Oct and Optic Nerve Thea Website
Oct and Optic Nerve Thea Website
Oct and Optic Nerve Thea Website
Knowledge has no meaning unless shared. Laboratoires Tha and Carl Zeiss
have agreed to write, publish and distribute this book free of charge.
I am very grateful to them.
Introduction Page 13
resentation head of optic nerve and retinal nerve fibre analysis
(RNFL and ONH: Optic Disc Cube) Page 34
resentation Analysis of macular ganglion cells: Macular Cube Page 37
resentation Layer of parapapillary retinal nerve fibres and optic nerve Page 38
eneral presentation Macular ganglion cells and layer
of retinal parapapillary nerve fibres Page 39
Glaucoma Page 40
ptic nerve Page 42
etinal nerve fibres (RNFL) Page 42
omplex of macular ganglion cells Page 44
ptic nerve or retinal nerve fibres: that look first in glaucoma? Page 45
hat if there is an isolated optic nerve damage? Page 46
reperimetric glaucoma: impairment isolated from the OCT Page 48
reperimetric glaucoma: impairment of the RNFL layer and the FDT Matrix visual field Page 50
reperimetric glaucoma: impairment of the RNFL layer, macula
and the FDT Matrix visual field Page 52
reperimetric glaucoma: impairment of the FDT Matrix, OCT at the limit of normal Page 54
Early open-angle glaucoma Page 56
laucoma with incipient open angle: location of the impairment matches
between OCT and the visual field Page 56
arly open-angle glaucoma: depth of the impairment matches
between OCT and the visual field Page 58
arly open-angle glaucoma: primary impairment in the OCT Page 60
arly open-angle glaucoma: primary impairment of the optic nerve
without impairment in the optical fibres Page 62
arly open-angle glaucoma: comparison between OCT Time Domain
and Spectral Domain Page 64
laucoma with moderate open angle: impairment matches in the OCT and the visual field Page 66
oderate open-angle glaucoma: primary disease in the OCT Page 68
laucoma with advanced open angle: impairment matches in the OCT and the visual field Page 70
dvanced open-angle glaucoma: primary impairment in the visual field Page 72
dvanced open-angle glaucoma: impairment does not match between OCT and the visual field Page 74
ormal-pressure glaucoma: isolated fascicular deficit Page 76
arly normal pressure glaucoma Page 78
oderate normal pressure glaucoma Page 80
an OCT improve in glaucoma? Page 87
omparison between Spectral Domain OCTs in glaucoma Page 87
CT and analysis of the cribriform lamina Page 87
cute neuropathy and MS Page 91
orrelation between OCT and visual field in MS Page 92
ajor sequela of neuropathy in MS Page 94
an we detect subclinical MS neuropathy through OCT? Page 96
oxic optic neuropathy without apparent papillary impairment Page 100
oxic optic neuropathy with papillary and macular impairment Page 102
edema of the optic disc with subretinal oedema Page 110
The eye is clearly an ideal organ in this sense, because a very large number
of ocular structures are mainly or partially transparent: cornea, lens, vitreous
humour, neurosensory retina, as well as the front layers of the iris. Other highly
reflective surface structures such as the pigment epithelium of the retina can
be studied.
In 10 years, OCT has developed a key role in the diagnosis and follow-up of
retinal and particularly macular impairments. This is due to the very descriptive
nature of OCT images that seem to reproduce an almost histological appear-
ance of the lesions observed. The latest generations of OCT, by multiplying
the measurements, can not only reproduce this descriptive aspect, but can
also perform a quantitative analysis of structures: thickness of the retina and
each of its components such as the ganglion cell layer, analysis of the neuro-
retinal rim, etc.
Retinal imaging by OCT has thus emerged as a crucial element for the analysis
of glaucomatous disease, since it is now possible to quantify the thickness of
the nerve fibre layer (called either optical fibre layer or retinal nerve fibre layer,
RNFL), a structure that is predominantly affected by this impairment. The optic
nerve has also benefited from this quantification (surface of the neuroretinal
rim, cavity volume, etc.), so that all parts of the eye that are potentially altered
in glaucoma have become accessible with OCT. Obtaining quantitative values
and comparing them with the standards allows us to determine the existence
and severity of glaucomatous disease and allows for follow- up.
It is also possible to analyse the iridocorneal angle, but in a less precise way,
especially because what happens at the back of the pigment epithelium of the
iris remains inaccessible to OCT.
