LTE and WiMAX: Comparison and Future Perspective

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Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 360-368

Published Online November 2013 (

LTE and WiMAX: Comparison and Future Perspective

Ismat Aldmour
Department of Computer Engineering and Science, Al Baha University, Al Baha, Saudi-Arabia
Email: [email protected]

Received September 1, 2013; revised October 1, 2013; accepted October 8, 2013

Copyright 2013 Ismat Aldmour. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Two wireless technologies, WiMAX based on IEEE standards and LTE standardized by 3GPP, are two competing
technologies, nevertheless, are very technically similar. This competition started with the advent of their pre-4G ver-
sions (802.16e for Mobile WiMAX and 3GPP release 8 for LTE) and continued with the advent of their 4G versions
(WiMAX 2.0 based on IEEE 802.16 m and LTE-Advanced standardized by Release 10). It looks that the competition
ended with the advantage of LTE. Plans are set for WiMAX to migrate/integrate with LTE in a multiple heterogeneous
access technology mode. This article addresses the technical similarities and differences that advantage one technology
over the other technology in order to determine which of these factors might have contributed to LTE winning. Non-
technical factors of commercial and historical nature which might also advantage one technology over the other one are
also explored. Finally, current activities in the standardization of both WiMAX and LTE are presented with a perspec-
tive on the prospects of both technologies.

Keywords: LTE-Advanced; WiMAX 2; 3GPP Release 10; IEEE 802.16m; WiMAX-Advanced; LTE vs WiMAX

1. Introduction requirements for data rates, capacity and latencies [5].

An advanced version of LTE, LTE-Advanced based on
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
3GPP UMTS Rel 10 in 2011, is also a 4G recognized
Access); is a technology standardized by IEEE. IEEE
issued a series of standards, IEEE 802.16 series of stand- mobile technology [3].
ards, starting 2000, which aimed to provide a metropoli- The two technologies, WiMAX and LTE, competed
tan area data access called Wireless MAN standards. The with each other starting their pre-4G versions and con-
first in the series that found real applicability was IEEE tinued with their 4G versions while having much in
802.16d in 2004 [1]. This standard aimed to provide high common. It looks like that finally WiMAX gave up the
throughput wireless data, last-mile broadband, to fixed competition and selected to harmonize and integrate with
users, which formed a real competitor to DSL and cable LTE in its future harmonized WiMAX advanced stan-
data providers. IEEE 802.16e in 2005 [2] formed the dard supporting multiple access technologies. This work
basis to what is known as Mobile WiMAX, or WiMAX addresses the technical similarities and differences be-
R1.0. Lately, IEEE 802.16m, standardized in March, tween the two technologies trying to pinpoint those dif-
2011, was considered for WiMAX Release 2.0. Release ferences that advantage one technology over the other
2.0 offers many folds higher data rates than Release 1.0 one. Other factors, commercial, historical, political, etc.
and was lately officially recognized as 4G in 2012 [3]. which might advantage one technology over the other
4G technologies shall satisfy the IMT-Advanced of the technology are also exploited. Finally, the article reviews
ITU [4] aiming at peak data rates in the order of 1 Gbps plans of WiMAX and LTE future with alternatives to
for low mobility users and 100 Mbps for high mobility WiMAX discussed.
users on the downlink to support advanced services and The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
applications [4]. presents the evolution of both LTE and WiMAX stan-
On the other hand, LTE (Long Term Evolution), a dards. Section 3 presents salient features of both. Section
mobile telecommunication technology standardized by 4 discusses some of the main technical differences be-
3GPP, is the biggest jump on the evolution path from 3G tween the two technologies, while Section 5 discusses
UMTS and CDMA2000 towards 4G, with ambitious other non-technical factors that favor one or the other

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technology. Section 6 discusses the future of both tech- satisfying IMT-Advanced.

