TransformationTruths 2014final

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8 Simple Questions
to Evaluate and
Change Your Life


Only two things change your life. Either something new comes into your life,
or something new comes from within.

Brendon Burchard

In this short eBook, Im going to coach you by asking you to consider eight blunt
statements about your current life experience. These statements will guide you, in
straightforward terms, to take a direct look at how your life is going. I call these
statements transformation truths because, if internalized, they are powerful enough
to change your life.

I ask that you consider the Truths ahead with complete candor. As President James A.
Garfield said, The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Lets begin.
Transformation Truth #1:
Either You're Moving Forward, or Not

Nine-tenths of the miseries and vices of mankind proceed from idleness.

Thomas Carlyle

We were born to move forward, to advance. Thats how our bodies were designed: to
crawl, to walk, to run forward at a high speed. We were meant to stretch and grow and
push ourselves toward our dreams and destinies.

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten this biological impulse to advance and
become trapped in surprisingly stagnant lives. Many have let their responsibilities and
the need for safety weigh us down. Theyve stopped taking the risks and leaps and
bounds and long-shots needed to get them closer to the life they desire. Tragically, too
many have settled into jobs that lead nowhere, relationships that sink their spirits, and
habits that hold them back.

Its not difficult to understand why so many people have anxiety attacks or undergo
midlife crisesyou would, too, if you woke up one morning and realized you were
nowhere near the life you always dreamed of living.

I want to help you consciously conduct a progress check on your liferight now, today.

I want you to look at your life and ask these simple questions:

1. Am I closer to the life of my dreams this year than I was last year?

2. Have I been charging ahead in life, standing still, or falling behind?

3. Am I truly moving forward toward my dreams, or am I simply conning myself

into believing that Im just waiting for the right time to make my move?

I emphasize the word truly in the last question, and in all eight of the transformation
truths in this ebook, because it doesnt allow you much wiggle room. If I simply asked
you, Are you moving forward in life? you might be able to con yourself and say,
Well, Im sort of moving forward. But the word truly means you have to be a little
more honest and straightforward with yourself. I do this because there can be no sort-
ofs if you hope to take an accurate, honest inventory of your life. Deep down, you
know its a cop-out to say, Im sort of advancing toward my dreams. Either you are, or
you are not.

Some fool themselves into believing they are advancing by pretending that baby steps
are sufficient in life. But let me give fair warning: Baby steps may be okay for starting
out on a new endeavor, but just taking baby steps without bold steps and big risks
ensures that your life will forever be stuck in its infancy.

Either you are truly moving forward, or you are not. So, how do you feel when you read
that? If you feel a sense of strength and pride because you know youre giving your all
to achieve your dreams, good for you.

If, however, you wince a little at this truth, then you know its time to transform your life.
You should interpret that small uh-oh in the back of your mind as a clarion call to do
some serious stocktaking, to figure out why youve gotten stuck in life and what you
need to do to get moving again.

Isn't it true that no matter how successful you are right now, you could be making more
and faster progress towards your dreams? Its true for everyone, correct?

Isn't it true that you've been holding back a little bit, that there's more "you" that could
be showing up each day, vibrantly and passionately?

Isn't it true you already know what you have to stop doing and start doing to move
forward right now?

At this point, a lot of people who hire me as a life coach or attend my events say, I
dont know why Im stuck in life, and I dont know how to get going again.

To these people I gently reply, Yes, the fact is, you do know. All the answers lie within

Then, in order to prove this to them, I often give them a sentence-completion activity. I
write the start of a sentence and I let them finish it. For example, Ill give them a
statement that says, To move forward in my life again, the first thing I have to do is

Its amazing how fast they can complete the sentence. Theyll immediately say, Finally
ask for a promotion, or Stop beating myself up over the past, or Ask for some
help, or Stand my ground rather than get steamrollered.
Most clients are surprised at how immediately they know exactly how to finish the
sentence. They feel a renewed sense of confidence and competence when they know
that they have all the answers within them.

Throughout this ebook, Im going to give you similar sentence-completion activities,

which I call transformational turning points. When you complete these simple yet
profound statements, your life will turn the corner and you will begin to move closer to
your dreams.

Below are the turning points for this truth. So stop, grab your journal, write down each
statement, and finish it as honestly and thoroughly as you can before moving on to the
next chapter.

Transformational Turning Points

The main reason I am where I am in life right now is because I chose to

The main areas of my life where I seem to be spinning my wheels are

The weight that Ive been carrying around on my shoulders that has prevented me from
moving forward is

The dream that I absolutely must start moving toward once again is

The first step I'm committed to taking right now is

Transformation Truth #2:
Either You're Doing Work You Truly Enjoy, or Not

All of the animals except man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.

