Art Controversy and Goan Modernities

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Vol No CX No: 205 Art controversy and Goan Modernities
Goa,Saturday 14 August, 2010

Language Western-trained modernists need to respect cultural traditions of former colonies, says tEotÓnio r DE soUZA

& politics I presume that no individual right is absolute.

All individual rights need to respect the rights
of others around, particularly when the estab-
preciated by the dominant mainstream Hinduism
today. Unless, of course, the artistic devotion of
the scholar-artists and their promoters wish to

I s the language of a newspaper or television station an lished socio-political structures do not guarantee cater to fresh protest movements in Hinduism
indicator of its political or religious orientation? The in practice the defence of the rights of some un- today.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) seems to think so. According derprivileged sections of the society, and leave it The fact that only a ‘fringe group’ protested
to a report in ‘The Economic Times’, a shadowy workshop to its legal or judicial channels as a way of fudging for whatever motive, does not permit us to con-
from its obligations in a respectable (or deplorable) clude that everybody else who remained silent
was held exclusively ‘by invitation only’ yesterday in Goa
democratic manner. thinks differently. That would be like liberal dem-
by the VHP, for those who it feels are ‘Hindutva-oriented The recent incident of interference by the ocratic elections, with voters who know little or
journalists’. One Prashant Hartalkar, the Maharashtra region ‘Hindu JanJagriti Samiti’ (HJS) in the exhibition of nothing about those they vote for routinely, or
organising secretary of the VHP, who conducted the work- paintings of Dr José Pereira at the Xavier Centre abstain from voting due to lack of interest.
shop, said that the forces of Hindutva now need to focus of Historical Research (XCHR) in Porvorim seems (2) As for Goan Christians who boast of their
more on the regional media and local cable television net- to have provoked different reactions and re- roots in the Hindu tradition only because they
works, over the ‘secular’ national media. sponses from some sections of the Goan society, had Hindu ancestry in the 16th century or little
For the VHP and the RSS, the word ‘secular’ is an item of and also indifference from most as usual. I noticed later, I consider it a hoax. Such pretenders are
abuse or, at very least, contempt. Mr Hartalkar apparently little interest among some self-appointed activists probably rooted in nothing at all, not even in
told the assembled journalists and others: “The national (who, too, seem to distrust the interest of state their newly worn Christianity. I would classify
media (both print and electronic) is important, but it has agencies to do justice) to reflect seriously upon them as free-floating cultural dross.
now become the arm of the government. They are killing their own brand of contribution to fundamental- Let us not forget that most of the media stunts
our news. Their point of view is so-called secular and anti- ism, which they condemn in others. represent power contests between rival elites.
When I poked one literary missus, she shot The elite or elites in power tend to call others
Hindu. We must focus on the regional [language] media to
back at me in the ‘Secular Goa’ Internet forum: ‘fringe groups’. Pareto has told us that History is
put forth our point of view.” He said the local media was “Activism is less about discussion and more about a cemetery of dead elites. History has seen dom-
hungry for news, had greater reach and understood the pulse action.”(!) God save such social activists when inant elites sliding into fringes with regularity,
of the people in small towns better than the national media. the action gets hotter. Her written prophecy may giving way to other fringe groups to enter the
The object of the workshop, it appears, was to motivate come true: “Maybe one day, I will decide that political arena. And the circus will go on…
the journalists attending – who apparently are already ori-
ented towards Hindutva and work in regional language
Goa is no longer where I physically want to be.
But wherever I go, I will carry Goa with me. Be-
HistoricAl ExplorAtions To conclude, let me recall what Salman
Rushdie wrote in his ‘The Moor’s Last Sigh’ (1995):
media – to write more about the Ram Janmabhoomi issue. cause for me, Goa is a state of mind.” implications of art. The Church in Europe used it in New York? I do not even dare to imagine the “English and French sailed in the wake of that
The Allahabad High Court is likely to deliver its verdict on I shifted the discussion of the issue to another from the times of the catacombs to teach the intensity of the HJS response, if the art vanguard first-arrived Portuguee (sic), so that in the period
the contentious Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid issue Goa-related forum, the more academic ‘Goa Re- early uneducated masses of its faithful. The mighty in Goa moved in the direction of the ‘Mome’ (read called Discovery-of-India – but how could we
