Road Estimates Sheet

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N.W.: Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota

Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain)

Est. Rs. 200000

Habitation Reddivaripalle

G.P.: Vepurikota

Mandal: Mulakalacheruvu

Sub Divn.: B. Kothakota.


Specification Report to acccompany the Detailed Estimate for the work

Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota

Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) Est.Cost Rs. 200000

The streets are slushy and water logged during raining season causing ill health to the Public

To provide safe and hygeinic conditions, it is necessary to provide the CC Pavement in the Village.

The work is administratively sanctioned vide proceedings Roc.No. 19/SPWD/(CMA)/DSO-1/2012

dt. 29-06-2013 of the District Collector, Chittoor.

The following provisions are made in the Detailed Estimate;

1 Earthwork excavation in OG Soils for undulated areas levelling

2 Filling of Sand for levelling the surface area.

3 M 20 Design mix using 12 and 20mmHBG MC Metal for CC Pavement over 125 microns Polythene sheet

4 Provision for laying of Mastic Pads of 12.70 mm thick for expansion joints

5 Provision for QC at 0.50 % and Vat at 5% and provision for unforeseen items.

6 Provision for unforeseen items if any.

The Detailed Estimate is prepared as per Standard Schedule of Rates

2013-14 and the work will be carried out as per Standard Specifications.

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
N.W. Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota

Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) Est. Cost Rs. 200000

S.No Description of work No. Qty. Rate Amount
Length Breadth Depth

Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using

manual means with initial lift and lead
1 16.70 2.10 0.10 3.51 131.20 461
Filling in undulations with sand including cost and
2 conveyance of sand, watering, ramming and labour
charges etc. 1 31.00 2.10 0.05 3.26 505.83 1649
Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per
design mix M20 using 12mm and 20mm HBG
Machine Crushed Metal, with side formwork, over
125 microns thick Polythene sheet including cost and
conveyance of all materials, labour charges and
curing etc., complete. 1 78.75 3.00 0.170 40.16 4617.19 185426

Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70

4 mm thick including cost and conveyance and labour
charges etc., complete for expansion joints.
8 3.00 - 0.170 4.08 498.00 2032

Sub Total Rs. 189568

5 Provision for Q C charges at 0.50% 948

7 Provisition for VAT @ 5.00 % 9478

6 Provision for Unforeseen items of work and sanitation 6

T O T A L Rs. : 200000

The work is administratively sanctioned vide proceedings Roc.No.

19/SPWD/(CMA)/DSO-1/2012 dt. 29-06-2013 of the District Collector,
Asst. Exe. Engineer,
PRI, B.Kothakota.

Technically sanctioned for Rs.________ lakhs (Rupees ________

____________________________________ only)

vide SDR No. _____/2013-14 dt._________________

Dy. Executive Engineer,

PRI Sub division,
B. Kothakota.

N.W. Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota

Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) Est.Cost Rs. 200000

source of
Lead in charges Initial Add S Loading
SNo Descri ption of Material Unit Total
Kms excluding cost Fee Charges

1 Sand for Mortar Local 1 cum 13.00 154.39 385.00 40.00 13.33 592.72

2 Sand for Filling Local 1 cum 6.00 80.70 285.00 40.00 13.33 419.03

20mm to 12 mm
3 Machine crushed HBG 1 cum 30.00 333.33 1150.00 50.00 0.00 1533.33

4 Cement Local 1 MT. 0.00 0.00 5500 0.00 0.00 5500.00

Certified that the leads adopted are correct and nearest to the best of my knowledge and belief

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
N.W. Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota
Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) Est.Rs. 200000
S. No Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using manual means with
Taking output = 120 cum
initial lift and lead
a) Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 46.80 280.00 13104.00
13104.00 x1/120 109.20
Add Seinerage charges 22.00
Rate per cum = (a)/120 131.20
2 Filling in undulations with sand including cost and conveyance of sand,
Unit = cum
watering, ramming and labour charges etc.,
a) Labour Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.31 280.00 86.80
b) Material sand cum 1.00 419.03 419.03
Rate per cum = a+b 505.83
Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per design mix M20 using
12mm and 20mm HBG Machine Crushed Metal, with side formwork, over
125 microns thick Polythene sheet including cost and conveyance of all
materials, labour charges and curing etc., complete. for 75 Cum. Qty.