Samuel Butler

Most of us know that our life's purpose is more than just a paycheck, and that a life of
meaning is not limited to a life of financial means.

Yet many of us suffer the self-imposed misery of doing unfulfilling work simply to make
ends meet. We take jobs we don't love by rationalizing that we "have to."

In this society, though, there are very few have-tos. You can choose to do anything you
want to with your time. I ask you, is what you are choosing to do with it something that
you truly enjoy? Do you get happily lost in your work on a regular basis? Does time
seem to slip by because you are completely immersed in doing something you love? If
you look at your life and cannot answer with a resounding, wholehearted "Yes!" to
these questions, then you know it's time for a change.

It's time you ask yourself a question you may have been avoiding for too long: Is what
I'm doing what I really want to be doing?

Of course, this is a tough question for most people because they don't know what they
want to be doing. Worse yet, they have stopped actively looking. They've settled into a
job and told themselves the biggest lie in working America: "I'll just stay here for a year
or two until I figure out what I really want to do." People who say this always end up a
year or two down the road still scratching their head. They may have a better rsum,
but they still haven't got a clue.

Here's my advice to you: If you're not in your dream job or career right now, you should
be actively and urgently looking for ways to get into it. And if you don't know what
your dream job or career is, don't waste a lot of your precious time in any job or career
that is clearly not it. There's nothing worse than squandering years of your life doing
something simply because you don't know what else to do.
If you are bored, restless, depressed, angry, underutilized, unrewarded, unrecognized,
or unchallenged in your current job or career, it's time for you to admit itand change
it. I recommend that you open your calendar right now, look forward exactly six
months, and schedule in a secret code: QMJT. That means Quit My Job Today! What
I'm suggesting is that if you don't LOVE your job, you make a commitment to yourself
right now, an internal resolution that you'll bust your butt for six months to find a new
careerthat no matter what, in six months you'll be moving on and starting something
you care about. Isn't your time, and your life energy, worth it?

Of course, maybe you are one of the three in ten Americans who report being
passionate about their jobs. Maybe you are passionate about your work, you believe in
the purpose of what you're doing, and you enjoy the tasks and the relationships you
have at work. In that case, here's my question to you: Are you showing up as
"passionately present" as you can each day, and are you lighting up your coworkers
with energy and excitement for what you are doing together. In my mind, leadership
has a lot to do with firing ourselves up about a cause or mission, and firing other
people up about it as well, as you work collaboratively to make it happen. I talk a lot
about leadership at my events and it's something I've dedicated a lot of my life to.

To think more deeply about how you feel about work, grab your journal and complete
the sentences below.

Transformational Turning Points

The way I really feel about what I'm doing is...

The real reason I'm doing what I'm doing now is because...

If I continue doing what I'm doing, five years from now I'm going to be the type of
person who...

Whenever I talk about the way I spend my time, I always wish I'd spend more time...
The things that completely absorb my attention and interest when I get into them are...

To truly enjoy my work and lead other people more effectively, I would have to...
Transformation Truth #3:
Either You Are Truly Being Yourself, or Not

We would have to settle for the elegant goal of becoming ourselves.

William Styron

As we interact with the world each day, we have a choice to make: Will we live
authentically or adaptively?

When we choose to be authentic, we show the world our raw, unpainted, genuine self.
We act in accordance with who we feel we are deep down inside. We live our values
and follow our heart. We openly share our personality and passion with other people,
and we use our distinctive strengths and talents in our work. Living like this makes us
feel free, alive, connected, and real. It allows us to look into the mirror each morning
with pride and say, Im being who I was meant to bemyself.

Unfortunately, many of us dont choose authenticity. Instead, we adapt to the world the
way a chameleon does, changing our true colors in order to blend safely into the
environment. We disguise who we really are in hopes of being accepted by others. We
show the world an artificial, painted, synthetic self, a replica of who they want us to
be rather than who we truly are. We swallow our true thoughts and feelings, hide our
true passions, and underutilize our true gifts. Living like this makes us feel hollow,
disconnected, and fake. It makes us avoid ourselves in the mirror in the morning and
creates a repeating whimper in the back of our minds: Please stop acting this way; its
not the real you, and theres someone special in here waiting to be let out.

How are you living your lifeas an original or as a copy?

Are you showing the world who you really are, or are you putting on a facade in order
to fit in and be accepted? Is your life a declaration or an adaptation?