Glaucoma is one of a range of optic neuropathies, and OCT also appears useful
in the analysis of all diseases of the optic nerve and, to some extent, the central
nervous system when ocular impacts are present.
However, as with any new technology, analysis of the results of OCT requires
careful interpretation because the method of data acquisition is complex and
does not involve simple photography of the structures studied. It is always
desirable to examine the quality of the results, not only in an overview, but
also in closer detail when a zone appears suspect.
Once these pitfalls have been avoided, a new field of exploration and in
particular investigations opens up. What is the clinical meaning of one impair-
ment or another? How should a worsening of the impairment of the optical
fibres be interpreted if all other exams are stable? How can we explain, on the
contrary, that a particular structure is no longer changing in the OCT when the
glaucoma is indisputably worsening?
OCT is advancing so quickly that it is impossible to clearly define its use pro-
file, and any document is certain to become obsolete quite quickly. Currently
indispensable for analysing the retina, it is becoming so for glaucoma and
other optic neuropathies. This little book aims to simply give an update on
OCT in glaucoma and pathologies of the optic nerve. The first chapter concerns
the principles and interpretation of OCT and has a purely practical function, to
help the reader understand the results. Glaucoma is obviously an important
part of this book, but one part is devoted to other eye diseases and especially
neuro-ophthalmological diseases, because they can mimic glaucoma or be
a source of confusion if they are also present. Regardless of this facet of
differential diagnosis, OCT has acquired its place in the evaluation of the optic
nerve in general.
of OCT
OCT works by analysing the light reflected by zones crossed by an incident
light generated by a laser with a wavelength in the infrared range around
840 nm. Logically, when a beam of light passes through a structure, one
part of the light will continue its path (especially if the structure is quite
transparent), one part will beabsorbed by the structure, one part will be
reflected in all directions and the final part will be reflected towards the
emission zone.
16 17
General principles
Acquisition of an A-scan:
Time Domain
Principles of OCT
The fastest devices in Time Domain allow the measurement of 17,000 A-scans
per second. These measurements in one dimension are then reassembled
into 2 dimensions to obtain a slice of the retina at a given place (B-scan). Time
Domain technology is limited by these movement of the mirrors, since an
examination cannot reasonably take more than a few seconds when it is
necessary for the eye to remain relatively fixed.
Acquisition of an A-scan:
Spectral Domain
Spectral Domain
OCT technology: the reference
mirror is fixed and the different
depths of the retina are analysed
at the same time.
What does OCT really show?
OCT shows the reflection of light in different eye structures. This reflection is
particularly strong when there are sharp edges between two media having
different refractive indices. This is particularly the case in the cornea, which
is perfectly imaged in OCT. In addition, these reflections are sharper when
the structure crossed is perpendicular to the incident light, rather a glass
that partially reflects light. In general, reflection of light (only a part of
which occurs towards the incident source) is a property of inhomogeneous
structures responsible for microchanges in the refractive index, such as
cell membranes, nuclei, cytoplasm, axons of cells, etc. The most reflective
structures of the retina are the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL or optical fibres),
the pigment epithelium and the interplexiform layers. The more reflective a
structure is, the more red it appears, due to the colour code used in OCT.
Some structures contain melanin, which absorbs light strongly. At this level,
reflection and absorption are responsible for an exponential reduction in the
power of the incident beam, preventing it from exploring more distant areas.
That is why OCT does not allow the precise study of structures beyond the
pigment epithelium of the retina, which has the dual property of being highly
reflective in the part first hit by light, and highly absorbent in the most basal
From this light reflection data, OCT measures the thickness of the layer
studied in a calculation that considers the time that the incident beam
takes to return and the known refractive index of the structure crossed.
It is therefore very important to note that OCT images are not direct
images of the retina, but rather a reconstruction based on mathematical
calculations transposed subsequently into images of the ocular fundus. You
can understand this quite easily by looking for example at the changes in the
appearance of the optical fibres in the optic nerve when these fibres change
direction to exit the eye. The reflection of light on the layer of the optical fibres
appears in red. When these fibres change direction when moving towards
the optic nerve, this colour changes. OCT is therefore not an anatomical slice
of the retina.
Principles of OCT
These simple remark allow us, in case of doubt about a result, to view the
images obtained and get an idea about whether the impairment exists or not.
When OCT analyses a layer of cells (for example, the ganglion cell layer of the
macula), it must be remembered that the measurement corresponds to the
entire layer (ganglion cells, support cells, interstitial fluid, etc.) This explains
why, when glaucoma is very advanced or even passed, the layer in question
does not completely disappear, because some support cells remain.
