number of grid points in the x-direction to be used on any
integer grid. The actual numbers of grid points spanning the x-direction on
individual grids are specified in the multiple values of the namelist variable
NNXP. NXPMAX must be equal to or larger than each of the NNXP values.
NYPMAX The maximum number of grid points in the y-direction to be used on any
integer grid. The actual numbers of grid points spanning the y-direction on
individual grids are specified in the multiple values of the namelist variable
NNYP. NYPMAX must be equal to or larger than each of the NNYP values.
NZPMAX The maximum number of grid points in the z-direction to be used on any
integer grid. The actual numbers of grid points spanning the z-direction on
individual grids are specified in the multiple values of the namelist variable
NNZP. NZPMAX must be equal to or larger than each of the NNZP values.
NZGMAX The maximum number of vertical levels to be used for the soil model. The
integer actual numbers of levels are specified in the namelist variable NZG.
NZGMAX must be equal to or larger than NZG.
MAXSCLR The maximum number of scalars that may be automatically added to a
integer simulation. The actual number of added scalars is specified in namelist
parameter NADDSC. MAXSCLR must be equal to or larger than NADDSC.
MAXDIM MAXDIM must be set to the largest of the values in NXPMAX, NYPMAX,
integer NZPMAX+10, and NZGMAX.
MAXHP The maximum number of grid cells that overlap between the two
integer hemispheric grids of a global simulation. Each hemispheric grid is square in
polar stereographic space. The hemisphere of the earth projects onto the
circle inscribed in the square. The four corner regions of the square extend
into the opposite hemisphere. The points in these corner regions have their
prognostic fields interpolated from values prognosed in the opposite
hemispheric grid. The number of points in these corner regions depends on
the grid spacing of each hemispheric grid. MAXHP should be set to at least
30% of the square of NNXP for grid 1 if NNXP is larger than 100, and at
least 40% of the square of NNXP for smaller values of NNXP.
Note: the global simulation capabilities of RAMS is a deprecated function.
This parameter could be set to 1.
MAXMACH The maximum number of nodes that may be used for a parallel model run.
integer Applies only to running the model in parallel processing mode using MPI.

Model Namelists
The following sections will describe the input namelist parameters for the RAMS
atmospheric model and the RAMS/ISAN (ISentropic ANalysis) package.

The following sections contain descriptions of all atmospheric model parameters

and namelist variables. The descriptions include what the parameters and
variables represent or control and provide acceptable or recommended settings
for them. Cross-referencing to related variables provides additional information.
For this reason, a complete read-through of all namelist variables is
recommended. Note as a matter of syntax that each value assigned to any
namelist variable in the RAMSIN file must be followed by a comma, have no
values extending beyond column 80 (although comments can be any length),
and no tab characters should be used. An index of the configuration and
namelist variables can be found at the end of this document.


The $MODEL_GRIDS namelist provides information to the model primarily on

the structure of the one or more nested grids used in a simulation, including
location, mesh size, number of mesh points, spatial nesting relationships, time
step length, and time and duration of the run. Most of these variables are arrays
dimensioned to the parameter MAXGRDS, which is set in the file rconfig.h.
Each value in the array applies to a different grid, several of which may be
activated if the user wishes to employ grid nesting. In the $MODEL_GRIDS and
other namelists, the multiple values are separated by commas following the
variable name and an equals sign. The RAMSIN file must have at least as many
values of the grid-dependent variables specified as the value assigned to
NGRIDS, but no more than the value of MAXGRDS.

Variable Description
EXPNME Character string of up to 64 characters into which the user may put any message (i.e.,
the experiment name) identifying the particular simulation or run. The character string
character is written in the standard output listing file and simply serves as a convenient means of
labeling the output for the user's own purposes.
RUNTYPE Specifies one of six ways in which the model is to be run.
character In many situations, a RUNTYPE = 'MAKESFC' should be the first run that is made.
This type of run will start the model and create surface characteristic files for all grids
that will be used during subsequent runs. These characteristics include topography,
soil textural class, sea surface temperature, vegetation class, and subgrid distribution
of soil textural class, water surface, vegetation type, and NDVI, all of which are
available in standard RAMS global datasets from which they can be interpolated onto
each model grid. These characteristics will be initialized on the model grids according
to the specifications of ITOPTFLG, ISSTFLG, IVEGTFLG, ISOILFLG, and NDVIFLG,
then surface files, one for each grid, be created. These surface files will be given a
name with a filename prefix specified by the variable SFCFILES and TOPFILES. SST
files, one for each grid and for each SST data time available, will be created with a
filename prefix specified by the variable SSTFPFX, while a similar set will be created
for NDVI using NDVIFILES. These files can then be quickly re-read on subsequent
runs of the model or ISAN. An important benefit of the MAKESFC option is that
topography for all grids can be defined with a fine grid present, and the fine grid can
then be excluded for the first part of the simulation, to be added later on a history
restart. This allows the model to utilize topography on its coarser grids that will be
consistent with the future addition of the fine grid.

If RUNTYPE = MAKESFC, the model run will stop immediately after the appropriate
files are generated and will not proceed with integration.

If RUNTYPE = 'MAKEVFILE', ISAN will perform a data analysis which can include an
objective analysis of one or more observational datasets, and produces one or more
resultant variable initialization files, or varfiles. The varfiles contain a set of
atmospheric fields defined on the model grids configured as specified by other
variables in the $MODEL_GRIDS namelist, and are to be used in a later run for
initializing a simulation, and optionally as 4-D assimilation data during the course of the
simulation. The MAKEVFILE option is used only if the model is to be initialized from a
complete 3-D objective analysis, (the INITIAL variable in the $MODEL_GRIDS
namelist set to 2), and is the means by which the observational data are processed
and interpolated to the model grid(s). The most common way to use this option is to
generate varfiles from the objective analysis package every 12 hours, since that is the
time interval at which upper-air data are normally collected, or every 6 hours to
correspond with the NCEP reanalysis data times. The total number of varfiles required
depends on the duration of the simulation to be performed and the particular grids
which will be initialized from them (and optionally will use them for 4DDA). The first
varfile must correspond to the starting time of the simulation, while the last varfile must
equal to or later than the end of the simulation.

If RUNTYPE = 'INITIAL', the current model run is designated to be the first of a

simulation (see definitions of run and simulation in the entry for TIMMAX below). This
means that a simulation is begun at time zero, and that all atmospheric and soil
prognostic variables are initialized either horizontally homogeneously from sounding
and soil data in the $MODEL_SOUND and $MODEL_OPTIONS namelists (INITIAL=1
in this case), read from a varfile prepared in an earlier ISAN run (INITIAL=2), or
interpolated from a previous RAMS history file (INITIAL=3).

If RUNTYPE = 'HISTORY', the model is to be history restarted, meaning that the

atmospheric and soil prognostic variables are read from an analysis state file, which
was written by the model on a previous run. This option is used when a simulation
is carried out over a series of two or more runs. (Also see IOUTPUT and
TIMEUNIT Time units in which the variable TIMMAX is expressed. The allowable values of
character TIMEUNIT are:
's' to denote 'seconds',
'm' to denote 'minutes',
'h' to denote 'hours',
d to denote days.
This option allows numerical values for TIMMAX to be specified within convenient
ranges for any simulation, which may range in duration from seconds to years.
TIMMAX Time during a simulation in units of seconds, minutes, or hours (see TIMEUNIT)
real when the current run is to stop. We take care here to define the terms simulation
and run. A simulation is an entire integration of the atmospheric model from initial
conditions to a final time. It consists of one or more runs, which are individual
submissions of the model code to the computer for execution. The TIMMAX
variable represents the total time elapsed from the beginning of an entire simulation,
starting with the first run, and is cumulative over successive runs. However, it
denotes the time at which the current run is to terminate, rather than when the entire
simulation is to end.
If RUNTYPE is set to MAKEVFILE in order to run ISAN, TIMMAX specifies the
duration of the time period over which to process observational data and generate
LOAD_BAL Activates a dynamic load balance in a parallel run. This is an experimental capability
and should generally not be used at this time.
IMONTH1 Month of the year when the simulation begins. It is used in conjunction with the
integer namelist parameters IYEAR1, IDATE1 and ITIME1 to determine the proper solar
declination angle for a simulation and to coordinate the model clock with dates and
times of various observational datasets and vegetation seasonal cycles. If
RUNTYPE is set to MAKEVFILE in order to run ISAN, IMONTH1 specifies the
month of the beginning of the time period over which to process observational data
and generate varfiles.
IDATE1 Date of the month when the simulation begins. It is used in conjunction with the
integer namelist parameters IYEAR1, IMONTH1 and ITIME1 to determine the proper solar
declination angle for a simulation and to coordinate the model clock with dates and
times of various observational datasets and vegetation seasonal cycles. If
RUNTYPE is set to MAKEVFILE in order to run ISAN, IDATE1 specifies the date of
the beginning of the time period over which to process observational data and
generate varfiles.
IYEAR1 Year when the simulation begins. It serves as an identifier of the simulation, along
integer with IMONTH1, IDATE1, and ITIME1 to coordinate the model clock with dates and
times of various observational datasets. A 4-digit year must be specified for
IYEAR1. If RUNTYPE is set to MAKEVFILE in order to run ISAN, IYEAR1
specifies the year of the beginning of the time period over which to process
observational data and generate varfiles.
ITIME1 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (or GMT) in hours and minutes (syntax is hhmm)
integer when a model simulation begins (see definition of simulation in the description of
TIMMAX). This parameter is used in conjunction with the namelist parameters
IYEAR1, IMONTH1, and IDATE1 to determine the proper solar declination angle for
a simulation and to coordinate the model clock with dates and times of various
observational datasets and vegetation seasonal cycles. If RUNTYPE is set to
MAKEVFILE in order to run ISAN, IMONTH1 specifies the month of the beginning
of the time period over which to process observational data and generate varfiles.
NGRIDS Specifies the number of grids to be activated for the model run. If set to 1, only a
integer single grid covering the entire spatial domain of the simulation will be activated. A
setting of 2 will activate a nested grid within the first grid. A nested grid is used to
attain a higher spatial resolution in a limited area of the simulation domain. This
finer-resolution second grid communicates with the coarser-resolution parent grid
via two-way interaction following the scheme designed by Clark and Farley [1] and
Walko et al. [2]. Figure 1 shows an example of a lattice consisting of two small
nested grids. The example is a horizontal cross section showing the relative
positions of the horizontal velocity components (u, v) and the thermodynamic
variables (at locations denoted by t) according to the Arakawa-C grid stagger used
in RAMS. Upper-case letters denotes values on the coarse grid, while those on the
fine grid are indicated in lower-case letters. NGRIDS can be set to as many nested
grids as desired. However, the variable MAXGRDS must be set to a value at least
as large as NGRIDS. It is recommended that NGRIDS be set to 1 the first time a
simulation is begun, in order to test, at the relatively low cost incurred by the single
grid, the remainder of the model configuration specified by the other namelist
variables and other data inputs for the particular application. Once these tests are
completed, standard procedure is to add finer grids when necessary in regions
where higher resolution is desired, such as over complex terrain, or when trying to
resolve a particular meteorological feature such as a sea-breeze circulation or a
thunderstorm. It is common for a given simulation to consist of a series of
sequential runs, each new run advancing the simulation forward in time beyond the
previous run. RAMS allows the user to increase the value of NGRIDS from one run
to the next (on a history restart), thus spawning new fine grids during the course of
the simulation, or to decrease NGRIDS to remove one or more grids for the next
run. It must be remembered that the variable MAXGRDS, needs to be set to at
least to at least the maximum value of NGRIDS which will be used at any time
during the simulation.
NNXP Number of grid cells to span the computational domain in the x-direction. It is an
integer array array dimensioned to MAXGRDS, and has a value for each grid activated. These
values are written in a single line in the namelist and are separated by commas.
The first value in the line refers to grid number 1, the second to grid 2, and so on.
The number of grid cells spanning each spatial direction (x,y,z) consists of interior
cells where normal evaluation of all terms (such as advective tendencies) in the
governing equations is performed, plus a boundary point at each end where
variables are computed only by boundary conditions based on interior values. In the
example of Figure 1, NXP (which is NNXP for grid 1) is set to 8, and the first and last
grid cells in the x-direction (index values I = 1 and I = 8) are the boundary points.
Thus, the actual computational domain may be considered to comprise only the
interior cells, those shown bounded by lattice lines in the figure, and the user may
wish to set NNXP to a value 2 larger than the intended domain size. For the U
velocity points, boundary conditions are applied at I = 1 and I = 7, with normal
evaluation of the governing equations being performed at points in between. The U
values at I = 8 are dummy points and are never used. The fine grid in Figure 1 also
has nxp (which is NNXP for grid 2) equal to 8. (Also see NSTRATX and NINEST).
When RAMS is run on a global domain, values of NNXP and NNYP must be equal
to each other on each hemispheric coarse grid and also equal between the two
hemispheric coarse grids.
NNYP Similar to NNXP, but applies to the y-direction. The example in Figure 1 has NYP
integer array (NNYP for the coarse grid) equal to 9 and nyp (NNYP for the fine grid) equal to 6. If
NNYP is set to 1, the simulation is two-dimensional, and NNYP must then also be
set to 1 for all grids activated. A two-dimensional simulation may not be done with
NNXP equal to 1 and NNYP greater than 1, i.e., only x-z cross sections can be used
for 2-D runs. However, the x-direction need not be aligned with geographic east, but
may represent any compass direction with minor changes to the code or unusual
placement of the polar stereographic pole point. Pseudo-one-dimensional
simulations may be configured by setting NNYP to 1 and NNXP to 5 coupled with
cyclic boundary conditions in the x-direction (see IBND). For the example in Figure
1, boundary conditions are applied to T and U at J = 1 and J = 9, and to V at J = 1
and J = 8. V at J = 9 is a dummy value and is never used. When RAMS is run on a
global domain, values of NNXP and NNYP must be equal to each other on each
hemispheric coarse grid and also equal between the two hemispheric coarse grids.
NNZP Similar to NNXP, but applies to the z-direction. Figure 2 shows an x-z cross section
integer array through the model grid analogous to the x-y cross section of Figure 1. Vertical
indices for the coarse and fine grids are K and k, respectively, and NZP and nzp
(which are the NNZP values for grids 1 and 2, respectively) are the corresponding
upper limits of these indices. Vertical velocity components are W and w. The
example consists of 7 interior grid cell levels on the coarse grid (K = 2 to K = 8 of T
cells) with boundary cells K = 1 below and K = 9 above. The ground surface is
located at the K = 1 W level, while the model top is considered to be at the K = 8 W
level. It is at this top level where W is set to 0 for the rigid lid model top boundary
condition. W at K = 9 is a dummy point and is never used.
NZG Number of soil layers to be used in LEAF, a submodel of RAMS that prognoses
integer energy and moisture in soil, snowcover, vegetation, and canopy air. The soil model
consists of a grid representing finite volumes in the uppermost meter or two of the
ground. Soil temperature and moisture are prognosed on this grid based on
equations governing their internal transport and external exchange with the
atmosphere. The horizontal dimensions and resolution of the soil model are
identical with those of the atmospheric model grid above, with NNXP and NNYP
applying equally to both models. NZG can be set to around 10 for most
NZS Maximum number of snowcover layers allowed to occur in a simulation. It is
integer relevant only when the LEAF submodel is activated
In RAMS, NZS must be at least 1, and has no upper limit other than a practical one.
If no snowcover is expected in a simulation, there is no need for NZS to be greater
than 1. If snowcover will occur, and if its evolution is of some importance to the
simulation, a value around 5 is suggested for NZS in order to allow multiple snow
layers when snowcover is sufficiently deep.
NXTNEST Identifies the parent grid of each nested grid, i.e., the coarser grid with which the
integer array nested grid has direct communication. Defining values in this array is necessary
because different options are available for specifying the interrelation between grids.
The rule must always be followed that all grids from 1 up to NGRIDS are numbered
consecutively with no integers being skipped, and the coarser grid in which a finer
grid is nested always has a lower grid number than that finer grid. We consider first
the most common case where the RAMS domain is of limited area, covering no
more than about a hemisphere of the earth. For this case, the above rule implies
that grid 1 is always the coarsest grid, covering the entire computational domain,
and grid 2 is always nested directly within grid 1. Thus, NXTNEST for grid 2 (the
second value for NXTNEST) must always be set to 1. However, grid 3 can either be
nested in grid 1 (by setting NXTNEST for grid 3 equal to 1), meaning that it is at an
equal nesting level alongside grid 2, or grid 3 can be nested within grid 2 (by setting
NXTNEST for grid 3 equal to 2), such that it is two nesting levels finer than grid 1.
NXTNEST must be set to zero for any grid having no parent: Grid 1 never has a
parent, and for a limited area domain, it is the only grid without a parent. If RAMS is
run on a global domain, it uses two coarse grids each covering just over a
hemisphere, and thus requires two grids to have NXTNEST = 0. In fact, setting two
NXTNEST values to zero is the way to specify that the model is to be run globally.
Grid 1 must be one of the coarse grids, but the other may be numbered 2, 3, or any
larger integer that obeys the above rule.
IF_ADAP Flag to choose the vertical coordinate system.

Integer IF_ADAP=0: terrain-following z coordinate is used.