Are you playing the unique role you were given by God, or are you trying to act
someone elses part?

Read those questions again.

And again.

Now once more.

If you responded hesitantly to any of those questions, or you felt a little sad or sick at
your stomach when answering them, its time to transform your life, and you know it.

You must make it a priority to reconnect with your authentic self. Bring your true
personality and passions back to the surface. Stop living someone elses life, and start
living your own. Start paying attention to the times you feel like you're being
inauthentic and ask yourself, "What triggered this behavior? Who was I around? Is that
how I want to act and who I want to be known as?"

It's rarely good advice to tell someone to be self-conscious, but what I'm suggesting is
that you do just thatbe actively attentive to what's making you tick during times you
feel inauthentic. What thoughts are running through your head and how can you
"debate" them to ensure you no longer act like someone else?

If you feel you are living your most present, authentic and passionate self, then I ask
this: are you using your strengths in this area to help others? Are you using your
incredible energy and presence to light other people up, to help them feel more
accepted and authentiec? This is the task of what I call miracle workers, and I honor
you for your efforts here. If more people would light themselves up, and focus on lifting
the energy of those around them, then I believe the spirit of our world would be
vibrant, loving, and joyous.

Thank you, miracle worker.

Transformational Turning Points

A time when I felt that I was being completely authentic was when

I always know when Im acting authentically, because I

One area of my life where Im consistently adapting and acting like someone else is
If I continue to show the world a facade and keep underutilizing my strengths, Ill end

The last time I lit myself up, I turned my energy on, and helped fire other people up so
that they could feel accepted and energized was...
Transformation Truth #4:
Either Your Relationships are Truly Supporting You, or Not

One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can
appreciate you for what you are.

Gail Godwin

The people in our lives who treat us with kindness, respect, honesty, and understanding
have the ability to lift us to our highest heights. On the flip side, those who mistreat us,
disrespect us, lie to us, neglect us, or abuse us often have the power to pull us down
into the depths of despair.

Simply put, the people in our lives can either lift us up or drag us down.

That said, lets take a look at your relationships. Think about the people surrounding
you: your family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances, romantic
interest. Are any of these people holding you back from being your best? Are any of
them making you feel unworthy, unloved, and uncared for? Are any of them making
you feel small, weak, dirty, stupid, or insignificant? Are any of them demeaning or
disrespecting you by implying that you dont deserve happiness, abundance, and
peace in your life? If so, who are they?

And now to the most important question: Why in the world are you allowing these
people in your life?

I say allowing because every relationship in your lifeeven those with your family
membersis 100 percent voluntary and therefore subject to your influence. You can
choose to maintain, build, minimize, or even break off any relationship at any time. You
dont have to call your parents, you dont have to stay in the relationship with the
abusive jerk, and you dont have to put up with friends who try to keep you down to
their apathetic unmotivated level.
Being subject to your influence, your relationships are turning out exactly the way you
are allowing them to. Since you have the power to reward or penalize people with your
level of commitment to the relationship, you are in essence continually teaching people
how to treat you. If someone is treating you poorly, then its because you havent
influenced or taught them to do otherwise. You havent consistently or authoritatively
stood up for yourself or put your foot down and said, Enough! I will never allow you
treat me like that again!

Much of the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. Healthy
relationships are those that support your well-being and growth. If you are in any
relationship that doesnt fit that bill, its time to candidly reassess why youre in it and
determine what you should do about it. Do you feel an obligation to be in this
dysfunctional relationship, or are you just scared to be alone? Should you break ties
with those who are hurting you, or should you at the very minimum lay down some new
ground rules for how you expect to be treated?

Now this isn't just about getting rid of people who treat you unfairly, the truth is we all
know that can't always happennot everyone can ditch their mean spouses that easily.
But here's the master's work: it's not so much about losing the bums as it is about
having MORE supportive people around you. At my events we talk about having at
least 10 super supportive peers and mentors around you who act as your cheerleaders
and support personnel. Decide today that by the end of the year you'll have 10 new
supportive friends and mentors and your life next year will explode with passion, joy
and achievement.

Todays the day you should decide to surround yourself with only those people who lift
you higher in lifethose who appreciate you, respect you, support you, and love you.
A life of beauty is built by surrounding yourself with beautiful souls.

Transformational Turning Points

The people in my life who are treating me poorly are

Ive allowed these people to treat me this way by

If I ended or dramatically altered these relationships, I would start to feel

The relationships in my life that are truly supporting my well-being and growth are the
ones I have with

Five people I need to approach to have as mentors and motivators are...