Mthodes danalyse des structures oculaires en OCT
Optic nerve
The initial problem of analysis of the optic nerve is how to define the con-
tours of the optic nerve and what can be considered the start of the cavity. It
was chosen to define a reference plane arbitrarily set at 150 m above the
level of the peripapillary pigment epithelium. Based on this level, everything
below it is considered to correspond to an cavity, whether physiological or
not. It is then possible to measure the papillary parameters: width and surface
of the neuroretinal rim on the different meridians, size of the disc and cav-
ity, C/D ratio, etc. It is important to understand these points because when
the disc is irregular, the measurements may be distorted by erroneous
identification of this plane.
Principles of OCT
Strong myopia
The devices program first identifies the two most refractive zones of the retina,
which are the front of the optical fibre layer and the pigment epithelium. It then
evaluates the location where the reflection of the optical fibre layer decreases
sharply, thus allowing its thickness to be measured. The speed of the Spec-
tral Domain OCT examination allows the measuring of a cube around the
optic nerve, but it is necessary to choose what zone is to be detailed. In fact,
the thickness of the optical fibres is measured at 3.4 mm from the centre of
the optic disc. This distance was chosen because it is the best compromise
Thickness of optical fibre layer/interindividual variability. In fact, the
closer you get to the disc, the thicker the layer is, and we could therefore be
expected to be able to detect small changes in it. However, close to the op-
tic disc, the results vary from one person to the next, and depending on the
location of the vessels and the shape of the disc. Conversely, if the
measurement is done a long way from the disc, the results are more consistent
between people, but the fibre layer narrows quickly and small changes become
less detectable. In practice, it was therefore decided to measure the fibre layer
at 3.4 mm from the centre of the disc.
Analysis methods of ocular structures with OCT
However, it is not always at this level where the first disease signs are found
or where follow-up will be done best. In the follow-up, the zones closest to the
disc would be likely to allow a better analysis of progression.
This zone is particularly interesting because the cells in this region correspond
to around 30% of the entire thickness of the structure. The foveal region is
not of interest because, conversely, it is endowed with too few ganglion cells.
Principles of OCT
ganglion horizontal
amacrine cell
Sources of error with OCT
The quality of imaging is crucial and is not straightforward, since only less
than one-millionth of the incident light sent by the laser is reflected towards
the sensor. This quality is expressed in the results by the expression
Signal Strength and must be greater than 6/10 with the Cirrus HD-OCT
(Carl Zeiss) or 50 with the Optovue (RTVue). A poor signal is often responsible
for an underestimation of the thickness of the optical fibres.
This can easily be seen in the example below, remembering that the colour
code in OCT indicates that the redder the colour is, the more reflective it is.
If the presentation is well done, the parapapillary optical fibre layer is thick.
When the depth setting is incorrect (for example, too distant), this layer seems
to decrease strongly, or when the head is tilted back.
This does not always result in insufficient signal quality, and therefore it
cannot be detected easily.
Principles of OCT
Sources of error with OCT
Another factor responsible for poor quality is the artefact related to eye
movements because the examination time is around 1.5 sec. OCT offers
programs to correct these artefacts, or even eye tracking during the
examination. Nevertheless, it should be ensured that there are no
discontinuities in the results.
With OCT in the Spectral Domain, artefact phenomena in the mirror may
occur when the eye is incorrectly positioned or when significant depth
variations of the retina are present in severe myopia. The upper limit of the
OCT images corresponds to immediate reflection (no delay in reflection) and
therefore nothing can be weaker. If the eye is not positioned correctly, an even
closer image will be detected in the mirror and therefore completely inverted,
with the outer part of the eye appearing at the top and the inner part at the
bottom. In addition to the optic nerve, the retinal layers are therefore also
completely inverted.
Principles of OCT
The optics of the eye may also impact the result quality. Opacification of the
posterior capsule tends to reduce the evaluation of the optical fibre layer 1.
Conversely, wearing multifocal lenses does not change the results at both the
macula and parapapillary levels 2. The size of the optic disc does not influ-
ence the thickness of the optical fibres, except in the case of very small size
where false disease signs seem to exist 3. Conversely, myopia is a source of
artificial reduction of this thickness due to measurement problems when
the axial length of the eye is too high. The bigger an eye is, the bigger the
circumference located 3.4 mm from the centre of the optic nerve. The opti-
cal fibres are more spread out than in a normal eye, and this therefore leads
to a reduction in thickness, without however the number of optical fibres
being fewer than normal 4. This phenomenon is not significant in the macular
ganglion cells and we can therefore prefer to analyse this region in high
myopic patients 5.
