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Khuba on the `ilm al-urf

("The Sermon on the Science of the Letters").

Translated from INBMC 91: 30-36. See also INBMC 67: 228-233.

Stephen Lambden 2007-8 (Under revision).

Last revised 21/11/07

The often faulty Arabic text here is

gradually being modified and corrected...


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

[1] Praised be to God Who hath enabled the gnosis of His

Essence to be realized through His verses which express
theophanic self-disclosure (al-mutajalliyya) within the grandeur
of the inmost heart (`izz al-f'd), though without hint of either
anthropomorphism (tashbiyya) or differentiation (tafrq) [within
hypostatsis-personna of the Godhead]. [2] This such that all
might bear witness within the Locus of the Divine Bounty
(maq`ad al-fal) unto the ordered Handiwork of their Creator in
the citadel of Reunion (maq`ad al-wal). No God is there except

[3] He generated the likeness of Divine Oneness (al-
aadiyya) within the realities of Creation (haq'iq al-khalq) though
devoid of even the similitude of any depiction [of His Reality] or
any hint of possible description [thereof], to the end that created
things might, on every level, realize that the ordinance of Lordship
exists within the Temple of servitude (hukm al-rububiyya f haykal
al-`ubudiyya) [for there is indeed] no God, except Him.

[4] He indeed originated the Manifestations of

Comprehensiveness (mahir al-jam`) within every singularity
(tafrq) though without any description of [His] Essential Reality
(ni`at al-jawhariyya) and without any form of disclosure [of His
Reality] (srat al-`ariyya) to the end that He might impress
certainty upon every atom of existence [when] confronted with
the Countenance of the One Worshipped [God] (al-ma`bud) at [the
moment of] the perception of union (bi-tatriyyat al-wasl) [exists
only] at the very limit of [disclosure from the sphere of] the Divine
Names (add al-asm'iyya) for such is [nothing other than] the
semblance of existence (ni`at al-wujdiyya), for , there is no God
is there other than Him.

[5] He generated through the Might of His Power in the leaves of
the Sinaitic Tree (waraqat al-shajarat al-sn') the forms of the
creative generation (uwar al-ibd') and whatsoever came to be
therein to the end that all of the servants (al-`ibd) draw out of it
every letter (kull al-arf) which is a token (ukm) of whatsoever
was deposited in the Qur'n. And no one hath encompassed the
knowledge of the All-Merciful, except God, [no God is there]
except Him. [6] He indeed created through the Locus-Point of the
[Alphabetical] Script (fi'l-nuqa al-kha) the science of the letters
(`ilm al-urf) and all things besides. This that any soul might give
utterance and declare something of the handiwork of God (an`
Allh) [7] and envision in a [Logos-]Point (nuqa) He Who decreed
that which God created in the Primordial Tree (shajarat al-awwal).
No God is there except Him.



[1] We have indeed this day have observed a person in the boat
[ark] (safinat) [with a] love of the science of the letters and their
culmination [fulfillment/eschaton] (ubb `ilm al-urf wa
akhiratih). Subsequently he had enquired about the mode of
their appointed time (ukm ajalih) as observable phenomena
(bi'l-`iyn). [2] So it was desired that We dispatch a resolution
(ukm an ) [of the enquiry] from the Point of the Bayn (nuqat al-
bayn), from the Point of the science of the letters (nuqat `ilm al-
urf) [= the Bab] and their culmination (akhirati-h). This that
the observers of their reading (tilwatih) might bear witness unto
the judgment of the Tree upon the [Sinaitic] Mount (hukm shajarat
`al al-r), no God is there except Him. [3] And [that they may]
realize that their likeness is even as the activity of causative
agents (al-`amiln), save that is, when the thread of resplendent
light (al-khayt al-iw') is set in motion through the crimson Light
(al-nr al-hamr'). [4] At this the Sinaitic dwellers [lit. `mountites']
(al-riyyn) among the denizens of the Divine Cloud (`ahl al-
`am') are assuredly made to swoon away and the proponents of
Divine oneness (al-mawidn) at the horizon of heaven (ufq al-
sam') bear witness unto the rising up of the snow-white thread
(khayt al-bay') from the black horizon (ufq al-sawd').

