Phoenicians and Greeks: How Bread Was Baked Originators and Era The Milling Process
Phoenicians and Greeks: How Bread Was Baked Originators and Era The Milling Process
Phoenicians and Greeks: How Bread Was Baked Originators and Era The Milling Process
- technique of cooking food in an 1. Bottom for baking - established in Greece sometime take shapes
oven by dry heat method and 2. Top for broiling between 300 and 200 B.E.C. In a By the Grains
applied evenly throught the oven or HISTORY OF BREAD (Bronze Age) beehive- Phoenicians grounded in
only from the bottom element Dawn of man grain dominated, shaped and Greeks hourglass
hunters of meat, wild grains kept them Greek cultured influenced the Roman oven made in 600 B.E.C. containing
Dry heat method of baking alive on the trail Empire of adobe bin or
- changes the structures of starches Discovery of wild grain seed and its - bakery know-how transformed and or bricks hopper
in the food and causes its outer plantation on the choosen climate and really flourished (grains
sufaces to turn its color to brown, site, less dependence on hunting ability poured),
giving it an attractive appearance was practiced Roman Empire formed, absorbing Greece bellow were
and taste, while partially sealing the First, man satisfiied eating raw grain Conquerors also absorbed baking industry two stones,
foods moisture seeds. Next he learned to grind seeds moved
- between stones to make flours. Pastillarium or the first pastry and cooks against
Browning association each other,
- cause by caramelization of sugars Swiss Lake Dwellers - bakers guild formed animals and
and the Maillard reaction - learned to mix flour and water into - union of owners was established to men
dough set standards for quality and (harnessed)
Maillard Reaction - poured the mixture on heated employment to the mill to
- chemical reaction between an stones to bake power it
amino acid and a reducing sugar, - flat hard on the outside, soft in the Cato (234-148 B.E.C.) In a peel Romans Similar to to
usually requiring addtion of heat inside - famous historian, mentioned great oven made 100 B.E.C. principles of
- like caramelization, form of non- many different kinds of bread in his from hourgalss
enzymatic browning Same means of baking bread prevailed books: thicker but
- reactive carbonyl group of the sugar through the civilization of: 1. sacrificial cakes made with flour libum adobe or powered by
interacts with the nucleophilic 1. Babylonians 2. groats and cress placenta brick water
amino group of the amino acid, and 2. Chaldeans 3. flour pretzels spira (watermill)
interesting but poorly characterized 3. Assyrians 4. tortes scibilata or air
oder and flavor molecules result. 4. Egyptians 5. fritters globus apherica (windmill)
- (reaction) basis of the flavoring 6. bowl cake meum
industry Royal Baker 7. sweet cake savai BAKING EMERGES
- Type of amino acid determines the - first discovered the first leavened or
resulting flavor raised loaf of bread accidentally in Dark Ages in Europe
Egypt around 5,000 B.E.C. Evolution of Ovens and Milling - Moslems sea trade for their benefit
Maillard Reaction responsible for many Process in the Early Times - Huns harrassment in Norhtern
colors and flavors such as: HISTORY OF BAKING How Bread Originators The Milling Europe
1. Toasted bread was Baked and Era Process - Feudal Lords closed their cities
2. Biscuit Greeks On heated Swiss Lake Grain gates, only simple incoming
3. Roasted or seared meat - first real bakers flat stones Dwellers ground necessities
4. Dried or condensed milk 8,000 years between - Baking unwanted occupation
5. Roasted coffeee Aristophanes (450-385 B.E.C.) ago hollowed- - Wheat practically disapperad
6. The burnished surface (crust) of - Greek scholar out stones, - best bread black variety made of
brioche, cakes, yeast and breads - shows the existence of honey flans which held rye or barley
and patterned tortes the grains
Giving stale while it was 11th Century
- Process wherein overtime baked Dispyrus pounded or - Crusaders drove Moslems back to
goods become hard - Ancient Greeks rubbed with asia and reestablished commerce
- Not due to moisture lost but more - type of doughnut made from crude a round - Baking again become honored
on the reorganization of the way in (unrefined or coarse) flour and stone. profession
which the water and starch are honey In an open Egyptian Principle of - Farmers, grow back wheat for
