Ecu Mapping
Ecu Mapping
Ecu Mapping
INTRODUCTION I have always been around cars. My Ignition coil - transforms the batterys
father ran a busy workshop in Maidstone, low voltage to the thousands of volts
The element of car tuning that most Kent so I was often in and around oily needed to create an electric spark in the
people find the most confusing is ECU engines and petrol fumes from a very spark plugs to ignite the fuel
Mapping and tuning, given that there young age. After leaving school I served
are few tangible items, things to hold, a 5 year apprentice in electrical/ The primary job of the engine control
shiny metal things and the like, it can be electronic engineering specialising in unit (ECU) is to provide the engine with
hard to see where your money is going. control systems and programming high sparks at the right time and fuel in the
In reality however, everything is controlled speed machine systems and robotics right quantity but also at the correct time.
by computers, from your most humble but still played with cars in my spare The engine management system lives life
of household appliance to your car, some time modding, tuning etc but got more at a frantically fast pace, it lives life from
of the most important elements are involved when I started working part time just one engine cycle to the next and its
controlled by electronics. at TDi North in 2004 doing most of the entire world is the current engine cycle.
big powered cars and any electrical work
We here at Honda Tuner like to think eventually taking over full time ownership The job that the ECU must complete for
we know a thing or two about Hondas, in 2010 each engine cycle is to first measure all
however were far from experts in ECU of the controlling variables which control
Mapping, thankfully we know a few people BASICS OF ENGINE its internal look-up tables (or maps,
who know everything that is needed and MANAGEMENT. well explain that later) as it is required
then some, one such man is Paul West, to make a firm decision quickly on the
of TDi North, heres an introduction from BEFORE YOU START ignition event angle which is to be used
Paul, explaining what qualifies him to for the current cycle, then it must also
explain mapping and then into part one Engine cycle - one complete cycle of the make a firm decision on fuel delivery and
of a two part article that will hopefully tell engine, from the intake of air to expelling decide on an injector opening duration.
you everything you need to know about of waste gas.
ECU (engine control unit, if you didnt Once the ECU has weighed up the
know) Mapping. Paul has done his upmost Ignition event angle - refers to the variables and has settled on both an
to make this article as accessible as number of degrees before top dead ignition event angle and an injector
possible, but in reality it is pretty complex. centre that the spark will ignite the air- opening time it now has to begin to
fuel mixture charge the ignition coil in preparation for
the ignition event, also it must decide
when in the engines cycle to begin the
opening of the fuel injectors.
ECU TYPES Datalogging - Records important data in the newer systems the possibilities to
over time for analysis add further sensors and systems that
BEFORE YOU START can interact with the operation of the
There are basically two types of ECU ECU directly to effectively safeguard the
Reflashing - Updating or changing an systems available to us which give similar operation of the motor if predetermined
ECUs original map control over the parameters we need critical levels are reached.
to give effective operation. The first and
Boost Control - Controls the boost level most widely used is what is termed a The other systems that we see quite
produced by a turbo or supercharger Stand Alone system. This is a system often are what are termed Piggy back.