Sources of error with OCT
OCT can sometimes confuse highly reflective structures that lie close to each
other. This is the case, for example, in the posterior hyaloid and the internal
boundary of the retina.
Principles of OCT
In most diseases of the optic nerve, a thinning of the optical fibre layer is
observed. However, the OCT images should be consulted in case of doubt,
because this thinning may be hidden by oedema in the structure having a
different origin. This is the case when traction phenomena are noted.
Presentation of
results in OCT
Many different devices currently exist. In the United States, more than
30 devices have obtained a marketing authorisation. It is therefore not
possible to give a detailed presentation of all available OCTs. In France, the
most common devices are the Stratus and Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss)
and the Optovue (RTVue). Most of the examples provided were produced
with these two devices. Insofar as the two most important areas in glaucoma
are the papillary and parapapillary regions, on the one hand, and the macular
ganglion cell complex on the other hand, these results are subject to detailed
32 33
Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss)
The examination shows, on a single page, both eyes (OU), with the right
eye (OD) located on the left and the left eye (OS) on the right. In all of the
statistical presentations, the colour yellow indicates an anomaly at p < 5%
and red indicates an anomaly at p < 1%. Some patterns are small and difficult
to analyse, but it is possible to enlarge them on a separate page.
The values obtained are compared to a patient of the same age with an optic
disc of the same size. The size limits of the optic disc range from 1.3 mm2 to
2.5 mm2. Outside of these limits, all measured parameters are shown in grey,
because they are not compared to a standard. For each value, this number
appears on a white background if it corresponds to 5% of the best values,
and on a green background for 90% of cases. The colour yellow indicates an
anomaly at p <5% and the colour red indicates an anomaly at p < 1%.
Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss)
Full name of the patient. It must Signal strength. This lets you
be spelled correctly in order know if the results have been
to guarantee follow-up. The correctly acquired. Values higher
patients date of birth is impor- than 6/10 are required. Even if
tant because the results are com- the signal is strong, the results
pared to age-dependent norms. may be inaccurate if the eye is
incorrectly positioned.
Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss)
Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss)
The examination shows, on a single page, both eyes (OU), with the right eye
(OD) located on the left and the left eye (OS) on the right. For each value, this
number appears on a white background if it corresponds to 5% of the best
values, and on a green background for 90% of cases. The colour yellow
indicates an anomaly at p < 5% and the colour red indicates an anomaly at
p < 1%.
OCT Optovue (RTVue)
The examination shows the overall results for the head of the optic nerve and
the parapapillary region, for one eye, with statistical analysis.
OCT Optovue (RTVue)
A single page shows all of the results without adding a direct OCT image. Many
elements described in the previous results are repeated here.
Glaucoma is a slowly progressive optic neuropathy that is most often
associated with ocular hypertension. The progressive deformation of the
head of the optic nerve caused by this hypertension leads to a cavity and
destruction of the retinal nerve fibres passing through the cribriform
lamina. This destruction is responsible for visual field impairment. This
succession of structural impairment inducing functional impairment allows
us to estimate that, in theory at least, the analysis of the structure should
detect an initial impairment before the impairment of the visual field6. For
a long time, the methods available to study the structure did not allow this
approach to be confirmed.
40 41
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
With the new-generation Spectral Domain OCT, the structural changes can
often be detected before they have impaired the visual field. However, in
some cases, we note that the visual field is impaired before we can detect any
structural impairment. Each eye has between 800,000 and 1.2 million optical
fibres. If the starting point is close to the upper limit, significant impairment
can occur while the subject remains within the statistical standards. On the
other hand, if the initial structure of the eye is more normal, destruction of
fibres by glaucoma is more quickly visible.
Optic nerve
At the head of optic nerve, the parameters affected firstly in OCT are, in order:
the vertical thickness of the neuroretinal rim (not shown in the results),
the overall surface of this rim (Area of the ANR),
the vertical C/D ratio.
Although these parameters detect glaucoma well, they are not very effective in
differentiating early glaucoma from moderate glaucoma 7.
The parameters that best differentiate normal subjects and early glaucoma
subjects are, in order:
the thickness of the retinal nerve fibres in the lower temporal zone,
the thickness of the retinal nerve fibres in the lower quadrant,
the average thickness of retinal nerve fibres.
