WBCSD Finance
WBCSD Finance
WBCSD Finance
Focus Areas
Introduction 2
Investment needs 3
Key Messages 11
Other publications 12
Investing in a Low-Carbon Energy Future in the Developing World
commercially competitive and can be mental models and perceptions
implemented at scale. among governments and policy-
makers of how and why a business
The demand for energy will rise most might choose to invest in a particular
rapidly in developing countries as they project and/or country. This can result
develop energy services to drive in inefficient policies that hinder rather
economic growth and social progress. than support the involvement of the
Without convenient and affordable private sector.
alternatives, these countries are likely
to follow a high-carbon pathway, In the following pages we explore how
similar to that of the developed world. governments and business can work
together to solve these challenges by
In its trilogy of Energy and Climate aligning policies, mechanisms and
publications, as well as Powering a tools with the commercial conditions
Sustainable Future and Doing Business under which a business typically
with the World, the WBCSD explores invests. By identifying a few of the
the highly political issues concerning critical issues important to business we
the challenge of meeting energy needs hope to contribute to the design of
without causing irreversible damage to efficient policy mechanisms that drive
the Earth’s climate. the shift to a low-carbon future,
promote investment in new
The solutions lie in creating framework technologies and energy services in
conditions with the right incentives to developing countries, and contribute
cause a large scale technological shift to overall sustainable development.
toward a lower carbon and more
energy efficient economy that also
delivers affordable energy solutions for
the 2.4 billion people who are
currently without basic energy
services. This shift relies on scaling up
investment flows into the development
Investment needs
Improve energy availability
Energy is a key driver of economic
growth and social progress. It is essential Key facts and trends
to fueling industry, powering • Today, the one billion people (16%
infrastructure, connecting goods, people of the global population) living in
and services to markets, and delivering developed regions consume half of
basic services such as heating, lighting the world’s energy supply. In
and cooking. For the billions of people contrast, one billion of the world’s
without access to modern energy services poorest people use 4%.5
to escape poverty and enter into
productive economic activities, • Underinvestment in energy reduces
investments in energy infrastructure (on- GDP growth in some countries by
and off-grid) are needed. as much as 1-3% annually.6
The IEA estimates that developing • The demand for primary energy is
countries will need annual electricity projected to increase globally by a
supply investments of approximately factor of 1.6-3.5 between now and
US$ 165 billion through 2010, increasing 2050, and in developing countries
at about 3% a year through to 2030.2 by a factor of 2.3-5.2.7
About half of the necessary financing is • Roughly 1.6 billion people
readily identifiable, leaving an worldwide live without electricity.
investment gap in the energy sector of
about US$ 80 billion per year. The IEA • In sub-Saharan Africa, 547 million
estimates that international financial people have no modern energy
institutions, aid donors and the private services, and as low as only 8% of
sector can close this gap by those living in rural areas have
approximately US$ 11 billion per year access to any electricity.8
through additional investments using
existing financial instruments. • Despite the growth of the energy
sector, around 2.4 billion people still
Mitigate climate change rely on traditional biomass (wood,
Scientific evidence and economic straw, dung, etc.) to cover their
analysis confirm the need for radical basic energy needs. In many
changes in the global energy system to developing countries, biomass
combat climate change and ensure accounts for over 90% of household
energy security in the future. energy use. The burning of biomass
in simple stoves results in indoor air
The United Nations Framework
pollution that causes 1.3 million
Convention on Climate Change
deaths per year, primarily among
(UNFCCC) in its 2007 analysis of financial
young children and mothers.9
flows estimates that US$ 200-210 billion
will be necessary in 2030 to stabilize GHG • The share of GHG emissions from
emissions at today’s levels. The incremental developing countries is expected to
costs of low-carbon investments in rise from 39% today to 52% by
developing countries are likely to be at 2030, with China responsible for
least US$ 20-30 billion per year.3 29% of the predicted rise.10
Today private sector investments
• India is already the fifth biggest emitter
constitute the largest share (86%) of
of CO2 emissions, yet approximately
global investment flows and are
45% of its population does not yet
expected to be essential to addressing
have access to electricity and
climate change. A large additional flow
approximately 85% of the population
of tens of billions of dollars will also be
lives on less than US$2 per day.11
needed for adaptation.4
Addressing the
investment gap
The track record tells us that in the
absence of strong policy support
mechanisms and incentives, and while
fossil fuels are cheap and readily
available, public and private funds are
unlikely to deliver the necessary
technologies at a cost and scale
necessary to address climate change
unless there are major changes in
investment frameworks.