shortly. Having spectacularly crashlanded in the last election search Net’. Some of those involved in the pro- rulers used it everywhere to impress their subjects it in Konkani) live art for interpreting some select be discovered when we were not covered be-
after having adopted a more aggressive ‘Hindutva-vadi’ motion of the aforementioned exhibition seemed and to legitimise their power at home and beyond. Hindu scriptures. fore? We were not so much sub-continent as
plank, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has decided to put more concerned with their right and the right of The pyramids in Egypt, the Basilica of St Peter, Now my question is: Are the modernist artists sub-condiment.”
the temple issue firmly on the backburner for the time the artist to exhibit the art pieces objected to. the monumental VT (now CST) station of Mumbai, looking for pastures in the non-Christian myths When the Europeans (The Portuguese in Goa)
They also insisted upon the highest level of schol- the architecture of the Salazar regime in Lisbon, to feed their libido and Freudian regressions? arrived in India, they thought we needed to be
being. This, it seems, has pushed its more aggressive cousin, arship, technical skills and pure intentions of the civilised. They forced us to change our habit of
may be seen as illustrations of such interests. Such transgressions could perhaps find colonial
the VHP, into overdrive on the issue. artist Dr José Pereira. I am inclined to believe that the Western mod- support during the past. In post-colonial times, scanty dress or no dress at all. Not very long
Among the suggestions made at the workshop was that The technicalities of art are not my area of ex- ern artists, but also Indians influenced by Western the modernist trained after western models needs back, in the times of our grandparents, a Por-
pro-Hindutva journalists should go online, get into the bl- pertise. I presume that Art is not produced for trends, tend to behave as ‘enfants terrible’ of their to beware and respect the cultural traditions of tuguese law did not permit women from rural
ogosphere and onto social networking media like Facebook the collectors (who know well how to make it a times, trying to shock public morality to gain the former colonies. areas to enter district towns without covering
and Twitter, to spread the message of the Ram Janmabhoomi market commodity for speculation), but prefer- popularity. Granted that there exist Cubist and Some of my other points that have remained their breasts. Men, too, had a corresponding law
among the younger generation. Mr Hartalkar urged the entially for the general public to appreciate. The other art forms that do not go in for crude ex- without any response so far: that did not permit them to appear in towns only
journalists present to attract the Cafe Coffee Day crowd old scholastics defined ‘beautiful’ as ‘quod visum ploitation of nudity; many have gone as far as (1) Would hermeneutical principles approve of with their ‘caxtti’ or loincloth.
who, he said, had been cut adrift from the pulse of Hindutva. et auditum placet’ (what pleases the eye and the they could, avoiding the extremes that could any valid interpretation of religious scriptures Just as the Discoverers left Goa in 1961, Goa
These new media forums, he felt, were the most useful to ear). My appreciation of art is limited to these boomerang. I do not know of Renaissance or Ref- outside the community experiences that inspired was discovered (as Salman Rushdie understands
cultivate public opinion on the Ram Mandir issue. He was primary criteria. I must confess that I remember ormation artists who braved to undress Our Lady those writings? We should not forget that Hin- it) by the flower children, who found the Goans
apparently concerned that youngsters are completely ig- with the greatest pleasure my visit to Dr José (beyond showing her breast-feeding the infant duism has seen protest movements across its his- over-covered. They introduced Goa to the third
norant of the Ram Janmabhoomi issue. “India is a young Pereira’s enchanting frescoes on the walls and Jesus) or to undress adult Jesus beyond what tory, and I doubt if the texts and art expressions modernity, if we should agree with Rochelle Pinto’s
country and we cannot afford to alienate youngsters in this ceilings of the Borda chapel some two decades Roman law permitted for those condemned for (including the much cited Ajanta paintings) asso- distinction of two earlier modernities in India,
movement,” Hartalkar told his audience, disclosing that the ago or so. crucifixion. What would one say of the latest live ciated with those movements can be considered brought to Goa by the Portuguese and the British
VHP itself has 86 active blogs linked to its official website. I am interested in the educational / political nude art at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) as a good basis for modern paintings to be ap- respectively.
Why the secrecy? The VHP’s position on most of these