[5] Has not the Dawn time (al-sub) broken through the Light
of Glory (nr al-jall) therein? [6] Say: Yea! By my Lord! that We
might indeed deliver unto thee the universe of the science of the
letters (`alam `ilm al-urf) and their culmination [eschaton]
(akhirati-h). [7] There is nothing that lieth outside of His
knowledge. And We have indeed distinguished all things (kulli
shay') in a Book Preserved (kitb af).



[1] With respect to this Point (al-nuqa) the intellects of the
philosophers of old (hukam' min qabl) are bewildered and the
`ulama (divines) of subsequent times have gone astray. This until
all became well aware of the weakness of their `ulama' and
gained solace on account of its establishment in justice through
the family of God for whomsoever they will for they [the Imams]
do not will save God Himself hath willed. And God hath ever been
Powerful over all things. [2] Is it not the case that this science [of
the letters] (`ilm) is the sister of prophethood in the Temple of
Lordship (ukht al-nubuwwa fi'l-haykal al-rubbiyya) as well as an
aspect of servitude in the Temple of the Divine Oneness (ni`at min
al-`ubudiyya fi haykal al-aadiyya). [3] And no soul can
encompass the knowledge of this science save such as God
Himself, the Mighty, the Wise, doth will. [4] Wherefore does
humankind (al-insn) cry out through the Dove [Bird] (al-warqa'),
"Fear ye God! This is indeed the Path (al-sulk) so CHECK THIS. [5]
There hath sprinkled forth from the billowing sea of God (amaam
Allh) the Bayan (Exposition) and many multitudes of creatures
have drowned therein. [6] And with the permission of God I shall
proceed with respect to it, [disclosing] but the merest shadow for
none is aware of [the extent of] its magnitude save God. And
Glorified be God above that which they suppose.



[1] So O thou Onlooker! Examine carefully, refine the gaze and
blind thine eyes! so as to render delicate the sensitive feelings (al-
raq'iq) then be restrained over reality generating mi`rj journeys
(ma`arij al-haq'iq) and cast forth what in in thy right hand and in
what is thy left of the subtle allusions about things intricate
(ishrt al-daq'iq). [2] Then rise up upon the Path (al-sirat) and
know that for this science (`ilm) are seven foundations (ul). [3]
It is not possible for anyone to draw out of this ocean even those
waves which constitute but a drop of the Cosmic Watery Expanse
(al-ma'), save, that is, subsequent to attaining into its gnosis
(ma`rifat) and a state of certitude regarding it. [4] Know then
[something of] the reality of the Point (al-nuqa) in its very
beginning (fi awwaliha) and the [nature of] the luminous Letters
(huruf al-nuraniyya) and those of darkness (al-zullmaniyya) with
respect to their ultimacy (akhiriha) as well as the knowledge of
their modes of activity on every level (wajh).



[5] And [know also that] the science of the letter " H" (al-ha')
is realized through a counting of successive numbers [through
gematria : 5 = 1-2-3-4-5] (`ind adha al-a`dd). [6] Then the
[letter]" W" (al-ww) is realized through numerical calculation
[5+1=6= abjad ww] (f `adad al-isb) for He decreed the days
(al-ayym) and their measure (nisba) relative to the seven stars
(al-kawkib al-sab`a). [7] Such is the decree of God relative to the
science of the Point (`ilm al-nuqa) since the inmost heart (al-
f'd) [of the Bab] hath, in very truth, seen and the inmost heart
(al-f'd) does not liet not about what it seeth (cf. Q.53:11).[8]
Such is a sprinkling [of knowledge] derived from what was taken
from the Greatest [q Sayyid] Ja`far [ibn Ab Ishq Kashfi Darb]
(d.1267/1850-1) (Ja`far al-akbar). Take ye then, through the power
of God (bi-quwwat Allh), what hath been cast upon thee and be
numbered among the thankful.


. .


[1] So follow My decree in the realm of the Point (ar al-

nuqa) for it is indeed a Tree neither Eastern nor Western (cf. Q.
24:35). Its manifestations have set in motion every one of the
letters [ of the alphabet] in a manner without finality. [2] Most
proximate thereto is the hidden [letter] "A" (alif al-ghaybiyya)
then the "soft" ones (al-lniyya) [= ww, and y] and those
substantive [?] (al-jawhariyya) among the luminous letters (araf
al-nrniyya). [3] Then are those evident (al-`ariyya) among the
letters of opposition (araf al-iddiyya), [4] then those motionless
[= vowelless medial consonants] (al-skin) [5] and then those set
in motion [= the vowelized consonants] (al-mutaarrik).