IF_ADAP=1: the ADaptive APerature coordinate is used. The ADAP coordinate is a
fully Cartesian grid where the grid cells intersect the topography. It is similar to the
coordinate used for the NCEP ETA model, except the ADAP coordinate allows
partial grid cells along the topography.
IHTRAN Type of horizontal grid transformation to be used in a model simulation.
integer IHTRAN=0: model grid will be Cartesian, with uniform horizontal spacing used
throughout the domain. This option is often used in small computational domains, or
where the simulation is of an idealized situation, not corresponding to any particular
geographic location. The basic assumption of this grid is that earth curvature effects
are negligible.
IHTRAN=1: sets up a polar stereographic coordinate system for the simulation.
While the model grid spacing itself appears uniform and Cartesian, map factors are
activated which cause the earth distances mapped from model distances to be of
variable resolution. A polar stereographic projection is a mapping between the
spherical earth and a plane (assumed to correspond to zero elevation in the
Cartesian model grid) tangent to the earth, with all projection lines emanating from
the point on the earth's surface opposite or antipodal to the point of tangency. The
Cartesian model plane is centered around the point of tangency, which may be
placed anywhere on the earth (the pole in this case refers to the point of tangency,
specified in namelist variables POLELAT and POLELON, not to either geographic
pole). Thus, size ratio in the center of the model domain is unity between the model
grid and the earth, and slowly increases outward toward the model lateral
boundaries. This transformation allows a single model grid to cover geographic
domains up to hemispheric in size, and avoids the numerical problems encountered
near the geographic poles when latitude-longitude coordinates are used.
DELTAX Horizontal grid spacing or grid cell size in the x-direction of the model coarse grid
real (grid 1) in units of meters. This very important parameter determines the scale of
meteorological features that are resolvable on the grid, and together with the
number of grid cells in the x-direction, NNXP, determines the total x-direction span
of the model domain. All spacings on the finer nested grids are derived from this
value of DELTAX along with the individual grid spacing ratios NSTRATX. In
choosing DELTAX for a simulation, the user needs to carefully consider, among
other things, what essential meteorological phenomenon is to be modeled, what the
required resolution is for adequately simulating this phenomenon, how large a
domain is required to contain the environment of the phenomenon, what the
duration of the simulation will be, whether nested grids will be used, and how much
computer memory and CPU time are available.
DELTAY Similar to DELTAX, but specifies the y-coordinate, rather than x-coordinate
real dimension of a grid cell on the model coarse grid. One should set DELTAX and
DELTAY to the same value, since different values may numerically force horizontal
anisotropy in the simulated fields. DELTAY should still be set equal to DELTAX
even in a 2D run.
DELTAZ Similar to DELTAX, but specifies the vertical, rather than x-coordinate, dimension of
real a grid cell on the model coarse grid. To be more precise, DELTAZ is the vertical
grid spacing of the lowest level of the coarsest model grid (grid 1), and is equal to
the vertical grid spacing at higher levels only if constant grid spacing is used in the
vertical. (Also see DZRAT and DZMAX.) However, if DELTAZ is set to 0., it serves
as a flag to instruct the model to read the ZZ variable from the namelist for obtaining
vertical grid levels directly. As for the case of DELTAX, selecting an optimal value
for DELTAZ involves a number of considerations. An additional consideration in this
case is that a small value for DELTAZ in a domain containing steeply-sloping
topography requires high horizontal resolution for computational stability. A rule of
thumb here is that the terrain height difference between adjacent grid cells should
not exceed about 3-5 times DELTAZ.
DZRAT Used in conjunction with DELTAZ, and specifies the ratio in vertical grid cell
real dimension between adjacent levels on the coarse grid. DZRAT is used as a
convenient means for vertically stretching the grid, which is a very common practice
to obtain high vertical resolution near the ground and lower resolution at higher
levels. This method establishes a geometrically-stretched grid, wherein the
expansion ratio is constant between consecutive levels. Geometric stretching
minimizes the maximum expansion ratio between consecutive levels for a given net
stretching over a given number of vertical levels. It is desirable to keep the ratio
between consecutive levels small, as large ratios destroy the second-order accuracy
of the vertical differencing in the model. Values for DZRAT of 1.1 or even 1.2 are
considered acceptable. To illustrate with an example, if DELTAZ is set to 100 and
DZRAT is set to 1.1, the first (lowest) grid level will be 100 m thick, the next 1.1
times the first or 110 m, the third 1.1 times the second or 121 m, etc.
DZMAX Upper bound on vertical grid spacing anywhere in the model coarse grid, and is
real used in conjunction with DZRAT to prevent the automatic geometric grid stretching
from causing overly large vertical grid cell sizes in the upper levels of the model.
For example, if DZRAT is set to 1.1, the vertical grid spacing will increase by an
order of magnitude over 25 levels. This means that if the first level above the
surface is 200 m thick, the 26th level will be over 2 km thick. By specifying DZMAX
to a number such as 1000., the geometric expansion will halt when the 1000 m
vertical thickness is reached, and all levels above will be made 1000 m thick.
ZZ Heights of coarsest grid levels in meters, beginning at the ground (ZZ = 0) and
real array continuing to the top level in the model. The number of values specified for ZZ must
equal NNZP for grid 1, which is specified in the $MODEL_GRIDS namelist.
Specifying ZZ directly instead of using DELTAZ, DZRAT, and DZMAX is an
alternative means of setting the vertical grid structure, and of course offers more
flexibility because ZZ can be specified in many ways other than constant or
geometrically expanded spacing. However, when using direct specification via ZZ,
care needs to be taken not to cause two consecutive levels to have grossly different
vertical thicknesses, such as a factor of 2, as this degrades the accuracy of the
model's vertical differencing schemes. For the model to use the specified ZZ
values, DELTAZ must be set to 0.
IDELTAT Flag that controls how RAMS obtains values of DTLONG, NNDTRAT, and
integer NACOUST.
If IDELTAT = 0, values specified in the $MODEL_GRIDS namelist are used and
held fixed in time.
If IDELTAT = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, RAMS will automatically compute values for DTLONG,
NNDTRAT, and NACOUST based on grid spacings of all grids, model domain
height, and other factors, and will hold these values constant in time. IDELTAT = 1
produces the longest, riskiest timesteps that experience has shown will still lead to
stable model runs most of the time. IDELTAT = 2 produces somewhat shorter,
safer timesteps that cause instability in even fewer cases, and higher values for
IDELTAT cause progressively shorter long timesteps to be used. These larger
values would be appropriate if it is expected that wind speeds on the grid will be
relatively large. Since these parameters collectively determine the long and short
timesteps on all grids, and hence the computational stability, if the CFL stability limit
is exceeded and RAMS is instructed to keep DTLONG, NNDTRAT, and NACOUST
fixed, the model will stop and output a CFL message.
If IDELTAT = -1, -2, -3, -4, or 5, RAMS will compute initial values for DTLONG,
NNDTRAT, and NACOUST as for IDELTAT = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, respectively.
Additional constraints based on CFL criterion will be applied, both initially and during
the model run, adjusting DTLONG, NNDTRAT, and NACOUST to more stable
values when necessary and to less stable values when the model solution is well
within the CFL limits. However, timesteps on individual grids will not be adjusted to
longer, less stable values than specified by the IDELTAT flag. For example, if
IDELTAT is set to 2, and the CFL criterion requires adjustment to smaller
timesteps but subsequently allows the timestep to be lengthened, the timestep will
not be lengthened beyond the values that correspond to IDELTAT = 2. If the CFL
limit requires timesteps to become shorter than values that would correspond to
IDELTAT = 5, the model will stop and output a CFL message.
DTLONG Length of the timestep in seconds at which most processes on the coarse grid will
real be updated. This is the primary timestep in the model to which all others relate. For
example, the values set for NNDTRAT, set integer ratios of timesteps between the
coarse and fine grids, such that an appropriate fraction of DTLONG is the actual
timestep used on a fine grid. One should set DTLONG reasonably close to, but
below the limiting value for computational stability of the model. Given the full model
equation set, this value is determined by a number of factors, including wind
velocity, internal gravity wave speed, external gravity wave speed (related in part to
the height of the model domain), vertical and horizontal grid spacing, and maximum
terrain slope. It is not easy to provide a comprehensive formula for estimating an
optimal value for DTLONG, and the user should generally try a few values when
beginning a new simulation to find a suitable value. However, some guidelines can
be provided based on experience. For a deep model domain, say 20 km or more,
the model timestep can usually be 5 or 6 seconds for a 1 km horizontal spacing, 30
seconds for a 10 km spacing, 90 seconds for a 60 km spacing, and 180 seconds or
more for spacings over 150 km. In a shallow domain 3 km deep, we have been able
to set DTLONG to 6 seconds with a 125 meter horizontal spacing. When steep
terrain is used (the relevant measure of steepness appears to be the maximum
change in terrain height between two adjacent grid cells in vertical grid spacing
units, with a value over about 5 being considered steep), DTLONG is often required
to be smaller. If IDELTAT is not set to zero, the model will compute DTLONG itself
based on grid spacing and other factors, and the value specified in the namelist will
be ignored.
NACOUST Number of short or acoustic timesteps performed for each long timestep on a grid. If
integer IDELTAT is set to zero, the value specified for NACOUST in the namelist is used for
all grids. If IDELTAT is not equal to zero, the namelist value is ignored and the
model will compute an appropriate value which may differ between grids. The short
timesteps are used for evaluating the pressure gradient force and divergence
equation terms and applying them to the velocity and pressure fields, i.e., the terms
involving the propagation of sound waves. The long timestep is used to evaluate
most other terms, including advection, diffusion, Coriolis force, and microphysical
tendencies. This practice of time splitting of the prognostic equations allows full
explicit computation (on the short timestep) of the terms governing the rapidly
moving sound waves, while the terms governing slower processes can be
performed on the long timestep. NACOUST has nothing to do with the relation
between timesteps of one grid and another. On the coarse grid, the long timestep is
defined by DTLONG, defined above. A separate, grid-dependent variable
DTLONGN, which is not defined in the namelists but is internal to the code, is the
specific timestep length for each grid. It is equal to DTLONG (defined above) on the
coarse grid, and is determined for the finer grids from a combination of DTLONG
and NNDTRAT, defined below in this Section. The length of the short (sound wave)
timestep is twice the ratio DTLONGN/NACOUST. This short timestep must be short
enough (by using a sufficiently large value of NACOUST) that sound cannot travel
more than one half the horizontal grid spacing during the short timestep. Sound
normally travels more than 300 meters per second, but the model will artificially slow
it down if on any grid the short timestep is too large for the grid spacing. A message
is printed out stating how much the sound speed has been reduced, with a warning
if it is too slow. If this occurs, DTLONGN should be reduced, either by reducing
DTLONG, by increasing NNDTRAT, or both.
NSTRATX Number of grid cells in the x-direction in a fine grid which span the x dimension of a
integer array single grid cell of the coarser parent grid to that fine grid. In other words, NSTRATX
is the factor of increase in resolution in the x-direction between consecutive nesting
levels. For example, if the third value of NSTRATX is set to 4 and the third value of
NXTNEST is set to 2, grid 2 will be the parent of grid 3, and grid 3 will have 4 times
the resolution or one fourth the grid cell size of grid 2 in the x-direction. If in the
same example, the second value of NSTRATX were also 4, grid 3 would have 16
times the resolution of grid 1 in the x-direction. The example shown in Figure 1 has
NSTRATX set to 2 for grid 2. An important constraint between the values of
NSTRATX and NNXP must be observed for fine nested grids. A fine grid must
exactly cover an integer number of grid cells in its coarser parent grid with its interior
cells (defined in the entry for NNXP), and must have the two additional boundary
cells. Thus, NNXP for any nested grid must be some integer number (of coarser
grid cells covered - 2 in the example of Figure 1) times NSTRATX for that nested
grid (3 in the example of Figure 1) plus 2. For NSTRATX and for other related nest
configuration variables, if the required combinations of these are not met, the model
will stop and issue a message suggesting an acceptable value. Values of 3, 4, and
5 have been most commonly used for NSTRATX. A value of 2 is not usually
considered a sufficiently large increase in resolution to make nesting worthwhile,
while values of 6 and larger are more prone to cause reflections at the nesting
boundaries due to the larger disparity of resolvability between the two grids. (Also
see NINEST.)
NSTRATY Similar to NSTRATX, but applies to the grid resolution ratio in the y-direction. In the
integer array example of Figure 1, NSTRATY is set to 2. If NNYP is set to 1, so that the
simulation is 2-D, NSTRATY must be set to 1 for all grids activated.
NNDTRAT Number of timesteps which a fine grid is to be executed to advance it in time the
integer array same amount as a single timestep of the coarser parent grid. Because the fine grid
has a smaller cell size, it must normally be run with a smaller time step for numerical
stability, and the time step length will automatically be made inversely proportional
to NNDTRAT. As an example, if the second value of NNDTRAT is set to 4, and the
timestep on grid 1 happens to be set to 20 seconds (see DTLONG ), grid 2 will run
on a 5-second timestep, four of which will be performed for each timestep of grid 1.
The longest timestep on which a grid can be run stably is not directly proportional to
the cell size, but tends to increase more slowly. Thus, a finer grid nested within a
coarse grid at say a 3:1 ratio can normally be run at longer than the expected 1/3 of
the coarse grid timestep; 1/2 of the coarse grid timestep may be acceptable. If
IDELTAT is set to zero, the values specified in the namelist for NNDTRAT will be
used. If IDELTAT is not zero, values specified in the namelist for NNDTRAT will be
ignored and the model will instead compute them automatically.
NESTZ1 Parameter whose absolute value denotes the number of the nested grid, if any, that
integer is to be nested with a higher vertical resolution than its parent (see NSTRATZ1).
Such vertical nesting may be done for only one of all model nested grids. Any
additional grids that are nested within this grid will use the same vertical grid
spacing. Because the vertical nesting ratio can be made variable with height
between this nested grid and its parent, the vertical grid spacing of the nested grid
may jump suddenly from one vertical level to the next. In order to reduce the
relative amount of jump (that is, the ratio of vertical grid spacing between
consecutive levels), the model can automatically compensate somewhat by making
adjustments to the vertical grid spacings in the parent and coarser grids. This option
is activated by giving NESTZ a negative value (of the grid to which it applies). If
NESTZ is set to 0, no vertical nesting will be done.
NSTRATZ1 Related to NSTRATX, but applies to the grid resolution ratio in the z-direction.
integer array Unlike NSTRATX, however, NSTRATZ is not a grid-dependent parameter, but
refers to the vertical nest ratio between a particular nested grid, specified by the
user in the namelist variable NESTZ, and its parent. NSTRATZ is nevertheless a
multi-valued parameter, to allow the vertical nest ratio to be varied with height. Each
value specified signifies the number of fine grid levels contained in a single level of
the parent grid, beginning with the K = 1 level of the parent grid and continuing
upward (see Figure 2). Only those levels up to the last one having a vertical nest
ratio greater than 1 need be entered in the namelist, because all others are
assigned a value of 1 by default. Also, the first value specified in the namelist is not
actually used, because it is reassigned in the code. Nevertheless, some value must
be entered to serve as a placeholder in the namelist so that the subsequent values
are in the proper location. This feature has most often been used to enhance
vertical resolution close to the ground on a nested grid, in which case a decreasing
sequence such as NSTRATZ = 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, may be used. In this
example, the lowest 3 levels of the parent grid will have 4 fine grid levels within each
one, the next 3 will have 3 fine grid levels within each one, and the next 3 will have 2
fine grid levels within each one. The remaining levels will have a 1-to-1 vertical
nesting ratio. The feature may also be used to enhance vertical resolution in a
selected elevated region, such as a cloud layer. Values specified for NSTRATZ
1must not differ by more than 1 between consecutive entries. Use of vertical
nesting is not necessarily the best means of increasing vertical resolution in all
cases. The alternative method of increasing vertical resolution over a limited vertical
extent of the model domain (but over the entire horizontal extent) has been to
stretch the vertical grid spacing (see DZRAT). For this choice, NSTRATZ could be
set to 1, although a combination of both methods of stretching is possible, if desired.
NESTZ2 Like NESTZ1 except that it is used only if RAMS is run on a global domain, and
integer applies only to the set of nested grids within the second hemispheric coarse grid
(NESTZ1 will always apply to nested grids within the first (hemispheric) grid (grid 1).
NSTRATZ2 Like NSTRATZ1 except that it is used only if RAMS is run on a global domain, and
integer array applies only to the set of nested grids within the second hemispheric coarse grid
(NSTRATZ1 will always apply to nested grids within the first (hemispheric) grid (grid
1). NSTRATZ2 may be different from NSTRATZ1, allowing different nesting design
in each hemisphere.
POLELAT Geographic latitude and longitude in degrees (ranging from -90 to 90 and -180 to
180, respectively) of the pole point, or point of tangency between the model polar
POLELON stereographic grid and the earth. This location also serves as the origin (x = 0,y = 0)
real on the polar stereographic grid.
CENTLAT Grid-dependent parameters for the geographic latitude and longitude in degrees
(ranging from -90 to 90 and -180 to 180, respectively) of the center of each model
CENTLON grid. They are used to define the position of the grids in earth coordinates for the
real array purpose of determining the Coriolis force, the solar radiation, and the location of the
model domain relative to observed meteorological and land surface data. For the
coarsest model grid, CENTLAT and CENTLON are the only means of specifying the
center location. Nested grid locations may also be specified relative to their parent
grids from variables NINEST, NJNEST, NSTRATX, and NSTRATY. Only if NINEST
and NJNEST are given zero values will CENTLAT and CENTLON be used to
determine the nested grid location. In such cases, because of the precise
positioning of grid lattice points required between a nested grid and its parent,
CENTLAT and CENTLON will be only approximate, and the precise location of the
nested grid will be the closest allowable position to that which they indicate.
NINEST Location within a coarser parent grid where the western edge of a nested grid is to
integer array be located. To be specific, we refer to the example in Figure 1. Here, the western
edge of grid 2 (the western edge always being defined by the lattice line passing
through the u-velocity points having an index i = 1) is located along the coarse mesh
line passing through the U-velocity points having an index I = 3. This configuration
would be established by setting the second value (for grid 2) of NINEST to 3. Note
that the value of NINEST for a nested fine grid always refers to the I-index in the
coarser parent grid of a row of U-velocity points. An important constraint involving
NINEST, NNXP, and NSTRATX is that the edge of a fine nested grid cannot be any
closer than two cells of the coarser parent grid from the lateral parent grid boundary.
The example in Figure 1 is right at this limit on both the eastern and western
boundaries of the fine grid: NINEST is set to 3, which places the western boundary
of the fine grid just two coarse cells from the coarse-grid western boundary, and the
eastern boundary of the fine grid is along the I = 5 index row of coarse grid U-
velocity points, which is just 2 coarse cells away from the coarse-grid eastern
boundary at I = 7.
NJNEST Similar to NINEST, but locates the southern boundary of a fine grid within the
integer array coarser parent grid. Here, the J-index of the coarse-grid V-velocity points is what is
referred to by the value of NJNEST. In the example of Figure 1, the second value of
NJNEST (for grid 2) would be 3. The constraints described for NINEST likewise
apply to NJNEST for the y-direction.
NKNEST Related to NINEST, but locates the bottom boundary of a fine grid within the coarser
integer array parent grid. Here, the K-index of the coarse-grid W-velocity points is what is
referred to by the value of NKNEST. Unlike the case for NINEST and NJNEST,
NKNEST can be set to 1, if desired. Doing so would cause the nested grid to begin
at the ground, like the coarser parent grid. If the fine nested grid is to begin at some
height above the ground, NKNEST can be set to a larger number. NKNEST can
never be set to 2, however; nor can the combination of NKNEST, NSTRATZ, and
NNZP be such that the top of a fine nested grid be located exactly one cell of the
coarser parent grid below the top of that parent grid. Another constraint is that
NKNEST may not be set to 1 for a nested grid if its direct parent grid does not itself
begin at the ground. The configuration where a fine nest does not extend to both
the ground and the model domain top has been relatively little used. In some cases,
vertical motion impinging on a top or bottom nesting boundary of differential
horizontal resolution causes strong numerical reflections. In addition, two model
algorithms that involve vertical transport, radiative transfer and sedimentation of
hydrometeors have not been programmed for transfer between different nested
grids. For this reason, a nested grid should begin at the ground and extend to the
model top except in a few specialized applications.
NNSTTOP Grid-dependent flag to indicate whether each grid extends to the coarse grid top. It
integer array must be set to 1 to indicate that a grid does reach the domain top, and set to 0 to
indicate that the top boundary of a grid is below the model domain top. In view of
the recommendation given under the entry for NKNEST, NNSTTOP should normally
be set to 1. Of course, since grid 1 always extends to the model domain top, the
first value of NNSTTOP must always be set to 1. The specified values of NNZP,
NKNEST, and NSTRATZ will themselves determine where the top of a fine nested
grid is in relation to the model domain top. The user must insure that this is in
agreement with the setting of NNSTTOP. If not, the model will give a fatal error
message and stop.
NNSTBOT Similar to NNSTTOP, but indicates whether a nested grid has its lower boundary at
integer array the lower model boundary (the ground) or above it. NNSTBOT must be set to 1 if
the fine nested grid begins at the ground, and 0 if it does not. Similar to the case for
NNSTTOP, the model will check for agreement between NNSTBOT and the values
of NKNEST, and will stop with a fatal error message if agreement is not met.
GRIDU Grid-dependent parameter used to control east-west movement of a nested grid. The
value assigned to it will be the velocity in meters per second that the grid will be
real array moved. The velocity specified for each grid is always with respect to grid 1 (which
cannot move) or equivalently to the fixed ground coordinates. This model feature is
used to keep a nested grid surrounding a feature of interest, such as a thunderstorm,
which is traveling. For example, if at some time it is found that the storm is centered
within grid 3, but the storm is traveling westward at 20 m/s and will soon reach the
western boundary of grid 3, GRIDU for grid 3 can be set to -20 m/s which will keep the
storm centered within the grid. When a nested grid moves, it does so in discrete
horizontal distance increments equal to the grid spacing on the next coarser mesh in
which the moving grid is nested. This is done, because the allowable positions the
moving grid may have within the coarser parent grid are themselves discrete. When a
grid moves, its interior prognostic variables are simply shifted toward the grid's trailing
edge the correct number of points (equal to NSTRATX for that grid), the values near
the trailing edge are discarded, and the values near the leading edge are newly
interpolated from the coarser parent grid. Special care must be taken by the user to
make sure that grid 3 will not itself move too close to the boundary of the coarser grid
in which it is nested. One remedy if this happens would be to simultaneously move the
coarser grid too, as long as it is not grid 1. Set GRIDU to 0 to not activate grid
movement. An alternative to moving grids, which has been widely used but which is
not as widely applicable, is to Doppler shift the meteorological features by adding a
constant wind vector to all wind values in the domain. However, this alternative cannot
be used where the ground surface is not horizontally homogeneous. In using the
moving grid feature, it is not permissible, due to requirements of the terrain-following
coordinate transformation, to continually fill topography from the standard RAMS files
on any of the moving grids or any of the grids nested within them. These fields on
moving grids must be interpolated from the respective parent grids instead. Thus, in
the namelist, set ITOPTFLG to zero for moving grids. Also, in order to make sure the
interpolated values of topography and other surface fields are not overwritten by
assignments in ruser.f90 each time a grid moves, comment out the sections of all
relevant IF blocks in ruser.f90 that fill these values. Moving nested grids are not
currently implemented for model runs using parallel processing.
Currently not working in v6.0.
GRIDV Similar to GRIDU, but applies to north-south movement of a nested grid.
real array Currently not working in v6.0.
The $MODEL_FILE_INFO namelist consists primarily of variables that control data input to and
data output from the model. The names of files containing these data are specified here, as well
as the times during a model simulation when the data are read or written. The information in this
namelist also controls some aspects of how input data is to be used.

