Phillips and Verano 2011
Phillips and Verano 2011
Phillips and Verano 2011
ABSTRACT During an osteological analysis of human skeletal remains from the site of Punta Lobos (Huarmey Valley,
northern coastal Peru), an unusual erosive lesion of the cortex with periosteal reaction was observed on a right
tibia. The authors undertook a review of paleopathological and medical literature to arrive at a differential
diagnosis. The lesion is determined to be a non-malignant growth, possibly a large periosteal ganglion,
though a diagnosis of periosteal chondroma (a benign neoplasm) or other uncommon neoplasm could not be
definitively ruled out. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Introduction Material
In 1998, a Peruvian archaeology team uncovered human The lesion was observed in Entierro (Burial) 77, which
remains at a site called Punta Lobos, a small spit of land at consisted of the incomplete remains of a single adult.
the edge of the Pacific Ocean near the mouth of the Missing elements were the right arm, left forearm, both
Huarmey River in northern Peru. Later osteological hands and the right os coxae and upper leg. Based on
analysis indicated a minimum number of individuals pelvic morphology and overall skeletal robustness, E77
(MNI) of 178 men and boys of various ages, from as young was a male individual. An age range of 4555 years was
as 8 to approximately 60 years at the age of death1. determined primarily by pubic symphyseal morphology
Calibrated radio-carbon dating places the remains at AD (Brooks & Suchey, 1990), which was supported by the
12501300. The context of the find and the presence of auricular surface morphology (Lovejoy et al., 1985). In
sharp force trauma in the neck region of many individuals addition to the tibial lesion, several pathologies, two of
indicate the site was the location of an ancient massacre which were traumatic in origin, were noted in E77: (1) a
(Phillips & Verano, 2005; Verano, 2007). Numerous healed fracture of the acromion process of the left
additional pathologies not related to the cause of death scapula with attendant arthritis of the left shoulder joint,
were noted among the skeletal remains, including a large (2) a healed fracture of the left femoral neck with some
lesion with periosteal bone growth located on the anterior displacement of the femoral head leading to moderate
of a right tibia. This paper discusses potential diagnoses of deformation of the both the head and the left
this unusual pathology. acetabulum and (3) a general inflammation of the
frontal bone.
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. (2010)
Differential Diagnosis of an Unusual Tibial Pathology
anserinus and its bursa2 but did not find conclusive literature, much less in the literature of paleopathology.
evidence to link the condition with bursitis. A full No other clinical or paleopathological description of
understanding of the pathogenesis of periosteal any condition considered as a potential diagnosis fits
ganglion remains unclear, though the potential link the description of the lesion observed in E77s remains
between the lesion and trauma is intriguing, because of as well as periosteal ganglion and periosteal chon-
the presence of other traumatic injury in E77s skeletal droma. However, considering their rarity and given
remains. Like periosteal chondromas, periosteal ganglia the limitations of paleopathological diagnosis based
produce saucerisation of the external cortex without entirely on macroscopic examination, a diagnosis other
expansion into the medullary cavity (Benedetti et al., than these two conditions cannot be excluded. A
1996; Okada et al., 1996; Valls et al., 1997). Valls and review of the paleopathological literature found no
colleagues (1997) claim that thick spicules of periosteal case resembling the lesion in question. From a review of
bone formation arising from the cortex are common. the medical literature, it appears periosteal location is a
Again, this fits with the morphology of the lesion in rarely occurring variant for a variety of neoplasms and
question. As is the case with periosteal chondromas, so it may be that the lesion described here represents an
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