Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

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Kenya National Bureau of Statistics hereby releases Consumer Price Indices (CPI)
and rates of inflation for February, 2017. These numbers have been generated
using data collected during the second and third weeks of the month under
review. The prices were obtained from selected retail outlets in 25 data
collection zones which are located in Nairobi and in 13 other urban centers.
As shown in Tables 1 and 2, the CPI increased from 176.93 in January to
179.98 in February 2017. The overall inflation rate stood at 9.04 per cent in
February 2017.

Table 1: One Month and Twelve Months Changes in the Price Indices
% Change on % Change on same
last month month of previous
(February year (February
CPI 2017/ January 2017/ February
Broad Commodity Group Weight 2017) 2016)
Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages 36.04 3.08 16.50
Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco & Narcotics 2.06 0.20 3.50
Clothing & Footwear 7.43 0.30 4.32
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other
Fuels 18.3 0.41 2.33
Furnishings, Household Equipment and
Routine Household Maintenance 6.16 0.12 3.04
Health 3.13 1.42 3.58
Transport 8.66 0.70 4.26
Communication 3.82 0.02 0.16
Recreation & Culture 2.25 0.16 1.93
Education 3.14 0.52 2.94
Restaurant & Hotels 4.48 0.64 4.32
Miscellaneous Goods & Services 4.52 0.17 3.34
Total 100 1.72 9.04
Table 2: Overall CPI and Inflation Rates
Base: February 2009=100
Month Overall CPI Overall Rate of Inflation
Feb-16 165.06 7.09
Mar-16 165.92 6.45
Apr-16 167.07 5.27
May-16 167.99 5.00
Jun-16 169.76 5.80
Jul-16 170.84 6.39
Aug-16 170.97 6.26
Sep-16 171.56 6.34
Oct-16 172.62 6.47
Nov-16 173.85 6.68
Dec-16 175.18 6.35
Jan-17 176.93 6.99
Feb-17 179.98 9.04

Table 3: National Average Retail Prices of Selected Commodities

Average Average Average % change
Price Price Price % Change on same
Unit of February January February on last month
Commodity Name Measure 2016 2017 2017 month last year
Kale-Sukuma Wiki 1 Kg 36.8 48.7 54.1 11.0 46.9
Maize Flour - Sifted 2 Kg 105.5 119.6 126.8 6.0 20.2
Milk - Fresh Unpacketed 1000 Ml 54.1 55.5 57.8 4.1 6.9
Milk - Fresh Packeted 500 Ml 53.3 54.3 55.8 2.7 4.6
Maize Grain - Loose 1 Kg 41.1 46.4 49.5 6.7 20.4
Potatoes (Irish) 1 Kg 72.3 82.3 85.8 4.3 18.7
Maize Flour - Loose 1 Kg 45.8 50.7 54.4 7.3 18.7
Cabbages 1 Kg 48.1 71.6 74.8 4.6 55.7
Spinach 1 Kg 46.0 49.5 53.0 7.0 15.3
Mangoes 1 Kg 87.1 113.6 112.9 -0.6 29.6
Offals - Matumbo 1 Kg 240.5 252.3 250.8 -0.6 4.3
Beef - With Bones 1 Kg 398.2 402.4 400.9 -0.4 0.7
Electricity 50 Kwh 534.3 557.4 588.2 5.5 10.1
Electricity 200 Kwh 3,398.7 3,568.1 3,691.1 3.4 8.6
House Rent Room 3,980.0 4,092.7 4,099.6 0.2 3.0
Kerosene 1 litre 40.6 64.4 68.2 5.8 67.9
Gas - (LPG) 13 Kg 2,318.0 1,989.9 1,976.4 -0.7 -14.7
Petrol 1 litre 87.9 96.9 101.1 4.4 15.1
Diesel 1 litre 68.9 85.2 90.2 5.9 31.0

Over the review period, Food and Non-Alcoholic Drinks Index increased by 3.28
per cent. This was mainly attributed to increases in prices of sukuma wiki, maize
flour, milk, cabbages, spinach, potatoes and maize grain, among others. This was
partly contributed by prevailing drought conditions. The year on year food
inflation stood at 16.50 per cent in February 2017.
Between January and February 2017, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other
Fuels Index, increased by 0.40 per cent. As indicated in Table 3 above, this was
mainly due to increases in cost of electricity, kerosene and house rents which
outweighed price decreases in the cost of cooking gas.
The Transport Index increased by 0.74 per cent in February compared to January
2017, mainly on account of increases in the pump prices of petrol and diesel.

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