Some studies seem to show that the upper temporal sector would be just as
differentiating as the lower temporal quadrant 8.
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
Optic nerve
- Vertical thickness of the
neuroretinal rim,
- Overall surface of the
neuroretinal rim.
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
The study of macular ganglion cells is more recent because it is only available
in Spectral Domain OCT. The parameters most suggestive of early glaucoma
are the average minimum thickness and the lower temporal thickness.
The macula is divided into 360 sectors each one degree wide. The average
minimum thickness is that of the thinnest sector (Minimum GCL thickness).
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
However, the appearance of the optic nerve itself varies greatly from one
person to another, and statistical comparisons are difficult. This is particularly
the case when the optic nerve is irregular (myopia, dysversion, etc.).
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
Generally, the analysis of the optic nerve in OCT is more subject to discussion
than the analysis of optical fibres due to the diversity of appearances of the
optic nerve from one person to another; this diversity is not perfectly covered
by the standards databases of the devices. The result is that we sometimes
find an isolated optic nerve impairment when the retinal nerve fibres appear
normal, both at the parapapillary level and at the level of the macular ganglion
cells when the visual field is also normal. In this situation, we must favour the
analysis of optical fibres. However, it is desirable to analyse the progression
of the parameters of the optic nerve since the comparison is then done on the
patient himself.
The three structures to be analysed by OCT in glaucoma
Preperimetric glaucoma
Preperimetric glaucoma
Preperimetric glaucoma
The start of impairment of the visual field by FDT Matrix and OCT corresponds
to the beginning of glaucoma, especially if the deficits are consistent. These
deficits may precede the appearance of a conventional perimetry deficit by
5 years.
Preperimetric glaucoma
Preperimetric glaucoma
There is often an impairment of both the RNFL layer and the macular ganglion
cell complex in OCT. If the deficit is more present in the parapapillary region,
we can assume that hypertension likely plays a major role. Otherwise, we will
consider more vascular problems.
Preperimetric glaucoma
Preperimetric glaucoma
It is rare to note a normal OCT in a patient who already has perimetric impair-
ment. However, such cases can hypothetically occur in glaucoma. However, it
should then suggest a more central impairment and lead to the performance
of other tests with less doubt.
Preperimetric glaucoma
Early open-angle glaucoma
The OCT is often consistent with the visual field in early and moderate
glaucomas, except in young patients where the OCT impairment is greater
than the impairment of the visual field.
Early open-angle glaucoma
In OCT, a more significant impairment in the macular region than the peripapil-
lary region is not a severity factor if the deficit remains moderate.
Early open-angle glaucoma
The impact on the visual field of a reduction in the thickness of the fibres
depends on the severity of the impairment. It is therefore necessary to analyse
the thickness precisely in the different sectors.
Early open-angle glaucoma
This may explain why an impairment may not be noticeable in the visual field
in the central region if the most deficient point remains relatively normal.
For this reason, the minimum thickness is presented in the macular OCT, in
addition to the average thickness.
Early open-angle glaucoma
The younger the patient, the more the OCT is disrupted before the visual
field shows any changes. This is due to the redundancy of receptor fields in
the ganglion cells. For each region of the visual field, several ganglion cells
are present and process the same zone. This phenomenon decreases with
Early open-angle glaucoma
Early open-angle glaucoma
The absence of impairment of the RNFL layer does not allow glaucoma to
be ruled out. If there is a cavity noted clinically or in the OCT and it is is
associated with a small impairment of the visual field, you should hold back
on diagnosing glaucoma proper.
Early open-angle glaucoma
When the RNFL layer is normal, the analysis of the macular ganglion cells
allows us to differentiated isolated hypertension and early impairment of
optical fibres.
Early open-angle glaucoma
Comparison of OCT Time Domain (Stratus OCT, Carl Zeiss) and Spectral
Domain (Cirrus HD-OCT, Carl Zeiss) shows that these two methods have the
same detection capacity as regards incipient glaucoma. The main difference
resides in the fact that Spectral Domain OCT is more reproducible and there-
fore allows better monitoring than Time Domain 10.
OCT Time Domain et Spectral Domain
The results obtained through Time Domain and Spectral Domain OCT are not
identical. In severe glaucoma in particular, we note a 10 to 20% variation in
the results. The colour codes of Stratus OCT and Cirrus HD-OCT are not
interchangeable. In general, the thickness of RNFL is smaller with Cirrus than
with Stratus.
