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To be kept until the end of the year

Job Vacancy Survey in quarter 2014 Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR1)

2264 Phy siotherapist s 3133 Che mi c al processin g plant controllers
The full version of the COR can be accessed on the 2265 Dietici ans and nutri tionists 3134 Petrole u m and nat ural gas refining plant
Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection 2266 Audiol ogist s and sp eech therapi sts operators
2267 Opto metrists and o phthal mic op ticians 3135 Met al production p rocess contr ollers
web site at 2269 Health professio nal s not else wh ere classifie d 3139 Process control technicians not e lsewh ere classified
r/munca/c-o-r/46-cor-isco-08 (available only in Teaching p rofessional s 3141 Life science techni cians (exclu ding me dical )
2310 Univer sity and higher education teacher s
Romanian language) 2320 Vocati onal educati on teachers 3142 Agricul tural technic ians
MG1. MAN AGERS 2330 Second ary education teachers 3143 Forestr y technicians
2341 Pri mar y school teachers 3151 Ships' engineer s
Chief execut ives, senio r officials and legislato rs 2342 Early childhood edu cators 3152 Ships' deck officers and pilots
1111 Legisla tors 2351 Educati on meth ods speciali sts 3153 Aircraft pilots and related associ ate
1112 Senior govern ment officials 2352 Special needs teac h ers professio nal s
1113 Traditional chiefs and heads of village 2353 Other language te ac hers 3154 Air traffic controllers
1114 Senior officials of special-intere st 2354 Other mu sic tea che rs 3155 Air traffic safety electronics tech nicians
organization s 2355 Other a rts teachers
1120 Man agi ng directors and chief ex ecutive s 2356 Infor mation technol ogy trainers Health assoc iate profe ssi onals
2359 Tea c hing profe ssio nals no t elsewher e 3211 Medi ca l i maging an d therapeutic equip ment
Administ rati ve and comm ercial ma nag ers classified technicia ns
1211 Financ e man agers 3212 Medi ca l and patholo gy laboratory technicians
1212 Hu man resource ma nagers Busine ss and administ rati on profe ssio nals 3213 Phar ma ceutical tech nicians an d assi stant s
1213 Policy and planning mana gers 2411 Accou n tants 3214 Medi ca l and dental prosthetic te chnician s
1219 Bu sine ss service s a nd ad mi nistr ation manag ers 2412 Financi al and invest me nt advisers 3221 Nursin g asso ciate p rofession als
not elsew her e classified 2413 Financi al analy sts 3222 Midwif ery associate professional s
1221 Sales a nd marketi ng mana gers 2421 Man ag e ment and organization a naly sts 3230 Traditional and co mpl e mentary medici ne
1222 Adverti sing and pub lic relations ma nager s 2422 Policy ad ministrati on professio nals associate pro fessio nals
1223 Re sear ch and devel op ment mana gers 2423 Person nel and care ers professi o nals 3240 Veterin ary technicians and assi st ants
2424 Training and staff develop me nt professio nal s 3251 Dental assi sta nts an d therapist s
Production a nd speciali se d service s m anage rs 2431 Adverti sing and mar keting professio nals
1311 Agricul tural and forestry production man ager s 3252 Medi ca l records and health informati on
2432 Public relations pro fessio nals technicia ns
1312 Aquac u lture and fisheries produ ction manag ers 2433 Techni cal and me dical sale s professio nal s
1321 Man ufa cturing ma na gers 3253 Co mmu nity health workers
(excluding ICT) 3254 Disp en sing optician s
1322 Mining mana gers 2434 Infor mation and co mmu nication s techn ology
1323 Con struction mana gers 3255 Phy siotherapy technicians and a ssista nts
sale s professionals 3256 Medi ca l assi stant s
1324 Supply , distribution and related ma nager s
1330 Infor mation and co mmu nication s technolo gy Information and co mmunicati on s tec hnolo gy 3257 Environ mental and occupatio nal health
service managers profe ssi onal s inspect ors a nd associate s
1341 Child care services ma nager s 2511 Sy ste ms analy sts 3258 A mbul ance worker s
1342 Health services man agers 2512 Softwa re developer s 3259 Health associate pro fessio nals no t elsewhere
1343Age d ca re services ma nager s 2513 W eb and multi me dia developers classified
