VGB-M 116 e Content PDF
VGB-M 116 e Content PDF
VGB-M 116 e Content PDF
Preservation of
Power Plants
VGB-R 116 e
Second Edition 2009
To replace the 1st edition 1981
Translated by:
Fachverband Dampfkessel-, Behlter- und
Rohrleitungsbau e.V., Dsseldorf (FDBR)
Published by:
VGB PowerTech e.V.
Obtainable from:
VGB PowerTech Service GmbH
Verlag technisch-wissenschaftlicher Schriften
P.O. Box 103932, 45039 Essen, Germany
Phone +49 201 8128-200
Fax +49 201 8128-329
E-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 978-3-86875-039-3
Reproduction in whole or in part only with prior
permission of the Publishers.
The VGB Guideline Preservation of Power Plants is a summary of existing and revised
literature on preservation methods according to the state-of-the-art.
The guideline consists of two parts. Part I deals with the water/steam-side preservation of
power plants and power plant components, whereas Part II concentrates on the flue-gas
side preservation of steam generators.
Operational experience and technical connections have been taken into consideration in
the preparation of the guideline. No warranty can be given for completeness in every pos-
sible range of application. Liability for the correctness of the guideline is therefore ex-
Users of this guideline are therefore asked to inform the VGB on experience gained with
and proposals for improving this guideline so that the VGB, upon evaluation of the infor-
mation provided, may supplement or change this guideline appropriately.
Members of the VGB Committee Chemistry in Power Plants and the VGB Committee
Steam Boilers and Steam Boiler Operation were entrusted with the task of establishing
this guideline.
In this respect, we would like to express our gratitude to all committee members for their
efforts and helpful contributions.
ISBN 978-3-86875-039-3
Upon the initiative of power plant manufacturers and users the first edition was revised to
adapt to the state-of-the-art. The update is intended on the one hand to adapt the guide-
line to new preservation methods and materials, and on the other hand to give recom-
mendations for preservation methods for the period of time starting after manufacture until
initial start-up. In addition, further relevant power plant components were included in the
This guideline was established to the best of our knowledge and belief, but does not pre-
tend to completely cover all aspects or preservation. It is considered a practical guide and
is not intended to replace the technical knowledge of its users.
No liability will be taken for the correctness of its contents, since especially plant-specific
peculiarities have to be taken into account in each individual case.
Practical information was included in the detailed description of methods, planning and
execution of preservation. Special emphasis was placed on the control and proof of the
preservation measures and results.
The preservation methods shown shall not be understood to apply alternatively or addi-
tionally to any other method. The complete or extractive use of the preservation methods
is left to the parties involved and shall be agreed between purchaser and supplier in each
individual case.
All preservation measures should be covered by, controlled and documented in a quality
management system.
Users of this guideline are therefore asked to inform the VGB on experience gained with
and proposals for improving this guideline so that the VGB, upon evaluation of the infor-
mation provided, may supplement or change this guideline appropriately.
We would also like to mention that the companies and associations having participated in
the establishment of this guideline, especially the authors, are prepared to proffer advice
regarding the planning and performance of the various process steps, but also in the case
of divergent opinions and contract-related matters.
The following companies and associations participated in the establishment of this guide-
Representatives of power plant users:
With this guideline the authors hope to have made a major contribution to the preservation
of power plants.
Our thanks are due to all participants for their careful and thorough work which has gone
into the making of this guideline during numerous committee meetings.
1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 9
3 Preservation fundamentals............................................................................ 13
3.1 General............................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Materials ........................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Material surfaces .............................................................................................. 15
5 Introduction..................................................................................................... 21
5.1 Preservation requirements................................................................................ 21
5.2 Acceptance of preservation .............................................................................. 22
5.3 Removal of preservation means ....................................................................... 22
7 Introduction..................................................................................................... 26
7.1 Water/steam-side wet preservation of steam generating plants ....................... 26
7.1.1 Oxygen-free wet preservation by maintenance of over-pressure ..................... 26
7.1.2 Preservation with nitrogen of operationally filled plant ...................................... 27
7.1.3 Oxygen-free wet preservation by taking chemical measures............................ 27
7.1.4 Wet preservation when conditioning with oxidising agents ............................... 27
7.1.5 Wet preservation by increasing the ph value .................................................... 28
7.2 Preservation by shutdown heating.................................................................... 29
7.2.1 Preservation by shutdown heating through direct steam injection .................... 29
7.2.1 Preservation by shutdown heating through feedwater recirculation.................. 32
7.3 Preservation by inerting steam generating plants ............................................. 32