Variable name Description

INITIAL Specifies how atmospheric fields in the model are to be initialized.
integer INITIAL = 1: the atmospheric variables are initialized horizontally
homogeneously from a single sounding, which the user supplies in namelist
$MODEL_SOUND. This option is typically used when the model domain is of
relatively limited size (a few hundred kilometers across or less), and is required
if the model is run in 2-D. Lateral boundaries in this case are open, and are
updated based on interior values or are held constant in time.

INITIAL = 2: the sounding in namelist $MODEL_SOUND is not used, and

instead, the model inputs complete 3-D fields of atmospheric data from
varfiles, which have been earlier generated by the model from isentropic
output from ISAN (see RUNTYPE). These fields are used both as initial fields
in the model and as time-dependent fields to which the lateral boundary region
of the model is nudged during integration.

INITIAL = 3: the initial fields will be defined by interpolation from a previous

RAMS history file, as specified in HFILIN. The new run will start at model time
0. The grids in the current run do not have to have the same structure as the
grids on the history file, except that the new grid 1 must fit within the history file
grid 1. All other nested grids in the current run are interpolated from the current
coarse grid by standard nesting procedures. This capability is mainly intended
for situations where the new coarse grid is very different than the old grid
structure. This should not be used if a nested grid is added or subtracted; use
the standard RUNTYPE=HISTORY instead.

Further details regarding the use of the initialization options are given in
descriptions of several variables in this Section.
NUD_TYPE Specifies what type of analysis nudging scheme to use in the 4-dimensional
data assimilation (4DDA). The term analysis nudging refers to a scheme where
integer all or a portion of the domain is nudged toward a gridded data analysis. This
can also be applied to nudging toward a previous simulation of RAMS or other
model output.

NUD_TYPE = 0: no analysis nudging is performed. This would generally be

the setting if INITIAL=1.

NUD_TYPE = 1: analysis nudging is performed using data from RAMS history

files, with the nudging strengths and settings controlled by the analysis
nudging parameters below. All grids are interpolated or defined from the
highest resolution information available on the history file. This is a way to
activate a one-way nesting scheme, although we only recommend using a
one-way nest only in special circumstances.

NUD_TYPE = 2: analysis nudging is performed using data from the varfiles,

with the nudging strengths and settings controlled by the analysis nudging
parameters below.
VARFPFX Prefix that begins the names of the initialization files called varfiles,
character (including path names if applicable) to be read into the model, for cases
when the INITIAL=2 (and/or NUD_TYPE=2). These files are output from a
previous model run with RUNTYPE set to 'MAKEVFILE' (see VARPFX). If
INITIAL is set to 1 or 3, this parameter is ignored.
VWAIT1 Used only for automated operational model runs in which an attempt is
real made to acquire the varfiles data for input to RAMS. If this attempt is
unsuccessful and a varfile is not available, the model is instructed to wait a
time interval given by VWAIT1 (seconds), before attempting again.

VWAITTOT Similar to VWAIT1 and likewise used only for automation of operational
real runs. Specifies the total amount of time to continue waiting for a completed
varfile before giving up altogether.
NUD_HFILE Analysis state files to be read for use in the history file nudging scheme
character (NUD_TYPE=1). The character string placed in this variable must be the
full name of the state header file, including the appropriate path if
applicable. However, only the prefix information is used to determine the
set of state files to be used. Further details on the standard syntax of the
analysis file names are given in the description of AFILOUT.
NUDLAT Parameters that control the option of four-dimensional data assimilation
integer (4DDA) by Newtonian relaxation (nudging). This is also termed analysis
nudging, since we will be nudging toward a gridded data analysis. This
TNUDLAT 4DDA option requires that the INITIAL variable is set to 2 or 3, so that the
model is initialized from varfiles or a previous RAMS run. The varfiles or
TNUDCENT history files contain time series of gridded horizontal wind, potential
TNUDTOP temperature, and total water mixing ratio values, usually analyzed from
observations or sometimes large-scale model forecasts. The atmospheric
ZNUDTOP model solution is relaxed toward the analyzed data during time integration.
real The strength of the nudging is given by (I-M)/T, where I is a varfile data
value at a particular location, M is the corresponding model value, and T is a
user-specified relaxation (e-folding) time scale. RAMS contains a 3-D array
of T values for each grid so that the nudging strength can be specified in a
customized way by modifying code. However standard distributions of T
may be easily defined through the namelist variables TNUDLAT,
TNUDTOP, and TNUDCENT, which define relaxation time scales at the
lateral boundary, top boundary, and center regions, respectively, of the
model domain. The influence of TNUDLAT extends inward from the lateral
boundary of the model domain (coarse grid) by a number of grid cells
specified by the user in namelist parameter NUDLAT. The influence
function (inverse time scale) increases outward parabolically beginning from
the parabola vertex located NUDLAT points in from the boundary. The
nudging time scale at that vertex and deeper in the interior of the grid is
defined by TNUDCENT. Thus, TNUDCENT can be used to specify a lower
bound on nudging strength throughout the domain. The influence of
TNUDTOP extends downward from the model domain top to a height
specified in namelist variable ZNUDTOP. The influence function increases
linearly between these two heights, reaching the minimum value defined by
TNUDCENT at and below ZNUDTOP. Note that as time scales are
inversely proportional to nudging strength, TNUDCENT should have a larger
value than TNUDLAT and TNUDTOP for nudging to strengthen toward the
lateral and top boundaries. Use of TNUDLAT and NUDLAT is a
replacement for the specification of the Davies lateral boundary nudging in
2c and earlier versions of RAMS. Use of TNUDTOP and ZNUDTOP
functions analogously to the Rayleigh friction top boundary condition (see
descriptions for DISTIM and NUPTS), but can be used for observational
data fields which are not horizontally homogeneous. This provides a means
for damping upward-propagating gravity waves which could otherwise
reflect off the top model boundary. TNUDCENT is a part of the data
assimilation capability in RAMS, and is definable in the namelist in order to
conveniently activate domain-wide nudging. Users of the nudging option
should experiment with all three nudging time scales to determine the
values which work best for a particular application. The only constraint for
numerical stability is that none of the time scales can be less than the model
timestep, except that setting TNUDLAT, TNUDTOP, and TNUDCENT to
zero turns off the nudging option. Experience has shown that values of
TNUDLAT should typically be in the range of 900-1800 seconds,
TNUDCENT = 3600 corresponds to very strong nudging and usually is
better in the 7200-14400 second range. TNUDTOP frequently does not
need to be used and should only be activated at levels well into the
stratosphere. Furthermore, if TNUDTOP is used, special care should be
taken to examine its impact on the model solution, because the impact can
be quite strong.
WT_NUDGE_GRID Relative weights applied to the nudging weights for each grid. The main intent
real array is to have user control over the 4DDA analysis nudging weights on individual
grids. The base weights are determined from the timescale TNUDCENT, then
multiplied by WT_NUDGE_GRID. A value of 2., for example, will double the
nudging strength on that grid. Care must be taken that all adjustments of
nudging strength fall with the numerical stability limits
WT_NUDGE_UV Relative weights applied to the nudging weights for specific variables. The
WT_NUDGE_TH main intent is to have user control over the 4DDA analysis nudging weights.
WT_NUDGE_PI The base weights are determined from the timescale TNUDCENT, then
WT_NUDGE_RT multiplied by WT_NUDGE_UV, etc. WT_NUDGE_UV is applied to the u and v
real components, WT_NUDGE_TH is applied to potential temperature,
WT_NUDGE_PI is applied to the Exner function, and WT_NUDGE_RT is
applied to total water mixing ratio.

The complete computation of the nudging weight for the analysis nudging
4DDA (in the center of the domain) is then computed by:


NUD_COND Flag to activate a condensate nudging 4DDA scheme. This scheme follows the
integer same types of procedures as the history nudging scheme (NUD_TYPE=1), but
only nudges total water mixing ratio at grid points where condensate exists.
This is an experimental scheme and intended primarily for assimilation
purposes in operational forecast cycles.
COND_HFILE Analysis state files to be read for use in the condensate nudging scheme
(NUD_COND=1). The character string placed in this variable must be the full
character name of the state header file, including the appropriate path if applicable.
However, only the prefix information is used to determine the set of history files
to be used. Further details on the standard syntax of the state file names are
given in the description of AFILOUT.
TCOND_BEG Beginning and ending model time (seconds) to start and stop the condensate
TCOND_END nudging scheme.
WT_NUDGEC_GRID Relative weight of the condensate nudging scheme for each grid
real array
T_NUDGE_RC Timescale for the condensate nudging scheme.
The complete computation of the condensate nudging weight is then computed


IF_ODA Flag to active the ODA (observational data assimilation) feature, a

generalized observational nudging scheme. The ODA scheme will examine
integer each station, interpolate in time to each timestep (if the observations are
close enough), then perform a kriging interpolation to produce three-
dimensional value and covariance fields. The combination of the value and
covariance fields will only nudge the model fields in locations where the
observations are close enough. The parameters below will control the
behavior of the ODA scheme.
ODA_UPA_PREFIX File name prefixes (including path information) for the input surface (SFC)
and upper air (UPA) data for the ODA scheme. The file must be standard
ODA_SFC_PREFIX RALPH II format and currently must contain one data time per file.
FRQODA Frequency (seconds) at which to update the interpolated observational value
and covariance fields with the kriging scheme. This could be done every
real timestep, but probably less often for efficiency. 10-20 minutes should be an
adequate compromise with standard synoptic observations, but it is
dependent on the specifics of the simulation and the available observations.
TODABEG Beginning and ending model times (seconds) to start and stop the ODA
TNUDODA Main nudging ODA timescale (seconds). This determines, along with
WT_ODA_GRID and WT_ODA_UV, etc., the strength of the nudging. For
real example, the complete computation of the weight for the ODA nudging for the
u and v components is computed by:


WT_ODA_GRID Relative weights applied to the ODA nudging weights for each grid. See
real array
WT_ODA_UV Relative weights applied to the ODA nudging weights for specific variables.
WT_ODA_UV is applied to the u and v components, WT_ODA_TH is applied
WT_ODA_TH to potential temperature, WT_ODA_PI is applied to the Exner function, and
WT_ODA_PI WT_ODA_RT is applied to total water mixing ratio. See TNUDODA.

RODA_SFCE Radii (meters) for the kriging scheme to control the smoothness of the
analysis at the surface. SFC0 is the distance from an observation where the
RODA_SFC0 influence becomes zero, while SFCE is the distance where the influence
real array drops by a factor of e . These values are grid-dependent.

RODA_UPAE Radii (meters) for the kriging scheme for the upper air observations to control
the smoothness of the analysis in the upper air. UPA0 is the distance from
RODA_UPA0 an observation where the influence becomes zero, while UPAE is the
real array distance where the influence drops by a factor of e . These values are grid-
RODA_HGT The height (meters) above the ground used to determine the vertical
structure of the kriging radii. RODA_SFC0 will apply at the ground, while
real array RODA_UPA0 will begin at a height of RODA_HGT. The radius will be held
constant at a value of RODA_UPA0 from RODA_HGT to the model top,
while a linear interpolation from the ground to RODA_HGT will be performed.
Typically, some height above the expected boundary layer depth would be
chosen. This value is grid-dependent.
RODA_ZFACT Vertical exaggeration factor to control smoothness in the kriging scheme.
This is somewhat related to the ratio of horizontal grid spacing and vertical
real grid spacing. A value of the order 100 is reasonable.
ODA_SFC_TIL Time interpolation limit (TIL) and time extrapolation limit (TEL) (both
seconds) for the surface data in the ODA scheme. These are used to
ODA_SFC_TEL determine the use of the observations at the time of the kriging scheme
real updates. At an update time, each station will be examined. A past and future
observation time (with non-missing data) relative to the update time will be
found. If the future minus the past time is less than the TIL, then the data
values will be interpolated to the update time for use in the data analysis. If
this condition is not true, then the past and future times will be checked to
see if it is less than the TEL. If, for example, the past time is less than the
TEL, then that data value will be used in the analysis. For hourly surface
observations, reasonable settings might be ODA_SFC_TIL=7200., and
ODA_UPA_TIL Time interpolation limit (TIL) and time extrapolation limit (TEL) (both
seconds) for the upper air data in the ODA scheme. See ODA_SFC_TIL.
ODA_UPA_TEL For standard 12 hourly surface observations, reasonable settings might be
real ODA_UPA_TIL=43200. and ODA_UPA_TEL=3600.