nologies followed by the conclusions in Section 7. On the other hand WiMAX grew out from IEEE stan-
dards adopted by data companies with deep roots in wire-
2. Standards Evolution line technologies (e.g. the Ethernet standards of IEEE
802.3, etc.) and WiFi wireless technologies (IEEE 802.11).
Figure 1 below shows the evolution paths of LTE and
Early attempts to provide metropolitan wireless broad
WiMAX technologies. LTE originated from the growth
band were based on fixed wireless access techniques that
path of 1G, 2G, 3G mobile generations of the telecom
require line of sight and rooftop antennas and operated at
companies and their 3GPP and 3GPP2 associations. 1G
high frequencies that can be affected by rain and atmos-
is characterized as being analogue with systems stan-
pheric conditions. These attempts had little success. The
dardized by companies like TACS in Europe and AMPS
first in the series that found real applicability was IEEE
in North America. 2G systems of GSM and cdma-one
802.16d in 2004 [1]. This standard aimed at providing
came as digital solution with circuit switched voice ca-
high throughput wireless data, last-mile broadband, to
pacity as objective. Moderate data rates were enabled
fixed users, which formed a real competitor to DSL and
using 2.5G packet switched enhancements like GPRS
cable data providers. IEEE 802.16e in 2005 [2] formed
and EDGE while voice remained circuit switched. The
the basis to what is known as Mobile WiMAX, or Wi-
IMT-2000 initiative of the ITU put the requirements for
MAX R1.0. WiMAX was officially recognized as 3G
3G systems with video and data as targets. WCDMA was
technology in 2007 [6] many years after the recognition
the adopted system of 3GPP in Europe and many other
of the initial 3G technologies in 2000. Lately, IEEE
parts of the world. CDMA2000 was the 3G system of
802.16m, standardized in March, 2011, was considered
North America (NA). Both of these two used a pair of
for WiMAX Release 2.0. The aim of IEEE 802.16m is to
separate frequency bands to transmit and receive in what
develop an advanced air interface to meet the require-
is called Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode. A
ments for IMT-Advanced while being compatible with
third 3G system adopted in China called the synchronous
previous 802.16 standards. Release 2.0, which is the
CDMA (SCDMA) uses a single band on Time Division
other official 4G technology, offers many folds higher
Duplex (TDD) basis. 3G systems continued as both cir-
data rates than Release 1.0 satisfying the IMT-Advanced
cuit and packet switched based. They received a number
of the ITU [4].
of enhancements enabling higher data rates such as High
Both LTE-Advanced and WiMAX 2.0 are not yet
Speed Packet Access (HSPA) enhancement of WCDMA.
around. LTE-Advanced is expected to be the main one as
The NAs counterpart, CDMA2000, received similar en-
most WiMAX operators have put plans to migrate to
hancements as well.
LTE. Nevertheless, both camps have plans for the future
The advent of OFDM based all IP LTE in 3GPP re-
of their technology as shown by the rightmost part of
lease 8 with TDD and FDD modes seemed to incite mi-
Figure 1 (Beyond 4G/Evolved 4G/Evolved 3G). These
gration of NAs systems to it targeting a unified telecom
will be discussed later in the paper.
standard. Plans for Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB); a
suggested OFDM system of NAs 3GPP2, were can-
3. Features of LTE/WiMAX
celled. Moreover, TD-SCDMA migration is planned to-
ward TDD mode of LTE (TD-LTE). LTE is considered a Both WiMAX and LTE are all-IP, all packet technology
3G system but it provides many folds higher rates than with a packet network core. This makes them best for
the basic 3G systems. It is therefore called pre-4G or bursty data traffic with good VoIP support. Both use
sometimes 3.9G. Commercially it is considered 4G. OFDMA, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Ac-
IMT-Advanced initiative by the ITU in 2003 [4] set cess, a multiple access technology which is a form of
the framework and overall objectives of 4G systems and FDM in which the subcarriers are made orthogonal to
accelerated the work toward these systems by setting each other. This enables compacting more subcarriers in
October 2009 as a deadline date for submitting proposals. the spectrum provided giving rise to higher spectral effi-
It sets an ambitious high data rate of 1.0 Gbps peak rate ciency. The small subcarrier separation results in large
for fixed services and 100 Mbps for mobile services with symbol size. This helps mitigating ISI (Inter-Symbol
mobility up to 500 km/hr. It also sets more requirements Interference) and reduces the need for complex adaptive
on packet and handover latency and VOIP efficiency. equalization needed in single carriers wideband systems.
Additionally, it sets peak and average cell spectral effi- OFDM is robust against frequency selective burst errors
ciencies and spectral efficiency requirements at cell and narrow band interference. In OFDMA, the connec-
edges to ensure high throughputs all over. The advanced tion is scheduled in both time and frequency by having
version of LTE, LTE-Advanced based on 3GPP UMTS many connections sharing multiple carriers whereas this
Rel 10 in 2011, is an officially recognized 4G technology sharing can be re-worked periodically to maximize per-