60 support
Deployment Incentives / CO2 market
Earlier deployment Competing
Competing technology 0
1 10 100 1000
Understanding how and why business invests
Much can depend on market and cost An absence of incentives, poorly
assumptions, as well as perceptions of defined investment and regulatory
risk. The basis for such assumptions frameworks, uncertain policy signals,
influences how these are accounted for and market uncertainty, are just some
and will vary from company to of the factors that affect overall risk
company, sector to sector, and profiles and possible returns.
country to country. A great
opportunity for one company or
investor may be a step too far for
In practice there are many examples where
theoretically advantageous projects fail to
make it past the idea stage. Structural
obstacles (anti-competitive practices of
existing monopolies), rigidities (e.g.,
reimbursement and reward systems,
subsidies, tax policies), overly complex
regulation, legislation based on obsolete
technology, and perceptions of consumers
and companies driven by “upfront” rather
than “life cycle cost” are just some of the
factors that can kill a project.
Transforming energy services
in the developing world
Most low- and zero-GHG energy power generation. The IEA estimates
technologies will not be cost that some US$ 5.2 trillion is required in
competitive at scale without some generation investments, and an
combination of investment support additional US$ 6.1 trillion for
mechanisms, technological advances or transmission and distribution networks
regulatory regime improvements. An from now until 2030.18
abundance of potential projects,
Subsidies and other incentives – Many
technologies or investment
countries subsidize their energy sectors–
opportunities will not in itself necessarily
estimated at around US$ 162 billion
translate into the mobilization of capital
per year between 1995 and 1999.19
flows for implementation. Many energy
Governments can encourage a long-
efficiency projects and Clean
term shift to low-GHG technologies
Development Mechanism (CDM)
through appropriate tax incentives
proposals have faced this problem, yet
and/or subsidies that would be phased
they have tremendous potential for
out over time.
reducing emissions, managing energy
demand challenges, and optimizing
value in the long term. Some of the
Private sector participation
world’s poorest countries may be at a The role of large companies – National
further disadvantage because of limited and multinational companies can
institutional and commercial capacity, develop and deliver large scale
not to mention high-risk ratings that investments in energy technologies
affect the ability to attract, develop and that reduce GHG emissions and/or
manage substantial project-based improve energy efficiency. In so doing
investments. these companies can create new
markets and associated revenue
The following approaches can help streams for energy-related products
overcome these barriers and tap and services for currently underserved
various financing sources. populations in developing countries.
Bilateral deals - Joint ventures between Clean Development Mechanism near term will require substantial
companies have the advantage of The Clean Development Mechanism additional support and incentives to
flexibility and can mobilize private (CDM) is one of the Kyoto Protocol’s both scale up the investment amounts
sector funds and technology for larger flexible instruments and is designed to and reduce costs. Policy certainty
projects and areas of new market mitigate climate change by regarding the mechanism’s role and
potential by spreading risks and capital encouraging investments in low-GHG design in a post-2012 international
among the partners. Multinational technologies in developing countries. climate framework could also provide
companies are increasingly willing to The CDM has succeeded in bringing much needed clarity for project-based
invest in projects, not only to receive clean energy technology to some investments.
