Noetic Science

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Clinical Abstract

History of Present Illness:

3 weeks prior to admission, patient claimed to have an on & off tolerable epigastric pain, associated
with occasional nausea & vomiting. Sought consult to a private physician and was given unrecalled
medications which offered temporary relief.

1 day prior to admission, pain became persistent, increasing in severity, associated with several episodes
of vomiting. Patient was admitted at a district hospital and was subsequently referred to this hospital.

Past Medical History:

No previous hospitalizations
No known medical illnesses
Non diabetic, non hypertensive

Family History:

(+) Bronchial asthma

Personal and Social History:

Alcoholic drinker
Smoker (10 pack years)

Physical Examination:

BP= 110/80, CR=140/min, RR=27/min

Cold, clammy skin
Conscious, coherent, oriented, not in cardiopulmonary distress
Anicteric sclera, pinkish conjunctivae
Symmetrical chest expansion, harsh breath sounds, no rales, no wheezes
Regular cardiac rate & rhythm, (-) murmur

Admitting Impression: Acute Pancreatitis

Diabetes Mellitus

Admitting Orders:
Diabetic diet
Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG)= 210mgs%
Lee White Clotting Time q 6H
Urinalysis with ketone determination
FBS, Lipid Profile, BUN, Creatinine
S. Amylase, S Na, K STAT
CXR- PA view
Hepatobiliary Ultrasound
ECG- 12 leads

Referred to Dept. of Surgery:

Subjective/Objective: (+) epigastric on & off with vomiting
(+) flatus, (+) bowel movement
Assessment: T/C PUD R/O Acute Pancreatitis
Plan: Abdominal Ultrasound (Result: Edematous pancreas consistent with Pancreatitis)

Famotidine 20 mg IVTT q 12H
Insulin sliding scale on the following CBG:
<150 no coverage
151-200 2 u subcutaneous
201-250 4
251-300 6
301-350 8
351-400 10
401-500 12
> 500 Refer to Attending

Verapamil 2.5 mgs IVTT

Dopamine 200 mgs/250mL at 60 gtts/min
Dobutamine drop: D5W 500cc + 2 amps Dobutamine at 60 gtts/minute
Aspilet 80 mgs/tab, 4 tabs now, then 1 tab after meals
Heparin 5000 u IV now, then 1000 u q 9 hours as drip

2 hours after admission: complained of severe abdominal pain, cold clammy skin.
BP= palpatory 80
CR= 105/min
RR= 24/min
Started with cefuroxime 750 mgs q 8 hours
Buscopan 20 mgs IVTT

10 hours after admission: Generalized abdominal pain

BP= 110/90
CR= 110/min
RR= gasping
CVP 7 cm
Patient was intubated
Started with Tramadol
11 hours after admission: Cold, clammy skin, Cyanosis
BP= palpatory 50
CVP= 6-7 cm

15 hours after admission: Cardiopulmonary arrest


CBC On Admission After 6 hours

Hemoglobin 22.4 g/dL 15.6 g/dL
Hematocrit 0.46% 0.66%
WBC 6.3 X 109 /L 17.2 X 109 /L
Neutrophils 90% 88%
Segmenters 90% 88%
Lymphocytes 10% 11%
Monocytes 0% 1%
Platelet Count 268 x 109/L 350 X 109 /L

Clotting Time: 2 minutes

Bleeding Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds

Lee White Clotting Time: 8 min 30 sec

Troponin T Negative

Serum Na 140.4 mmol/L

Serum K 4.19 mmol/L

Urinalysis: Normal

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