the great escapes

issues is well known, and the online skills of the Sangh Tongue in Cheek
Parivar are not to be scoffed at. For example, the Sanatan
Sanstha, some of whose ‘sadhaks’ are facing terrorist charges
in the Margao bomb blast case, maintains an absolutely By Adelmo Fernandes

up-to-the-minute website in the name of its associate or- ast week, the Goa police were literally on their toes. The with a lot of will to escape. times, we try to escape from punishment, be it in school, college
ganisation, the Hindu JanJagriti Samiti. But for some reason, reason was that three jail inmates, from the now infamous The three fugitives on the run probably thought that the road or at the workplace. Many times, we prefer to escape from boredom
the VHP felt that the issues he was discussing on the Ram Sada sub-jail, decided to take to their heels. They probably to their freedom was the rail tracks. So they walked all of 30 km and head to wherever there is excitement.
Janmabhoomi movement could not be spoken in front of thought that they were cooling their heels in the lock-up for far along the railway line. When they ultimately decided to board the We would prefer to escape from all the shouting that we are
all journalists and, therefore, had to be discussed only with too long. train that could take them to freedom, one of them decided to subjected to by our bosses at the work place, but then it is not
journalists with a “Hindu base”. It made me wonder why their other jail-mates also did not try stay back. This was probably the wisest decision he made in his always possible. We try to escape from all the hardships of life. All
Journalism is not supposed to have religious bases or bi- to escape. On second thought, it could be because these inmates lifetime, half of which has been spent behind bars. Of the other too often, we even try to escape to freedom, as life could be too
ases, especially where news is concerned. A newspaper probably felt that they are living a better life behind bars. After all, two, who made it to an old abandoned house in remote Kalay, one ‘stuffy’ and demanding, and not to our liking.
has a news section (most of the paper) and a ‘views’ or it is understood that they have access to laptops, mobiles and also got caught and is now back in jail. For him, freedom was shortlived. Children would like to escape from all the homework they are
‘comment’ section (the edit page and, sometimes, the page a regular supply of drugs. It must be said that escapees have no age limits. A group of ju- forced to do. If possible, they would even like to escape from the
facing it). As the old adage goes: “Comment is free, but Be that as it may, of the three jailbirds, one of them had the veniles from Apna Ghar (which, ironically, means ‘our home’) in mundane task of going to school every morning.
news is sacred.” The VHP’s efforts to split the country’s name of a former German dictator. He probably felt that jail is not Merces, decided to flee from their ‘home’. For two of these young Unfortunately, even if we escape from all that is unpleasant
media into ‘secular’ and ‘pro-Hindutva’ cannot be good for the right place for a person with such a famous name as Hitler. escapees, it was back to home-sweet-home. in life, it could be just for a short while. Life would have
the profession, or even for society at large. The journalists’ I sometimes wonder why those in the lock-up are also referred In the broader context, life is one big escape. We try to escape been boring if we were to taste all things good it [life] has
unions, editors’ guilds and maybe even the Press Council to as jailbirds. After all, they are not as free as the birds in the sky. from everything that is not comfortable. In the hot summer season, to offer. So, instead of trying to escape from all the un-
needs to combat this surreptitious bid to divide journalists Coming to the three escapees, it is understood that they dug a we escape to cool hill stations. Tourists from the colder regions of pleasant things in life, it would be advisable to face it and
on the basis of their religious beliefs. hole in the wall with a screwdriver. They were obviously driven the globe escape to sunny Goa for a sun-tan. At any and every take everything life has to offer.