IF_CUINV Flag to activate the reading and nudging toward heating and moistening
rates produced by the cumulus inversion scheme. This is a new experimental
integer feature where the convective rates are produced before the actual run by a
separate process that reads observed precipitation rates (from observations,
satellite, or radar) and produces the convective tendencies. Files for each
time corresponding to the availability of the precipitation rate data are
produced. The rates are further weighted with a typical nudging manner to
allow for control over the strength. This is an experimental scheme and
should be used with caution.
CU_PREFIX File name prefix (including path information) of the files produced from the
cumulus inversion program.
TNUDCU Main nudging CU timescale (seconds). This determines, along with
WT_CU_GRID, the strength of the nudging. The complete computation of the
real weight for the CU nudging is computed by:


WT_CU_GRID Relative weights applied to the CU nudging weights for each grid. See
TCU_BEG Beginning and ending model times (seconds) to start and stop the CU
nudging scheme.
CU_TEL Time interpolation limit (TIL) and time extrapolation limit (TEL) (both
seconds) for the CU scheme. See ODA_SFC_TIL. Reasonable settings will
CU_TIL be dependent on the time resolution of the original precipitation rate data.
HFILIN Analysis state file to be read for initializing the current run
character (INITIAL=HISTORY,). The character string placed in this variable must be
the full name of the state header file, including the appropriate path if
applicable. Further details on the standard syntax of the history file name
are given in the description of AFILOUT.
IPASTIN Flag to activate a recycle feature, where certain fields from a previous
analysis file may be read upon initialization of the current run. Currently,
only the LEAF variables are included in this process. All soil and vegetation
variables are read and any default initialization values are replaced. The
grid structure of the previous run must exactly match the grid structure of
the current run.
PASTFN Analysis header file name, if IPASTIN=1, from which to read the recycle
fields. For flexibility, the file time does not necessarily have to match the
initialization time of the current run.
IOUTPUT Flag controlling whether the model will output any analysis files. If
integer IOUTPUT = 0, no files will be generated. Setting IOUTPUT = 1 causes the
model to generate output files in HDF5 format, dependent on other
parameters below.
The semantics for the output files has changed for v6.0. Previously, we had
history files and several types of analysis files. With the use of HDF5,
history files are no longer necessary.
RAMS now will produce several types of analysis files written in HDF5.
These types are:
State files files which have all information of the current model
state. These are analogous to a combination of the previous history
and analysis files (A and H files). Because of HDF5, these files are
now smaller than the previous analysis files and contain full
Mean files time-averaged files containing the same variables as
on the state files.
Lite files files which contain a user-defined subset of the model
Both files time-averaged, lite files
The output frequency and other parameters controlling these file types are
specified in the variables below.
AFILOUT Prefix for the analysis files output from the model. AFILOUT is used as a
character prefix to the one or more file names, making up the first part of each name,
including directory path information. The model itself appends the last part
of each analysis file name, according to the file type, the time during the
simulation when the file is written, and the grid number. Separate analysis
files are written for each grid number, as well as for each write time. In
addition, header files are written at each analysis file write time. As the
model appends both the time and the grid number onto the history file prefix
(given by AFILOUT), each file name written during a simulation has a
distinct name, but all still share the common prefix. AFILOUT is only
relevant if IOUTPUT = 1, indicating that files are to be created.
ICLOBBER Flag indicating what the model should do if various files already exist from a
integer prior run, and the model is about to write new files of the same name in the
same directory. If ICLOBBER = 0, the model will stop and not overwrite the
older files. If ICLOBBER = 1, the model will continue and will write new
files, overwriting the old ones.
FRQSTATE Time interval in seconds at which successive state files are to be output
real from the model. The model variable TIME begins at zero at the start of a
new simulation (and at the TIME value contained in HFILIN for a history
start) and counts up to the value of TIMMAX for each run. (see RUNTYPE,
TIMSTR, and TIMMAX). When TIME reaches a multiple of FRQSTATE, a
model state file is written. In addition, a state file is written out when a
model run terminates, even if TIMMAX is not set to an exact integer multiple
of FRQSTATE. A state file is also written out when a model run begins,
even if the TIME variable is not a multiple of FRQSTATE.
FRQSTATE can have a different value for each nested grid. There are
times when you may want less frequent output for the coarse grids as
compared to the nested grids. So for example, you can specify:
FRQSTATE =7200., 3600.,1800., for a three grid simulation.
If you do not specify a value for each grid, FRQSTATE will default to the
previous grids value (not the parent grid, but the previously specified nest).
So if you specify:
FRQSTATE =7200., for a three grid simulation, all three grids will use the
7200. second frequency.
Although not required, it is recommended to have the higher frequency grids
output be an exact multiple of the coarser grids, which should be an integer
multiple of the timestep length.
If IDELTAT is not zero, in which case the model will choose the timestep,
the model will take the value of FRQSTATE into account to make sure that
analysis files are written at regular intervals.

FRQSTATE_KEEP Frequency at which the state files are kept. The state files are written at the
frequency of FRQSTATE, but any files not written at the frequency of
real FRQSTATE_KEEP will be deleted after the subsequent file write. This
option would be used if more frequent checkpointing of model files are
For example, you may have FRQSTATE=900., and
FRQSTATE_KEEP=3600. RAMS will write the state files every 900
seconds. So a set of state files will be created at time=0. and time=900.
seconds. At time=1800 seconds, a new set of files will be created, then the
files that were written at time=900 seconds will be deleted.
It is intended that FRQSTATE_KEEP be an integer multiple of FRQSTATE,
as it makes no sense to have it smaller that FRQSTATE. If
FRQSTATE_KEEP=0., no files will be deleted.
FRQLITE Similar to FRQSTATE, but specifies the time interval between successive
real writes of lite analysis files. The lite files are intended for writing variables at
much more frequent intervals than analysis files, for use in post-processing
applications such as graphical display, but with much less information. For
example, a user may need surface variables to be output frequently, but not
three-dimensional upper air fields. Only the required fields would be
specified for output in the lite files. Alternatively, subsets of fields, rather
than the entire fields, may be output through use of namelist variables
XLITE, YLITE, and ZLITE (see below), although this option is not yet
available in RAMS version 6.0.
XLITE Specifies beginning and end of range of i-index values of a subset of any
character output field to be written to lite analysis files. See FRQLITE above.
Special syntax of the form /0:0/ is used where the two integer values, when
positive, indicate the actual starting and ending i-index values of the range
of values to be output, and when negative, specify the number of grid points
in from the left and right grid boundaries of the range limits. This option is
not yet implemented in RAMS so only the entire field may be written to lite
YLITE Similar to XLITE but specifies the range of j-index values in the y-coordinate
character direction (usually approximately north-south). Not yet implemented so only
the entire field may be written to lite files.
ZLITE Similar to XLITE but specifies the range of k-index values in the vertical
character coordinate direction. Not yet implemented so only the entire field may be
written to lite files.
NLITE_VARS Number of variables to write to the lite analysis file. The actual variable
names are specified in the variable LITE_VARS.
LITE_VARS Variable names of the fields that will be written to the lite analysis files.
The variable names correspond to the RAMS internal character ID strings,
char array which now can be found in the modules/mem_*.f90 files. For example, the
u-component is UP, potential temperature is THETA, etc. Any variable
that is in memory may be included, but care must be taken in parallel runs
to ensure that the field has been passed back to the master process.
AVGTIM Averaging time period for special time-averaged arrays that may be output
real to analysis file. Positive values for AVGTIM cause the file write time to be
centered in time within this averaging period, while negative values cause
the file write time to occur at the end of the averaging period.
FRQMEAN Similar to FRQSTATE, but applies to the output frequency of mean
real analysis files, which are one of the 4 standard types of analysis files that
RAMS can write (see FRQSTATE).
FRQBOTH Similar to FRQSTATE, but applies to the output frequency of both analysis
real files, which are one of the 4 standard types of analysis files that RAMS can
write (see FRQSTATE).
KWRITE Flag specifying whether to write horizontal and vertical turbulent mixing
integer coefficients for scalars to analysis files (0 = no, 1 = yes). If they are to be
written, two additional arrays are allocated, the mixing coefficients are
copied to these arrays when they are computed in the model, and the
values are saved in these arrays for when the analysis files are written. The
mixing coefficient values are sometimes needed for plotting, and they are
needed for the HYPACT model, which runs from RAMS output.
FRQPRT Time interval in seconds at which various field values are to be output from
real the model to the standard output file generated by a model run. The actual
fields or portions thereof to be output are specified via several variables in
the $MODEL_PRINT namelist. The relation between FRQPRT and the
model simulation time is the same as for FRQHIS.
INITFLD Flag specifying whether the field values indicated in the $MODEL_PRINT
integer namelist for output to the standard output file are to be output at the initial
time of the model run. A value of 0 will cause the values to not be output at
the initial time, while a value of 1 will cause them to be output at the initial
SFCFILES Filename prefix (including path information) for the surface files used in a
character model simulation. These files contain topography, soil textural class,
vegetation type, and subgrid distribution of soil textural class, vegetation
type, and water surface areas defined on each model grid.
Surface files are always used in a model run. They are commonly made in
a separate model run that does not proceed with prognosing atmospheric
fields by setting RUNTYPE to MAKELAND or MAKESFC. However, if
RUNTYPE is instead set to MAKEVFILE or INITIAL, and if surface files do
not exist or are found to be inconsistent with model grid size, location, etc.,
new ones will be generated. If they already exist from a prior run, surface
data is read from them. A separate surface file is generated for each grid,
and the grid number is appended to each filename in the format of
SFCFILES.g01, SFCFILES.g02, etc.
SSTFPFX Filename prefix (including path information) for SST files used in a model
character simulation. These files contain sea surface temperature data defined on
each model grid, and usually for multiple times. This data type is available
on standard RAMS data files defined globally on a latitude-longitude grid
with climatological values for each month of the year. Data in surface files
may be interpolated from these standard files, from other data sources, or
may be defined by other means. These choices are controlled by ISSTFLG.
SST files are always used in a model run. They are commonly made in a
separate model run that does not proceed with prognosing atmospheric
fields by setting RUNTYPE to MAKESST or MAKESFC. If RUNTYPE is
instead set to MAKEVFILE or INITIAL, and if SST files do not exist or are
found to be inconsistent with model grid size, location, etc., new ones will be
generated. If they already exist from a prior run, surface data is read from
them. A separate SST file is generated for each grid and for each time
available in the files from which the data are interpolated.
ITOPTFLG Grid-dependent flag specifying how terrain height data is to be obtained or
integer array computed for each model grid.
ITOPTFLG = 0 - (allowed for a nested grid only), topography for that grid will
be interpolated from its parent grid. This will result in relatively smooth
topography on the nested grid, but is required if the nested grid is required
to move in time (see GRIDU and GRIDV).
ITOPTFLG = 1 - topography will be interpolated to the grid from a standard
RAMS topography dataset, currently available at 30 arc-second intervals of
latitude and longitude for all land areas of the globe. A prefix for all
filenames in this dataset is specified in ITOPTFN. This is by far the most
common way to initialize topography in RAMS unless the experiment
requires idealized or flat topography.
ITOPTFLG = 2 - the model will call subroutine TOPTINIT in the model file
mksfc_top.f90 to assign the terrain height, which by default sets it to zero.
To override any of these choices, subroutine TOPTINIT_USER in the file
mksfc_top.f90, which is always called but contains only commented out
executable lines in its standard form, may be modified. The ruser.f90 file is
specifically intended for user modification when such a need arises.
Subroutine TOPTINIT_USER is normally constructed with an IF block
checking for the grid number (NGRID). The terrain height values must be
assigned for the appropriate grid number. It must be pointed out that if
nested grids are used, it is required that the terrain heights be compatible
between different grids. The compatibility requirement is two-sided: Fine
grid values corresponding to a single coarse grid cell must locally average
to the coarse grid terrain height value in that cell, and the fine grid values
near the lateral boundary of the fine grid must be those which would result
from a bi-quadratic interpolation from coarse grid values, according to the
standard nesting procedure. The model is designed to make the terrain
heights compatible automatically, and will alter the values assigned to a grid
in subroutine TOPTINIT or TOPTINIT_USER if they are not already
compatible between grids. A special word of caution is in order here. If a
fine grid that is to contain fine resolution terrain height data is to be spawned
on a history start at a time after the initialization time of a simulation, the
terrain height data on the coarser grids must already have been compatible
with it in the preceding portion of the simulation. This may be done either by
simply initializing the topography of the spawned grid from its parent, or by
generating surface files for all grids, including the one to be spawned,
before the simulation started. The latter choice provides for the better-
resolved topography on the spawned grid, but will also result in very fine (at
the 2-delta-x scale) features on its parent grid. This may cause some model
noise problems during that earlier part of the simulation on the portion of the
coarser grids where the fine grid will be later inserted, but this is normally at
acceptable levels (see TOPTWVL).
ISSTFLG Grid-dependent flag specifying how the sea surface temperature variable is
integer array to be acquired or computed for a grid. Values of 0, 1, or 2 are applicable for
this flag, and have the same meaning as for ITOPTFLG and IPCTLFLG
described above. In contrast to the terrain height data controlled by
ITOPTFLG, however, the strict compatibility between coarse and fine grid
values of sea surface temperature is not required, although it would be
rather senseless for coarse and fine grid values to be grossly different. Sea
surface temperature is a variable defined for each surface grid cell in the
model, and indicates the temperature of any surface water in that cell. For
ISSTFLG set to 2, the model calls subroutine SSTINIT in model file rsurf.f90
that by default sets the sea surface temperature to the value of namelist
variable SEATMP. If for a fine grid ISSTFLG is set to 0, the sea surface
temperature values for that grid will by default be interpolated from its parent
grid. For ISSTFLG set to 1, values for sea surface temperature are
interpolated from standard RAMS SST data files. This latter option is used
in conjunction with namelist variables ISSTFN.
To override any of the above options, subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file
ruser.f90 is called, and there a user may customize the sea surface
temperature field as described above for modifying TOPT in subroutine
IVEGTFLG Grid-dependent flag specifying how the vegetation type variable is to be
integer array acquired or defined for a grid. Values of 0, 1, or 2 are applicable for this
IVEGTFLG = 0 - (permitted only for a nested grid), values of vegetation type
are directly assigned from the local grid cell of the parent grid. This applies
to each individual subgrid patch as well (see description of LEAF2 in
Section 1c).
IVEGTFLG = 1 - vegetation class data are obtained from a RAMS-specific
database which is defined globally at 30-arc-second intervals of latitude and
longitude, and whose filename prefix is specified in namelist variable
IVEGTFN. When this option is used, and when IVEGPAT is greater than 1,
multiple subgrid land patches are filled from the RAMS database according
to their relative prevalence in the grid cell.
IVEGTFLG = 2 - vegetation class values are defined in subroutine SFCINIT
in the rsurf.f90 file. In this latter case, the value specified in namelist
variable NVGCON is used by default for the entire domain.
To override any of the above options, subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file
ruser.f90 is called, and there a user may customize the vegetation type field
as described above for modifying TOPT in subroutine TOPTINIT_USER.
ISOILFLG Flag specifying how soil textural class is to be initialized in RAMS.
integer array ISOILFLG = 0 - (only allowed for nested grids), soil class is specified from
the local value on its parent grid.
ISOILFLG = 1 - soil textural class is read from standard RAMS data files.
ISOILFLG = 2 - soil textural class for the grid is filled horizontally
homogeneously to the value specified by NSLCON.
As for vegetation class values described for IVEGTFLG, soil textural class
values may be customized in subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file
NDVIFLG Flag specifying how NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is to be
initialized in RAMS.
integer array
NDVIFLG = 0 - (only allowed for nested grids), NDVI is specified from the
local value on its parent grid.
NDVIFLG = 1 - NDVI textural class is read from standard RAMS data files.
NDVIFLG = 2 - NDVI for the grid is filled horizontally homogeneously to the
value specified in leaf3_init.f90.
As for vegetation class values described for IVEGTFLG, NDVI values may
be customized in subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file ruser.f90.
NOFILFLG Grid-dependent flag similar to ITOPTFLG, ISSTFLG, IVEGTFLG, and
integer array ISOILFKG, but applies to variables in LEAF2 (the soil, snowcover,
vegetation, and canopy air submodel of RAMS) that are not available on
standard RAMS data files. These variables are: soil temperature, soil
moisture content, snowcover (or temporary surface water) amount,
snowcover temperature, snowcover depth, vegetation temperature,
vegetation surface water, canopy air temperature, and canopy air vapor
mixing ratio.
NOFILFLG = 0 - (allowable only for nested grids) causes initial values of
these quantities to be copied from local values on the parent grid, while
NOFILFLG = 2 - causes the values to be initialized in a default manner. For
default initialization of soil moisture and temperature, see SLMSTR and
STGOFF. Default initial values of vegetation and canopy air temperatures,
and canopy air vapor mixing ratio, are the values for the lowest model
atmospheric layer. Snowcover and vegetation surface moisture are
initialized to zero by default, although snowcover (ground surface water) is
set to a positive value in swamps, bogs, and marshes where such land
surface types are read from the standard RAMS files (see IVEGTFLG).
Note that any of these initial values may be overridden by modifying
subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file ruser.f90. This subroutine is often
used, for example, to insert soil moisture and snowcover observational data.
IUPDNDVI Flag for specifying whether observed NDVI values are to be held constant in
time during a model run (IUPDNDVI = 0) or are to be continually linearly
integer interpolated in time between the observing times immediately before and
after the current model runtime (IUPDNDVI = 1).
IUPDSST Flag for specifying whether observed sea surface temperatures are to be
integer held constant in time during a model run (IUPDSST = 0) or are to be
continually linearly interpolated in time between the observing times
immediately before and after the current model runtime (IUPDSST = 1).
ITOPTFN Grid-dependent character variable specifying the name of the terrain height
character array data header file, with path names if applicable, to be read in conjunction
with namelist variable ITOPTFLG set to 1. These data files are named
according to a convention that identifies the latitude and longitude of their
southwest corners. The standard files prepared for RAMS each comprise
an area of 5 degrees of longitude by 5 degrees of latitude with values
defined at 30-arc-second intervals of latitude and longitude, and cover all
land areas of the earth.
These files have names such as EL35N115W, indicating a southwest corner
at 35 degrees north latitude and 115 degrees west longitude, with the
characters 'EL serving as a filename prefix for all files in the dataset. The
value specified for ITOPTFN would be 'EL' in this case, as the model
supplies the remainder of the file name according to the file(s) it needs to
read. These terrain height files are written in HDF5 format. In addition, the
older V-format files are still supported.
Sometimes in model applications, fine grids are located within the bounds of
a special limited-area terrain height dataset, such as the one described
above, and can obtain their terrain height information from that dataset,
while coarser grids extend outside the high resolution dataset, and utilize a
coarser-resolution dataset of global coverage, not needing the high
resolution data. This is why ITOPTFN is made grid-dependent.
ISSTFN Grid-dependent character variable indicating the filename prefix (with path
character array names if applicable) of the header file for the sea surface temperature data
for initializing each grid. It is similar to namelist variable ITOPTFN.
IVEGTFN Grid-dependent character variable indicating the name (with path names if
character array applicable) of the header file for the vegetation type data for initializing each
grid. It is similar to namelist variable ITOPTFN.
ISOILFN Grid-dependent character variable indicating the name (with path names if
character array applicable) of the header file for the soil textural class data for initializing
each grid. It is similar to namelist variable ITOPTFN..
NDVIFN Grid-dependent character variable indicating the name (with path names if
character array applicable) of the header file for the NDVI data for initializing each grid. It is
similar to namelist variable ITOPTFN.
ITOPSFLG Flag that controls the type of processing of topographic data from input files
real array that are specified in ITOPTFN to final values defined on a RAMS grid. This
is a 3-step process that involves topography information being defined
successively on 4 different grids, which we call the O, P, Q, and R grids.
First, a horizontal interpolation is carried out in order to transfer data from
the observed or O grid of the input file, to a polar stereographic grid of
comparable resolution, which is our P grid. The P grid uses the same
projection as the RAMS grid (the R grid) where the data will reside in its final
state, but is usually of much higher resolution.
Second, data is averaged from this P grid to a lower-resolution Q grid, which
is also polar stereographic and has a horizontal grid spacing that is an
integer multiple of that on the P grid. This step automatically filters out small
scale variations which are not desired on the model grid (see TOPENH). In
this second averaging step, a choice of averaging algorithms exists and
ITOPSFLG is the flag that selects the choice to be used.
ITOPSFLG = 0 - a conventional mean is used where terrain heights for all P
grid cells in a single Q grid cell are summed and divided by that number of P
values, to obtain the value for that Q cell.
ITOPSFLG = 1 - both the conventional mean and a silhouette average are
computed, and the value assigned to the Q grid cell is a weighted average
of these, with the weights controlled by TOPENH. The silhouette average
finds the mean height of the silhouette, as viewed from the east or west, of
the set of P grid terrain heights contained within a single Q grid cell, and a
separate silhouette height as viewed from the north or south and averages
the two silhouette heights together. This becomes the computed silhouette
height for that coarse-grid cell. While the conventional average preserves
total terrain volume above sea level, the silhouette average adds mass by
filling in valleys. It is used to maintain the effective mean barrier height that
air must rise to when crossing a topographic barrier such as a ridge. The
conventional average lowers this barrier height, particularly when the barrier
height is poorly resolved.
ITOPSFLG = 2 - an envelope topography scheme is used to obtain Q grid
values from P grid values. This scheme is an alternative method of
attempting to preserve barrier heights.
ITOPSFLG = 3 - a reflected envelope topography scheme is used which
aims to preserve both barrier heights and valley depths. Naturally, this
method leads to the steepest topography in RAMS, while still filtering the
shortest wavelengths. In the third and final step, topography is interpolated
from the Q grid to the R grid, and the R grid is usually of moderately higher
resolution than the Q grid (see TOPTWVL).
TOPENH Grid-dependent variable specifying the weight given to the silhouette
real array average of terrain height in topographic initialization when ITOPSFLG = 1
(see above), or an envelope orography enhancement factor when
ITOPSFLG = 2 or 3. (Also see TOPTWVL.)
TOPTWVL Grid-dependent variable specifying the wavelength, in grid-cell size units, of
real array the smallest horizontal modes of terrain height data which are to be present
on a given model grid. It is applicable only for namelist variable ITOPTFLG
set to 1. Referring to the description of namelist variable ITOPSFLG above,
the value of TOPTWVL controls the ratio of resolution between the Q and R
The shortest mode which any grid can resolve is that with a wavelength of
twice the grid cell size. In general, the Q grid will contain all wavelengths of
topographic data from its own 2 deltax scale and larger. Hence, if the
RAMS R grid, to which data is interpolated from the Q grid, has, for
example, half the cell size of the model grid, the smallest mode that it will
receive from the Q grid will be 4 deltax on the R grid. This smallest mode,
in deltax units of the R grid, is the number specified for TOPTWVL. In other
words, while the R grid spacing is set by the user (see DELTAX), the Q grid
spacing will be TOPTWVL / 2 times the R grid spacing.
This is how smoothing of topographic data is achieved in RAMS while
allowing the variety of enhancing schemes described for ITOPSFLG.
Because the numerical model does not properly handle the smallest modes
resolvable on a grid, it is generally important not to force these modes into
the meteorological fields through overly fine terrain height modes.
IZ0FLG A flag that controls how surface roughness length is computed for
integer array computing surface vertical fluxes of momentum, sensible heat, and latent
IZ0FLG = 0 - the standard roughness height evaluation of soil, snowcover,
and/or vegetation surfaces is computed in the LEAF submodel of RAMS.
IZ0FLG = 1 - roughness height is computed from the roughness of subgrid
scale topography, and may reach several meters. An upper limit to
roughness height may be imposed by the user (see Z0MAX).
The influence of rough topography on vertical turbulent transport is most
properly applied through several (lower) model layers, as well as the surface
itself, but in the current implementation, its effect is concentrated solely on
the surface fluxes. This tends to overestimate fluxes from the soil and
vegetation to the lowest atmospheric level, and this option in RAMS should
be used with caution (also see Z0FACT).
Z0MAX Upper bound (in meters) imposed on surface roughness height that is
real array evaluated from subgrid topography (see IZ0FLG and Z0MAX).

