Anon's Shitty Guide To Colourful Plaguebearers: Because You Asked For It, I'm Not Even A Particularly Good Painter

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Anons Shitty Guide to Colourful Plaguebearers

Because you asked for it, Im not even a particularly good painter.
Step 1: Prep and base coat

1. Wash sprues, assemble minis, greenstuff the gaps because they are huge.
2. Prime light grey or white.
3. Base coat light blue (vallejo sky blue), light pink (emperors children), yellow (yriel) and white/light grey.
4. Drybrush white, go back and highlight any bits that need it. A rough finish to the highlight is fine, it adds texture. Vary the
amount of white from model to model.
Step 2: Wash

Wash the entire miniature in one go, ensuring no areas are left unwashed
Colours used (left to right):
as this will leave tide marks.

1, 2 & 3 (Grey/white base): Seraphim sepia and water then guilliman

When washing get the entire mini covered with your main colour quickly,
using water to vary the intensity of the wash, then dab in secondary
4 (Pink base): Heavy guilliman blue then small amounts of sepia.
colours while this is still wet to create variation. You will see how the
5 (Pink base): Seraphin sepia and water then guilliman blue.
washes interact with one another - when you introduce a second colour it
6 (Blue base): Beil Tan Green and water then casandora yellow and
will displace the main colour, you can leave this as it is or you can mix
small amounts of vallejo transparent green.
them together on the model. They will tend to blend together and look
7 (Blue base): Seraphim sepia and water then guilliman blue.
softer as they dry.
8 (Blue base): Seraphim sepia and water then casandora yellow and
small amounts of vallejo transparent green.
As you add more colours you will end up with too much liquid on the 9 (Yellow base): Seraphim sepia and water then guilliman blue.
model. Use an empty brush to siphon off some of the excess. You can 10 (Yellow base): Seraphim sepia and water then guilliman blue and
keep adding more colour after this if needed. Keep playing until you are small amounts of bloodletter glaze.
Picking colours:

Use the CMYK subtractive colour wheel to get

where you want and figure out which colours to
use on which base coats. This is the reason I use
colours close to cyan, yellow and magenta as my
base colours, it makes it easier to get to any other
colour while keeping the unit looking balanced.

Some colours like vallejo transparent green are

opaque enough and bright enough to kind of
ignore the darkening effect of washes but mostly
washes will make the model darker, which is why I
try and stick to one main wash to get the main
colour of the mini.
Step 3: Shading

Use a dark blue wash (I use drakenhoff nightshade) to shade between their legs and under their arms and neck. Make sure to
blend out the edges with a damp brush to avoid tide marks. You could skip this I guess but I think it adds a lot of depth. If it
begins to look too blue use some agrax, red wash or green wash to move it in the direction you want. Shadows should be more
neutral than the areas around them.
Step 4: Yellow

Paint casandora yellow around all the areas you want to be discoloured bruised looking, including boils, spines, wounds.

You can either use very thin layers to build up the colour or you can blob it on and use a damp brush to blend it out, either way
try and avoid tide marks. The aim is soft transitions. Its pretty easy with casandora yellow, it is a 10/10 paint.
Step 5: Red n ting

Repeat step 4 but with carroburg crimson. This paint loves to make tide marks so be careful to make sure the edges are
blended out, I prefer multiple very thin layers to glaze it on for this. Vary the amount of layers you do on each guy so that the
colours are more varied. Takes a while but looks good.
Step 6:
I hardly do any of this on
plaguebearers and
nurglings, only where it
really needs it, but on more
important stuff like this
herald Ive done a lot to
define the features of the
model. I like to glaze on
mostly layers of bone to
build a translucent skin-like
texture. I also use red, green
and blue for variation. Give
some thought to where really
needs it, dont just splodge it
on, it will look shite.
Pink bits and teeth: Base with screamer pink, highlight with pink horror and emperors children. Paint the
Details: teeth with a bone colour, I use pallid witch flesh.

Eyes: Nuln oil then white eyes. The black outline helps the miniature a lot.
Swords: Silver. Sponge on Vallejo burnt umber, saddle brown and transparent orange, wash sepia and fine
Details: line highlight with silver.

Boils: Yriel yellow highlighted with bone.

Horns: Black lol

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