Transformation Truth #5:
Either You Truly Believe in Yourself, or You Do Not

A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in

the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself.

Alexandre Dumas

Sometimes the most toxic relationship we ever get into is the one with ourselves. We
beat ourselves up, call ourselves names, obsess on our faults, and question our own
worthiness of love and happiness. We talk to ourselves the way an abusive partner
would, by flooding our minds with doubtful, cynical, hateful, oppressive, and
disempowering thoughts. The more often this happens, the more disassociated and
discontented we feel about ourselves and our lives in general.

On the other hand, our relationship with ourselves can be healthier and friendlier. We
can nurture ourselves by taking pride in our efforts and accomplishments. We can
acknowledge our strengths and reaffirm that we are worthy of a good life. We can
recognize when we do well, when we try our best, when we stand up for what we
believe in, and when we authentically connect with and help out our fellow human
beings. When we do this, our self-talk focuses on how deserving, capable, trustworthy,
and, yes, loving, we are.

Which of these relationships we have with ourselveseither the toxic or the healthy
onedepends entirely on whether we believe in ourselves. Clearly, if we believe in our
own sense of self-worth and adequacy, were much likelier to have a happy and healthy
life. If, on the other hand, we dont believe in ourselves, were likely to contaminate any
opportunity for such a life.

So what kind of relationship do you have with yourself? Are you your own worst enemy
or your best friend? Do you believe you deserve to fail or to succeed? Are the thoughts
playing in your head hurtful or helpful?
If you dont truly believe in yourself, its critical that you start to transform your mind-set
right now. You have to stop focusing on your weaknesses and start focusing on your
strengths. You have to give yourself a little credit for all that youve been through and
all that youve accomplished. You have to realize that God put you on this planet
because He thought you were worthy of life and happiness.

If this all sounds like some kind of self-help puffery, then you might be interested in
knowing that people who say they believe in themselves tend to live longer, live
healthier, live with more financial abundance, and claim higher levels of life satisfaction.
And what's most interesting is that these people aren't just born with some kind of
mental focus on how great they are. In fact, most of them report that they actively work
on taking risks, stretching themselves beyond their comfort levels, thinking positively,
and working hard to gain the kind of confidence and competence that can only come
with trying and mastering new things. In short, they become confident because they
choose to believe in themselves and work hard to become competent at something.

So what choices are you making? Are you choosing to give yourself some credit, to put
yourself out there, to try new things, to trust that you can handle the world's challenges
with grace and strength? Or are you beating yourself up and shooting yourself in the
foot with negative thoughts about yourself before you even leave the gate? Your
answers to those questions are likely correlated to the level of life satisfaction that you

So why not give yourself a break, trust in yourself again, and recognize the strength
and tenacity and hard work that have gotten you this far in life?

It's your time to believe in yourself again my friend.

It's time you focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

It's time you remember how far you've come.

It's time to give yourself a break, and to reconnect with who you are.

It's your time.

Transformational Turning Points

If I started believing a little more in myself, Id be much likelier to

If I keep beating myself up all the time, Im going to end up

What I'm most proud of in my life is...

If I had more confidence in myself, the first damn thing I'd go out and do is...
Transformation Truth #6:
Either You Are Truly Fit and Vibrant, or Not

Life itself is energy, so if you have no energy, what does that say about your life?

Brendon Burchard

What level of life energy do I feel right now?

On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being absolutely vibrant and present, how "on" do I
feel at this exact moment?

For years, I've been teaching audiences to ask these questions to themselves several
times a day, because the very act of asking them helps people "level up," or lift their
level of presence and vibrancy.

Why does this work?

Because psychologically we all know we should be present, we all know we should

have the energy we deserve in life, and we all know that for the most part we're
responsible for the lower levels of energy we typically feel throughout the day.

So, by asking these two questions, our brain essentially "guilts" us into thinking, "Hey, I
should be more lit up about life right now," and somehow, almost magically, our level
of presence and vibrancy rises. That's why I call it leveling up.

I share this with you because I want to reveal a secret about lifelong vibrancy: no matter
what your current health or fitness level is, you can lift your level of energy in life simply
by choosing to do it.

Yes, it's your psychology that governs your level of energy in your life as much as it is
your physical fitness and health.

This might sound counter-intuitive, given that we're flooded with messages about
losing weight, extreme diets, and the latest workout trend everywhere we turn. It
seems our culture thinks feeling more energetic begins solely with fighting food urges
or dropping pounds.