Z0FACT Roughness factor used in computing surface roughness height from subgrid
real array topography (see IZ0FLG and Z0MAX).
MKCOLTAB Flag indicating whether or not a collection table is to be created in the
integer present run. The collection table is required in the bulk microphysics
package, and contains terms derived from the stochastic collection
equation. These terms are computationally intensive to evaluate, and are
thus pre-computed and stored in the collection table where they are
efficiently accessed during model runtime. The values in the table depend
on two sets of parameters. One is the set of gamma distribution shape
parameters, defined in namelist variable GNU. The other is a list of
parameters defined in a data statement in subroutine MICINIT in the file
mic_init.f90, which describe the relation between mass and diameter, and
between fall velocity and diameter for the hydrometeor categories. These
latter parameters are not normally altered, unless a user has reason to
change these relationships. The gamma distribution shape parameters
defined in the namelist, however, are intended to be adjusted and
experimented with. Any change in any parameter of either set requires a
different collection table to be created and used. Setting MKCOLTAB to 1
causes the table to be created at the beginning of the present run, and to be
stored in a file of the name given in namelist variable COLTABFN. The
relevant parameters from both the namelist (the GNU variable) and the data
statement in the code) are written in the first lines of the collection table. If
MKCOLTAB is set to 0, the model will not create the table, but will instead
attempt to read the file specified in the variable COLTABFN. This option
avoids the need to generate the collection table each time a run is made.
When the collection table is read in, the list of parameters in its first few
lines will override the parameter settings in the namelist and the data
COLTABFN Is a single-valued character variable giving the name (and path, if any) of
character the collection table, described above.

The $MODEL_OPTIONS namelist is where the majority of choices for specifying model
parameterization options are made.

Variable Description
NADDSC Grid dependent parameter specifying the number of prognostic scalar fields
integer array to be added to the model simulation. Such scalar fields might be desired by
the user for representing quantities such as chemical or aerosol pollutants.
The added scalar fields are automatically advected, diffused, and marched
forward in time, simply by setting NADDSC to a positive value. It is up to the
user to add routines in the code to compute any initialization, source or sink
terms required for the added scalars. The number of scalars that can be
added in this way is unlimited (provided computer memory is large enough),
but the value of the parameter MAXSCLR must be greater than or equal to
ICORFLG Flag specifying whether the Coriolis force is to be activated, and, if the
integer simulation is 2-D, whether the v-component of velocity is to be activated
(0 = no, 1 = yes). In a 2-D simulation where only the u and w velocity
components are in the grid plane, since the v-component would be
uncoupled from u and w without Coriolis force, a value of 0 for ICORFLG
deactivates prognosis or use of the v-component.
It should be noted that in a 2-D simulation, which assumes that prognostic
fields are homogeneous in the y-direction, many factors that control the v-
component of wind are excluded from the equation set, and v can become
unrealistic, especially where significant terrain exists in the model domain.
Thus, 2d simulations should usually exclude consideration of the v-
component altogether and use ICORFLG = 0. If the simulation is
horizontally homogeneous (namelist variable INITIAL, set to 1), no
horizontal pressure gradients are initially available to balance the Coriolis
force, and it is useful to compute the Coriolis force only from the difference
between the current model winds and a reference state wind (normally the
initial model wind interpolated from the sounding). Then, the true horizontal
distribution of pressure would be regarded as the sum of the prognosed
model pressure and a gradient in geostrophic balance with the reference
state wind.
IBND Flag controlling the lateral boundary conditions (in the x-direction) that are
integer applied on only the coarse grid of a simulation.
IBND = 1 - this condition applies only to the normal velocity component (i.e.,
U at the east and west boundaries), and activates the Klemp-Wilhelmson
condition in which the normal velocity component specified at the lateral
boundary is effectively advected from the interior assuming a propagation
speed (intended to be similar to a dominant gravity wave phase speed).
This phase speed is specified in the namelist in the variable CPHAS. This
boundary condition is intended to allow most disturbances to propagate out
of the model domain without strongly reflecting back into the interior.
IBND = 4 - sets up a cyclic boundary condition between the two x-direction
boundaries wherein all prognostic variables in the model, not just the normal
velocity component (u), are assigned at the boundaries from values taken
from the model interior just inside the opposite boundary. This makes the
model periodic in the x-direction, effectively eliminating lateral boundaries
from the solution. The number of grid points in the x-direction comprising
one complete cycle in the periodic field is 3 less than NNXP for the coarse
grid, if the second-order advection scheme is used (see descriptions for
IADVL and IADVF in the ENGPARMS Section).
JBND Similar to IBND, but applies to the y-direction, rather than x-direction
integer boundaries. In a 2-D simulation, JBND is irrelevant.
CPHAS Used in conjunction with IBND and/or JBND set to 1, and specifies the
real characteristic propagation speed of internal gravity waves used in the
Klemp-Wilhelmson lateral boundary condition. A value of 20 m/s is a
common setting for this parameter. Use of larger values, even very much
larger, still allows propagation of gravity waves out of the domain reasonably
well, whereas much smaller values tend to lead to stronger reflection of the
waves back into the domain interior. A very large value of CPHAS is
equivalent to the zero-gradient boundary condition.
LSFLG Complements IBND and JBND as a lateral boundary condition flag, applying
integer to all variables other than the normal velocity component.
It deals with all these remaining variables in the same way. LSFLG applies
only for IBND = 1 and for JBND = 1.
LSFLG = 0 - sets the lateral boundary value of each variable to the value in
the field immediately adjacent to the boundary in the interior. This is a zero-
gradient condition. This option is the most commonly used for horizontally-
homogeneous simulations (the INITIAL variable, set to 1), and is
recommended as a first-try option. Occasionally at inflow boundaries, this
zero-gradient option has been found to cause a runaway trend to a field
variable, and must then be replaced by another option.
LSFLG = 1 - is very similar to the 0 value, using a zero-gradient condition at
inflow boundaries, but setting values at outflow boundaries such that the
second spatial derivative in the direction normal to the boundary is zero.
This is simply an extrapolation from two interior points. This condition is
superior for some cases to the simpler zero-gradient option at the outflow
boundary, but usually makes no significant difference.
LSFLG = 2 - identical with the value of 1 for the outflow boundary condition,
but holds variables constant in time at inflow boundaries. This is a possible
remedy to the runaway problem sometimes encountered at inflow
boundaries, as described above, but is not without its own shortcomings. In
cases where flow reverses in time at a lateral boundary, alternating between
inflow and outflow, option 2 for LSFLG will cause the boundary condition to
alternate between constant in time and time-variant. This may generate an
undesirable model response in some cases. Another problem with holding
the variables constant in time at an inflow boundary is that those constant
values are continuously advected into the model interior, and may become
incompatible with the evolving situation in the domain. For example, if a
boundary layer is growing in the model in response to solar heating, the
constant-in-time inflow condition will cause the initial cooler values of
temperature to flow into the model from the boundary, artificially cooling the
boundary layer. A good solution for this situation is to directly specify an
appropriate temporal evolution of the boundary value, still using the
LSFLG = 2 option. This is not presently a standard feature in the code, but
can easily be implemented by the user in subroutine LATSET, located in the
file rbnd.f90.
LSFLG = 3 - leaves values at all boundaries, inflow and outflow, unchanged
in time. This option should be used only for variable initialization simulations
(INITIAL = 2), and has sometimes, but not always, been found to give better
results than LSFLG = 0 for INITIAL = 2.
NFPT Number of grid levels on the coarse grid, starting from the top of the model
integer domain, in which the Rayleigh friction absorbing layer will be activated (also
see DISTIM). A value of 0 leaves Rayleigh friction inactive. Rayleigh friction
must be applied only in stable air, and thus requires the model domain to
extend sufficiently high, most commonly in the stratosphere. The bottom
layer of the Rayleigh friction zone should be above the top of whatever
meteorological system is important to the simulation, so as not to directly
interfere with its behavior. This normally requires adding more model levels
in the vertical than would otherwise be used in a simulation not employing
Rayleigh friction. Rayleigh friction is a relaxation of all three velocity
components and potential temperature toward the undisturbed, horizontally
homogeneous reference state values. Its purpose is to damp gravity wave
and other disturbances which approach the top model boundary, so that they
will not be reflected back downward. Because prognostic fields which are
not initialized horizontally homogeneously cannot sensibly be forced toward
a horizontally-homogeneous state, Rayleigh friction must not be used with
namelist variable INITIAL set to 2. However, top boundary nudging (which
damps gravity waves) for horizontally-inhomogeneous initialization may be
activated elsewhere (see TNUDTOP and ZNUDTOP.)
DISTIM Used in conjunction with namelist variable NFPT in activating Rayleigh
real friction in the upper region of the model. DISTIM specifies a dissipation time
scale in seconds, representing the e-folding decay time of a disturbance
being damped by the Rayleigh friction layer in the absence of any other
source or sink terms. This decay rate strictly applies at the top boundary of
the model only, and the strength of the damping decreases linearly with
height, reaching zero at the lowest of the NFPT levels in which the damping
is activated. DISTIM should be related to the rate at which the model is
generating upward propagating gravity waves, and normally ranges from 60
to 200 seconds. DISTIM must be at least twice the value of DTLONG for
numerical stability. The model solution proves to be rather insensitive to
DISTIM, provided it is in or near this range.
ISWRTYP Flag specifying options for evaluating shortwave radiative transfer in the
integer model (0 = no radiation, 1 = Chen and Cotton parameterization, 2 = Mahrer
and Pielke parameterization, 3 = two-stream parameterization developed by
The Mahrer and Pielke scheme is the simplest and by far the least
expensive computationally. The main reason for this is that it ignores liquid
and ice in the atmosphere, although it does account for water vapor. This
scheme should not be used, for example, if attenuation of solar radiation by
clouds is important to the simulation.
The Chen and Cotton scheme does account for condensate in the
atmosphere, but not whether it is cloud water, rain, or ice. This is a major
The Harrington parameterization accounts for each form of condensate
(cloud water, rain, pristine ice, snow, aggregates, graupel, and hail) as well
as water vapor, and even utilizes information on ice crystal habit. In
addition, the scheme adds upper atmospheric levels for radiation
computation for cases where the model domain does not extend up to at
least 25 km (roughly the height of the ionosphere). This is the most
sophisticated parameterization and is recommended over the Chen and
Cotton scheme. It is, however, still the most computationally expensive
scheme, although work is planned to improve its performance. (See also
ILWRTYP Similar to ISWRTYP, but applies to longwave, rather than shortwave,
integer radiation. The same values for ILWRTYP apply with the same meaning as
RADFRQ Specifies how often during a model run the radiative parameterization is to
real be exercised to compute updated values for the radiative contribution to
tendencies of both atmospheric and land surface temperatures. The
tendencies themselves are applied every timestep of the model integration,
but the tendencies are updated only at time intervals specified by RADFRQ.
Because computing the radiative contribution to temperature tendencies is a
relatively computationally expensive process, it is suggested that this
computation be done only at intervals of 600 to 1200 seconds (by specifying
such values for RADFRQ). In most situations, this is often enough to
account for changes in radiative transfer.
LONRAD Flag specifying whether the longitudinal variation of solar hour angle is to be
integer accounted for in the computation of shortwave solar radiation, or whether
these angles are to be assumed constant over the model domain. A value
of 0 for LONRAD assumes the hour angle is longitudinally constant, and a
value of 1 accounts for its longitudinal variation. The latter choice is the one
normally made in a simulation of a real event, while the former choice is
used when a certain level of idealism is required in a simulation, such as
horizontal homogeneity of external forcing.
NNQPARM Grid-dependent flag used to select the convective parameterization is to be
integer array activated or not.
NNQPARM = 0 no convective parameterization for the grid.
NNQPARM = 1 the Kuo-type parameterization will be run for the grid.
NNQPARM = 2 the Kain-Fritsch parameterization will be run for the grid
(requires LEVEL=3).