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Figure 1. Growth paths for LTE and WiMAX.

formance [7]. the connection that is currently using modulation like

Some of the other features associated with LTE and 16 QAM can be re-scheduled to say, QPSK, a more
WiMAX are the following features [8]: robust modulation whenever the users signal is fad-
Sub-channelization and permutation: In the allo- ing, e.g. the user is moving away from base station
cated spectrum, some subcarriers are used for data therefore struggling with smaller signal to noise ratios.
while some others are used as guard bands and pilots. This ensures that the connection is kept at an accept-
Data carriers and pilots are randomly allotted to dif- able quality thereafter increasing the range. On the
ferent sub-channels periodically. In other words, the other hand, an approaching user connected at say 16
channels are hopping. This is similar to hopping in QAM who is enjoying improved signal to noise ratio
Wifi. However, only one channel is hopping in WiFi, can be switched to a higher order modulation like 64
while in these, all the sub-channels in the spectrum, QAM which can provide higher bps/Hz, thereafter
say 30, are hopping. This results in interference aver- increasing capacity. AMC when combined with mul-
aging giving rise to less error corrections and restor- ticarrier OFDM will result in more advantageous re-
ing system capacity [9]. Subcarriers are subdivided sults. This is because adapting a narrowband channel
into groups and only some of these groups can be to noise conditions is more efficient than adapting to
used in any cell. This is called partial usage of sub- averaged noise in a wide band channel [10]. Other
carriers (PUSC). PUSC reduces neighboring cells in- features of LTE/WiMAX are the use of Hybrid ARQ
terference therefore improving performance. An al- (HARQ) technique for error detection and multiple
ternative is the use of fractional frequency re-use antennas to further augment performance and data
(FFR). In FFR users in the cell close to cell centre use rates.
all the frequencies while those toward the cell bound- The 4G version of WiMAX; WiMAX 2.0, supports a
ary use frequencies different to those used toward number of modifications on the physical layer that target
boundaries of neighboring cells in order to reduce in- higher throughputs and improved performance. Amongst
ter-cell interference. these are the following:
Both LTE and WiMAX (The mobile version of Wi- Framing: WiMAX R1.0, suffered from high laten-
MAX, i.e. WiMAX 1.0, and the later WiMAX 2.0) cies due to its relatively long frames of 5 ms com-
use a version of OFDMA called scalable OFDMA pared to the later LTE which has a subframe of 1 ms
(SOFDMA). In this scheme, whenever the bandwidth long. Therefore, WiMAX, in its new release subdi-
allotted to service provider changes, the number of vided the 5 ms frame into 8 subframes (now the sub-
subcarriers also changes so as to keep the inter-carrier frame is 5/8 ms). They also kept the 5 ms frames for
spacing fixed. Therefore, the Doppler effect on per- compatibility purposes with legacy WiMAX R1.0.
formance is kept the same for mobile users. WiMAX Furthermore, a super frame of 20 ms is introduced. It
16e may use any available spectrum width from 1.25 aims to reduce framing overheads by incorporating
MHz to 28 MHz while LTE R8 can use 1.25, 2.5, 5, the common headers and control bits in it. Thus, the
10, 15, 20 MHz. new release framing structure is a 3 level framing
Both LTE and WiMAX use AMC (adaptive modu- structure. The new framing structure offers persistent
lation and coding) for link adaptation. In this scheme, allocations to insure QoS for recurring (VOIP) trans-