But real fitness and vibrancy in life always begins with psychology, with making a
conscious choice to live life at a higher level of presence and energy. It's only from this
choice, from the real commitment to live more vibrantly, can we start feeling that way
and start the hard work of supporting it through our daily mental and physical habits.

In other words, raising our level of vibrancy begins with making a choice to do so, and
it is from this psychological choice that we then choose the physical routines that will
help us become fit and able to "show up" more in life.

In my mind, there is nothing more important than my level of energy. If I'm low on
energy, then I can't handle the stress of the day, I can't be present for my wife, I can't
enjoy what I'm doing, I can't inspire my staff, and I can't accomplish my goals. Simply, I
can't be the best me.

So how do I maintain such high levels of energy, presence, and vibrancy in my life? I'm
asked this all the time, especially when people see me onstage and "on" for four days
at my events. The reality is I've created a plan that helps me stay mentally fresh and
physically fit -- exactly what's needed to be present and stay "on" throughout the day.

I call my plan the 4 Ps.

Here's the overview:

1. Psychology. I've already spoke about the importance of choice in creating the
energy and vibrancy you want in life, but let me get more specific. If you want to be
present in life, you've got to purposefully attempt to do so. You have to zoom your
focus in on something intently, to pay attention to what's before you as if you were
being measured on how present you were. You have to keep your mind free from
clutterlike focusing on the "small" stuff in life or the things you can't controland
you have to choose to get excited about things. True vibrancy in life is almost child-like
it's a pure and innocent enthusiasm for how cool it is just to be here. When was the
last time you simply chose to be lit up about life, to enjoy it, to be fully enthusiastic and
jazzed about something? I make this choice about 15 times a day, which is how often I
ask myself, "How lit up am I right now?"

2. Proportions. Most Americans are overweight because of the proportions of food

they consume. (Of course, it doesn't help that they eat crap, which we take on in the
next topic). The mega dishes we're served at restaurants and the heaping amounts of
food on our plates at home are the reason most Americans are overweight. (Let's be
truthful and call it like it is: data shows that most Americans are fat, and it's simply not
okay). If everyone just ate a little less at the table or on the go, we'd be much healthier
and more likely to live with the energy we deserve.

Here's what you need to know: If you master your proportions, you master your
metabolism, you lose weight. I'll show you in detail at my live events, but here's the
first step: cut down on the amount of food you consume at each meal. Yes, that sounds
simple, and indeed it is. You want more energy? Then talk with your doctor or
nutritionist and consider lowering the amount of food you eat at each meal, and yet
increasing the number of meals you have each day (to 4-6 small meals) to boost your

3. Produce. How much of your diet consists of fresh greens and vegetables? How
acidic or alkaline is your typical diet and PH balance? Its really a stunning fact that most
Americans are barely consuming any greens or fruits in their diets in relation to their
overall caloric consumption. They eat way more meats and grains and other "dead"
foods like snacks instead of "live" and water-rich foods like greens and fruits. Why?
Because they have no idea what affect this has on their health. If you want more energy
in the day, immediately start eating more greens in your diet. This will lower your
blood's acidic level, boost your immune system, cleanse your digestive track, and
enhance your energy. Sound simple? Good. There are tons of books on eating green
and staying alkalized.

4. Physical Movement. This one isn't as straightforward as you might think. There's a
reason most people don't exercise consistently and intensely enough to improve their
overall health and energy. First, as discussed above, they haven't chosen to do so for
themselves. Instead, they've accepted to live half-alive, at a lowered level of energy,
because they don't realize how much they're missing out on and how much they're
cheating their family and friends out of a vibrant relationship with them. Second,
they've never been trained on which exercises work best for them and why. Regardless,
here's the bottom line for you: be sure you're getting off your bottom at least three to
five times a week for a workout.

The fastest way to boost your consistent energy level in life is to get physically fit. We
all know that, right? But how energetic do you feel? If it's not as energetic as you'd like,
then start exercising more. Also, be sure to fuel your body with the proper foods, and
refuel your body with the proper rest. It's that straightforward.

So that's my secret: An amped up psychology that chooses to be lit up about life; a

dedication to choosing smaller and smarter portions; a commitment to eating lots of
green water-rich foods; and a simple focus on getting three to five great workouts each
week. All that makes me feel present and vibrant enough to give all I've got and to
enjoy life to its fullest. Easy, huh?

Transformational Turning Points

If I felt more vibrant and energetic throughout the day, I'd be more likely to....

If I made a real choice to be vibrant in life, the first thing I'd do is...

