Vpe 321

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VPE-321: Veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonoses (2+1)

Definitions and aims of epidemiology. Factors influencing occurrence of livestock
diseases and production. Ecological basis and natural history of diseases. Sources,
Storage, retrieval and representation of disease information/data. Epidemiological
hypothesis. Epidemiological methods: descriptive, analytical (observational),
experimental, theoretical (modeling), serological and molecular. Survey of animal
diseases. Surveillance and monitoring of livestock diseases. Animal disease forecasting.
Strategies of disease management: prevention, control and eradication. Economics of
animal diseases. National and International regulations on livestock diseases. Role of
OIE and laws on international trade on animals and animal products.
Definition, history and socio-economic impact of zoonotic diseases. Classification of
zoonoses and approaches to their management. New, emerging, re-emerging and
occupational zoonoses. Role of domestic, wild, pet and laboratory animals and birds in
transmission of zoonoses. Zoonotic pathogens as agents of bio-terrorism. Reservoirs,
clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the management of the following
zoonoses: rabies, Japanese encephalitis, Kyasanur forest disease, influenza, anthrax,
brucellosis, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, listeriosis, plague, rickettsiosis, chlamydiosis and
dermatatophytosis. Food borne zoonoses: salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, clostridial
food poisoning, campylobacteriosis, helminthosis, toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis.
Veterinary Public Health Administration.

Collection of epidemiological samples. Measurement of disease: determination of

morbidity and mortality rates/ratios. Generation of epidemiological protocols and
reports. Demonstration of selected software programmes/models e.g. EPIZOO,
HandiSTATUS and India-Admas-EPITRAK. Evaluation of vaccines and diagnostic tests.
Determination of Associations and risks: relative risk, Odds ratio and attributable risk.
Survey of an animal disease on a farm.
Field survey of zoonotic diseases. Concurrent isolation and identification of important
pathogens of zoonotic important from animal and human sources including foods of
animal origin and their interpretation. Study of rural environment and health status of
rural community. Visit to primary health centre/human hospital and study of the
common diseases affecting rural/urban population, and probable relationships of these
human disease conditions with animal diseases present in the area.

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