Convective parameterization is used to vertically redistribute heat and

moisture (as if by convection) in a grid column when the model generates a
region which is superadiabatic or convectively unstable and when the
horizontal grid resolution is too coarse for the model to develop its own
convective circulation. Ideally, resolving a convective circulation would
require at least a few grid cells to horizontally span an updraft, which for
deep convection would normally require the horizontal cell size to be less
than 1 or 2 kilometers. Coarser resolution than this would make realization
of sufficiently strong vertical motion difficult or impossible to adequately bring
about the required vertical exchange of heat and moisture so as to convert
the convective available potential energy into other forms. Thus, it is on
coarser grids where a parameterized convective adjustment becomes
necessary. Unfortunately, the convective parameterization schemes
currently available assume the grid size in the horizontal to be around 20
kilometers or greater. This means that convective parameterization may be
activated on any grid of this resolution, but that at resolutions between about
2 and 20 kilometers, no adequate convective adjustment scheme exists.
CONFRQ Time interval in seconds during a simulation at which contributions to
real atmospheric tendencies in temperature and moisture by convective
parameterization are to be computed. These tendencies are applied to the
temperature and moisture fields every timestep of the model integration, but
are updated only at the time interval specified for CONFRQ.
There are two reasons why those contributions should be updated less
frequently than every timestep. One is that a computational expense is
involved in exercising the convective parameterization, and frequent
exercise thus slows down the model. The change in the tendencies would
not be large from one timestep to the next anyway. A second reason has an
important physical basis. For example, consider a case of a squall line
moving through a grid volume. As the squall line enters the grid volume, it
will begin to stabilize the air that it has moved through. However, the air in
front of the squall line is still convectively unstable and will contribute to the
maintenance of the squall line. The mean atmosphere i.e., that represented
on a coarse grid volume, soon may be stabilized by the convection. If the
convective tendencies were to be re-evaluated in the model each 5 minutes
or so, the result for the above example would be that the original convection
might be shut down in its early stages. A more accurate representation of
the squall line, however, would be to let it run through the entire grid volume.
This is achieved by setting CONFRQ to a time scale comparable to the
length of that life cycle, such as 1200 to 1800 seconds. CONFRQ is
relevant only if the parameter NNQPARM is set to 1 for a particular grid.
WCLDBS Use in conjunction with NNQPARM and CONFRQ, and specifies the
real threshold value of vertical velocity in m/s in the model at the diagnosed level
of cloud base required to initiate convection. The more positive this
parameter, the more difficult is the initiation of convection. Values for this
parameter should normally range from about -0.1 to 0.2. This parameter is
only relevant for the Kuo scheme.
NPATCH Number of subgrid patches used in LEAF, which is the RAMS submodel for
integer energy and moisture in soil, snowcover, vegetation, canopy air, and for
surface fluxes from these and from water surface areas. NPATCH must be
at least 2, to allow for water surface areas and at least one land surface area
in each grid cell. Larger values of NPATCH will allow more land surface
areas, each with a different vegetation type, soil textural class, and/or
wetness index. A value of 2 is often used where the extra detail is not
required, while larger values are used for greater accuracy where multiple
landuse types may coexist in the same grid cell or where it is desired to
model temperature and moisture content of individual, varied ecosystems
within the same grid cell.
NVEGPAT Used for any grid whose landuse type is initialized from a standard RAMS
integer file, i.e., for which IVEGTFLG = 1. For any surface grid cell, especially one
covering a relatively large geographic area, many landuse vegetation types
will often occur in that area and will be read in from the file. RAMS
determines the fractional area of the surface grid cell that is covered by
water (oceans, lakes, rivers) and divides the land portion of the grid cell
among the N most frequently occurring landuse types read from the file for
the cell area, where N is the value specified for NVEGPAT. NVEGPAT
should thus usually be set to NPATCH-1 in order to allow for the 1 water
patch and fill all land patches for the data file. For special applications, one
may wish to set NVEGPAT to a value less than NPATCH-1 to reserve
additional land patches for special use. Then, the model will still fill the
water patch and the NVEGPAT land patches such that they collectively
comprise the entire grid cell area. The user must then reduce the fractional
areas of 1 or more of the patches to allow the desired fractional area of the
special patch(es) whose number is NPATCH-NVEGPAT-1. NVEGPAT may
not be larger than NPATCH-1.
ISFCL Flag specifying which of 2 possible options for obtaining surface fluxes of
integer heat and moisture to or from the atmosphere will be used in a simulation.
ISFCL = 0 - the user specifies values for namelist variables DTHCON and
DRTCON representing the result of subtracting a fictitious ground
temperature and moisture mixing ratio, respectively, from the surface
atmospheric values of the two variables. These differences are then
converted to vertical fluxes of heat and moisture to or from the lowest
atmospheric level. This is the simpler of the 2 choices, and ignores the
soil/vegetation parameterization available in the model.
ISFCL = 1 - activates the LEAF submodel. LEAF prognoses soil,
vegetation, snowcover, and canopy air temperature and moisture based on
vertical diffusion and exchange with the atmosphere of both quantities.
NVGCON Flag specifying the landuse class to be used in the LEAF submodel of
integer RAMS, for the case where a simple horizontally homogeneous initialization
of landuse type is used (see IVEGTFLG). The landuse class is mostly
characterized by its vegetation type, but landuse class also defines whether
the surface is water, ice cap, wetland, or unvegetated land. By default, the
value of this flag is used to fill all surface grid cells. For horizontally
inhomogeneous initialization of landuse type, data are normally input from a
standard dataset (see IVEGTFLG). For direct customizing of
inhomogeneous landuse type, the default homogeneous value specified
here may be overridden in the file ruser.f90. Values for NVGCON ranging
from 0 to 21 have the following definitions in the standard RAMS code, but
new classes are easily added where information is available:
0 Ocean
1 Lakes, rivers, streams
2 Ice cap/glacier
3 Desert, bare soil
4 Evergreen needleleaf tree
5 Deciduous needleleaf tree
6 Deciduous broadleaf tree
7 Evergreen broadleaf tree
8 Short grass
9 Tall grass
10 Semi-desert
11 Tundra
12 Evergreen shrub
13 Deciduous shrub
14 Mixed woodland
15 Crop/mixed farming, C3 grassland
16 Irrigated crop
17 Bog or marsh
18 Wooded grassland
19 Urban and built up
20 Wetland evergreen broadleaf tree
21 Very urban
Each of these landuse classes is assigned a set of land surface parameter
(LSP) values, including leaf area index, vegetation fractional coverage,
vegetation height, albedo, and root depth. The LSP values are defined in a
data statement in subroutine SFCDATA in the file leaf3_init.f90.
PCTLCON Fraction of a surface grid cell, ranging from 0 to 1, that is covered by land
real surface, implying that the remainder is covered by water. PCTLCON is the
default value used when IVEGTFLG is set to 2 (see above). If IVEGTFLG is
0 or 1, PCTLCON is ignored. The distinction between land and water
surfaces in the model influences the values of surface fluxes of momentum,
heat, and moisture that are exchanged between the atmosphere and
surface. Separate calculations of these fluxes are made for each grid cell for
the soil and water surfaces, and the resultant net flux is weighted between
these two according to the relative area covered by each type of surface. By
default, the value assigned to PCTLCON is assigned to each surface grid
cell in the model. If, as is usually the case, the user wishes to define a
horizontally variable distribution of land percent values, subroutine
SFCINIT_USER in the file ruser.f90 needs to be modified, or land
percentage values can be read in from a standard file (see IPCTLFLG).
NSLCON Soil textural class used in the LEAF submodel of RAMS. NSLCON is the
integer default value used when ISOILFLG is set to 2 (see above). If ISOILFLG is
set to 0 or 1, PCTLCON is ignored. The soil type controls important soil
properties that ultimately affect the influence by the soil on the atmosphere.
These properties are the thermal diffusivity, specific heat, moisture capacity
(porosity), and the diffusivity of moisture. The thermal properties are
themselves highly influenced by the moisture content of the soil, but the
particular relation between them is dependent on the soil class. A total of 12
different soil textural classes are parameterized in the model. The following
is a list of each soil class and the value of NSLCON that activates it:
1 Sand
2 Loamy sand
3 Sandy loam
4 Silt loam
5 Loam
6 Sandy clay loam
7 Silty clay loam
8 Slay loam
9 Sandy clay
10 Silty clay
11 Clay
12 Peat
As in the case for PCTLCON, the value assigned to NSLCON in the
namelist is in turn assigned to the soil type for each surface grid cell in the
model. If it is desired to make the soil type horizontally inhomogeneous, the
user may modify subroutine SFCINIT_USER in the file ruser.f90.
ZROUGH Roughness length, a parameter important in representing the effects of
real ground roughness on the surface fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture.
The parameterization of these fluxes is designed according to surface
similarity theory, in which the roughness length is a crucial parameter. A
roughness length of 0.01 meter or less represents a smooth surface, while a
roughness length of 1.0 meter represents a very rough surface such as a
forest of tall trees. As in the case of PCTLCON, the value assigned to
ZROUGH in the namelist is in turn assigned to each grid point in the model.
Should the user wish to make roughness length a location-dependent
parameter, subroutine SFCINIT_USER in file rsurf.f90 must be modified.
ZROUGH only refers to the soil areas of the model surface; the vegetation
roughness lengths vary with type and are set in subroutine SFCDATA.
ALBEDO Albedo or reflectivity of the ground surface to solar radiation. This parameter
real only applies when the LEAF submodel is not activated, i.e., for ISFCL set to
0. In this case, the albedo is not involved in the computation of surface
sensible and latent heat fluxes; it is only used to compute solar radiation
reflected upward from the ground, which is needed in the atmospheric
radiation budget.
SEATMP Temperature in Kelvins of the surface water temperature. SEATMP is the
real default value used only if ISSTFLG is set to 2. If ISSTFLG is 0 or 1,
SEATMP is ignored. Horizontally homogeneous initialization of sea surface
temperatures by SEATMP may be overridden by modifying subroutine
SFCINIT_USER in the file ruser.f90. Surface water temperature is relevant
for any surface grid cell which is not completely covered by land (see
PCTLCON), and strongly influences the fluxes of heat and moisture between
the surface and atmosphere. If ISSTFLG is 2 and SEATMP is therefore
used, the model assumes that the surface water temperature is constant in
time during a simulation.
DTHCON Parameter representing the temperature difference in degrees Kelvin
real obtained by subtracting a fictitious soil temperature from the temperature of
the lowest level of the atmosphere. It is used as a simple means for
imposing a surface source or sink of heat to the atmosphere in the case
where the soil model is not activated, that is for ISFCL set to 0. For
example, setting DTHCON to -10 would impose a flux of heat into the
atmosphere equivalent to that which would occur over a ground surface 10 K
warmer than the air a height around one half DELTAZ above the ground.
DRTCON Similar to DTHCON, being relevant only for ISFCL set to 0, but applies to a
real difference in water vapor mixing ratio, rather than to a temperature
difference. For example, setting DTHCON to -0.002 would cause an upward
flux of moisture to the atmosphere equivalent to that which would occur if the
equilibrium vapor mixing ratio in the soil were 2 grams per kilogram higher
than the ambient vapor mixing ratio at low levels in the atmosphere.
SLZ Depth of the levels in the soil model in meters. There needs to be as many
real array values specified as NZG beginning with the deepest level. The SLZ values
pertain to the bottom of the soil layers. Unlike previous RAMS versions,
SLZ(NZG) should not be set to 0.
SLMSTR Used to initialize the moisture content of the soil. The number of values
real array specified must equal the number of soil levels NZG with the values must be
separated by commas. The first value specified for SLMSTR applies to the
deepest soil level, with the last value representing the topmost layer of soil.
Allowable values for this parameter range from 0.0, representing totally dry
soil, to 1.0 which represents totally saturated soil. A more realistic lower limit
is about .15 since soil cannot lose all of its moisture, even when exposed to
direct sunlight for extended periods, and RAMS will in fact impose a
minimum value on soil moisture to prevent its initialization too dry. The
values represent fraction of total water capacity that the soil can hold. The
equilibrium water vapor mixing ratio of the soil is the quantity with which the
ambient atmospheric water vapor mixing ratio interacts in determining the
flux of moisture between the atmosphere and soil. This soil equilibrium
value is a highly nonlinear function of the soil moisture content (represented
initially by SLMSTR). The equilibrium vapor pressure is essentially constant
for soil moisture below about 0.2 and above about 0.7 [depending on the soil
type (see NSLCON)], and varies sharply in between those values. The
SLMSTR values are by default used to fill all soil grid points horizontally-
homogeneously, but horizontal variations in initial soil moisture may be
specified by the user by altering the code in subroutine SFCINIT_USER in
the file ruser.f90.
STGOFF Used to define a vertical temperature profile in the initial conditions for the
real array soil model, and represents a deviation from the temperature in degrees K in
the lowest atmospheric level in the model. The values must be equal in
number to NZG and must be separated by commas. The first value of
STGOFF applies to the deepest level of soil, while the last value applies to
the topmost soil level. For example, if the first value of STGOFF is set to
5.0, the deepest soil level will initially have a temperature 5 degrees K.
warmer than the initial temperature of the lowest atmospheric level. As for
many other soil variables in the namelist, the values specified in STGOFF
are by default used to horizontally homogeneously initialize all soil model
grid points. A user may impose horizontal variations in the initial soil
temperature by modifying the code in subroutine SFCINIT_USER in model
source code file ruser.f90.
IF_URBAN_ Flag to activate an experimental urban canopy scheme. This scheme
CANOPY currently requires the pre-computation of drag coefficients defined for a
specific urban area.
IDIFFK Grid-dependent flag that controls the type of parameterization to be used for
integer array computing both horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients. Allowable
values for this flag are 1, 2, 3, or 4. A value of 1 or 2 is appropriate to model
grids in which the horizontal grid spacing is large compared to the vertical
spacing such that dominant convective motions are not resolved. Horizontal
diffusion in such cases is normally required to be stronger (for numerical
damping) than justifiable on physical grounds, and the model assumes
complete decoupling of the horizontal and vertical diffusion in all aspects,
including computation of deformation rates, length scales, and stress tensor
IDIFFK = 1 or 2 - the horizontal diffusion coefficients are computed as the
product of horizontal deformation rate (horizontal gradients of horizontal
velocity) and a length scale squared, based on the original Smagorinsky
formulation. The length scale is the product of x-direction grid spacing
DELTAX and namelist parameter CSX.
IDIFFK = 1 - vertical diffusion is parameterized according to the Mellor and
Yamada scheme, which employs a prognostic turbulent kinetic energy
IDIFFK = 2 - vertical diffusion is computed from a 1-dimensional analog of
the Smagorinsky scheme in which vertical deformation is evaluated from
vertical gradients of horizontal wind, and vertical length scale is the local
vertical grid spacing times namelist parameter CSZ. In addition,
modifications of the vertical diffusion coefficient due to static stability or
instability are used, based on formulations of Hill and Lilly. The Lilly
modification is in the form of a multiplying factor, equal to sqrt(1-R kh/km)
where R is the Richardson number and kh/km is the ratio of the scalar to
momentum vertical diffusion coefficients specified by the user in namelist
variable ZKHKM . The multiplying factor is greater than 1 in unstable cases
(i.e., where wind shear and/or unstable lapse rates make the Richardson
number sufficiently low, and is less than 1 in stable cases. The Hill
modification applies only to regions of unstable lapse rates (having negative
squared Brunt-Vaisala frequencies), and consists of adding the absolute
value of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared to the deformation rate, to
obtain a modified inverse time scale for the diffusion coefficient computation.
The Lilly and Hill modifications were originally designed for use without each
other, although we have found that the added vertical diffusion in unstable
air obtained by using both together is usually desirable.
Values of 3, 4, 5, or 6 for IDIFFK are usually appropriate on grids having
comparable horizontal and vertical spacings, and are intended for use in
situations where dominant 3-dimensional motions, such as cumulus or
boundary layer convection, are resolved. In these cases, RAMS computes
diffusion coefficients from the 3-dimensional rate-of-strain tensor, and uses
the same or similar diffusion coefficients for horizontal and vertical diffusion.
IDIFFK = 3 - horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients are computed as
the product of the 3-D rate-of-strain tensor and a length scale squared. The
length scale is the product of the vertical grid spacing and namelist
parameter CSZ. The Hill and Lilly stability-dependent modifications
described above also apply to IDIFFK set to 3.
IDIFFK = 4 - vertical and horizontal diffusion are parameterized according to
the Deardorff scheme, which employs a prognostic subgrid turbulent kinetic
energy. This scheme is intended only for the specific purpose of performing
a large eddy simulation (LES) in which it is assumed that resolved eddy
motions in the model perform most of the eddy transport. The
parameterized diffusion only represents the subgrid turbulent mixing. Thus,
the Deardorff scheme is not appropriate for horizontal grid cell sizes larger
than a couple hundred meters. In both the Deardorff and Mellor and
Yamada schemes, the prognostic kinetic energy is generated by means of
shear and buoyancy processes, and a parameterized pressure-work term,
and is destroyed by potentially all of the above plus a parameterized
dissipation term. The kinetic energy is also advected and diffused. The
result of these processes yields a field of kinetic energy from which the
diffusion coefficients are locally diagnosed.
IDIFFK = 5 E-l isotropic scheme
IDIFFK = 6 E- isotropic scheme
IHORGRAD Flag to control how horizontal gradients are taken throughout the
integer computation of the diffusion terms.
IHORGRAD = 1: Normal sigma-z gradients are taken, which consist of
combining the gradient along the sloping coordinate surface with a vertical
component to approximate a true Cartesian horizontal gradient. This is the
preferred setting, as it is a flux-conservative scheme. However, if the
topography is too steep (see discussion of DELTAZ), the allowable
DELTAZ for a given topography may be limited.
IHORGRAD = 2: Alternate technique to compute the horizontal gradients by
first interpolating the variable vertically to the level at which the gradient is to
be taken. This scheme is non-conserving, so it is more applicable for short
runs. However, it allows a smaller DELTAZ for a given topography.
CSX Grid-dependent parameter serving as a coefficient in computing horizontal
real array diffusion coefficients, in the case where IDIFFK is set to either 1 or 2. It is
used in computing the horizontal diffusive length scale, defined as the
product of CSX and the x-direction grid spacing. Doug Lilly and others have
proposed specific values for CSX based on theory, although the philosophy
on which such a theory is based has been a matter of controversy. Setting
CSX to 0.135 is effectively the value proposed by Lilly to yield diffusion
coefficients of a strength that just provides adequate damping of the smallest
resolvable features on the grid (to prevent an unrealistic accumulation of
energy at that small scale). However, justification for a considerably larger
of CSX of 0.32, has been argued by Paul Mason for more strongly filtering
features represented on the grid, so that the only features with wavelengths
longer than about 4 or 5 times the grid spacing will exist at any significant
amplitude on the grid. This choice is desirable since the the smaller
wavelengths of 2 and 3 times the grid spacing are not properly handled by
numerical finite differencing schemes. The price paid for this stronger
diffusive filter is the requirement of more grid cells for simulating a particular
feature. The user must make a judgment here as to how strong to make
CSX. This is often done on a case-by-case basis based on a subjective
decision as to whether the model prognostic fields are "sufficiently smooth''.
CSZ Similar to CSX, but it applies to the computation of vertical, rather than
real array horizontal, diffusion coefficients, and is relevant only for IDIFFK set to 2 or 3.
XKHKM Grid-dependent parameter in which the user specifies the ratio of strength of
real array horizontal diffusion coefficients between scalars and velocity to be used in a
simulation. It is used to multiply the momentum diffusion coefficient to obtain
the scalar coefficient, and applies to cases where IDIFFK is set to 1 or 2.
Deardorff found that the scalar coefficient had to be around 3 times larger
than the momentum coefficient in strongly convective boundary layers for
adequate mixing of all fields. For stable situations, the ratio may decrease to
1. It has been our usual practice to set XKHKM to 3, a value which applies
throughout the model domain regardless of local stratification. The
Deardorff parameterization for large eddy simulations (activated by setting
IDIFFK to 4) includes an automatic computation of this ratio for each grid cell
in the domain based on the local conditions.
ZKHKM Similar to XKHKM, but applies to the computation of vertical, rather than
real array horizontal, diffusion coefficients. It is applicable only in cases where IDIFFK
is set to 2 or 3.
AKMIN Multi-valued, grid-dependent parameter used to impose a minimum value on
real array the value of the horizontal diffusion coefficients throughout the model
domain. It is only relevant for cases where IDIFFK is set to 1 or 2. The
minimum value is sometimes required when the local fluid deformation rate
happens to be close to zero in a region, resulting in very weak diffusion
there. Setting AKMIN to a value greater than 0 will prevent the horizontal
diffusion coefficients everywhere from falling below the minimum. AKMIN is
scaled such that if set to 1.0, the minimum value placed on the diffusion
coefficients should be about the same as normally obtained from the basic
deformation scheme itself (without buoyancy effects) regardless of grid
spacing. It is suggested that AKMIN be set to a low value, say 0.1, so that
the standard horizontal diffusion parameterization be given a chance to do
its job. If it is found that horizontal diffusion is inadequate (for example, as
seen by considerable grid noise appearing in a contour plot of model fields),
first try increasing CSX up to as much as .32, and if more diffusion is still
required, then increase AKMIN to as much as 1 or 2, as required.
LEVEL Flag that specifies the level of moisture complexity to be activated in the
integer model. This flag is the primary means by which the user tells the model
whether to consider the effects of moisture in the simulation, and if so, to
what degree.
LEVEL = 0 - causes the model to run dry, completely eliminating any
process which influences or is influenced by any phase of moisture. With
this option, radiation parameterizations (controlled by ISWRTYP and
ILWRTYP) must be turned off.
LEVEL = 1 - activates advection, diffusion, and surface flux of water, where
all water substance in the atmosphere is assumed to occur as vapor even if
supersaturation occurs. The value of 1 also activates the buoyancy effect of
water vapor in the vertical equation of motion, as well as the radiative effects
of water vapor if radiation is activated elsewhere.
LEVEL = 2 - activates condensation of water vapor to cloud water wherever
supersaturation is attained. The partitioning of the total water substance into
vapor and cloud water is purely diagnostic in this case. No other forms of
liquid or ice water are considered. Both the positive buoyancy effect of
water vapor and the liquid water loading of cloud water are included in the
vertical equation of motion. Radiative effects of both water vapor and cloud
water are activated, if the radiation parameterization is itself activated.
LEVEL = 3 - activates the bulk microphysics parameterization, which
includes cloud water, rain, pristine ice, snow, aggregates, graupel, and hail,
or certain subsets of these as specified by ICLOUD, IRAIN, IPRIS, ISNOW,
IAGGR, IGRAUP, and IHAIL. This parameterization includes the
precipitation process.
ICLOUD Is similar to IRAIN, but applies to the cloud water category. In RAMS
integer version 4.3, prediction of cloud droplet number concentration is not
implemented, so ICLOUD must be less than 5. Values of 1 or 4 are
normally very preferable over ICLOUD = 2. In RAMS version 4.4, cloud
droplet number prediction is an option, and is used by setting ICLOUD to
either 5 or 7. ICLOUD = 5 nucleates cloud droplets from a constant
concentration of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) that is specified by the
user in CPARM (see below) in units of number per kilogram of air. This is
roughly equal to number per cubic meter in the lower troposphere but is less
than this at higher levels. When ICLOUD is set to 7, a three-dimensional
prognostic CCN field is activated in RAMS, and cloud droplet number is
computed from nucleation from this field as a function of CCN and
environmental properties. The CCN field is initialized by default from the
concentration specified in CPARM, but evolves in time afterward. There is
currently (in RAMS version 4.4) no scavenging removal or source functions
of CCN, but there are advective and diffusive transport. Further
development of CCN prediction in RAMS is in progress. ICLOUD is relevant
only when LEVEL is set to 3.
IRAIN Flag that controls the model's treatment of rain water, and is relevant only if
integer LEVEL is set to 3. If IRAIN is set to 0, rain is not activated, and any process
involving the interaction of rain with other water species is not performed.
Rain is activated when IRAIN is set to a value from 1 to 5. Activation means
that the mixing ratio of rain is prognosed from conservation equations which
include advective, diffusive, and precipitation tendencies, and source terms
resulting from interactions between rain and other forms of water substance.
The choice of values for IRAIN between 1 and 5 controls the manner in
which the mean rain droplet diameter and number concentration are
determined. With the flag equal to 1, the mean diameter is specified from a
default value in the code, and the number concentration is diagnosed
automatically from this mean diameter and the prognosed mixing ratio.
When the flag is set to 2, the user specifies the mean diameter (in meters) in
the namelist variable RPARM, and the number concentration is diagnosed
as before. When the flag is set to 3, the user specifies the y-intercept value
of the number concentration (this is the number concentration per unit
diameter increment, (i.e., number per m^3 per m), evaluated at zero
diameter, assuming a Marshall-Palmer (exponential) size distribution. The
total number concentration (i.e., the total number of droplets per cubic
meter) and the mean diameter are then both diagnosed from the y-intercept
value and the prognosed mixing ratio. With a value of 4 for the flag, the user
specifies the total number concentration of rain droplets (number per kg of
air) directly in the namelist variable RPARM, and the mean diameter is
automatically diagnosed from this concentration and the prognosed mixing
ratio. When the flag is set to 5, the model activates a prognostic equation for
rain droplet number concentration, and a special array for this quantity is
added. Mean rain droplet diameter is then diagnosed from the prognosed
mixing ratio and number concentration. Note that if any of the flags IRAIN,
ISNOW, IAGGR, IGRAUP, or IHAIL is set to 5, the model will override
settings of 1, 2, 3, or 4 for ALL of the others and make them 5. (Any that are
set to zero will remain zero.) Thus, the model requires that if number
concentration is predicted for any of these, it must be predicted for all of
these species that are active. IPRIS is not in this list; it must ALWAYS be
set to 5 (if pristine ice is activated). Independently of how flags for the other
species are set. The choice of which value of IRAIN to use will depend to a
large extent on how the user wishes to constrain the rain field, i.e., whether
mean diameter, total number concentration, or both should be allowed to
vary. For example, if the user is simulating an observed and documented
precipitation event in which, say, mean droplet diameter was measured, it
would make sense to specify that diameter as a fixed quantity. Independent
selection of microphysical species to be activated versus not activated is
controlled through the setting of IRAIN and the related parameters IPRIS,
ISNOW, IAGGR, IGRAUP, and IHAIL described below. However, not all
possible combinations are intended as valid nor would they function properly
without code modification. Activation of all categories simultaneously is the
normal practice, although activation of the limited sets {cloud}, {cloud, rain},
{cloud, pristine ice}, {pristine ice}, {pristine ice, snow}, {pristine ice,
aggregates}, and {pristine ice, snow, aggregates} are reasonable when only
a limited range of microphysical processes need to be considered.
IPRIS Similar to IRAIN, but controls the activation of pristine ice rather than rain.
integer The descriptions of the various settings given for IRAIN apply here, except
that if pristine ice is activated at all its number concentration must be
predicted as well. Hence, values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not permitted for
IPRIS. Additional values of 6 or 7 are valid for IPRIS and control number
concentration prediction due to heterogeneous nucleation. If IPRIS = 5,
RAMS assumes that ice forming nuclei (IFN) have a constant concentration
in terms of number per kilogram of air (implying a reduction with height in the
number per cubic meter). If IPRIS = 6, a horizontally homogeneous and
constant-in-time vertical profile of IFN is assumed where number per
kilogram of air decreases with height. If IPRIS = 7, a prognostic IFN field is
activated in RAMS, and the current local predicted IFN concentration in each
grid cell is used in determining the number of ice crystals nucleated.
ISNOW Similar to IRAIN, but controls the activation of snow rather than rain. The
integer descriptions of the various settings given for IRAIN apply here.
IAGGR Similar to IRAIN, but controls the activation of aggregates rather than rain.
integer The descriptions of the various settings given for IRAIN apply here.
IGRAUP Similar to IRAIN, but controls the activation of graupel rather than rain. The
integer descriptions of the various settings given for IRAIN apply here.
IHAIL Similar to IRAIN, but controls the activation of hail rather than rain. The
integer descriptions of the various settings given for IRAIN apply here.
CPARM Similar to RPARM below, but applies to cloud water rather than rain. If
real ICLOUD is set to 5 (see above), CPARM represents the concentration of
cloud concentration nuclei (CCN) in number per kilogram of air. If ICLOUD
is set to 7, a prognostic CCN field is activated in RAMS, and CPARM then
represents the initial value (in number per kilogram of air) of the CCN
concentration field.
RPARM Specifies either a fixed mean diameter (in meters), a fixed y-intercept
real number concentration per unit diameter increment (number per m^3 per
meter), or a fixed total number concentration (in number per kg of air) to be
imposed on the rain droplet field, in conjunction with settings 2, 3, and 4,
respectively, for the flag IRAIN described above. If IRAIN is set to 0, 1, or 5,
RPARM is ignored.
PPARM Obsolete since pristine ice number concentration must always be prognosed
real (if pristine ice is active).
SPARM Similar to RPARM, but applies to snow rather than rain.
APARM Similar to RPARM, but applies to aggregates rather than rain.
GPARM Similar to RPARM, but applies to graupel rather than rain.
HPARM Similar to RPARM, but applies to hail rather than rain.
GNU Parameter with 7 values, one for each hydrometeor category. It specifies
real array the shape parameter of the gamma distribution that all categories in the bulk
microphysics submodel are assumed to follow. GNU = 1 indicates the
Marshall-Palmer, or exponential, distribution, in which number concentration
decreases monotonically with diameter throughout the size spectrum.
Larger values of GNU indicate more general gamma distributions, in which
the size distribution peaks at a positive diameter. The larger the value of
GNU, the more narrowly distributed the spectrum is. The intent in using this
variable is to specify a shape based on observation. The shape may in
general depend on the type of precipitating system (deep convective,
wintertime cyclone, etc.), as well as on the hydrometeor category (rain
versus hail, for example). Little observational guidance is available to date
on appropriate values of GNU. A Marshall Palmer distribution has been
used in many models, although it may not be the closest of the gamma
distribution family to real hydrometeor spectra. Sensitivity experiments with
GNU in RAMS have demonstrated that it can sometimes have a significant
effect on model results. The user is encouraged to experiment with the
values of GNU, and to use observational guidance where possible. Ongoing
research is aimed at determining appropriate values of GNU for each
hydrometeor category in different weather situations. Values of 2 are
suggested as middle-of-the-road values to start from, but it is sometimes
argued that cloud spectra are generally narrower and should have gnu equal
to at least 5.