The amount of food I consume each day is making me feel...

From now on, I'm going to choose foods that are...

I could find more time to workout in the week if I just...

Transformation Truth #7:
Either You're Truly Building Wealth, or You're Depleting it.

Playing small and being poor only limits your ability to give.

Brendon Burchard

Most people really hate when I talk about this truth.

It's not because the way I talk about money, but the way they've been managing it
throughout their lives. For most, they've been earning and living paycheck to paycheck
and barely, if at all, socking away and growing some big time savings and investments.

How about you? If you're honest, what percentage of your income is being saved and
invested right now? Is it enough to ensure you can buy the house of your dreams, retire
when you're ready, care for your children, give abundantly to causes you love?

If it's not, then why not?

I've asked this why question to thousands of people and they tell me the same thing:
Either they just haven't been disciplined enough to invest, or they aren't making
enough to put anything away. Both responses are, to be blunt, sad.

Let's take on the idea of discipline first. If you're not disciplined enough to save or
invest money these days, then you're dooming yourself to financial failure and you're
also failing to take advantage of the simple systems set in place for you to succeed.

When I say "systems," what I'm referring to are the host of automated programs that
can help you put your money into saving or investment accounts without you ever even
seeing it. You can set it up with your employer and financial institution so that a
percentage of your paycheck goes directly into a savings or investment account. That
way there's no discipline needed; you just "set it and forget it" and your wealth grows.
Next, let's talk about this idea that there's not enough money to invest. Two thoughts
here: first, yes, there is enough. You should be saving something from each paycheck,
and you should set it up to happen automatically. Even if you're just saving $100 a
month, that adds up fast with compound interest.

Second, if you think you're not earning enough, then, frankly, there's only one thing
you can do: start adding more value. The more value you add at work or in your
business, the more money you make. It's a universal truth. And if that "truth" isn't
recognized at your current job or in your current business (i.e. "they" don't recognize
your value or brilliance and it's "their" fault you're not earning more money), then it's
time to find a new job or business.

Im sure that, like me, youre tired of all the BS about making immediate millions on the
internet or in real estate, stocks, classified ads, or other get-rich schemes.

That's why I'm going to finally reveal the true secrets to wealth building. These are the
secrets known by every CEO in the world, and every truly financially independent
person who has ever lived.

And the secrets are not some sort of hyperbole or nonsense. They're rooted in this
one, universal truth that will change everything you think you know about building a
brand or a business:

All true wealth and every great business in history was built on previously existing

What does that mean? Simple:

You can't build significant wealth fast from scratch on your own.

Think about it: Every great business was built on some kind of existing infrastructure.
The internet was built on the infrastructure of cable; cable was built on the
infrastructure of phone lines; phone lines were wired through the tunnels beneath
cities; cities sprung up along the infrastructure of the railways; railways were run along
the highways, and so on.

So what's the point?

The point is you can't build your business, sell your products, or provide your services,
or create and maintain real wealth unless you figure out how to find, tap into, and
leverage an existing infrastructure.
In other words, you need to find partners (which can either be groups of people or
organizations) that have the infrastructure (the resources, customers, delivery
mechanisms, etc) you need in order to grow your wealth.

I'll explain more at my live events, but you can start this process right now by doing
some basic research and asking questions like:

What organizations could I work with to grow my business?

What organizations or groups already serve my customer?

What organizations have already figured out how to be successful and how can I
learn from them?

What organizations have the distribution or marketing platforms that could help
me grow fast?

If these questions might sound oriented to just entrepreneurs, think again. If you want
to add massive value at work, try finding business partners that can have a massive
impact in growing your company's bottom line. Create those types of partnerships and
you'll get paid. It's that simple.

Look at any wealth person's wealth building path and you'll see they did these things:
they saved, they invested, they grew their business or influence by partnering with
others to serve (and sell to) more people.

Read that again. And start building your wealth today.

Transformational Turning Points

If I keep handling my finances the way I am today, in twenty years I'll be.

The reason I'm not paying more attention to saving and investing is
The person I should call to help me with my finances is

The first thing I need to do to add more value at work is

The organizations that I could partner with to grow my business are...

Transformation Truth #8:
Either You're Truly Stepping Up or You're Backing Down

Cowards die many times before their deaths;

the valiant never taste of death but once.

William Shakespeare

We are blessed with a life chock-full of challenges. Every day we are presented with
circumstances, some new, some ongoing, that can be seen as opportunities to test our

The question is, how are you facing lifes challenges?

Are you stepping up or backing down?