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missions. Similarly, LTE has a similar 3 level framing

structure with basic slot of 0.5 ms duration. The
frames structure for both LTE-Advanced and Wi-
MAX 2.0 are shown in Figure 2.
Data rates: To attain high peak data rates require-
ments of IMT-advanced, LTE-Advanced and Wi-
MAX R2.0 work on increasing the transmission
bandwidth utilized up to 40/100 MHz bandwidth re-
spectively. As it is not likely that such large band-
widths be available in one band, subcarriers are
spread over multiple frequency bands. This is called
multicarrier or carrier aggregation. Subcarriers in any
one channel can be contiguous in the same band or
selected from separate bands.
Cell edge throughputs: Besides peak data rates,
IMT-Advanced concentrated on average as well as
cell edge throughputs. This issue has been lightly Figure 2. Frame (a) WiMAX 2.0; (b) LTE-Advanced.
tackled in previous systems Many of the WiMAX
R2.0/LTE-Advanced specifications exceed those of telecom companies and continued throughout the differ-
IMT advanced requirements [11,12]; for example, ent generations. TD-LTE is gaining popularity as migra-
WiMAX 2.0 shall offer a downlink spectral efficiency tion path of the synchronous CDMA of China 3G. Wi-
of 2.6 and 0.09 bit/s/Hz/sector for cell and cell edge MAX, on the other hand, had TDD focus throughout.
users respectively while IMT advanced requires 2.2 Future WiMAX embracing LTE will most likely head to
and 0.06 respectively. TD-LTE.
Other features: LTE-Advanced and WiMAX R2.0 Spectrum: Legacy LTE and LTE advanced use Li-
support other measures to further improve data rates censed IMT-2000 Bands at bands like 700, 900, 1800,
(e.g. [11,13,14]) such as: 2100, and 2600 MHz while legacy WiMAX is Licensed
Femto cells support for high throughputs in small & unlicensed, at 2.3, 2.5, 3.5 and 5.8 GHz. Thus LTE is
cells; generally available at preferred low frequency band
Higher order MIMOs. with up to 8 8 MIMO in which gives it coverage advantage. This enhanced its
LTE-Advanced; opportunities to serve as public wide area network. With
The use of coordinated multipoint base stations WiMAX heading to LTE some operators started trying
(CoMP) in which two base stations or more can LTE in some of the WiMAX bands they already posses.
cooperate on reaching the user equipment espe- Intercarrier spacing: LTE uses a standard 15 KHz
cially of those at cell edges; intercarrier spacing while WiMAX 2.0 uses 10.94 KHz.
The use of relay nodes to improve coverage and The larger intercarrier spacing the higher the immunity
cell edge throughput; against Doppler spread. LTE can handle mobility speeds
Self-Organizing Networks (SON) to reduce costs up to 350 Km/hr while WiMAX can support speeds of
of operation and maintenance and optimize per- the order of 120 Km/hr with WiMAX 2.0 up to 350
formance. Km/hr.
Access technology: LTE-Advanced access technol-
4. Technical Differences ogy for its downlink (OFDMA) is different to its uplink.
In the uplink Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) is used.
As can be deduced from the previous section, there are SC-FDMA reduces Peak-to-Average-Power-Ratio (PAPR)
lots of technical similarities between the two technolo- by 3 - 5 dB giving rise to uplink improvements that can
gies in architecture and targets. Both uses OFDMA with be utilized to improve coverage or throughputs of cell
flat-IP architecture and both are meant to meet or even edge users. 802.16m uses SOFDMA for both uplink and
surpass IMT-Advanced requirements with similar ena- downlink. In fact, the major problem in extending GSM
bling technologies. Nevertheless, a number of technical TDMA and wideband CDMA to broadband systems is
differences exist. Some of these differences with mobile increased receiver complexity with multipath signal re-
WiMAX (WiMAX 1.0) compared to LTE and WiMAX ception. The main advantage of OFDM, as is for SC-
2.0 compared to LTE-Advanced are the following: FDMA, is its robustness against multipath signal propa-
Duplex mode: Both LTE and WiMAX provide for gation, which makes it suitable for broadband systems
both TDD and FDD. However, FDD was the focus of all [15].

