Types of Poem
Types of Poem
Types of Poem
A less common and slightly more difficult type of an acrostic poem is where the last letter of
each line spells out the word or phrase.
Finally, the more difficult type is where letters in the middle of the acrostic spell out the word
or phrase.
The capital letter in the rhyming patterns shows where the refrain should be.
Example of a Ballade
What is a Cinquain?
A cinquain poem is a verse of five lines that do not rhyme. The cinquain poem was created
by Adelaide Crapsey.
Line 1: 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 8 syllables
Line 5: 2 syllables
My mum (2 syllables)
Is so caring (4 syllables)
She is always helpful (6 syllables)
She is so beautiful and kind (8 syllables)
Love you. (2 syllables)
Line 1 5 syllables
Line 2 7 syllables
Line 3 5 syllables
Haiku poems don't need to rhyme, but for more of a challenge some poets try to rhyme lines
1 and 3.
(5) I really like toast.
(7) It is yummy when it's hot.
(5) I like it best cold.
(5) Beans are kind to hearts.
(7) I like to eat them daily.
(5) And then do big farts!
Ode To Spring
A Kyrielle poem is made up of 4 lined stanzas of eight syllables each. The capital being the
What is a Lyric?
A Lyric is a poem that expresses personal and emotional feelings.
What is a Riddle?
A Riddle is a type of poem that describes something without actually naming what it is,
leaving the reader to guess. A Riddle is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the
Riddles can be about anything, from Riddles about animals to Riddles about objects. There
are no rules on how to structure a Riddle poem, a Riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it
depends on the person writing the Riddle.
Example of a Riddle
You could have a circle-shaped poem describing a cookie, or a poem about love shaped like a
Line 1 5 syllables
Line 2 7 syllables
Line 3 5 syllables
Line 4 7 syllables
Line 5 7 syllables
An Example of a Tanka Poem<
What is a Tetractys?
The poetic form of the tetractys is a poem with only five lines. Each line adds another
syllable until the last line which has ten.
A tetractys consists of 5 lines, each line has a set number of syllables see below:
Line 1 1 syllable
Line 2 2 syllables
Line 3 3 syllables
Line 4 4 syllables
Line 5 10 syllables
(1 syllable) I
(2 syllables) Am four
(3 syllables) And I go
(4 syllables) To big school where
(10 syllables) I learn to read and write and spell my name.
For a more complex form there is the double tetractys, which is similar but has ten lines and
is structured as shown below:
Line 1 1 syllable
Line 2 2 syllables
Line 3 3 syllables
Line 4 4 syllables
Line 5 10 syllables
Line 6 10 syllables
Line 7 4 syllables
Line 8 3 syllables
Line 9 2 syllables
Line 10 1 syllable
What is a Tyburn?
A Tybur Poem is a six line poetic form where the first four lines consist of just a single two
syllabled word each that all rhyme. The last two lines are nine syllables where the fifth to
eighth syllables are the words from the first four lines.
Crashing, clashing sea
Swims a little splashing, thrashing me.
What is a Ballad?
A Ballad is a poem that tells a story, which are often used in songs because of their rhyme. A
ballad is a poetic story, often a love story.
Each foot making the verse sound like it has heart beat rhythm.
Furball Friend
Shiny, quiet,
Pedaling, spinning, weaving
Whizzing round corners, zooming along roads
Racing, roaring, speeding
Fast, loud,
In Flight
Up we go!
Far below
Idyllic fields of patchwork green
Glittering lakes - a treasure trove beneath the surface
Im not a bird
Im not as elegant as a swan
Im about as elegant as a rhino on roller skates
Im just a schoolgirl
On a balloon flight
Abab cdecde
A Kennings poem consists of several stanzas of two describing words. It can be made up of
any number of Kennings.
My Sister
What is a Limerick?
A limerick is often a funny poem with a strong beat. Limericks are very light hearted poems
and can sometimes be utter nonsense. They are great for kids to both read and write as they
are short and funny.
The Structure of a Limerick Poem
The first line of a limerick poem usually begins with 'There was a....' and ends with a name,
person or place.
This means lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.
Also, lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7 10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5 7
What is a Ode?
An Ode is a lyric poem, usually addressing a particular person or thing. It originated in
Ancient Greece.
Example of a Ode
Ode to an Olive
Oh Olive,
You are as precious to me as any gem,
With your beautiful, pure skin as smooth as silk
And as green as the grass in summertime.
I love your taste and the smell of your tender fruit
Which hides beneath your green armour.
Olive, sweet, tasty Olive,
How I love you so and my mealtimes wouldn't be the same
If you weren't in my life.
Oh Olive,
Nothing can compare to you, nothing at all,
You are food of the gods, a king's riches
And, most importantly, you are mine, oh Olive!
What is a Pantoum?
A Pantoum is a type of poem with a verse form consisting of three stanzas. It has a set pattern
within the poem of repetitive lines.
