Siwertell Ship Loaders Original 33000
Siwertell Ship Loaders Original 33000
Siwertell Ship Loaders Original 33000
The ship loader programme offered jetty c onveyor, which delivers the cargo Depending on the design parameters,
by Cargotec exploits technologies and to the loader, all the way to the discharge terminal conditions and operational
philosophies originally developed for the of the cargo into the ships holds. requirements, a truly versatile loader can
well known Siwertell unloader range. A cleaner and safer environment in one case be designed to be equally
In defining and d eveloping the most is thus achieved through elimination environment-friendly and e fficient
operationally efficient and safest dry of spillage and dust. in loading, for example, cement and
bulk handling terminal, we emphasise clinker - two commodities used by the
environmental, p erformance and Outstanding performance is not only a same industry but with totally different
versatility features in both our products question of developing high capacity characteristics - or in another case
and services. loading facilities. It is equally, if not more, designed to serve anything from barges
important in the context of efficiency. to ocean going ships.
In developing bulk material handling A properly designed loader should
equipment our goal is to ensure that be able to maintain its rated capacity With experience in dry bulk handling
operators using systems supplied by throughout the complete ship loading equipment dating back to 1974, Cargotec
Cargotec contribute to preserving the process. Outstanding performance has earned a reputation for competence
environment. That is why the Siwertell should be linked not only to loading by delivering diverse bulk h
ship loader is designed with totally- rates and efficiency in the loading systems to all parts of the world for
enclosed conveying lines, t ransfer process but also to the ability to load handling all kinds of dry bulk materials
points and specially designed loading sensitive cargoes without degeneration in many different shoreside and offshore
spouts. of the cargo and with limited power applications.
A Siwertell loader s ystem is totally
enclosed from the transfer point at the
Conveying technologies conveyor type loader. edicated loading openings with reduced
Screw conveyors On the other hand, such loaders use a need for shifting the vessel. This type of
Screw conveyors are particularly commonly applied technology, which is loader is available in the screw conveyor
well suited for handling powdery and well suited to handling a broad range of configuration only.
dusty materials and where limitations commodities at low power consumption.
in height need to be considered. A A Siwertell belt conveyor loader is Telescoping
screw-type loader is thus commonly typically used to handle c ommodities The horizontal arm linearly telescopes
used for handling commodities such as such as grain, feedstuff, fertilisers, coal, to allow positioning of the loading spout
cement, cement clinker, combinations of ores and minerals, and is applicable to at several positions across the width of
cement and cement clinker, sulphur and ships up to 130,000 dwt. the hatch opening. Telescoping can be
minerals, and is applicable to ships up to combined with slewing and used with all
Panamax size. Stationary loader types of conveyors, although it is more
A stationary loader requires shifting of frequently used with belt conveyors.
Aeroslide conveyors the ship during operation in order to
Aeroslide conveyors are well suited reach all parts of the hold and all holds Rail-travelling loader
for handling fluidised commodities of the ship, undermining operational A rail-travelling loader can - if the
and where height restrictions dictate efficiency. The obvious benefit lies in Fire alarm
travelling length is adequate system
- reach
installation of the conveyors in a significantly reduced costs in civil works all holds of the ship without requiring
downhill slope for all operational angles. and lower investment costs for the shifting of the vessel. Such a feature
A loader using aeroslide technology is loader itself. enables highly efficient loading processes
commonly used to handle commodities but does call for an adequate site size. To
such as cement, dry fly ash and alumina, Slewing facilitate a truly efficient and continuous
and is applicable to ships up to The horizontal arm slews over a range operation the loader is fed by a jetty
approximately 80,000 dwt. of typically 110 to enable reaching conveyor either through a tripper car or
into the hold and spreading the cargo through shuttling jetty conveyors.
Belt conveyors reasonably well. This type of loader is
Belt conveyors are typically used for available with all varieties of conveyors. Water spray
Power feeding is managed nozzles
through a
handling lumpy or granular materials cable reel or with onboard generators. The
as well as sticky materials. A Siwertell Slewing with scissor-arm conveyor loader can also be fed through fixed outlet
loader using belt conveyor technology The horizontal arm slews over a range of positions on the jetty conveyor where
can be designed in a covered and typically 110; connected at its end is power feed can also be arranged. This
environmentally protective manner but another arm which independently slews system therefore allows all cargo holds to
without the total enclosure of screw- 110. Such a configuration provides a be reached without shifting the vessel, but
and aeroslide conveyor-type loaders. significantly better reach into all parts it is not as efficient because the loading
From that perspective, there is thus of the hold and enables loading of ships process must be stopped while moving
an inherent drawback with the belt with closed hatches and only a few from one fixed outlet to another.
Explosion venting device
Slewing all conveyor transfer points. The loaders
The horizontal arm slews over a range of can be equipped with all kinds of loading
typically 110 to enable reaching into spouts, ranging from double-walled
the hold, and in conjunction with the flexible spouts to cascade-type bellows.
travelling possibility the cargo can be well To meet the above demands, the loader
spread over the entire hold area. This type range is adjustable to handle ships up
of loader is available with all varieties of to 130,000 dwt at loading capacities up
conveyors. to 2,500 m/h - however, even higher
capacities can be achieved.
Tailor-made solutions Whether the loading operation is sensitive,
The Siwertell loader programme demanding and requiring extraordinary
is tailored to suit operators with equipment, or the material is hazardous
high demands on performance and and hard to handle, Cargotecs Siwertell
environment-friendly operation linked systems are designed to meet each
with r equirements for exchanging customers specific needs and to find the
information to/from the loader. To excel best solutions for efficient, cost-effective
in dust-free operation a Siwertell loader and environment-friendly bulk handling.
is equipped with de-dusting facilities at
Cargotec, scope of supply for dry
bulk handling systems includes:
Cargotec improves the efficiency of cargo flows by offering solutions for loading Cargotec Sweden AB
and unloading goods on land and at sea wherever cargo is on the move. For Bulk Handling
handling dry bulk materials, Cargotec provides engineering solutions through its P.O. Box 566 Gunnarstorp
SE-267 25 Bjuv, Sweden
Siwertell brand. Designed to ensure environmentally-friendly and efficient cargo
Tel +46 (0) 42 858 00
operations, Siwertell ship unloaders and loaders are based on unique screw Fax +46 (0) 42 858 99
conveyor technology, in combination with belt conveyors and aeroslides and can [email protected]
handle virtually any dry bulk cargo.