1344 Social welfare man agers 2514 Applic ations progr a mmers
1345 Educati on man ager s 2519 Software and app lications de velopers an d Busine ss and administ rati on asso ciate profe ssi onal s
1346 Financi al and insura nce servic es branch analy sts not elsew here cl assifie d 3311 Securit ies and finan ce dealers an d brokers
ma nager s 2521 Datab a se de signers and ad mini strators 3312 Credit and loans off icers
1349 Professional service s manager s n ot elsewh ere 2522 Sy ste ms ad mini strators 3313 Accou n ting associat e profession als
classified 2523 Co mpu ter network professio nal s 3314 Statisti cal, math e matical and re lated associa te
2529 D atab ase and ne twork profe ssio nals not professio nal s
Hospitalit y, retail and ot her servi ce s manage rs elsew here cl assifie d 3315 Valuer s and loss assessor s
1411 Hotel ma nager s 3321 Insuran ce represent atives
1412 Re staur ant ma nager s Legal, social and cultural professional s 3322 Co mme rcial sale s representati ves
1420 Retail and whole sal e trade man a gers 2611 Lawyers 3323 Buy ers
1431 Sports, recreation and cultural centre 2612 Judg es 3324 Trade brokers
ma nager s 2619 Legal profession als not elsew her e classified 3331 Clearin g and forwarding agent s
1439 Service s manager s n ot elsewh ere classified 2621 Archivi sts and curat ors 3332 Confer ence and eve nt planners
2622 Librarians and related informati on 3333 E mploy me nt agent s and contract ors
professio nal s 3334 Real e state agent s and property ma nager s
MG2. PROFESSIO NALS 2631 Econo mi sts 3339 Bu sine ss service s a gents not el sewhere
2632 Soci ol ogist s, anth ropologist s and relate d classified
Science and enginee ring profe ssi onal s professio nal s 3341 Office supervisors
2111 Phy sicists and astro no mers 2633 Philo sopher s, historian s an d political 3342 Legal secretaries
2112 Met eorologist s scienti sts 3343 Ad mini strative and executiv e se cretaries
2113 Che mi sts 2634 Psy cho logist s 3344 Medi ca l secretarie s
2114 Geolog ists and ge op hy sicists 2635 Social work and co unselling pr ofessi onal s 3351 Cu sto ms and border inspect ors
2120 Math emati cian s, actuaries and statisticians 2636 Religio us professio nals 3352 Govern me nt tax and excise offic ials
2131 Biolog ists, botani sts, zoologist s and relate d 2641 Author s and related writers 3353 Govern me nt social benefits officials
professio nal s 2642 Journal ists 3354 Govern me nt licensi ng officials
2132 Far ming, forestry and fisheries adviser s 2643 Transla tors, interpreters and othe r linguists 3355 Police inspect ors a nd detective s
2133 Environ mental prot ection professional s 2651 Visu al artists 3359 Regul a tory governme nt associa te profession als
2141 Industr ial and production engin eers 2652 Mu sici ans, singer s and co mpo se rs not elsew her e classified
2142 Civil e ngineers 2653 Danc ers and choreo graphers
2143 Environ mental engi neers 2654 Fil m, stage and related directors an d Legal, so cial, cultural and relat ed associ at e
2144 Me cha nical engine ers producers profe ssi onal s
2145 Che mi c al engineers 2655 Actors 3411 Police inspect ors a nd detective s
2146 Mini n g engineer s, met allurgists and relat ed 2656 Ann ou ncers on ra dio, televisi on and oth e r 3412 Social work associa te profession als
professio nal s me dia 3413 Religio us associ ate professio nal s
2149 Engin eering prof essi onal s n ot elsewher e 2659 Creat ive and perfor ming artists n ot 3421 Athlete s and sport s play ers
classified elsew here cl assifie d 3422 Sports coache s, inst ructors and o fficials
2151 Electrical engineer s 3423 Fitness and recreation instructor s and progra m
2152 Electronics engin ee rs leaders
2153 Teleco mmu nication s engineer s MG3. TECHNICIAN S AND ASSOC IATE 3431 Photog raphers
2161 Buildin g architects PROFESSIONALS 3432 Interior designers a nd decorator s
2162 Landsc ape architect s 3433 Gallery , mu se u m an d library technician s
2163 Produc t and gar men t designer s Science and enginee ring associate p rofessional s 3434 Chef s
2164 Town and traffic planners 3111 Che mi c al and phy sical scien ce t echnicia ns 3435 Other artistic and cultural associate
