Manufacturing in Global
Manufacturing in Global
Manufacturing in Global
According to Mark Walport and Richard Lapthorne, manufacturing in the future will look very
different from today. Successful industry must be capable for adapting their physical and intellectual
infrastructures to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing becomes faster, more responsive to
global market change, and closer to customers. Successful firms will also harness a wider skill base,
with highly qualified leaders and managers whose expertise combines both commercial and technical
skill. In line with the development of production machines, the quality of manufacturing process
becomes a demand. In order to succeed in the rapidly evolving global manufacturing landscape,
companies will need to embrace some of the key elements of manufacturing competitiveness, such as
talent, advanced technologies, ecosystem partnership, and smart strategies. Indonesia has potential
to be successful nation in global manufacturing sector. This paper is going to talk about condition in
global manufacturing competitiveness, the drivers of global manufacturing competitiveness, and
Indonesias condition of manufacturing industry. This paper argues that Indonesia is capable to
compete in global manufacturing.
As the global manufacturing becomes increasingly advanced and sophisticatedly, the leading
manufacturing countries of the 20th century (the United States, Germany, Japan, and the United
Kingdom) that have continually invested in developing advanced manufacturing technologies are now
seeing increasing in ranking. These countries driven by a focus on innovation and advanced
manufacturing are expected to shape a new battleground and to remain in the top rankings in global
manufacturing competitiveness through the rest of the decade. Consistent with the previous 2010 and
2013 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index studies, China is again ranked as the most
competitive manufacturing nation in 2016, but the United States is expected to take over the number
one position from China by the end of the decade.
China is now going through a striking move in focus towards higher value manufacturing.
Moreover, China is actively moving toward a more technologically advanced manufacturing paradigm
to adjust with other global, innovation-oriented countries. The resulting movement is generating
opportunity to other countries to strengthen their position as lower-cost global manufacturing
destination. Countries looking for utilizing the Chinas decision include MITI-V (Malaysia, India,
Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam), and although all but Vietnam show decline on competitiveness rank
between 2013 and 2016, the MITI-V is expected to join the top 15 before the end of the decade. While
these countries keep showing interest to be successor of China in global manufacturing
competitiveness, each country must overcome many challenges while emphasizing its own superiority
to take full advantage of global manufacturing investment opportunity.
Similar to 2010 and 2013, Talent ranked as the most important driver of global manufacturing
competitiveness For Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index study by Deloitte, talent is defined
as the quality and availability of highly skilled workers which facilitate a shift towards innovation and
advanced manufacturing strategies. The result shows the strong influence a highly skilled workforce
can have on a nations overall competitiveness. Government forces such as policy and infrastructure
also affect the competitiveness on global manufacturing as both help to establish a countrys ability to
keep up with the demands of a competitive manufacturing environment.
Indonesia is ready to compete more actively in global manufacturing. Based on Global
Manufacturing Index reported by Deloitte in 2016, Indonesia has many strengths to face global
manufacturing battleground. Moreover, Indonesia is one of some countries that could represent a
New China in terms of low cost labour, competent manufacturing capabilities, beneficial
demographic profiles, market and economic growth, with its competitiveness ranking rising in the rest
of the decade as China continues to focus towards a higher value, advanced technology manufacturing
paradigm. Indonesia is predicted to join top 15 in 2020, going up 4 ranking, in global manufacturing
competitiveness ranking. Large reserves of natural resources in Indonesia also attracts attention from
companies in the energy-and-resources intensive commodities to develop business in the country. In
term of low cost labour, Indonesias are less than one-fifth of those in China whose costs have the
steepest rise in Asia over the past 10 years. Indonesias cost remained relatively flat gets attention of
those manufacturers looking for a stable low-cost alternative.
However, Indonesia still should prepare more for joining global manufacturing battleground
more actively. Indonesia needs to work on improving and reforming bureaucratic manufacturing
policies, investing in greater development, and strengthening overall manufacturing infrastructure.
Indonesia can adapt other countrys strategies and adjust it corresponding to nations condition. For
instance, top global companies are benefiting from new public-private partnership models resulting in
competitiveness undergoes a significant transformation at both company and country level. Not to
mention the infrastructure and skilful workers in Indonesia are less competitive compared to other
countries in global manufacturing battleground.
In addition, Indonesia needs change in energy usage system. It would be advantageous for
Indonesia to maximise its energy supply from unconventional sources to natural resources. Based on
The Archipelago Economy: Unleashing Indonesias potential by McKinsey Global Institute, game-
changing forms of energy from unconventional sources could meet up to 20% of Indonesias energy
needs by 2030, reducing the countrys dependence on oil and coal by almost 15% as well as lowering
greenhouse gas emissions by almost 10 percent, compared with business as usual. The potential to
improve Indonesias energy efficiency is also significant. For instance, using more efficient methods to
generate power, improving transportation, and retrofitting and constructing more energy-efficient
buildings could reduce energy demand.
Manufacturing remains critically important for developing and advanced world. China is
ranked as the most competitive manufacturing nation in 2016, but the United States is expected to
take over the number one position from China while Germany holds steady at the number three
position through the end of the decade. Meanwhile, Indonesia has overall 10-year growth in
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