Are you hiding under the sheets or seizing the day?

Are you running away from your fears or charging at them head-on?

Are you avoiding your problems or knocking them off one by one?

What did you say to your boss last time he or she was wrong about your work?

What did you do when your child threw a tantrum?

What did you do last month to get a handle on your financial woes?

What steps did you take to manage your weight?

What did you say the last time your lover hurt you? What did you do when that
scheming coworker took credit for your idea? What did you do the last time someone
was being attacked emotionally or physically and needed your help? What did you
do when your anxieties flared and your fears told you to run? What did you do the last
time your parent or teacher or peers or supervisor told you to do something you didnt
feel right about doing?
What did you do?

Did you shrink or stand?

Did you respond to lifes challenges in a way that made you weaker or stronger, smaller
or bigger, unheard or heard, worse off or better off?

Your responses to these questions demonstrate your level of confidence and character.

Warning: if you arent stepping up to your day, youre backing down from your destiny.

You will never achieve your highest potential or your dreams if you dont consistently
make a conscious choice to step up and swing confidently at lifes curveballs.

Decide today that no matter what problem arises in your life, you are always bigger
than that problem. Commit to dealing with all your responsibilities and fears with
everything youve got.

From here on out for the rest of your life, refuse to shrink from anyone or anything. You
are never as small or weak or helpless as you may think. You are a force of nature, a
being of unlimited power and potential. Choose to stand up in life. Make your
presence known. Declare what you want. Be strong and fight for what you deserve.

Transformational Turning Points

A problem or fear that Ive been backing down from lately is

The thing I must do right now in order to step up to this problem or fear is

A person in my life from whom I have been backing down lately is

If I truly believed in myself, Id step up to this person and say

If I started stepping up to all the problems and people Ive been avoiding in my life, I
would feel
Closing Truths

In writing these eight truths, I hope that I didnt come across as too presumptuous
about your life.

I dont know what your personal truths are; I dont know whether you are moving
forward, doing what you enjoy, being yourself, surrounding yourself with healthy
relationships, giving yourself enough credit, living vibrantly, building wealth, or
stepping up or down in your life.

I wrote the descriptions for each truth the way I did, focusing more on the not side,
because I believe that we all have some work to do on our lives.

In the end, you are the only person who knows how your life is unfolding. I hope these
transformation truths helped you take inventory. And if any of them made you see the
light or feel the heat, I also hope you use them to face the possibility that it is time for a

Here, once again, are the eight transformation truths:

Transformation Truth #1:

Either you are truly moving forward or you arent.

Transformation Truth #2:

Either you are truly doing work that you enjoy or you arent.

Transformation Truth #3:

Either you are truly being the person you want to be or you arent.

Transformation Truth #4:

Either your relationships are truly supporting you or they arent.

Transformation Truth #5:

Either you truly believe in yourself or you dont.

Transformation Truth #6:

Either you are truly fit and vibrant, or you aren't.
Transformation Truth #7:
Either you are truly building wealth, or you're depleting it.

Transformation Truth #8:

Either you are truly stepping up or you are backing down.

On your journey to face your life with courage and to live in the truth of who you are
and who you could be, I honor you.

As you move forward, may the gates to possibility always swing wide open for you.

In friendship,

You can master your
internal drive and emotions.
Welcome to the world
of high performance!
Dear Friend,

We hope you enjoys Brendons ebook. If you did, youll love

The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives that Make You Feel

The Chargereveals how you can feel more energized, engaged,

and fulfilled in our chaotic world by mastering the very drives that
make you human and happy.

These 10 emotional drives are controlling everything you think,

feel, and do, so mastering them is vital to your motivation, sanity,
and success in life. If you have felt that something is missing in
life, or you just want to go to the next level of success, this book
will help.

Based on 17 years of research on human potential and high

performance, this book is nonetheless easy to understand and
highly-actionable. The activities at the end of each chapter will
open you to a new way of thinking (and living!).

We invite you to read the book, complete the activities, and learn
more about Brendons work via

For free podcasts, videos, and email newsletters from Brendon,

visit his website today at
In His Own Words
Dad told us, Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Take care of your family.
Treat people with respect. Be a good citizen. Follow your dreams.

And a car accident taught me that at the end of our lives we will ask,
Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

Those two things, along with my family and friends, shaped me the most.
Theres not much more to me than that.

The praise and the accolades are appreciated, and Im trying harder not
to let them fall on deaf ears. I guess its where Im from, and from what Im
made of. Im just a guy, searching and working to live a fully charged life and
make his difference.