2165 Cartogr aphers and survey ors 3112 Civil e ngineering t echnicia ns professio nal s
2166 Graphi c and multi media desig ne rs 3113 Electrical engineeri ng technicia ns
3114 Electronics engin ee ring technici ans Information and communi cations tec h nicians
Health prof e ssio nals 3115 Me cha nical engine ering technic ians 3511 Infor mation and co mmu nication s technolo gy
2211 Generalist medical practitioners 3116 Che mi c al engineerin g technician s operations te chnician s
2212 Special ist medical p ractitioners 3117 Mining and metall u rgical techni cians 3512 Infor mation and co mmu nication s technolo gy
2221 Nursin g profession als 3118 Draugh tspersons user supp ort technicia ns
2222 Midwif ery professionals 3119 Phy sical and engin eering scien ce technicia ns 3513 Co mpu ter network and sy ste ms technicia ns
2230 Tradi tional and co mple me ntary medi cine not elsew her e classified 3514 W eb technician s
professio nal s 3121 Mining supervisor s 3521 Broadc asting and a udio-visual t echnicia ns
2240 Parame dical practiti oners 3122 Man ufa cturing supe rvisors 3522 Teleco mmu nication s engineerin g technician s
2250 Veterinarians 3123 Con struction sup ervisors
2261 Denti st s 3131 Power production p lant operators
2262 Phar ma cists 3132 Inciner ator and water treat ment plant
2263 Enviro n mental an d occupatio n al health and operators
hy giene professi onal s

1 Government. Ordinance. 1352/2010 regarding the approval of the structure of Classification of Occupations in Romania - base group level, according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08, respectively Order no.
1832/856 of July 6 2011 regarding the approval of the Classification of Occupations in Romania occupation level (six characters) issued by Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, no. 1.832 of July 6 2011 and National Institute of
Statistics, no. 1832 of July 11 2011, published in the National Official Gazette no. 561 of August 8 2011

Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR) /1

To be kept until the end of the year
MG4. CLER ICA L SUPPORT WOR K ERS 6221 Aquaculture workers 7544 Fu mi gators an d other pe st and w eed
6222 Inland and coast al waters fish ery workers controllers
Gene ral and keyboa rd cle rks
6223 Deep- sea fishery workers 7549 Craft and relate d workers not else whe re
4110 Genera l office clerks
6224 Hunter s and trapper s classified
4120 Secreta ries (general )
4131 Ty pists and word processing ope rators Subsi stenc e farm ers, fishe rs, hunte rs and MG8. PLA NT AND MACH IN E OPERA TORS,
4132 Data entry clerks gatherers AND ASS EMBLERS
Cust omer se rvices clerks 6310 Subsi st ence crop farmer s
4211 Bank t ellers and re lated clerks 6320 Subsi st ence livestock far mers Stationary plant and mac hine operato rs
4212 Book makers, croupi ers and relat ed ga ming 6330 Subsi st ence mixed c rop and livestock 8111 Miner s and quarriers
workers far mers 8112 Minera l and stone p rocessing pl ant operators
4213 Pawnbr okers and money -lenders 6340 Subsi st ence fisher s, hunters, trappers and 8113 W ell drillers and bo rers and related workers
4214 Debt-c ollectors and related workers gatherers 8114 Ce me nt , stone and other mineral products
4221 Travel consult ants a nd clerks ma chine ope rators
4222 Conta c t centre infor mation cl erks 8121 Met al processing p lant operators
4223 Teleph one switc hbo ard operators 8122 Met al finishing, pla ting and coat ing ma chine
4224 Hotel receptioni sts WORK ERS
4225 Enquiry clerks 8131 Che mi c al products p lant and mac hine
4226 Rec epti onist s (general) Building an d rel ated t rades wo rke rs, excl uding operators
4227 Survey and market research inte rviewers electri cian s 8132 Photog raphic produ cts machin e operators
4229 Client i nfor mation workers not elsew here 7111 House builders 8141 Rubb er products ma chine operat ors
classified 7112 Brickla y ers and related workers 8142 Plastic products ma chine operat ors
7113 Ston emason s, st o ne cutter s, splitters an d 8143 Paper products mac hine operato rs
Nume rical a nd material reco rding cl erk s carvers 8151 Fibre preparing, spinning and wi nding