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Comparing 4G WiMAX and LTE from other aspects more efficient LTE.
are covered in the literature as well. For example [16] The 3G TD-SCDMA of China will take a home-made
compares LTE and WiMAX when used in enterprise evolution path aiming at a smooth migration to LTE-
environment from two aspects security and integration Advanced [18]. To save investment and make full use of
into enterprise IT network. It was found that both Wi- the network infrastructure available, the design of TD-
MAX and LTE can be hosted and deployed by the enter- LTE takes into account the features of TD-SCDMA, and
prise as the next generation of mobile enterprise network keeps TD-LTE backward compatible with TD-SCDMA
and WiMAX can meet enterprise security naturally be- systems to ensure smooth migration. At the same time,
cause of the WiMAXs authentication protocols. WiMAX has limited spectrum options for deployment
Generally, it can be concluded that LTE design seems making it difficult for existing operators (networks based
to be superior especially concerning mobility, data on 3GPP legacy standards) to migrate to it.
throughputs and capacity. However, these factors, though LTE success is the result of being backward compati-
important may not be the only factors that impact the ble to the abundant customer base built over the different
popularity of one technology compared to the other. This generations. This is said though WiMAX showed superi-
is discussed in the coming section. ority in early stages. Table 1 below provides a compari-
son of 3GPP track that led to LTE and IEEE 802.16 track
5. Other Differences and Factors that led to current WiMAX. The table shows superiority
Beside the technological constrains other regional, op- of IEEE standards as it used OFDMA, provided high
erator and regulatory factors and constraints, lead to the data rates, all IP and flat architecture from the beginning.
preference of LTE over WiMAX or WiMax over LTE. It managed later on to provide mobility and cater for
WiMAX proceeded LTE in appearance and deploy- voice servicing. On the other hand, 3GPP targeted wide
ment. WiMAX was backed in the USA by Clearwire and coverage and ubiquitous service while at the same time
later Clearwire/Sprinit partnership. It was also adopted gradually staffed some salient IEEE features like OF-
by major companies in Korea, Russia, Japan and other DMA, TDD, all IP, flat architecture and higher data rates
countries. Many other developing countries like India which together contributed to LTE success later on.
found WiMAX, even the non-mobile version, suitable for
Table 1. 3GPP track and IEEE 802.16 track compared.
its broadband requirements [17] due to the lack of proper
fixed line infrastructure. Characteristic 3GGP Track IEEE 802.16 Track
WiMAX is a TDD technology which does not require
Started Circuit switched,
paired spectrum with flexibility in sharing the time frame All IP vs
moved to half IP (2.5/3 G) All IP from the beginning
Circuit Switched
between the uplink and the downlink. This made it ap- and finally All IP (LTE)
pear more appropriate for data as the viable wireless al-
ternative to wired DSL. On the other hand, phone com- Centric architecture,
Flat architecture from the
Architecture gradually moving to flat
panies, adopting 3GPP/3GPP2 standards of 2G, 3G and architecture
LTE use one band of frequencies for the uplink and an-
other band for the downlink. This makes these systems Started as fixed Wireless,
High mobility from the
more costly in terms of spectrum and equipment. How- Mobility moved quickly to mobile
ever, the introduction of TD-LTE, a TDD version of LTE
with single band for its operation wipes out one main Started voice centric
advantage of WiMAX over LTE. Voice versus Started as data centric
gradually moved to data
Data gradually serving voice
The set of IEEE standards, on which WiMAX releases centric
are based, are modular stand-alone standards offering FDD is the main mode
high performance. The 4G version of WiMAX (WiMAX Mode of
with increased interest in TDD mode mainly
2.0) have no support for legacy 3GPP devices, which TDD recently
means no handovers possible to and from 2G (GSM) and Different access
3G (UMTS) etc. On the other hand, 3GPP provided a technologies like OFDMA was considered
TDM/FDM and Spread at early stages by IEEE
clear evolution path towards LTE for 2G and 3G stan- Technology
Spectrum before heading 802.16 standards
dards of Europe, North America and China. LTE-Ad- to OFDMA in LTE
vanced is backward compatible with all previous stan-
Higher licensed and
dards. Hence, operators worldwide who have already Spectrum Lower licensed bands
unlicensed bands
deployed their networks based on 3GPP standards find it
Targeted spotty dedicated
a good business case with easy upgrade and with possi- Targeted wide coverage coverage. Failed to
bility that they re-use their already possessed paired Target
and ubiquitous service provide ubiquitous
spectrum of abandoned technologies of 2G or so for the coverage later on