Glaucoma with moderate open angle
Perfect concordance between OCT and visual field testing is rare, as OCT often
allows detection of slightly more serious impairment than perimetry testing.
Right eye
Left eye
Glaucoma with moderate open angle
Glaucoma with moderate open angle
Glaucoma with moderate open angle
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
In advanced glaucoma, OCT confirms the impairment but visual field test-
ing keeps its predominant position. In fact, other than certain seriousness,
the thickness of optical fibre layers or that of macular ganglion cells is not
reduced because of the presence, despite optical atrophy, of support struc-
tures accounting for the residual thickness of the RNFL.
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
Right eye
Left eye
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
Glaucoma with advanced open angle
Normal pressure glaucoma
Normal pressure glaucoma
Normal pressure glaucoma
Normal pressure glaucoma
In GPN, the paracentral scotomas are deep and absolute, and only briefly pass
through a relative scotoma phase. In contrast, OCT allows quantification of
the optical fibre layer of the macular region, which can reduce gradually while
no functional indication is present.
Normal pressure glaucoma
Right eye
Left eye
Normal pressure glaucoma
Closed-angle glaucoma or sequelae of acute hypertension
Immediately after a glaucoma crisis by reducing the angle, OCT does not
change significantly. Nevertheless, 3 to 9 months later, the optical fibre layer
is reduced both locally in the upper and lower regions and globally, while the
perimeter remains unchanged in most cases. It might thus be interesting to
compare OCT directly and some time after the acute crisis in order to establish
the occurrence of impairment sequelae 13.
Closed-angle glaucoma or sequelae of acute hypertension
Even in the absence of an acute crisis and if pressure is normal, the thick-
ness of the optical fibres in the low temporal region is sometimes smaller in
patients with narrow angles, Asians in particular 14. This suggests repercus-
sions of nocturnal pressure outbursts.
Open-angle glaucoma monitoring
Open-angle glaucoma monitoring
Open-angle glaucoma monitoring
Simultaneous aggravation of
visual field testing and OCT in
6 months. A 3 micron decrease of
the average thickness of the RNFL
is considered significant. Here, in
the left eye, it changes from 78 m
to 74 m.
Open-angle glaucoma monitoring
Except for 1st generation OCT (Time Domain), there are several Spectral Domain
OCT devices: Cirrus HD-OCT (Carl Zeiss), 100RTVue (Optovue), Spectralis
(Heidelberg) These devices use the same operating principle but vary as
regards acquisition speed, the existence of a system that monitors view and
the retinal layers segmentation method.
It is not possible to use the gross values of Spectral Domain OCT and trans-
pose them to another. The results with these devices are very close but
different, e.g. Cirrus HD-OCT gives lower RNFL values than RTvue 20. In particu-
lar, this is associated with the measurement zone, which differs slightly from
one device to another.
Neuropathies -
optic non
In essence, optic neuropathies are responsible for the deterioration of
optical fibre axons and cause OCT modification. This impairment affects
both the parapapillary and the macular fibres. OCT has thus become a very
important diagnosis tool in neuro-ophthalmology 26. In many cases, the OCT
profile helps diagnosis and evaluation of the importance of optic neuropathy.
However, the OCT profile of certain diseases resembles that of glaucoma.
It thus appears important to know the OCT semeiology of these different
88 89
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
In multiple sclerosis, the analysis of the retinal ganglion fibre layer is of great
interest because it is better correlated with the functional symptomatology of
the patients (lower acuity or reduced visual field) than in other supplementary
examinations, such as MRI 27.
During the acute phase of MS optic neuropathy, the RNFL is sometimes more
voluminous than normal. This provides evidence of slight papillary oedema,
which is not clinically perceptible. This oedema is present even if the demy-
elinating plaque is quite poeterior.
Thinning of the optical fibres layer occurs between the 1st and 3rd month after
the acute crisis and stabilises around the 6th month. In the absence of a new
crisis, there is no aggravation after 6 to 8 months.
The most damaged site is the macular area where about 34% of the
retinal volume is composed of the ganglion cell layer. In this pathology, an
eye affected by optic neuropathy presents a reduction of about 35 to 45%
in macular optical fibre thickness i.e. 20 m to 40 m, for a normal thickness
of 110 m to 120 m 28. The contralateral eye is also affected in most cases,
but to a lesser degree (20% reduction in thickness). In order for impairment
to appear in perimetry testing, a 75 m reduction approximately is necessary.