4311 Accou n ting and boo kkeeping cle rks 7114 Concr ete placers, concrete finisher s and ma chine ope rators
4312 Statisti cal, finance and insuran c e clerks related work ers 8152 W eaving and knitting machine o perators
4313 Pay roll clerks 7115 Carpen ters and j oiners 8153 Sewing machi ne op erators
4321 Stock c lerks 7119 Buil ding fra me an d related trades worker s 8154 Blea chi ng, dy eing and fabric cleaning machi ne
4322 Produc tion clerks not elsew her e classified operators
4323 Transp ort clerks 7121 Roofer s 8155 Fur and leather preparing ma chi ne operators
7122 Floor lay ers and tile setters 8156 Shoe making and related machin e operators
Other cle ric al suppo rt worke rs 8157 Laundry mac hine o perators
4411 Library clerks 7123 Plaster ers
7124 Insulation workers 8159 Textile , fur and leather products ma chine
4412 Mail ca rriers and so rting clerks operators no t elsewhere c lassifie d
4413 Coding , proof-reading and relate d clerks 7125 Glazier s
7126 Plu mbers and pipe fitters 8160 Food a nd related products ma chi ne operators
4414 Scribes and related workers 8171 Pulp an d paper maki ng plant ope rators
4415 Filing and copy ing clerks 7127 Air conditioning an d refrigeration me chanic s
7131 Painter s and related workers 8172 W ood processing p lant operators
4416 Person nel clerks 8181 Glass a nd cera mics plant operat ors
4419 Clerica l support wo rkers not elsewhere 7132 Spray painters and varnisher s
7133 Buildin g structure cleaners 8182 Stea m engine and b oiler operators
classified 8183 Packin g, bottling and labelling ma chine
MG5. SERV IC E AND S ALES WOR KERS Metal, machinery and rel ated trade s worke rs operators
7211 Met al moul ders an d core maker s 8189 Station ary plant and machi ne op erators not
Perso nal se rvice wo rke rs 7212 W elders and fla mec utters elsew here cl assifie d
5111 Travel attendant s a nd travel ste wards 7213 Sheet- met al worker s
5112 Transp ort conducto rs 7214 Structu ral- metal pre parers and er ectors Asse mble rs
5113 Travel guides 7215 Rigger s and cable splicers 8211 Me cha nical machin ery asse mble rs
5120 Cook s 7221 Black smith s, hammer smith s and forgi ng 8212 Electrical and elect ronic equip ment asse mble rs
5131 W aiters press work ers 8219 Asse mblers not elsewhere cla ssified
5132 Bartenders 7222 Tool ma kers and rela ted workers Drive rs and mobile plant operato rs
5141 Hairdre sser s 7223 Met al working ma chine too l setters an d 8311 Loco motive engine drivers
5142 Beauticians and related workers operators 8312 Railw a y brake, signal and switc h operators
5151 Cle ani ng and hou seke eping supervisor s in 7224 Metal polish ers, wheel grind ers and too l 8321 Motorcy cle drivers
offices, hotels and other establi sh me n ts sharpen ers 8322 Car, taxi and van drivers
5152 Do me st ic housek eep ers 7231 Motor vehicle mec h anics and re pairers 8331 Bu s an d tra m drivers
5153 Buildin g caretakers 7232 Aircraft engine mec hanics an d repairers 8332 Heavy truck and lorry drivers
5161 Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related 7233 A gric ultural and indu strial machin ery 8341 Mobile farm and forestry plant operators
workers me chani cs a nd repairers 8342 Earth moving and related plant o perators
5162 Co mp a nions and va lets 7234 Bicy cle and related repairers 8343 Crane, hoist and rel ated plant op erators
5163 Undert akers and e mbal mers
Handic raft a nd printing worke rs 8344 Lifting truck operators
5164 Pet groo mers and a ni mal care w orkers
7311 Precisi on-instru me nt mak ers an d repairers 8350 Ships' deck crew s a nd related workers
5165 Drivin g instructors
5169 Perso nal service s workers not else wh ere 7312 Mu sica l instru ment ma kers and t uners MG9. ELEMEN TA RY OCCUPA TIONS
classified 7313 Jew elle ry and precious- metal w orkers
7314 Potters and related workers Cleane rs an d helpers
Sales work ers 7315 Glass ma kers, cutt ers, grinders and finishers 9111 Do me st ic cleaners a nd helpers
5211 Stall and market sa lesper son s 7316 Sign writers, decor ative p ainter s, engrav ers 9112 Clea ne rs and helper s in offices, hotels and
5212 Street food sale sper son s and etchers other establi sh ment s