The $MODEL_SOUND namelist consists of a set of variables for specifying a sounding to be
used in initializing a simulation. This method of initialization is performed horizontally
homogeneously, and is performed only when the flag INITIAL is set to 1. The variables in the
$MODEL_SOUND namelist consist mainly of (1) arrays containing the actual values of pressure
or height, velocity, temperature, and moisture, and (2) a set of flags specifying how the array
values are to be interpreted. An alternative form of specifying five of the variables in this
namelist, PS, TS, RTS, US, and VS, all described below, is to enter them into a file called
SOUND_IN in tabular form. This option is selected by setting the first value of PS to 0. In this
case, the model opens and reads the file SOUND_IN, which must reside in the same directory as
the model executable. The code that reads from this file is contained in the file rhhi.f90 in
subroutine ARRSND in the first DO loop. Free format is assumed with one sounding level per
record starting with the lowest sounding level at the top of the file, and the five variables are read
from each record in the order shown above.

Variable Description
IPSFLG Is a flag specifying how the values given for PS are to be interpreted. When
integer IPSFLG is set to 0, all values in PS are interpreted as pressures in millibars,
and when IPSFLG is set to 1, all values in PS are interpreted as heights in
meters. In either case, the PS values are used to define the heights in the
sounding at which all sounding data applies.
ITSFLG Is a flag specifying how the values given for TS are to be interpreted. When
integer ITSFLG is set to 0, all values in TS are interpreted as temperatures in
degrees C, when ITSFLG is set to 1, all values in TS are interpreted as
temperatures in degrees K, and when ITSFLG is set to 2, all values in TS
are interpreted as potential temperatures in degrees K. The options allow
the model to read sounding temperature data in any of these forms.
IRTSFLG Flag specifying how the values given for RTS are to be interpreted. When
integer IRTSFLG is set to 0, all values in RTS are interpreted as dew point
temperatures in degrees C, when IRTSFLG is set to 1, all values in RTS are
interpreted as dew point temperatures in degrees K, when IRTSFLG is set to
2, all values in RTS are interpreted as water mixing ratio values in grams per
kilogram, when IRTSFLG is set to 3, all values in RTS are interpreted as
relative humidities in percentage, and if IRTSFLG is set to 4, all values in
RTS are interpreted as dew point depressions in degrees K. The options
allow the model to read sounding moisture data in any of these forms.
IUSFLG Flag specifying how the values given for US and VS or for USNDG and
integer VSNDG are to be interpreted. When IUSFLG is set to 0, all values in US (or
USNDG) are interpreted as components of velocity in meters per second in
the x-direction, and all values in VS (or VSNDG) are interpreted as
components of velocity in meters per second in the y-direction. When
IUSFLG is set to 1, all values in US (or USNDG) are interpreted as wind
directions in degrees azimuth clockwise from true north, and all values in VS
(or VSNDG) are interpreted as wind speeds in meters per second.
HS Sounding heights, but only the first value is read from the namelist. This first
real array value indicates the absolute height (relative to sea level) of the first or lowest
sounding level. It must be at or below the lowest topography height in the
RAMS model domain. This may require adding one or more levels to the
bottom of a real sounding.
PS Pressures in millibars or the heights in meters of the sounding levels starting
real array at the ground and proceeding upward. The choice of meaning is controlled
by the value of IPSFLG. If PS represents heights, the first value of PS is still
specified as a pressure in millibars, and its corresponding height is read from
namelist variable HS. The primary requirement of the sounding data is that
it extend to a height greater than the top of the model domain, and at least
as low as the lowest topography in the domain. Thus, the top sounding level
must contain either a height or a pressure higher in the atmosphere than the
model domain top, which is itself determined by the combination of namelist
parameters NNZP, DELTAZ, DZRAT, and DZMAX, or by ZZ. A maximum
of 200 values may be specified for PS, although with code modification this
number could be increased if necessary. The values given for PS will
determine the vertical spatial resolution of the sounding, and should be
chosen to properly represent any important significant levels. Note the
special option of setting the first value of PS to 0., as described at the
beginning of this Section.
TS Sounding temperature values. The way in which the values are interpreted
real array is specified by namelist variable ITSFLG. The number of values specified
for TS must equal the number of values specified for PS. The user should
use caution in specifying sounding temperatures. Superadiabatic profiles in
the sounding are strongly discouraged (which does not mean that the model
simulation may not successfully develop superadiabatic regions after
initialization). High vertical resolution is sometimes desirable in a sounding
because the model fields of temperature and moisture mixing ratio are
interpolated linearly from it in the vertical direction, and relative humidity is a
very nonlinear function of these two interpolated fields. This can result in
supersaturated layers in the model initial fields where none exist in the
RTS Sounding moisture values. The way in which the values are interpreted is
real array specified by namelist variable IRTSFLG. The number of values specified for
RTS must equal the number of values specified for PS. (Also see TS.)
US Sounding wind values. The way in which the values are interpreted is
real array specified by namelist variable IUSFLG. The number of values specified for
US must equal the number of values specified for PS.
VS Sounding winds values. The way in which the values are interpreted is
real array specified by namelist variable IUSFLG. The number of values specified for
VS must equal the number of values specified for PS.