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6. Future of LTE and WiMAX latencies and increased range [20]. Frequency bands that
various utilities hold, namely 1.4 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.3 GHz,
WIMAX had the precedence advantage over LTE in
3.65 GHz and 5.8 GHz, can be utilized [20]. Public
bringing to light much of the themes currently adopted
WiMAX, LTE and other 3GPP solutions will not provide
such as the flat architecture, all IP network and TDD
the same service with reliability due to congestions. Pub-
structure. 3GPP on the other hand, moved from all circuit
lic cellular networks on the other hand can be used for
switched of 2G, through half packetized of 2.5G and 3G
smart metering applications because of good coverage
and finally to all IP in LTE and LTE-Advanced. The ob-
and less requirements of realtime and security [22].
jective of telecom companies from the start was big cus-
WiMAX based private wireless system is suggested for
tomer base, public networks and wide coverage while
monitoring power distribution stations. For example, in
WiMAX headed to serve vertical segments requesting
[22] cognitive spectrum WiMAX sharing with SCADA
broadband. This, together with the previously discussed
system in 223 - 225 MHz is suggested. The solution re-
factors, made WiMAX people realize that the ecosystem
quires few modifications on MAC and PHY layer to
of WiMAX as a stand-alone technology cannot continue
support interference management [22].
to compete with 3GPP stream and its attractive LTE.
AeroMACS is another WiMAX technology to support
WiMAX forum had to set plans to proceed. One of which
aviation industry in airports communications infrastruc-
is to harmonize and integrate with LTE rather than con-
ture. Other similar segments of interest to WiMAXs are
tinue rivaling it as is discussed below.
transportation and oil and gas industries. Other uses of
the WiMAX wireless Ethernet can be video distribution
6.1. Future of WIMAX
techniques for m-Health and similar applications.
The future of WiMAX can be seen in three different di- The migration of WiMAX to LTE aims to open
rections: broader the ecosystem of radio access technologies and
1) WiMAX integration with LTE and other multiple devices beyond WiMAX Release 1.0 and 2.0 [23]. The
access technologies. This will keep it a mobile operator harmonized WiMAX Advanced 2.2 standard for network
solution in a robust ecosystem. In late 2012, WiMAX evolution will grant operators the flexibility to leverage
forum approved requirements for WiMAX coexistence their all-IP broadband data network capabilities and
and harmonization with LTE networks [19]. In WiMAX support multiple broadband wireless access technologies
R2.2, expected to be finalized by the end of 2013, focus including TD-LTE devices (dual-mode WiMAX/LTE
will be on coexistence of multiple radio access technolo- devices). The impact of TD-LTE on WiMAX operators
gies and on features such as link aggregation and load is best described by the WiMAX forums president say-
balancing. Networks that support both standards and ing [24]: I dont see the advent of TD-LTE net-
more multiple access technologies may emerge in 2014. works, putting those WiMAX networks out of busi-
2) WiMAX technology as private network in vertical ness. I think there will be a complementary parallel net-
segments like utilities, aviation and similar segments work paradigm for some period of time. How long that is,
which require reliable networking to manage their opera- I cant tell you.
tions. This is called the wireless Ethernet. The migration to LTE path will necessitate lots of
3) WiMAX operators who hold TDD spectrum and software and hardware upgrades to network components,
built WiMAX networks will continue to grow within core network, backhaul and devices to serve the multi-
some of its traditional markets in Japan, Korea, Malaysia mode heterogeneous harmonized set of access technolo-
and in the USA. It is expected that it will be there for gies. The cost incurred can be understood if this will give
some time. There are even ongoing plans for launching the WiMAX operators, who have small customer base
WiMAX 2.0 (IEEE 802.16m) in Japan by its large Wi- compared to 3GPP, access to the much larger base of
MAX operator (UQ) and in Malaysia by YTEL. 3GPP technologies, customers, and ecosystem. On the
Wireless technology can be an optimal solution in en- contrary it can be an opportunity for 3GPP big operators
vironments such as the energy utilities and aviation. This to acquire WiMAX customers. Regardless of some re-
provided an alternative for WiMAX; i.e. to grow in pri- cent growth of WiMAX technology in certain Asian
vate networks serving dedicated segments. The WiGRID, countries, its continuity will largely depend on its success
is a new wide-area networking technology based on in vertical markets like aviation, utility and transportation
IEEE 802.16e with requirements announced early this rather than on reliance on public networking. Success in
year [20]. It is a technology for energy utilities and smart harmonization with LTE means that specialized seg-
grid industrial applications of telemetry, measurements ments can be served through dedicated WiMAX net-
and managements of critical systems that require realtime works while at the same time offering them the public
and high security [21]. For such services, WiMAX shall service. This looks like a unique combination in which
be optimized for uplink (uplink biased) with reduced embracing the competition is elected as the approach