The papilla and macula are affected by MS. In the initial phases, the RNFL can
be artificially enlarged by papillary oedema, which is not the case for macular
ganglion cells. In the long-term, the two structures develop in parallel 30.
Multiple sclerosis
When OCT impairment is minimal, the visual field and visual acuity remain
normal in general after an acute crisis. In contrast, if a residual thickness
threshold of 75 m is affected in the peripapillary area, the field is disturbed.
Right eye
Left eye
Multiple sclerosis
The temporal quadrant is the most frequent location. This allows distinguish-
ing it from glaucoma where impairment is rather superior or inferior.
Multiple sclerosis
When multiple sclerosis evolves, visual field and OCT deteriorate. This
evolution is not always parallel, OCT being able to appear more affected than
the visual field.
Right eye
Left eye
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
OCT is very useful for analysing the contralateral eye of the eye
affected by acute neuropathy and in the absence of ocular impairment
in patients with known MS. In fact, it allows detection of subclinical
impairment and also monitoring of the neurological state of patients, because
impairment of the visual pathways is almost always present in this disease 31.
Right eye
Left eye
Multiple sclerosis
Acute optic neuropathy not associated with MS.
Right eye
Left eye
Acute optic neuropathy not associated with MS.
Unfortunately, the OCT profile does not allow differentiation of such impair-
ment, which is expressed by initial increase in fibre thickness in the case of
oedema, and then further reduction of the RNFL.
Toxic optic neuropathy
Right eye
Left eye
Toxic optic neuropathy
Toxic optic neuropathy
Right eye
Left eye
Toxic optic neuropathy
Anterior ischaemic neuropathy
Right eye
Left eye
Anterior ischaemic neuropathy
Optic neuropathy and uveopapillitis
Right eye
Left eye
Papilla oedema
Papillary oedema, whatever the cause may be, is responsible for spectacular
increase of the optical fibre layer because OCT measures this layer in a non
specific way. During regression of oedema, the RNFL will appear reduced,
indicating the sequelae of the papillary oedema. The kinetics of the impair-
ment is therefore essential. The speed of appearance of sequelar deficits
depends on the aetiology of the oedema.
Right eye
Left eye
Papillary oedema
Papillary oedema
The absence of optic fibre impairment is rather a good prognosis in the case of
macular oedema. A new assessment of the acute episode will allow confirming
the stability of the results.
Papillary oedema
Right eye
Left eye
Papillary oedema
Optic nerve compression
Right eye
Left eye
Optic nerve compression
In the case of optic nerve compression, the normality of the contralateral eye
allows to define the purely localised repercussion of this compression.
Chiasma impairment
In the case of chiasma impairment, visual field and OCT lesions are present.
After surgery, a favourable functional recuperation factor is the fact that, in
the affected zone, the RNFL thickness of at least 80 m 37 is maintained. Even
if the thickness is smaller, in general, improvement is observed after the oper-
ation. In compressive neuropathies, the volume of the optical fibre layer is
thus an indicator of the probability of regression of the clinical indications
after surgery. The greater the thickness of the fibres prior to treatment, the
better recuperation will be.
Right eye
Left eye
Chiasma impairment
The RNFL is not always affected at an early stage in optic nerve or chiasma
compression, an alteration of the visual field sometimes being the first sign of
impairment. This constitutes one of the rare cases where the absence of fibre
impairment does not indicate a healthy situation.
Perinatal impairment of the central nervous system
One would think that reduction of the optic fibre layer can only be found in the
case of direct impairment of such cells, in the cell body or the axon.
It appears that even a lone occipital cortex lesion can be expressed by hom-
onymous lateral reduction of optical fibres in OCT. This was initially evidenced
for congenital or perinatal pathologies. It is not certain whether this is the case
for acquired lesions.
Perinatal impairment of the central nervous system
Impairment of the central nervous system in adults
Right eye
Left eye
Impairment of the central nervous system in adults
OCT is thus very helpful when it is normal. With a lowering of visual acuity or
impairment of the visual field, confirmation of the absence of retina destruc-
turing in OCT allows confirming a neuro-ophthalmological cause for the
Determination of the organic character of visual impairment
OCT allows definition of the organic or non organic character of this functional
Determination of the organic character of visual impairment
Non ophthalmological neurodegenerative pathologies
In Alzheimers disease, a reduction of the RNFL and the macular ganglion cell
layer is observed, but this is not directly related with the level of cognitive
Atypical aspects
of the optic nerve
that can suggest
optic neuropathy
in OCT
Numerous atypical aspects of the optic nerve are responsible for the changes
of papilla OCT. They can consider the default measurement methods and
produce a wrong pathology result. OCT measures excavation in relation to a
reference plan, arbitrarily set at 150 m below the level of the peripapillary
pigment epithelium. If OCT cannot evaluate correctly the pigment epithelium,
all the results can be wrong. This is why, papilla sections, indicating with a
red point the theoretical start of excavation, are printed. Ophthalmologists
can thus determine whether the points are placed in a consistent way.
