3D Television: Seminar Paper in English Language 3
3D Television: Seminar Paper in English Language 3
3D Television: Seminar Paper in English Language 3
3D television
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. History............................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Technologies .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1. Displaying technologies.............................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Producing technologies .............................................................................................................. 8
3.3. 3D production ............................................................................................................................. 9
4. Standardization efforts ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1. DVB 3D-TV standard .............................................................................................................. 11
4.2. World record ............................................................................................................................ 11
5. Health effects ............................................................................................................................... 12
6. References .................................................................................................................................... 13
1. Introduction
Image 2. Drawing of Sir Charles Wheatstone, the English scientist and inventor.
Stereoscopic 3D television was demonstrated for the first time on 10 August 1928, by
John Logie Baird in London.
The first 3D TV was produced in 1935, and stereoscopic 3D still cameras for personal
use had already become fairly common by the Second World War. Many 3D movies were
produced for theatrical release in the US during the 1950s just when television started to
become popular.
In 1946 the Soviet Union also developed 3D films, with Robinzon Kruzo being its first
full-length 3D movie. People were excited to view the 3D movies, but were put off by their
poor quality. Because of this, their popularity declined quickly.
3D showings became more popular throughout the 2000s, culminating in the success of
3D presentations of Avatar in December 2009 and January 2010.
Though 3D movies were generally well received by the public, 3D television did not
become popular until after the CES 2010 trade show, when major manufacturers began selling
a full lineup of 3D televisions.
3. Technologies
There are several techniques to produce and display 3D moving pictures. The following
are some of the technical details and methodologies employed in some of the more notable 3D
movie systems that have been developed.
The future of 3D television is also emerging as time progresses. New technology like
WindowWalls and Visible light communication are being implemented into 3D television as
the demand for 3D TV increases. Vice president of Samsung's LCD business, says that the
demand for 3D TV will skyrocket in the next couple of years, fueled by televised sports.
One might be able to obtain information directly onto their television due to new
technologies like the Visible Light Communication that allows for this to happen because the
LED lights transmit information by flickering at high frequencies.
3.1 Displaying technologies
The basic requirement is to display offset images that are filtered separately to the left
and right eye. Two strategies have been used to accomplish this: have the viewer wear
eyeglasses to filter the separately offset images to each eye, or have the light source split the
images directionally into the viewer's eyes (no glasses required).
Image 9. The Nintendo 3DS uses parallax barrier autostereoscopy to display a 3D image
Hitachi released glasses-free 3D projection systems that use a set of 24 projectors,
lenses, and translucent half mirrors to superimpose 3D images with a horizontal viewing angle
of 60 degrees and a vertical viewing angle of 30 degrees. Besides Hitachi, Sony is also working
on similar technologies.
Single-view displays project only one stereo pair at a time. Multi-view displays either
use head tracking to change the view depending on the viewing angle, or simultaneous
projection of multiple independent views of a scene for multiple viewers (automultiscopic).
Various other display techniques have been described, such as holography, volumetric
display, and the Pulfrich effect.
3.2 Producing technologies
Stereoscopy is the most widely accepted method for capturing and delivering 3D video.
It involves capturing stereo pairs in a two-view setup, with cameras mounted side by side and
separated by the same distance as is between a person's pupils. If we imagine projecting an
object point in a scene along the line-of-sight for each eye, in turn, to a flat background screen,
we may describe the location of this point mathematically using simple algebra.
Image 11.Audience wearing special glasses watch a 3D "stereoscopic film" at the Telekinema
on the South Bank in London during the Festival of Britain 1951.
Content providers, such as Disney, DreamWorks, and other Hollywood studios, and
technology developers, such as Philips, asked SMPTE for the development of a 3DTV standard
in order to avoid a battle of formats and to guarantee consumers that they will be able to view
the 3D content they purchase and to provide them with 3D home solutions for all pockets. In
August 2008, SMPTE established the "3-D Home Display Formats Task Force" to define the
parameters of a stereoscopic 3D mastering standard for content viewed on any fixed device in
the home, no matter the delivery channel. It explored the standards that need to be set for 3D
content distributed via broadcast, cable, satellite, packaged media, and the Internet to be
played-out on televisions, computer screens and other tethered displays. After six months, the
committee produced a report to define the issues and challenges, minimum standards, and
evaluation criteria, which the Society said would serve as a working document for SMPTE 3D
standards efforts to follow. A follow-on effort to draft a standard for 3D content formats was
expected to take another 18 to 30 months.
4.1 DVB 3D-TV standard
DVB has established the DVB 3D-TV Specification. The following 3D-TV consumer
configurations will be available to the public:
3D-TV connected to 3D Blu-ray Player for packaged media.
3D-TV connected to HD Games Console, e.g. PS3 for 3D gaming.
3D-TV connected to HD STB for broadcast 3D-TV.
3D-TV receiving a 3D-TV broadcast directly via a built-in tuner and decoder.
For the two broadcast scenarios above, initial requirements are for Pay-TV broadcasters
to deliver 3D-TV services over existing HD broadcasting infrastructures, and to use existing
receivers (with firmware upgrade, as required) to deliver 3D content to 3D-TV sets, via an
HDMI or equivalent connection, if needed. This is termed Frame Compatible. There are a range
of Frame Compatible formats. They include the Side by Side (SbS) format, the Top and Bottom
(TaB) format, and others.
[3] Future looks flat for 3D TV. The Sydney Morning Herald, 2013.
[4] Philips Dimenco glasses-less 3D TV of the future, hopefully our future. Engadget.