People see the videos and the books and the #1 stuff, and they hear the
chatter in the industry. This kid came out of no where, they say. Maybe.

The real story is that I wake up every day feeling blessed for this second chance,
for this moment, for one more day on Earth where I get to earn it and really live
and love and try to make a difference.

The true story is Ive studied psychology, leadership, business, and high
performance for 17 years. A book a week. A personal challenge a month.
Hundreds of interviews. Thousands of talks. World-class clients and mentors.

The untold story is that Im human, that Ive written plenty of garbage, shot
hundreds of bad videos, felt terrified backstage, bombed at promotions,
and failed and failed and joyously failed on my path of coming out of
nowhere. The path to mastery is forged with struggle.

The best story is a broader narrative. A bigger picture. Its the millions
of fans and students out there living a more fully charged life. Its the
stories of the remarkable people who have the guts to share their
voice and make their own difference. My students are the heroes.

If all I have done is inspire others to find their charge and share their message
with the world simply because I have worked at those things in my life, then
the day is good, life is good, and I feel blessed.

Brendon Burchard is a #1 New York Times bestselling author whose
books include Lifes Golden Ticket, The Millionaire Messenger, and
The Charge. He is the founder of High Performance Academy, the
legendary personal development program for achievers, and Experts
Academy, the world's most comprehensive marketing training for
authors, speakers, coaches, and online thought leaders.

For these works, Larry King and dozens of media outlets call Brendon
one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.

Brendon's books, videos, newsletters, products, and appearances

now inspire over three million people a week worldwide. His books
have been #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, #1 USA Today,
#1, and #1 Barnes and Noble bestsellers.

Though best known for his motivation and high performance work,
Brendon is on speed dial as a marketing advisor to the worlds
leading companies and celebrities. Thats because his recent online
campaigns have set worldwide records, including having launched
over 10 online promotions in a row that crossed $1,000,000 in sales in
less than seven days each, with five of those campaigns crossing
$2,000,000. He is now the highest-paid marketing trainer in the world.

Brendon was blessed to receive life's golden ticketa

second chanceafter surviving a car accident in a
developing country. Since then, he has dedicated his life
to helping people find their charge, share their voice, and
use their experience and wisdom to change the world.

Brendon is regularly seen on public television, and he has

been in media appearances on Larry King, Anderson
Cooper, ABC World News, CBS News, Oprah and
Friends, NPR stations, The Wall Street Journal TV, and
other popular outlets like SUCCESS magazine,,,, and the Huffington Post.

As one of the most in-demand trainers of our time,

Brendon has shared the stage with the Dalai Lama,
Sir Richard Branson, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey,
Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Bach, John Gray,
Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Les Brown, Tim
Ferriss, Steve Forbes, Arianna Huffington, and more.

Brendons clients include entrepreneurs and executives

from 60+ countries, and his advice, products, and
training have been sought by Accenture, Alcoa,, Visa, Marriott, The United States Naval
Academy, and dozens of the top universities in the world.

Meet him at

Praise for the
#1 Wall Street Journal
bestselling phenomenon
There hasn't been a game-changing book on personal development in a long time.
The wait is over. The Charge confronts our very notions of what drives us as humans,
and after reading this book youll find a new internal charge thats stronger and more
energized than you ever imagined possible.
Jack Canfield, Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

"The Chargeis an inspiring guide to the one thing we all want: morelifein our lives.
Brendon Burchard proves that we can harness our emotionaldrives to feel more alive,
and that it's our internal charge that helps us meet life's challenges with joy and
courage. I love this book."
Paulo Coelho, New York Times bestselling author of The Alchemist

Every once in a while you reada book that completely changes how you think about
your life,igniting within you a new internal drive to be more, do more, and give more.
This is that kind of book.
David Bach, New York Times bestselling author of Start Late, FinishRich

I look for authenticity and proof when I learn from someone, and I can share that
Brendon Burchard isone of the most engaged, energetic, and enthusiastic individuals
I've ever met. I've always wanted to knowhow he developed such a remarkably strong
internal charge. This book reveals his secrets.If you toowant to perform at higher levels
of joy, engagement, and productivityread this book. Its a must-read for any serious
student of success and high performance.
Darren Hardy, Publisher of SUCCESS magazine and New York Times
bestselling author of TheCompound Effect

The Chargewill change your life.Our brains are hard wired to meet specific human
drives, andlearning to harness and activate those drives is the secret to success and
happiness. This is asmart and beautifully written book, and it will electrify your life.
Daniel Amen, MD, New York Times bestselling author of
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

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