Letters to the Editor

Oscar quits GBA able development plan. They are only in- extended to all local bodies. Unless there
terested in creating clashes within the GBA Letter of the Day is enforcement, the situation will worsen Paths of Wisdom
Gary Fonseca, by email and proving themselves right. in future.
It’s shocking to learn that Dr Oscar Rebello To find a solution to a problem, one needs Fines should be levied on local bodies, T h e
has resigned from the Goa Bachao Abhiyan
(GBA). One of the few people who hold
credibility, Oscar has time and again been
to do more than just protest. One must
offer alternatives, negotiate with opposing
parties to find common ground, and be part
Oscar’s rage is misplaced and these monies should be used to en-
courage local bodies or NGOs to solve the
garbage menace in our villages. At present,
and the
ridiculed and accused of abandoning the of the solution. Oscar and other like-minded Bevinda Collaço, Herald columnist, Panjim funds allocated for rural garbage disposal
cause of Goa by certain people. He has suf- people understood that. The gossip mongers Let me place on record that I have not alleged that Dr Oscar Rebello has taken any pay- are used to clean drains and cut bushes in Jesus told his
fered all this with his head held high. in GBA do not. ments in any form for buying his silence or cooperation. What was written in ‘Whistle- the villages, prior to the monsoon. The ‘con- disciples a
Nothing could be further from the truth. Let The people of Goa had laid their trust blower’ (Mirror, Herald, 8 August), I quote: “surmises and wild guesses, ranging from cerned’ government department seems parable, to
us not forget that people like Oscar are profes- and hope in the mighty GBA when Dr Oscar ego hassles to cash transactions, are doing the rounds”. quite unconcerned about this. teach them
sionals, not full-time activists. Despite a busy, was leading the group. Today, alas, it’s a These rumours have been doing the rounds for a while, in fact, ever since Dr Oscar that they
demanding schedule, Oscar has taken time out different story. resigned as convenor of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA). Quite possibly, as he says, Tourism must go should always pray and never become
to educate and lead the people of this state. they originated from his detractors within the GBA. discouraged.
Socorro E Cardozo, Varca In a certain town, there was a Judge,
Most members in GBA are sincere and Finally! As a matter of fact, I overheard four middle-aged men at a food stall in Mala, who
genuine, but there are few that are irrational, were self-righteously discussing, as we Goans do, the bleak scenario in Goa. They Goa was different prior to Liberation. It was who neither feared God nor respected
Alvaro Noronha, Margao beautiful. Today, in the name of develop- man. And there was a widow in that
foul-mouthed, conniving trouble mongers. spoke of the GBA and how it seems to have died after Dr Oscar resigned. One man
They want all projects to be stopped, but At last Dr Oscar Rebello has resigned from said he heard Dr Oscar left because of ego problems. Another said, no, he heard it was ment, it has been ruined. It is stinking every- same town, who kept coming to him
have no alternate suggestions for a sustain- the membership of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan cash transactions. where with garbage and pollution. and pleading for her rights, saying,
(GBA), a decision he should have honourably Rumours are not important. What is important is that the GBA with Dr Oscar Rebello Good news for Goans. Today, Goa is not “Help me against my opponent!” For a
taken as soon as he abdicated the respon- as its face and voice, is the one weapon Goa has against those who work to destroy her. a top tourist destination. I hope we go fur- long time, the Judge refused to act,
100 Years Ago sibility of fighting assembly elections, when The item ‘Where is Oscar Rebello?’ was a call from a small group of villagers who ther down and hit rock bottom to save Goa but at last, he said to himself, “Even
it was the right time for GBA to strike. know Dr Oscar to be a man of integrity. They trust him and want him to be the voice for Goans. Tourism has given us nothing though I do not fear God or respect
He is responsible for having handed over of censure against the destructive forces in Goa. This is a tall ask for a doctor with but corruption, murders, garbage, pollution, man, yet because of all the troubles
on a platter, the momentum generated by many patients depending on him. It has to be a difficult situation; his first calling is slums, drugs and migrants. this widow is giving me, I will see to it
the GBA movement to the Save Goa Front, medicine. As he rightly said, he cannot tell a patient to postpone a heart attack because that she gets her rights. If I do not,
its English namesake (no other similarity), he has to attend a protest meeting. Merge Porvorim in Panjim she will keep on coming and finally
14 August 1910 with disastrous consequences, which the
people of Goa are now facing.
What I cannot understand is how someone of his wit and intelligence could completely Joao Mariano de Almeida, Porvorim wear me out!”