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instead of the competition approach itself. 7. Conclusions

This paper aimed at comparing LTE with WiMAX wire-
6.2. Future of LTE
less technologies. It also discusses the factors that led to
3GPP provided a smooth path of transition of its current LTE winning as the technology for near future public
technologies to LTE and LTE advanced. Lots of efforts networks. The article also foresees future directions of
are in progress to issue new 3GPP releases in 2013 and both technologies and the alternatives that WiMAX tech-
2014. The upcoming Release 12 and beyond will be as nology has.
significant as ever in the industrys quest to extend For theses purposes, the article first reviewed the evo-
mobile broadband availability, provide much more con- lution of the two technologies; LTE coming from the
sistent service quality, and economically satisfy demand generations path of wireless mobile phone standards and
for spiraling data growth in face of spectrum scarcity WiMAX coming from data networking industry. Mobile
[25]. technology path started voice centric and progressed gra-
Current broadband is characterized as being patchy in dually toward data while WiMAX started with broad-
coverage and erratic in data rates. 3GPP future releases band data in focus on progress toward serving the voice
(Rel-12 and Rel-13) aims at providing a stable broadband; users. Salient common features of the two technologies
i.e. broadband anytime and anywhere while satisfying the were also revised. The two technologies, which were
continuously exponential rise of traffic demand. Keith competing with each other, have much in common. Both
Mallinson, in his article 2020 Vision for LTE [26] are all IP with flat architecture and similar enabling tech-
following 3GPP TSG meeting in Slovenia in 2012 heral- nologies. Technical differences reviewed include spec-
ded an improvement figures of 3 6 56 = 1008 as a trum allocation, intercarrier spacing, frames/subframes
result of the new releases. These are: 3 increase in and access technology on the uplink. Generally, the im-
spectrum employed, 6 improvement in spectral effi- pact of each of these on the prospects of the two tech-
ciency and 56 higher average cell density. Future tools nologies made that LTE provides more throughputs and
[10,11,26,27] enabling such massive improvements in- capacity and a better mobility.
clude: Factors that influenced the competition are not only
Multiplication of current peak, average, and cell edge technological. Other factors influenced the fate of the
data rates due to the factors of more bandwidth, competition. The final outcome is that WiMAX people
higher order 3D-MIMO, higher order QAMs, small realized that it is necessary to harmonize and integrate
cells etc. with LTE rather than continue rivaling it. This formed
Macro cell will continue to exist as the upper layer in the future migration strategy for WiMAX. Alternatively,
a multi-tier network shadowing underneath it large WiMAX is progressing toward providing networking
number of randomly distributed micro, pico, and service to serve privately specialized segments like en-