commercial returns or manage a countries in the developing world. Yet
carbon compliance position but also to many projects have been weighed
gain long-term strategic market down by lengthy approval processes
advantage. This can come through the and high transaction costs, meaning
development and testing of new hundreds of projects have been
technologies or positioning a company stopped at the starting gates. Those
as pursuing a sustainable business that have succeeded have
model in a rapidly emerging market. focused on a select group of
countries like China, Brazil
Less developed countries will and India, where existing
typically need a more innovative market potential is high.
spectrum of private and public sector Only 3% of all CDM
finance (e.g., World Bank or projects are located
International Finance Corporation), on the African
concessionary finance, and a variety of continent and
guarantees and insurance mechanisms primarily within
to lower the risk profile of a project South Africa (see
within parameters acceptable to Figure 5).20
external investors.
Around 35% of
Capacity building CDM credits in
Access to finance for energy projects is the pipeline come
not in itself sufficient. Developing from just
countries also require substantial 15 projects for
capacity building and related funding industrial gases that
from public and private sector have very high global
investors. Capacity building needs to warming potential and
be tackled at two levels: for large-scale thus generate a very large
infrastructure projects as well as for volume of emissions
small-scale solutions, driven and reductions compared to, for
implemented by local entrepreneurs. example, renewable energy
For large-scale projects, it is crucial to projects.21
strengthen the strategic planning
capabilities and project management Pricing for certified emission reductions
skills of both regulatory authorities and (CERs) created from CDM projects
project developers. For small-scale have generally been low, on the back
• = CDM project, large scale, one
solutions, knowledge of the local of low-cost, end-of-pipe solutions that
market is crucial and needs to be have satisfied market demand for CERs.
• = CDM project, large scale, several
complemented with strengthening of Projects in Africa are further
business skills and adapting disadvantaged because CERs have
• = CDM project, small scale, one
technologies to local needs. historically been priced 20% lower
than the global average.22
• = CDM project, small scale, several
Low-cost solutions are not likely to
trigger technology transfer in the early
stages of technology development.
Major technology investments in the Figure 5: Map of CDM project locations worldwide
(Source: UNFCCC)
Harnessing capital markets
Key Messages However, in its current form the CDM
will fail to achieve investment at scale
• Ensure the commercial viability of
technologies such as CCS and
and will not help solve the dire energy IGCC through direct support and
needs in regions such as sub-Saharan incentives in the demonstration
Africa. phase
Engaging the private sector
WBCSD members recognize the Policies to change the world • Adopt pragmatic and inclusive
societal need to significantly scale up Most stakeholders agree it will take a approaches that create fast-track
investments in lower GHG combination of financial mechanisms, approval processes to accelerate
technologies. They also see including the carbon markets and deployment of these new
opportunities, for example: official development assistance (ODA), technologies
to guarantee the energy demands of
• Establishing new markets for low the future are met in a way that • Set an example for other sectors by
GHG technologies and services mitigates climate change. In order for acting as an early adopter, buying
business and private capital to play its new, advanced technology products
• Gaining competitive advantage role in delivering low- and zero-GHG for government fleets and operations.
through technological innovation technologies, key considerations in the
design elements of future frameworks Encourage technology cooperation
• Reducing costs through energy include the following. to developing countries
efficiency. • Enhance growth and
Create robust and integrated competitiveness in developing
However, the members also recognize policy frameworks countries through technology
that a project’s ability to attract • Develop policy frameworks that cooperation by establishing a
investment also depends heavily on create predictable future competitive business-to-business
the prospect of a commercial rate of demand for new technologies and framework for transactions
return. A lack of certainty over policies reward innovation
related to carbon pricing and GHG • Dismantle trade barriers affecting
reduction targets increases the risk of • Establish a clear and strong the diffusion of technologies to
achieving a commercial return for expectation of a carbon price in encourage investment and business
low-GHG technology projects. While the near and long-term future to participation
this uncertainty prevails, the bulk of encourage investment
potential private capital available will • Manage the intellectual property
probably flow to traditional energy • Incorporate energy and climate rights regime to balance the need
sources, or remain uncommitted until strategies into national to incentivize innovation and the
definitive policies, which underpin a development plans dissemination of technologies to
pragmatic approach, begin to support investment in new
emerge. • Develop approaches that expand technologies.
