Surface Waves: Rayleigh and Love Waves Particle Motion Phase and Group Velocity Dispersion

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GEOL 335.

Surface waves

Rayleigh and Love waves

Particle motion
Phase and group velocity

Telford et al., Sections 4.2.4, 4.2.6
GEOL 335.3

Surface wave types

When a medium is bounded by a velocity contrast
(e.g., the free surface), additional types of waves
Rayleigh waves (a mix of P- and SV wave
Elliptical particle motion confined to the vertical plane;
Velocity < VS ( for = 0.25, VR = 0.92VS);

Love waves (SH) (A.E.H. Love, 1911)

Requires layered subsurface.
Velocity intermediate between VS of the layers.
GEOL 335.3

Surface wave properties

Amplitude vs depth

For all surface waves, amplitude

exponentially decays away from the surface.
With distance, amplitude decay is slow, ~ R
Therefore, surface waves override reflections.

Displacement and stress in Love wave

Period [s]
GEOL 335.3

All surface waves exhibit dispersion:
Harmonic components propagate at different phase
velocities that also differ from the group velocity
of the energy packet;
Wave group (wavelet) changes shape during
GEOL 335.3

Phase and Group

Usually, group velocities are slower than
phase velocity
. ..and both decrease with frequency
This is called normal dispersion:

Group velocity
Phase velocity

Note the changes

in wavelet shapes
GEOL 335.3

normal dispersion
of surface waves
Long-period Love waves within the
crust and upper mantle

Phase velocity

Group velocity

Shallower Deeper

Normal dispersion occurs because the

deeper layers are generally faster

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