that uses a dedicated ECU which is A Piggy back system still uses the
Traction Control - Prevents loss of directly programmed and connects to the stock ECU but the new system will
traction of driven road wheels cars harness or a modified harness in connect into the loom and manipulate
the case of race cars. These include the the outputs from the ECU in such a
2-Step launch Control - Is a two step rev very popular Hondata systems that utilise way as to give control of fuel, ignition
limiter. One step is used to control launch the stock ECU, systems like AEM, DTA, and VTEC operation. The best way to
RPM and the second is a fail safe for max Syvecs and Motec to name but a few. describe it is like a puppeteer pulling the
engine RPM. Systems such as chip reflashing stock strings of a puppet to make it do what
ECUs would also be described as stand- you want. These systems dont tend to
Wideband - is an air-fuel sensor that alone although dont offer the flexibility offer anywhere near the functionality of
measures that measures the ratio of air of an easy accessed system through say the Stand Alone systems but can offer
to fuel USB, OBD or Ethernet ports. an economic alternative. Popular systems
seen quite often are the Dastek range
Knock (detonation) - Occurs when Many of these stand alone systems of products and the AEM FIC (Fuel and
excessive heat and pressure in the offer many functions which stock ECUs Ignition Controller)
combustion chamber causes the air/fuel dont such as Boost Control, Traction
mixture to auto ignite. Control, Multiple Injectors, 2-Step launch There is also a very good system which
Control, Wideband and Knock control as technically is a piggy back system but
well as full Datalogging capabilities and does function like a Stand Alone system
offering very good control and that is the
HKS range of ECUs
Last time round we explained (when I say we, I mean Paul rolls off of the production line. It goes without saying that not
West of TDi North explained) the basics of engine management, all production engines are equal, manufacturing tolerances will
ECU types, tools for tuning and the construction of tuning always give rise to some differences from the best engines to
tables. With that out of the way this issue were going to build the worst and therefore the engine management system must
on that and explain the more technical aspects of how a car is be able to see the differences between these engines and
tuned, how this affects various elements and how its achieved. effectively roll with the punches. So an engine management
If you didnt pick up the last issue then this might all seem a bit system which constantly measures the engines efficiency is
confusing, you can still pick up a copy online from the Honda a handy tool, albeit not perhaps the ideal solution from an
Tuner shop at (shameless plug!) engineering point of view.
This is the system you will find controlling most motorsport
engines especially those utilising forced induction. The name
refers to the two major drive variables for the strategy engine,
SPEED and the intake charge DENSITY.
The most complex and mysterious sounding name within our Its probably worth mentioning at this point that MAP in this
load systems actually describes the simplest engine control instance is an acronym for Manifold Absolute Pressure, the
system, the Alpha part of the name refers to an Alpha absolute part refers to the fact that in the world of engineering
variable, this variable can technically be any relevant variable and science its useful for us to talk about pressure in a slightly
but most commonly its the voltage reading from the throttle different way to the generally accepted norm. In absolute
position sensor (TPS) which is used. And the N part of the terms zero pressure is what you might commonly call a total
name would normally refer to the engine speed (RPM), Im vacuum, and in absolute terms as you sit reading this you are
pretty sure there would be a lot less confusion in our world if it most likely sitting in air which has a pressure of approximately
were to be referred to as just TPS vs RPM. 1000mbars.
HOW DOES IT WORK? - In this system the look up tables WHY SPEED DENSITY? When accuracy of engine control is
(maps) are driven by engine speed along one axis and throttle the most important factor then speed density is about as good
plate position along the other. This system relies very heavily on as it gets, by accurately measuring intake charge density in
the engineer calibrating the system accurately as the system real time behind the intake valves we can cater for the real life,
itself is blind to a lot of critical sub-variables such as the mass cycle by cycle combustion environment precisely. This system
air flow and the intake manifold pressure, the chosen alpha will look up the right ignition and fuel numbers regardless of any
variable tenuously controls these as long as everything else leaks whether pre or post throttle body so it is highly robust.
remains equal. The calibration engineer must visit every single
area of the look up tables and set each to the ideal ignition PROS
timing values as well as the ideal fuel delivery values, this must Highly relevant assessment of the intake charge conditions
be carried out on an engine by engine basis and the calibration which results in highly relevant ignition event timing and fuel
will only ever be correct for as long as the engines volumetric delivery look up.
efficiency profile remains exactly as it was on the day of the Robust against common real world faults like intake system
actual calibration, a consistent performance from the exhaust air leaks.
and intake systems are also blindly assumed. Highly adaptable to variable running conditions.
Very suitable for forced induction applications.
WHY ALPHA-N? Alpha-N is simple for the ECU to manage, CONS
the burden is on the calibration engineer not on the ECU so the These systems still rely very heavily on the calibration
actual hardware is often quite basic in nature and therefore engineer to program the tables accurately as the system
quite low cost. This method of load sensing is extremely cannot see VE.
flexible and can be quickly applied to almost any design of Correct positioning, plumbing and mounting of MAP and
engine, its especially good at dealing with very hectic harmonic intake air temp sensors are critical for accurate operation.
environments such as very short individual throttle body set-ups More time consuming to calibrate than other engine
on smaller engines using very long duration camshafts. management types.