[6] Then the letter "A" (al-alif) which is at the beginning of

every letter, the wisdom thereof being in the Book (al-kitb)
which We evidence by the example of the tradition (sunna). [7]
So be aware that the after the decree regarding the letter "A" (al-
alif) which is [scribed] within the eighteen letters after its [own]
likeness there is something other than a letter which God singled
out for His Own Logos-Self and which has other than the likeness
of their form [ cf. al-Ahsa'i, Jawmi` al-kalim vol. II: 312].[8] For
every letter derived from the Point (al-nuqta) there is a wisdom to
its manifestations which none can fathom aside from God Himself
and whomsoever He willeth for He is the Mighty, the Wise. [9] Of
such [wisdoms] I shall mention but one of their aspects in order
that the people of the inmost heart (ahl al-af'ida) might know what
[manner of] wisdom lieth within every letter.


[1] Know that God created for the letter " A" (harf al-alif)
[=abjad 1] for Paradise and its people (ukm firdaws wa ahlih).
[2] For the [letter] "H" (al-ha'= abjad 5) He allotted the Divine
Intention (al-irada). [3] For the letter ` ayn [= abjad 70] He
allotted of the Divine Destiny (al-qadar) and its host (al-qadr wa
jandiha). [4] Then for the [letter] " " (al-') [= abjad 9] He
allotted the Divine Accomplishment (al-qia') and its like. [5] For
the [letter] "K" (al-kf) He allotted the Divine Authorization (al-
idhn) and its sister (ukht) [6] For the [letter] " L" (al-lm) [abjad
30] is allotted the Book (al-kitb) and its resemblance (shabah).
[7] For the [letter] " Q" (al-qf) [abjad 100] He allotted the
Appointed Time (al-ajall). [8] And their resultant (shakl) is [the
number] seven (al-sab`a). [8] And that which was sent down of its
manifestations is a Mighty Book in a Manifest Tablet, a Pathway
unto the the Real Truth (al-haqq). [9] Their [mathematical]
doubling [submersion ghamasaka ??) of these Luminous Letters
(ahraf al-nuraniyya) yields fourteen [7x 2 =14].


35 *

[10] So O Thou Onlooker! If thou did know what is alluded to
therein thou would reckon that the result would accord with the
wisdom of the knowledge of the Point (ukm `ilm al-nuqa) and
its consequent realities [alphabetical "sisters"] (ukht). [11] Such is
the wisdom which I cast unto thee regarding the dual dimensions
of the [word] Bb (ithnayn al-bb) [= its 2 letter " B" s] resulting
from the seven letters [ this duality = B+B with "a" is
expressed as Bab = `Ali + Muhammad = 3+4 = 7 letters].

[12] Now regarding that which We [now] cast upon thee about
the modes of activity associated with the celestial orbs [stars]
(martib al-fi`l al-kawkib). The Sun is the orb [planet] expressive
of al-mashiyya ("the Divine Will") while the Moon (al-qamar) is the
star of al-Irda ("the Divine Intention" (najm al-irda). [13] The
five stars [presumably 1. Saturn, 1. Jupiter, 3. Mars, 4. Venus and
5. Mercury] [correspond to] the other five for no change is there in
the decree of God with respect to a single thing. And God, thy Lord
is assuredly One Powerful, Mighty.

[The other five hypostatic potencies are [3] qadar ("the Divine
Foreordainment"); [4] qi' ("the Divine Accomplishment"); [5]
idhn ("the Divine Authorization") [6] kitb ("the Cosmic] Book"; [7]
ajal ("the Divinely alotted Time"), see Kulayn, al-Kf, 1:149]
[13] Now regarding the wisdom about what is indicated of the
days [of the week] (al-ayym). The first [day configures to] is al-
mashiyya (the Divine Will), the second to al-irda (the Divine
Intention), the third to al-qadar (the Divine Foreordainment), the
fourth to al-qi' ("the Divine Accomplishment"), the fifth to al-
im' (the Divine Realization) and the [sixth] to Friday which is the
Day of al-ajal (the Divinely allotted Time") while the seventh (al-
sabt) [Saturday] configures to the [Cosmic] Book (al-kitb). [14]
Such then is the decree of God in this connection and I have not
found in for the ways (al-sunna) of God with respect to the Letters
(al-urf) [of the Alphabet] any alteration. [15] ] This is the
wisdom respecting the fact that God created [everything] in six
days from the Divine Authorization (min al-idhn).