And the Lord continued, “Listen to
misunderstand the item ‘Where is Oscar Rebello?’. It was meant to be complimentary;
Mozambique study tour Those irresponsible SGF MLAs are now to tell him that Goa needs him, regardless of what a handful of his detractors may say;
The old Secretariat building or ‘Palacio what that corrupt judge said. Now, will
A Revenue Inspector will be sent once enjoying benefits, and the voters are ruing Idalçao’ has been vacated long back, and
that without him GBA will disintegrate. And without GBA, small groups like those in God not judge in favour of his own peo-
again to Mozambique, to study the having voted for them, thinking that they the government and Assembly have moved
Cansaulim fighting a hopeless battle will give up the struggle. ple, who cry to him day and night for
measures to be undertaken to improve stood for GBA’s causes. After merging with to the new complex at Alto Betim, presently
The rest of Goa knows Dr Oscar Rebello to be a man of integrity. I have the greatest under the Village Panchayat of Penha de help? Will he be slow to help them? I
the financial conditions of that colony the Congress, the former SGF men support respect for him, but if someone of his standing cannot understand what I write, tell you, he will judge in their favour
to be at par with Goa. mega projects, Mopa airport, SEZs, etc, and França (Britona). But all major functions like
chances are no one can. I have requested the editor to get someone else to write the Republic day, Independence day, Liberation and do it quickly. But will the Son of
GBA has lost its sting.
AE empowered ‘Pinch of Salt’ column. day, etc, are still held in Panjim. Man find faith on earth when he comes?”
The Assistant Engineer of Public Works Another point I wish to clarify: I am not a member of the GBA or any other organisation. It is true that normally such functions (Luke 18: 1-8)
A sincere doctor I would willingly join an organisation which is headed by Dr Oscar Rebello.
was authorised by the government to
Rima Anant Naik, Vasco
are held in the capital city. But it is only in The Growing Seed
issue all official notices which relate to Goa that the headquarters of the govern- Jesus went on to say, “The Kingdom
his department. I was shocked learn that GMC’s Dr Dilip National Games? A huge budget of Rs550 crore is ear- ment is outside the capital. It is high time
marked for the National Games to be held of God is like this. A man scatters seed
Amonkar was suspended following the death that Alto Betim and Porvorim, where the
Coconuts delight of young Raveena Rodrigues. I know him for
Irineu Gonsalves, Verna in Goa. How much will be lost to corruption? Assembly complex and Secretariat are lo-
in his field. He sleeps at night, is up
There is a great demand for newly Your editorial ‘CWG ‘con’ tracts’ (Herald, 10 This scandal should serve as a warning. The and about during the day, and all the
years. About four years ago, when my private cated, are merged into the city of Panjim.
plucked coconuts, as they emanate a August) is just the tip of the iceberg. The government should tighten the screws on while, the seeds are sprouting and
physician was unable to diagnose my illness, This area, where Panjim has expanded, is
homely flavour. he advised me to visit GMC. I approached scandal has deep roots. People in high po- checks and balances. Old habits die hard. totally neglected with heaps of garbage, no growing. Yet, he does not know how
Dr Amonkar and received the proper treat- sitions think that public memory is short, sewerage, poor water supply and a massive it happens. The soil itself makes the
Ship inspection ment. His intervention saved my life. He also and soon things will be forgotten. Litter-ally cheating mosquito menace. The VP of Penha de plants grow and bear fruit; first the
It is reported that the Naval Minister is Politicians and bureaucrats are now de- tender stalk appears, then the ear, and
treated me for ulceration two years later. Gregory E D’souza, by email França cannot cope with the problems and
going to undertake a compulsory visit veloping inferior sports infrastructure. The finally, the ear full of corn. When the
Dr Amonkar is a good doctor and a kind meet the requirements of the residents.
to all cannon boats to check the sea- quality of construction is poor, and electrical Recently, the High Court passed an order corn is ripe, the man starts cutting it
man, who cares for his patients. Monetary Therefore, the government should merge
worthiness of those vessels, to incor- installations in stadiums are not checked asking a few coastal Panchayats not to issue with his sickle, because harvest time
gain is not his aim. I cannot believe the ac- these areas into Panjim, before the coming
porate the same standards in the for safety. They are not worried if the lives licences to projects that do not have a has come.
cusation of negligence against him, as I municipal elections, to provide better civic
Colonial Navy. of athletes and the public are at risk. garbage disposal site. This order should be (Mark 4: 26-29)
have personal experience to the contrary. amenities to the residents of Porvorim.

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