The way I approach any tuning work is to first get the car onto
the dyno and carry out some basic checks like oil, coolant, tyre
pressures and condition. Once we are happy that everything throttle part of the tables of the low cam. Once happy I have
is OK the ECU is totally wiped. The reason for doing this is a achieved optimum fuelling I copy the whole table into the next
lot of functionality for the ECU and correct operation of the cam angle fuel table and repeat the process. With the older
software requires a clean upload which will also carry with it S300 systems there is only the one table so its less time
any firmware changes. Sometimes in the case of the Hondata consuming but with the newer systems I have to go through
FlashPro systems as soon as you connect if the FlashPro this procedure until all cam angle tables are complete.
detects a conflict it will auto update. This doesnt happen
with the older systems so it is always good practice if youre With the fuelling correct now at full throttle up to around
struggling to upload or get the ECU to communicate correctly. 7000rpm (No VTEC at this point) I carry out consecutive power
I have a series of starting calibration files I upload which are runs at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cam angles. At this point I
preset with safe ignition and fuelling for the type of car I am have identical ignition values in each table and what you see
looking at with cam angles all zeroed out and limiters set low when you overlay the runs is what cam angles make best power
and VTEC high to save me time and I can get straight on with at exactly what rpm. This is something you cannot do on the
the tuning. road and why its so important when trying to extract optimum
power you need a repeatable dyno.
First thing is to setup any different sensors and valves that
are critical to operation such as aftermarket pressure sensors, The next plot shows the overlay of 20, 30 & 40 intake cam
injector sizes with deadtimes, TPS sensors and VTEC activation angles which in this case were the ones I was interested in as
and deal with any check codes that come up on initial power up. making best power. From this I am able to extrapolate the data
We should be ready then to start the car. required to build up the composite low cam table. With the cam
table built up I now do a full power run on the low cam.
Its important to get the car to operational temperature and
to maintain the parameters during tuning and ensure that no
compensation tables are having an effect on the data we are
measuring. Put simplistically if all compensations are zeroed
out the engine will run off the values we input into the fuel and
ignition tables. The compensation tables are there to allow
for things like cold starts as well as high and low water and
intake temperatures and the tables assign a value to add or
subtract preset % values of fuel or true ignition advance value
in degrees. These are a protection system for the engine and
effective measurement and positioning of the coolant and intake
air temperature sensor is critical.
Below shows a typical Low cam composite table. The way this
works is the same as the fuel and ignition tables. At any given
engine speed and load input the value cross referenced is the
target cam command so the intake cam should rotate to this
Happy with the idle I can then start the car rolling and
applying load I can effectively setup fuelling at the different
manifold pressures through the rev range. Slowly increasing the
load raises the manifold pressure or airflow so it enables me to
start constructing the fuel map.
One of the good features with the new FlashPro system is the
addition of live tuning. This means we can make adjustments in
real-time and monitor the effects straight away.
Happy with the part throttle fuelling I will move onto the full
Next step is to set the VTEC point at a low point like 3000rpm Now you cant just set your activation point at that and use
then run to the limiter to now calibrate all high cam fuel tables. the same values you have been using as optimum as it takes
time to switch from low to high, plus rotate the intake cam. The
Again the cam table is reset to 0 but this time on high cam correct settings to achieve a nice smooth changeover is to have
and we repeat the process of running through part throttle the cams change about 100rpm before optimum but also on
slowly increasing the loads until we are ready to start the the intake cam table you need to try and synchronise the low to
power runs. With the high cam fuelling now finished and again high cam so its not having to move far after activation as that
the same values on all ignition tables I run through consecutive will cause a significant drop in power. This needs often quite a
runs at the different cam angles then overlay them all to see while to get dead right and to optimum and again something
optimum angle for given rpm. you can never do on the road.