associated over time - ringcake that was submerged in earthern baker milling (the bread
(similar to re-crystallization) wine and consumed hot jar set on 4,000 years same) but - Bakers reorganized guilds and
coals ago stones became powerful
- from Roman Empire, art of pastry Days of Chinese traders (thousand years INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Baking Industry in the Philippines
cooking gradually spead throughout ago) PRESENT TIME - reached its debut and now on its
Europe and the world - some evidence that wheat determined road towards a
- Pastries and cookies were baked consumption predates that period after French Revolution (1789) progressive future
Honey - Baking technology was primitive - many bakers and pastry cooks who
- only sweetining agent used in the had been servants in the houses of Techniques of dehydration
Middle Age American Occupation of the Philippines the nobility started independent - improved shelf life of the baked
Medieval Europe - saw the country importing flour from business products
- produced breads of different sizes, the U.S. and this continued until the
shapes and quality late 1950s Artisans Chemical additives
- competed for customers with the - were invented which improve the
BAKING IN AMERICA 1958 quality of their products color, quality and shelf life of baked
- Philippines began flour milling products
Jamestown colonists operation Marie Antoine (Antonin) Careme (1784-
- brought baking industry to America - Worlds second largest flour 1833) Today
importer (but practically cease, - most Famous Chef during his time - advances in technoloy are gearing
1604 replace by wheat imports) - spectacular constructions of sugar and toward the baking industry from
- commerical bakeries operated pastry, which elevated the jobs of cooks and retrigation to sophisticate ovens to
1958-1976 pastry chef to be respected professions transportation that carries fresh
new impovement in oven construction, - Consturction and operation of eight ingredients around the world
mixing and also in products flour mills scattered all over the Le Patisserie Royal
country - first systematic explations of the Flavorless
19th century pastry chefs activity and recipes - relaim the by consumers and
- bakers made bread, cakes, pies, The Philippine Flour Mills bakers as the old fashioned bread
biscuits, cookies and crackers - now ajudged to be one of the New availability of flours from wheat-growing lost its flavors as the baking
newest and the most modern in the regions of North America became the more inustrialized and
Inter-colony commerce world baked good becaome more refined
- increased and wheat from newly New machines were invented and standardized.
developed western areas was Operating Flour Milling Companies
shipped to East in the Philippines Baking Powder Art and Science of Baking
Name of Location Start of - invented in the mid-19th century - form a noble profession with a rich
WHEAT ARRIVES IN THE PHILIPPINES the Firm Operation history and long traditions
Republic Pasig October ADVENT OF AN IMPROVED BAKING - with knowledge, skills, taste,
Wheat Flour Mills 1958 INDUSTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES judgment, dedication and pride, the
- unlike rice, not indigenous here Wellington Pasig February sudent chef can become part of this
Flour Mills 1960 Bakeries have mushroomed in almosrt every profession
Spanish missionaries (early 17th century) Liberty Mandaluyong April 1961 section of the country Knowledge of this heritage
- intened wheat for Eucharistic Flour Mills - important part of a culinary
wafers General Mactan, June 1961 2006 educatiom one that serves as a
Flour Cebu - 15,000 bakeries, other baking source of inspiration and
Earliear Accounts indicated Wheat Planted Milling business and culinary schools professional pride
in the Provinces: Corp.
1. Batangas Philippine Hondagua, July 1962 Former Bureau of Public School under
2. Laguna Flour Mills Quezon Department of Education
3. Cavite Pillsbury Iligan City September - Encouraged baking as a vocation
4. Cagayan Valley Flour Mills 1962 for students under the Home
Universal Pasig October economics curriculum in the
Days of Spanish Galleon trade with Mexico Robina 1970 Elementary and High School
- wheat has been consumed in the Corp.
country Former Philippine College of Arts and Trade
Pacific Tabangao, Jult 1976
Bakers in Manila
Flour Mills Batangas
Inc. - First school to offer baking courses
continuously the whole year round