Creation of A Data Warehouse: To Create A Data Warehouse From Various .CSV Files Using Postgrsql Tool
Creation of A Data Warehouse: To Create A Data Warehouse From Various .CSV Files Using Postgrsql Tool
Creation of A Data Warehouse: To Create A Data Warehouse From Various .CSV Files Using Postgrsql Tool
The first step, in setting up the companys data warehouse, is to evaluate the firms
objectives, For example, a growing company might set the objective to engage customers in
building rapport. By examining what the company needs to do to achieve these tasks, what will
need to be tracked, the key performance indicators to be noted and a numeric evaluation of the
companys activities the company can note and evaluate where they need to get started.
By asking customers and various stakeholders pointed questions, Business
Intelligenceleaders can gather the performance information they currently have in place that is or
isnt effective. Reports can be collected from various departments in the company, and they may
even be able to collect analytical and summary reports from analysts and supervisors.
An information model is conceptual, and allows for one to form ideas of what business
processes need to be interrelating and how to get them linked. Since the data warehouse is a
collection of correlating structures, creating a concept of what indicators need to be linked
together to create top performance levels is a vital step in the information modeling stage. A
simple way to design this model is to gather key performance indicatorsinto fact tables and relate
them to dimensions such as customers, salespeople, products and such.
Once all those concepts are set in place, the next critical step is to move data into the
warehouse structure and track where it comes from and what it relates to. In this phase of design,
it is crucial to plan how to link data in the separate databases so that the information can be
connected as it is loaded into the data warehouse tables. The ETL process can be pretty complex
and require specialized programs with sophisticated algorithms, so the right tools have to be
chosen at the right, and most cost effective price for the job. Because the data is to be tracked
over time, the data will need to be available for a very long period. However the grain (atoms or
make up) of the data will defer over time, but the system should be set that the differing
granularity is still consistent throughout the singular data structure.
Once the plan is developed, there is a viable basis for scheduling the project. Because the
project is grand, there should be phases of completion scheduled and then fit together upon
completion. With careful planning, the system can provide much-needed information on how
factors work together to help the organizations activities.
Since the data warehouse is set to retain data for long stretches at many levels of
granularity and has already been set to be consistent throughout the system, in the design phase
of the warehouse setup, there can be various storage plans that tie into the non-repetitive update.
As an example, an IT manager could set up a week and monthly grain storage systems. In the
day grain, data is stored in its original format for 2-3 years, after which it is summarized and
moved to the weekly grain structure where it could remain for another 3-5 years and then finally
to a monthly grain structure. This can all be set at the design phase to work with the different
grains based on data age and be done automatically.
So as was the case in the design and set up phase of the warehouse, data was merged
from varying sources into a single related database. And so far we have seen that the point of
creating this warehouse structure is to retrieve information faster and more easily so a firm can
market faster, create more revenue, improve service standards and manage industry changes.
Load management refers to the collection of information from varying internal and
external sources and summarizing, manipulating and changing the data into a format that allows
for analysis. To manage the load, raw data must be kept along with the changed versions to
enable construction of different representations as needed.
Warehouse management is the day-by-day management of a data warehouse that ensures
the information is available and effectively backed up and secure.
Query management allows access to the warehouse contents and may even include the
tasks of separating information into various categories to be presented to different users. Users
may access information through query tools or custom built applications.
Like any other program, data warehouses can be tedious to design create and implement,
so special measures should be in place to ensure the information is not lost.
An automatic system should be put in place to ensure the information is secure and that if
needed data can be restored quickly and with little or no negative alterations. The first and most
vital step is to ensure the original information source is backed up and then following that a
weekly backup of the entire warehouse as it could prove costly to have to recreate the entire
system from scratch. The use of cold and multiplexing backup systems will ensure less need for
restoration. However, a disaster recovery site should be made available for copies of all key
system components. The simplest way to achieve this is using a system that automatically creates
copies and sends them to the disaster site. But there are systems that can copy hybrid database
systems and create the backup if that is needed as well.
Data storage should be done both online and offline to avoid overwhelming the system or
having disk full issues. With the system setup to store data in different granularity settings,
one could stash older, raw data and unused or rarely used reports and multimedia offline. The
implementation of hierarchical storage management (storing files automatically to a secondary
source while allowing users access) is a smart move after implementing the data warehouse
There are a few tools being created to rectify the storage issues that occur with data warehouses.
Storage Manager takes care of all the storage objects such as file systems, database,
network intelligence devices and disk and tape arrays. This system also collects data about
data, performs administrative duties and among other things let you see the health of your
data warehouse.
Storage Optimizer is another product that can be used for recommendations of actions
that will remove hot spots and improve online performance and reliability. It will also
include actions to take for offline storage based on historical patterns.
Storage Planner enables planning for large online and offline database capacity. This
program focuses on large, international databases and warehouses.
Create Data Warehouse using Postgresql tool (ETL Tool)
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