a) Mason (1st class) day 5 350.00 1750.00

Mason (2nd class) day 5 320.00 1600.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 150 280.00 42000.00
Mazdoor (Skilled) day 6 320.00 1920.00
Surveyor day 2 500.00 1000.00
Mazdoor (Semi-Skilled) day 6 280.00 1680.00
Concrete mixer 0.28 / 0.4 cum capacity (6 mixers) with weigh batcher and
hour 36 417.40 15026.40
b) suitable capacity calibrated water tank
Vibrator hour 9 152.50 1372.50
Pan Vibrator hour 9 42.00 378.00
Water tanker 8 kl capacity hour 5 372.00 1860.00
c) 20 mm to 12 mm HBG MC aggregate cum 67.50 1533.33 103499.78
Sand as per IS:383 and conforming to Clause 1500.2.4.2 @ 0.45 cum/cum
of concrete cum 33.75 592.72 20004.30
Cement @ 330 kg/cum of concrete MT 24.75 5500.00 136125.00
Polythene sheet 125 micron sqm 412.50 15.00 6187.50
Water for curing (M-189) kl 18.00 100.00 1800.00
d) Centering Charges at 3% on a+b+c 336203.480 x 0.03 = 10086.10
Cost for 75 cum = a+b+c+d 346289.58

Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/75 346289.58 x 1/75 4617.19

Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70 mm thick including cost
sqm 1.000 498.00 498.00
and conveyance and labour charges etc., complete for expansion joints.

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
N.W. Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota MB No.

Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) Est.Cost Rs. 200000

S.No Description of work No. Qty. Rate Amount
Length Breadth Depth

Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using

manual means with initial lift and lead
QVP No. 12. 4.73 131.20 621

Filling in undulations with sand including cost and

2 conveyance of sand, watering, ramming and labour
charges etc.,
QVP No. 12. 4.81 505.83 2433
Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per
design mix M20 using 10mm and 20mm HBG
Machine Crushed Metal, with side formwork, over
125 microns thick Polythene sheet including cost and
conveyance of all materials, labour charges and
curing etc., complete. QVP No. 13. 31.62 4617.19 145996

Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70

4 mm thick including cost and conveyance and labour
charges etc., complete for expansion joints.
QVP No. 13. 4.08 498.00 2032

Sub Total Rs. 151082

5 Provision for Q C charges at 0.50% 755

7 Provisition for VAT @ 5.00 % 7554

6 Provision for Unforeseen items of work and sanitation 0

T O T A L Rs. : 159391

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
N.W.: Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota
Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) MB No. Est.Cost Rs. 200000
As per Original Estimate As per Working Estimate
S. No Description of work Excess Less
Qty. Rate Per Amount Qty. Rate Per Amount
1 Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using
3.51 131.20 461 4.73 131.20 621 160 0
manual means with initial lift and lead
2 Filling in undulations with sand including cost and
conveyance of sand, watering, ramming and labour 3.26 505.83 1649 4.81 505.83 2433 784 0
charges etc.,
3 Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per
design mix M20 using 10mm and 20mm HBG Machine
Crushed Metal, with side formwork, over 125 microns
40.16 4617.19 185426 31.62 4617.19 145996 0 39430
thick Polythene sheet including cost and conveyance
of all materials, labour charges and curing etc.,
4 Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70 mm
thick including cost and conveyance and labour 4.08 498.00 2032 4.08 498.00 2032 0 0
charges etc., complete for expansion joints.
5 Provision for Q C charges at 0.50% 948 755 0 193
6 Provisition for VAT @ 5.00 % 9478 7554 0 1924
7 Provision for Unforeseen items of work 6 0 0 6

T O T A L Rs. : 200000 159391 944 41553

As per Original Estimate 200000 As per Excess: 944
As per Working Estimate 159391 As per Less: 41553
Difference: 40609 Difference: 40609

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
N.W.: Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota
Grant: SDF 2013-14 (Plain) MB No. Est.Cost Rs. 200000
As per Working Estimate As per Execution
S. No Description of work Excess Less Remarks
Qty. Rate Per Amount Qty. Rate Per Amount
1 Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using
4.73 131.20 621.00 4.73 131.20 620.58 0.00 0.42
manual means with initial lift and lead
2 Filling in undulations with sand including cost and
conveyance of sand, watering, ramming and labour 4.81 505.83 2433.00 4.81 505.83 2433.04 0.04 0.00
charges etc.,
3 Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per
design mix M20 using 10mm and 20mm HBG Machine
Crushed Metal, with side formwork, over 125 microns
31.62 4617.19 145996.00 31.62 4617.19 145995.55 0.00 0.45
thick Polythene sheet including cost and conveyance
of all materials, labour charges and curing etc.,
4 Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70 mm
thick including cost and conveyance and labour 4.08 498.00 2032.00 4.08 498.00 2031.84 0.00 0.16
charges etc., complete for expansion joints.
5 Provision for Q C charges at 0.50% 755.00 948.00 193.00 0.00
6 Provisition for VAT @ 5.00 % 7554.00 9478.00 1924.00 0.00
7 Provision for Unforeseen items of work 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

T O T A L Rs. : 159391.00 161507.01 ### 1.03

As per Working Estimate 159391.00 As per Excess: ###
As per Execution 161507.01 As per Less: 1.03
Difference: -2116.01 Difference: ###

Asst. Exe. Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota.
l Bi

n a
Name Of Work : Providing CC road in Reddivaripalle H/o Vepurikota
Name Of Contractor: Chairman, Habitation Works Committee, Reddivaripalle
Vocher: ......................................................