[1] Now regarding the wisdom which We cast unto thee
respecting the decree about [letter] " H" (hukm al-ha') following
the decree about threefold sixth among the letters [the threefold
letter ww = w+a+w, abjad numerical value = 6 [13]). [2]
So [it is necessary that you] rise up upon the throne of allusion
(`arsh al-ishrat) and if the [celestial] veil (al-hijb) is especially
fine and delicate (raqq wa raqq), the [cosmic] ocean deep and
impenetrable (`amq `amq) and the decree (ukm) complex and
intricate (anq anq) then desire that thou partake of the fruit of
that knowledge (thamarat al-`ilm) which involves obtaining of the
wisdom [decree] (hukm) respecting the Arabic letters (bi'l-ahraf al-
`arabiyya) through the knowledge that results from [an awareness
of] the numerical value of the letters (`adad al-urf).

[3] So preserve [safeguard-memorize...] thy day and its

designation (nisba) relative to the levels of activity (il martib al-
fi`l) and the celestial orbs (al-kawkib) then subtract from the
head of all the tens the number of the three from the six (= ww
= 6) adding [multiplying?] there after all the seventeen letters
from a letter from the letter "H" (min harf min al-h') unto the
number of the threefold sixth (= ww = 6) and count from the
threefold letter J" (thulth al-jim) and preserve [divine?] the two
thirds of the numbers (thulth al-`add) at the moment of
subtraction. [4] Then when [you have] added up [gathered
together] the [value of the] letters are gathered together [added
up] take the units [cardinal numbers (al-id) and the double
[multiple] (`if) for in their image (bi-mithlih) are seven letters
the like of which hath been indicated unto thee before. [5] [Then]
relinquish [omit] the tens and there shall emerge the valuation
(ukm) with the permission of thy Lord, that which the eye doth
not see nor had ever occurred to the heart aforetime. [6] Such is
the bounty of God (fadl Allah) which He bestoweth upon
whomsoever He willeth for God is the One possessed of Great
Bounty (fadl `azim).


/ .

[1] Now regarding the matter (ukm) of the sister of
prophethood (ukht al-nubuwwa), know that the divine Command
(al-amr) was [ in this respect] sent down from the level of [the
creative imperative] "Be!" (kun) unto the level of the jinn
("spirits") and then in line with what preceded it according to the
decree (hukm) of thy Lord.

[2] And as for the matter (ukm) pertaining to the world of

the inmost-heart (`alam al-fu'ad) and the ability to glimpse [?]
(tatriyya) thy Lord abstracted from existing things and likenesses
(al-imthal). [3] When the similitude is narrated as similitude
[parable] (al-mithl bi'l-mithl) the matter is [divinely] authorized
[sanctioned] and the [veracity of the] matter was, in this
connection, sealed up (makhtman). [4] Wherefore is it that in
every world whatsoever pertains to whatever is computed has
confirmation through the Book (li'l-kitb) which is His Command
(amr) [see Q. 36:12; 58:6; 72:28;78:29].

[5] Regarding thy station (maqm) which pertains to this

world. [6] Obtain the Sinatic Tree (shajarat al-sn') from the head
of the Youth (ra`s al-fat)! than cleanse [wash] (gh-s-l) it at the
very apex of purity (`al add al-f) [7] Then extract its liquid-
water (m') [= mercury] four times. [8] If you extract a fifth part
the liquid (khmis al-m') without fail it will be a subtle yellow
(afr' raqq). [9] Then preserve it and extract oil from that oil
which is a fourth part sulphur (duhn min duhn rbi` kibrt) [10]
after you have abandoned the first portion of the initial liquid
[=mercury] (al-m' al-awwal) and the likeness of that first
semblance (mithl dhalik shubba al-awwal). [11] When you have
attained that limit [apex] (hadd) at seven [times] there will be
manifest the Name of God, the Living One (al-ayy) [= abjad 18]
[12] then abandon-divide through the Bounty of God (fay Allh)
according to the extent that you desire for there is not found for
the Bounty of God any interruption.



