Nursing Care For Patients With Lung
Nursing Care For Patients With Lung
Nursing Care For Patients With Lung
May be related to
Possibly evidenced by
Restlessness/changes in mentation
Hypoxemia and hypercapnia
Desired Outcomes
Note respiratory rate, depth, and ease of Respirations may be increased as a res
respirations. Observe for use of accessory of pain or as an initial compensatory
muscles, pursed-lip breathing, changes in mechanism to accommodate for loss o
skin or mucous membrane color, pallor, tissue; however, increased work of
cyanosis. breathing and cyanosis may indicate
increasing oxygen consumption and en
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Monitor and graph ABGs, pulse oximetry Decreasing Pao2 or increasing Paco2 ma
Nursing Interventions Rationale
May be related to
Possibly evidenced by
Desired Outcomes
Assist patient and instruct in effective Upright position favors maximal lung
deep breathing and coughing with upright expansion, and splinting improves forc
position (sitting) and splinting of incision. cough effort to mobilize and remove
secretions. Splinting may be done by n
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Encourage oral fluid intake (at least 2500 Adequate hydration aids in keeping
mL/day) within cardiac tolerance. secretions loose or enhances expector
3. Acute Pain
May be related to
Possibly evidenced by
Desired Outcomes
Schedule rest periods, provide quiet Decreases fatigue and conserves energ
environment. enhancing coping abilities.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
4. Fear/Anxiety
May be related to
Situational crises
Threat to/change in health status
Perceived threat of death
Possibly evidenced by
Increased pain, sympathetic stimulation
Expressions of denial, shock, guilt, insomnia
Desired Outcomes
Involve patient/SO in care planning. May help restore some feeling of contr
Provide time to prepare for events or independence to patient who feels pow
treatments. in dealing with diagnosis and treatmen
Provide for patients physical comfort. It is difficult to deal with emotional iss
Nursing Interventions Rationale
5. Deficient Knowledge
May be related to
Possibly evidenced by
Desired Outcomes
Suggest wearing soft cotton shirts and Reduces suture line irritation and pres
Nursing Interventions Rationale
loose-fitting clothing, cover or pad portion from clothing. Leaving incisions open t
of incision as indicated, leave incision promotes healing process and may red
open to air as much as possible. risk of infection.