Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Email: [email protected]
Dear Jenny
2. A bound copy of the financial statements and income tax returns for the abovenamed for the year
ended 30 June 2017 for your retention.
Please sign the documents marked for signing where indicated. The bound electronic copy of your
financial statements are for your records.
Your Obligations
We have prepared tax return on the information provided by you. Where you have signed a declaration
that directs our office to lodge a return with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), we will then lodge on
the expectation that you have reviewed the returns and you have confirmed that they are true and
correct. Please check any returns prepared by this office prior to lodgement carefully as the ATO
imposes heavy fines for false or misleading statements.
The financial statements and income tax return should be perused to ensure that they are true and
correct in every detail. We note that the responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the
particulars of the information provided to this office rests with you. In addition to this, any advice given
to you is opinion based on our knowledge of your particular circumstances. A taxpayer has obligations
under self-assessment to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the preparation of accurate
The ATO will issue a notice of assessment for tax return lodged. The ATO has time to review the tax
return lodged and issue an amended notice of assessment if they find inaccuracies that change the
notice of assessment. The standard review period for this review by the ATO is two years however for
some tax payers it is four years. On this basis we advise you to keep any documentation used to
prepare any tax returns lodged for a period of four years.
Where we have prepared a report for you, such as financial statements or any other management
reports, we have prepared those reports in accordance with APES 315 Statement of Compilation of
Financial Reports. Please read this statement and the financial statements carefully and if satisfied
sign the attached statement and return to our office.
2. Travel Expenses
We have claimed a deduction for travel expenses you incurred whilst in Italy as you were traveling in
Europe. We understand that your trip was predominately of a private nature. You have advised us
that your travels in Italy relate to a specific tour which you undertook to experience a hotel. Your
experience at the hotel in Italy then became the basis of presentations you used at work to win
contracts. As the cost of this trip is over the substantiation limit as well as being overseas travel we
remind you that for a period of four years you are required to:
a. Keep receipts for costs claimed within this tax return for the year ended 30 June 2017,
b. Keep an itinerary and other records to substantiate the purpose of the trip
Please maintain these records for a period of four years.
We note, the presentations you prepared at work on the photos taken and experiences you had would
also be helpful in substantiating the claim.
Total: ($5,100.00)
A copy of the applicable tax reconciliations for each entity and a tax summary for the group is
included. These summaries provide a detailed breakdown of the net tax liability above.
Late lodgement penalties or interest charges apply for lodgements beyond the due date listed
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Yours sincerely,