femto cells that may run at higher frequency bands ergy utilities, aviation and transportation. The resort of
than those used in macro-cells. The resulting heter- such segments on private networking of WiMAX enables
ogeneous structure will be self organized with en- avoiding the congestion that may occur in public cellular
hanced mobility between the different cell types and networks serving large customer base. Integration of
efficient Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) WiMAX with LTE enables its companies to serve their
procedures. This architecture will help in offloading specialized segments with private networks while at the
high data traffic to small cells thereby increasing total same time offering them the public service. WiMAX
throughput. It will also help lessening coverage holes forum is working to complete the standards that will in-
and provide high traffic indoors. WLAN (WiFi) will tegrate multiple WiMAX and LTE technologies. Lots of
also play an increasing role in 3GPP operators net- software and hardware changes/additions need to be ap-
works to support broadband in hotspots and indoors plied to devices, base stations and core networks to en-
alongside other technologies like femto cells. able them to operate in multimode with a possible need
More reliance on TDD mode for LTE as a result of for backhaul capacity increase. This gives less opportuni-
further enhancements in DL-UL interference manage- ties for WiMAX to continue as public wide area network.
ment and traffic adaptation. WiMAXs continuity will largely depend on its success
UL performance improvements, e.g. deployment of 8 in vertical markets like aviation, utility and transportation
Rx antennas at eNodeB, use of cross-polarized anten- rather than on reliance on public networking.
nas, and higher carrier frequency, etc. 3GPP, on the other hand, is actively progressing to
3D MIMO and massive antenna beamforming. arrays enhance the capabilities of LTE and other current tech-
of as many as 64 antenna elements enable additional nologies. Two new releases, R12 and R13, are under
frequency reuse within cell sectors. preparation. The objectives of these updates are to im-

Open Access CN

prove coverage, to provide much higher stable data rates,

and to meet the expected high traffic demand. A number [13] R. Irmer, H. Droste, P. Marsch, M. Grieger, G. Fettweis,
of enhancement and new enabling technologies are sug- S. Brueck, H.-P. Mayer, L. Thiele and V. Jungnickel,
gested in order to achieve these objectives such as 3D Coordinated Multipoint: Concepts, Performance, and
Field Trial Results, IEEE Communications Magazine,
sectorization, small cells, efficient ICIC, more TDD etc.
Vol. 49, No. 2, 2011, pp. 102-111.
It can be said that LTE technology will prevail as one
standard in the near future for serving public networks
[14] K. Etemad, Overview of Mobile WiMAX Technology
while WiMAX has good opportunities in dedicated seg- and Evolution, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.
ments. 46, No. 10, 2008, pp. 31-40.


White Paper, November 2009.
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