5221 Shop k eepers 7317 Ha ndi craft worker s in w ood, basketry an d 9121 Hand l aunderers an d presser s
5222 Shop supervisor s related materials 9122 Vehicl e cleaners
5223 Shop sales a ssi stan ts 7318 Handi craft worker s in textile, leather and 9123 W indow cleaners
5230 Cashier s and ticket clerks related materials 9129 Other c leaning work ers
5241 Fashio n and other mod els 7319 Handic raft workers not elsew her e classified
5242 Sales d e monstrator s 7321 Pre-press tech nician s Agricultu ral, forest ry and fishery lab o ure rs
5243 Door to door salesperson s 7322 Printers 9211 Crop far m labourer s
5244 Conta c t centre sale spersons 7323 Print finishing and binding wor kers 9212 Livesto ck far m labo urers
5245 Service station atten dants 9213 Mixe d crop and livestock far m la bourers
5246 Food service count er attendants Electrical an d electroni c trade s wo rke rs 9214 Garden and horticultural labourers
5249 Sales workers not elsew here cl assifie d 7411 Buildin g and related electricians 9215 Forestr y labourers
7412 Electrical mechani c s and fitters 9216 Fishery and aquacul ture labourers
Perso nal care work ers 7413 Electrical line insta llers and repairers
5311 Child care workers 7421 Electronics mech ani cs and servic ers Labourers i n mining, c onst ruction, manufact uring
5312 Teache rs' aides 7422 Infor mation and co mmu nication s techn ology and tran spo rt
5321 Health care assista n ts installer s an d servicers 9311 Mining and quarry ing labourers
5322 Ho me- based per son al care workers 9312 Civil e ngineering l abourers
5329 Perso n al care wor kers in he al th service s not Food proce ssin g, wo od wo rking, garm ent an d 9313 Buildin g constructio n labourers
elsew here cl assifie d other c raft a nd related t rades work ers 9321 Hand p ackers
7511 Butch ers, fish mo ngers and related food 9329 Man ufa cturing labo urers not elsewhere
Protectiv e se rvice s wo rk e rs preparers classified
5411 Fire-fighters 7512 Baker s, pastry -cooks a nd confectioner y 9331 Hand a nd pedal veh icle drivers
5412 Police officers ma kers 9332 Drivers of ani mal-drawn vehicle s and
5413 Prison guards 7513 Dairy -products ma kers ma chinery
5414 Security guards 7514 Fruit, vegetable an d related preservers 9333 Freight handlers
5419 Prote c tive service s w orkers not el sewh e re 7515 Food a nd beverage tasters an d graders 9334 Shelf fillers
classified 7516 Toba c co preparer s a nd tob a cco prod uct s
ma kers Food prepa ration assi sta nts
MG6. SKILLED AGR ICULTU RAL, FORESTR Y 7521 W ood treaters 9411 Fast fo od preparers
AND FISH ERY WORK ERS 7522 Cabinet- makers and related workers 9412 Kitche n helpers
Market-o riented skilled agricultu ral workers 7523 W oodworking- mac hine tool setters an d Street and re lated sale s a nd service worke rs
6111 Field c rop and vege table grower s operators 9510 Street and related service worke rs
6112 Tree and shrub crop growers 7531 Tailors, dressmaker s, furriers and hatters 9520 Street vendors (exc luding food)
6113 Garden ers, horticultural and nursery growers 7532 Gar me nt and related pattern- makers and
6114 Mixe d crop growers cutters Refuse wo rk ers an d othe r element ary worke rs
6121 Livesto ck and dairy producers 7533 Sewing , e mbroidery and related workers 9611 Garbag e and recy cling collectors
6122 Poultry producers 7534 Uphol sterers and related worker s 9612 Refu se sorters
6123 Apiarists and sericu lturists 7535 Pelt dressers, tanners and fell mongers 9613 Sweep e rs and relate d labourers
6129 Ani mal producers n ot elsewh ere classified 7536 Shoe makers and rel ated workers 9621 Me ssen gers, packag e deliverers and luggage
6130 Mixe d crop and animal produ cer s 7541 Under water divers porters
7542 Shotfirers and blast ers 9622 Odd j ob persons
Market-o riented skilled forest ry, fishery and 7543 Produc t graders and testers (ex cluding foo d s 9623 Met er readers and v ending- mach ine collector s
hunting wo rk ers and beverage s) 9624 W ater and firewood collectors
6210 Forestr y and related workers 9629 Ele men tary workers not elsewhe re classified
Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR) /2

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