FN. Hadith from Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq:

[1] Mashiyya ("the [Divine] Will"); [2] irda ("the [Divine]

Intention"); [3] qadar ("the [Divine] Foreordainment"); [4] qi'
("the Divine Accomplishment"); [5] idhn ("the Divine]
Authorization") [6] kitb ("the [Cosmic] Book"); [7] ajal ("the
[Divinely] alotted Time"). And whoso claims to be able to violate
this unitative schemata is assuredly an infidel." (Kulayn, al-Kf,
In its Kitb al-tawd (Book of the Divine Unity) the centrality of

mashiyya as a theological-cosmological concept is evident.

References to al-mashiyya in Bb-Bah' scripture are most

centrally rooted in a number of key Sh' traditions deriving from

various of the the (twelver) Imams. Among them the following

tradition related from Ab `Abd-Allh [= Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq] (d.

c. 148/765) which is frequently cited and commented upon by

the Bb:

"There is not a single thing in the heavens or on the earth

but came to be through these seven factors (khil) :

[1] mashiyya ("the [Divine] Will"); [2] irda ("the [Divine]

Intention"); [3] qadar ("the [Divine] Foreordainment"); [4]
qi' ("the Divine Accomplishment"); [5] idhn ("the Divine]
Authorization") [6] kitb ("the [Cosmic] Book"); [7] ajal ("the
[Divinely] alotted Time"). And whoso claims to be able to
violate this unitative schemata is assuredly an infidel."
(Kulayn, al-Kf, 1:149).

An almost identical hadth to the above, narrated through Ab'l-asan

Ms ibn Ja`far, reads:

"There is not a single thing in the heavens or on the earth but came
to be through these seven [factors]:

[1] qi' ("the Divine Accomplishment");

[2] qadar ("the [Divine] Foreordainment");

[3] irda ("the [Divine] Intention");

[4] mashiyya ("the [Divine] Will");

[5] kitb ("the [archetypal-cosmogonic] Book");

[6] ajal ("the [Divinely] alotted Time");

[7] idhn ("the Divine] Authorization").

And whoso supposes [the centrality] other than this [schema]

assuredly attributes a lie unto God or disputes with God who is to
be exalted and glorified (ibid 1:149-150).

Following these two traditions (cited above) there is a section in al-Kf

entitled, bab al-mashiyya wa'l-irda ("Section on the Divine Will and

the Divine Intention") which contains six traditions (see ibid 1:150-

152). In the first of them Ab `Abd Allh [=Imm Ja`far al-diq] is

cited as having said,

"There is naught that hath come into being save that which
God hath willed (sha`a Allh) and intended (cf. irda) ,
foreordained (cf. qadar ) and accomplished (cf. qi'). I
enquired, `What is meant by `He [God] hath willed?' He [the
Imam] replied, `It is the commencement of action'. I then
enquired, `What is meant by His foreordaining'. He [the
Imam] replied, `It is the determining of something in terms of
its length (tl) and its width (`ar).' I further enquired, `What
is meant by the [Divine] accomplishment?' He [the Imam]
replied, `When something is ordained such is [assuredly]
carried out. This then is what cannot be annulled.' (ibid).

The next tradition set down in Kulayni's al-Kf is unusual in that it

records Imam Ja`far reporting that God had no particular liking when

He was involved in willing, intending, foreordaining and accomplishing

(cf. 1->4 in the first tradition cited). This enigmatic adth is probably

intended to indicate God's remoteness, his abstraction from these

processes in the light of His transcendence and incomprehensibility



VI:7. "So be aware that the after the decree regarding the letter
"A" (al-alif) which is [scribed] within the eighteen letters after its
[own] likeness there is something other than a letter which God
singled out for His Own Logos-Self and which has other than the
likeness of their form."

There would seem to be allusion to the tradition ascribed to the

fifth Imam, Muhamad al-Baqir also ecorded in the Usul al-Kafi of

"God created a Name by means of unpronounced letters and by

means of an unuttered Word" .

This mysteries "Word" is described as the "Complete Word". It is

fundamental to created existence (for details see al-Ahsa'i,
Jawmi` al-Kalim vol. II: 312) This has been noted by Cole,
1994:155 and othes.

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