or aggregate projects through
International policy efforts must align programs or portfolios to Build capacity
with the investment cycle that can last standardize and streamline the • Build institutional capacity to
for decades, from initial R&D through transaction process translate policies into robust and
to actual deployment at scale. A broad integrated development plans
and efficient mix of policies and • Establish stable and transparent
programs targeted at mitigation and regulatory regimes to help reduce • Support investment in SMEs,
adaptation and backed by supportive corruption and improve country particularly in capacity building, so
regulation and governance risk profiles. they can own and/or operate small-
frameworks will reduce investment scale energy projects in order to
uncertainty and encourage business to Address all stages in the help ensure deployment of
invest for the long term. technology development cycle technologies
• Invest in public and private
Governments are engaging with energy R&D with the support of • Influence public behavior and
business through instruments like the international financial institutions acceptance of new technologies
CDM and public-private technology to help low-GHG technologies such through awareness raising and
partnerships. These are forming new as CCS, renewables and nuclear education to help ensure future
areas of collaboration and new power through the various stages demand for low-GHG energy
business opportunities. of development services.
Energy and Climate Trilogy
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) brings Footnotes
together some 200 international companies in a shared commitment to 1
sustainable development through economic growth, ecological balance and social IEA. World Energy Outlook. 2006.
progress. Our members are drawn from more than 30 countries and 20 major 2
World Bank. “Investment Framework
industrial sectors. We also benefit from a global network of about 60 national and for Clean Energy and Development: a
regional business councils and partner organizations. platform for convergence of public
and private investments”.
Our mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst for change toward
sustainable development, and to support the business license to operate, innovate 3
UNFCCC. “Report on the analysis of
and grow in a world increasingly shaped by sustainable development issues. existing and potential investment and
financial flows relevant to the
Our objectives include: development of an effective and
Business Leadership – to be a leading business advocate on sustainable appropriate international response to
development; climate change”. 2007.
Policy Development - to help develop policies that create framework conditions for Ibid.
the business contribution to sustainable development; 5
WBCSD. Energy and Climate: Facts and
The Business Case - to develop and promote the business case for sustainable Trends to 2050. 2007.
development; 6
See note 2.
Best Practice - to demonstrate the business contribution to sustainable 7
See note 2.
development and share best practices among members; 8
See note 1.
Global Outreach – to contribute to a sustainable future for developing nations and 9
See note 1.
nations in transition.
See note 1.
UNDP Human Development Index.
This report is released in the name of the WBCSD. Like other WBCSD reports, it is
the result of a collaborative effort by members of the secretariat and executives See note 2.
from several member companies. A wide range of members reviewed drafts, 13
WBCSD. Policy Directions to 2050.
thereby ensuring that the document broadly represents the majority view of the 2007.
WBCSD membership. It does not mean, however, that every member company 14
agrees with every word. Stern, N. Stern Review: The Economics
of Climate Change. 2007.
IEA and OECD. Energy Technology
Perspectives: Scenarios and Strategies to
2050. 2006.
See note 1.
ISBN: 978-3-940388-16-2 17
Energy Commission of Ghana.
Paper: Containing 50% recycled content and 50% from mainly certified forests See note 1.
(FSC and PEFC). 100% chlorine-free. ISO 14001 certified mill. 19
See note 14.
Ordering publications 20
Source: www.unfccc.org (accessed
WBCSD, c/o Earthprint Limited November 2007).
Tel: (44 1438) 748111
Fax: (44 1438) 748844 See note 14.
[email protected] 22
Publications are available at: www.wbcsd.org Reuters. “World Bank urges CO2
markets to invest in Africa.”
Copyright: © 2007 World Business Council for Sustainable Development 16 November 2006.
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