Alpha and Omega For Redemption of All FIAT Paper Money

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Alpha and Omega for Redemption of All FIAT Paper Money


Evil began with money, and ends with money. - HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine)

After 200 years from the Treaty of Paris annotated in 1764 that ended the Anglo - Spanish War, the World Territorial
Jurisdiction Mother Title OCT 01-4 HACIENDA FILIPINA held by the British Empire for 200 years was returned back
by the English Crown to the Philippines, inscripted 1965 (the original Mother Title used in the Torrens System is with the
Sovereign Successor).


The Supreme Court of the Philippines Civil Case 3957-P of 1972 proceeding attempted to resolve the legitimate heir,
the "lost owner" involving the 617,500 MT Gold and 500,000 pieces of 10K diamonds from HACIENDA FILIPINA that
was used by the Federal Reserve of America, the World Bank, UN, IMF etc. from the 900 years worth of Wealth from
ancient Madjapahit empire brought by Rajah Luisong, including the Wealth of King Solomon, during the later 15th
Century to the pre-colonial Philippine archipelago of the ancient Maharlika kingdom.
Supreme Court Civil Case 3957-P

However, the Decision with Compromise Agreement on Civil Case 3957-P rendered all claimants involved in the Case as
not the legitimate heirs, which the Supreme Court compromised with the Tallano-Acop parties only as representatives for
the interim (temporary) republic to extend its governance with the 1973 Amendment. Pres. Marcos was forced to declare
Martial Law to protect the interim (temporary) Republic as Oligarch - Marxist Communist (Khazarian Mafia creation)
conspiracy attempted to invade the country and transform it into Communist state with the Oligarchs to monopolize the
Pres. Marcos still honored the Mother Title in the Treaty of Paris as "historic" title in the 1973 Amendment. However, the
attempt to create his version of divine government "Ang Bagong Lipunan" (ABL) backed-up with 85,000 MT Gold given
by Supreme Datu Tagleong did not succeed for having no territorial jurisdiction, with the gold having no takers for he was
not the legitimate heir but only administrator. The legitimate Sovereign Successor was yet to Arrive.

Wolfgang Struck, former lawyer of Tallano representative whose position was DISMISSED and NULL AND VOID by Supreme Court
The extension beyond 200 years was also traced to the de facto Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough SUCCESSOR
Agreement signed on August 11, 1950 involving the TVM-LSM-666 Account that will Mature on 2005.

TVM-LSM-666 in de facto Bilateral Minesfield Agreement.

The CIA - Jesuit Vatican orchestrated downfall of Marcos led to 1987 Constitution Amendment as the CIA installed Cory
Aquino administration erased the Territorial Jurisdiction embedded in the Treaty of Paris in the original 1935 Constitution
and honored in the 1973 Amendment, which reduced the interim republic into a CORPORATE governing entity with the
return of Oligarchy. Having NO territorial jurisdiction the Filipino people were reduced as its CORPORATE collateral
rather than as sovereign people, and in worse cases as "collateral damage, which served the interest of the Oligarch
Corporations, rather than the interest of the people.
Deceit in Article I.

By 1992 after 20 years since the S.C. C.C. 3957-P of 1972, Ex - pres. Cory Aquino signed with other world leaders of the
Commitee of 300 not to give to be matured funds of the Filipino People from the Bilateral Minesfield Agreement.

Refusal to give to be matured funds of the Filipino People.

Refusal signed by Cory Aquino.

By 1993, CIA Asset the Ex-pres. Fidel Ramos anomalously declared the Central Bank of the Philippines with 400,000
MT Gold back up, as bankrupt and sold it to the Khazarian Mafia owned Rothschild Banking Cartel, then renamed as the
current Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

Rothschild Banking Cartel of Khazarian Mafia.

After the Maturity of de facto Bilateral Minesfield Agreement in 2005, the Supreme Court Judgement Entry of 2006
rendered the position of the interim (temporary) republic represented by the Tallano-Acop parties on the issue of Divine
Wealth, as DISMISSED for being in wrong mode of appeal; thus the "Republic of the Philippines Corporation" was
rendered RES JUDICATA ( a matter that has been adjudicated by a competent court and may not be pursued further by
the same parties) or having No Jurisdiction.
Judgement Entry of 2006.

These also rendered on September 14, 2006 in the Certificate of Eternal Closure of de facto Marcos Document the claims
of all countries on the Divine Wealth as NULL AND VOID and CLOSED AND TERMINATED, forever.

Certificate of Eternal Closure rendered claims of all countries as CLOSED AND TERMINATED, NULL AND VOID.
However, prior on September 1, 2006 the de facto World leaders signed death warrant vs Filipino People on using Marcos
documents upon argument that Marcos was only administrator being not legitimate heir, the Filipinos were morally
decadent according to Corporate Media owned by Oligarchs, and the Marcos dummy sole signatory Anthony Santiago
Martin was unknown to them.