The $MODEL_PRINT namelist provides a means for obtaining a quick look at model fields. It is
used to specify selected data from the model to be written to the standard output file generated
with a model run. This data is then examined by displaying the contents of the standard output

Variable Description
NPLT Total number of data subsets to be written to the standard output file. Most
integer of these data subsets consist of a 2-D cross section of values from a 3-D
model field. Different cross sections from the same model field are
considered as separate data subsets. (If the model itself is run in 2-D, the 2-
D cross section normally encompasses the entire model domain.) The exact
specification of the cross section to be output is made in namelist variables
IPLFLD, IXSCTN, and ISBVAL. Fields from the LEAF2 submodel of RAMS
are output in their entirety rather than as a specified 2-D slab.
IPLFLD Variables to be written to the standard output file. Each value specified for
character IPLFLD must be followed by a comma, and the total number of values
array specified must be at least the value specified for NPLT. The authentic
complete list of character strings that can be used as values for IPLFLD is
provided in FUNCTION OPTLIB and in subroutine SFCPRT located in the
file rprnt.f90. Other choices are easily added to OPTLIB.
PLFMT FORTRAN format to be used in writing a data subset (see NPLT) to the
character standard output file. Although a default format exists in the model for every
array field variable, defining alternative formats in PLFMT is a way of overriding
the default when necessary. Any element of PLFMT that the user wishes to
define a value for is listed individually. We illustrate the use of this variable
by means of the following example: PLFMT(2) = '3PF6.1'. The subscript 2,
denoting the second element in the PLFMT array, corresponds to the
second element specified in the IPLFLD array. The character string
assigned to PLFMT(2) denotes the format to be used in writing that second
field in IPLFLD. The format statement itself contains the F6.1 part referring
to the well-known floating point format, and the less-well-known 3P part
which scales (multiplies) each value by 10**3 before writing it. This latter
feature is sometimes necessary when values in a given field become
unusually large or small, and are thus incompatible with the default format.
For example, the default format for vertical velocity involves a multiplication
of the model values by 100 so that output values are expressed in cm/sec.
This is usually best for mesoscale simulations, but not appropriate for
simulations of deep convection which generate vertical velocities of tens of
meters per second.
IXSCTN Controls the orientation of the 2-D cross section extracted from the given
integer array model field for writing to the standard output file. A value of 1 for IXSCTN
specifies the data subset to be an X-Z cross section, a value of 2 denotes a
Y-Z cross section, and a value of 3 denotes an X-Y cross section. Fields
from the LEAF2 submodel of RAMS (IPLFLD = TGP, TGPT, WGP,
SCHAR, or GSF) are output in their entirety. Each element in the IXSCTN
array refers to the corresponding element in the IPLFLD and ISBVAL
arrays. A number of values equal to or greater than NPLT must be
ISBVAL Selects a specific 2-D slab from a 3-D model field among all slabs having the
integer array orientation specified by IXSCTN. Each number specified for IXSCTN refers
to the grid location index in the direction perpendicular to the slab, with the
value 1 denoting either the westernmost, the southernmost, or the lowest
slab, depending on the orientation. Each element in the IXSCTN array
refers to the corresponding element in the IPLFLD and IXSCTN arrays. A
number of values equal to or greater than NPLT must be specified.

RAMS ISAN Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are defined in the isan_coms.f90 file. They
function as dimensions for several arrays and are responsible for the maximum values
that can be set for some namelist variables during execution. These are mentioned for
completeness and would not normally need to be changed except in extreme
circumstances. They may be set to fairly large values in a standard model installation,
as their settings do not affect total memory usage very much; most of the memory is
allocated dynamically. Note that an index of configuration and namelist variables for
chapters 6, 7, and 8 is located at the end of chapter 8.
MAXPR Maximum number of vertical levels that can be used in the pressure data.
MAXISN Maximum number of vertical levels that can be used in the isentropic analysis.
MAXX Maximum number of grid points (in the "x'' or east-west direction) in any of the
integer RAMS or pressure grids.

MAXY Maximum number of grid points (in the "y'' or north-south direction) in any of the
integer RAMS or pressure grids.

MAXTIMES Maximum number of data analysis times that can be processed in a single run.
MAXAGRDS Maximum number of RAMS grids that can have varfiles generated.
MAXSIGZ Maximum number of vertical levels that can be used in the _z analysis.
MAXLEV Maximum number of levels in an input rawinsonde.
MAXSNAME Maximum number of input observations

MAXISFILES Maximum number of input data times

RAMS ISAN Namelists

Variable Description
ISZSTAGE Switch with a value of 0 (no) or 1 (yes), indicating whether the isentropic/ z
integer stage of ISAN is to be run. This stage inputs observational upper air
datasets, as prepared separately in RALPH2 format and objectively
analyzes the data onto both isentropic and z surfaces. It also inputs
surface observations and objectively analyzes them onto a surface that is
itself an objectively analyzed height surface based on surface elevations of
the surface stations. This stage and the subsequent varfile stage (see
IVRSTAGE) can be run at once or each can be executed individually. The
isentropic stage outputs the isentropic and z files which the varfile stage will
input if run separately.
IVRSTAGE Similar to ISZSTAGE (see above) but applies to the varfile stage, which
integer produces varfiles for model initialization from isentropic and z fields
generated by the isentropic/ z stage of ISAN.
ISAN_INC Desired interval between consecutive data processing times. Certain files
integer may be available at more frequent times than others, as, for example,
surface observations in contrast with rawinsonde observations. Setting
ISAN_INC to the standard 12-hour interval between rawinsondes will cause
surface observations to be processed at only the rawinsonde times. The
beginning and duration of the time period to processes observational data
are specified in IYEAR1, IMONTH1, IDATE1, ITIME1, and TIMMAX in the
$GRIDS namelist. The format for ISAN_INC is hhmm.
GUESS1ST Set to PRESS or to RAMS to specify whether the first guess field in the
character objective analysis of observational data is to be interpolated from pressure
level data or taken from a RAMS analysis file.
I1ST_FLG What choice the model should make if the first guess field is not found but
integer was requested to be used. This situation may arise, for example, in an
operational setting where observational data are expected periodically from
an outside source, but where something has prevented the data from being
available. If I1ST_FLG is set to 1, it instructs ISAN to skip all processing of
this data time and proceed with the next time. This will result in a particular
varfile not being generated. If I1ST_FLG is set to 2, it instructs ISAN to stop.
IF I1ST_FLG is set to 3, it instructs ISAN to generate a first guess field by
interpolating between the previous and next available data times. If either
expected datafile likewise does not exist, ISAN will stop. I1ST_FLG = 3 is
not implemented yet.
IUPA_FLG Similar to I1ST_FLG, but applies to input rawinsonde data instead of the first
integer guess field. Another difference: if IUPA_FLG is set to 3, ISAN is instructed
to process the given data time without rawinsonde data.
ISFC_FLG Similar to I1ST_FLG, but applies to input surface data instead of the first
integer guess field. Another difference: If ISFC_FLG is set to 3, ISAN is instructed
to process the given data time without surface data.
IAPR Filename prefix, with directory path if applicable, of the input pressure files
character that were generated by dataprep. All files that have this prefix (and that are
within the specified processing parameters) will be processed.
IARAWI Filename prefix, with directory path if applicable, of the input rawinsonde
character files that were generated by dataprep. All files that have this prefix (and that
are within the specified processing parameters) will be processed.
IASRFCE Filename prefix, with directory path if applicable, of the input surface
character observation files that were generated by dataprep. All files that have this
prefix (and that are within the specified processing parameters) will be
VARPFX Filename prefix, with directory path if applicable, of two classes of files that
character are output from ISAN. The first file type is the varfile, which is the final
stage of processing by ISAN and contains velocity, pressure, potential
temperature, and vapor mixing ratio fields interpolated to the model grid(s)
and ready for initialization and/or time-dependent data assimilation. The
other file type is the isentropic/ z file, which contains the output from the
isentropic, z, and surface analyses that are performed before the varfile
stage of ISAN (see ISZSTAGE). While both file types are assigned names
that begin with the prefix plus the year, month, date, and time automatically
appended, the varfile name is additionally given a V character, while the
isentropic/ z file name is given an I character. One run of ISAN may
process data at one or many analysis times, and files for all times are named
with the same prefix but different time designations.
IOFLGISZ Flag indicating whether to write out the isentropic/ z files: 0 no, 1 yes.
character (See ISZSTAGE and VARPFX).
IOFLGVAR Flag indicating whether to write out the varfiles: 0 no, 1 yes. (See
character ISZSTAGE and VARPFX).

z Stage
$ISAN_ISENTROPIC Namelist - ISAN Isentropic/

Variable Description
NISN Number of isentropic levels on which to perform objective analysis. A value
integer around 40 is suggested for NISN to provide adequate vertical resolution.
LEVTH Isentropic levels in integer degrees Kelvin of the isentropic grid on which
integer array objective analysis is performed. The spacing that normally provides
sufficient vertical resolution is 1-2 K near the ground, 3-5 K in the remainder
of the troposphere, 20-30 K in the lower stratosphere, and 50 K in the middle
stratosphere. It is now common practice in RAMS to use the NCEP
reanalysis pressure level data as the first guess field in RAMS, and the top
level of this dataset is 10 mb. Thus, isentropic levels may be specified to
values as high as 800 K, in case the model domain is unusually high.
NIGRIDS Number of RAMS grids to analyze. This must be less than or equal to
integer NGRIDS in the $MODEL_GRIDS namelist. Although the ability exists to
analyze atmospheric data and generate a varfile independently for each
RAMS grid, this sometimes does not produce analyses that match smoothly
across nested grid boundaries. Thus, care should be taken when using
varfiles for nested grids for 4DDA (Newtonian nudging during model runtime)
(see TNUDCENT). Gradients of prognostic variables initialized at grid
boundaries will usually weaken with time if they are not continuously
restored by strong nudging.
TOPSIGZ z analysis will be done to all model levels under this height (in meters).
HYBBOT The hybrid analysis between the isentropic and z datasets is accomplished
real in this version of ISAN by a weighted blending of the data over a specified,
terrain-following layer using a linear (in height above the surface) weighting
profile. At the bottom of the layer, the data is completely from the z
analysis; at the top of the layer, the data is completely from the isentropic
analysis. HYBBOT is the approximate height above the surface of the
bottom of this layer. The actual bottom is found as the closest model level to
HYBTOP Approximate height above the surface of the top of the isentropic/ z
real blending layer (see HYBBOT above). The actual height of the top is found
as the closest model level to HYBTOP.
SFCINF In addition to the blending of the isentropic and z analysis in the creation of
real the varfile, the surface data analysis is also blended in a layer near the
ground. This only occurs if there are actual surface observations close
enough to a grid point and the model level is within a certain vertical
distance from the actual station height. This distance is SFCINF (meters).
The actual weight given to the surface analysis varies from a full weight if the
difference between the model level and station height is 0. to no weight for
the surface (full weight for the upper air data) when the difference reaches
SIGZWT Optional weight given to the z analysis in the blending process. If SIGZWT
real is set to 0., then the varfile will only contain information from the isentropic
analysis. If SIGZWT is set to 1., then the varfile will contain full information
from the z analysis under HYBBOT. Any value between 0. and 1. may be
used. For most applications, this should be set to 1.
NFEEDVAR In the creation of the varfiles when more than one grid is analyzed, the data
integer can optionally go through the nesting "feed back'' process. The feed back
must be done if the 4-dimensional data assimilation options are to be used.
Set NFEEDVAR to 1 to do the feed back. Set NFEEDVAR to 0 usually only
if you are doing a data analysis on different grid resolutions, will not be
running the model, and you want to see the unmodified results of the
different resolution analyses. Normally, leave this set to 1.
MAXSTA Maximum number of rawinsondes expected in the data access. Memory will
integer be allocated using this number, so don't set it too big.
MAXSFC Maximum number of surface observations expected in the data access.
integer Memory will be allocated using this number, so don't set it too big.
NOTSTA Number of stations in the domain area to be excluded if they are found. The
integer specific stations to be excluded are indicated by NOTID (see below).
Excluding stations in this way is the means for eliminating stations with bad
NOTID Station IDs to be excluded from any further processing (see NOTSTA
character above). Prefix the station ID with an 'r' for rawinsonde or an 's' for surface
array observation.
STASEP Surface observations will be objectively analyzed with the Barnes scheme
real that assumes uniform data coverage. Frequently, there are 2 surface
stations reporting in the same city. As the surface stations are processed,
any station within a distance STASEP (in degrees of latitude) of a previously
processed station will be discarded unless the new one has less missing
data than the previous one, in which case the other previous station will be
IOBSWIN To define the variables:
obssecs - absolute time of an observation (in seconds)
nasecs - absolute time of the data analysis (in seconds)

IOBSWIN is the namelist parameter to set. There are three conditions:

- If IOBSWIN equals zero, then obssecs must exactly equal nasecs. Otherwise,
the observation will not be used.

- If IOBSWIN is less than zero, then the time of the observation must be in the
window from (nasecs-abs(iobswin)) to nasecs.

- If IOBSWIN is greater than zero, then the time of the observation must be in
the window from (nasecs-iobswin) to (nasecs+iobswin).

So for example, if your data analysis time is 1200 UTC:

- if you set IOBSWIN=-3600, the observation time must be between 1100-1200
UTC to be used
- if you set IOBSWIN=3600, the observation time must be between 1100-
1300 UTC to be used
IGRIDFL Flag which controls blending of gridded pressure level data and
integer observations. If IGRIDFL = 0, no pressure grid point data is used, only
observations. If IGRIDFL = 1, all observations (those not discarded as
specified by the STASEP and NOTSTA parameters - see above) and all
pressure grid point data are used. If IGRIDFL = 2, all observations (those
not discarded) are used, but pressure data are used only from geographic
locations that (1) have no sounding closer than the distance specified in
GOBRAD and (2) do not have soundings in 3 or 4 quadrants (defined by
intersecting east-west and north-south lines) all closer than the distance
specified by GOBSEP (see GOBRAD and GOBSET). If IGRIDFL = 3, only
gridded pressure level data are used, no observations. If IGRIDFL = 4, the
gridded pressure data is taken as a first guess field. The observations are
objectively analyzed and applied to this first guess field as deviations.
GRIDWT The implementation of the Barnes scheme in RAMS allows differential
integer array weighting of any station or pressure data point to give it more or less
influence compared to other stations. GRIDWT has been implemented to
reduce the weight of the gridded pressure data set relative to the actual
observations. For example, if a rawinsonde observation were made at the
same location as a gridded pressure point, a setting of GRIDWT = .1, would
give the rawinsonde 10 times more weight than the pressure data.
However, remember that the gridded data now are interpolated to the actual
RAMS grids, so that there are many more pressure grid points than
soundings. Also, there is a pressure grid point at the exact location of the
grid to be analyzed. Therefore, a much lower setting of GRIDWT will usually
be optimal. The actual value will take some experimentation but a value in
the .1 to .001 may be appropriate. Note also that the value is grid
dependent and must have as many values specified as NIGRIDS. In
general, GRIDWT will become larger as the grid spacing of the RAMS grid
GOBSEP If IGRIDFL (described above) is set to 2, a pressure data grid point will not
real be used in the objective analysis if it is within GOBSEP degrees of an upper
air observation.
GOBRAD If IGRIDFL (described above) is set to 2, a pressure data grid point will not
real be used in the objective analysis if there are observations in three quadrants
of a circle of GOBRAD radius (degrees). The circle is divided into quadrants
by north-south and east-west diameters.
WVLNTH In the Barnes objective analysis scheme, a degree of smoothing to be
real array applied is determined from two parameters. The first, WVLNTH, is the
wavelength of the data on the isentropic and z surfaces (upper air)
specified in kilometers to be retained. The second, RESPON (see below) is
the fractional amplitude at which to retain that wavelength. Responses of
other wavelengths are determined given a value of .3 set for the "gamma''
parameter in the Barnes scheme. Note that WVLNTH is grid dependent and
there must be as many values specified as NIGRIDS.
SWVLNTH Similar to WVLNTH (described above) but pertains to surface rather than
real array upper air data and analysis. It uses the same RESPON value as WVLNTH.
Note that SVLNTH is grid dependent and there must be as many values
specified as NIGRIDS. For the surface objective analysis. Note that it is
grid dependent and there must be as many values specified as NIGRIDS.
RESPON Percentage of specified wavelength amplitudes to be retained in both the
real array upper air and surface analyses (see WVLNTH and SWVLNTH above). Note
that RESPON is grid dependent and there must be as many values specified

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