How To Use Customer Loyalty Programs For Your Business
How To Use Customer Loyalty Programs For Your Business
How To Use Customer Loyalty Programs For Your Business
Customer Loyalty
for Your Business
According toInc.,itcosts a business about 5-10 times
more to acquire a new customerthan it does to sell to
an existing one --
and on average thosecurrent customers of yours spend 67% more than a new one.So, what are
you doing to keep your customers coming back to your business? If youre like 65% of market-
ers, your company has implemented a loyalty program.
But is it working? According to the2011 Colloquy Customer Loyalty Census, of the $48 billion
worth of perceived value in reward points and miles distributed by American businesses annu-
ally, one-third goes unredeemed by consumers. Companies lose money on time and effort, and
customers get no more value from the businesses to which they are loyal.
So how do you keep your business out of that one-third segment? How do you convey enough
additional value in your programs to keep your customers coming back? Its time for marketers
to look beyond convoluted rewards systems and offer actual value to customers using their loy-
alty program. To get you started, this ebook will offer some ideas for customer loyalty programs
that might work for your business, dive into ways to inspire customer loyalty (with or without a
program), and teach you how to measure loyalty so you can track your progress.
03 How to Use Customer Loyalty Programs for Your Business
Customer Retention Rate -This metric tells you how to the section titled Retention Rate for its formula
long your customers stay with you. Start by establish- and explanation.
ing this as a baseline metric so you know whether your
efforts are improving your retention rate over time. How There is such a thing as negative churn, too, which is
you calculate this number will depend on your business actually a good thing, despite the names implications.
model --CRM Trends provides a great breakdownof Negative churn is when a current customer upgrades
how to go about determining this number for your busi- or buys additional services from you, and it can offset
ness if you havent done so already;click hereand scroll any other churn you see from customers leaving.
16 How to Use Customer Loyalty Programs for Your Business
Churn is the rate at which customers leave your the natural churn that goes on in most businesses.
company; negative churn, therefore, is a measure- Depending on the nature of your business and loyalty
ment of customers who do the opposite -- upgrade, program, especially if you opt for a tiered loyalty
or purchase additional services. These help to offset program, this is an important metric to track.
- This is a customer loyalty metric that can be used Their answers get them placed into one of three
to gauge the loyalty of a companys customer rela- categories:Promoters(those who give a response of
tionships. On a scale of 0-10, customers respond to 9-10),Passives(those who give a response of 7-8),
the question How likely is it that you would rec- orDetractors(those who give a response of 0-6).
ommend [Company X] to a friend or colleague?
can be interpreted as customers who are your loyal cause damage to your brand.
enthusiasts, will keep buying from you, and will refer You can calculate your NPS score by taking the
others.Passivesare satisfied but unenthusiastic percentage of customers who are Promoters and
customers who are vulnerable to competitive offer- subtracting the percentage who are Detractors.
ings.Detractorsare unhappy customers who could
17 How to Use Customer Loyalty Programs for Your Business
Customer Effort Score:CES asks customers, How people.In this way, customer service impacts both
much effort did you personally have to put forth to customer acquisition and customer retention. If your
solve a problem with the company? Some compa- loyalty program addresses customer service issues,
nies are vying for this metric over NPS because it like expedited requests, personal contacts, or free
measures actual experience rather than the emo- shipping, this may be one way to measure its success.
tional delight of the customer. AHarvard Business To see what other businesses are doing to measure
Review studyfound that48% of customers who had customer loyalty, review this chart:
negative experiences with a company told 10 or more
2% # of Programs Completed
4% Dont Know
8% #Customer Saves