Last Certificate If Any MB No.

Month August 2013
Number In And Month Of The Last Schedule If Any
Habitation Reddivaripalle
Grama Panchayat Vepurikota
Est. Cost Rs. 200000
Voucher No. .............................
Supervisor No.. Asst. Exe. Engineer,PRI, B.Kothakota.
Authority: SDF 2013-14 (Plain)
Covering List No.. .......................
Scheduleno.. .......................
Rate in Total amount
Sno. Total Qty. Description of Work
Rs. Up to date

Excavation for levelling of roadway in OG Soil using manual

1 4.73 means with initial lift and lead 131.20 620.58

Filling in undulations with sand including cost and conveyance of

2 4.81 sand, watering, ramming and labour charges etc., 505.83 2433.04

Laying of Plain cement concrete pavement as per design mix

M20 using 10mm and 20mm HBG Machine Crushed Metal, with
side formwork, over 125 microns thick Polythene sheet including
cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges and curing
3 31.62 etc., complete. 4617.19 145995.55

Supply, delivery and fixing of Mastic Pads of 12.70 mm thick

including cost and conveyance and labour charges etc.,
4 4.08 complete for expansion joints. 498.00 2031.84

Grand Total Rs. 151081.01

Signature of contractor..Date..

Certified that the proceeding claim is correct, that the necessary Check Measurement Certificate
measurements have been made by me on..........and Work and
Certified that the -------------------------- duly checked.
and recorded on page
MB No. Materials were

and that the work has been satisfactorily performed.

Certified also that the Meaterials billed for have been received Check Meaured by me on (Dates)

and of brought to account

Asst. Exe. Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer,

PRI, B.Kothakota. PRI Sub division,
B. Kothakota.
Memorandum of payment made
Total value of work done
Amount of previous payment from last certificate No____ of ____ forwarded Rs Ps Rs Ps

with account of ________________________________________________

Fines and other deductions up to date

Payment now made By cash Rs

"Cheque No.of .

"Value of stock supplied

Blance due

Allotment for the year

Expenditure including this bill
Balance available
Only as family payment in settlement of all demands.


Hd.Clerk or Preslbent or
Ad.Account Engineer
Date Payee
Admited Rs..
Total Rs
Date Auditor
1.This form is intended for use in the case of unning account I.e. for works in progress of
supplie incorse of delivery, when the liability is discharged in full single payment Form No.33-A should be used
2.Payment will be made only up nonetenth of the total value of the work done.The balance being
retained as security both for the due performance of the contracts or to cover possible over payment
which may be deducted on check measurment in the case of work whose estimate cost dose not
exceed Rs 50/- payment may be made in full on the measuring officers certificate subject to
subequent check measurement by the proper check measuring authority.
3.In calucating theamount of each item due to the contractor in this bill.Sums of six pices or less shall be
omitted and sums exceeding six pices up to one anua shall be recorded as one anua.
4.Payment made in case of sum excluding Rs. 100- should be atte by two witness and for smaller sums
by one witness, payment made by cheque to recognized firms or institutions need not be so witnessed.
5.When the payee signs in the vernacular the amount acknowledged should also be noted in same
veraculler as well as in English.
6.In case other then well known firms all parties must sign. If there will be more then contractor the payee
must produce a power of attorney form he firm.
7.No contract certificate bearing on remarks should be accepted. If any corrections are necessary
the figures should be neatly scored out and initrailes by the officer concerned incase of correction made in the Engineer's
Office Head Accountant may be authorised to chyooe due to clerical elrose are but the Engineer's should affix his
intilals to all corrections in the ratmummn as well as those in the totals of the bill and the pass order. This rule applied
(MUTATIS MUTANDIS) to payment from miscellous grants.
8.In case in which the materials billed or taken over charged by an officer other than the officer signing
the certificate from of the bill the names of the former should be noted in the remarks colum or the bill.Necessary
ameandment being made at the same time in the excluding post on of the certificate relating to material.
lead in Bricks per
Note: Rates are exclusive of 14
Sand Metal
KM 1000 Nos.

1 26.32 25.35 42.19

2 36.84 35.44 59.04
3 49.12 49.12 78.77
4 59.65 59.65 95.61
5 70.18 70.18 112.54
6 80.70 80.70 129.39
7 91.23 91.23 146.23
8 101.75 101.75 163.07
9 112.28 112.28 179.91
10 122.81 122.81 196.75

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