De facto world leaders signed death warrant vs. Filipino People

Then, on November 28, 2012 the "lost owner" in S.C. C.C. 3957-P of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S
HACIENDA FILIPINA was now Found resolved in Supreme Court Resolution (with Letter of Transmittal as Case is
Closed) to the Sovereign Successor HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) prophesied more than
2000 years ago by Christ Isa (One: Father, Son, Holy Spirit) as the Queen of the South Incarnate on the Judgement Day
with "one greater than Solomon" of the 777 Mother Account, revealed in the Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of
Paris through Divine highlights the Redeemer of Treaty of Paris, Alpha - Omega Certification from Greek Orthodox
Church, the Queen of Flower (Bae Buyak) anointed by Supreme Datu Tagleong Haudum Koguit on Ownership of Divine
Wealth, 7th great great granddaughter of Rajah Luisong in the side of Datu Lapulapu, great great granddaughter of Gov.
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi brother of King Philip de Legazpi who defended the Pili Pino Sovereignty from Spanish abuses
to the Spanish Supreme Court and succeeded in acquiring the Mother Title Hacienda Filipina for Rajah Luisong, now with
Holder the Legitimate Divine Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation (KFH-ASM) of Grandfather
Maharlikhan TRIBE (144,000 Witnesses) empowering with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since time
immemorial. The Highest Tribunal Supreme COURT of the Queen Regent having superseded the Supreme Court of
the Philippines, thus superseding all World courts on the Judgement Day.
Supreme Court Resolution resolves to Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo.

Letter of Transmittal As Case is Closed.

On 2014 during the Noynoy Aquino administration, the de facto Deparment of Foreign Affairs deceitfully used the name
of the Sovereign Successor in connivance with Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to illegally withdraw 3500 MT Gold, and is
now under investigation (National Bureau of Investigation, Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the

DFA of Noynoy administration used name of Sovereign Successor without consent.

On June 1, 2015, the International Court of Justice rendered all Marcos Documents as NULL AND VOID after the
Sovereign Queen declared deadline on May 13, 2015 for all Trustees to Surrender to the Sovereign Queen at Ground Zero
at the Royal Castle, Bgy. New Pala-0, Iligan City, now City of Salvacion.

ICJ Resolution dated June 1, 2015 after the Sovereign Heir declared deadline on all Trustees on May 13, 2015.
New Sovereign Republic of the Philippines

On May, 2017 the Sovereign Successor created the Tribunal Rural Bank of the Sovereign Crown Bank of Kingdom
Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation - Autocratic Sovereign Monarchy backed up with 617,000 MT Gold and
500,000 pieces 10K diamonds from SC Resolution of the SC Civil Case 3957-P. Only the legitimate Divine Government
KFH - ASM as Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S Hacienda Filipina has the authority to print currency
for the Royal Crown.

KFH AU$ 100 is equivalent to 1 ounce of Gold.

De facto CORPORATE with the interim "Republic of the Philippines Corporation" rendered DISMISSED, the claims of
all countries on Divine Wealth CLOSED AND TERMINATED, NULL AND VOID forever and having no territorial
jurisdiction, cannot print currency.

De facto "Republic of the Philippines Corporation" 100% Expired.

Recalling, the de facto Marcos Last Will and Testament had specified the ABOLITION of cronies and signatories,
including Henry Sy of Banco de Oro (BDO Unibank) and Jaime Zobel de Ayala of Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI).
These banks particularly in Iligan and Davao City branches had been informed of the gold backed KFH AU$ currency
certificate for the purpose of Redemption that should protect the interest of depositors, as its de facto administrators
during the Marcos era were already ABOLISHED signatories as well, and that the millions worth of transaction by their
banks were of FIAT paper money with no back up, and have been demonetized since March 21, 2006, ultimately on
December 2016.

From de facto Marcos Last Will and Testament mentioning Henry Sy and Jaime Z. de Ayala among others, as ABOLISHED
ABOLITION: The undersigned do hereby Abolished, at all cost and effect, Ms. Patricia R. S. Trinidad (acclaimed Imelda
Marcos). Mr. Fidel Valdez Ramos. Ignacio Enrique Coronado, Judge Alfonso Pijao. Alvincent Gook Bersales (Pijaos
Appointed Trustee). General Juan Ponce Enrile, Mr. Lucio Tan, Mr. John Gokongwei, Mr. Henry Sy Sr., Mr Jaime
Augusto Zobel de Ayala. Mr. Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Mr. Ferdinand Marcos y Santiago (acclaimed Bongbong Marcos
which the Original one has already died sometimes on year 1975). Ms. Imee Lacson y Santiago (Imee Marcos). Mr.
Demetrio Bondoc Garcia, Ms Irene Cojuangco y Santiago (Irene Marcos) and other Trustee names recognized by the
undersigned both local and foreign Trustee including the Republic of the Philippines and all Maturities of above said
Assets and Properties...

