Minnesota Wing - Jan 2007

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The official publication of Minnesota Wing Civil Air Patrol January/February 2007

Minnesota Wing units complete winter training exercise

Capt. Richard J. Sprouse, there's indoor shelter pro-
Group 2 vided during a search, but
A Winter Survival Training not this weekend.
Weekend was recently held Maj. Chet Wilberg,
in northern Minnesota to Hutchinson Squadron and
train CAP members for ground team training offi-
cold weather search and cer for Minnesota, led the
rescue operations. exercise.
The Northland Composite "We walked into our camp
Squadron in Bemidji site at night," Wilberg said.
teamed up with squadrons "It was a little cold, but it
from Wesota (Willmar), provided realistic training
Hutchinson, Cass County conditions in the event of a
(Walker), St. Paul, search and rescue mission
Lakeville and Crow Wing during a Minnesota winter."
(Brainerd) for two days of
training near a farm near Training also included safe-
Laporte. ty, air-ground search coor-
dination, search lines and
Cadets and seniors focused crash site security.
on surviving in winter con- Capt. Paul Pieper leads cadet to their campsite during
ditions while conducting Additional classes on first the Minnesota Wing's 2007 Winter Survival Weekend,
search operations, as well aid, litter carry and use of Jan. 5-7 near Bemidji, Minn. Photo by Capt. Richard
as cover shelter construc- an emergency locator trans- Sprouse
tion, land navigation, miss- mitter for finding downed
ing person searches, emer- aircraft were also provided,
gency locator transmitter along with a number practi-
searches in wooded areas, cal training scenarios.
night operations and much Approximately 40 cadets
more. and senior members partici-
Participant's lived, slept and pated in the exercise.
ate outside. Normally,
Minnesota Wing cadets
set up camp during the
2007 Winter Survival
Weekend, Jan 5-7, near
Bemidji, Minn.
Page 2 WingTips January/February 2007

Minnesota cadet squadron flies with Northwest Airlines

Capt. Richard Sprouse,
Group II
Twenty members of the
North Star Cadet Squadron
in St. Cloud, Minn., recent-
ly toured the Northwest
Airlines Training Facility in
Eagan, Minn.
Col. Michael Huttner, a
member of the U.S. Air
Force Reserve and a
Northwest pilot and trainer,
hosted the group. Members
were given an extensive
tour of the facility and put
behind the controls of a
DC-10 simulator.
"It was so realistic," said Col. Michael Huttner (right), a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve and a
Capt. Pat Cruze, North Star Northwest Airlines pilot and trainer, greeted members of St. Cloud's North Star
member who organized the Cadet Squadron during their recent visit to the Northwest Airlines Training Facility
visit. "As the jet rolled in Eagan, Minn. Photo by Capt. Richard Sprouse
down the tarmac during
take-off, you could look out the Honolulu Airport. I five minutes on the DC-10 close examination of poli-
the aircraft's windows and thought I was actually simulator as both pilot and cies and procedures,
see buildings and other flying." co-pilot. They were also Northwest is once again
facilities of a mock up of Everyone was given about given demonstrations on allowing groups like Civil
exiting an aircraft in an Air Patrol cadets to use the
emergency. simulator."
WingTips is a publication of
Minnesota Wing Civil Air Patrol, "It was a big tour, we did a Overall, the cadets were
U.S. Air Force Auxiliary lot," said Lt. Shawn "psyched about the experi-
6275 Crossman Lane Warneke. ence and thought that the
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 The visit was the result of view was cool," said Cruze.
www.mncap.org months of planning and the When asked if they would
[email protected] cooperation of Northwest some day like to fly such an
Airlines. aircraft, they enthusiastical-
ly said, "Yes!"
The views expressed, either written or implied, are not neces- "9-11 changed a lot of
sarily those of the U.S. Air Force, the Civil Air Patrol or things and Northwest Northwest retired its DC-10
Minnesota Wing. Submissions should be sent to the above
Airlines had to put such fleet after 34 years of serv-
email address. ice Jan. 8, 2007, following
requests on hold due to
Wing Commander: Col. Steve Miller a flight from Honolulu to
national security reasons,"
Wing Public Affairs Officer: Capt. Al Pabon the Minneapolis/St. Paul
Wingtips Editor: Lt. Col. Shannon Bauer Cruze said. "But after a
International Airport.
January/February 2007 WingTips Page 3