The plot below shows the plots of 20, 30, 40 and 50 overlaid Another thing that worries people is VTEC coming in too
with the VTEC activation point from 3500rpm. With the High early which although might be optimum, when cruising on
speed cam table now complete we do another power run giving the motorway you dont want to be constantly in VTEC and
the composite of optimum cam movement for the high cam. resulting in a lot of noise and poor fuel economy. This really
isnt something to worry about as with the ECUs we have the
possibility to create a window that works on manifold pressure
and in some cases road-speed as well as engine speed. The
result of this is optimum performance when you want at full
throttle but at part throttle when cruising VTEC isnt activated
until manifold pressure increases where the throttle is pressed
harder. The real life difference is that you dont need to shift
down gears to try and overtake.
With ignition now set as well as the fuelling, cam angles and
VTEC we are able to do the final power run. For the customers
we have already done a before run, we can now overlay the
before and after.
The next plot shows the car before tuning and after final
calibration. The dotted line is tuned, red is power at fly, blue
torque and orange is AFRs. One thing to note is that with the
fuelling all setup correctly its running far leaner on the high
cam than before so one of the big things people see when a
cars tuned correctly is returning better mpg. More power,
better mpg. Win win!
With the dyno work now finished the car comes off the dyno
to start the road tuning part of the process. What is important
is the feel of the car. The transitions from low to high cam
and back again. The way the car runs at slow speeds and
reacts when slowing and pulling away. This is something you
cant do on the dyno. You dont really get any conception of
feel and they only start recording from 2-2500rpm so the low
speed and throttle response is what we are looking at.
Paul West
MD TDi North Ltd.
A Hondata system consists of additional components
which are added to the standard ECU to allow the ECU to
use a Hondata program (this modification is normally done
by a dealer). An interface box is then connected to the ECU
which contains circuitry for datalogging, stores rev limits and
interfaces to switches in the vehicle. Optionally a clutch switch, flash program based off any of the programs supplied with the
push button and datalogging cable may be installed. Collectively K-Pro or any program of their own design. A dealer can also
all this is known as a Hondata system. custom tune, using their K-Pro, a map specifically tailored for
the customers car.
Below we will look in brief at some of the Hondata systems for
both OBD1 applications and the newer K Series systems and Unlike the K-Pro, the k100 does not have datalogging nor
break down what each product does and how it works. does it have programming capability. Programming and
installation are done by your Hondata dealer.
S100 (1992-2000 HONDAS) (2001-2005 MODEL HONDAS)
The s100 is a small circuit which fits inside the ECU. It The K-Series Programmable ECU (K-Pro) consists of a
requires a dealer with an S200 for tuning and has the same hardware modification to any K-Series ECU, the installation of a
features less datalogging, full throttle shift and launch control. circuit board into the stock ECU, plus Windows software which
allows for re-programming of the ECU and datalog sensors.
S300/S300J (1992-2000 HONDAS)
The s300/s300j is a circuit board which fits inside the ECU. FLASHPRO
A slot is cut in the side of the ECU for the USB connector. The (DRIVE BY WIRE 2006 + HONDAS)
ECU uses different connector pins than the s100 & s200 (male The FlashPro allows full user tuning and datalogging. It
pins vs. a socket) includes Windows based software called FlashProManager.
The s300 will only fit inside a rectangular US frame ECU. The The FlashPro connects from your laptops USB port to your
s300j will only fit inside a square JDM frame ECU. vehicles diagnostic port to provide live tuning with a variety
of calibrations, extensive real time and stored datalogging
HONDATA CPR (1992-2000 HONDAS) capabilities.
The Hondata Coil Pack Retrofit (CPR) allows the use of coil on
plug individual ignition coils on engines with distributor based HONDATA TRACTION CONTROL
ignition systems (D, B, F and H series Honda engines). It does Traction Control for your s300, KPro or FlashPro. Hondata
this by replacing the stock coil and ignition with an electronic Traction Control works by monitoring the ABS wheel speed
circuit which can drive igniter type individual ignition coils, sensors and reducing engine output when excessive wheel-spin
such as used on later model Honda engines. A Hondata S300 is detected. A dash mountable switch allows the selection of
system and US OBDI ECU are required. different target slip rates, and software allows the system to
be tuned for your specific vehicle setup. More details will be
HONDATA K SERIES SYSTEMS available shortly.