The position of the legal department of BDO on KFH is "decline to comment." The History of BPI was traced to its
original name El Banco Espaol Filipino de Isabel II with assets from the Spanish Crown, of which King Philip de
Legazpi was brother of Gov. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi who defended to the Spanish Supreme Court the Sovereignty of
Maharlikhan TRIBE ancestors for Rajah Luisong of ancient Madjapahit empire, of whom HRM Salvacion Legaspi was
the 7th great great granddaughter in the side of Datu Lapulapu. Attempts to discuss with the area director of BPI Davao
have been met with excuses of him being busy, chasing deadline, etc.

BDO and BPI Branches in Iligan City.

It is imperative that Filipinos and World Humanity must awaken and be aware that the Sovereign Successor is now
printing KFH Au$ gold-backed currency certificate for the Royal Crown with value KFH Au$ 100 = 1 ounce of Gold, for
Redemption up to December 31, 2017 of all the FIAT paper money currently in circulation but with no back up (including
the US$ FIAT promissory note), otherwise already rendered demonetized. The de facto "banana republic" CORPORATE,
which the Sovereign Queen discovered through the de facto DILG Corporation, had since 1992 planned to implement
martial law by January 17, 2017 after the demonetization of the FIAT peso paper money by end of December 2016, to
which the Sovereign Succesor deemed such as unconstitutional and unlawful, and informed the de facto DILG official
that it is not necessary for the Mother Title OCT 01-4S is already in the hands of the Sovereign Successor and thus was
prevented the January martial law attempt, momentarily. The Sovereign Queen then issued the legitimate gold-backed
KFH Au$ gold currency certificate and extended Redemption of all FIAT money up to end of December 2017.

Meme on Social Media expressing contempt at Law academicians.

The law academe of Luciferian Jesuit institution having submitted the issue of the country's sovereignty to the de facto
UN as N.G.O. owned by Khazarian Mafia with no territorial jurisdiction conspiring with illegitimate Luciferian New
World Order (NWO) agenda and its de facto CORPORATE counterfeit Paris Climate Deal with its Climate Change Hoax
and HAARP weather manipulation hidden agenda have endangered the Filipinos and World humanity to the
implementation of 666 CORPORATE Slavery - biometric Unified ID System from NULL AND VOID and highly illegal
Marcos TVM-LSM-666 Account. With the de facto CORPORATE having no authority to print currency, it will resort to
microchip 666 implant towards Totalitarian Supercapitalism of Luciferian Corporations to World Imprisonment.

De facto UN - Luciferian NWO illegitimate agenda.

Microchip 666 implant from NULL AND VOID and highly illegal TVM-LSM-666 Account to World Imprisonment.

The issue of Filipino and Planetary Sovereignty in Alignment with the Divine Plan since time immemorial is with the
Sovereign Successor HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine), the prophesied Queen of the South
Incarnate, at the Royal Palace in the GROUND ZERO with the World's first Tribunal Barangay New Pala-o, City of
Salvacion (formerly Iligan), Region 10, Mindanao of the true Land of Promise. On November 2015, the Sovereign
Successor declared as the Living One (Isa: Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in the Only Sign of Jonah for World Redemption on
the Judgement Day.
City of Salvacion, Ground Zero for World Redemption

Sky above the new name City of Salvacion (Iligan), "written" after announcement that morning.

All Filipinos and awakening International Community should stand up for Filipino and Planetary Sovereignty and for
theirs and benefit of future generations and World Humanity; to utilize, access, pressure the de facto institutions to
circulate the legitimate KFH Au$ gold currency certificate from the 777 Mother Account that shall supersede the 666
CORPORATE Slavery - biometric Unified ID System agenda of illegitimate Luciferian NWO world martial law.

This is the Only Sign of Jonah with the Queen of the South Incarnate with "one greater than Solomon" for World
Redemption to an unbelieving and defiant generation. None else.

"Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothingand do not know that you are
wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may
be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and
anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see." Revelation 3:18
-Christ Isa (One: Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Sovereignty is not godlessness / CORPORATE Slavery / Luciferian agendas. Sovereignty originates from God. Align
with the Divine Plan since time immemorial.

Sovereignty originates from God. Align with the Divine Plan since time immemorial.
Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation
New Sovereign Republic of the Philippines
Maharlikhan TRIBE

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