Students like new Squadron

Leadership School curriculum
He said the new Squadron
by Capt. Richard Sprouse, Leadership School curricu-
Group II lum is still in the draft
The below zero tempera- stage and is the result of
tures outside the hangar years of hard work by CAP
were cold, but the training staff.
inside was hot, as about 25 "It's the first time we've
members of the Minnesota used the new SLS
Wing converged on the [Squadron Leadership
Anoka County-Blaine School] program in
Airport, Feb. 9-10, to take a Minnesota. I think it's
test flight of Civil Air going to prove very popular
Patrol's new Squadron here and throughout all of
Leadership School CAP," Lucey said.
It wasn't all a slick comput-
With software containing er presentation laced with
state of the art graphics, movie clips. There was a
high resolution pictures and bevy of experienced
clips from Hollywood Minnesota Wing officers, Col. Steve Miller, Minnesota Wing commander, discuss-
movies, serving as case including Minnesota Wing es creative thinking, problem solving, common mis-
studies illustrating leaders Commander Col. Steve takes and their relationship to teamwork at the
in action for students to Miller and Vice squadron level. Photo by Capt. Richard Sprouse
analyze, members received Commander Lt. Col. Tom
an eye-popping presenta- Kettell, presiding over each
tion on leadership, profes- session and sharing their
sional development, the first-hand knowledge and
role squadrons play in CAP, experience on squadron
creative thinking and prob- leadership.
lem solving. Those attend-
ing said it was a top-shelf Said Miller about the class,
look on preparing members "There's no better way to
to contribute at the open the lines of communi-
squadron level. cation on leadership, on
solving problems or intro-
"Awesome!" said 2nd Lt. ducing new ideas than at a
Chris Gallus, Anoka session such as this that
County Squadron member involves a number of indi-
."It was a fun presentation, viduals from different
filled with lots of great, backgrounds all within the
useful information." Minnesota Wing working
1st Lt. Tom Lucey, toward the same goal - a
Minnesota Wing director of better, smarter and stronger
professional development, CAP, here and across the
Lt. Col. Tom Kettell, Minnesota Wing vice command-
helped organize the session. nation.”
er, talks about the importance of influence, confidence,
persuasion and motivation. Photo by Capt. Richard
January/February 2007 WingTips Page 4

Wing Conference fast approaching

Senior member & cadet by Capt. Al Pabon, Minnesota Wing

officer promotions ... Mark your calendars and register early! This year's annual
Minnesota Wing conference will be held at Breezy Point
Lt. Col.
Resort in Breezy Point, Minn., from April 19-22.
Dan McDowell, Minnesota Wing
The theme this year is "Preparing Today for Tomorrow's
Major Missions."
Terry Dull, Viking
Marty Seifert, Minnesota State Legislative One of the big changes this year is that the conference
will start Friday afternoon with emergency services train-
Rahn Workcuff, North Hennepin
ing. Additionally, the military ball will be included in your
Captain registration fee. All seniors and cadets are encouraged to
Stephen Denmark, St. Paul attend. There will be a live band, cadet king and queen
Randy Donahue, Worthington coronation, cadet and senior dance contests, door prizes
Thomas Eeten, Southeast Minnesota and exciting group events.
Earl Gibson, Northwest Minnesota For more information see: www.mncap.org.
Seth Grenke, Hutchinson
Daniel Pekearo, St. Paul Officers complete advanced training
by Capt. Al Pabon, Minnesota Wing
Megan Schroeder, North Hennepin
Joe Schwartz, St. Paul Minnesota Wing conducted its first Corporate Learning
Michael Zaske, St. Cloud Course of 2007 at the Twin Cities Air Reserve Station in
Minneapolis, Jan. 13.
1st Lieutenant
Susan Blessman, North Hennepin Twenty-three students from the Michigan, Minnesota and
North Dakota wings attended the two-day course.
James Bouma, St. Cloud
Robert Olsen, St. Paul The Corporate Learning Course discusses the relationship
Norine Olson, Valley the CAP squadron has with the next major echelon of
Gary Schaedler, St. Paul command -- the wing. Specifically, the course teaches
how wing-level operations help to accomplish CAP's three
2nd Lieutenant missions of aerospace education, emergency services and
Todd Castner, North Hennepin cadet programs. It describes the working relationships
James Fallon, North Hennepin wing staff officers have with each other and their
Nathanial George, St. Pual squadron level counterparts.
Dennis Gustafson, Northland Members of the Minnesota Wing Staff presented the
Jonathan Johnson, Red Wing course, which was directed by Capt. Janelle Gates, Valley
Curtis Smerud, North Hennepin Squadron.
Shelly Supan, Anoka
Dutch Van Vranken, Northland Momentous Occasion ...
Jacqueline Watt, North Hennepin
Owatonna Squadron celebrated a cadet change of com-
C/Lt. Col. mand ceremony Feb. 13. C/Master Sgt. Dan Cole
Laura Broker, Viking accepted command from C/Capt. Annie Dally.
C/2nd Lieutenant C/1st Lt. Andrew Puckett was selected as the command-
Kenneth Fearon, Red Wing er of BlackCAP 2007, and C/Master Sgt. Travis Parker
Emily Jensen, Crow Wing was selected as its first sergeant.

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