High Blood Pressure Brochure WPR
High Blood Pressure Brochure WPR
High Blood Pressure Brochure WPR
One in three adults worldwide
There is a common misconception that people with
high blood pressure always experience symptoms.
has high blood pressure. The
Most people with high blood pressure actually have no proportion increases with age.
symptoms at all and may not even know they have it.
Sometimes high blood pressure can cause symptoms
such as headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest
pain, palpitations of the heart or nose bleeds. If people
ignore measuring blood pressure because they think 120
140 180
numbers. 20 300
Physical activity
Doing regular physical activity. WHO recommends physical
Social determinants
activity for at least 30 minutes each day. and drivers
Alcohol Urbanization
Avoiding harmful use of alcohol. Ageing
Tobacco Education
Stopping tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke.
Effective management of stress. Main factors contributing to
high blood pressure and its
Foods high in salt Foods that may be high in salt
The following foods are almost always high in salt. To cut down The salt content in the following foods can be high. That means
on salt, consume them less often or have smaller amounts: you can cut down on salt by choosing those with lower salt
content. Nutrition labels can help you do this. These foods
bacon salami
bread soup
salted nuts
pasta sauces
salted fish
ketchup, mayonnaise
and other sauces
salty condiments
(soy sauce and fish sauce) pizza
The higher the pressure in the blood vessels, the harder the heart has to work in order to pump blood. If left
uncontrolled, high blood pressure may lead to enlargement of the heart, a heart attack and, eventually, to heart
failure. Under pressure, blood vessels may develop bulges (aneurysms) and weak spots, making them more likely
to burst or clog up. The pressure in the blood vessels also can cause blood to leak into the brain, which can cause
a stroke. High blood pressure also can lead to kidney failure, blindness or cognitive impairment.
The critical activities that were volunteers. Materials on NCDs were also formulated and used in
part of the introduction of the the community. Health education classes were conducted among
WHO package of essential patients and their families.
noncommunicable (PEN) disease
interventions in Pateros in A patient passbook was provided to
metro Manila, Philippines, were help patients and doctors monitor
a baseline assessment of the progress. The results of the first six
capacity to implement PEN, months of implementation showed
consultations with stakeholders, that there were 789 cases assessed
procurement of essential devices (26% in the community and 74%
Editing, design and illustration by Ins Communication www.iniscommunication.com