126 127
Moderate myopia does not cause OCT modification. In the case of peripapil-
lary atrophy, it should be ensured that the measurement made at 3.4 mm from
the centre of the optic nerve is located outside this atrophy, in order to obtain
good quality measurements.
Right eye
Left eye
Papillary dysversion
Right eye
Left eye
Papillary dysversion
Physiological excavation
Using OCT, the large papilla, which are responsible for physiological excava-
tions, are expressed as a preservation of the RNFL and the macular ganglion
cell complex. The optic nerve parameters are not often compared with a nor-
mative value because the data bases do not in general include physiological
Right eye
Left eye
Physiological excavation
Papillary coloboma
Localisation of the coloboma is responsible for the opposite OCT. The sectors
that are usually affected in glaucoma, the lower temporal region in particular,
are not affected if this region is the seat of the coloboma.
Right eye
Left eye
Papillary coloboma
Atypical aspects
of the retina
suggesting optical
neuropathy using
Certain macular or retinal pathologies can alter the optical fibre layer, at the
macular level, but also at the peripapillary level. Therefore, a change in these
regions does not necessarily indicate direct impairment of the optic nerve.
If initial retinal impairment is mainly macular, we frequently only observe a
change in the macular ganglion cell complex. If impairment is more impor-
tant, all the structures can be altered. Two examples are shown here, but they
are not exhaustive as regards retinal pathologies possibly suggesting optic
136 137
Vein occlusion sequelae
Vein occlusion is responsible for the destruction of the ganglion cell layer in
the same way as impairment of the optic nerve. The context allows an under-
standing of the OCT aspect.
Vein occlusion sequelae
Pigmentary retinopathy
Right eye
Left eye
Pigmentary retinopathy
The example given here corresponds to pigmentary retinopathy. All the other
sources of macular injury can lead to impairment of the macular ganglion cell
complex: epiretinal membrane, DMLA, macular oedema of any origin, macu-
lopathies acquired or constitutional
Optic nerve imaging using OCT is developing constantly. Most of the refer-
ences of this publication are recent because earlier ones do not concern the
Spectral Domain. In the last year, more than 300 articles on Optic nerve
and OCT have been published in international journals, underlining the inno-
vative character of this technology.
Many questions arise in view of these spectacular results: should OCT be con-
sidered a fundamental examination in the context of glaucoma monitoring or
is it just supplementary to visual field testing and ocular pressure measure-
ment? Can we ignore visual field testing, a limiting examination that is not
well accepted by a large number of patients? What should one do if the OCT
worsens significantly without an alteration in the visual field? On the contrary,
what should one think of a visual field that is degrading without confirmation
of change using OCT?
At the moment, it is reasonable to consider on the one hand that OCT has
become a key examination for glaucoma and on the other hand that it cannot
replace visual field testing.
The same type of questions are posed for other optic neuropathies. Should
OCT eventually replace visual field testing? What should one think of OCT
impairment in the absence of clinical optic nerve impairment?
OCT is still developing in terms of image precision and quality. New struc-
tures are being studied and measured, such as the cribriform plate. Other
developments are possible, in particular the capacity to analyse not only layer
thickness but also layer content. This would be very useful for counting e.g.
the number of residual ganglion cells in optic nerve diseases without integrat-
ing the support cells that are responsible for the persistence of this layer, even
after total destruction of the visual fibres.
The use of large wavelength laser beams (1000 nm or more, such as SWEPT-
OCT) also allows studying structures beyond the pigmentary epithelium of
the retina, but at the cost of lower image quality. The choroid and the region
beyond the cribriform plate of the papilla also become visible. In the future,
these technologies will allow an understanding of certain complex pathologies
involving the modification of peripapillary cladding structures and cribriform
plate impairment.
OCT has thus become a basic examination for the evaluation of optic neu-
ropathies, without however totally replacing visual function analysis, and
automated perimetry testing in particular.
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