Minnesota Wing - Jan 2007
Minnesota Wing - Jan 2007
Minnesota Wing - Jan 2007
officer promotions ... Mark your calendars and register early! This year's annual
Minnesota Wing conference will be held at Breezy Point
Lt. Col.
Resort in Breezy Point, Minn., from April 19-22.
Dan McDowell, Minnesota Wing
The theme this year is "Preparing Today for Tomorrow's
Major Missions."
Terry Dull, Viking
Marty Seifert, Minnesota State Legislative One of the big changes this year is that the conference
will start Friday afternoon with emergency services train-
Rahn Workcuff, North Hennepin
ing. Additionally, the military ball will be included in your
Captain registration fee. All seniors and cadets are encouraged to
Stephen Denmark, St. Paul attend. There will be a live band, cadet king and queen
Randy Donahue, Worthington coronation, cadet and senior dance contests, door prizes
Thomas Eeten, Southeast Minnesota and exciting group events.
Earl Gibson, Northwest Minnesota For more information see: www.mncap.org.
Seth Grenke, Hutchinson
Daniel Pekearo, St. Paul Officers complete advanced training
by Capt. Al Pabon, Minnesota Wing
Megan Schroeder, North Hennepin
Joe Schwartz, St. Paul Minnesota Wing conducted its first Corporate Learning
Michael Zaske, St. Cloud Course of 2007 at the Twin Cities Air Reserve Station in
Minneapolis, Jan. 13.
1st Lieutenant
Susan Blessman, North Hennepin Twenty-three students from the Michigan, Minnesota and
North Dakota wings attended the two-day course.
James Bouma, St. Cloud
Robert Olsen, St. Paul The Corporate Learning Course discusses the relationship
Norine Olson, Valley the CAP squadron has with the next major echelon of
Gary Schaedler, St. Paul command -- the wing. Specifically, the course teaches
how wing-level operations help to accomplish CAP's three
2nd Lieutenant missions of aerospace education, emergency services and
Todd Castner, North Hennepin cadet programs. It describes the working relationships
James Fallon, North Hennepin wing staff officers have with each other and their
Nathanial George, St. Pual squadron level counterparts.
Dennis Gustafson, Northland Members of the Minnesota Wing Staff presented the
Jonathan Johnson, Red Wing course, which was directed by Capt. Janelle Gates, Valley
Curtis Smerud, North Hennepin Squadron.
Shelly Supan, Anoka
Dutch Van Vranken, Northland Momentous Occasion ...
Jacqueline Watt, North Hennepin
Owatonna Squadron celebrated a cadet change of com-
C/Lt. Col. mand ceremony Feb. 13. C/Master Sgt. Dan Cole
Laura Broker, Viking accepted command from C/Capt. Annie Dally.
C/2nd Lieutenant C/1st Lt. Andrew Puckett was selected as the command-
Kenneth Fearon, Red Wing er of BlackCAP 2007, and C/Master Sgt. Travis Parker
Emily Jensen, Crow Wing was selected as its first sergeant.