The pattern in each stanza is where the second and fourth line of each verse is repeated as the
first and third of the next. The pattern changes though for the last stanza to the first and third
line are the second and fourth of the stanza above (penultimate). The last line is a repeat of
the first starting line of the poem and the third line of the first is the second of the last.
Confused? Look below at our example.
To create a Renga, one poet writes the first stanza, which is three lines long with a total of
seventeen syllables the same structure as a haiku. The next poet adds the second stanza, a
couplet with seven syllables per line. The third stanza repeats the structure of the first
(another haiku) and the fourth repeats the second, alternating in this pattern until the poem is
Example of a Renga Poem
Sonnet 130
With the last stanza as a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the previous stanza. In this
case, EE.
This article contains the many different poem types. These include all known (at least to my
research) forms that poems may take.
If you wish to read more about poetry, these articles might interest you: poetry technique and
poetry definition.
A poem that has five lines and creates a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4
are made up of words, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in
alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentence long and begins with any letter.
Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when
read in a sequence. Example: Edgar Allan Poe's "A Valentine".
A poem that tells a story similar to a folk tale or legend which often has a repeated
refrain. Read more about ballads.
Poetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of
four or five. All stanzas end with the same one line refrain.
Blank verse
A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic
pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech. Example: Alfred Tennyson's
A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions. Example: Jean
Ingelow's "One Morning, Oh! So Early".
Poetry that treats a serious subject as humor. Example: E. E. Cummings "O Distinct".
Medieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza.
Carpe diem
Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living
for today.
Poetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that
describe the title. Line 3 has three words that tell the action. Line 4 has four words
that express the feeling, and line 5 has one word which recalls the title. Read more
about cinquain poetry.
Poetry which holds the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek
and Roman art, architecture, and literature.
Also known as "size poetry". Concrete poetry uses typographical arrangements to
display an element of the poem. This can either be through re-arrangement of letters
of a word or by arranging the words as a shape. Read more about concrete poetry.
This type of poem is two lines which may be rhymed or unrhymed. Example: Walt
Whitman's "To You".
Dramatic monologue
A type of poem which is spoken to a listener. The speaker addresses a specific topic
while the listener unwittingly reveals details about him/herself.
A sad and thoughtful poem about the death of an individual. Example: Gary R. Hess's
An extensive, serious poem that tells the story about a heroic figure.
A very short, ironic and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The
term is derived from the Greek epigramma meaning inscription.
A commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument written to praise the
deceased. Example: Ben Jonson's "On My First Sonne".
Epithalamium (Epithalamion)
A poem written in honor of the bride and groom.
Free verse (vers libre)
Poetry written in either rhyme or unrhymed lines that have no set fixed metrical
pattern. Read more: What is Free Verse Poetry?
Poetry created by taking words, phrases, and passages from other sources and re-
framing them by adding spaces, lines, or by altering the text with additions or
A short lyrical poem that arose in Urdu. It is between 5 and 15 couplets long. Each
couplet contains its own poetic thought but is linked in rhyme that is established in the
first couplet and continued in the second line of each pair. The lines of each couplet
are equal in length. Themes are usually connected to love and romance. The closing
signature often includes the poet's name or allusion to it.
A Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five morae,
usually containing a season word. Read more about haiku poetry.
Horatian ode
Short lyric poem written in two or four-line stanzas, each with its the same metrical
pattern, often addressed to a friend and deal with friendship, love and the practice of
poetry. It is named after its creator, Horace.
Iambic pentameter
One short syllable followed by one long one five sets in a row. Example: la-LAH la-
LAH la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH. Used extensively in sonnets.
Idyll (Idyl)
Poetry that either depicts a peaceful, idealized country scene or a long poem telling a
story about heroes of a bye gone age.
Irregular (Pseudo-Pindaric or Cowleyan) ode
Neither the three part form of the pindaric ode nor the two or four-line stanza of the
Horatian ode. It is characterized by irregularity of verse and structure and lack of
correspondence between the parts.
Italian sonnet
A sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba followed by six
lines with a rhyme pattern of cdecde or cdcdcd. Read more about Italian sonnets.
A long narrative poem, especially one that was sung by medieval minstrels.
A short sometimes vulgar, humorous poem consisting of five anapestic lines. Lines 1,
2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables, rhyme and have the same verbal rhythm. The 3rd
and 4th lines have five to seven syllables, rhyme and have the same rhythm.
A poem that is made up of a list of items or events. It can be any length and rhymed
or unrhymed.
A poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. Many songs are written
using this type of writing. Read more about lyric poetry.
Memoriam stanza
A quatrain in iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abba -- named after the
pattern used by Lord Tennyson.
Poetry that tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of
each line.
A poem that tells a story. Read more about narrative poetry.
A lengthy lyric poem typically of a serious or meditative nature and having an
elevated style and formal stanza structure. Example: Sappho's "Ode to a Loved One".
A poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, romanticized way.
A 14-line sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abbaabba followed by a sestet of
cddcee or cdecde
Pindaric ode
A ceremonious poem consisting of a strophe (two or more lines repeated as a unit)
followed by a an antistrophe with the same metrical pattern and concluding with a
summary line (an epode) in a different meter. Named after Pindar, a Greek
professional lyrist of the 5th century B.C.
A stanza or poem consisting of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme while having a
similar number of syllables.
A rhyming poem has the repetition of the same or similar sounds of two or more
words, often at the end of the line. Read more about rhyme usage.
Rhyme royal
A type of poetry consisting of stanzas having seven lines in iambic pentameter.
A poem about nature and love while having emphasis on the personal experience.
A lyrical poem of French origin having 10 or 13 lines with two rhymes and with the
opening phrase repeated twice as the refrain.
A short Japanese style poem, similar to haiku in structure that treats human beings
rather than nature: Often in a humorous or satiric way.
A poem consisting of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy. The end words of the
first stanza are repeated in varied order as end words in the other stanzas and also
recur in the envoy.
A 14-line sonnet consisting of three quatrains of abab cdcd efef followed by a couplet,
gg. Shakespearean sonnets generally use iambic pentameter. Example: Shakespeare's
"Sonnet 2".
Poetry written in the shape or form of an object. This is a type of concrete poetry.
A lyric poem that consists of 14 lines which usually have one or more conventional
rhyme schemes. Read more about sonnets.
Intended primarily for performance, sound poetry is sometimes referred to as "verse
without words". This form is seen as the bridging between literary and musical
composition in which the phonetics of human speech are used to create a poem.
A Japanese poem of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the
other seven.
Terza Rima
A type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line tercets.
A single metrical line of poetry.
A 19-line poem consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes. The first
and third lines of the first tercet repeat alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding
stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain.
The visual arrangement of text, images, and symbols to help convey the meaning of
the work. Visual poetry is sometimes referred to as a type of concrete poetry.
Types of Poetry
When studying poetry, it is useful first of all to consider the theme and the overall
development of the theme in the poem. Obviously, the sort of development that
takes place depends to a considerable extent on the type of poem one is dealing with.
It is useful to keep two general distinctions in mind (for more detailed definitions
consult Abrams 1999 and Preminger et al 1993): lyric poetry and narrative poetry.
Lyric Poetry
Subcategories of the lyric are, for example elegy, ode, sonnet and dramatic
monologue and most occasional poetry:
In modern usage, elegy is a formal lament for the death of a particular person (for
example Tennysons In Memoriam A.H.H.). More broadly defined, the term elegy is
also used for solemn meditations, often on questions of death, such as Gray's Elegy
Written in a Country Churchyard.
An ode is a long lyric poem with a serious subject written in an elevated style.
Famous examples are Wordsworths Hymn to Duty or Keats Ode to a Grecian Urn.
The sonnet was originally a love poem which dealt with the lovers sufferings and
hopes. It originated in Italy and became popular in England in the Renaissance,
when Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey translated and imitated the sonnets
written by Petrarch (Petrarchan sonnet). From the seventeenth century onwards
the sonnet was also used for other topics than love, for instance for religious
experience (by Donne and Milton), reflections on art (by Keats or Shelley) or even
the war experience (by Brooke or Owen). The sonnet uses a single stanza of (usually)
fourteen lines and an intricate rhyme pattern (see stanza forms). Many poets wrote a
series of sonnets linked by the same theme, so-called sonnet cycles (for instance
Petrarch, Spenser, Shakespeare, Drayton, Barret-Browning, Meredith) which depict
the various stages of a love relationship.
Epics usually operate on a large scale, both in length and topic, such as the founding
of a nation (Virgils Aeneid) or the beginning of world history (Milton's Paradise
Lost), they tend to use an elevated style of language and supernatural beings take
part in the action.
The mock-epic makes use of epic conventions, like the elevated style and the
assumption that the topic is of great importance, to deal with completely
insignificant occurrences. A famous example is Pope's The Rape of the Lock, which
tells the story of a young beauty whose suitor secretly cuts off a lock of her hair.
Both lyric and narrative poetry can contain lengthy and detailed descriptions
(descriptive poetry) or scenes in direct speech (dramatic poetry).
The purpose of a didactic poem is primarily to teach something. This can take the
form of very specific instructions, such as how to catch a fish, as in James Thomsons
The Seasons (Spring 379-442) or how to write good poetry as in Alexander Popes
Essay on Criticism. But it can also be meant as instructive in a general way. Until the
twentieth century all literature was expected to have a didactic purpose in a general
sense, that is, to impart moral, theoretical or even practical knowledge; Horace
famously demanded that poetry should combine prodesse (learning) and
delectare (pleasure). The twentieth century was more reluctant to proclaim
literature openly as a teaching tool.